+Deploying the keyserver requires configuring it, building its Docker image, and deploying that image with Docker Compose.
+## Configuration
+In order for the keyserver to interface with dependencies, host the landing page, and host the Comm web application, the following must be added to `keyserver/.env`:
+- `COMM_DATABASE_DATABASE`: Specifies the name of the database the keyserver will use, set to `comm` in this case.
+- `COMM_DATABASE_USER`: The username the keyserver uses to connect to MariaDB. Replace `<MariaDB user>` with your desired username.
+- `COMM_DATABASE_PASSWORD`: Corresponding password for the above user. Replace `<MariaDB password>` with your desired password.
+### Identity service configuration
+- `COMM_JSONCONFIG_secrets_user_credentials`: Credentials for authenticating against the Identity service. Replace `<user>` and `<password>` with any values. In the future, they will need to be actual credentials registered with the Identity service.
+- `COMM_JSONCONFIG_secrets_identity_service_config`: Socket address for the Identity service. If omitted, the keyserver will try to connect to a local instance of the Identity service.
+### ETH login configuration
+- `COMM_JSONCONFIG_secrets_alchemy`: Alchemy key used for Ethereum Name Service (ENS) resolution and retrieving ETH public keys. Replace `<alchemy key>` with your actual key.
+- `COMM_JSONCONFIG_secrets_walletconnect`: WalletConnect key used to enable Sign-In with Ethereum (SIWE). Replace `<wallet connect key>` with your actual key.
+### URL configuration
+- `COMM_JSONCONFIG_facts_landing_url`: URL details for the landing page. Adjust properties based on your setup.
+- `COMM_JSONCONFIG_facts_commapp_url`: URL details for the Comm web app. Adjust properties based on your setup.
+### Backup configuration
+- `COMM_JSONCONFIG_facts_backups`: Specifies whether to enable backups, where to store them, and the size of the backups directory.
+## Building & deploying
+Once configured, the keyserver can be built and deployed by simply running: