diff --git a/keyserver/src/fetchers/user-fetchers.js b/keyserver/src/fetchers/user-fetchers.js index 9cab57e9e..5b5cecae0 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/fetchers/user-fetchers.js +++ b/keyserver/src/fetchers/user-fetchers.js @@ -1,534 +1,535 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import { hasMinCodeVersion, FUTURE_CODE_VERSION, - NEXT_CODE_VERSION, } from 'lib/shared/version-utils.js'; import type { AvatarDBContent, ClientAvatar } from 'lib/types/avatar-types.js'; import type { UserDetail } from 'lib/types/crypto-types.js'; import { undirectedStatus, directedStatus, userRelationshipStatus, } from 'lib/types/relationship-types.js'; import { threadPermissions } from 'lib/types/thread-permission-types.js'; import { communityThreadTypes } from 'lib/types/thread-types-enum.js'; import type { UserInfos, CurrentUserInfo, LoggedInUserInfo, GlobalUserInfo, } from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import { ServerError } from 'lib/utils/errors.js'; import { getUploadURL, makeUploadURI } from './upload-fetchers.js'; import { dbQuery, SQL } from '../database/database.js'; import type { Viewer } from '../session/viewer.js'; async function fetchUserInfos( userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise<{ [id: string]: GlobalUserInfo }> { if (userIDs.length <= 0) { return {}; } const query = SQL` SELECT u.id, u.username, u.avatar, up.id AS upload_id, up.secret AS upload_secret, up.extra AS upload_extra FROM users u LEFT JOIN uploads up ON up.user_container = u.id WHERE u.id IN (${userIDs}) `; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); const userInfos: { [id: string]: GlobalUserInfo } = {}; for (const row of result) { const id = row.id.toString(); const avatar: ?AvatarDBContent = row.avatar ? JSON.parse(row.avatar) : null; let clientAvatar: ?ClientAvatar; if ( avatar && avatar.type !== 'image' && avatar.type !== 'encrypted_image' ) { clientAvatar = avatar; } else if ( avatar && (avatar.type === 'image' || avatar.type === 'encrypted_image') && row.upload_id && row.upload_secret ) { const uploadID = row.upload_id.toString(); invariant( uploadID === avatar.uploadID, 'uploadID of upload should match uploadID of image avatar', ); if (avatar.type === 'encrypted_image' && row.upload_extra) { const uploadExtra = JSON.parse(row.upload_extra); clientAvatar = { type: 'encrypted_image', blobURI: makeUploadURI( uploadExtra.blobHash, uploadID, row.upload_secret, ), encryptionKey: uploadExtra.encryptionKey, thumbHash: uploadExtra.thumbHash, }; } else { clientAvatar = { type: 'image', uri: getUploadURL(uploadID, row.upload_secret), }; } } userInfos[id] = clientAvatar ? { id, username: row.username, avatar: clientAvatar, } : { id, username: row.username, }; } for (const userID of userIDs) { if (!userInfos[userID]) { userInfos[userID] = { id: userID, username: null, }; } } return userInfos; } async function fetchKnownUserInfos( viewer: Viewer, userIDs?: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise { if (!viewer.loggedIn) { return {}; } if (userIDs && userIDs.length === 0) { return {}; } const query = SQL` SELECT ru.user1, ru.user2, u.username, u.avatar, ru.status AS undirected_status, rd1.status AS user1_directed_status, rd2.status AS user2_directed_status, up1.id AS user1_upload_id, up1.secret AS user1_upload_secret, up1.extra AS user1_upload_extra, up2.id AS user2_upload_id, up2.secret AS user2_upload_secret, up2.extra AS user2_upload_extra FROM relationships_undirected ru LEFT JOIN relationships_directed rd1 ON rd1.user1 = ru.user1 AND rd1.user2 = ru.user2 LEFT JOIN relationships_directed rd2 ON rd2.user1 = ru.user2 AND rd2.user2 = ru.user1 LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id != ${viewer.userID} AND (u.id = ru.user1 OR u.id = ru.user2) LEFT JOIN uploads up1 ON up1.user_container != ${viewer.userID} AND up1.user_container = ru.user1 LEFT JOIN uploads up2 ON up2.user_container != ${viewer.userID} AND up2.user_container = ru.user2 `; if (userIDs) { query.append(SQL` WHERE (ru.user1 = ${viewer.userID} AND ru.user2 IN (${userIDs})) OR (ru.user1 IN (${userIDs}) AND ru.user2 = ${viewer.userID}) `); } else { query.append(SQL` WHERE ru.user1 = ${viewer.userID} OR ru.user2 = ${viewer.userID} `); } query.append(SQL` UNION SELECT u.id AS user1, NULL AS user2, u.username, u.avatar, CAST(NULL AS UNSIGNED) AS undirected_status, CAST(NULL AS UNSIGNED) AS user1_directed_status, CAST(NULL AS UNSIGNED) AS user2_directed_status, up.id AS user1_upload_id, up.secret AS user1_upload_secret, up.extra AS user1_upload_extra, NULL AS user2_upload_id, NULL AS user2_upload_secret, NULL AS user2_upload_extra FROM users u LEFT JOIN uploads up ON up.user_container = u.id WHERE u.id = ${viewer.userID} `); const [result] = await dbQuery(query); const userInfos = {}; for (const row of result) { const user1 = row.user1.toString(); const user2 = row.user2 ? row.user2.toString() : null; const id = user1 === viewer.userID && user2 ? user2 : user1; const avatar: ?AvatarDBContent = row.avatar ? JSON.parse(row.avatar) : null; let clientAvatar: ?ClientAvatar; if ( avatar && avatar.type === 'farcaster' && !hasMinCodeVersion(viewer.platformDetails, { - native: NEXT_CODE_VERSION, + native: 405, + web: 122, }) ) { clientAvatar = null; } else if ( avatar && avatar.type !== 'image' && avatar.type !== 'encrypted_image' ) { clientAvatar = avatar; } else if ( avatar && (avatar.type === 'image' || avatar.type === 'encrypted_image') && row.user1_upload_id && row.user1_upload_secret ) { const uploadID = row.user1_upload_id.toString(); invariant( uploadID === avatar.uploadID, 'uploadID of upload should match uploadID of image avatar', ); if (avatar.type === 'encrypted_image' && row.user1_upload_extra) { const uploadExtra = JSON.parse(row.user1_upload_extra); clientAvatar = { type: 'encrypted_image', blobURI: makeUploadURI( uploadExtra.blobHash, uploadID, row.user1_upload_secret, ), encryptionKey: uploadExtra.encryptionKey, thumbHash: uploadExtra.thumbHash, }; } else { clientAvatar = { type: 'image', uri: getUploadURL(uploadID, row.user1_upload_secret), }; } } else if ( avatar && (avatar.type === 'image' || avatar.type === 'encrypted_image') && row.user2_upload_id && row.user2_upload_secret ) { const uploadID = row.user2_upload_id.toString(); invariant( uploadID === avatar.uploadID, 'uploadID of upload should match uploadID of image avatar', ); if (avatar.type === 'encrypted_image' && row.user2_upload_extra) { const uploadExtra = JSON.parse(row.user2_upload_extra); clientAvatar = { type: 'encrypted_image', blobURI: makeUploadURI( uploadExtra.blobHash, uploadID, row.user2_upload_secret, ), encryptionKey: uploadExtra.encryptionKey, thumbHash: uploadExtra.thumbHash, }; } else { clientAvatar = { type: 'image', uri: getUploadURL(uploadID, row.user2_upload_secret), }; } } const userInfo = clientAvatar ? { id, username: row.username, avatar: clientAvatar, } : { id, username: row.username, }; if (!user2) { userInfos[id] = userInfo; continue; } let viewerDirectedStatus; let targetDirectedStatus; if (user1 === viewer.userID) { viewerDirectedStatus = row.user1_directed_status; targetDirectedStatus = row.user2_directed_status; } else { viewerDirectedStatus = row.user2_directed_status; targetDirectedStatus = row.user1_directed_status; } const viewerBlockedTarget = viewerDirectedStatus === directedStatus.BLOCKED; const targetBlockedViewer = targetDirectedStatus === directedStatus.BLOCKED; const friendshipExists = row.undirected_status === undirectedStatus.FRIEND; const viewerRequestedTargetFriendship = viewerDirectedStatus === directedStatus.PENDING_FRIEND; const targetRequestedViewerFriendship = targetDirectedStatus === directedStatus.PENDING_FRIEND; let relationshipStatus; if (viewerBlockedTarget && targetBlockedViewer) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.BOTH_BLOCKED; } else if (targetBlockedViewer) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_VIEWER; } else if (viewerBlockedTarget) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_BY_VIEWER; } else if (friendshipExists) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.FRIEND; } else if (targetRequestedViewerFriendship) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_RECEIVED; } else if (viewerRequestedTargetFriendship) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_SENT; } userInfos[id] = userInfo; if (relationshipStatus) { userInfos[id].relationshipStatus = relationshipStatus; } if (relationshipStatus && !row.username) { console.warn( `user ${viewer.userID} has ${relationshipStatus} relationship with ` + `anonymous user ${id}`, ); } } return userInfos; } async function verifyUserIDs( userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise { if (userIDs.length === 0) { return []; } const query = SQL`SELECT id FROM users WHERE id IN (${userIDs})`; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.map(row => row.id.toString()); } async function verifyUserOrCookieIDs( ids: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise { if (ids.length === 0) { return []; } const query = SQL` SELECT id FROM users WHERE id IN (${ids}) UNION SELECT id FROM cookies WHERE id IN (${ids}) `; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.map(row => row.id.toString()); } async function fetchCurrentUserInfo(viewer: Viewer): Promise { if (!viewer.loggedIn) { return ({ anonymous: true }: CurrentUserInfo); } const currentUserInfo = await fetchLoggedInUserInfo(viewer); return currentUserInfo; } async function fetchLoggedInUserInfo( viewer: Viewer, ): Promise { const userQuery = SQL` SELECT u.id, u.username, u.avatar, up.id AS upload_id, up.secret AS upload_secret, up.extra AS upload_extra FROM users u LEFT JOIN uploads up ON up.user_container = u.id WHERE u.id = ${viewer.userID} `; const settingsQuery = SQL` SELECT name, data FROM settings WHERE user = ${viewer.userID} `; const [[userResult], [settingsResult]] = await Promise.all([ dbQuery(userQuery), dbQuery(settingsQuery), ]); const [userRow] = userResult; if (!userRow) { throw new ServerError('unknown_error'); } const id = userRow.id.toString(); const { username, upload_id, upload_secret, upload_extra } = userRow; let loggedInUserInfo: LoggedInUserInfo = { id, username, }; const avatar: ?AvatarDBContent = userRow.avatar ? JSON.parse(userRow.avatar) : null; let clientAvatar: ?ClientAvatar; if ( avatar && avatar.type === 'farcaster' && !hasMinCodeVersion(viewer.platformDetails, { - native: NEXT_CODE_VERSION, + native: 405, + web: 122, }) ) { clientAvatar = null; } else if ( avatar && avatar.type !== 'image' && avatar.type !== 'encrypted_image' ) { clientAvatar = avatar; } else if ( avatar && (avatar.type === 'image' || avatar.type === 'encrypted_image') && upload_id && upload_secret ) { const uploadID = upload_id.toString(); invariant( uploadID === avatar.uploadID, 'uploadID of upload should match uploadID of image avatar', ); if (avatar.type === 'encrypted_image' && upload_extra) { const uploadExtra = JSON.parse(upload_extra); clientAvatar = { type: 'encrypted_image', blobURI: makeUploadURI(uploadExtra.blobHash, uploadID, upload_secret), encryptionKey: uploadExtra.encryptionKey, thumbHash: uploadExtra.thumbHash, }; } else { clientAvatar = { type: 'image', uri: getUploadURL(uploadID, upload_secret), }; } } if (avatar) { loggedInUserInfo = { ...loggedInUserInfo, avatar: clientAvatar }; } const featureGateSettings = !hasMinCodeVersion(viewer.platformDetails, { native: FUTURE_CODE_VERSION, }); if (featureGateSettings) { return loggedInUserInfo; } const settings = settingsResult.reduce((prev, curr) => { prev[curr.name] = curr.data; return prev; }, {}); loggedInUserInfo = { ...loggedInUserInfo, settings }; return loggedInUserInfo; } async function fetchAllUserIDs(): Promise { const query = SQL`SELECT id FROM users`; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.map(row => row.id.toString()); } async function fetchUsername(id: string): Promise { const query = SQL`SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = ${id}`; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); if (result.length === 0) { return null; } const row = result[0]; return row.username; } async function fetchAllUsernames(): Promise { const query = SQL`SELECT username FROM users`; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.map(row => row.username); } async function fetchAllUserDetails(): Promise { const query = SQL`SELECT username, id FROM users`; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.map(row => ({ username: row.username, userID: row.id, })); } async function fetchKeyserverAdminID(): Promise { const changeRoleExtractString = `$.${threadPermissions.CHANGE_ROLE}`; const query = SQL` SELECT m.user FROM memberships m INNER JOIN roles r ON m.role = r.id INNER JOIN threads t ON r.thread = t.id WHERE r.name = "Admins" AND t.type IN (${communityThreadTypes}) AND JSON_EXTRACT(r.permissions, ${changeRoleExtractString}) IS TRUE `; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); if (result.length === 0) { return null; } if (result.length > 1) { console.warn('more than one community admin found'); } return result[0].user; } async function fetchUserIDForEthereumAddress( address: string, ): Promise { const query = SQL` SELECT id FROM users WHERE LCASE(ethereum_address) = LCASE(${address}) `; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.length === 0 ? null : result[0].id.toString(); } export { fetchUserInfos, fetchLoggedInUserInfo, verifyUserIDs, verifyUserOrCookieIDs, fetchCurrentUserInfo, fetchAllUserIDs, fetchUsername, fetchAllUsernames, fetchAllUserDetails, fetchKnownUserInfos, fetchKeyserverAdminID, fetchUserIDForEthereumAddress, };