diff --git a/keyserver/src/responders/website-responders.js b/keyserver/src/responders/website-responders.js index 694d0a3ac..5857d9bc1 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/responders/website-responders.js +++ b/keyserver/src/responders/website-responders.js @@ -1,411 +1,406 @@ // @flow import html from 'common-tags/lib/html/index.js'; import { detect as detectBrowser } from 'detect-browser'; import type { $Response, $Request } from 'express'; import fs from 'fs'; import * as React from 'react'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import stores from 'lib/facts/stores.js'; import getTitle from 'web/title/get-title.js'; import { waitForStream } from '../utils/json-stream.js'; import { getAndAssertKeyserverURLFacts, getAppURLFactsFromRequestURL, getWebAppURLFacts, } from '../utils/urls.js'; // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-deprecated const { renderToNodeStream } = ReactDOMServer; const access = promisify(fs.access); const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile); const googleFontsURL = 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=IBM+Plex+Sans:wght@400;500;600&family=Inter:wght@400;500;600&display=swap'; const localFontsURL = 'fonts/local-fonts.css'; async function getFontsURL() { try { await access(localFontsURL); return localFontsURL; } catch { return googleFontsURL; } } type AssetInfo = { +jsURL: string, +fontsURL: string, +cssInclude: string, +olmFilename: string, +commQueryExecutorFilename: string, - +opaqueURL: string, +backupClientFilename: string, +webworkersOpaqueFilename: string, }; let assetInfo: ?AssetInfo = null; async function getAssetInfo() { if (assetInfo) { return assetInfo; } if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { const fontsURL = await getFontsURL(); assetInfo = { jsURL: 'http://localhost:8080/dev.build.js', fontsURL, cssInclude: '', olmFilename: '', commQueryExecutorFilename: '', - opaqueURL: 'http://localhost:8080/opaque-ke.wasm', backupClientFilename: '', webworkersOpaqueFilename: '', }; return assetInfo; } try { const manifestString = await readFile('../web/dist/manifest.json', 'utf8'); const manifest = JSON.parse(manifestString); const webworkersManifestString = await readFile( '../web/dist/webworkers/manifest.json', 'utf8', ); const webworkersManifest = JSON.parse(webworkersManifestString); assetInfo = { jsURL: `compiled/${manifest['browser.js']}`, fontsURL: googleFontsURL, cssInclude: html` `, olmFilename: manifest['olm.wasm'], commQueryExecutorFilename: webworkersManifest['comm_query_executor.wasm'], - opaqueURL: `compiled/${manifest['comm_opaque2_wasm_bg.wasm']}`, backupClientFilename: webworkersManifest['backup-client-wasm_bg.wasm'], webworkersOpaqueFilename: webworkersManifest['comm_opaque2_wasm_bg.wasm'], }; return assetInfo; } catch { throw new Error( 'Could not load manifest.json for web build. ' + 'Did you forget to run `yarn dev` in the web folder?', ); } } let webpackCompiledRootComponent: ?React.ComponentType<{}> = null; async function getWebpackCompiledRootComponentForSSR() { if (webpackCompiledRootComponent) { return webpackCompiledRootComponent; } try { // $FlowFixMe web/dist doesn't always exist const webpackBuild = await import('web/dist/app.build.cjs'); webpackCompiledRootComponent = webpackBuild.app.default; return webpackCompiledRootComponent; } catch { throw new Error( 'Could not load app.build.cjs. ' + 'Did you forget to run `yarn dev` in the web folder?', ); } } function stripLastSlash(input: string): string { return input.replace(/\/$/, ''); } async function websiteResponder(req: $Request, res: $Response): Promise { const { basePath } = getAppURLFactsFromRequestURL(req.originalUrl); const baseURL = stripLastSlash(basePath); const keyserverURLFacts = getAndAssertKeyserverURLFacts(); const keyserverURL = `${keyserverURLFacts.baseDomain}${stripLastSlash( keyserverURLFacts.basePath, )}`; const loadingPromise = getWebpackCompiledRootComponentForSSR(); const assetInfoPromise = getAssetInfo(); const { jsURL, fontsURL, cssInclude, olmFilename, - opaqueURL, commQueryExecutorFilename, backupClientFilename, webworkersOpaqueFilename, } = await assetInfoPromise; // prettier-ignore res.write(html` ${getTitle(0)} ${cssInclude}
`); const Loading = await loadingPromise; const reactStream = renderToNodeStream(); reactStream.pipe(res, { end: false }); await waitForStream(reactStream); res.end(html`
`); } const inviteSecretRegex = /^[a-z0-9]+$/i; // On native, if this responder is called, it means that the app isn't // installed. async function inviteResponder(req: $Request, res: $Response): Promise { const { secret } = req.params; const userAgent = req.get('User-Agent'); const detectionResult = detectBrowser(userAgent); if (detectionResult.os === 'Android OS') { const isSecretValid = inviteSecretRegex.test(secret); const referrer = isSecretValid ? `&referrer=${encodeURIComponent(`utm_source=invite/${secret}`)}` : ''; const redirectUrl = `${stores.googlePlayUrl}${referrer}`; res.writeHead(301, { Location: redirectUrl, }); res.end(); return; } else if (detectionResult.os !== 'iOS') { const urlFacts = getWebAppURLFacts(); const baseDomain = urlFacts?.baseDomain ?? ''; const basePath = urlFacts?.basePath ?? '/'; const redirectUrl = `${baseDomain}${basePath}handle/invite/${secret}`; res.writeHead(301, { Location: redirectUrl, }); res.end(); return; } const fontsURL = await getFontsURL(); res.end(html` Comm


To join this community, download the Comm app and reopen this invite link

Download Comm Invite Link
Visit Comm’s website arrow up right `); } export { websiteResponder, inviteResponder }; diff --git a/web/app.react.js b/web/app.react.js index 0cb4e846c..c8f5701e1 100644 --- a/web/app.react.js +++ b/web/app.react.js @@ -1,561 +1,558 @@ // @flow import 'basscss/css/basscss.min.css'; import './theme.css'; import { config as faConfig } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import _isEqual from 'lodash/fp/isEqual.js'; import * as React from 'react'; import { DndProvider } from 'react-dnd'; import { HTML5Backend } from 'react-dnd-html5-backend'; import { WagmiConfig } from 'wagmi'; import { fetchEntriesActionTypes, updateCalendarQueryActionTypes, } from 'lib/actions/entry-actions.js'; import { ChatMentionContextProvider } from 'lib/components/chat-mention-provider.react.js'; import { EditUserAvatarProvider } from 'lib/components/edit-user-avatar-provider.react.js'; import { ModalProvider, useModalContext, } from 'lib/components/modal-provider.react.js'; import { StaffContextProvider } from 'lib/components/staff-provider.react.js'; import { IdentitySearchProvider } from 'lib/identity-search/identity-search-context.js'; import { createLoadingStatusSelector, combineLoadingStatuses, } from 'lib/selectors/loading-selectors.js'; import { isLoggedIn } from 'lib/selectors/user-selectors.js'; import { extractMajorDesktopVersion } from 'lib/shared/version-utils.js'; import type { SecondaryTunnelbrokerConnection } from 'lib/tunnelbroker/secondary-tunnelbroker-connection.js'; import { TunnelbrokerProvider } from 'lib/tunnelbroker/tunnelbroker-context.js'; import type { LoadingStatus } from 'lib/types/loading-types.js'; import type { WebNavInfo } from 'lib/types/nav-types.js'; import type { Dispatch } from 'lib/types/redux-types.js'; import type { MessageToDeviceRequest } from 'lib/types/tunnelbroker/message-to-device-request-types.js'; import { getConfig, registerConfig } from 'lib/utils/config.js'; import { useDispatch } from 'lib/utils/redux-utils.js'; import { infoFromURL } from 'lib/utils/url-utils.js'; import { AlchemyENSCacheProvider, wagmiConfig } from 'lib/utils/wagmi-utils.js'; import QrCodeLogin from './account/qr-code-login.react.js'; import AppThemeWrapper from './app-theme-wrapper.react.js'; import { authoritativeKeyserverID } from './authoritative-keyserver.js'; import WebEditThreadAvatarProvider from './avatars/web-edit-thread-avatar-provider.react.js'; import Calendar from './calendar/calendar.react.js'; import Chat from './chat/chat.react.js'; import { EditModalProvider } from './chat/edit-message-provider.js'; import { MemberListSidebarProvider } from './chat/member-list-sidebar/member-list-sidebar-provider.react.js'; import NavigationArrows from './components/navigation-arrows.react.js'; import { olmAPI } from './crypto/olm-api.js'; -import { initOpaque } from './crypto/opaque-utils.js'; import electron from './electron.js'; import InputStateContainer from './input/input-state-container.react.js'; import InviteLinkHandler from './invite-links/invite-link-handler.react.js'; import InviteLinksRefresher from './invite-links/invite-links-refresher.react.js'; import LoadingIndicator from './loading-indicator.react.js'; import { MenuProvider } from './menu-provider.react.js'; import UpdateModalHandler from './modals/update-modal.react.js'; import SettingsSwitcher from './navigation-panels/settings-switcher.react.js'; import Topbar from './navigation-panels/topbar.react.js'; import useBadgeHandler from './push-notif/badge-handler.react.js'; import { PushNotificationsHandler } from './push-notif/push-notifs-handler.js'; import { updateNavInfoActionType } from './redux/action-types.js'; import DisconnectedBar from './redux/disconnected-bar.js'; import FocusHandler from './redux/focus-handler.react.js'; import { KeyserverReachabilityHandler } from './redux/keyserver-reachability-handler.js'; import { persistConfig } from './redux/persist.js'; import PolicyAcknowledgmentHandler from './redux/policy-acknowledgment-handler.js'; import { useSelector } from './redux/redux-utils.js'; import VisibilityHandler from './redux/visibility-handler.react.js'; import history from './router-history.js'; import { MessageSearchStateProvider } from './search/message-search-state-provider.react.js'; import AccountSettings from './settings/account-settings.react.js'; import DangerZone from './settings/danger-zone.react.js'; import KeyserverSelectionList from './settings/keyserver-selection-list.react.js'; import { getCommSharedWorker } from './shared-worker/shared-worker-provider.js'; import CommunityPicker from './sidebar/community-picker.react.js'; import Splash from './splash/splash.react.js'; import './typography.css'; import css from './style.css'; import { TooltipProvider } from './tooltips/tooltip-provider.js'; import { canonicalURLFromReduxState, navInfoFromURL } from './url-utils.js'; import { useWebLock, TUNNELBROKER_LOCK_NAME } from './web-lock.js'; -void initOpaque(); - // We want Webpack's css-loader and style-loader to handle the Fontawesome CSS, // so we disable the autoAddCss logic and import the CSS file. Otherwise every // icon flashes huge for a second before the CSS is loaded. import '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core/styles.css'; faConfig.autoAddCss = false; const desktopDetails = electron?.version ? { majorDesktopVersion: extractMajorDesktopVersion(electron?.version) } : null; registerConfig({ // We can't securely cache credentials on web resolveKeyserverSessionInvalidationUsingNativeCredentials: null, setSessionIDOnRequest: true, // Never reset the calendar range calendarRangeInactivityLimit: null, platformDetails: { platform: electron?.platform ?? 'web', codeVersion: 75, stateVersion: persistConfig.version, ...desktopDetails, }, authoritativeKeyserverID, olmAPI, }); const versionBroadcast = new BroadcastChannel('comm_version'); versionBroadcast.postMessage(getConfig().platformDetails.codeVersion); versionBroadcast.onmessage = (event: MessageEvent) => { if (event.data && event.data !== getConfig().platformDetails.codeVersion) { location.reload(); } }; // Start initializing the shared worker immediately void getCommSharedWorker(); type BaseProps = { +location: { +pathname: string, ... }, }; type Props = { ...BaseProps, // Redux state +navInfo: WebNavInfo, +entriesLoadingStatus: LoadingStatus, +loggedIn: boolean, +activeThreadCurrentlyUnread: boolean, // Redux dispatch functions +dispatch: Dispatch, +modals: $ReadOnlyArray, }; class App extends React.PureComponent { componentDidMount() { const { navInfo, location: { pathname }, loggedIn, } = this.props; const newURL = canonicalURLFromReduxState(navInfo, pathname, loggedIn); if (pathname !== newURL) { history.replace(newURL); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const { navInfo, location: { pathname }, loggedIn, } = this.props; if (!_isEqual(navInfo)(prevProps.navInfo)) { const newURL = canonicalURLFromReduxState(navInfo, pathname, loggedIn); if (newURL !== pathname) { history.push(newURL); } } else if (pathname !== prevProps.location.pathname) { const urlInfo = infoFromURL(pathname); const newNavInfo = navInfoFromURL(urlInfo, { navInfo }); if (!_isEqual(newNavInfo)(navInfo)) { this.props.dispatch({ type: updateNavInfoActionType, payload: newNavInfo, }); } } else if (loggedIn !== prevProps.loggedIn) { const newURL = canonicalURLFromReduxState(navInfo, pathname, loggedIn); if (newURL !== pathname) { history.replace(newURL); } } if (loggedIn !== prevProps.loggedIn) { electron?.clearHistory(); } } onWordmarkClicked = () => { this.props.dispatch({ type: updateNavInfoActionType, payload: { tab: 'chat' }, }); }; render(): React.Node { let content; if (this.props.loggedIn) { content = ( <> {this.renderMainContent()} {this.props.modals} ); } else { content = ( <> {this.renderLoginPage()} {this.props.modals} ); } return ( {content} ); } onHeaderDoubleClick = (): void => electron?.doubleClickTopBar(); stopDoubleClickPropagation: ?(SyntheticEvent) => void = electron ? e => e.stopPropagation() : null; renderLoginPage(): React.Node { const { loginMethod } = this.props.navInfo; if (loginMethod === 'qr-code') { return ; } return ; } renderMainContent(): React.Node { const mainContent = this.getMainContentWithSwitcher(); let navigationArrows = null; if (electron) { navigationArrows = ; } const headerClasses = classnames({ [css.header]: true, [css['electron-draggable']]: electron, }); const wordmarkClasses = classnames({ [css.wordmark]: true, [css['electron-non-draggable']]: electron, [css['wordmark-macos']]: electron?.platform === 'macos', }); return (


); } getMainContentWithSwitcher(): React.Node { const { tab, settingsSection } = this.props.navInfo; let mainContent: React.Node; if (tab === 'settings') { if (settingsSection === 'account') { mainContent = ; } else if (settingsSection === 'friend-list') { mainContent = null; } else if (settingsSection === 'block-list') { mainContent = null; } else if (settingsSection === 'keyservers') { mainContent = ; } else if (settingsSection === 'build-info') { mainContent = null; } else if (settingsSection === 'danger-zone') { mainContent = ; } return (
); } if (tab === 'calendar') { mainContent = ; } else if (tab === 'chat') { mainContent = ; } const mainContentClass = classnames( css['main-content-container'], css['main-content-container-column'], ); return (
); } } const WEB_TUNNELBROKER_CHANNEL = new BroadcastChannel('shared-tunnelbroker'); const WEB_TUNNELBROKER_MESSAGE_TYPES = Object.freeze({ SEND_MESSAGE: 'send-message', MESSAGE_STATUS: 'message-status', }); function useOtherTabsTunnelbrokerConnection(): SecondaryTunnelbrokerConnection { const onSendMessageCallbacks = React.useRef< Set<(MessageToDeviceRequest) => mixed>, >(new Set()); const onMessageStatusCallbacks = React.useRef< Set<(messageID: string, error: ?string) => mixed>, >(new Set()); React.useEffect(() => { const messageHandler = (event: MessageEvent) => { if (typeof event.data !== 'object' || !event.data) { console.log( 'Invalid message received from shared ' + 'tunnelbroker broadcast channel', event.data, ); return; } const data = event.data; if (data.type === WEB_TUNNELBROKER_MESSAGE_TYPES.SEND_MESSAGE) { if (typeof data.message !== 'object' || !data.message) { console.log( 'Invalid tunnelbroker message request received ' + 'from shared tunnelbroker broadcast channel', event.data, ); return; } // We know that the input was already validated const message: MessageToDeviceRequest = (data.message: any); for (const callback of onSendMessageCallbacks.current) { callback(message); } } else if (data.type === WEB_TUNNELBROKER_MESSAGE_TYPES.MESSAGE_STATUS) { if (typeof data.messageID !== 'string') { console.log( 'Missing message id in message status message ' + 'from shared tunnelbroker broadcast channel', ); return; } const messageID = data.messageID; if ( typeof data.error !== 'string' && data.error !== null && data.error !== undefined ) { console.log( 'Invalid error in message status message ' + 'from shared tunnelbroker broadcast channel', data.error, ); return; } const error = data.error; for (const callback of onMessageStatusCallbacks.current) { callback(messageID, error); } } else { console.log( 'Invalid message type ' + 'from shared tunnelbroker broadcast channel', data, ); } }; WEB_TUNNELBROKER_CHANNEL.addEventListener('message', messageHandler); return () => WEB_TUNNELBROKER_CHANNEL.removeEventListener('message', messageHandler); }, [onMessageStatusCallbacks, onSendMessageCallbacks]); return React.useMemo( () => ({ sendMessage: message => WEB_TUNNELBROKER_CHANNEL.postMessage({ type: WEB_TUNNELBROKER_MESSAGE_TYPES.SEND_MESSAGE, message, }), onSendMessage: callback => { onSendMessageCallbacks.current.add(callback); return () => { onSendMessageCallbacks.current.delete(callback); }; }, setMessageStatus: (messageID, error) => { WEB_TUNNELBROKER_CHANNEL.postMessage({ type: WEB_TUNNELBROKER_MESSAGE_TYPES.MESSAGE_STATUS, messageID, error, }); }, onMessageStatus: callback => { onMessageStatusCallbacks.current.add(callback); return () => { onMessageStatusCallbacks.current.delete(callback); }; }, }), [onMessageStatusCallbacks, onSendMessageCallbacks], ); } const fetchEntriesLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector( fetchEntriesActionTypes, ); const updateCalendarQueryLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector( updateCalendarQueryActionTypes, ); const ConnectedApp: React.ComponentType = React.memo( function ConnectedApp(props) { const activeChatThreadID = useSelector( state => state.navInfo.activeChatThreadID, ); const navInfo = useSelector(state => state.navInfo); const fetchEntriesLoadingStatus = useSelector( fetchEntriesLoadingStatusSelector, ); const updateCalendarQueryLoadingStatus = useSelector( updateCalendarQueryLoadingStatusSelector, ); const entriesLoadingStatus = combineLoadingStatuses( fetchEntriesLoadingStatus, updateCalendarQueryLoadingStatus, ); const loggedIn = useSelector(isLoggedIn); const activeThreadCurrentlyUnread = useSelector( state => !activeChatThreadID || !!state.threadStore.threadInfos[activeChatThreadID]?.currentUser.unread, ); useBadgeHandler(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const modalContext = useModalContext(); const modals = React.useMemo( () => modalContext.modals.map(([modal, key]) => ( {modal} )), [modalContext.modals], ); const { lockStatus, releaseLockOrAbortRequest } = useWebLock( TUNNELBROKER_LOCK_NAME, ); const secondaryTunnelbrokerConnection: SecondaryTunnelbrokerConnection = useOtherTabsTunnelbrokerConnection(); return ( ); }, ); function AppWithProvider(props: BaseProps): React.Node { return ( ); } export default AppWithProvider; diff --git a/web/grpc/identity-service-client-wrapper.js b/web/grpc/identity-service-client-wrapper.js index f48f4f196..ef30f57b7 100644 --- a/web/grpc/identity-service-client-wrapper.js +++ b/web/grpc/identity-service-client-wrapper.js @@ -1,634 +1,634 @@ // @flow import { Login } from '@commapp/opaque-ke-wasm'; import identityServiceConfig from 'lib/facts/identity-service.js'; import type { OneTimeKeysResultValues, SignedPrekeys, } from 'lib/types/crypto-types.js'; import type { PlatformDetails } from 'lib/types/device-types.js'; import { type SignedDeviceList, signedDeviceListHistoryValidator, type SignedMessage, type IdentityServiceAuthLayer, type IdentityServiceClient, type DeviceOlmOutboundKeys, deviceOlmOutboundKeysValidator, type UserDevicesOlmOutboundKeys, type IdentityAuthResult, type IdentityNewDeviceKeyUpload, type IdentityExistingDeviceKeyUpload, identityDeviceTypes, identityAuthResultValidator, type UserDevicesOlmInboundKeys, type DeviceOlmInboundKeys, deviceOlmInboundKeysValidator, userDeviceOlmInboundKeysValidator, } from 'lib/types/identity-service-types.js'; import { getMessageForException } from 'lib/utils/errors.js'; import { assertWithValidator } from 'lib/utils/validation-utils.js'; import { VersionInterceptor, AuthInterceptor } from './interceptor.js'; -import { initOpaque } from '../crypto/opaque-utils.js'; import * as IdentityAuthClient from '../protobufs/identity-auth-client.cjs'; import * as IdentityAuthStructs from '../protobufs/identity-auth-structs.cjs'; import { DeviceKeyUpload, Empty, IdentityKeyInfo, OpaqueLoginFinishRequest, OpaqueLoginStartRequest, Prekey, WalletAuthRequest, SecondaryDeviceKeysUploadRequest, } from '../protobufs/identity-unauth-structs.cjs'; import * as IdentityUnauthClient from '../protobufs/identity-unauth.cjs'; +import { initOpaque } from '../shared-worker/utils/opaque-utils.js'; class IdentityServiceClientWrapper implements IdentityServiceClient { - overridedOpaqueFilepath: ?string; + overridedOpaqueFilepath: string; authClient: ?IdentityAuthClient.IdentityClientServicePromiseClient; unauthClient: IdentityUnauthClient.IdentityClientServicePromiseClient; getNewDeviceKeyUpload: () => Promise; getExistingDeviceKeyUpload: () => Promise; constructor( platformDetails: PlatformDetails, - overridedOpaqueFilepath: ?string, + overridedOpaqueFilepath: string, authLayer: ?IdentityServiceAuthLayer, getNewDeviceKeyUpload: () => Promise, getExistingDeviceKeyUpload: () => Promise, ) { this.overridedOpaqueFilepath = overridedOpaqueFilepath; if (authLayer) { this.authClient = IdentityServiceClientWrapper.createAuthClient( platformDetails, authLayer, ); } this.unauthClient = IdentityServiceClientWrapper.createUnauthClient(platformDetails); this.getNewDeviceKeyUpload = getNewDeviceKeyUpload; this.getExistingDeviceKeyUpload = getExistingDeviceKeyUpload; } static determineSocketAddr(): string { return process.env.IDENTITY_SOCKET_ADDR ?? identityServiceConfig.defaultURL; } static createAuthClient( platformDetails: PlatformDetails, authLayer: IdentityServiceAuthLayer, ): IdentityAuthClient.IdentityClientServicePromiseClient { const { userID, deviceID, commServicesAccessToken } = authLayer; const identitySocketAddr = IdentityServiceClientWrapper.determineSocketAddr(); const versionInterceptor = new VersionInterceptor( platformDetails, ); const authInterceptor = new AuthInterceptor( userID, deviceID, commServicesAccessToken, ); const authClientOpts = { unaryInterceptors: [versionInterceptor, authInterceptor], }; return new IdentityAuthClient.IdentityClientServicePromiseClient( identitySocketAddr, null, authClientOpts, ); } static createUnauthClient( platformDetails: PlatformDetails, ): IdentityUnauthClient.IdentityClientServicePromiseClient { const identitySocketAddr = IdentityServiceClientWrapper.determineSocketAddr(); const versionInterceptor = new VersionInterceptor( platformDetails, ); const unauthClientOpts = { unaryInterceptors: [versionInterceptor], }; return new IdentityUnauthClient.IdentityClientServicePromiseClient( identitySocketAddr, null, unauthClientOpts, ); } deleteUser: () => Promise = async () => { if (!this.authClient) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } await this.authClient.deleteUser(new Empty()); }; logOut: () => Promise = async () => { if (!this.authClient) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } await this.authClient.logOutUser(new Empty()); }; getKeyserverKeys: (keyserverID: string) => Promise = async (keyserverID: string) => { const client = this.authClient; if (!client) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } const request = new IdentityAuthStructs.OutboundKeysForUserRequest(); request.setUserId(keyserverID); const response = await client.getKeyserverKeys(request); const keyserverInfo = response.getKeyserverInfo(); const identityInfo = keyserverInfo?.getIdentityInfo(); const contentPreKey = keyserverInfo?.getContentPrekey(); const notifPreKey = keyserverInfo?.getNotifPrekey(); const payload = identityInfo?.getPayload(); const keyserverKeys = { identityKeysBlob: payload ? JSON.parse(payload) : null, contentInitializationInfo: { prekey: contentPreKey?.getPrekey(), prekeySignature: contentPreKey?.getPrekeySignature(), oneTimeKey: keyserverInfo?.getOneTimeContentPrekey(), }, notifInitializationInfo: { prekey: notifPreKey?.getPrekey(), prekeySignature: notifPreKey?.getPrekeySignature(), oneTimeKey: keyserverInfo?.getOneTimeNotifPrekey(), }, payloadSignature: identityInfo?.getPayloadSignature(), socialProof: identityInfo?.getSocialProof(), }; if (!keyserverKeys.contentInitializationInfo.oneTimeKey) { throw new Error('Missing content one time key'); } if (!keyserverKeys.notifInitializationInfo.oneTimeKey) { throw new Error('Missing notif one time key'); } return assertWithValidator(keyserverKeys, deviceOlmOutboundKeysValidator); }; getOutboundKeysForUser: ( userID: string, ) => Promise = async (userID: string) => { const client = this.authClient; if (!client) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } const request = new IdentityAuthStructs.OutboundKeysForUserRequest(); request.setUserId(userID); const response = await client.getOutboundKeysForUser(request); const devicesMap = response.toObject()?.devicesMap; if (!devicesMap || !Array.isArray(devicesMap)) { throw new Error('Invalid devicesMap'); } const devicesKeys: (?UserDevicesOlmOutboundKeys)[] = devicesMap.map( ([deviceID, outboundKeysInfo]) => { const identityInfo = outboundKeysInfo?.identityInfo; const payload = identityInfo?.payload; const contentPreKey = outboundKeysInfo?.contentPrekey; const notifPreKey = outboundKeysInfo?.notifPrekey; if (typeof deviceID !== 'string') { console.log(`Invalid deviceID in devicesMap: ${deviceID}`); return null; } if ( !outboundKeysInfo.oneTimeContentPrekey || !outboundKeysInfo.oneTimeNotifPrekey ) { console.log(`Missing one time key for device ${deviceID}`); return { deviceID, keys: null, }; } const deviceKeys = { identityKeysBlob: payload ? JSON.parse(payload) : null, contentInitializationInfo: { prekey: contentPreKey?.prekey, prekeySignature: contentPreKey?.prekeySignature, oneTimeKey: outboundKeysInfo.oneTimeContentPrekey, }, notifInitializationInfo: { prekey: notifPreKey?.prekey, prekeySignature: notifPreKey?.prekeySignature, oneTimeKey: outboundKeysInfo.oneTimeNotifPrekey, }, payloadSignature: identityInfo?.payloadSignature, socialProof: identityInfo?.socialProof, }; try { const validatedKeys = assertWithValidator( deviceKeys, deviceOlmOutboundKeysValidator, ); return { deviceID, keys: validatedKeys, }; } catch (e) { console.log(e); return { deviceID, keys: null, }; } }, ); return devicesKeys.filter(Boolean); }; getInboundKeysForUser: ( userID: string, ) => Promise = async (userID: string) => { const client = this.authClient; if (!client) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } const request = new IdentityAuthStructs.InboundKeysForUserRequest(); request.setUserId(userID); const response = await client.getInboundKeysForUser(request); const devicesMap = response.toObject()?.devicesMap; if (!devicesMap || !Array.isArray(devicesMap)) { throw new Error('Invalid devicesMap'); } const devicesKeys: { [deviceID: string]: ?DeviceOlmInboundKeys, } = {}; devicesMap.forEach(([deviceID, inboundKeys]) => { const identityInfo = inboundKeys?.identityInfo; const payload = identityInfo?.payload; const contentPreKey = inboundKeys?.contentPrekey; const notifPreKey = inboundKeys?.notifPrekey; if (typeof deviceID !== 'string') { console.log(`Invalid deviceID in devicesMap: ${deviceID}`); return; } const deviceKeys = { identityKeysBlob: payload ? JSON.parse(payload) : null, signedPrekeys: { contentPrekey: contentPreKey?.prekey, contentPrekeySignature: contentPreKey?.prekeySignature, notifPrekey: notifPreKey?.prekey, notifPrekeySignature: notifPreKey?.prekeySignature, }, payloadSignature: identityInfo?.payloadSignature, }; try { devicesKeys[deviceID] = assertWithValidator( deviceKeys, deviceOlmInboundKeysValidator, ); } catch (e) { console.log(e); devicesKeys[deviceID] = null; } }); const identityInfo = response?.getIdentity(); const inboundUserKeys = { keys: devicesKeys, username: identityInfo?.getUsername(), walletAddress: identityInfo?.getEthIdentity()?.getWalletAddress(), }; return assertWithValidator( inboundUserKeys, userDeviceOlmInboundKeysValidator, ); }; uploadOneTimeKeys: (oneTimeKeys: OneTimeKeysResultValues) => Promise = async (oneTimeKeys: OneTimeKeysResultValues) => { const client = this.authClient; if (!client) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } const contentOneTimeKeysArray = [...oneTimeKeys.contentOneTimeKeys]; const notifOneTimeKeysArray = [...oneTimeKeys.notificationsOneTimeKeys]; const request = new IdentityAuthStructs.UploadOneTimeKeysRequest(); request.setContentOneTimePrekeysList(contentOneTimeKeysArray); request.setNotifOneTimePrekeysList(notifOneTimeKeysArray); await client.uploadOneTimeKeys(request); }; logInPasswordUser: ( username: string, password: string, ) => Promise = async ( username: string, password: string, ) => { const client = this.unauthClient; if (!client) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } const [identityDeviceKeyUpload] = await Promise.all([ this.getExistingDeviceKeyUpload(), initOpaque(this.overridedOpaqueFilepath), ]); const opaqueLogin = new Login(); const startRequestBytes = opaqueLogin.start(password); const deviceKeyUpload = authExistingDeviceKeyUpload( identityDeviceKeyUpload, ); const loginStartRequest = new OpaqueLoginStartRequest(); loginStartRequest.setUsername(username); loginStartRequest.setOpaqueLoginRequest(startRequestBytes); loginStartRequest.setDeviceKeyUpload(deviceKeyUpload); let loginStartResponse; try { loginStartResponse = await client.logInPasswordUserStart(loginStartRequest); } catch (e) { console.log('Error calling logInPasswordUserStart:', e); throw new Error(getMessageForException(e) ?? 'unknown'); } const finishRequestBytes = opaqueLogin.finish( loginStartResponse.getOpaqueLoginResponse_asU8(), ); const loginFinishRequest = new OpaqueLoginFinishRequest(); loginFinishRequest.setSessionId(loginStartResponse.getSessionId()); loginFinishRequest.setOpaqueLoginUpload(finishRequestBytes); let loginFinishResponse; try { loginFinishResponse = await client.logInPasswordUserFinish(loginFinishRequest); } catch (e) { console.log('Error calling logInPasswordUserFinish:', e); throw new Error(getMessageForException(e) ?? 'unknown'); } const userID = loginFinishResponse.getUserId(); const accessToken = loginFinishResponse.getAccessToken(); const identityAuthResult = { accessToken, userID, username }; return assertWithValidator(identityAuthResult, identityAuthResultValidator); }; logInWalletUser: ( walletAddress: string, siweMessage: string, siweSignature: string, ) => Promise = async ( walletAddress: string, siweMessage: string, siweSignature: string, ) => { const identityDeviceKeyUpload = await this.getExistingDeviceKeyUpload(); const deviceKeyUpload = authExistingDeviceKeyUpload( identityDeviceKeyUpload, ); const loginRequest = new WalletAuthRequest(); loginRequest.setSiweMessage(siweMessage); loginRequest.setSiweSignature(siweSignature); loginRequest.setDeviceKeyUpload(deviceKeyUpload); let loginResponse; try { loginResponse = await this.unauthClient.logInWalletUser(loginRequest); } catch (e) { console.log('Error calling logInWalletUser:', e); throw new Error(getMessageForException(e) ?? 'unknown'); } const userID = loginResponse.getUserId(); const accessToken = loginResponse.getAccessToken(); const identityAuthResult = { accessToken, userID, username: walletAddress }; return assertWithValidator(identityAuthResult, identityAuthResultValidator); }; uploadKeysForRegisteredDeviceAndLogIn: ( ownerUserID: string, nonceChallengeResponse: SignedMessage, ) => Promise = async ( ownerUserID, nonceChallengeResponse, ) => { const identityDeviceKeyUpload = await this.getNewDeviceKeyUpload(); const deviceKeyUpload = authNewDeviceKeyUpload(identityDeviceKeyUpload); const challengeResponse = JSON.stringify(nonceChallengeResponse); const request = new SecondaryDeviceKeysUploadRequest(); request.setUserId(ownerUserID); request.setChallengeResponse(challengeResponse); request.setDeviceKeyUpload(deviceKeyUpload); let response; try { response = await this.unauthClient.uploadKeysForRegisteredDeviceAndLogIn(request); } catch (e) { console.log('Error calling uploadKeysForRegisteredDeviceAndLogIn:', e); throw new Error(getMessageForException(e) ?? 'unknown'); } const userID = response.getUserId(); const accessToken = response.getAccessToken(); const identityAuthResult = { accessToken, userID, username: '' }; return assertWithValidator(identityAuthResult, identityAuthResultValidator); }; generateNonce: () => Promise = async () => { const result = await this.unauthClient.generateNonce(new Empty()); return result.getNonce(); }; publishWebPrekeys: (prekeys: SignedPrekeys) => Promise = async ( prekeys: SignedPrekeys, ) => { const client = this.authClient; if (!client) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } const contentPrekeyUpload = new Prekey(); contentPrekeyUpload.setPrekey(prekeys.contentPrekey); contentPrekeyUpload.setPrekeySignature(prekeys.contentPrekeySignature); const notifPrekeyUpload = new Prekey(); notifPrekeyUpload.setPrekey(prekeys.notifPrekey); notifPrekeyUpload.setPrekeySignature(prekeys.notifPrekeySignature); const request = new IdentityAuthStructs.RefreshUserPrekeysRequest(); request.setNewContentPrekeys(contentPrekeyUpload); request.setNewNotifPrekeys(notifPrekeyUpload); await client.refreshUserPrekeys(request); }; getDeviceListHistoryForUser: ( userID: string, sinceTimestamp?: number, ) => Promise<$ReadOnlyArray> = async ( userID, sinceTimestamp, ) => { const client = this.authClient; if (!client) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } const request = new IdentityAuthStructs.GetDeviceListRequest(); request.setUserId(userID); if (sinceTimestamp) { request.setSinceTimestamp(sinceTimestamp); } const response = await client.getDeviceListForUser(request); const rawPayloads = response.getDeviceListUpdatesList(); const deviceListUpdates: SignedDeviceList[] = rawPayloads.map(payload => JSON.parse(payload), ); return assertWithValidator( deviceListUpdates, signedDeviceListHistoryValidator, ); }; } function authNewDeviceKeyUpload( uploadData: IdentityNewDeviceKeyUpload, ): DeviceKeyUpload { const { keyPayload, keyPayloadSignature, contentPrekey, contentPrekeySignature, notifPrekey, notifPrekeySignature, contentOneTimeKeys, notifOneTimeKeys, } = uploadData; const identityKeyInfo = createIdentityKeyInfo( keyPayload, keyPayloadSignature, ); const contentPrekeyUpload = createPrekey( contentPrekey, contentPrekeySignature, ); const notifPrekeyUpload = createPrekey(notifPrekey, notifPrekeySignature); const deviceKeyUpload = createDeviceKeyUpload( identityKeyInfo, contentPrekeyUpload, notifPrekeyUpload, contentOneTimeKeys, notifOneTimeKeys, ); return deviceKeyUpload; } function authExistingDeviceKeyUpload( uploadData: IdentityExistingDeviceKeyUpload, ): DeviceKeyUpload { const { keyPayload, keyPayloadSignature, contentPrekey, contentPrekeySignature, notifPrekey, notifPrekeySignature, } = uploadData; const identityKeyInfo = createIdentityKeyInfo( keyPayload, keyPayloadSignature, ); const contentPrekeyUpload = createPrekey( contentPrekey, contentPrekeySignature, ); const notifPrekeyUpload = createPrekey(notifPrekey, notifPrekeySignature); const deviceKeyUpload = createDeviceKeyUpload( identityKeyInfo, contentPrekeyUpload, notifPrekeyUpload, ); return deviceKeyUpload; } function createIdentityKeyInfo( keyPayload: string, keyPayloadSignature: string, ): IdentityKeyInfo { const identityKeyInfo = new IdentityKeyInfo(); identityKeyInfo.setPayload(keyPayload); identityKeyInfo.setPayloadSignature(keyPayloadSignature); return identityKeyInfo; } function createPrekey(prekey: string, prekeySignature: string): Prekey { const prekeyUpload = new Prekey(); prekeyUpload.setPrekey(prekey); prekeyUpload.setPrekeySignature(prekeySignature); return prekeyUpload; } function createDeviceKeyUpload( identityKeyInfo: IdentityKeyInfo, contentPrekeyUpload: Prekey, notifPrekeyUpload: Prekey, contentOneTimeKeys: $ReadOnlyArray = [], notifOneTimeKeys: $ReadOnlyArray = [], ): DeviceKeyUpload { const deviceKeyUpload = new DeviceKeyUpload(); deviceKeyUpload.setDeviceKeyInfo(identityKeyInfo); deviceKeyUpload.setContentUpload(contentPrekeyUpload); deviceKeyUpload.setNotifUpload(notifPrekeyUpload); deviceKeyUpload.setOneTimeContentPrekeysList([...contentOneTimeKeys]); deviceKeyUpload.setOneTimeNotifPrekeysList([...notifOneTimeKeys]); deviceKeyUpload.setDeviceType(identityDeviceTypes.WEB); return deviceKeyUpload; } export { IdentityServiceClientWrapper }; diff --git a/web/crypto/opaque-utils.js b/web/shared-worker/utils/opaque-utils.js similarity index 57% rename from web/crypto/opaque-utils.js rename to web/shared-worker/utils/opaque-utils.js index 86d289791..cbe2ec11f 100644 --- a/web/crypto/opaque-utils.js +++ b/web/shared-worker/utils/opaque-utils.js @@ -1,20 +1,17 @@ // @flow import initOpaqueKe from '@commapp/opaque-ke-wasm'; -declare var opaqueURL: string; - let opaqueKeLoadingState: void | true | Promise; -function initOpaque(overrideOpaqueURL?: ?string): Promise { - const finalOpaqueURL = overrideOpaqueURL ?? opaqueURL; +function initOpaque(opaqueURL: string): Promise { if (opaqueKeLoadingState === true) { return Promise.resolve(); } if (!opaqueKeLoadingState) { - opaqueKeLoadingState = initOpaqueKe(finalOpaqueURL); + opaqueKeLoadingState = initOpaqueKe(opaqueURL); } return opaqueKeLoadingState; } export { initOpaque }; diff --git a/web/shared-worker/worker/identity-client.js b/web/shared-worker/worker/identity-client.js index d12cdb42d..7bf53f7c7 100644 --- a/web/shared-worker/worker/identity-client.js +++ b/web/shared-worker/worker/identity-client.js @@ -1,69 +1,71 @@ // @flow import type { PlatformDetails } from 'lib/types/device-types.js'; import { getNewDeviceKeyUpload, getExistingDeviceKeyUpload, } from './worker-crypto.js'; import { IdentityServiceClientWrapper } from '../../grpc/identity-service-client-wrapper.js'; import { type WorkerResponseMessage, type WorkerRequestMessage, workerRequestMessageTypes, workerResponseMessageTypes, } from '../../types/worker-types.js'; import type { EmscriptenModule } from '../types/module.js'; import type { SQLiteQueryExecutor } from '../types/sqlite-query-executor.js'; +import { initOpaque } from '../utils/opaque-utils.js'; let identityClient: ?IdentityServiceClientWrapper = null; async function processAppIdentityClientRequest( sqliteQueryExecutor: SQLiteQueryExecutor, dbModule: EmscriptenModule, platformDetails: PlatformDetails, message: WorkerRequestMessage, ): Promise { if ( message.type === workerRequestMessageTypes.CREATE_IDENTITY_SERVICE_CLIENT ) { + void initOpaque(message.opaqueWasmPath); identityClient = new IdentityServiceClientWrapper( platformDetails, message.opaqueWasmPath, message.authLayer, async () => getNewDeviceKeyUpload(), async () => getExistingDeviceKeyUpload(), ); return undefined; } if (!identityClient) { throw new Error('Identity client not created'); } if (message.type === workerRequestMessageTypes.CALL_IDENTITY_CLIENT_METHOD) { // Flow doesn't allow us to access methods like this (it needs an index // signature declaration in the object type) const method: (...$ReadOnlyArray) => mixed = (identityClient: any)[ message.method ]; if (typeof method !== 'function') { throw new Error( `Couldn't find identity client method with name '${message.method}'`, ); } const result = await method(...message.args); return { type: workerResponseMessageTypes.CALL_IDENTITY_CLIENT_METHOD, result, }; } return undefined; } function getIdentityClient(): ?IdentityServiceClientWrapper { return identityClient; } export { processAppIdentityClientRequest, getIdentityClient }; diff --git a/web/webpack.config.cjs b/web/webpack.config.cjs index 517b48215..7b79dee01 100644 --- a/web/webpack.config.cjs +++ b/web/webpack.config.cjs @@ -1,282 +1,262 @@ const CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin'); const path = require('path'); const { WebpackManifestPlugin } = require('webpack-manifest-plugin'); const { createProdBrowserConfig, createDevBrowserConfig, createNodeServerRenderingConfig, createWebWorkersConfig, } = require('lib/webpack/shared.cjs'); const babelConfig = require('./.babelrc.cjs'); async function getConfig(configName) { const { getCommConfig } = await import( 'keyserver/dist/lib/utils/comm-config.js' ); return await getCommConfig(configName); } const baseBrowserConfig = { entry: { browser: ['./script.js'], }, output: { filename: 'prod.[contenthash:12].build.js', path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), }, resolve: { alias: { '../images': path.resolve('../keyserver/images'), }, fallback: { crypto: false, fs: false, path: false, }, }, }; const baseDevBrowserConfig = { ...baseBrowserConfig, output: { ...baseBrowserConfig.output, filename: 'dev.build.js', pathinfo: true, publicPath: 'http://localhost:8080/', }, devServer: { port: 8080, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' }, allowedHosts: ['all'], host: '', static: { directory: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), }, }, plugins: [ new CopyPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: 'node_modules/@commapp/olm/olm.wasm', to: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), }, ], }), - new CopyPlugin({ - patterns: [ - { - from: - 'node_modules/@commapp/opaque-ke-wasm' + - '/pkg/comm_opaque2_wasm_bg.wasm', - to: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'opaque-ke.wasm'), - }, - ], - }), ], }; const baseProdBrowserConfig = { ...baseBrowserConfig, plugins: [ new CopyPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: 'node_modules/@commapp/olm/olm.wasm', to: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'olm.[contenthash:12].wasm'), }, ], }), - new CopyPlugin({ - patterns: [ - { - from: - 'node_modules/@commapp/opaque-ke-wasm' + - '/pkg/comm_opaque2_wasm_bg.wasm', - to: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'opaque-ke.[contenthash:12].wasm'), - }, - ], - }), new WebpackManifestPlugin({ publicPath: '', }), ], }; const baseNodeServerRenderingConfig = { externals: ['react', 'react-dom', 'react-redux'], entry: { keyserver: ['./loading.react.js'], }, output: { filename: 'app.build.cjs', library: 'app', libraryTarget: 'commonjs2', path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), }, }; const baseWebWorkersConfig = { entry: { pushNotif: './push-notif/service-worker.js', database: './shared-worker/worker/shared-worker.js', }, output: { filename: '[name].build.js', path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'webworkers'), }, resolve: { fallback: { crypto: false, fs: false, path: false, }, }, }; const devWebWorkersPlugins = [ new CopyPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: 'shared-worker/_generated/comm_query_executor.wasm', to: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'webworkers'), }, ], }), new CopyPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: 'node_modules/@commapp/olm/olm.wasm', to: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'webworkers'), }, ], }), new CopyPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: 'backup-client-wasm/wasm/backup-client-wasm_bg.wasm', to: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'webworkers'), }, ], }), new CopyPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: 'node_modules/@commapp/opaque-ke-wasm' + '/pkg/comm_opaque2_wasm_bg.wasm', to: path.join(__dirname, 'dist', 'webworkers'), }, ], }), ]; const prodWebWorkersPlugins = [ new CopyPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: 'shared-worker/_generated/comm_query_executor.wasm', to: path.join( __dirname, 'dist', 'webworkers', 'comm_query_executor.[contenthash:12].wasm', ), }, ], }), new CopyPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: 'node_modules/@commapp/olm/olm.wasm', to: path.join( __dirname, 'dist', 'webworkers', 'olm.[contenthash:12].wasm', ), }, ], }), new CopyPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: 'backup-client-wasm/wasm/backup-client-wasm_bg.wasm', to: path.join( __dirname, 'dist', 'webworkers', 'backup-client.[contenthash:12].wasm', ), }, ], }), new CopyPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: 'node_modules/@commapp/opaque-ke-wasm' + '/pkg/comm_opaque2_wasm_bg.wasm', to: path.join( __dirname, 'dist', 'webworkers', 'opaque-ke.[contenthash:12].wasm', ), }, ], }), new WebpackManifestPlugin({ publicPath: '', }), ]; module.exports = async function (env) { const identityServiceConfig = await getConfig({ folder: 'secrets', name: 'identity_service_config', }); const identitySocketAddr = JSON.stringify( identityServiceConfig?.identitySocketAddr, ); const authoritativeKeyserverIDConfig = await getConfig({ folder: 'facts', name: 'authoritative_keyserver', }); const authoritativeKeyserverID = JSON.stringify( authoritativeKeyserverIDConfig?.authoritativeKeyserverID, ); const envVars = { IDENTITY_SOCKET_ADDR: identitySocketAddr, AUTHORITATIVE_KEYSERVER_ID: authoritativeKeyserverID, }; const browserConfigPromise = env.prod ? createProdBrowserConfig(baseProdBrowserConfig, babelConfig, envVars) : createDevBrowserConfig(baseDevBrowserConfig, babelConfig, envVars); const nodeConfigPromise = createNodeServerRenderingConfig( baseNodeServerRenderingConfig, babelConfig, ); const [browserConfig, nodeConfig] = await Promise.all([ browserConfigPromise, nodeConfigPromise, ]); const nodeServerRenderingConfig = { ...nodeConfig, mode: env.prod ? 'production' : 'development', }; const workersConfig = { ...baseWebWorkersConfig, plugins: env.prod ? prodWebWorkersPlugins : devWebWorkersPlugins, }; const webWorkersConfig = createWebWorkersConfig( env, workersConfig, babelConfig, ); return [browserConfig, nodeServerRenderingConfig, webWorkersConfig]; };