diff --git a/keyserver/src/responders/website-responders.js b/keyserver/src/responders/website-responders.js index 8b23e2162..a0c9fa41b 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/responders/website-responders.js +++ b/keyserver/src/responders/website-responders.js @@ -1,635 +1,734 @@ // @flow import html from 'common-tags/lib/html/index.js'; import { detect as detectBrowser } from 'detect-browser'; import type { $Response, $Request } from 'express'; import fs from 'fs'; +import _isEqual from 'lodash/fp/isEqual.js'; import _keyBy from 'lodash/fp/keyBy.js'; import * as React from 'react'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'; +import t from 'tcomb'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import { baseLegalPolicies } from 'lib/facts/policies.js'; import stores from 'lib/facts/stores.js'; import { daysToEntriesFromEntryInfos } from 'lib/reducers/entry-reducer.js'; import { freshMessageStore } from 'lib/reducers/message-reducer.js'; import { mostRecentlyReadThread } from 'lib/selectors/thread-selectors.js'; import { mostRecentMessageTimestamp } from 'lib/shared/message-utils.js'; import { threadHasPermission, threadIsPending, parsePendingThreadID, createPendingThread, } from 'lib/shared/thread-utils.js'; import { defaultWebEnabledApps } from 'lib/types/enabled-apps.js'; +import { entryStoreValidator } from 'lib/types/entry-types.js'; import { defaultCalendarFilters } from 'lib/types/filter-types.js'; -import { defaultNumberPerThread } from 'lib/types/message-types.js'; +import { + defaultNumberPerThread, + messageStoreValidator, +} from 'lib/types/message-types.js'; import { defaultEnabledReports } from 'lib/types/report-types.js'; import { defaultConnectionInfo } from 'lib/types/socket-types.js'; import { threadPermissions } from 'lib/types/thread-permission-types.js'; import { threadTypes } from 'lib/types/thread-types-enum.js'; +import { threadStoreValidator } from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; +import { + currentUserInfoValidator, + userInfosValidator, +} from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import { currentDateInTimeZone } from 'lib/utils/date-utils.js'; import { ServerError } from 'lib/utils/errors.js'; import { promiseAll } from 'lib/utils/promises.js'; import { defaultNotifPermissionAlertInfo } from 'lib/utils/push-alerts.js'; +import { tBool, tNumber, tShape, tString } from 'lib/utils/validation-utils.js'; import getTitle from 'web/title/getTitle.js'; +import { navInfoValidator } from 'web/types/nav-types.js'; import { navInfoFromURL } from 'web/url-utils.js'; import { fetchEntryInfos } from '../fetchers/entry-fetchers.js'; import { fetchMessageInfos } from '../fetchers/message-fetchers.js'; import { hasAnyNotAcknowledgedPolicies } from '../fetchers/policy-acknowledgment-fetchers.js'; import { fetchThreadInfos } from '../fetchers/thread-fetchers.js'; import { fetchCurrentUserInfo, fetchKnownUserInfos, } from '../fetchers/user-fetchers.js'; import { getWebPushConfig } from '../push/providers.js'; import { setNewSession } from '../session/cookies.js'; import { Viewer } from '../session/viewer.js'; import { streamJSON, waitForStream } from '../utils/json-stream.js'; import { getAppURLFactsFromRequestURL } from '../utils/urls.js'; +import { validateOutput } from '../utils/validation-utils.js'; const { renderToNodeStream } = ReactDOMServer; const access = promisify(fs.access); const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile); const googleFontsURL = 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=IBM+Plex+Sans:wght@400;500;600&family=Inter:wght@400;500;600&display=swap'; const localFontsURL = 'fonts/local-fonts.css'; async function getFontsURL() { try { await access(localFontsURL); return localFontsURL; } catch { return googleFontsURL; } } type AssetInfo = { +jsURL: string, +fontsURL: string, +cssInclude: string, +olmFilename: string, +sqljsFilename: string, +opaqueURL: string, }; let assetInfo: ?AssetInfo = null; async function getAssetInfo() { if (assetInfo) { return assetInfo; } if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { const fontsURL = await getFontsURL(); assetInfo = { jsURL: 'http://localhost:8080/dev.build.js', fontsURL, cssInclude: '', olmFilename: '', sqljsFilename: '', opaqueURL: 'http://localhost:8080/opaque-ke.wasm', }; return assetInfo; } try { const manifestString = await readFile('../web/dist/manifest.json', 'utf8'); const manifest = JSON.parse(manifestString); const webworkersManifestString = await readFile( '../web/dist/webworkers/manifest.json', 'utf8', ); const webworkersManifest = JSON.parse(webworkersManifestString); assetInfo = { jsURL: `compiled/${manifest['browser.js']}`, fontsURL: googleFontsURL, cssInclude: html` `, olmFilename: manifest['olm.wasm'], sqljsFilename: webworkersManifest['sql-wasm.wasm'], opaqueURL: `compiled/${manifest['comm_opaque2_wasm_bg.wasm']}`, }; return assetInfo; } catch { throw new Error( 'Could not load manifest.json for web build. ' + 'Did you forget to run `yarn dev` in the web folder?', ); } } let webpackCompiledRootComponent: ?React.ComponentType<{}> = null; async function getWebpackCompiledRootComponentForSSR() { if (webpackCompiledRootComponent) { return webpackCompiledRootComponent; } try { // $FlowFixMe web/dist doesn't always exist const webpackBuild = await import('web/dist/app.build.cjs'); webpackCompiledRootComponent = webpackBuild.app.default; return webpackCompiledRootComponent; } catch { throw new Error( 'Could not load app.build.cjs. ' + 'Did you forget to run `yarn dev` in the web folder?', ); } } +const initialReduxStateValidator = tShape({ + navInfo: navInfoValidator, + deviceID: t.Nil, + currentUserInfo: currentUserInfoValidator, + draftStore: t.irreducible('default draftStore', _isEqual({ drafts: {} })), + sessionID: t.maybe(t.String), + entryStore: entryStoreValidator, + threadStore: threadStoreValidator, + userStore: tShape({ + userInfos: userInfosValidator, + inconsistencyReports: t.irreducible( + 'default inconsistencyReports', + _isEqual([]), + ), + }), + messageStore: messageStoreValidator, + updatesCurrentAsOf: t.Number, + loadingStatuses: t.irreducible('default loadingStatuses', _isEqual({})), + calendarFilters: t.irreducible( + 'defaultCalendarFilters', + _isEqual(defaultCalendarFilters), + ), + urlPrefix: tString(''), + windowDimensions: t.irreducible( + 'default windowDimensions', + _isEqual({ width: 0, height: 0 }), + ), + baseHref: t.String, + notifPermissionAlertInfo: t.irreducible( + 'default notifPermissionAlertInfo', + _isEqual(defaultNotifPermissionAlertInfo), + ), + connection: tShape({ + status: tString('connecting'), + queuedActivityUpdates: t.irreducible( + 'default queuedActivityUpdates', + _isEqual([]), + ), + actualizedCalendarQuery: tShape({ + startDate: t.String, + endDate: t.String, + filters: t.irreducible( + 'default filters', + _isEqual(defaultCalendarFilters), + ), + }), + lateResponses: t.irreducible('default lateResponses', _isEqual([])), + showDisconnectedBar: tBool(false), + }), + watchedThreadIDs: t.irreducible('default watchedThreadIDs', _isEqual([])), + lifecycleState: tString('active'), + enabledApps: t.irreducible( + 'defaultWebEnabledApps', + _isEqual(defaultWebEnabledApps), + ), + reportStore: t.irreducible( + 'default reportStore', + _isEqual({ + enabledReports: defaultEnabledReports, + queuedReports: [], + }), + ), + nextLocalID: tNumber(0), + cookie: t.Nil, + deviceToken: t.Nil, + dataLoaded: t.Boolean, + windowActive: tBool(true), + userPolicies: t.irreducible('default userPolicies', _isEqual({})), + cryptoStore: t.irreducible( + 'default cryptoStore', + _isEqual({ + primaryIdentityKeys: null, + notificationIdentityKeys: null, + }), + ), + pushApiPublicKey: t.maybe(t.String), + _persist: t.Nil, + commServicesAccessToken: t.Nil, +}); + async function websiteResponder( viewer: Viewer, req: $Request, res: $Response, ): Promise { const appURLFacts = getAppURLFactsFromRequestURL(req.originalUrl); const { basePath, baseDomain } = appURLFacts; const baseURL = basePath.replace(/\/$/, ''); const baseHref = baseDomain + baseURL; const loadingPromise = getWebpackCompiledRootComponentForSSR(); const hasNotAcknowledgedPoliciesPromise = hasAnyNotAcknowledgedPolicies( viewer.id, baseLegalPolicies, ); let initialNavInfo; try { initialNavInfo = navInfoFromURL(req.url, { now: currentDateInTimeZone(viewer.timeZone), }); } catch (e) { throw new ServerError(e.message); } const calendarQuery = { startDate: initialNavInfo.startDate, endDate: initialNavInfo.endDate, filters: defaultCalendarFilters, }; const messageSelectionCriteria = { joinedThreads: true }; const initialTime = Date.now(); const assetInfoPromise = getAssetInfo(); const threadInfoPromise = fetchThreadInfos(viewer); const messageInfoPromise = fetchMessageInfos( viewer, messageSelectionCriteria, defaultNumberPerThread, ); const entryInfoPromise = fetchEntryInfos(viewer, [calendarQuery]); const currentUserInfoPromise = fetchCurrentUserInfo(viewer); const userInfoPromise = fetchKnownUserInfos(viewer); const sessionIDPromise = (async () => { if (viewer.loggedIn) { await setNewSession(viewer, calendarQuery, initialTime); } return viewer.sessionID; })(); const threadStorePromise = (async () => { const [{ threadInfos }, hasNotAcknowledgedPolicies] = await Promise.all([ threadInfoPromise, hasNotAcknowledgedPoliciesPromise, ]); return { threadInfos: hasNotAcknowledgedPolicies ? {} : threadInfos }; })(); const messageStorePromise = (async () => { const [ { threadInfos }, { rawMessageInfos, truncationStatuses }, hasNotAcknowledgedPolicies, ] = await Promise.all([ threadInfoPromise, messageInfoPromise, hasNotAcknowledgedPoliciesPromise, ]); if (hasNotAcknowledgedPolicies) { return { messages: {}, threads: {}, local: {}, currentAsOf: 0, }; } const { messageStore: freshStore } = freshMessageStore( rawMessageInfos, truncationStatuses, mostRecentMessageTimestamp(rawMessageInfos, initialTime), threadInfos, ); return freshStore; })(); const entryStorePromise = (async () => { const [{ rawEntryInfos }, hasNotAcknowledgedPolicies] = await Promise.all([ entryInfoPromise, hasNotAcknowledgedPoliciesPromise, ]); if (hasNotAcknowledgedPolicies) { return { entryInfos: {}, daysToEntries: {}, lastUserInteractionCalendar: 0, }; } return { entryInfos: _keyBy('id')(rawEntryInfos), daysToEntries: daysToEntriesFromEntryInfos(rawEntryInfos), lastUserInteractionCalendar: initialTime, }; })(); const userStorePromise = (async () => { const [userInfos, hasNotAcknowledgedPolicies] = await Promise.all([ userInfoPromise, hasNotAcknowledgedPoliciesPromise, ]); return { userInfos: hasNotAcknowledgedPolicies ? {} : userInfos, inconsistencyReports: [], }; })(); const navInfoPromise = (async () => { const [{ threadInfos }, messageStore, currentUserInfo, userStore] = await Promise.all([ threadInfoPromise, messageStorePromise, currentUserInfoPromise, userStorePromise, ]); const finalNavInfo = initialNavInfo; const requestedActiveChatThreadID = finalNavInfo.activeChatThreadID; if ( requestedActiveChatThreadID && !threadIsPending(requestedActiveChatThreadID) && !threadHasPermission( threadInfos[requestedActiveChatThreadID], threadPermissions.VISIBLE, ) ) { finalNavInfo.activeChatThreadID = null; } if (!finalNavInfo.activeChatThreadID) { const mostRecentThread = mostRecentlyReadThread( messageStore, threadInfos, ); if (mostRecentThread) { finalNavInfo.activeChatThreadID = mostRecentThread; } } if ( finalNavInfo.activeChatThreadID && threadIsPending(finalNavInfo.activeChatThreadID) && finalNavInfo.pendingThread?.id !== finalNavInfo.activeChatThreadID ) { const pendingThreadData = parsePendingThreadID( finalNavInfo.activeChatThreadID, ); if ( pendingThreadData && pendingThreadData.threadType !== threadTypes.SIDEBAR && currentUserInfo.id ) { const { userInfos } = userStore; const members = [...pendingThreadData.memberIDs, currentUserInfo.id] .map(id => { const userInfo = userInfos[id]; if (!userInfo || !userInfo.username) { return undefined; } const { username } = userInfo; return { id, username }; }) .filter(Boolean); const newPendingThread = createPendingThread({ viewerID: currentUserInfo.id, threadType: pendingThreadData.threadType, members, }); finalNavInfo.activeChatThreadID = newPendingThread.id; finalNavInfo.pendingThread = newPendingThread; } } return finalNavInfo; })(); const currentAsOfPromise = (async () => { const hasNotAcknowledgedPolicies = await hasNotAcknowledgedPoliciesPromise; return hasNotAcknowledgedPolicies ? 0 : initialTime; })(); const pushApiPublicKeyPromise = (async () => { const pushConfig = await getWebPushConfig(); if (!pushConfig) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') { console.warn('keyserver/secrets/web_push_config.json should exist'); } return null; } return pushConfig.publicKey; })(); const { jsURL, fontsURL, cssInclude, olmFilename, sqljsFilename, opaqueURL } = await assetInfoPromise; // prettier-ignore res.write(html` ${getTitle(0)} ${cssInclude}
`); const Loading = await loadingPromise; const reactStream = renderToNodeStream(); reactStream.pipe(res, { end: false }); await waitForStream(reactStream); res.write(html`
`); } const inviteSecretRegex = /^[a-z0-9]+$/i; async function inviteResponder(req: $Request, res: $Response): Promise { const { secret } = req.params; const userAgent = req.get('User-Agent'); const detectionResult = detectBrowser(userAgent); if (detectionResult.os === 'Android OS') { const isSecretValid = inviteSecretRegex.test(secret); const referrer = isSecretValid ? `&referrer=${encodeURIComponent(`utm_source=invite/${secret}`)}` : ''; const redirectUrl = `${stores.googlePlayUrl}${referrer}`; res.writeHead(301, { Location: redirectUrl, }); res.end(); return; } const fontsURL = await getFontsURL(); res.end(html` Comm


To join this community, download the Comm app and reopen this invite link

Download Comm Invite Link
Visit Comm’s website arrow up right `); } export { websiteResponder, inviteResponder }; diff --git a/lib/types/entry-types.js b/lib/types/entry-types.js index c10a7ea43..e9a1cd5cd 100644 --- a/lib/types/entry-types.js +++ b/lib/types/entry-types.js @@ -1,230 +1,235 @@ // @flow import t, { type TInterface } from 'tcomb'; import { type Platform, isWebPlatform } from './device-types.js'; import { type CalendarFilter, defaultCalendarFilters } from './filter-types.js'; import type { RawMessageInfo } from './message-types.js'; import type { ServerCreateUpdatesResponse, ClientCreateUpdatesResponse, } from './update-types.js'; import type { UserInfo, AccountUserInfo } from './user-types.js'; import { fifteenDaysEarlier, fifteenDaysLater, thisMonthDates, } from '../utils/date-utils.js'; import { tID, tShape } from '../utils/validation-utils.js'; export type RawEntryInfo = { id?: string, // null if local copy without ID yet localID?: string, // for optimistic creations threadID: string, text: string, year: number, month: number, // 1-indexed day: number, // 1-indexed creationTime: number, // millisecond timestamp creatorID: string, deleted: boolean, }; export const rawEntryInfoValidator: TInterface = tShape({ id: t.maybe(tID), localID: t.maybe(t.String), threadID: tID, text: t.String, year: t.Number, month: t.Number, day: t.Number, creationTime: t.Number, creatorID: t.String, deleted: t.Boolean, }); export type EntryInfo = { id?: string, // null if local copy without ID yet localID?: string, // for optimistic creations threadID: string, text: string, year: number, month: number, // 1-indexed day: number, // 1-indexed creationTime: number, // millisecond timestamp creator: ?UserInfo, deleted: boolean, }; export type EntryStore = { +entryInfos: { +[id: string]: RawEntryInfo }, +daysToEntries: { +[day: string]: string[] }, +lastUserInteractionCalendar: number, }; +export const entryStoreValidator: TInterface = tShape({ + entryInfos: t.dict(tID, rawEntryInfoValidator), + daysToEntries: t.dict(t.String, t.list(tID)), + lastUserInteractionCalendar: t.Number, +}); export type CalendarQuery = { +startDate: string, +endDate: string, +filters: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export const defaultCalendarQuery = ( platform: ?Platform, timeZone?: ?string, ): CalendarQuery => { if (isWebPlatform(platform)) { return { ...thisMonthDates(timeZone), filters: defaultCalendarFilters, }; } else { return { startDate: fifteenDaysEarlier(timeZone).valueOf(), endDate: fifteenDaysLater(timeZone).valueOf(), filters: defaultCalendarFilters, }; } }; export type SaveEntryInfo = { +entryID: string, +text: string, +prevText: string, +timestamp: number, +calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, }; export type SaveEntryRequest = { +entryID: string, +sessionID?: empty, +text: string, +prevText: string, +timestamp: number, +calendarQuery?: CalendarQuery, }; export type SaveEntryResponse = { +entryID: string, +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +updatesResult: ServerCreateUpdatesResponse, }; export type SaveEntryResult = { +entryID: string, +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +updatesResult: ClientCreateUpdatesResponse, }; export type SaveEntryPayload = { ...SaveEntryResult, +threadID: string, }; export type CreateEntryInfo = { +text: string, +timestamp: number, +date: string, +threadID: string, +localID: string, +calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, }; export type CreateEntryRequest = { +text: string, +sessionID?: empty, +timestamp: number, +date: string, +threadID: string, +localID?: string, +calendarQuery?: CalendarQuery, }; export type CreateEntryPayload = { ...SaveEntryPayload, +localID: string, }; export type DeleteEntryInfo = { +entryID: string, +prevText: string, +calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, }; export type DeleteEntryRequest = { +entryID: string, +sessionID?: empty, +prevText: string, +timestamp: number, +calendarQuery?: CalendarQuery, }; export type RestoreEntryInfo = { +entryID: string, +calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, }; export type RestoreEntryRequest = { +entryID: string, +sessionID?: empty, +timestamp: number, +calendarQuery?: CalendarQuery, }; export type DeleteEntryResponse = { +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +threadID: string, +updatesResult: ServerCreateUpdatesResponse, }; export type DeleteEntryResult = { +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +threadID: string, +updatesResult: ClientCreateUpdatesResponse, }; export type RestoreEntryResponse = { +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +updatesResult: ServerCreateUpdatesResponse, }; export type RestoreEntryResult = { +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +updatesResult: ClientCreateUpdatesResponse, }; export type RestoreEntryPayload = { ...RestoreEntryResult, +threadID: string, }; export type FetchEntryInfosBase = { +rawEntryInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type FetchEntryInfosResponse = { ...FetchEntryInfosBase, +userInfos: { [id: string]: AccountUserInfo }, }; export type FetchEntryInfosResult = FetchEntryInfosBase; export type DeltaEntryInfosResponse = { +rawEntryInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +deletedEntryIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type DeltaEntryInfosResult = { +rawEntryInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +deletedEntryIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, +userInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type CalendarResult = { +rawEntryInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, }; export type CalendarQueryUpdateStartingPayload = { +calendarQuery?: CalendarQuery, }; export type CalendarQueryUpdateResult = { +rawEntryInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +deletedEntryIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, +calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, +calendarQueryAlreadyUpdated: boolean, }; diff --git a/lib/types/message-types.js b/lib/types/message-types.js index 0920a1556..2bdea45c4 100644 --- a/lib/types/message-types.js +++ b/lib/types/message-types.js @@ -1,697 +1,719 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import t, { type TUnion, type TDict, type TEnums, type TInterface, } from 'tcomb'; import { type ClientDBMediaInfo } from './media-types.js'; import { messageTypes, type MessageType } from './message-types-enum.js'; import { type AddMembersMessageData, type AddMembersMessageInfo, type RawAddMembersMessageInfo, rawAddMembersMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/add-members.js'; import { type ChangeRoleMessageData, type ChangeRoleMessageInfo, type RawChangeRoleMessageInfo, rawChangeRoleMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/change-role.js'; import { type ChangeSettingsMessageData, type ChangeSettingsMessageInfo, type RawChangeSettingsMessageInfo, rawChangeSettingsMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/change-settings.js'; import { type CreateEntryMessageData, type CreateEntryMessageInfo, type RawCreateEntryMessageInfo, rawCreateEntryMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/create-entry.js'; import { type CreateSidebarMessageData, type CreateSidebarMessageInfo, type RawCreateSidebarMessageInfo, rawCreateSidebarMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/create-sidebar.js'; import { type CreateSubthreadMessageData, type CreateSubthreadMessageInfo, type RawCreateSubthreadMessageInfo, rawCreateSubthreadMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/create-subthread.js'; import { type CreateThreadMessageData, type CreateThreadMessageInfo, type RawCreateThreadMessageInfo, rawCreateThreadMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/create-thread.js'; import { type DeleteEntryMessageData, type DeleteEntryMessageInfo, type RawDeleteEntryMessageInfo, rawDeleteEntryMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/delete-entry.js'; import { type EditEntryMessageData, type EditEntryMessageInfo, type RawEditEntryMessageInfo, rawEditEntryMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/edit-entry.js'; import { type RawEditMessageInfo, rawEditMessageInfoValidator, type EditMessageData, type EditMessageInfo, } from './messages/edit.js'; import { type ImagesMessageData, type ImagesMessageInfo, type RawImagesMessageInfo, rawImagesMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/images.js'; import { type JoinThreadMessageData, type JoinThreadMessageInfo, type RawJoinThreadMessageInfo, rawJoinThreadMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/join-thread.js'; import { type LeaveThreadMessageData, type LeaveThreadMessageInfo, type RawLeaveThreadMessageInfo, rawLeaveThreadMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/leave-thread.js'; import { type MediaMessageData, type MediaMessageInfo, type MediaMessageServerDBContent, type RawMediaMessageInfo, rawMediaMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/media.js'; import { type ReactionMessageData, type RawReactionMessageInfo, rawReactionMessageInfoValidator, type ReactionMessageInfo, } from './messages/reaction.js'; import { type RawRemoveMembersMessageInfo, rawRemoveMembersMessageInfoValidator, type RemoveMembersMessageData, type RemoveMembersMessageInfo, } from './messages/remove-members.js'; import { type RawRestoreEntryMessageInfo, rawRestoreEntryMessageInfoValidator, type RestoreEntryMessageData, type RestoreEntryMessageInfo, } from './messages/restore-entry.js'; import { type RawTextMessageInfo, rawTextMessageInfoValidator, type TextMessageData, type TextMessageInfo, } from './messages/text.js'; import { type TogglePinMessageData, type TogglePinMessageInfo, type RawTogglePinMessageInfo, rawTogglePinMessageInfoValidator, } from './messages/toggle-pin.js'; import { type RawUnsupportedMessageInfo, rawUnsupportedMessageInfoValidator, type UnsupportedMessageInfo, } from './messages/unsupported.js'; import { type RawUpdateRelationshipMessageInfo, rawUpdateRelationshipMessageInfoValidator, type UpdateRelationshipMessageData, type UpdateRelationshipMessageInfo, } from './messages/update-relationship.js'; import { type RelativeUserInfo, type UserInfos } from './user-types.js'; import type { CallServerEndpointResultInfoInterface } from '../utils/call-server-endpoint.js'; import { values } from '../utils/objects.js'; import { tNumber, tShape, tID } from '../utils/validation-utils.js'; const composableMessageTypes = new Set([ messageTypes.TEXT, messageTypes.IMAGES, messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA, ]); export function isComposableMessageType(ourMessageType: MessageType): boolean { return composableMessageTypes.has(ourMessageType); } export function assertComposableMessageType( ourMessageType: MessageType, ): MessageType { invariant( isComposableMessageType(ourMessageType), 'MessageType is not composed', ); return ourMessageType; } export function assertComposableRawMessage( message: RawMessageInfo, ): RawComposableMessageInfo { invariant( message.type === messageTypes.TEXT || message.type === messageTypes.IMAGES || message.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA, 'Message is not composable', ); return message; } export function messageDataLocalID(messageData: MessageData): ?string { if ( messageData.type !== messageTypes.TEXT && messageData.type !== messageTypes.IMAGES && messageData.type !== messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA && messageData.type !== messageTypes.REACTION ) { return null; } return messageData.localID; } export function isMessageSidebarSourceReactionOrEdit( message: RawMessageInfo | MessageInfo, ): boolean %checks { return ( message.type === messageTypes.SIDEBAR_SOURCE || message.type === messageTypes.REACTION || message.type === messageTypes.EDIT_MESSAGE ); } const mediaMessageTypes = new Set([ messageTypes.IMAGES, messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA, ]); export function isMediaMessageType(ourMessageType: MessageType): boolean { return mediaMessageTypes.has(ourMessageType); } export function assertMediaMessageType( ourMessageType: MessageType, ): MessageType { invariant(isMediaMessageType(ourMessageType), 'MessageType is not media'); return ourMessageType; } // *MessageData = passed to createMessages function to insert into database // Raw*MessageInfo = used by server, and contained in client's local store // *MessageInfo = used by client in UI code export type SidebarSourceMessageData = { +type: 17, +threadID: string, +creatorID: string, +time: number, +sourceMessage?: RawComposableMessageInfo | RawRobotextMessageInfo, }; export type MessageData = | TextMessageData | CreateThreadMessageData | AddMembersMessageData | CreateSubthreadMessageData | ChangeSettingsMessageData | RemoveMembersMessageData | ChangeRoleMessageData | LeaveThreadMessageData | JoinThreadMessageData | CreateEntryMessageData | EditEntryMessageData | DeleteEntryMessageData | RestoreEntryMessageData | ImagesMessageData | MediaMessageData | UpdateRelationshipMessageData | SidebarSourceMessageData | CreateSidebarMessageData | ReactionMessageData | EditMessageData | TogglePinMessageData; export type MultimediaMessageData = ImagesMessageData | MediaMessageData; export type RawMultimediaMessageInfo = | RawImagesMessageInfo | RawMediaMessageInfo; export const rawMultimediaMessageInfoValidator: TUnion = t.union([rawImagesMessageInfoValidator, rawMediaMessageInfoValidator]); export type RawComposableMessageInfo = | RawTextMessageInfo | RawMultimediaMessageInfo; const rawComposableMessageInfoValidator = t.union([ rawTextMessageInfoValidator, rawMultimediaMessageInfoValidator, ]); export type RawRobotextMessageInfo = | RawCreateThreadMessageInfo | RawAddMembersMessageInfo | RawCreateSubthreadMessageInfo | RawChangeSettingsMessageInfo | RawRemoveMembersMessageInfo | RawChangeRoleMessageInfo | RawLeaveThreadMessageInfo | RawJoinThreadMessageInfo | RawCreateEntryMessageInfo | RawEditEntryMessageInfo | RawDeleteEntryMessageInfo | RawRestoreEntryMessageInfo | RawUpdateRelationshipMessageInfo | RawCreateSidebarMessageInfo | RawUnsupportedMessageInfo | RawTogglePinMessageInfo; const rawRobotextMessageInfoValidator = t.union([ rawCreateThreadMessageInfoValidator, rawAddMembersMessageInfoValidator, rawCreateSubthreadMessageInfoValidator, rawChangeSettingsMessageInfoValidator, rawRemoveMembersMessageInfoValidator, rawChangeRoleMessageInfoValidator, rawLeaveThreadMessageInfoValidator, rawJoinThreadMessageInfoValidator, rawCreateEntryMessageInfoValidator, rawEditEntryMessageInfoValidator, rawDeleteEntryMessageInfoValidator, rawRestoreEntryMessageInfoValidator, rawUpdateRelationshipMessageInfoValidator, rawCreateSidebarMessageInfoValidator, rawUnsupportedMessageInfoValidator, rawTogglePinMessageInfoValidator, ]); export type RawSidebarSourceMessageInfo = { ...SidebarSourceMessageData, id: string, }; export const rawSidebarSourceMessageInfoValidator: TInterface = tShape({ type: tNumber(messageTypes.SIDEBAR_SOURCE), threadID: tID, creatorID: t.String, time: t.Number, sourceMessage: t.maybe( t.union([ rawComposableMessageInfoValidator, rawRobotextMessageInfoValidator, ]), ), id: tID, }); export type RawMessageInfo = | RawComposableMessageInfo | RawRobotextMessageInfo | RawSidebarSourceMessageInfo | RawReactionMessageInfo | RawEditMessageInfo; export const rawMessageInfoValidator: TUnion = t.union([ rawComposableMessageInfoValidator, rawRobotextMessageInfoValidator, rawSidebarSourceMessageInfoValidator, rawReactionMessageInfoValidator, rawEditMessageInfoValidator, ]); export type LocallyComposedMessageInfo = | ({ ...RawImagesMessageInfo, +localID: string, } & RawImagesMessageInfo) | ({ ...RawMediaMessageInfo, +localID: string, } & RawMediaMessageInfo) | ({ ...RawTextMessageInfo, +localID: string, } & RawTextMessageInfo) | ({ ...RawReactionMessageInfo, +localID: string, } & RawReactionMessageInfo); export type MultimediaMessageInfo = ImagesMessageInfo | MediaMessageInfo; export type ComposableMessageInfo = TextMessageInfo | MultimediaMessageInfo; export type RobotextMessageInfo = | CreateThreadMessageInfo | AddMembersMessageInfo | CreateSubthreadMessageInfo | ChangeSettingsMessageInfo | RemoveMembersMessageInfo | ChangeRoleMessageInfo | LeaveThreadMessageInfo | JoinThreadMessageInfo | CreateEntryMessageInfo | EditEntryMessageInfo | DeleteEntryMessageInfo | RestoreEntryMessageInfo | UnsupportedMessageInfo | UpdateRelationshipMessageInfo | CreateSidebarMessageInfo | TogglePinMessageInfo; export type PreviewableMessageInfo = | RobotextMessageInfo | MultimediaMessageInfo | ReactionMessageInfo; export type SidebarSourceMessageInfo = { +type: 17, +id: string, +threadID: string, +creator: RelativeUserInfo, +time: number, +sourceMessage: ComposableMessageInfo | RobotextMessageInfo, }; export type MessageInfo = | ComposableMessageInfo | RobotextMessageInfo | SidebarSourceMessageInfo | ReactionMessageInfo | EditMessageInfo; export type ThreadMessageInfo = { messageIDs: string[], startReached: boolean, lastNavigatedTo: number, // millisecond timestamp lastPruned: number, // millisecond timestamp }; +const threadMessageInfoValidator: TInterface = + tShape({ + messageIDs: t.list(tID), + startReached: t.Boolean, + lastNavigatedTo: t.Number, + lastPruned: t.Number, + }); // Tracks client-local information about a message that hasn't been assigned an // ID by the server yet. As soon as the client gets an ack from the server for // this message, it will clear the LocalMessageInfo. export type LocalMessageInfo = { +sendFailed?: boolean, }; +const localMessageInfoValidator: TInterface = + tShape({ + sendFailed: t.maybe(t.Boolean), + }); export type MessageStoreThreads = { +[threadID: string]: ThreadMessageInfo, }; +const messageStoreThreadsValidator: TDict = t.dict( + tID, + threadMessageInfoValidator, +); export type MessageStore = { +messages: { +[id: string]: RawMessageInfo }, +threads: MessageStoreThreads, +local: { +[id: string]: LocalMessageInfo }, +currentAsOf: number, }; +export const messageStoreValidator: TInterface = + tShape({ + messages: t.dict(tID, rawMessageInfoValidator), + threads: messageStoreThreadsValidator, + local: t.dict(t.String, localMessageInfoValidator), + currentAsOf: t.Number, + }); // MessageStore messages ops export type RemoveMessageOperation = { +type: 'remove', +payload: { +ids: $ReadOnlyArray }, }; export type RemoveMessagesForThreadsOperation = { +type: 'remove_messages_for_threads', +payload: { +threadIDs: $ReadOnlyArray }, }; export type ReplaceMessageOperation = { +type: 'replace', +payload: { +id: string, +messageInfo: RawMessageInfo }, }; export type RekeyMessageOperation = { +type: 'rekey', +payload: { +from: string, +to: string }, }; export type RemoveAllMessagesOperation = { +type: 'remove_all', }; // MessageStore threads ops export type ReplaceMessageStoreThreadsOperation = { +type: 'replace_threads', +payload: { +threads: MessageStoreThreads }, }; export type RemoveMessageStoreThreadsOperation = { +type: 'remove_threads', +payload: { +ids: $ReadOnlyArray }, }; export type RemoveMessageStoreAllThreadsOperation = { +type: 'remove_all_threads', }; // We were initially using `number`s` for `thread`, `type`, `future_type`, etc. // However, we ended up changing `thread` to `string` to account for thread IDs // including information about the keyserver (eg 'GENESIS|123') in the future. // // At that point we discussed whether we should switch the remaining `number` // fields to `string`s for consistency and flexibility. We researched whether // there was any performance cost to using `string`s instead of `number`s and // found the differences to be negligible. We also concluded using `string`s // may be safer after considering `jsi::Number` and the various C++ number // representations on the CommCoreModule side. export type ClientDBMessageInfo = { +id: string, +local_id: ?string, +thread: string, +user: string, +type: string, +future_type: ?string, +content: ?string, +time: string, +media_infos: ?$ReadOnlyArray, }; export type ClientDBReplaceMessageOperation = { +type: 'replace', +payload: ClientDBMessageInfo, }; export type ClientDBThreadMessageInfo = { +id: string, +start_reached: string, +last_navigated_to: string, +last_pruned: string, }; export type ClientDBReplaceThreadsOperation = { +type: 'replace_threads', +payload: { +threads: $ReadOnlyArray }, }; export type MessageStoreOperation = | RemoveMessageOperation | ReplaceMessageOperation | RekeyMessageOperation | RemoveMessagesForThreadsOperation | RemoveAllMessagesOperation | ReplaceMessageStoreThreadsOperation | RemoveMessageStoreThreadsOperation | RemoveMessageStoreAllThreadsOperation; export type ClientDBMessageStoreOperation = | RemoveMessageOperation | ClientDBReplaceMessageOperation | RekeyMessageOperation | RemoveMessagesForThreadsOperation | RemoveAllMessagesOperation | ClientDBReplaceThreadsOperation | RemoveMessageStoreThreadsOperation | RemoveMessageStoreAllThreadsOperation; export const messageTruncationStatus = Object.freeze({ // EXHAUSTIVE means we've reached the start of the thread. Either the result // set includes the very first message for that thread, or there is nothing // behind the cursor you queried for. Given that the client only ever issues // ranged queries whose range, when unioned with what is in state, represent // the set of all messages for a given thread, we can guarantee that getting // EXHAUSTIVE means the start has been reached. EXHAUSTIVE: 'exhaustive', // TRUNCATED is rare, and means that the server can't guarantee that the // result set for a given thread is contiguous with what the client has in its // state. If the client can't verify the contiguousness itself, it needs to // replace its Redux store's contents with what it is in this payload. // 1) getMessageInfosSince: Result set for thread is equal to max, and the // truncation status isn't EXHAUSTIVE (ie. doesn't include the very first // message). // 2) getMessageInfos: MessageSelectionCriteria does not specify cursors, the // result set for thread is equal to max, and the truncation status isn't // EXHAUSTIVE. If cursors are specified, we never return truncated, since // the cursor given us guarantees the contiguousness of the result set. // Note that in the reducer, we can guarantee contiguousness if there is any // intersection between messageIDs in the result set and the set currently in // the Redux store. TRUNCATED: 'truncated', // UNCHANGED means the result set is guaranteed to be contiguous with what the // client has in its state, but is not EXHAUSTIVE. Basically, it's anything // that isn't either EXHAUSTIVE or TRUNCATED. UNCHANGED: 'unchanged', }); export type MessageTruncationStatus = $Values; export function assertMessageTruncationStatus( ourMessageTruncationStatus: string, ): MessageTruncationStatus { invariant( ourMessageTruncationStatus === 'truncated' || ourMessageTruncationStatus === 'unchanged' || ourMessageTruncationStatus === 'exhaustive', 'string is not ourMessageTruncationStatus enum', ); return ourMessageTruncationStatus; } export const messageTruncationStatusValidator: TEnums = t.enums.of( values(messageTruncationStatus), ); export type MessageTruncationStatuses = { [threadID: string]: MessageTruncationStatus, }; export const messageTruncationStatusesValidator: TDict = t.dict(tID, messageTruncationStatusValidator); export type ThreadCursors = { +[threadID: string]: ?string }; export type MessageSelectionCriteria = { +threadCursors?: ?ThreadCursors, +joinedThreads?: ?boolean, +newerThan?: ?number, }; export type FetchMessageInfosRequest = { +cursors: ThreadCursors, +numberPerThread?: ?number, }; export type FetchMessageInfosResponse = { +rawMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +truncationStatuses: MessageTruncationStatuses, +userInfos: UserInfos, }; export type FetchMessageInfosResult = { +rawMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +truncationStatuses: MessageTruncationStatuses, }; export type FetchMessageInfosPayload = { +threadID: string, +rawMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +truncationStatus: MessageTruncationStatus, }; export type MessagesResponse = { +rawMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +truncationStatuses: MessageTruncationStatuses, +currentAsOf: number, }; export const messagesResponseValidator: TInterface = tShape({ rawMessageInfos: t.list(rawMessageInfoValidator), truncationStatuses: messageTruncationStatusesValidator, currentAsOf: t.Number, }); export type SimpleMessagesPayload = { +rawMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +truncationStatuses: MessageTruncationStatuses, }; export const defaultNumberPerThread = 20; export const defaultMaxMessageAge = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 2 weeks export type SendMessageResponse = { +newMessageInfo: RawMessageInfo, }; export type SendMessageResult = { +id: string, +time: number, +interface: CallServerEndpointResultInfoInterface, }; export type SendMessagePayload = { +localID: string, +serverID: string, +threadID: string, +time: number, +interface: CallServerEndpointResultInfoInterface, }; export type SendTextMessageRequest = { +threadID: string, +localID?: string, +text: string, +sidebarCreation?: boolean, }; export type SendMultimediaMessageRequest = // This option is only used for messageTypes.IMAGES | { +threadID: string, +localID: string, +sidebarCreation?: boolean, +mediaIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, } | { +threadID: string, +localID: string, +sidebarCreation?: boolean, +mediaMessageContents: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type SendReactionMessageRequest = { +threadID: string, +localID?: string, +targetMessageID: string, +reaction: string, +action: 'add_reaction' | 'remove_reaction', }; export type SendEditMessageRequest = { +targetMessageID: string, +text: string, }; export type SendEditMessageResponse = { +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type EditMessagePayload = SendEditMessageResponse; export type SendEditMessageResult = SendEditMessageResponse; export type EditMessageContent = { +text: string, }; // Used for the message info included in log-in type actions export type GenericMessagesResult = { +messageInfos: RawMessageInfo[], +truncationStatus: MessageTruncationStatuses, +watchedIDsAtRequestTime: $ReadOnlyArray, +currentAsOf: number, }; export type SaveMessagesPayload = { +rawMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +updatesCurrentAsOf: number, }; export type NewMessagesPayload = { +messagesResult: MessagesResponse, }; export const newMessagesPayloadValidator: TInterface = tShape({ messagesResult: messagesResponseValidator, }); export type MessageStorePrunePayload = { +threadIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type FetchPinnedMessagesRequest = { +threadID: string, }; export type FetchPinnedMessagesResult = { +pinnedMessages: $ReadOnlyArray, }; diff --git a/lib/types/thread-types.js b/lib/types/thread-types.js index 3faa14fd0..2bff694ce 100644 --- a/lib/types/thread-types.js +++ b/lib/types/thread-types.js @@ -1,411 +1,442 @@ // @flow import t, { type TInterface } from 'tcomb'; import { type AvatarDBContent, type ClientAvatar, clientAvatarValidator, type UpdateUserAvatarRequest, } from './avatar-types.js'; import type { Shape } from './core.js'; import type { CalendarQuery, RawEntryInfo } from './entry-types.js'; import type { Media } from './media-types.js'; import type { MessageTruncationStatuses, RawMessageInfo, } from './message-types.js'; import { type ThreadSubscription, threadSubscriptionValidator, } from './subscription-types.js'; import { type ThreadPermissionsInfo, type ThreadRolePermissionsBlob, threadPermissionsInfoValidator, threadRolePermissionsBlobValidator, } from './thread-permission-types.js'; import { type ThreadType, threadTypeValidator } from './thread-types-enum.js'; import type { ClientUpdateInfo, ServerUpdateInfo } from './update-types.js'; import type { UserInfo, UserInfos } from './user-types.js'; -import { type ThreadEntity } from '../utils/entity-text.js'; +import { + type ThreadEntity, + threadEntityValidator, +} from '../utils/entity-text.js'; import { tID, tShape } from '../utils/validation-utils.js'; export type MemberInfo = { +id: string, +role: ?string, +permissions: ThreadPermissionsInfo, +isSender: boolean, }; const memberInfoValidator = tShape({ id: t.String, role: t.maybe(tID), permissions: threadPermissionsInfoValidator, isSender: t.Boolean, }); export type RelativeMemberInfo = { ...MemberInfo, +username: ?string, +isViewer: boolean, }; +const relativeMemberInfoValidator = tShape({ + ...memberInfoValidator.meta.props, + username: t.maybe(t.String), + isViewer: t.Boolean, +}); export type RoleInfo = { +id: string, +name: string, +permissions: ThreadRolePermissionsBlob, +isDefault: boolean, }; const roleInfoValidator = tShape({ id: tID, name: t.String, permissions: threadRolePermissionsBlobValidator, isDefault: t.Boolean, }); export type ThreadCurrentUserInfo = { +role: ?string, +permissions: ThreadPermissionsInfo, +subscription: ThreadSubscription, +unread: ?boolean, }; const threadCurrentUserInfoValidator = tShape({ role: t.maybe(tID), permissions: threadPermissionsInfoValidator, subscription: threadSubscriptionValidator, unread: t.maybe(t.Boolean), }); export type RawThreadInfo = { +id: string, +type: ThreadType, +name: ?string, +avatar?: ?ClientAvatar, +description: ?string, +color: string, // hex, without "#" or "0x" +creationTime: number, // millisecond timestamp +parentThreadID: ?string, +containingThreadID: ?string, +community: ?string, +members: $ReadOnlyArray, +roles: { +[id: string]: RoleInfo }, +currentUser: ThreadCurrentUserInfo, +sourceMessageID?: string, +repliesCount: number, +pinnedCount?: number, }; export const rawThreadInfoValidator: TInterface = tShape({ id: tID, type: threadTypeValidator, name: t.maybe(t.String), avatar: t.maybe(clientAvatarValidator), description: t.maybe(t.String), color: t.String, creationTime: t.Number, parentThreadID: t.maybe(tID), containingThreadID: t.maybe(tID), community: t.maybe(tID), members: t.list(memberInfoValidator), roles: t.dict(tID, roleInfoValidator), currentUser: threadCurrentUserInfoValidator, sourceMessageID: t.maybe(tID), repliesCount: t.Number, pinnedCount: t.maybe(t.Number), }); export type ThreadInfo = { +id: string, +type: ThreadType, +name: ?string, +uiName: string | ThreadEntity, +avatar?: ?ClientAvatar, +description: ?string, +color: string, // hex, without "#" or "0x" +creationTime: number, // millisecond timestamp +parentThreadID: ?string, +containingThreadID: ?string, +community: ?string, +members: $ReadOnlyArray, +roles: { +[id: string]: RoleInfo }, +currentUser: ThreadCurrentUserInfo, +sourceMessageID?: string, +repliesCount: number, +pinnedCount?: number, }; +export const threadInfoValidator: TInterface = tShape({ + id: tID, + type: threadTypeValidator, + name: t.maybe(t.String), + uiName: t.union([t.String, threadEntityValidator]), + avatar: t.maybe(clientAvatarValidator), + description: t.maybe(t.String), + color: t.String, + creationTime: t.Number, + parentThreadID: t.maybe(tID), + containingThreadID: t.maybe(tID), + community: t.maybe(tID), + members: t.list(relativeMemberInfoValidator), + roles: t.dict(tID, roleInfoValidator), + currentUser: threadCurrentUserInfoValidator, + sourceMessageID: t.maybe(tID), + repliesCount: t.Number, + pinnedCount: t.maybe(t.Number), +}); export type ResolvedThreadInfo = { +id: string, +type: ThreadType, +name: ?string, +uiName: string, +avatar?: ?ClientAvatar, +description: ?string, +color: string, // hex, without "#" or "0x" +creationTime: number, // millisecond timestamp +parentThreadID: ?string, +containingThreadID: ?string, +community: ?string, +members: $ReadOnlyArray, +roles: { +[id: string]: RoleInfo }, +currentUser: ThreadCurrentUserInfo, +sourceMessageID?: string, +repliesCount: number, +pinnedCount?: number, }; export type ServerMemberInfo = { +id: string, +role: ?string, +permissions: ThreadPermissionsInfo, +subscription: ThreadSubscription, +unread: ?boolean, +isSender: boolean, }; export type ServerThreadInfo = { +id: string, +type: ThreadType, +name: ?string, +avatar?: AvatarDBContent, +description: ?string, +color: string, // hex, without "#" or "0x" +creationTime: number, // millisecond timestamp +parentThreadID: ?string, +containingThreadID: ?string, +community: ?string, +depth: number, +members: $ReadOnlyArray, +roles: { +[id: string]: RoleInfo }, +sourceMessageID?: string, +repliesCount: number, +pinnedCount: number, }; export type ThreadStore = { +threadInfos: { +[id: string]: RawThreadInfo }, }; +export const threadStoreValidator: TInterface = + tShape({ + threadInfos: t.dict(tID, rawThreadInfoValidator), + }); export type RemoveThreadOperation = { +type: 'remove', +payload: { +ids: $ReadOnlyArray }, }; export type RemoveAllThreadsOperation = { +type: 'remove_all', }; export type ReplaceThreadOperation = { +type: 'replace', +payload: { +id: string, +threadInfo: RawThreadInfo }, }; export type ThreadStoreOperation = | RemoveThreadOperation | RemoveAllThreadsOperation | ReplaceThreadOperation; export type ClientDBThreadInfo = { +id: string, +type: number, +name: ?string, +avatar?: ?string, +description: ?string, +color: string, +creationTime: string, +parentThreadID: ?string, +containingThreadID: ?string, +community: ?string, +members: string, +roles: string, +currentUser: string, +sourceMessageID?: string, +repliesCount: number, +pinnedCount?: number, }; export type ClientDBReplaceThreadOperation = { +type: 'replace', +payload: ClientDBThreadInfo, }; export type ClientDBThreadStoreOperation = | RemoveThreadOperation | RemoveAllThreadsOperation | ClientDBReplaceThreadOperation; export type ThreadDeletionRequest = { +threadID: string, +accountPassword: ?string, }; export type RemoveMembersRequest = { +threadID: string, +memberIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type RoleChangeRequest = { +threadID: string, +memberIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, +role: string, }; export type ChangeThreadSettingsResult = { +threadInfo?: RawThreadInfo, +threadInfos?: { +[id: string]: RawThreadInfo }, +updatesResult: { +newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type ChangeThreadSettingsPayload = { +threadID: string, +updatesResult: { +newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type LeaveThreadRequest = { +threadID: string, }; export type LeaveThreadResult = { +threadInfos?: { +[id: string]: RawThreadInfo }, +updatesResult: { +newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, }; export type LeaveThreadPayload = { +updatesResult: { +newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, }; export type ThreadChanges = Shape<{ +type: ThreadType, +name: string, +description: string, +color: string, +parentThreadID: ?string, +newMemberIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, +avatar: UpdateUserAvatarRequest, }>; export type UpdateThreadRequest = { +threadID: string, +changes: ThreadChanges, +accountPassword?: empty, }; export type BaseNewThreadRequest = { +id?: ?string, +name?: ?string, +description?: ?string, +color?: ?string, +parentThreadID?: ?string, +initialMemberIDs?: ?$ReadOnlyArray, +ghostMemberIDs?: ?$ReadOnlyArray, }; type NewThreadRequest = | { +type: 3 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12, ...BaseNewThreadRequest, } | { +type: 5, +sourceMessageID: string, ...BaseNewThreadRequest, }; export type ClientNewThreadRequest = { ...NewThreadRequest, +calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, }; export type ServerNewThreadRequest = { ...NewThreadRequest, +calendarQuery?: ?CalendarQuery, }; export type NewThreadResponse = { +updatesResult: { +newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +newThreadInfo?: RawThreadInfo, +userInfos: UserInfos, +newThreadID?: string, }; export type NewThreadResult = { +updatesResult: { +newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +userInfos: UserInfos, +newThreadID: string, }; export type ServerThreadJoinRequest = { +threadID: string, +calendarQuery?: ?CalendarQuery, +inviteLinkSecret?: string, }; export type ClientThreadJoinRequest = { +threadID: string, +calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, +inviteLinkSecret?: string, }; export type ThreadJoinResult = { threadInfos?: { +[id: string]: RawThreadInfo }, updatesResult: { newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, rawMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, truncationStatuses: MessageTruncationStatuses, userInfos: UserInfos, rawEntryInfos?: ?$ReadOnlyArray, }; export type ThreadJoinPayload = { +updatesResult: { newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, +rawMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +truncationStatuses: MessageTruncationStatuses, +userInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type ThreadFetchMediaResult = { +media: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type ThreadFetchMediaRequest = { +threadID: string, +limit: number, +offset: number, }; export type SidebarInfo = { +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +lastUpdatedTime: number, +mostRecentNonLocalMessage: ?string, }; export type ToggleMessagePinRequest = { +messageID: string, +action: 'pin' | 'unpin', }; export type ToggleMessagePinResult = { +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +threadID: string, }; // We can show a max of 3 sidebars inline underneath their parent in the chat // tab. If there are more, we show a button that opens a modal to see the rest export const maxReadSidebars = 3; // We can show a max of 5 sidebars inline underneath their parent // in the chat tab if every one of the displayed sidebars is unread export const maxUnreadSidebars = 5; export type ThreadStoreThreadInfos = { +[id: string]: RawThreadInfo }; diff --git a/lib/utils/entity-text.js b/lib/utils/entity-text.js index 1894854ef..43520e315 100644 --- a/lib/utils/entity-text.js +++ b/lib/utils/entity-text.js @@ -1,546 +1,581 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; +import t, { type TInterface, type TUnion } from 'tcomb'; import type { GetENSNames } from './ens-helpers.js'; +import { tID, tShape, tString } from './validation-utils.js'; import { useENSNames } from '../hooks/ens-cache.js'; import { threadNoun } from '../shared/thread-utils.js'; import { stringForUser } from '../shared/user-utils.js'; -import { type ThreadType, threadTypes } from '../types/thread-types-enum.js'; +import { + type ThreadType, + threadTypes, + threadTypeValidator, +} from '../types/thread-types-enum.js'; import { type RawThreadInfo, type ThreadInfo } from '../types/thread-types.js'; import { basePluralize } from '../utils/text-utils.js'; type UserEntity = { +type: 'user', +id: string, +username?: ?string, +isViewer?: ?boolean, +possessive?: ?boolean, // eg. `user's` instead of `user` }; +export const userEntityValidator: TInterface = tShape({ + type: tString('user'), + id: t.String, + username: t.maybe(t.String), + isViewer: t.maybe(t.Boolean), + possessive: t.maybe(t.Boolean), +}); // Comments explain how thread name will appear from user4's perspective export type ThreadEntity = | { +type: 'thread', +id: string, +name?: ?string, // displays threadInfo.name if set, or 'user1, user2, and user3' +display: 'uiName', // If uiName is EntityText, then at render time ThreadEntity will be // replaced with a pluralized list of uiName's UserEntities +uiName: $ReadOnlyArray | string, // If name isn't set and uiName is an array with only the viewer, then // just_you_string displays "just you" but viewer_username displays the // viewer's ENS-resolved username. Defaults to just_you_string +ifJustViewer?: 'just_you_string' | 'viewer_username', } | { +type: 'thread', +id: string, +name?: ?string, // displays threadInfo.name if set, or eg. 'this thread' or 'this chat' +display: 'shortName', +threadType?: ?ThreadType, +parentThreadID?: ?string, +alwaysDisplayShortName?: ?boolean, // don't default to name +subchannel?: ?boolean, // short name should be "subchannel" +possessive?: ?boolean, // eg. `this thread's` instead of `this thread` }; +export const threadEntityValidator: TUnion = t.union([ + tShape({ + type: tString('thread'), + id: tID, + name: t.maybe(t.String), + display: tString('uiName'), + uiName: t.union([t.list(userEntityValidator), t.String]), + ifJustViewer: t.maybe(t.enums.of(['just_you_string', 'viewer_username'])), + }), + tShape({ + type: tString('thread'), + id: tID, + name: t.maybe(t.String), + display: tString('shortName'), + threadType: t.maybe(threadTypeValidator), + parentThreadID: t.maybe(tID), + alwaysDisplayShortName: t.maybe(t.Boolean), + subchannel: t.maybe(t.Boolean), + possessive: t.maybe(t.Boolean), + }), +]); + type ColorEntity = { +type: 'color', +hex: string, }; type EntityTextComponent = UserEntity | ThreadEntity | ColorEntity | string; export type EntityText = $ReadOnlyArray; const entityTextFunction = ( strings: $ReadOnlyArray, ...entities: $ReadOnlyArray ) => { const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { const str = strings[i]; if (str) { result.push(str); } const entity = entities[i]; if (!entity) { continue; } if (typeof entity === 'string') { const lastResult = result.length > 0 && result[result.length - 1]; if (typeof lastResult === 'string') { result[result.length - 1] = lastResult + entity; } else { result.push(entity); } } else if (Array.isArray(entity)) { const [firstEntity, ...restOfEntity] = entity; const lastResult = result.length > 0 && result[result.length - 1]; if (typeof lastResult === 'string' && typeof firstEntity === 'string') { result[result.length - 1] = lastResult + firstEntity; } else if (firstEntity) { result.push(firstEntity); } result.push(...restOfEntity); } else { result.push(entity); } } return result; }; // defaults to shortName type EntityTextThreadInput = | { +display: 'uiName', +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, } | { +display?: 'shortName', +threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo, +subchannel?: ?boolean, +possessive?: ?boolean, } | { +display: 'alwaysDisplayShortName', +threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo, +possessive?: ?boolean, } | { +display: 'alwaysDisplayShortName', +threadID: string, +parentThreadID?: ?string, +threadType?: ?ThreadType, +possessive?: ?boolean, }; // ESLint doesn't recognize that invariant always throws // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return entityTextFunction.thread = (input: EntityTextThreadInput) => { if (input.display === 'uiName') { const { threadInfo } = input; if (typeof threadInfo.uiName !== 'string') { return threadInfo.uiName; } return { type: 'thread', id: threadInfo.id, name: threadInfo.name, display: 'uiName', uiName: threadInfo.uiName, }; } if (input.display === 'alwaysDisplayShortName' && input.threadID) { const { threadID, threadType, parentThreadID, possessive } = input; return { type: 'thread', id: threadID, name: undefined, display: 'shortName', threadType, parentThreadID, alwaysDisplayShortName: true, possessive, }; } else if (input.display === 'alwaysDisplayShortName' && input.threadInfo) { const { threadInfo, possessive } = input; return { type: 'thread', id: threadInfo.id, name: threadInfo.name, display: 'shortName', threadType: threadInfo.type, parentThreadID: threadInfo.parentThreadID, alwaysDisplayShortName: true, possessive, }; } else if (input.display === 'shortName' || !input.display) { const { threadInfo, subchannel, possessive } = input; return { type: 'thread', id: threadInfo.id, name: threadInfo.name, display: 'shortName', threadType: threadInfo.type, parentThreadID: threadInfo.parentThreadID, subchannel, possessive, }; } invariant( false, `ET.thread passed unexpected display type: ${input.display}`, ); }; type EntityTextUserInput = { +userInfo: { +id: string, +username?: ?string, +isViewer?: ?boolean, ... }, +possessive?: ?boolean, }; entityTextFunction.user = (input: EntityTextUserInput) => ({ type: 'user', id: input.userInfo.id, username: input.userInfo.username, isViewer: input.userInfo.isViewer, possessive: input.possessive, }); type EntityTextColorInput = { +hex: string }; entityTextFunction.color = (input: EntityTextColorInput) => ({ type: 'color', hex: input.hex, }); // ET is a JS tag function used in template literals, eg. ET`something` // It allows you to compose raw text and "entities" together type EntityTextFunction = (( strings: $ReadOnlyArray, ...entities: $ReadOnlyArray ) => EntityText) & { +thread: EntityTextThreadInput => ThreadEntity, +user: EntityTextUserInput => UserEntity, +color: EntityTextColorInput => ColorEntity, ... }; const ET: EntityTextFunction = entityTextFunction; type MakePossessiveInput = { +str: string, +isViewer?: ?boolean }; function makePossessive(input: MakePossessiveInput) { if (input.isViewer) { return 'your'; } return `${input.str}’s`; } function getNameForThreadEntity( entity: ThreadEntity, params?: ?EntityTextToRawStringParams, ): string { const { name: userGeneratedName, display } = entity; if (entity.display === 'uiName') { if (userGeneratedName) { return userGeneratedName; } const { uiName } = entity; if (typeof uiName === 'string') { return uiName; } let userEntities = uiName; if (!params?.ignoreViewer) { const viewerFilteredUserEntities = userEntities.filter( innerEntity => !innerEntity.isViewer, ); if (viewerFilteredUserEntities.length > 0) { userEntities = viewerFilteredUserEntities; } else if (entity.ifJustViewer === 'viewer_username') { // We pass ignoreViewer to entityTextToRawString in order // to prevent it from rendering the viewer as "you" params = { ...params, ignoreViewer: true }; } else { return 'just you'; } } const pluralized = pluralizeEntityText( userEntities.map(innerEntity => [innerEntity]), ); return entityTextToRawString(pluralized, params); } invariant( entity.display === 'shortName', `getNameForThreadEntity can't handle thread entity display ${display}`, ); let { name } = entity; if (!name || entity.alwaysDisplayShortName) { const threadType = entity.threadType ?? threadTypes.PERSONAL; const { parentThreadID } = entity; const noun = entity.subchannel ? 'subchannel' : threadNoun(threadType, parentThreadID); if (entity.id === params?.threadID) { const prefixThisThreadNounWith = params?.prefixThisThreadNounWith === 'your' ? 'your' : 'this'; name = `${prefixThisThreadNounWith} ${noun}`; } else { name = `a ${noun}`; } } if (entity.possessive) { name = makePossessive({ str: name }); } return name; } function getNameForUserEntity( entity: UserEntity, ignoreViewer: ?boolean, ): string { const isViewer = entity.isViewer && !ignoreViewer; const entityWithIsViewerIgnored = { ...entity, isViewer }; const str = stringForUser(entityWithIsViewerIgnored); if (!entityWithIsViewerIgnored.possessive) { return str; } return makePossessive({ str, isViewer }); } type EntityTextToRawStringParams = { +threadID?: ?string, +ignoreViewer?: ?boolean, +prefixThisThreadNounWith?: ?('this' | 'your'), }; function entityTextToRawString( entityText: EntityText, params?: ?EntityTextToRawStringParams, ): string { // ESLint doesn't recognize that invariant always throws // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return const textParts = entityText.map(entity => { if (typeof entity === 'string') { return entity; } else if (entity.type === 'thread') { return getNameForThreadEntity(entity, params); } else if (entity.type === 'color') { return entity.hex; } else if (entity.type === 'user') { return getNameForUserEntity(entity, params?.ignoreViewer); } else { invariant( false, `entityTextToRawString can't handle entity type ${entity.type}`, ); } }); return textParts.join(''); } type RenderFunctions = { +renderText: ({ +text: string }) => React.Node, +renderThread: ({ +id: string, +name: string }) => React.Node, +renderColor: ({ +hex: string }) => React.Node, }; function entityTextToReact( entityText: EntityText, threadID: string, renderFuncs: RenderFunctions, ): React.Node { const { renderText, renderThread, renderColor } = renderFuncs; // ESLint doesn't recognize that invariant always throws // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return return entityText.map((entity, i) => { const key = `text${i}`; if (typeof entity === 'string') { return ( {renderText({ text: entity })} ); } else if (entity.type === 'thread') { const { id } = entity; const name = getNameForThreadEntity(entity, { threadID }); if (id === threadID) { return name; } else { return ( {renderThread({ id, name })} ); } } else if (entity.type === 'color') { return ( {renderColor({ hex: entity.hex })} ); } else if (entity.type === 'user') { return getNameForUserEntity(entity); } else { invariant( false, `entityTextToReact can't handle entity type ${entity.type}`, ); } }); } function pluralizeEntityText( nouns: $ReadOnlyArray, maxNumberOfNouns: number = 3, ): EntityText { return basePluralize( nouns, maxNumberOfNouns, (a: EntityText | string, b: ?EntityText | string) => b ? ET`${a}${b}` : ET`${a}`, ); } type TextEntity = { +type: 'text', +text: string }; type ShadowUserEntity = { +type: 'shadowUser', +username: string, +originalUsername: string, }; type EntityTextComponentAsObject = | UserEntity | ThreadEntity | ColorEntity | TextEntity | ShadowUserEntity; function entityTextToObjects( entityText: EntityText, ): EntityTextComponentAsObject[] { const objs = []; for (const entity of entityText) { if (typeof entity === 'string') { objs.push({ type: 'text', text: entity }); continue; } objs.push(entity); if ( entity.type === 'thread' && entity.display === 'uiName' && typeof entity.uiName !== 'string' ) { for (const innerEntity of entity.uiName) { if (typeof innerEntity === 'string' || innerEntity.type !== 'user') { continue; } const { username } = innerEntity; if (username) { objs.push({ type: 'shadowUser', originalUsername: username, username, }); } } } } return objs; } function entityTextFromObjects( objects: $ReadOnlyArray, ): EntityText { const shadowUserMap = new Map(); for (const obj of objects) { if (obj.type === 'shadowUser' && obj.username !== obj.originalUsername) { shadowUserMap.set(obj.originalUsername, obj.username); } } return objects .map(entity => { if (entity.type === 'text') { return entity.text; } else if (entity.type === 'shadowUser') { return null; } else if ( entity.type === 'thread' && entity.display === 'uiName' && typeof entity.uiName !== 'string' ) { const uiName = []; let changeOccurred = false; for (const innerEntity of entity.uiName) { if (typeof innerEntity === 'string' || innerEntity.type !== 'user') { uiName.push(innerEntity); continue; } const { username } = innerEntity; if (!username) { uiName.push(innerEntity); continue; } const ensName = shadowUserMap.get(username); if (!ensName) { uiName.push(innerEntity); continue; } changeOccurred = true; uiName.push({ ...innerEntity, username: ensName, }); } if (!changeOccurred) { return entity; } return { ...entity, uiName, }; } else { return entity; } }) .filter(Boolean); } function useENSNamesForEntityText(entityText: ?EntityText): ?EntityText { const allObjects = React.useMemo( () => (entityText ? entityTextToObjects(entityText) : []), [entityText], ); const objectsWithENSNames = useENSNames(allObjects); return React.useMemo( () => entityText ? entityTextFromObjects(objectsWithENSNames) : entityText, [entityText, objectsWithENSNames], ); } function useEntityTextAsString( entityText: ?EntityText, params?: EntityTextToRawStringParams, ): ?string { const withENSNames = useENSNamesForEntityText(entityText); return React.useMemo(() => { if (!withENSNames) { return withENSNames; } return entityTextToRawString(withENSNames, params); }, [withENSNames, params]); } async function getEntityTextAsString( entityText: ?EntityText, getENSNames: ?GetENSNames, params?: EntityTextToRawStringParams, ): Promise { if (!entityText) { return entityText; } let resolvedEntityText = entityText; if (getENSNames) { const allObjects = entityTextToObjects(entityText); const objectsWithENSNames = await getENSNames(allObjects); resolvedEntityText = entityTextFromObjects(objectsWithENSNames); } return entityTextToRawString(resolvedEntityText, params); } export { ET, entityTextToRawString, entityTextToReact, pluralizeEntityText, useENSNamesForEntityText, useEntityTextAsString, getEntityTextAsString, }; diff --git a/web/types/nav-types.js b/web/types/nav-types.js index 80245def1..6d47e25cf 100644 --- a/web/types/nav-types.js +++ b/web/types/nav-types.js @@ -1,20 +1,43 @@ // @flow +import t from 'tcomb'; +import type { TInterface } from 'tcomb'; -import type { BaseNavInfo } from 'lib/types/nav-types.js'; -import type { ThreadInfo } from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; +import { type BaseNavInfo } from 'lib/types/nav-types.js'; +import { + type ThreadInfo, + threadInfoValidator, +} from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; +import { tID, tShape } from 'lib/utils/validation-utils.js'; export type NavigationTab = 'calendar' | 'chat' | 'settings'; +const navigationTabValidator = t.enums.of(['calendar', 'chat', 'settings']); export type NavigationSettingsSection = 'account' | 'danger-zone'; +const navigationSettingsSectionValidator = t.enums.of([ + 'account', + 'danger-zone', +]); export type NavigationChatMode = 'view' | 'create'; +const navigationChatModeValidator = t.enums.of(['view', 'create']); export type NavInfo = { ...$Exact, +tab: NavigationTab, +activeChatThreadID: ?string, +pendingThread?: ThreadInfo, +settingsSection?: NavigationSettingsSection, +selectedUserList?: $ReadOnlyArray, +chatMode?: NavigationChatMode, }; + +export const navInfoValidator: TInterface = tShape<$Exact>({ + startDate: t.String, + endDate: t.String, + tab: navigationTabValidator, + activeChatThreadID: t.maybe(tID), + pendingThread: t.maybe(threadInfoValidator), + settingsSection: t.maybe(navigationSettingsSectionValidator), + selectedUserList: t.maybe(t.list(t.String)), + chatMode: t.maybe(navigationChatModeValidator), +});