diff --git a/services/identity/src/database/device_list.rs b/services/identity/src/database/device_list.rs index 7ca8ce587..e7afd2519 100644 --- a/services/identity/src/database/device_list.rs +++ b/services/identity/src/database/device_list.rs @@ -1,1244 +1,1258 @@ use std::collections::HashMap; use chrono::{DateTime, Utc}; use comm_lib::{ aws::ddb::{ operation::{get_item::GetItemOutput, query::builders::QueryFluentBuilder}, types::{ error::TransactionCanceledException, AttributeValue, Delete, DeleteRequest, Put, TransactWriteItem, Update, WriteRequest, }, }, database::{ AttributeExtractor, AttributeMap, DBItemAttributeError, DBItemError, DynamoDBError, TryFromAttribute, }, }; use tracing::{error, warn}; use crate::{ client_service::FlattenedDeviceKeyUpload, constants::{ devices_table::{self, *}, USERS_TABLE, USERS_TABLE_DEVICELIST_TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, USERS_TABLE_PARTITION_KEY, }, error::{DeviceListError, Error}, grpc_services::protos::{self, unauth::DeviceType}, grpc_utils::DeviceKeysInfo, }; use super::DatabaseClient; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct DeviceRow { pub user_id: String, pub device_id: String, pub device_type: DeviceType, pub device_key_info: IdentityKeyInfo, pub content_prekey: Prekey, pub notif_prekey: Prekey, // migration-related data pub code_version: u64, /// Timestamp of last login (access token generation) pub login_time: DateTime, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct DeviceListRow { pub user_id: String, pub timestamp: DateTime, pub device_ids: Vec, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct IdentityKeyInfo { pub key_payload: String, pub key_payload_signature: String, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Prekey { pub prekey: String, pub prekey_signature: String, } impl DeviceRow { pub fn from_device_key_upload( user_id: impl Into, upload: FlattenedDeviceKeyUpload, code_version: u64, login_time: DateTime, ) -> Self { Self { user_id: user_id.into(), device_id: upload.device_id_key, device_type: DeviceType::from_str_name(upload.device_type.as_str_name()) .expect("DeviceType conversion failed. Identity client and server protos mismatch"), device_key_info: IdentityKeyInfo { key_payload: upload.key_payload, key_payload_signature: upload.key_payload_signature, }, content_prekey: Prekey { prekey: upload.content_prekey, prekey_signature: upload.content_prekey_signature, }, notif_prekey: Prekey { prekey: upload.notif_prekey, prekey_signature: upload.notif_prekey_signature, }, code_version, login_time, } } } impl DeviceListRow { /// Generates new device list row from given devices fn new(user_id: impl Into, device_ids: Vec) -> Self { Self { user_id: user_id.into(), device_ids, timestamp: Utc::now(), } } } // helper structs for converting to/from attribute values for sort key (a.k.a itemID) struct DeviceIDAttribute(String); struct DeviceListKeyAttribute(DateTime); impl From for AttributeValue { fn from(value: DeviceIDAttribute) -> Self { AttributeValue::S(format!("{DEVICE_ITEM_KEY_PREFIX}{}", value.0)) } } impl From for AttributeValue { fn from(value: DeviceListKeyAttribute) -> Self { AttributeValue::S(format!( "{DEVICE_LIST_KEY_PREFIX}{}", value.0.to_rfc3339() )) } } impl TryFrom> for DeviceIDAttribute { type Error = DBItemError; fn try_from(value: Option) -> Result { let item_id = String::try_from_attr(ATTR_ITEM_ID, value)?; // remove the device- prefix let device_id = item_id .strip_prefix(DEVICE_ITEM_KEY_PREFIX) .ok_or_else(|| DBItemError { attribute_name: ATTR_ITEM_ID.to_string(), attribute_value: item_id.clone().into(), attribute_error: DBItemAttributeError::InvalidValue, })? .to_string(); Ok(Self(device_id)) } } impl TryFrom> for DeviceListKeyAttribute { type Error = DBItemError; fn try_from(value: Option) -> Result { let item_id = String::try_from_attr(ATTR_ITEM_ID, value)?; // remove the device-list- prefix, then parse the timestamp let timestamp: DateTime = item_id .strip_prefix(DEVICE_LIST_KEY_PREFIX) .ok_or_else(|| DBItemError { attribute_name: ATTR_ITEM_ID.to_string(), attribute_value: item_id.clone().into(), attribute_error: DBItemAttributeError::InvalidValue, }) .and_then(|s| { s.parse().map_err(|e| { DBItemError::new( ATTR_ITEM_ID.to_string(), item_id.clone().into(), DBItemAttributeError::InvalidTimestamp(e), ) }) })?; Ok(Self(timestamp)) } } impl TryFrom for DeviceRow { type Error = DBItemError; fn try_from(mut attrs: AttributeMap) -> Result { let user_id = attrs.take_attr(ATTR_USER_ID)?; let DeviceIDAttribute(device_id) = attrs.remove(ATTR_ITEM_ID).try_into()?; let raw_device_type: String = attrs.take_attr(ATTR_DEVICE_TYPE)?; let device_type = DeviceType::from_str_name(&raw_device_type).ok_or_else(|| { DBItemError::new( ATTR_DEVICE_TYPE.to_string(), raw_device_type.into(), DBItemAttributeError::InvalidValue, ) })?; let device_key_info = attrs .take_attr::(ATTR_DEVICE_KEY_INFO) .and_then(IdentityKeyInfo::try_from)?; let content_prekey = attrs .take_attr::(ATTR_CONTENT_PREKEY) .and_then(Prekey::try_from)?; let notif_prekey = attrs .take_attr::(ATTR_NOTIF_PREKEY) .and_then(Prekey::try_from)?; let code_version = attrs .remove(ATTR_CODE_VERSION) .and_then(|attr| attr.as_n().ok().cloned()) .and_then(|val| val.parse::().ok()) .unwrap_or_default(); let login_time: DateTime = attrs.take_attr(ATTR_LOGIN_TIME)?; Ok(Self { user_id, device_id, device_type, device_key_info, content_prekey, notif_prekey, code_version, login_time, }) } } impl From for AttributeMap { fn from(value: DeviceRow) -> Self { HashMap::from([ (ATTR_USER_ID.to_string(), AttributeValue::S(value.user_id)), ( ATTR_ITEM_ID.to_string(), DeviceIDAttribute(value.device_id).into(), ), ( ATTR_DEVICE_TYPE.to_string(), AttributeValue::S(value.device_type.as_str_name().to_string()), ), ( ATTR_DEVICE_KEY_INFO.to_string(), value.device_key_info.into(), ), (ATTR_CONTENT_PREKEY.to_string(), value.content_prekey.into()), (ATTR_NOTIF_PREKEY.to_string(), value.notif_prekey.into()), // migration attributes ( ATTR_CODE_VERSION.to_string(), AttributeValue::N(value.code_version.to_string()), ), ( ATTR_LOGIN_TIME.to_string(), AttributeValue::S(value.login_time.to_rfc3339()), ), ]) } } impl From for protos::unauth::IdentityKeyInfo { fn from(value: IdentityKeyInfo) -> Self { Self { payload: value.key_payload, payload_signature: value.key_payload_signature, // social proof isn't stored in the devices table // it cannot be retrieved here social_proof: None, } } } impl From for AttributeValue { fn from(value: IdentityKeyInfo) -> Self { let attrs = HashMap::from([ ( ATTR_KEY_PAYLOAD.to_string(), AttributeValue::S(value.key_payload), ), ( ATTR_KEY_PAYLOAD_SIGNATURE.to_string(), AttributeValue::S(value.key_payload_signature), ), ]); AttributeValue::M(attrs) } } impl TryFrom for IdentityKeyInfo { type Error = DBItemError; fn try_from(mut attrs: AttributeMap) -> Result { let key_payload = attrs.take_attr(ATTR_KEY_PAYLOAD)?; let key_payload_signature = attrs.take_attr(ATTR_KEY_PAYLOAD_SIGNATURE)?; Ok(Self { key_payload, key_payload_signature, }) } } impl From for AttributeValue { fn from(value: Prekey) -> Self { let attrs = HashMap::from([ (ATTR_PREKEY.to_string(), AttributeValue::S(value.prekey)), ( ATTR_PREKEY_SIGNATURE.to_string(), AttributeValue::S(value.prekey_signature), ), ]); AttributeValue::M(attrs) } } impl From for protos::unauth::Prekey { fn from(value: Prekey) -> Self { Self { prekey: value.prekey, prekey_signature: value.prekey_signature, } } } impl From for Prekey { fn from(value: protos::unauth::Prekey) -> Self { Self { prekey: value.prekey, prekey_signature: value.prekey_signature, } } } impl TryFrom for Prekey { type Error = DBItemError; fn try_from(mut attrs: AttributeMap) -> Result { let prekey = attrs.take_attr(ATTR_PREKEY)?; let prekey_signature = attrs.take_attr(ATTR_PREKEY_SIGNATURE)?; Ok(Self { prekey, prekey_signature, }) } } impl TryFrom for DeviceListRow { type Error = DBItemError; fn try_from(mut attrs: AttributeMap) -> Result { let user_id = attrs.take_attr(ATTR_USER_ID)?; let DeviceListKeyAttribute(timestamp) = attrs.remove(ATTR_ITEM_ID).try_into()?; // validate timestamps are in sync let timestamps_match = attrs .remove(ATTR_TIMESTAMP) .and_then(|attr| attr.as_n().ok().cloned()) .and_then(|val| val.parse::().ok()) .filter(|val| *val == timestamp.timestamp_millis()) .is_some(); if !timestamps_match { warn!( "DeviceList timestamp mismatch for (userID={}, itemID={})", &user_id, timestamp.to_rfc3339() ); } let device_ids: Vec = attrs.take_attr(ATTR_DEVICE_IDS)?; Ok(Self { user_id, timestamp, device_ids, }) } } impl From for AttributeMap { fn from(device_list: DeviceListRow) -> Self { let mut attrs = HashMap::new(); attrs.insert( ATTR_USER_ID.to_string(), AttributeValue::S(device_list.user_id.clone()), ); attrs.insert( ATTR_ITEM_ID.to_string(), DeviceListKeyAttribute(device_list.timestamp).into(), ); attrs.insert( ATTR_TIMESTAMP.to_string(), AttributeValue::N(device_list.timestamp.timestamp_millis().to_string()), ); attrs.insert( ATTR_DEVICE_IDS.to_string(), AttributeValue::L( device_list .device_ids .into_iter() .map(AttributeValue::S) .collect(), ), ); attrs } } impl DatabaseClient { /// Retrieves user's current devices and their full data pub async fn get_current_devices( &self, user_id: impl Into, ) -> Result, Error> { let response = query_rows_with_prefix(self, user_id, DEVICE_ITEM_KEY_PREFIX) .send() .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to get current devices: {:?}", e); Error::AwsSdk(e.into()) })?; let Some(rows) = response.items else { return Ok(Vec::new()); }; rows .into_iter() .map(DeviceRow::try_from) .collect::, DBItemError>>() .map_err(Error::from) } /// Gets user's device list history pub async fn get_device_list_history( &self, user_id: impl Into, since: Option>, ) -> Result, Error> { let rows = if let Some(since) = since { // When timestamp is provided, it's better to query device lists by timestamp LSI self .client .query() .table_name(devices_table::NAME) .index_name(devices_table::TIMESTAMP_INDEX_NAME) .consistent_read(true) .key_condition_expression("#user_id = :user_id AND #timestamp > :since") .expression_attribute_names("#user_id", ATTR_USER_ID) .expression_attribute_names("#timestamp", ATTR_TIMESTAMP) .expression_attribute_values( ":user_id", AttributeValue::S(user_id.into()), ) .expression_attribute_values( ":since", AttributeValue::N(since.timestamp_millis().to_string()), ) .send() .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to query device list updates by index: {:?}", e); Error::AwsSdk(e.into()) })? .items } else { // Query all device lists for user query_rows_with_prefix(self, user_id, DEVICE_LIST_KEY_PREFIX) .send() .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to query device list updates (all): {:?}", e); Error::AwsSdk(e.into()) })? .items }; rows .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter() .map(DeviceListRow::try_from) .collect::, DBItemError>>() .map_err(Error::from) } /// Returns all devices' keys for the given user. Response is in the same format /// as [DatabaseClient::get_keys_for_user] for compatibility reasons. pub async fn get_keys_for_user_devices( &self, user_id: impl Into, ) -> Result { let user_devices = self.get_current_devices(user_id).await?; let user_devices_keys = user_devices .into_iter() .map(|device| (device.device_id.clone(), DeviceKeysInfo::from(device))) .collect(); Ok(user_devices_keys) } pub async fn update_device_prekeys( &self, user_id: impl Into, device_id: impl Into, content_prekey: Prekey, notif_prekey: Prekey, ) -> Result<(), Error> { self .client .update_item() .table_name(devices_table::NAME) .key(ATTR_USER_ID, AttributeValue::S(user_id.into())) .key(ATTR_ITEM_ID, DeviceIDAttribute(device_id.into()).into()) .condition_expression( "attribute_exists(#user_id) AND attribute_exists(#item_id)", ) .update_expression( "SET #content_prekey = :content_prekey, #notif_prekey = :notif_prekey", ) .expression_attribute_names("#user_id", ATTR_USER_ID) .expression_attribute_names("#item_id", ATTR_ITEM_ID) .expression_attribute_names("#content_prekey", ATTR_CONTENT_PREKEY) .expression_attribute_names("#notif_prekey", ATTR_NOTIF_PREKEY) .expression_attribute_values(":content_prekey", content_prekey.into()) .expression_attribute_values(":notif_prekey", notif_prekey.into()) .send() .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to update device prekeys: {:?}", e); Error::AwsSdk(e.into()) })?; Ok(()) } /// Checks if given device exists on user's current device list pub async fn device_exists( &self, user_id: impl Into, device_id: impl Into, ) -> Result { let GetItemOutput { item, .. } = self .client .get_item() .table_name(devices_table::NAME) .key(ATTR_USER_ID, AttributeValue::S(user_id.into())) .key(ATTR_ITEM_ID, DeviceIDAttribute(device_id.into()).into()) // only fetch the primary key, we don't need the rest .projection_expression(format!("{ATTR_USER_ID}, {ATTR_ITEM_ID}")) .send() .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to check if device exists: {:?}", e); Error::AwsSdk(e.into()) })?; Ok(item.is_some()) } /// Required only for migration purposes (determining primary device) pub async fn update_device_login_time( &self, user_id: impl Into, device_id: impl Into, login_time: DateTime, ) -> Result<(), Error> { self .client .update_item() .table_name(devices_table::NAME) .key(ATTR_USER_ID, AttributeValue::S(user_id.into())) .key(ATTR_ITEM_ID, DeviceIDAttribute(device_id.into()).into()) .condition_expression( "attribute_exists(#user_id) AND attribute_exists(#item_id)", ) .update_expression("SET #login_time = :login_time") .expression_attribute_names("#user_id", ATTR_USER_ID) .expression_attribute_names("#item_id", ATTR_ITEM_ID) .expression_attribute_names("#login_time", ATTR_LOGIN_TIME) .expression_attribute_values( ":login_time", AttributeValue::S(login_time.to_rfc3339()), ) .send() .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to update device login time: {:?}", e); Error::AwsSdk(e.into()) })?; Ok(()) } pub async fn get_current_device_list( &self, user_id: impl Into, ) -> Result, Error> { self .client .query() .table_name(devices_table::NAME) .index_name(devices_table::TIMESTAMP_INDEX_NAME) .consistent_read(true) .key_condition_expression("#user_id = :user_id") // sort descending .scan_index_forward(false) .expression_attribute_names("#user_id", ATTR_USER_ID) .expression_attribute_values( ":user_id", AttributeValue::S(user_id.into()), ) .limit(1) .send() .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to query device list updates by index: {:?}", e); Error::AwsSdk(e.into()) })? .items .and_then(|mut items| items.pop()) .map(DeviceListRow::try_from) .transpose() .map_err(Error::from) } /// Adds new device to user's device list. If the device already exists, the /// operation fails. Transactionally generates new device list version. pub async fn add_device( &self, user_id: impl Into, device_key_upload: FlattenedDeviceKeyUpload, code_version: u64, login_time: DateTime, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let user_id: String = user_id.into(); self .transact_update_devicelist(&user_id, |device_ids, mut devices_data| { let new_device = DeviceRow::from_device_key_upload( &user_id, device_key_upload, code_version, login_time, ); if device_ids.iter().any(|id| &new_device.device_id == id) { warn!( "Device already exists in user's device list \ (userID={}, deviceID={})", &user_id, &new_device.device_id ); return Err(Error::DeviceList(DeviceListError::DeviceAlreadyExists)); } device_ids.push(new_device.device_id.clone()); // Reorder devices (determine primary device again) devices_data.push(new_device.clone()); migration::reorder_device_list(&user_id, device_ids, &devices_data); // Put new device let put_device = Put::builder() .table_name(devices_table::NAME) .set_item(Some(new_device.into())) .condition_expression( "attribute_not_exists(#user_id) AND attribute_not_exists(#item_id)", ) .expression_attribute_names("#user_id", ATTR_USER_ID) .expression_attribute_names("#item_id", ATTR_ITEM_ID) .build(); let put_device_operation = TransactWriteItem::builder().put(put_device).build(); - Ok(put_device_operation) + Ok(Some(put_device_operation)) }) - .await + .await?; + + Ok(()) } /// Removes device from user's device list. If the device doesn't exist, the /// operation fails. Transactionally generates new device list version. pub async fn remove_device( &self, user_id: impl Into, device_id: impl AsRef, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let user_id: String = user_id.into(); let device_id = device_id.as_ref(); self .transact_update_devicelist(&user_id, |device_ids, mut devices_data| { let device_exists = device_ids.iter().any(|id| id == device_id); if !device_exists { warn!( "Device doesn't exist in user's device list \ (userID={}, deviceID={})", &user_id, device_id ); return Err(Error::DeviceList(DeviceListError::DeviceNotFound)); } device_ids.retain(|id| id != device_id); // Reorder devices (determine primary device again) devices_data.retain(|d| d.device_id != device_id); migration::reorder_device_list(&user_id, device_ids, &devices_data); // Delete device DDB operation let delete_device = Delete::builder() .table_name(devices_table::NAME) .key(ATTR_USER_ID, AttributeValue::S(user_id.clone())) .key( ATTR_ITEM_ID, DeviceIDAttribute(device_id.to_string()).into(), ) .condition_expression( "attribute_exists(#user_id) AND attribute_exists(#item_id)", ) .expression_attribute_names("#user_id", ATTR_USER_ID) .expression_attribute_names("#item_id", ATTR_ITEM_ID) .build(); let operation = TransactWriteItem::builder().delete(delete_device).build(); - Ok(operation) + Ok(Some(operation)) }) - .await + .await?; + + Ok(()) } /// Performs a transactional update of the device list for the user. Afterwards /// generates a new device list and updates the timestamp in the users table. /// This is done in a transaction. Operation fails if the device list has been /// updated concurrently (timestamp mismatch). + /// Returns the new device list row that has been saved to database. async fn transact_update_devicelist( &self, user_id: &str, // The closure performing a transactional update of the device list. // It receives two arguments: // 1. A mutable reference to the current device list (ordered device IDs). // 2. Details (full data) of the current devices (unordered). // The closure should return a transactional DDB // operation to be performed when updating the device list. action: impl FnOnce( &mut Vec, Vec, - ) -> Result, - ) -> Result<(), Error> { + ) -> Result, Error>, + ) -> Result { let previous_timestamp = get_current_devicelist_timestamp(self, user_id).await?; let current_devices_data = self.get_current_devices(user_id).await?; let mut device_ids = self .get_current_device_list(user_id) .await? .map(|device_list| device_list.device_ids) .unwrap_or_default(); // Perform the update action, then generate new device list let operation = action(&mut device_ids, current_devices_data)?; let new_device_list = DeviceListRow::new(user_id, device_ids); // Update timestamp in users table let timestamp_update_operation = device_list_timestamp_update_operation( user_id, previous_timestamp, new_device_list.timestamp, ); // Put updated device list (a new version) let put_device_list = Put::builder() .table_name(devices_table::NAME) - .set_item(Some(new_device_list.into())) + .set_item(Some(new_device_list.clone().into())) .condition_expression( "attribute_not_exists(#user_id) AND attribute_not_exists(#item_id)", ) .expression_attribute_names("#user_id", ATTR_USER_ID) .expression_attribute_names("#item_id", ATTR_ITEM_ID) .build(); let put_device_list_operation = TransactWriteItem::builder().put(put_device_list).build(); + let operations = if let Some(operation) = operation { + vec![ + operation, + put_device_list_operation, + timestamp_update_operation, + ] + } else { + vec![put_device_list_operation, timestamp_update_operation] + }; + self .client .transact_write_items() - .transact_items(operation) - .transact_items(put_device_list_operation) - .transact_items(timestamp_update_operation) + .set_transact_items(Some(operations)) .send() .await .map_err(|e| match DynamoDBError::from(e) { DynamoDBError::TransactionCanceledException( TransactionCanceledException { cancellation_reasons: Some(reasons), .. }, ) if reasons .iter() .any(|reason| reason.code() == Some("ConditionalCheckFailed")) => { Error::DeviceList(DeviceListError::ConcurrentUpdateError) } other => { error!("Device list update transaction failed: {:?}", other); Error::AwsSdk(other) } })?; - Ok(()) + Ok(new_device_list) } /// Deletes all user data from devices table pub async fn delete_devices_table_rows_for_user( &self, user_id: impl Into, ) -> Result<(), Error> { // 1. get all rows // 2. batch write delete all // we project only the primary keys so we can pass these directly to delete requests let primary_keys = self .client .query() .table_name(devices_table::NAME) .projection_expression("#user_id, #item_id") .key_condition_expression("#user_id = :user_id") .expression_attribute_names("#user_id", ATTR_USER_ID) .expression_attribute_names("#item_id", ATTR_ITEM_ID) .expression_attribute_values( ":user_id", AttributeValue::S(user_id.into()), ) .consistent_read(true) .send() .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to list user's items in devices table: {:?}", e); Error::AwsSdk(e.into()) })? .items .unwrap_or_default(); let delete_requests = primary_keys .into_iter() .map(|item| { let request = DeleteRequest::builder().set_key(Some(item)).build(); WriteRequest::builder().delete_request(request).build() }) .collect::>(); // TODO: We can use the batch write helper from comm-services-lib when integrated for batch in delete_requests.chunks(25) { self .client .batch_write_item() .request_items(devices_table::NAME, batch.to_vec()) .send() .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to batch delete items from devices table: {:?}", e); Error::AwsSdk(e.into()) })?; } Ok(()) } } /// Gets timestamp of user's current device list. Returns None if the user /// doesn't have a device list yet. Storing the timestamp in the users table is /// required for consistency. It's used as a condition when updating the device /// list. async fn get_current_devicelist_timestamp( db: &crate::database::DatabaseClient, user_id: impl Into, ) -> Result>, Error> { let response = db .client .get_item() .table_name(USERS_TABLE) .key(USERS_TABLE_PARTITION_KEY, AttributeValue::S(user_id.into())) .projection_expression(USERS_TABLE_DEVICELIST_TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) .send() .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to get user's device list timestamp: {:?}", e); Error::AwsSdk(e.into()) })?; let mut user_item = response.item.unwrap_or_default(); let raw_datetime = user_item.remove(USERS_TABLE_DEVICELIST_TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); // existing records will not have this field when // updating device list for the first time if raw_datetime.is_none() { return Ok(None); } let timestamp = DateTime::::try_from_attr( USERS_TABLE_DEVICELIST_TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, raw_datetime, )?; Ok(Some(timestamp)) } /// Generates update expression for current device list timestamp in users table. /// The previous timestamp is used as a condition to ensure that the value hasn't changed /// since we got it. This avoids race conditions when updating the device list. fn device_list_timestamp_update_operation( user_id: impl Into, previous_timestamp: Option>, new_timestamp: DateTime, ) -> TransactWriteItem { let update_builder = match previous_timestamp { Some(previous_timestamp) => Update::builder() .condition_expression("#device_list_timestamp = :previous_timestamp") .expression_attribute_values( ":previous_timestamp", AttributeValue::S(previous_timestamp.to_rfc3339()), ), // If there's no previous timestamp, the attribute shouldn't exist yet None => Update::builder() .condition_expression("attribute_not_exists(#device_list_timestamp)"), }; let update = update_builder .table_name(USERS_TABLE) .key(USERS_TABLE_PARTITION_KEY, AttributeValue::S(user_id.into())) .update_expression("SET #device_list_timestamp = :new_timestamp") .expression_attribute_names( "#device_list_timestamp", USERS_TABLE_DEVICELIST_TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, ) .expression_attribute_values( ":new_timestamp", AttributeValue::S(new_timestamp.to_rfc3339()), ) .build(); TransactWriteItem::builder().update(update).build() } /// Helper function to query rows by given sort key prefix fn query_rows_with_prefix( db: &crate::database::DatabaseClient, user_id: impl Into, prefix: &'static str, ) -> QueryFluentBuilder { db.client .query() .table_name(devices_table::NAME) .key_condition_expression( "#user_id = :user_id AND begins_with(#item_id, :device_prefix)", ) .expression_attribute_names("#user_id", ATTR_USER_ID) .expression_attribute_names("#item_id", ATTR_ITEM_ID) .expression_attribute_values(":user_id", AttributeValue::S(user_id.into())) .expression_attribute_values( ":device_prefix", AttributeValue::S(prefix.to_string()), ) .consistent_read(true) } // Helper module for "migration" code into new device list schema. // We can get rid of this when primary device takes over the responsibility // of managing the device list. mod migration { use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::HashSet}; use tracing::{debug, error, info}; use super::*; pub(super) fn reorder_device_list( user_id: &str, list: &mut [String], devices_data: &[DeviceRow], ) { if !verify_device_list_match(list, devices_data) { error!("Found corrupt device list for user (userID={})!", user_id); return; } let Some(first_device) = list.first() else { debug!("Skipping device list rotation. Nothing to reorder."); return; }; let Some(primary_device) = determine_primary_device(devices_data) else { info!( "No valid primary device found for user (userID={}).\ Skipping device list reorder.", user_id ); return; }; if first_device == &primary_device.device_id { debug!("Skipping device list reorder. Primary device is already first"); return; } // swap primary device with the first one let Some(primary_device_idx) = list.iter().position(|id| id == &primary_device.device_id) else { error!( "Primary device not found in device list (userID={})", user_id ); return; }; list.swap(0, primary_device_idx); info!("Reordered device list for user (userID={})", user_id); } // checks if device list matches given devices data fn verify_device_list_match( list: &[String], devices_data: &[DeviceRow], ) -> bool { if list.len() != devices_data.len() { error!("Device list length mismatch!"); return false; } let actual_device_ids = devices_data .iter() .map(|device| &device.device_id) .collect::>(); let device_list_set = list.iter().collect::>(); - if let Some(corrupt_device_id) = - device_list_set.difference(&actual_device_ids).next() + if let Some(corrupt_device_id) = device_list_set + .symmetric_difference(&actual_device_ids) + .next() { error!( "Device list is corrupt (unknown deviceID={})", corrupt_device_id ); return false; } true } /// Returns reference to primary device (if any) from given list of devices /// or None if there's no valid primary device. fn determine_primary_device(devices: &[DeviceRow]) -> Option<&DeviceRow> { // 1. Find mobile devices with valid token // 2. Prioritize these with latest code version // 3. If there's a tie, select the one with latest login time let mut mobile_devices = devices .iter() .filter(|device| { device.device_type == DeviceType::Ios || device.device_type == DeviceType::Android }) .collect::>(); mobile_devices.sort_by(|a, b| { let code_version_cmp = b.code_version.cmp(&a.code_version); if code_version_cmp == Ordering::Equal { b.login_time.cmp(&a.login_time) } else { code_version_cmp } }); mobile_devices.first().cloned() } mod tests { use super::*; use chrono::Duration; #[test] fn reorder_skips_no_devices() { let mut list = vec![]; reorder_device_list("", &mut list, &[]); assert_eq!(list, Vec::::new()); } #[test] fn reorder_skips_single_device() { let mut list = vec!["test".into()]; let devices_data = vec![create_test_device("test", DeviceType::Web, 0, Utc::now())]; reorder_device_list("", &mut list, &devices_data); assert_eq!(list, vec!["test"]); } #[test] fn reorder_skips_for_valid_list() { let mut list = vec!["mobile".into(), "web".into()]; let devices_data = vec![ create_test_device("mobile", DeviceType::Android, 1, Utc::now()), create_test_device("web", DeviceType::Web, 0, Utc::now()), ]; reorder_device_list("", &mut list, &devices_data); assert_eq!(list, vec!["mobile", "web"]); } #[test] fn reorder_swaps_primary_device_when_possible() { let mut list = vec!["web".into(), "mobile".into()]; let devices_data = vec![ create_test_device("web", DeviceType::Web, 0, Utc::now()), create_test_device("mobile", DeviceType::Android, 1, Utc::now()), ]; reorder_device_list("", &mut list, &devices_data); assert_eq!(list, vec!["mobile", "web"]); } #[test] fn determine_primary_device_returns_none_for_empty_list() { let devices = vec![]; assert!(determine_primary_device(&devices).is_none()); } #[test] fn determine_primary_device_returns_none_for_web_only() { let devices = vec![create_test_device("web", DeviceType::Web, 0, Utc::now())]; assert!( determine_primary_device(&devices).is_none(), "Primary device should be None for web-only devices" ); } #[test] fn determine_primary_device_prioritizes_mobile() { let devices = vec![ create_test_device("mobile", DeviceType::Android, 0, Utc::now()), create_test_device("web", DeviceType::Web, 0, Utc::now()), ]; let primary_device = determine_primary_device(&devices) .expect("Primary device should be present"); assert_eq!( primary_device.device_id, "mobile", "Primary device should be mobile" ); } #[test] fn determine_primary_device_prioritizes_latest_code_version() { let devices_with_latest_code_version = vec![ create_test_device("mobile1", DeviceType::Android, 1, Utc::now()), create_test_device("mobile2", DeviceType::Android, 2, Utc::now()), create_test_device("web", DeviceType::Web, 0, Utc::now()), ]; let primary_device = determine_primary_device(&devices_with_latest_code_version) .expect("Primary device should be present"); assert_eq!( primary_device.device_id, "mobile2", "Primary device should be mobile with latest code version" ); } #[test] fn determine_primary_device_prioritizes_latest_login_time() { let devices = vec![ create_test_device("mobile1_today", DeviceType::Ios, 1, Utc::now()), create_test_device( "mobile2_yesterday", DeviceType::Android, 1, Utc::now() - Duration::days(1), ), create_test_device("web", DeviceType::Web, 0, Utc::now()), ]; let primary_device = determine_primary_device(&devices) .expect("Primary device should be present"); assert_eq!( primary_device.device_id, "mobile1_today", "Primary device should be mobile with latest login time" ); } #[test] fn determine_primary_device_keeps_deterministic_order() { // Given two identical devices, the first one should be selected as primary let today = Utc::now(); let devices_with_latest_code_version = vec![ create_test_device("mobile1", DeviceType::Android, 1, today), create_test_device("mobile2", DeviceType::Android, 1, today), ]; let primary_device = determine_primary_device(&devices_with_latest_code_version) .expect("Primary device should be present"); assert_eq!( primary_device.device_id, "mobile1", "Primary device selection should be deterministic" ); } #[test] fn determine_primary_device_all_rules_together() { use DeviceType::{Android, Ios, Web}; let today = Utc::now(); let yesterday = today - Duration::days(1); let devices = vec![ create_test_device("mobile1_today", Android, 1, today), create_test_device("mobile2_today", Android, 2, today), create_test_device("mobile3_yesterday", Ios, 1, yesterday), create_test_device("mobile4_yesterday", Ios, 2, yesterday), create_test_device("web", Web, 5, today), ]; let primary_device = determine_primary_device(&devices) .expect("Primary device should be present"); assert_eq!( primary_device.device_id, "mobile2_today", "Primary device should be mobile with latest code version and login time" ); } fn create_test_device( id: &str, platform: DeviceType, code_version: u64, login_time: DateTime, ) -> DeviceRow { DeviceRow { user_id: "test".into(), device_id: id.into(), device_type: platform, device_key_info: IdentityKeyInfo { key_payload: "".into(), key_payload_signature: "".into(), }, content_prekey: Prekey { prekey: "".into(), prekey_signature: "".into(), }, notif_prekey: Prekey { prekey: "".into(), prekey_signature: "".into(), }, code_version, login_time, } } } }