diff --git a/native/chat/chat-input-bar.react.js b/native/chat/chat-input-bar.react.js index d9c1d3553..2a35e7925 100644 --- a/native/chat/chat-input-bar.react.js +++ b/native/chat/chat-input-bar.react.js @@ -1,1161 +1,1170 @@ // @flow import Icon from '@expo/vector-icons/Ionicons.js'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import _throttle from 'lodash/throttle.js'; import * as React from 'react'; import { View, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, Platform, Text, ActivityIndicator, TouchableWithoutFeedback, NativeAppEventEmitter, } from 'react-native'; import { TextInputKeyboardMangerIOS } from 'react-native-keyboard-input'; import Animated, { EasingNode } from 'react-native-reanimated'; import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { moveDraftActionType, updateDraftActionType, } from 'lib/actions/draft-actions.js'; import { joinThreadActionTypes, joinThread, newThreadActionTypes, } from 'lib/actions/thread-actions.js'; import { createLoadingStatusSelector } from 'lib/selectors/loading-selectors.js'; import { threadInfoSelector } from 'lib/selectors/thread-selectors.js'; import { userStoreSearchIndex } from 'lib/selectors/user-selectors.js'; import { colorIsDark } from 'lib/shared/color-utils.js'; import { getTypeaheadUserSuggestions, getTypeaheadRegexMatches, type Selection, getMentionsCandidates, } from 'lib/shared/mention-utils.js'; import { localIDPrefix, trimMessage, useMessagePreview, type MessagePreviewResult, } from 'lib/shared/message-utils.js'; import SearchIndex from 'lib/shared/search-index.js'; import { threadHasPermission, viewerIsMember, threadFrozenDueToViewerBlock, threadActualMembers, checkIfDefaultMembersAreVoiced, draftKeyFromThreadID, } from 'lib/shared/thread-utils.js'; import type { CalendarQuery } from 'lib/types/entry-types.js'; import type { LoadingStatus } from 'lib/types/loading-types.js'; import type { PhotoPaste } from 'lib/types/media-types.js'; import { messageTypes } from 'lib/types/message-types.js'; import type { Dispatch } from 'lib/types/redux-types.js'; import { type ThreadInfo, threadPermissions, type ClientThreadJoinRequest, type ThreadJoinPayload, type RelativeMemberInfo, } from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; import { type UserInfos } from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import { type DispatchActionPromise, useServerCall, useDispatchActionPromise, } from 'lib/utils/action-utils.js'; import { ChatContext } from './chat-context.js'; import type { ChatNavigationProp } from './chat.react.js'; import TypeaheadTooltip from './typeahead-tooltip.react.js'; import Button from '../components/button.react.js'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions import ClearableTextInput from '../components/clearable-text-input.react'; import type { SyncedSelectionData } from '../components/selectable-text-input.js'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions import SelectableTextInput from '../components/selectable-text-input.react'; import { SingleLine } from '../components/single-line.react.js'; import SWMansionIcon from '../components/swmansion-icon.react.js'; -import { type InputState, InputStateContext } from '../input/input-state.js'; +import { + type InputState, + InputStateContext, + type EditInputBarMessageParameters, +} from '../input/input-state.js'; import KeyboardInputHost from '../keyboard/keyboard-input-host.react.js'; import { type KeyboardState, KeyboardContext, } from '../keyboard/keyboard-state.js'; import { getKeyboardHeight } from '../keyboard/keyboard.js'; import { getDefaultTextMessageRules } from '../markdown/rules.react.js'; import { nonThreadCalendarQuery, activeThreadSelector, } from '../navigation/nav-selectors.js'; import { NavContext } from '../navigation/navigation-context.js'; import { type NavigationRoute, ChatCameraModalRouteName, ImagePasteModalRouteName, } from '../navigation/route-names.js'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils.js'; import { type Colors, useStyles, useColors } from '../themes/colors.js'; import type { LayoutEvent } from '../types/react-native.js'; import { type AnimatedViewStyle, AnimatedView } from '../types/styles.js'; import { runTiming } from '../utils/animation-utils.js'; import { nativeTypeaheadRegex } from '../utils/typeahead-utils.js'; /* eslint-disable import/no-named-as-default-member */ const { Value, Clock, block, set, cond, neq, sub, interpolateNode, stopClock } = Animated; /* eslint-enable import/no-named-as-default-member */ const expandoButtonsAnimationConfig = { duration: 150, easing: EasingNode.inOut(EasingNode.ease), }; const sendButtonAnimationConfig = { duration: 150, easing: EasingNode.inOut(EasingNode.ease), }; type BaseProps = { +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, }; type Props = { ...BaseProps, +viewerID: ?string, +draft: string, +joinThreadLoadingStatus: LoadingStatus, +threadCreationInProgress: boolean, +calendarQuery: () => CalendarQuery, +nextLocalID: number, +userInfos: UserInfos, +colors: Colors, +styles: typeof unboundStyles, +onInputBarLayout?: (event: LayoutEvent) => mixed, +openCamera: () => mixed, +isActive: boolean, +keyboardState: ?KeyboardState, +dispatch: Dispatch, +dispatchActionPromise: DispatchActionPromise, +joinThread: (request: ClientThreadJoinRequest) => Promise, +inputState: ?InputState, +userSearchIndex: SearchIndex, +mentionsCandidates: $ReadOnlyArray, +parentThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, +editedMessagePreview: ?MessagePreviewResult, }; type State = { +text: string, +textEdited: boolean, +buttonsExpanded: boolean, +selectionState: SyncedSelectionData, }; class ChatInputBar extends React.PureComponent { textInput: ?React.ElementRef; clearableTextInput: ?ClearableTextInput; selectableTextInput: ?React.ElementRef; expandoButtonsOpen: Value; targetExpandoButtonsOpen: Value; expandoButtonsStyle: AnimatedViewStyle; cameraRollIconStyle: AnimatedViewStyle; cameraIconStyle: AnimatedViewStyle; expandIconStyle: AnimatedViewStyle; sendButtonContainerOpen: Value; targetSendButtonContainerOpen: Value; sendButtonContainerStyle: AnimatedViewStyle; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { text: props.draft, textEdited: false, buttonsExpanded: true, selectionState: { text: props.draft, selection: { start: 0, end: 0 } }, }; this.setUpActionIconAnimations(); this.setUpSendIconAnimations(); } setUpActionIconAnimations() { this.expandoButtonsOpen = new Value(1); this.targetExpandoButtonsOpen = new Value(1); const prevTargetExpandoButtonsOpen = new Value(1); const expandoButtonClock = new Clock(); const expandoButtonsOpen = block([ cond(neq(this.targetExpandoButtonsOpen, prevTargetExpandoButtonsOpen), [ stopClock(expandoButtonClock), set(prevTargetExpandoButtonsOpen, this.targetExpandoButtonsOpen), ]), cond( neq(this.expandoButtonsOpen, this.targetExpandoButtonsOpen), set( this.expandoButtonsOpen, runTiming( expandoButtonClock, this.expandoButtonsOpen, this.targetExpandoButtonsOpen, true, expandoButtonsAnimationConfig, ), ), ), this.expandoButtonsOpen, ]); this.cameraRollIconStyle = { ...unboundStyles.cameraRollIcon, opacity: expandoButtonsOpen, }; this.cameraIconStyle = { ...unboundStyles.cameraIcon, opacity: expandoButtonsOpen, }; const expandoButtonsWidth = interpolateNode(expandoButtonsOpen, { inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [26, 66], }); this.expandoButtonsStyle = { ...unboundStyles.expandoButtons, width: expandoButtonsWidth, }; const expandOpacity = sub(1, expandoButtonsOpen); this.expandIconStyle = { ...unboundStyles.expandIcon, opacity: expandOpacity, }; } setUpSendIconAnimations() { const initialSendButtonContainerOpen = trimMessage(this.props.draft) ? 1 : 0; this.sendButtonContainerOpen = new Value(initialSendButtonContainerOpen); this.targetSendButtonContainerOpen = new Value( initialSendButtonContainerOpen, ); const prevTargetSendButtonContainerOpen = new Value( initialSendButtonContainerOpen, ); const sendButtonClock = new Clock(); const sendButtonContainerOpen = block([ cond( neq( this.targetSendButtonContainerOpen, prevTargetSendButtonContainerOpen, ), [ stopClock(sendButtonClock), set( prevTargetSendButtonContainerOpen, this.targetSendButtonContainerOpen, ), ], ), cond( neq(this.sendButtonContainerOpen, this.targetSendButtonContainerOpen), set( this.sendButtonContainerOpen, runTiming( sendButtonClock, this.sendButtonContainerOpen, this.targetSendButtonContainerOpen, true, sendButtonAnimationConfig, ), ), ), this.sendButtonContainerOpen, ]); const sendButtonContainerWidth = interpolateNode(sendButtonContainerOpen, { inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [4, 38], }); this.sendButtonContainerStyle = { width: sendButtonContainerWidth }; } static mediaGalleryOpen(props: Props) { const { keyboardState } = props; return !!(keyboardState && keyboardState.mediaGalleryOpen); } static systemKeyboardShowing(props: Props) { const { keyboardState } = props; return !!(keyboardState && keyboardState.systemKeyboardShowing); } get systemKeyboardShowing() { return ChatInputBar.systemKeyboardShowing(this.props); } immediatelyShowSendButton() { this.sendButtonContainerOpen.setValue(1); this.targetSendButtonContainerOpen.setValue(1); } updateSendButton(currentText: string) { if (this.shouldShowTextInput) { this.targetSendButtonContainerOpen.setValue(currentText === '' ? 0 : 1); } else { this.setUpSendIconAnimations(); } } componentDidMount() { if (this.props.isActive) { - this.addReplyListener(); + this.addEditInputMessageListener(); } } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.props.isActive) { - this.removeReplyListener(); + this.removeEditInputMessageListener(); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props, prevState: State) { if ( this.state.textEdited && this.state.text && this.props.threadInfo.id !== prevProps.threadInfo.id ) { this.props.dispatch({ type: moveDraftActionType, payload: { oldKey: draftKeyFromThreadID(prevProps.threadInfo.id), newKey: draftKeyFromThreadID(this.props.threadInfo.id), }, }); } else if (!this.state.textEdited && this.props.draft !== prevProps.draft) { this.setState({ text: this.props.draft }); } if (this.props.isActive && !prevProps.isActive) { - this.addReplyListener(); + this.addEditInputMessageListener(); } else if (!this.props.isActive && prevProps.isActive) { - this.removeReplyListener(); + this.removeEditInputMessageListener(); } const currentText = trimMessage(this.state.text); const prevText = trimMessage(prevState.text); if ( (currentText === '' && prevText !== '') || (currentText !== '' && prevText === '') ) { this.updateSendButton(currentText); } const systemKeyboardIsShowing = ChatInputBar.systemKeyboardShowing( this.props, ); const systemKeyboardWasShowing = ChatInputBar.systemKeyboardShowing(prevProps); if (systemKeyboardIsShowing && !systemKeyboardWasShowing) { this.hideButtons(); } else if (!systemKeyboardIsShowing && systemKeyboardWasShowing) { this.expandButtons(); } const imageGalleryIsOpen = ChatInputBar.mediaGalleryOpen(this.props); const imageGalleryWasOpen = ChatInputBar.mediaGalleryOpen(prevProps); if (!imageGalleryIsOpen && imageGalleryWasOpen) { this.hideButtons(); } else if (imageGalleryIsOpen && !imageGalleryWasOpen) { this.expandButtons(); this.setIOSKeyboardHeight(); } } - addReplyListener() { + addEditInputMessageListener() { invariant( this.props.inputState, - 'inputState should be set in addReplyListener', + 'inputState should be set in addEditInputMessageListener', ); - this.props.inputState.addReplyListener(this.focusAndUpdateText); + this.props.inputState.addEditInputMessageListener(this.focusAndUpdateText); } - removeReplyListener() { + removeEditInputMessageListener() { invariant( this.props.inputState, - 'inputState should be set in removeReplyListener', + 'inputState should be set in removeEditInputMessageListener', + ); + this.props.inputState.removeEditInputMessageListener( + this.focusAndUpdateText, ); - this.props.inputState.removeReplyListener(this.focusAndUpdateText); } setIOSKeyboardHeight() { if (Platform.OS !== 'ios') { return; } const { textInput } = this; if (!textInput) { return; } const keyboardHeight = getKeyboardHeight(); if (keyboardHeight === null || keyboardHeight === undefined) { return; } TextInputKeyboardMangerIOS.setKeyboardHeight(textInput, keyboardHeight); } get shouldShowTextInput(): boolean { if (threadHasPermission(this.props.threadInfo, threadPermissions.VOICED)) { return true; } // If the thread is created by somebody else while the viewer is attempting // to create it, the threadInfo might be modified in-place // and won't list the viewer as a member, // which will end up hiding the input. // In this case, we will assume that our creation action // will get translated into a join, and as long // as members are voiced, we can show the input. if (!this.props.threadCreationInProgress) { return false; } return checkIfDefaultMembersAreVoiced(this.props.threadInfo); } render() { const isMember = viewerIsMember(this.props.threadInfo); const canJoin = threadHasPermission( this.props.threadInfo, threadPermissions.JOIN_THREAD, ); let joinButton = null; const threadColor = `#${this.props.threadInfo.color}`; if (!isMember && canJoin && !this.props.threadCreationInProgress) { let buttonContent; if (this.props.joinThreadLoadingStatus === 'loading') { buttonContent = ( ); } else { const textStyle = colorIsDark(this.props.threadInfo.color) ? this.props.styles.joinButtonTextLight : this.props.styles.joinButtonTextDark; buttonContent = ( Join Chat ); } joinButton = ( ); } const typeaheadRegexMatches = getTypeaheadRegexMatches( this.state.selectionState.text, this.state.selectionState.selection, nativeTypeaheadRegex, ); let typeaheadTooltip = null; if (typeaheadRegexMatches) { const typeaheadMatchedStrings = { textBeforeAtSymbol: typeaheadRegexMatches[1] ?? '', usernamePrefix: typeaheadRegexMatches[4] ?? '', }; const suggestedUsers = getTypeaheadUserSuggestions( this.props.userSearchIndex, this.props.mentionsCandidates, this.props.viewerID, typeaheadMatchedStrings.usernamePrefix, ); if (suggestedUsers.length > 0) { typeaheadTooltip = ( ); } } let content; const defaultMembersAreVoiced = checkIfDefaultMembersAreVoiced( this.props.threadInfo, ); if (this.shouldShowTextInput) { content = this.renderInput(); } else if ( threadFrozenDueToViewerBlock( this.props.threadInfo, this.props.viewerID, this.props.userInfos, ) && threadActualMembers(this.props.threadInfo.members).length === 2 ) { content = ( You can't send messages to a user that you've blocked. ); } else if (isMember) { content = ( You don't have permission to send messages. ); } else if (defaultMembersAreVoiced && canJoin) { content = null; } else { content = ( You don't have permission to send messages. ); } const keyboardInputHost = Platform.OS === 'android' ? null : ( ); let editedMessage; const isEditMode = this.isEditMode(); if (isEditMode && this.props.editedMessagePreview) { const { message } = this.props.editedMessagePreview; editedMessage = ( Editing message {message.text} ); } return ( {typeaheadTooltip} {joinButton} {editedMessage} {content} {keyboardInputHost} ); } renderInput() { const expandoButton = ( ); const threadColor = `#${this.props.threadInfo.color}`; return ( {this.state.buttonsExpanded ? expandoButton : null} {this.state.buttonsExpanded ? null : expandoButton} ); } textInputRef = (textInput: ?React.ElementRef) => { this.textInput = textInput; }; clearableTextInputRef = (clearableTextInput: ?ClearableTextInput) => { this.clearableTextInput = clearableTextInput; }; selectableTextInputRef = ( selectableTextInput: ?React.ElementRef, ) => { this.selectableTextInput = selectableTextInput; }; updateText = (text: string) => { this.setState({ text, textEdited: true }); this.saveDraft(text); }; updateSelectionState: (data: SyncedSelectionData) => void = data => { this.setState({ selectionState: data }); }; saveDraft = _throttle(text => { this.props.dispatch({ type: updateDraftActionType, payload: { key: draftKeyFromThreadID(this.props.threadInfo.id), text, }, }); }, 400); focusAndUpdateTextAndSelection = (text: string, selection: Selection) => { this.selectableTextInput?.prepareForSelectionMutation(text, selection); this.setState({ text, textEdited: true, selectionState: { text, selection }, }); this.saveDraft(text); this.focusAndUpdateButtonsVisibility(); }; - focusAndUpdateText = (text: string) => { + focusAndUpdateText = (params: EditInputBarMessageParameters) => { + const { message: text, mode } = params; const currentText = this.state.text; - if (!currentText.startsWith(text)) { + if (mode === 'replace') { + this.updateText(text); + } else if (!currentText.startsWith(text)) { const prependedText = text.concat(currentText); this.updateText(prependedText); } this.focusAndUpdateButtonsVisibility(); }; focusAndUpdateButtonsVisibility = () => { const { textInput } = this; if (!textInput) { return; } this.immediatelyShowSendButton(); this.immediatelyHideButtons(); textInput.focus(); }; onSend = async () => { if (!trimMessage(this.state.text)) { return; } this.updateSendButton(''); const { clearableTextInput } = this; invariant( clearableTextInput, 'clearableTextInput should be sent in onSend', ); let text = await clearableTextInput.getValueAndReset(); text = trimMessage(text); if (!text) { return; } const localID = `${localIDPrefix}${this.props.nextLocalID}`; const creatorID = this.props.viewerID; invariant(creatorID, 'should have viewer ID in order to send a message'); invariant( this.props.inputState, 'inputState should be set in ChatInputBar.onSend', ); this.props.inputState.sendTextMessage( { type: messageTypes.TEXT, localID, threadID: this.props.threadInfo.id, text, creatorID, time: Date.now(), }, this.props.threadInfo, this.props.parentThreadInfo, ); }; isEditMode = () => { const editState = this.props.inputState?.editState; return editState && editState.editedMessage !== null; }; onPressExitEditMode = () => { this.props.inputState?.setEditedMessage(null); }; onPressJoin = () => { this.props.dispatchActionPromise(joinThreadActionTypes, this.joinAction()); }; async joinAction() { const query = this.props.calendarQuery(); return await this.props.joinThread({ threadID: this.props.threadInfo.id, calendarQuery: { startDate: query.startDate, endDate: query.endDate, filters: [ ...query.filters, { type: 'threads', threadIDs: [this.props.threadInfo.id] }, ], }, }); } expandButtons = () => { if (this.state.buttonsExpanded) { return; } this.targetExpandoButtonsOpen.setValue(1); this.setState({ buttonsExpanded: true }); }; hideButtons() { if ( ChatInputBar.mediaGalleryOpen(this.props) || !this.systemKeyboardShowing || !this.state.buttonsExpanded ) { return; } this.targetExpandoButtonsOpen.setValue(0); this.setState({ buttonsExpanded: false }); } immediatelyHideButtons() { this.expandoButtonsOpen.setValue(0); this.targetExpandoButtonsOpen.setValue(0); this.setState({ buttonsExpanded: false }); } showMediaGallery = () => { const { keyboardState } = this.props; invariant(keyboardState, 'keyboardState should be initialized'); keyboardState.showMediaGallery(this.props.threadInfo); }; dismissKeyboard = () => { const { keyboardState } = this.props; keyboardState && keyboardState.dismissKeyboard(); }; } const unboundStyles = { cameraIcon: { paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 11 : 8, paddingRight: 5, }, cameraRollIcon: { paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 11 : 8, paddingRight: 5, }, container: { backgroundColor: 'listBackground', paddingLeft: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 10 : 5, }, expandButton: { bottom: 0, position: 'absolute', right: 0, }, expandIcon: { paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 13 : 11, paddingRight: 2, }, expandoButtons: { alignSelf: 'flex-end', }, explanation: { color: 'listBackgroundSecondaryLabel', paddingBottom: 4, paddingTop: 1, textAlign: 'center', }, innerExpandoButtons: { alignItems: 'flex-end', alignSelf: 'flex-end', flexDirection: 'row', }, inputContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', }, joinButton: { borderRadius: 8, flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', marginHorizontal: 12, marginVertical: 3, }, joinButtonContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', height: 48, marginBottom: 8, }, editView: { marginLeft: 20, marginRight: 20, padding: 10, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', }, editViewContent: { flex: 1, paddingRight: 6, }, exitEditButton: { marginTop: 6, }, editingLabel: { paddingBottom: 4, }, editingMessagePreview: { color: 'listForegroundLabel', }, joinButtonContent: { flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', }, joinButtonTextLight: { color: 'white', fontSize: 20, marginHorizontal: 4, }, joinButtonTextDark: { color: 'black', fontSize: 20, marginHorizontal: 4, }, joinThreadLoadingIndicator: { paddingVertical: 2, }, sendButton: { position: 'absolute', bottom: 4, left: 0, }, sendIcon: { paddingLeft: 9, paddingRight: 8, paddingVertical: 6, }, textInput: { backgroundColor: 'listInputBackground', borderRadius: 12, color: 'listForegroundLabel', fontSize: 16, marginLeft: 4, marginRight: 4, marginTop: 6, marginBottom: 8, maxHeight: 110, paddingHorizontal: 10, paddingVertical: 5, }, }; const joinThreadLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector( joinThreadActionTypes, ); const createThreadLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector(newThreadActionTypes); type ConnectedChatInputBarBaseProps = { ...BaseProps, +onInputBarLayout?: (event: LayoutEvent) => mixed, +openCamera: () => mixed, }; function ConnectedChatInputBarBase(props: ConnectedChatInputBarBaseProps) { const navContext = React.useContext(NavContext); const keyboardState = React.useContext(KeyboardContext); const inputState = React.useContext(InputStateContext); const viewerID = useSelector( state => state.currentUserInfo && state.currentUserInfo.id, ); const draft = useSelector( state => state.draftStore.drafts[draftKeyFromThreadID(props.threadInfo.id)] ?? '', ); const joinThreadLoadingStatus = useSelector(joinThreadLoadingStatusSelector); const createThreadLoadingStatus = useSelector( createThreadLoadingStatusSelector, ); const threadCreationInProgress = createThreadLoadingStatus === 'loading'; const calendarQuery = useSelector(state => nonThreadCalendarQuery({ redux: state, navContext, }), ); const nextLocalID = useSelector(state => state.nextLocalID); const userInfos = useSelector(state => state.userStore.userInfos); const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles); const colors = useColors(); const isActive = React.useMemo( () => props.threadInfo.id === activeThreadSelector(navContext), [props.threadInfo.id, navContext], ); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const dispatchActionPromise = useDispatchActionPromise(); const callJoinThread = useServerCall(joinThread); const userSearchIndex = useSelector(userStoreSearchIndex); const { parentThreadID } = props.threadInfo; const parentThreadInfo = useSelector(state => parentThreadID ? threadInfoSelector(state)[parentThreadID] : null, ); const mentionsCandidates = getMentionsCandidates( props.threadInfo, parentThreadInfo, ); const editedMessageInfo = inputState?.editState.editedMessage; const editedMessagePreview = useMessagePreview( editedMessageInfo, props.threadInfo, getDefaultTextMessageRules().simpleMarkdownRules, ); return ( ); } type DummyChatInputBarProps = { ...BaseProps, +onHeightMeasured: (height: number) => mixed, }; const noop = () => {}; function DummyChatInputBar(props: DummyChatInputBarProps): React.Node { const { onHeightMeasured, ...restProps } = props; const onInputBarLayout = React.useCallback( (event: LayoutEvent) => { const { height } = event.nativeEvent.layout; onHeightMeasured(height); }, [onHeightMeasured], ); return ( ); } type ChatInputBarProps = { ...BaseProps, +navigation: ChatNavigationProp<'MessageList'>, +route: NavigationRoute<'MessageList'>, }; const ConnectedChatInputBar: React.ComponentType = React.memo(function ConnectedChatInputBar( props: ChatInputBarProps, ) { const { navigation, route, ...restProps } = props; const keyboardState = React.useContext(KeyboardContext); const { threadInfo } = props; const imagePastedCallback = React.useCallback( imagePastedEvent => { if (threadInfo.id !== imagePastedEvent.threadID) { return; } const pastedImage: PhotoPaste = { step: 'photo_paste', dimensions: { height: imagePastedEvent.height, width: imagePastedEvent.width, }, filename: imagePastedEvent.fileName, uri: 'file://' + imagePastedEvent.filePath, selectTime: 0, sendTime: 0, retries: 0, }; navigation.navigate<'ImagePasteModal'>({ name: ImagePasteModalRouteName, params: { imagePasteStagingInfo: pastedImage, thread: threadInfo, }, }); }, [navigation, threadInfo], ); React.useEffect(() => { const imagePasteListener = NativeAppEventEmitter.addListener( 'imagePasted', imagePastedCallback, ); return () => imagePasteListener.remove(); }, [imagePastedCallback]); const chatContext = React.useContext(ChatContext); invariant(chatContext, 'should be set'); const { setChatInputBarHeight, deleteChatInputBarHeight } = chatContext; const onInputBarLayout = React.useCallback( (event: LayoutEvent) => { const { height } = event.nativeEvent.layout; setChatInputBarHeight(threadInfo.id, height); }, [threadInfo.id, setChatInputBarHeight], ); React.useEffect(() => { return () => { deleteChatInputBarHeight(threadInfo.id); }; }, [deleteChatInputBarHeight, threadInfo.id]); const openCamera = React.useCallback(() => { keyboardState?.dismissKeyboard(); navigation.navigate<'ChatCameraModal'>({ name: ChatCameraModalRouteName, params: { presentedFrom: route.key, thread: threadInfo, }, }); }, [keyboardState, navigation, route.key, threadInfo]); return ( ); }); export { ConnectedChatInputBar as ChatInputBar, DummyChatInputBar }; diff --git a/native/chat/composed-message.react.js b/native/chat/composed-message.react.js index 39254d22e..cf0c5cc6c 100644 --- a/native/chat/composed-message.react.js +++ b/native/chat/composed-message.react.js @@ -1,273 +1,276 @@ // @flow import Icon from '@expo/vector-icons/Feather.js'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'; import Animated from 'react-native-reanimated'; import { getMessageLabel } from 'lib/shared/edit-messages-utils.js'; import { createMessageReply } from 'lib/shared/message-utils.js'; import { assertComposableMessageType } from 'lib/types/message-types.js'; import { clusterEndHeight, composedMessageStyle, avatarOffset, } from './chat-constants.js'; import { useComposedMessageMaxWidth } from './composed-message-width.js'; import { FailedSend } from './failed-send.react.js'; import { InlineEngagement } from './inline-engagement.react.js'; import { MessageHeader } from './message-header.react.js'; import { useNavigateToSidebar } from './sidebar-navigation.js'; import SwipeableMessage from './swipeable-message.react.js'; import { useContentAndHeaderOpacity, useDeliveryIconOpacity } from './utils.js'; import UserAvatar from '../avatars/user-avatar.react.js'; import { type InputState, InputStateContext } from '../input/input-state.js'; import { type Colors, useColors } from '../themes/colors.js'; import type { ChatMessageInfoItemWithHeight } from '../types/chat-types.js'; import { type AnimatedStyleObj, AnimatedView } from '../types/styles.js'; import { useShouldRenderAvatars } from '../utils/avatar-utils.js'; /* eslint-disable import/no-named-as-default-member */ const { Node } = Animated; /* eslint-enable import/no-named-as-default-member */ type SwipeOptions = 'reply' | 'sidebar' | 'both' | 'none'; type BaseProps = { ...React.ElementConfig, +item: ChatMessageInfoItemWithHeight, +sendFailed: boolean, +focused: boolean, +swipeOptions: SwipeOptions, +children: React.Node, }; type Props = { ...BaseProps, // Redux state +composedMessageMaxWidth: number, +colors: Colors, +contentAndHeaderOpacity: number | Node, +deliveryIconOpacity: number | Node, // withInputState +inputState: ?InputState, +navigateToSidebar: () => mixed, +shouldRenderAvatars: boolean, }; class ComposedMessage extends React.PureComponent { render() { assertComposableMessageType(this.props.item.messageInfo.type); const { item, sendFailed, focused, swipeOptions, children, composedMessageMaxWidth, colors, inputState, navigateToSidebar, contentAndHeaderOpacity, deliveryIconOpacity, shouldRenderAvatars, ...viewProps } = this.props; const { id, creator } = item.messageInfo; const { hasBeenEdited } = item; const { isViewer } = creator; const alignStyle = isViewer ? styles.rightChatBubble : styles.leftChatBubble; let containerMarginBottom = 5; if (item.endsCluster) { containerMarginBottom += clusterEndHeight; } const containerStyle = [ styles.alignment, { marginBottom: containerMarginBottom }, ]; const swipeableMessageBoxStyle = [ styles.swipeableContainer, { maxWidth: composedMessageMaxWidth }, ]; const messageBoxStyleContainerStyle = [styles.messageBoxContainer]; const positioningStyle = isViewer ? { alignItems: 'flex-end' } : { alignItems: 'flex-start' }; messageBoxStyleContainerStyle.push(positioningStyle); let deliveryIcon = null; let failedSendInfo = null; if (isViewer) { let deliveryIconName; let deliveryIconColor = `#${item.threadInfo.color}`; if (id !== null && id !== undefined) { deliveryIconName = 'check-circle'; } else if (sendFailed) { deliveryIconName = 'x-circle'; deliveryIconColor = colors.redText; failedSendInfo = ; } else { deliveryIconName = 'circle'; } const animatedStyle: AnimatedStyleObj = { opacity: deliveryIconOpacity }; deliveryIcon = ( ); } const triggerReply = swipeOptions === 'reply' || swipeOptions === 'both' ? this.reply : undefined; const triggerSidebar = swipeOptions === 'sidebar' || swipeOptions === 'both' ? navigateToSidebar : undefined; let avatar; if (!isViewer && item.endsCluster && shouldRenderAvatars) { avatar = ( ); } else if (!isViewer && shouldRenderAvatars) { avatar = ; } const messageBox = ( {avatar} {children} ); let inlineEngagement = null; const label = getMessageLabel(hasBeenEdited, item.threadInfo); if ( item.threadCreatedFromMessage || Object.keys(item.reactions).length > 0 || label ) { const positioning = isViewer ? 'right' : 'left'; inlineEngagement = ( ); } return ( {deliveryIcon} {messageBox} {failedSendInfo} {inlineEngagement} ); } reply = () => { const { inputState, item } = this.props; invariant(inputState, 'inputState should be set in reply'); invariant(item.messageInfo.text, 'text should be set in reply'); - inputState.addReply(createMessageReply(item.messageInfo.text)); + inputState.editInputMessage({ + message: createMessageReply(item.messageInfo.text), + mode: 'prepend', + }); }; } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ alignment: { marginLeft: composedMessageStyle.marginLeft, marginRight: composedMessageStyle.marginRight, }, avatarContainer: { marginRight: 8, }, avatarOffset: { width: avatarOffset, }, content: { alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'row-reverse', }, icon: { fontSize: 16, textAlign: 'center', }, iconContainer: { marginLeft: 2, width: 16, }, leftChatBubble: { justifyContent: 'flex-end', }, messageBoxContainer: { flex: 1, marginRight: 5, }, rightChatBubble: { justifyContent: 'flex-start', }, swipeableContainer: { alignItems: 'flex-end', flexDirection: 'row', }, }); const ConnectedComposedMessage: React.ComponentType = React.memo(function ConnectedComposedMessage(props: BaseProps) { const composedMessageMaxWidth = useComposedMessageMaxWidth(); const colors = useColors(); const inputState = React.useContext(InputStateContext); const navigateToSidebar = useNavigateToSidebar(props.item); const contentAndHeaderOpacity = useContentAndHeaderOpacity(props.item); const deliveryIconOpacity = useDeliveryIconOpacity(props.item); const shouldRenderAvatars = useShouldRenderAvatars(); return ( ); }); export default ConnectedComposedMessage; diff --git a/native/chat/message-list-container.react.js b/native/chat/message-list-container.react.js index 05598301e..7c4d04003 100644 --- a/native/chat/message-list-container.react.js +++ b/native/chat/message-list-container.react.js @@ -1,375 +1,375 @@ // @flow import { useNavigationState } from '@react-navigation/native'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; import { View } from 'react-native'; import genesis from 'lib/facts/genesis.js'; import { threadInfoSelector } from 'lib/selectors/thread-selectors.js'; import { userInfoSelectorForPotentialMembers, userSearchIndexForPotentialMembers, } from 'lib/selectors/user-selectors.js'; import { getPotentialMemberItems } from 'lib/shared/search-utils.js'; import { useExistingThreadInfoFinder, pendingThreadType, } from 'lib/shared/thread-utils.js'; import type { ThreadInfo } from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; import type { AccountUserInfo, UserListItem } from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import { type MessagesMeasurer, useHeightMeasurer } from './chat-context.js'; import { ChatInputBar } from './chat-input-bar.react.js'; import type { ChatNavigationProp } from './chat.react.js'; import { type NativeChatMessageItem, useNativeMessageListData, } from './message-data.react.js'; import MessageListThreadSearch from './message-list-thread-search.react.js'; import { MessageListContextProvider } from './message-list-types.js'; import MessageList from './message-list.react.js'; import ParentThreadHeader from './parent-thread-header.react.js'; import ContentLoading from '../components/content-loading.react.js'; import { InputStateContext } from '../input/input-state.js'; import { OverlayContext, type OverlayContextType, } from '../navigation/overlay-context.js'; import type { NavigationRoute } from '../navigation/route-names.js'; import { ThreadSettingsRouteName } from '../navigation/route-names.js'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils.js'; import { type Colors, useColors, useStyles } from '../themes/colors.js'; import type { ChatMessageItemWithHeight } from '../types/chat-types.js'; type BaseProps = { +navigation: ChatNavigationProp<'MessageList'>, +route: NavigationRoute<'MessageList'>, }; type Props = { ...BaseProps, // Redux state +usernameInputText: string, +updateUsernameInput: (text: string) => void, +userInfoInputArray: $ReadOnlyArray, +updateTagInput: (items: $ReadOnlyArray) => void, +resolveToUser: (user: AccountUserInfo) => void, +otherUserInfos: { [id: string]: AccountUserInfo }, +userSearchResults: $ReadOnlyArray, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +genesisThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, +messageListData: ?$ReadOnlyArray, +colors: Colors, +styles: typeof unboundStyles, // withOverlayContext +overlayContext: ?OverlayContextType, +measureMessages: MessagesMeasurer, }; type State = { +listDataWithHeights: ?$ReadOnlyArray, }; class MessageListContainer extends React.PureComponent { state: State = { listDataWithHeights: null, }; pendingListDataWithHeights: ?$ReadOnlyArray; get frozen() { const { overlayContext } = this.props; invariant( overlayContext, 'MessageListContainer should have OverlayContext', ); return overlayContext.scrollBlockingModalStatus !== 'closed'; } setListData = ( listDataWithHeights: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => { this.setState({ listDataWithHeights }); }; componentDidMount() { this.props.measureMessages( this.props.messageListData, this.props.threadInfo, this.setListData, ); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const oldListData = prevProps.messageListData; const newListData = this.props.messageListData; if (!newListData && oldListData) { this.setState({ listDataWithHeights: null }); } if ( oldListData !== newListData || prevProps.threadInfo !== this.props.threadInfo || prevProps.measureMessages !== this.props.measureMessages ) { this.props.measureMessages( newListData, this.props.threadInfo, this.allHeightsMeasured, ); } if (!this.frozen && this.pendingListDataWithHeights) { this.setState({ listDataWithHeights: this.pendingListDataWithHeights }); this.pendingListDataWithHeights = undefined; } } render() { const { threadInfo, styles } = this.props; const { listDataWithHeights } = this.state; const { searching } = this.props.route.params; let searchComponent = null; if (searching) { const { userInfoInputArray, genesisThreadInfo } = this.props; // It's technically possible for the client to be missing the Genesis // ThreadInfo when it first opens up (before the server delivers it) let parentThreadHeader; if (genesisThreadInfo) { parentThreadHeader = ( ); } searchComponent = ( <> {parentThreadHeader} ); } const showMessageList = !searching || this.props.userInfoInputArray.length > 0; let messageList; if (showMessageList && listDataWithHeights) { messageList = ( ); } else if (showMessageList) { messageList = ( ); } const threadContentStyles = showMessageList ? [styles.threadContent] : [styles.hiddenThreadContent]; const pointerEvents = showMessageList ? 'auto' : 'none'; const threadContent = ( {messageList} ); return ( {searchComponent} {threadContent} ); } allHeightsMeasured = ( listDataWithHeights: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => { if (this.frozen) { this.pendingListDataWithHeights = listDataWithHeights; } else { this.setState({ listDataWithHeights }); } }; } const unboundStyles = { container: { backgroundColor: 'listBackground', flex: 1, }, threadContent: { flex: 1, }, hiddenThreadContent: { height: 0, opacity: 0, }, }; const ConnectedMessageListContainer: React.ComponentType = React.memo(function ConnectedMessageListContainer( props: BaseProps, ) { const [usernameInputText, setUsernameInputText] = React.useState(''); const [userInfoInputArray, setUserInfoInputArray] = React.useState< $ReadOnlyArray, >([]); const otherUserInfos = useSelector(userInfoSelectorForPotentialMembers); const userSearchIndex = useSelector(userSearchIndexForPotentialMembers); const userSearchResults = React.useMemo( () => getPotentialMemberItems( usernameInputText, otherUserInfos, userSearchIndex, userInfoInputArray.map(userInfo => userInfo.id), ), [usernameInputText, otherUserInfos, userSearchIndex, userInfoInputArray], ); const [baseThreadInfo, setBaseThreadInfo] = React.useState( props.route.params.threadInfo, ); const existingThreadInfoFinder = useExistingThreadInfoFinder(baseThreadInfo); const isSearching = !!props.route.params.searching; const threadInfo = React.useMemo( () => existingThreadInfoFinder({ searching: isSearching, userInfoInputArray, }), [existingThreadInfoFinder, isSearching, userInfoInputArray], ); invariant( threadInfo, 'threadInfo must be specified in messageListContainer', ); const inputState = React.useContext(InputStateContext); invariant(inputState, 'inputState should be set in MessageListContainer'); const isFocused = props.navigation.isFocused(); const { setPendingThreadUpdateHandler } = inputState; React.useEffect(() => { if (!isFocused) { return; } setPendingThreadUpdateHandler(threadInfo.id, setBaseThreadInfo); return () => { setPendingThreadUpdateHandler(threadInfo.id, undefined); }; }, [setPendingThreadUpdateHandler, isFocused, threadInfo.id]); const { setParams } = props.navigation; const navigationStack = useNavigationState(state => state.routes); React.useEffect(() => { const topRoute = navigationStack[navigationStack.length - 1]; if (topRoute?.name !== ThreadSettingsRouteName) { return; } setBaseThreadInfo(threadInfo); if (isSearching) { setParams({ searching: false }); } }, [isSearching, navigationStack, setParams, threadInfo]); const hideSearch = React.useCallback(() => { setBaseThreadInfo(threadInfo); setParams({ searching: false }); }, [setParams, threadInfo]); React.useEffect(() => { if (!isSearching) { return; } inputState.registerSendCallback(hideSearch); return () => inputState.unregisterSendCallback(hideSearch); }, [hideSearch, inputState, isSearching]); React.useEffect(() => { setParams({ threadInfo }); }, [setParams, threadInfo]); const updateTagInput = React.useCallback( (input: $ReadOnlyArray) => setUserInfoInputArray(input), [], ); const updateUsernameInput = React.useCallback( (text: string) => setUsernameInputText(text), [], ); - const { addReply } = inputState; + const { editInputMessage } = inputState; const resolveToUser = React.useCallback( (user: AccountUserInfo) => { const resolvedThreadInfo = existingThreadInfoFinder({ searching: true, userInfoInputArray: [user], }); invariant( resolvedThreadInfo, 'resolvedThreadInfo must be specified in messageListContainer', ); - addReply(''); + editInputMessage({ message: '', mode: 'prepend' }); setBaseThreadInfo(resolvedThreadInfo); setParams({ searching: false, threadInfo: resolvedThreadInfo }); }, - [setParams, existingThreadInfoFinder, addReply], + [existingThreadInfoFinder, editInputMessage, setParams], ); const messageListData = useNativeMessageListData({ searching: isSearching, userInfoInputArray, threadInfo, }); const colors = useColors(); const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles); const overlayContext = React.useContext(OverlayContext); const measureMessages = useHeightMeasurer(); const genesisThreadInfo = useSelector( state => threadInfoSelector(state)[genesis.id], ); return ( ); }); export default ConnectedMessageListContainer; diff --git a/native/chat/text-message-tooltip-modal.react.js b/native/chat/text-message-tooltip-modal.react.js index 25c04b585..c8d4b3dd1 100644 --- a/native/chat/text-message-tooltip-modal.react.js +++ b/native/chat/text-message-tooltip-modal.react.js @@ -1,133 +1,136 @@ // @flow import Clipboard from '@react-native-clipboard/clipboard'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; import { createMessageReply } from 'lib/shared/message-utils.js'; import { useOnPressReport } from './message-report-utils.js'; import { useAnimatedNavigateToSidebar } from './sidebar-navigation.js'; import TextMessageTooltipButton from './text-message-tooltip-button.react.js'; import CommIcon from '../components/comm-icon.react.js'; import SWMansionIcon from '../components/swmansion-icon.react.js'; import { InputStateContext } from '../input/input-state.js'; import { displayActionResultModal } from '../navigation/action-result-modal.js'; import { createTooltip, type TooltipParams, type BaseTooltipProps, type TooltipMenuProps, } from '../tooltip/tooltip.react.js'; import type { ChatTextMessageInfoItemWithHeight } from '../types/chat-types.js'; export type TextMessageTooltipModalParams = TooltipParams<{ +item: ChatTextMessageInfoItemWithHeight, }>; const confirmCopy = () => displayActionResultModal('copied!'); function TooltipMenu( props: TooltipMenuProps<'TextMessageTooltipModal'>, ): React.Node { const { route, tooltipItem: TooltipItem } = props; const inputState = React.useContext(InputStateContext); const { text } = route.params.item.messageInfo; const onPressReply = React.useCallback(() => { invariant( inputState, 'inputState should be set in TextMessageTooltipModal.onPressReply', ); - inputState.addReply(createMessageReply(text)); + inputState.editInputMessage({ + message: createMessageReply(text), + mode: 'prepend', + }); }, [inputState, text]); const renderReplyIcon = React.useCallback( style => , [], ); const onPressSidebar = useAnimatedNavigateToSidebar(route.params.item); const renderSidebarIcon = React.useCallback( style => ( ), [], ); const { messageInfo } = route.params.item; const onPressEdit = React.useCallback(() => { invariant( inputState, 'inputState should be set in TextMessageTooltipModal.onPressEdit', ); inputState.setEditedMessage(messageInfo); }, [inputState, messageInfo]); const renderEditIcon = React.useCallback( style => , [], ); const onPressCopy = React.useCallback(() => { Clipboard.setString(text); setTimeout(confirmCopy); }, [text]); const renderCopyIcon = React.useCallback( style => , [], ); const onPressReport = useOnPressReport(route); const renderReportIcon = React.useCallback( style => , [], ); return ( <> ); } const TextMessageTooltipModal: React.ComponentType< BaseTooltipProps<'TextMessageTooltipModal'>, > = createTooltip<'TextMessageTooltipModal'>( TextMessageTooltipButton, TooltipMenu, ); export default TextMessageTooltipModal; diff --git a/native/input/input-state-container.react.js b/native/input/input-state-container.react.js index a50f2a7b1..02f6b69e5 100644 --- a/native/input/input-state-container.react.js +++ b/native/input/input-state-container.react.js @@ -1,1625 +1,1634 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Platform } from 'react-native'; import * as Upload from 'react-native-background-upload'; import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import { createLocalMessageActionType, sendMultimediaMessageActionTypes, sendMultimediaMessage, sendTextMessageActionTypes, sendTextMessage, } from 'lib/actions/message-actions.js'; import { queueReportsActionType } from 'lib/actions/report-actions.js'; import { newThread } from 'lib/actions/thread-actions.js'; import { uploadMultimedia, updateMultimediaMessageMediaActionType, type MultimediaUploadCallbacks, type MultimediaUploadExtras, } from 'lib/actions/upload-actions.js'; import commStaffCommunity from 'lib/facts/comm-staff-community.js'; import { pathFromURI, replaceExtension } from 'lib/media/file-utils.js'; import { isLocalUploadID, getNextLocalUploadID, } from 'lib/media/media-utils.js'; import { videoDurationLimit } from 'lib/media/video-utils.js'; import { createLoadingStatusSelector, combineLoadingStatuses, } from 'lib/selectors/loading-selectors.js'; import { createMediaMessageInfo, localIDPrefix, useMessageCreationSideEffectsFunc, } from 'lib/shared/message-utils.js'; import type { CreationSideEffectsFunc } from 'lib/shared/messages/message-spec.js'; import { createRealThreadFromPendingThread, threadIsPending, threadIsPendingSidebar, patchThreadInfoToIncludeMentionedMembersOfParent, threadInfoInsideCommunity, } from 'lib/shared/thread-utils.js'; import type { CalendarQuery } from 'lib/types/entry-types.js'; import type { UploadMultimediaResult, Media, NativeMediaSelection, MediaMissionResult, MediaMission, } from 'lib/types/media-types.js'; import { messageTypes, type RawMessageInfo, type RawMultimediaMessageInfo, type SendMessageResult, type SendMessagePayload, type MessageInfo, } from 'lib/types/message-types.js'; import type { RawImagesMessageInfo } from 'lib/types/messages/images.js'; import type { MediaMessageServerDBContent, RawMediaMessageInfo, } from 'lib/types/messages/media.js'; import { getMediaMessageServerDBContentsFromMedia } from 'lib/types/messages/media.js'; import type { RawTextMessageInfo } from 'lib/types/messages/text.js'; import type { Dispatch } from 'lib/types/redux-types.js'; import { type MediaMissionReportCreationRequest, reportTypes, } from 'lib/types/report-types.js'; import { type ClientNewThreadRequest, type NewThreadResult, type ThreadInfo, threadTypes, } from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; import { type DispatchActionPromise, useServerCall, useDispatchActionPromise, } from 'lib/utils/action-utils.js'; import type { CallServerEndpointOptions, CallServerEndpointResponse, } from 'lib/utils/call-server-endpoint.js'; import { getConfig } from 'lib/utils/config.js'; import { getMessageForException, cloneError } from 'lib/utils/errors.js'; import { values } from 'lib/utils/objects.js'; import { useIsReportEnabled } from 'lib/utils/report-utils.js'; import { + type EditInputBarMessageParameters, type EditState, InputStateContext, type PendingMultimediaUploads, type MultimediaProcessingStep, } from './input-state.js'; import { encryptMedia } from '../media/encryption-utils.js'; import { disposeTempFile } from '../media/file-utils.js'; import { processMedia } from '../media/media-utils.js'; import { displayActionResultModal } from '../navigation/action-result-modal.js'; import { useCalendarQuery } from '../navigation/nav-selectors.js'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils.js'; import { useStaffCanSee } from '../utils/staff-utils.js'; type MediaIDs = | { +type: 'photo', +localMediaID: string } | { +type: 'video', +localMediaID: string, +localThumbnailID: string }; type UploadFileInput = { +selection: NativeMediaSelection, +ids: MediaIDs, }; type CompletedUploads = { +[localMessageID: string]: ?Set }; type BaseProps = { +children: React.Node, }; type Props = { ...BaseProps, +viewerID: ?string, +nextLocalID: number, +messageStoreMessages: { +[id: string]: RawMessageInfo }, +ongoingMessageCreation: boolean, +hasWiFi: boolean, +mediaReportsEnabled: boolean, +calendarQuery: () => CalendarQuery, +dispatch: Dispatch, +staffCanSee: boolean, +dispatchActionPromise: DispatchActionPromise, +uploadMultimedia: ( multimedia: Object, extras: MultimediaUploadExtras, callbacks: MultimediaUploadCallbacks, ) => Promise, +sendMultimediaMessage: ( threadID: string, localID: string, mediaMessageContents: $ReadOnlyArray, sidebarCreation?: boolean, ) => Promise, +sendTextMessage: ( threadID: string, localID: string, text: string, sidebarCreation?: boolean, ) => Promise, +newThread: (request: ClientNewThreadRequest) => Promise, +textMessageCreationSideEffectsFunc: CreationSideEffectsFunc, }; type State = { +pendingUploads: PendingMultimediaUploads, +editState: EditState, }; class InputStateContainer extends React.PureComponent { state: State = { pendingUploads: {}, editState: { editedMessage: null, }, }; sendCallbacks: Array<() => void> = []; activeURIs = new Map(); - replyCallbacks: Array<(message: string) => void> = []; + editInputBarCallbacks: Array< + (params: EditInputBarMessageParameters) => void, + > = []; pendingThreadCreations = new Map>(); pendingThreadUpdateHandlers = new Map mixed>(); // When the user sends a multimedia message that triggers the creation of a // sidebar, the sidebar gets created right away, but the message needs to wait // for the uploads to complete before sending. We use this Set to track the // message localIDs that need sidebarCreation: true. pendingSidebarCreationMessageLocalIDs = new Set(); static getCompletedUploads(props: Props, state: State): CompletedUploads { const completedUploads = {}; for (const localMessageID in state.pendingUploads) { const messagePendingUploads = state.pendingUploads[localMessageID]; const rawMessageInfo = props.messageStoreMessages[localMessageID]; if (!rawMessageInfo) { continue; } invariant( rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.IMAGES || rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA, `rawMessageInfo ${localMessageID} should be multimedia`, ); let allUploadsComplete = true; const completedUploadIDs = new Set(Object.keys(messagePendingUploads)); for (const singleMedia of rawMessageInfo.media) { if (isLocalUploadID(singleMedia.id)) { allUploadsComplete = false; completedUploadIDs.delete(singleMedia.id); } } if (allUploadsComplete) { completedUploads[localMessageID] = null; } else if (completedUploadIDs.size > 0) { completedUploads[localMessageID] = completedUploadIDs; } } return completedUploads; } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props, prevState: State) { if (this.props.viewerID !== prevProps.viewerID) { this.setState({ pendingUploads: {} }); return; } const currentlyComplete = InputStateContainer.getCompletedUploads( this.props, this.state, ); const previouslyComplete = InputStateContainer.getCompletedUploads( prevProps, prevState, ); const newPendingUploads = {}; let pendingUploadsChanged = false; const readyMessageIDs = []; for (const localMessageID in this.state.pendingUploads) { const messagePendingUploads = this.state.pendingUploads[localMessageID]; const prevRawMessageInfo = prevProps.messageStoreMessages[localMessageID]; const rawMessageInfo = this.props.messageStoreMessages[localMessageID]; const completedUploadIDs = currentlyComplete[localMessageID]; const previouslyCompletedUploadIDs = previouslyComplete[localMessageID]; if (!rawMessageInfo && prevRawMessageInfo) { pendingUploadsChanged = true; continue; } else if (completedUploadIDs === null) { // All of this message's uploads have been completed newPendingUploads[localMessageID] = {}; if (previouslyCompletedUploadIDs !== null) { readyMessageIDs.push(localMessageID); pendingUploadsChanged = true; } continue; } else if (!completedUploadIDs) { // Nothing has been completed newPendingUploads[localMessageID] = messagePendingUploads; continue; } const newUploads = {}; let uploadsChanged = false; for (const localUploadID in messagePendingUploads) { if (!completedUploadIDs.has(localUploadID)) { newUploads[localUploadID] = messagePendingUploads[localUploadID]; } else if ( !previouslyCompletedUploadIDs || !previouslyCompletedUploadIDs.has(localUploadID) ) { uploadsChanged = true; } } if (uploadsChanged) { pendingUploadsChanged = true; newPendingUploads[localMessageID] = newUploads; } else { newPendingUploads[localMessageID] = messagePendingUploads; } } if (pendingUploadsChanged) { this.setState({ pendingUploads: newPendingUploads }); } for (const localMessageID of readyMessageIDs) { const rawMessageInfo = this.props.messageStoreMessages[localMessageID]; if (!rawMessageInfo) { continue; } invariant( rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.IMAGES || rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA, `rawMessageInfo ${localMessageID} should be multimedia`, ); this.dispatchMultimediaMessageAction(rawMessageInfo); } } async dispatchMultimediaMessageAction(messageInfo: RawMultimediaMessageInfo) { if (!threadIsPending(messageInfo.threadID)) { this.props.dispatchActionPromise( sendMultimediaMessageActionTypes, this.sendMultimediaMessageAction(messageInfo), undefined, messageInfo, ); return; } this.props.dispatch({ type: sendMultimediaMessageActionTypes.started, payload: messageInfo, }); let newThreadID = null; try { const threadCreationPromise = this.pendingThreadCreations.get( messageInfo.threadID, ); if (!threadCreationPromise) { // When we create or retry multimedia message, we add a promise to // pendingThreadCreations map. This promise can be removed in // sendMultimediaMessage and sendTextMessage methods. When any of these // method remove the promise, it has to be settled. If the promise was // fulfilled, this method would be called with realized thread, so we // can conclude that the promise was rejected. We don't have enough info // here to retry the thread creation, but we can mark the message as // failed. Then the retry will be possible and promise will be created // again. throw new Error('Thread creation failed'); } newThreadID = await threadCreationPromise; } catch (e) { const copy = cloneError(e); copy.localID = messageInfo.localID; copy.threadID = messageInfo.threadID; this.props.dispatch({ type: sendMultimediaMessageActionTypes.failed, payload: copy, error: true, }); return; } finally { this.pendingThreadCreations.delete(messageInfo.threadID); } const newMessageInfo = { ...messageInfo, threadID: newThreadID, time: Date.now(), }; this.props.dispatchActionPromise( sendMultimediaMessageActionTypes, this.sendMultimediaMessageAction(newMessageInfo), undefined, newMessageInfo, ); } async sendMultimediaMessageAction( messageInfo: RawMultimediaMessageInfo, ): Promise { const { localID, threadID } = messageInfo; invariant( localID !== null && localID !== undefined, 'localID should be set', ); const sidebarCreation = this.pendingSidebarCreationMessageLocalIDs.has(localID); const mediaMessageContents = getMediaMessageServerDBContentsFromMedia( messageInfo.media, ); try { const result = await this.props.sendMultimediaMessage( threadID, localID, mediaMessageContents, sidebarCreation, ); this.pendingSidebarCreationMessageLocalIDs.delete(localID); return { localID, serverID: result.id, threadID, time: result.time, interface: result.interface, }; } catch (e) { const copy = cloneError(e); copy.localID = localID; copy.threadID = threadID; throw copy; } } inputStateSelector = createSelector( (state: State) => state.pendingUploads, (state: State) => state.editState, (pendingUploads: PendingMultimediaUploads, editState: EditState) => ({ pendingUploads, sendTextMessage: this.sendTextMessage, sendMultimediaMessage: this.sendMultimediaMessage, - addReply: this.addReply, - addReplyListener: this.addReplyListener, - removeReplyListener: this.removeReplyListener, + editInputMessage: this.editInputMessage, + addEditInputMessageListener: this.addEditInputMessageListener, + removeEditInputMessageListener: this.removeEditInputMessageListener, messageHasUploadFailure: this.messageHasUploadFailure, retryMessage: this.retryMessage, registerSendCallback: this.registerSendCallback, unregisterSendCallback: this.unregisterSendCallback, uploadInProgress: this.uploadInProgress, reportURIDisplayed: this.reportURIDisplayed, setPendingThreadUpdateHandler: this.setPendingThreadUpdateHandler, editState, setEditedMessage: this.setEditedMessage, }), ); uploadInProgress = () => { if (this.props.ongoingMessageCreation) { return true; } const { pendingUploads } = this.state; return values(pendingUploads).some(messagePendingUploads => values(messagePendingUploads).some(upload => !upload.failed), ); }; sendTextMessage = async ( messageInfo: RawTextMessageInfo, inputThreadInfo: ThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, ) => { this.sendCallbacks.forEach(callback => callback()); const { localID } = messageInfo; invariant( localID !== null && localID !== undefined, 'localID should be set', ); if (threadIsPendingSidebar(inputThreadInfo.id)) { this.pendingSidebarCreationMessageLocalIDs.add(localID); } if (!threadIsPending(inputThreadInfo.id)) { this.props.dispatchActionPromise( sendTextMessageActionTypes, this.sendTextMessageAction( messageInfo, inputThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo, ), undefined, messageInfo, ); return; } this.props.dispatch({ type: sendTextMessageActionTypes.started, payload: messageInfo, }); let threadInfo = inputThreadInfo; const { viewerID } = this.props; if (viewerID && inputThreadInfo.type === threadTypes.SIDEBAR) { invariant(parentThreadInfo, 'sidebar should have parent'); threadInfo = patchThreadInfoToIncludeMentionedMembersOfParent( inputThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo, messageInfo.text, viewerID, ); if (threadInfo !== inputThreadInfo) { const pendingThreadUpdateHandler = this.pendingThreadUpdateHandlers.get( threadInfo.id, ); pendingThreadUpdateHandler?.(threadInfo); } } let newThreadID = null; try { newThreadID = await this.startThreadCreation(threadInfo); } catch (e) { const copy = cloneError(e); copy.localID = messageInfo.localID; copy.threadID = messageInfo.threadID; this.props.dispatch({ type: sendTextMessageActionTypes.failed, payload: copy, error: true, }); return; } finally { this.pendingThreadCreations.delete(threadInfo.id); } const newMessageInfo = { ...messageInfo, threadID: newThreadID, time: Date.now(), }; const newThreadInfo = { ...threadInfo, id: newThreadID, }; this.props.dispatchActionPromise( sendTextMessageActionTypes, this.sendTextMessageAction( newMessageInfo, newThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo, ), undefined, newMessageInfo, ); }; startThreadCreation(threadInfo: ThreadInfo): Promise { if (!threadIsPending(threadInfo.id)) { return Promise.resolve(threadInfo.id); } let threadCreationPromise = this.pendingThreadCreations.get(threadInfo.id); if (!threadCreationPromise) { const calendarQuery = this.props.calendarQuery(); threadCreationPromise = createRealThreadFromPendingThread({ threadInfo, dispatchActionPromise: this.props.dispatchActionPromise, createNewThread: this.props.newThread, sourceMessageID: threadInfo.sourceMessageID, viewerID: this.props.viewerID, calendarQuery, }); this.pendingThreadCreations.set(threadInfo.id, threadCreationPromise); } return threadCreationPromise; } async sendTextMessageAction( messageInfo: RawTextMessageInfo, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, ): Promise { try { await this.props.textMessageCreationSideEffectsFunc( messageInfo, threadInfo, parentThreadInfo, ); const { localID } = messageInfo; invariant( localID !== null && localID !== undefined, 'localID should be set', ); const sidebarCreation = this.pendingSidebarCreationMessageLocalIDs.has(localID); const result = await this.props.sendTextMessage( messageInfo.threadID, localID, messageInfo.text, sidebarCreation, ); this.pendingSidebarCreationMessageLocalIDs.delete(localID); return { localID, serverID: result.id, threadID: messageInfo.threadID, time: result.time, interface: result.interface, }; } catch (e) { const copy = cloneError(e); copy.localID = messageInfo.localID; copy.threadID = messageInfo.threadID; throw copy; } } shouldEncryptMedia(threadInfo: ThreadInfo): boolean { return threadInfoInsideCommunity(threadInfo, commStaffCommunity.id); } sendMultimediaMessage = async ( selections: $ReadOnlyArray, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, ) => { this.sendCallbacks.forEach(callback => callback()); const localMessageID = `${localIDPrefix}${this.props.nextLocalID}`; this.startThreadCreation(threadInfo); if (threadIsPendingSidebar(threadInfo.id)) { this.pendingSidebarCreationMessageLocalIDs.add(localMessageID); } const uploadFileInputs = [], media = []; for (const selection of selections) { const localMediaID = getNextLocalUploadID(); let ids; if ( selection.step === 'photo_library' || selection.step === 'photo_capture' || selection.step === 'photo_paste' ) { media.push({ id: localMediaID, uri: selection.uri, type: 'photo', dimensions: selection.dimensions, localMediaSelection: selection, }); ids = { type: 'photo', localMediaID }; } const localThumbnailID = getNextLocalUploadID(); if (selection.step === 'video_library') { media.push({ id: localMediaID, uri: selection.uri, type: 'video', dimensions: selection.dimensions, localMediaSelection: selection, loop: false, thumbnailID: localThumbnailID, thumbnailURI: selection.uri, }); ids = { type: 'video', localMediaID, localThumbnailID }; } invariant(ids, `unexpected MediaSelection ${selection.step}`); uploadFileInputs.push({ selection, ids }); } const pendingUploads = {}; for (const uploadFileInput of uploadFileInputs) { const { localMediaID } = uploadFileInput.ids; pendingUploads[localMediaID] = { failed: false, progressPercent: 0, processingStep: null, }; if (uploadFileInput.ids.type === 'video') { const { localThumbnailID } = uploadFileInput.ids; pendingUploads[localThumbnailID] = { failed: false, progressPercent: 0, processingStep: null, }; } } this.setState( prevState => { return { pendingUploads: { ...prevState.pendingUploads, [localMessageID]: pendingUploads, }, }; }, () => { const creatorID = this.props.viewerID; invariant(creatorID, 'need viewer ID in order to send a message'); const messageInfo = createMediaMessageInfo( { localID: localMessageID, threadID: threadInfo.id, creatorID, media, }, { forceMultimediaMessageType: this.shouldEncryptMedia(threadInfo) }, ); this.props.dispatch({ type: createLocalMessageActionType, payload: messageInfo, }); }, ); await this.uploadFiles(localMessageID, uploadFileInputs, threadInfo); }; async uploadFiles( localMessageID: string, uploadFileInputs: $ReadOnlyArray, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, ) { const results = await Promise.all( uploadFileInputs.map(uploadFileInput => this.uploadFile(localMessageID, uploadFileInput, threadInfo), ), ); const errors = [...new Set(results.filter(Boolean))]; if (errors.length > 0) { displayActionResultModal(errors.join(', ') + ' :('); } } async uploadFile( localMessageID: string, uploadFileInput: UploadFileInput, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, ): Promise { const { ids, selection } = uploadFileInput; const { localMediaID } = ids; const start = selection.sendTime; const steps = [selection]; let serverID; let userTime; let errorMessage; let reportPromise; const filesToDispose = []; const onUploadFinished = async (result: MediaMissionResult) => { if (!this.props.mediaReportsEnabled) { return errorMessage; } if (reportPromise) { const finalSteps = await reportPromise; steps.push(...finalSteps); } const totalTime = Date.now() - start; userTime = userTime ? userTime : totalTime; this.queueMediaMissionReport( { localID: localMediaID, localMessageID, serverID }, { steps, result, totalTime, userTime }, ); return errorMessage; }; const onUploadFailed = (mediaID: string, message: string) => { errorMessage = message; this.handleUploadFailure(localMessageID, mediaID); userTime = Date.now() - start; }; const onTranscodingProgress = (percent: number) => { this.setProgress(localMessageID, localMediaID, 'transcoding', percent); }; let processedMedia; const processingStart = Date.now(); try { const processMediaReturn = processMedia(selection, { hasWiFi: this.props.hasWiFi, finalFileHeaderCheck: this.props.staffCanSee, onTranscodingProgress, }); reportPromise = processMediaReturn.reportPromise; const processResult = await processMediaReturn.resultPromise; if (!processResult.success) { const message = processResult.reason === 'video_too_long' ? `can't do vids longer than ${videoDurationLimit}min` : 'processing failed'; onUploadFailed(localMediaID, message); return await onUploadFinished(processResult); } if (processResult.shouldDisposePath) { filesToDispose.push(processResult.shouldDisposePath); } processedMedia = processResult; } catch (e) { onUploadFailed(localMediaID, 'processing failed'); return await onUploadFinished({ success: false, reason: 'processing_exception', time: Date.now() - processingStart, exceptionMessage: getMessageForException(e), }); } let encryptionSteps = []; if (this.shouldEncryptMedia(threadInfo)) { const encryptionStart = Date.now(); try { const { result: encryptionResult, ...encryptionReturn } = await encryptMedia(processedMedia); encryptionSteps = encryptionReturn.steps; if (!encryptionResult.success) { onUploadFailed(localMediaID, encryptionResult.reason); return await onUploadFinished(encryptionResult); } if (encryptionResult.shouldDisposePath) { filesToDispose.push(encryptionResult.shouldDisposePath); } processedMedia = encryptionResult; } catch (e) { onUploadFailed(localMediaID, 'encryption failed'); return await onUploadFinished({ success: false, reason: 'encryption_exception', time: Date.now() - encryptionStart, exceptionMessage: getMessageForException(e), }); } } const { uploadURI, filename, mime } = processedMedia; const { hasWiFi } = this.props; const uploadStart = Date.now(); let uploadExceptionMessage, uploadResult, uploadThumbnailResult, mediaMissionResult; try { const uploadPromises = []; uploadPromises.push( this.props.uploadMultimedia( { uri: uploadURI, name: filename, type: mime }, { ...processedMedia.dimensions, loop: processedMedia.mediaType === 'video' || processedMedia.mediaType === 'encrypted_video' ? processedMedia.loop : undefined, encryptionKey: processedMedia.encryptionKey, }, { onProgress: (percent: number) => this.setProgress( localMessageID, localMediaID, 'uploading', percent, ), uploadBlob: this.uploadBlob, }, ), ); if ( processedMedia.mediaType === 'video' || processedMedia.mediaType === 'encrypted_video' ) { uploadPromises.push( this.props.uploadMultimedia( { uri: processedMedia.uploadThumbnailURI, name: replaceExtension(`thumb${filename}`, 'jpg'), type: 'image/jpeg', }, { ...processedMedia.dimensions, loop: false, encryptionKey: processedMedia.thumbnailEncryptionKey, }, { uploadBlob: this.uploadBlob, }, ), ); } [uploadResult, uploadThumbnailResult] = await Promise.all(uploadPromises); mediaMissionResult = { success: true }; } catch (e) { uploadExceptionMessage = getMessageForException(e); onUploadFailed(localMediaID, 'upload failed'); mediaMissionResult = { success: false, reason: 'http_upload_failed', exceptionMessage: uploadExceptionMessage, }; } if ( ((processedMedia.mediaType === 'photo' || processedMedia.mediaType === 'encrypted_photo') && uploadResult) || ((processedMedia.mediaType === 'video' || processedMedia.mediaType === 'encrypted_video') && uploadResult && uploadThumbnailResult) ) { const { encryptionKey } = processedMedia; const { id, uri, dimensions, loop } = uploadResult; serverID = id; const mediaSourcePayload = processedMedia.mediaType === 'encrypted_photo' || processedMedia.mediaType === 'encrypted_video' ? { type: processedMedia.mediaType, holder: uri, encryptionKey, } : { type: uploadResult.mediaType, uri, }; let updateMediaPayload = { messageID: localMessageID, currentMediaID: localMediaID, mediaUpdate: { id, ...mediaSourcePayload, dimensions, localMediaSelection: undefined, loop: uploadResult.mediaType === 'video' ? loop : undefined, }, }; if ( processedMedia.mediaType === 'video' || processedMedia.mediaType === 'encrypted_video' ) { invariant(uploadThumbnailResult, 'uploadThumbnailResult exists'); const { uri: thumbnailURI, id: thumbnailID } = uploadThumbnailResult; const { thumbnailEncryptionKey } = processedMedia; if (processedMedia.mediaType === 'encrypted_video') { updateMediaPayload = { ...updateMediaPayload, mediaUpdate: { ...updateMediaPayload.mediaUpdate, thumbnailID, thumbnailHolder: thumbnailURI, thumbnailEncryptionKey, }, }; } else { updateMediaPayload = { ...updateMediaPayload, mediaUpdate: { ...updateMediaPayload.mediaUpdate, thumbnailID, thumbnailURI, }, }; } } // When we dispatch this action, it updates Redux and triggers the // componentDidUpdate in this class. componentDidUpdate will handle // calling dispatchMultimediaMessageAction once all the uploads are // complete, and does not wait until this function concludes. this.props.dispatch({ type: updateMultimediaMessageMediaActionType, payload: updateMediaPayload, }); userTime = Date.now() - start; } const processSteps = await reportPromise; reportPromise = null; steps.push(...processSteps); steps.push(...encryptionSteps); steps.push({ step: 'upload', success: !!uploadResult, exceptionMessage: uploadExceptionMessage, time: Date.now() - uploadStart, inputFilename: filename, outputMediaType: uploadResult && uploadResult.mediaType, outputURI: uploadResult && uploadResult.uri, outputDimensions: uploadResult && uploadResult.dimensions, outputLoop: uploadResult && uploadResult.loop, hasWiFi, }); const cleanupPromises = []; if (filesToDispose.length > 0) { // If processMedia needed to do any transcoding before upload, we dispose // of the resultant temporary file here. Since the transcoded temporary // file is only used for upload, we can dispose of it after processMedia // (reportPromise) and the upload are complete filesToDispose.forEach(shouldDisposePath => { cleanupPromises.push( (async () => { const disposeStep = await disposeTempFile(shouldDisposePath); steps.push(disposeStep); })(), ); }); } // if there's a thumbnail we'll temporarily unlink it here // instead of in media-utils, will be changed in later diffs if (processedMedia.mediaType === 'video') { const { uploadThumbnailURI } = processedMedia; cleanupPromises.push( (async () => { const { steps: clearSteps, result: thumbnailPath } = await this.waitForCaptureURIUnload(uploadThumbnailURI); steps.push(...clearSteps); if (!thumbnailPath) { return; } const disposeStep = await disposeTempFile(thumbnailPath); steps.push(disposeStep); })(), ); } if (selection.captureTime || selection.step === 'photo_paste') { // If we are uploading a newly captured photo, we dispose of the original // file here. Note that we try to save photo captures to the camera roll // if we have permission. Even if we fail, this temporary file isn't // visible to the user, so there's no point in keeping it around. Since // the initial URI is used in rendering paths, we have to wait for it to // be replaced with the remote URI before we can dispose. Check out the // Multimedia component to see how the URIs get switched out. const captureURI = selection.uri; cleanupPromises.push( (async () => { const { steps: clearSteps, result: capturePath } = await this.waitForCaptureURIUnload(captureURI); steps.push(...clearSteps); if (!capturePath) { return; } const disposeStep = await disposeTempFile(capturePath); steps.push(disposeStep); })(), ); } await Promise.all(cleanupPromises); return await onUploadFinished(mediaMissionResult); } setProgress( localMessageID: string, localUploadID: string, processingStep: MultimediaProcessingStep, progressPercent: number, ) { this.setState(prevState => { const pendingUploads = prevState.pendingUploads[localMessageID]; if (!pendingUploads) { return {}; } const pendingUpload = pendingUploads[localUploadID]; if (!pendingUpload) { return {}; } const newOutOfHundred = Math.floor(progressPercent * 100); const oldOutOfHundred = Math.floor(pendingUpload.progressPercent * 100); if (newOutOfHundred === oldOutOfHundred) { return {}; } const newPendingUploads = { ...pendingUploads, [localUploadID]: { ...pendingUpload, progressPercent, processingStep, }, }; return { pendingUploads: { ...prevState.pendingUploads, [localMessageID]: newPendingUploads, }, }; }); } uploadBlob = async ( url: string, cookie: ?string, sessionID: ?string, input: { [key: string]: mixed }, options?: ?CallServerEndpointOptions, ): Promise => { invariant( cookie && input.multimedia && Array.isArray(input.multimedia) && input.multimedia.length === 1 && input.multimedia[0] && typeof input.multimedia[0] === 'object', 'InputStateContainer.uploadBlob sent incorrect input', ); const { uri, name, type } = input.multimedia[0]; invariant( typeof uri === 'string' && typeof name === 'string' && typeof type === 'string', 'InputStateContainer.uploadBlob sent incorrect input', ); const parameters = {}; parameters.cookie = cookie; parameters.filename = name; for (const key in input) { if ( key === 'multimedia' || key === 'cookie' || key === 'sessionID' || key === 'filename' ) { continue; } const value = input[key]; invariant( typeof value === 'string', 'blobUpload calls can only handle string values for non-multimedia keys', ); parameters[key] = value; } let path = uri; if (Platform.OS === 'android') { const resolvedPath = pathFromURI(uri); if (resolvedPath) { path = resolvedPath; } } const uploadID = await Upload.startUpload({ url, path, type: 'multipart', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', }, field: 'multimedia', parameters, }); if (options && options.abortHandler) { options.abortHandler(() => { Upload.cancelUpload(uploadID); }); } return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Upload.addListener('error', uploadID, data => { reject(data.error); }); Upload.addListener('cancelled', uploadID, () => { reject(new Error('request aborted')); }); Upload.addListener('completed', uploadID, data => { try { resolve(JSON.parse(data.responseBody)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); if (options && options.onProgress) { const { onProgress } = options; Upload.addListener('progress', uploadID, data => onProgress(data.progress / 100), ); } }); }; handleUploadFailure(localMessageID: string, localUploadID: string) { this.setState(prevState => { const uploads = prevState.pendingUploads[localMessageID]; const upload = uploads[localUploadID]; if (!upload) { // The upload has been completed before it failed return {}; } return { pendingUploads: { ...prevState.pendingUploads, [localMessageID]: { ...uploads, [localUploadID]: { ...upload, failed: true, progressPercent: 0, }, }, }, }; }); } queueMediaMissionReport( ids: { localID: string, localMessageID: string, serverID: ?string }, mediaMission: MediaMission, ) { const report: MediaMissionReportCreationRequest = { type: reportTypes.MEDIA_MISSION, time: Date.now(), platformDetails: getConfig().platformDetails, mediaMission, uploadServerID: ids.serverID, uploadLocalID: ids.localID, messageLocalID: ids.localMessageID, }; this.props.dispatch({ type: queueReportsActionType, payload: { reports: [report], }, }); } messageHasUploadFailure = (localMessageID: string) => { const pendingUploads = this.state.pendingUploads[localMessageID]; if (!pendingUploads) { return false; } return values(pendingUploads).some(upload => upload.failed); }; - addReply = (message: string) => { - this.replyCallbacks.forEach(addReplyCallback => addReplyCallback(message)); + editInputMessage = (params: EditInputBarMessageParameters) => { + this.editInputBarCallbacks.forEach(addEditInputBarCallback => + addEditInputBarCallback(params), + ); }; - addReplyListener = (callbackReply: (message: string) => void) => { - this.replyCallbacks.push(callbackReply); + addEditInputMessageListener = ( + callbackEditInputBar: (params: EditInputBarMessageParameters) => void, + ) => { + this.editInputBarCallbacks.push(callbackEditInputBar); }; setEditedMessage = (editedMessage: ?MessageInfo) => { this.setState({ editState: { editedMessage }, }); }; - removeReplyListener = (callbackReply: (message: string) => void) => { - this.replyCallbacks = this.replyCallbacks.filter( - candidate => candidate !== callbackReply, + removeEditInputMessageListener = ( + callbackEditInputBar: (params: EditInputBarMessageParameters) => void, + ) => { + this.editInputBarCallbacks = this.editInputBarCallbacks.filter( + candidate => candidate !== callbackEditInputBar, ); }; retryTextMessage = async ( rawMessageInfo: RawTextMessageInfo, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, ) => { await this.sendTextMessage( { ...rawMessageInfo, time: Date.now(), }, threadInfo, parentThreadInfo, ); }; retryMultimediaMessage = async ( rawMessageInfo: RawMultimediaMessageInfo, localMessageID: string, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, ) => { const pendingUploads = this.state.pendingUploads[localMessageID] ?? {}; const now = Date.now(); this.startThreadCreation(threadInfo); if (threadIsPendingSidebar(threadInfo.id)) { this.pendingSidebarCreationMessageLocalIDs.add(localMessageID); } const updateMedia = (media: $ReadOnlyArray): T[] => media.map(singleMedia => { invariant( singleMedia.type === 'photo' || singleMedia.type === 'video', 'Retry selection must be unencrypted', ); let updatedMedia = singleMedia; const oldMediaID = updatedMedia.id; if ( // not complete isLocalUploadID(oldMediaID) && // not still ongoing (!pendingUploads[oldMediaID] || pendingUploads[oldMediaID].failed) ) { // If we have an incomplete upload that isn't in pendingUploads, that // indicates the app has restarted. We'll reassign a new localID to // avoid collisions. Note that this isn't necessary for the message ID // since the localID reducer prevents collisions there const mediaID = pendingUploads[oldMediaID] ? oldMediaID : getNextLocalUploadID(); if (updatedMedia.type === 'photo') { updatedMedia = { type: 'photo', ...updatedMedia, id: mediaID, }; } else { updatedMedia = { type: 'video', ...updatedMedia, id: mediaID, }; } } if (updatedMedia.type === 'video') { const oldThumbnailID = updatedMedia.thumbnailID; invariant(oldThumbnailID, 'oldThumbnailID not null or undefined'); if ( // not complete isLocalUploadID(oldThumbnailID) && // not still ongoing (!pendingUploads[oldThumbnailID] || pendingUploads[oldThumbnailID].failed) ) { const thumbnailID = pendingUploads[oldThumbnailID] ? oldThumbnailID : getNextLocalUploadID(); updatedMedia = { ...updatedMedia, thumbnailID, }; } } if (updatedMedia === singleMedia) { return singleMedia; } const oldSelection = updatedMedia.localMediaSelection; invariant( oldSelection, 'localMediaSelection should be set on locally created Media', ); const retries = oldSelection.retries ? oldSelection.retries + 1 : 1; // We switch for Flow let selection; if (oldSelection.step === 'photo_capture') { selection = { ...oldSelection, sendTime: now, retries }; } else if (oldSelection.step === 'photo_library') { selection = { ...oldSelection, sendTime: now, retries }; } else if (oldSelection.step === 'photo_paste') { selection = { ...oldSelection, sendTime: now, retries }; } else { selection = { ...oldSelection, sendTime: now, retries }; } if (updatedMedia.type === 'photo') { return { type: 'photo', ...updatedMedia, localMediaSelection: selection, }; } return { type: 'video', ...updatedMedia, localMediaSelection: selection, }; }); let newRawMessageInfo; // This conditional is for Flow if (rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA) { newRawMessageInfo = ({ ...rawMessageInfo, time: now, media: updateMedia(rawMessageInfo.media), }: RawMediaMessageInfo); } else if (rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.IMAGES) { newRawMessageInfo = ({ ...rawMessageInfo, time: now, media: updateMedia(rawMessageInfo.media), }: RawImagesMessageInfo); } else { invariant(false, `rawMessageInfo ${localMessageID} should be multimedia`); } const incompleteMedia: Media[] = []; for (const singleMedia of newRawMessageInfo.media) { if (isLocalUploadID(singleMedia.id)) { incompleteMedia.push(singleMedia); } } if (incompleteMedia.length === 0) { this.dispatchMultimediaMessageAction(newRawMessageInfo); this.setState(prevState => ({ pendingUploads: { ...prevState.pendingUploads, [localMessageID]: {}, }, })); return; } const retryMedia = incompleteMedia.filter( ({ id }) => !pendingUploads[id] || pendingUploads[id].failed, ); if (retryMedia.length === 0) { // All media are already in the process of being uploaded return; } // We're not actually starting the send here, // we just use this action to update the message in Redux this.props.dispatch({ type: sendMultimediaMessageActionTypes.started, payload: newRawMessageInfo, }); // We clear out the failed status on individual media here, // which makes the UI show pending status instead of error messages for (const singleMedia of retryMedia) { pendingUploads[singleMedia.id] = { failed: false, progressPercent: 0, processingStep: null, }; if (singleMedia.type === 'video') { const { thumbnailID } = singleMedia; invariant(thumbnailID, 'thumbnailID not null or undefined'); pendingUploads[thumbnailID] = { failed: false, progressPercent: 0, processingStep: null, }; } } this.setState(prevState => ({ pendingUploads: { ...prevState.pendingUploads, [localMessageID]: pendingUploads, }, })); const uploadFileInputs = retryMedia.map(singleMedia => { invariant( singleMedia.localMediaSelection, 'localMediaSelection should be set on locally created Media', ); let ids; if (singleMedia.type === 'photo') { ids = { type: 'photo', localMediaID: singleMedia.id }; } else { invariant( singleMedia.thumbnailID, 'singleMedia.thumbnailID should be set for videos', ); ids = { type: 'video', localMediaID: singleMedia.id, localThumbnailID: singleMedia.thumbnailID, }; } return { selection: singleMedia.localMediaSelection, ids, }; }); await this.uploadFiles(localMessageID, uploadFileInputs, threadInfo); }; retryMessage = async ( localMessageID: string, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, ) => { this.sendCallbacks.forEach(callback => callback()); const rawMessageInfo = this.props.messageStoreMessages[localMessageID]; invariant(rawMessageInfo, `rawMessageInfo ${localMessageID} should exist`); if (rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.TEXT) { await this.retryTextMessage(rawMessageInfo, threadInfo, parentThreadInfo); } else if ( rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.IMAGES || rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA ) { await this.retryMultimediaMessage( rawMessageInfo, localMessageID, threadInfo, ); } }; registerSendCallback = (callback: () => void) => { this.sendCallbacks.push(callback); }; unregisterSendCallback = (callback: () => void) => { this.sendCallbacks = this.sendCallbacks.filter( candidate => candidate !== callback, ); }; reportURIDisplayed = (uri: string, loaded: boolean) => { const prevActiveURI = this.activeURIs.get(uri); const curCount = prevActiveURI && prevActiveURI.count; const prevCount = curCount ? curCount : 0; const count = loaded ? prevCount + 1 : prevCount - 1; const prevOnClear = prevActiveURI && prevActiveURI.onClear; const onClear = prevOnClear ? prevOnClear : []; const activeURI = { count, onClear }; if (count) { this.activeURIs.set(uri, activeURI); return; } this.activeURIs.delete(uri); for (const callback of onClear) { callback(); } }; waitForCaptureURIUnload(uri: string) { const start = Date.now(); const path = pathFromURI(uri); if (!path) { return Promise.resolve({ result: null, steps: [ { step: 'wait_for_capture_uri_unload', success: false, time: Date.now() - start, uri, }, ], }); } const getResult = () => ({ result: path, steps: [ { step: 'wait_for_capture_uri_unload', success: true, time: Date.now() - start, uri, }, ], }); const activeURI = this.activeURIs.get(uri); if (!activeURI) { return Promise.resolve(getResult()); } return new Promise(resolve => { const finish = () => resolve(getResult()); const newActiveURI = { ...activeURI, onClear: [...activeURI.onClear, finish], }; this.activeURIs.set(uri, newActiveURI); }); } setPendingThreadUpdateHandler = ( threadID: string, pendingThreadUpdateHandler: ?(ThreadInfo) => mixed, ) => { if (!pendingThreadUpdateHandler) { this.pendingThreadUpdateHandlers.delete(threadID); } else { this.pendingThreadUpdateHandlers.set( threadID, pendingThreadUpdateHandler, ); } }; render() { const inputState = this.inputStateSelector(this.state); return ( {this.props.children} ); } } const mediaCreationLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector( sendMultimediaMessageActionTypes, ); const textCreationLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector( sendTextMessageActionTypes, ); const ConnectedInputStateContainer: React.ComponentType = React.memo(function ConnectedInputStateContainer( props: BaseProps, ) { const viewerID = useSelector( state => state.currentUserInfo && state.currentUserInfo.id, ); const nextLocalID = useSelector(state => state.nextLocalID); const messageStoreMessages = useSelector( state => state.messageStore.messages, ); const ongoingMessageCreation = useSelector( state => combineLoadingStatuses( mediaCreationLoadingStatusSelector(state), textCreationLoadingStatusSelector(state), ) === 'loading', ); const hasWiFi = useSelector(state => state.connectivity.hasWiFi); const calendarQuery = useCalendarQuery(); const callUploadMultimedia = useServerCall(uploadMultimedia); const callSendMultimediaMessage = useServerCall(sendMultimediaMessage); const callSendTextMessage = useServerCall(sendTextMessage); const callNewThread = useServerCall(newThread); const dispatchActionPromise = useDispatchActionPromise(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const mediaReportsEnabled = useIsReportEnabled('mediaReports'); const staffCanSee = useStaffCanSee(); const textMessageCreationSideEffectsFunc = useMessageCreationSideEffectsFunc(messageTypes.TEXT); return ( ); }); export default ConnectedInputStateContainer; diff --git a/native/input/input-state.js b/native/input/input-state.js index 0eaeb323f..85fd71d79 100644 --- a/native/input/input-state.js +++ b/native/input/input-state.js @@ -1,68 +1,77 @@ // @flow import * as React from 'react'; import type { NativeMediaSelection } from 'lib/types/media-types.js'; import type { MessageInfo } from 'lib/types/message-types.js'; import type { RawTextMessageInfo } from 'lib/types/messages/text.js'; import type { ThreadInfo } from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; export type MultimediaProcessingStep = 'transcoding' | 'uploading'; export type PendingMultimediaUpload = { +failed: boolean, +progressPercent: number, +processingStep: ?MultimediaProcessingStep, }; export type MessagePendingUploads = { [localUploadID: string]: PendingMultimediaUpload, }; export type PendingMultimediaUploads = { [localMessageID: string]: MessagePendingUploads, }; export type EditState = { +editedMessage: ?MessageInfo, }; +export type EditInputBarMessageParameters = { + +message: string, + +mode: 'prepend' | 'replace', +}; + export type InputState = { +pendingUploads: PendingMultimediaUploads, +sendTextMessage: ( messageInfo: RawTextMessageInfo, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, ) => Promise, +sendMultimediaMessage: ( selections: $ReadOnlyArray, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, ) => Promise, - +addReply: (text: string) => void, - +addReplyListener: ((message: string) => void) => void, - +removeReplyListener: ((message: string) => void) => void, + +editInputMessage: (params: EditInputBarMessageParameters) => void, + +addEditInputMessageListener: ( + (params: EditInputBarMessageParameters) => void, + ) => void, + +removeEditInputMessageListener: ( + (params: EditInputBarMessageParameters) => void, + ) => void, +messageHasUploadFailure: (localMessageID: string) => boolean, +retryMessage: ( localMessageID: string, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, ) => Promise, +registerSendCallback: (() => void) => void, +unregisterSendCallback: (() => void) => void, +uploadInProgress: () => boolean, +reportURIDisplayed: (uri: string, loaded: boolean) => void, +setPendingThreadUpdateHandler: ( threadID: string, pendingThreadUpdateHandler: ?(ThreadInfo) => mixed, ) => void, +editState: EditState, +setEditedMessage: ( editedMessage: ?MessageInfo, callback?: () => void, ) => void, }; const InputStateContext: React.Context = React.createContext(null); export { InputStateContext };