diff --git a/keyserver/src/socket/socket.js b/keyserver/src/socket/socket.js index 422572b45..ceef95b1b 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/socket/socket.js +++ b/keyserver/src/socket/socket.js @@ -1,884 +1,884 @@ // @flow import type { $Request } from 'express'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import _debounce from 'lodash/debounce.js'; import t from 'tcomb'; import type { TUnion } from 'tcomb'; import WebSocket from 'ws'; import { baseLegalPolicies } from 'lib/facts/policies.js'; import { mostRecentMessageTimestamp } from 'lib/shared/message-utils.js'; import { isStaff } from 'lib/shared/staff-utils.js'; import { serverRequestSocketTimeout, serverResponseTimeout, } from 'lib/shared/timeouts.js'; import { mostRecentUpdateTimestamp } from 'lib/shared/update-utils.js'; import { hasMinCodeVersion } from 'lib/shared/version-utils.js'; import { endpointIsSocketSafe } from 'lib/types/endpoints.js'; import type { RawEntryInfo } from 'lib/types/entry-types.js'; import { defaultNumberPerThread } from 'lib/types/message-types.js'; import { redisMessageTypes, type RedisMessage } from 'lib/types/redis-types.js'; import { serverRequestTypes } from 'lib/types/request-types.js'; import { sessionCheckFrequency, stateCheckInactivityActivationInterval, } from 'lib/types/session-types.js'; import { type ClientSocketMessage, type InitialClientSocketMessage, type ResponsesClientSocketMessage, type ServerStateSyncFullSocketPayload, type ServerServerSocketMessage, type ErrorServerSocketMessage, type AuthErrorServerSocketMessage, type PingClientSocketMessage, type AckUpdatesClientSocketMessage, type APIRequestClientSocketMessage, clientSocketMessageTypes, stateSyncPayloadTypes, serverSocketMessageTypes, serverServerSocketMessageValidator, } from 'lib/types/socket-types.js'; import type { LegacyRawThreadInfos } from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; import type { UserInfo, CurrentUserInfo } from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import { ServerError } from 'lib/utils/errors.js'; import { values } from 'lib/utils/objects.js'; import { promiseAll, ignorePromiseRejections } from 'lib/utils/promises.js'; import SequentialPromiseResolver from 'lib/utils/sequential-promise-resolver.js'; import sleep from 'lib/utils/sleep.js'; import { tShape, tCookie } from 'lib/utils/validation-utils.js'; import { RedisSubscriber } from './redis.js'; import { clientResponseInputValidator, processClientResponses, initializeSession, checkState, } from './session-utils.js'; import { fetchUpdateInfosWithRawUpdateInfos } from '../creators/update-creator.js'; import { deleteActivityForViewerSession } from '../deleters/activity-deleters.js'; import { deleteCookie } from '../deleters/cookie-deleters.js'; import { deleteUpdatesBeforeTimeTargetingSession } from '../deleters/update-deleters.js'; import { jsonEndpoints } from '../endpoints.js'; import { fetchMessageInfosSince, getMessageFetchResultFromRedisMessages, } from '../fetchers/message-fetchers.js'; import { fetchUpdateInfos } from '../fetchers/update-fetchers.js'; import { newEntryQueryInputValidator, verifyCalendarQueryThreadIDs, } from '../responders/entry-responders.js'; import { fetchViewerForSocket, updateCookie, isCookieMissingSignedIdentityKeysBlob, isCookieMissingOlmNotificationsSession, createNewAnonymousCookie, } from '../session/cookies.js'; import { Viewer } from '../session/viewer.js'; import type { AnonymousViewerData } from '../session/viewer.js'; import { serverStateSyncSpecs } from '../shared/state-sync/state-sync-specs.js'; import { commitSessionUpdate } from '../updaters/session-updaters.js'; import { compressMessage } from '../utils/compress.js'; import { assertSecureRequest } from '../utils/security-utils.js'; import { checkInputValidator, checkClientSupported, policiesValidator, validateOutput, } from '../utils/validation-utils.js'; const clientSocketMessageInputValidator: TUnion = t.union([ tShape({ type: t.irreducible( 'clientSocketMessageTypes.INITIAL', x => x === clientSocketMessageTypes.INITIAL, ), id: t.Number, payload: tShape({ sessionIdentification: tShape({ cookie: t.maybe(tCookie), sessionID: t.maybe(t.String), }), sessionState: tShape({ calendarQuery: newEntryQueryInputValidator, messagesCurrentAsOf: t.Number, updatesCurrentAsOf: t.Number, watchedIDs: t.list(t.String), }), clientResponses: t.list(clientResponseInputValidator), }), }), tShape({ type: t.irreducible( 'clientSocketMessageTypes.RESPONSES', x => x === clientSocketMessageTypes.RESPONSES, ), id: t.Number, payload: tShape({ clientResponses: t.list(clientResponseInputValidator), }), }), tShape({ type: t.irreducible( 'clientSocketMessageTypes.PING', x => x === clientSocketMessageTypes.PING, ), id: t.Number, }), tShape({ type: t.irreducible( 'clientSocketMessageTypes.ACK_UPDATES', x => x === clientSocketMessageTypes.ACK_UPDATES, ), id: t.Number, payload: tShape({ currentAsOf: t.Number, }), }), tShape({ type: t.irreducible( 'clientSocketMessageTypes.API_REQUEST', x => x === clientSocketMessageTypes.API_REQUEST, ), id: t.Number, payload: tShape({ endpoint: t.String, input: t.maybe(t.Object), }), }), ]); function onConnection(ws: WebSocket, req: $Request) { assertSecureRequest(req); new Socket(ws, req); } type StateCheckConditions = { activityRecentlyOccurred: boolean, stateCheckOngoing: boolean, }; const minVersionsForCompression = { native: 265, web: 30, }; class Socket { ws: WebSocket; httpRequest: $Request; viewer: ?Viewer; redis: ?RedisSubscriber; redisPromiseResolver: SequentialPromiseResolver; stateCheckConditions: StateCheckConditions = { activityRecentlyOccurred: true, stateCheckOngoing: false, }; stateCheckTimeoutID: ?TimeoutID; constructor(ws: WebSocket, httpRequest: $Request) { this.ws = ws; this.httpRequest = httpRequest; ws.on('message', this.onMessage); ws.on('close', this.onClose); this.resetTimeout(); this.redisPromiseResolver = new SequentialPromiseResolver(this.sendMessage); } onMessage = async ( messageString: string | Buffer | ArrayBuffer | Array, ): Promise => { invariant(typeof messageString === 'string', 'message should be string'); let clientSocketMessage: ?ClientSocketMessage; try { this.resetTimeout(); const messageObject = JSON.parse(messageString); clientSocketMessage = checkInputValidator( clientSocketMessageInputValidator, messageObject, ); if (clientSocketMessage.type === clientSocketMessageTypes.INITIAL) { if (this.viewer) { // This indicates that the user sent multiple INITIAL messages. throw new ServerError('socket_already_initialized'); } this.viewer = await fetchViewerForSocket( this.httpRequest, clientSocketMessage, ); } const { viewer } = this; if (!viewer) { // This indicates a non-INITIAL message was sent by the client before // the INITIAL message. throw new ServerError('socket_uninitialized'); } if (viewer.sessionChanged) { // This indicates that the cookie was invalid, and we've assigned a new // anonymous one. throw new ServerError('socket_deauthorized'); } if (!viewer.loggedIn) { // This indicates that the specified cookie was an anonymous one. throw new ServerError('not_logged_in'); } await checkClientSupported( viewer, clientSocketMessageInputValidator, clientSocketMessage, ); await policiesValidator(viewer, baseLegalPolicies); const serverResponses = await this.handleClientSocketMessage( clientSocketMessage, ); if (!this.redis) { this.redis = new RedisSubscriber( { userID: viewer.userID, sessionID: viewer.session }, this.onRedisMessage, ); } if (viewer.sessionChanged) { // This indicates that something has caused the session to change, which // shouldn't happen from inside a WebSocket since we can't handle cookie // invalidation. throw new ServerError('session_mutated_from_socket'); } if (clientSocketMessage.type !== clientSocketMessageTypes.PING) { ignorePromiseRejections(updateCookie(viewer)); } for (const response of serverResponses) { // Normally it's an anti-pattern to await in sequence like this. But in // this case, we have a requirement that this array of serverResponses // is delivered in order. See here: // https://github.com/CommE2E/comm/blob/101eb34481deb49c609bfd2c785f375886e52666/keyserver/src/socket/socket.js#L566-L568 await this.sendMessage(response); } if (clientSocketMessage.type === clientSocketMessageTypes.INITIAL) { this.onSuccessfulConnection(); } } catch (error) { console.warn(error); if (!(error instanceof ServerError)) { const errorMessage: ErrorServerSocketMessage = { type: serverSocketMessageTypes.ERROR, message: error.message, }; const responseTo = clientSocketMessage ? clientSocketMessage.id : null; if (responseTo !== null) { errorMessage.responseTo = responseTo; } this.markActivityOccurred(); await this.sendMessage(errorMessage); return; } invariant(clientSocketMessage, 'should be set'); const responseTo = clientSocketMessage.id; if (error.message === 'socket_deauthorized') { invariant(this.viewer, 'should be set'); const authErrorMessage: AuthErrorServerSocketMessage = { type: serverSocketMessageTypes.AUTH_ERROR, responseTo, message: error.message, sessionChange: { cookie: this.viewer.cookiePairString, currentUserInfo: { anonymous: true, }, }, }; await this.sendMessage(authErrorMessage); this.ws.close(4100, error.message); return; } else if (error.message === 'client_version_unsupported') { const { viewer } = this; invariant(viewer, 'should be set'); const anonymousViewerDataPromise: Promise = createNewAnonymousCookie({ platformDetails: error.platformDetails, deviceToken: viewer.deviceToken, }); const deleteCookiePromise = deleteCookie(viewer.cookieID); const [anonymousViewerData] = await Promise.all([ anonymousViewerDataPromise, deleteCookiePromise, ]); // It is normally not safe to pass the result of // createNewAnonymousCookie to the Viewer constructor. That is because // createNewAnonymousCookie leaves several fields of // AnonymousViewerData unset, and consequently Viewer will throw when // access is attempted. It is only safe here because we can guarantee // that only cookiePairString and cookieID are accessed on anonViewer // below. const anonViewer = new Viewer(anonymousViewerData); const authErrorMessage: AuthErrorServerSocketMessage = { type: serverSocketMessageTypes.AUTH_ERROR, responseTo, message: error.message, sessionChange: { cookie: anonViewer.cookiePairString, currentUserInfo: { anonymous: true, }, }, }; await this.sendMessage(authErrorMessage); this.ws.close(4101, error.message); return; } if (error.payload) { await this.sendMessage({ type: serverSocketMessageTypes.ERROR, responseTo, message: error.message, payload: error.payload, }); } else { await this.sendMessage({ type: serverSocketMessageTypes.ERROR, responseTo, message: error.message, }); } if (error.message === 'not_logged_in') { this.ws.close(4102, error.message); } else if (error.message === 'session_mutated_from_socket') { this.ws.close(4103, error.message); } else { this.markActivityOccurred(); } } }; onClose = async () => { this.clearStateCheckTimeout(); this.resetTimeout.cancel(); this.debouncedAfterActivity.cancel(); if (this.viewer && this.viewer.hasSessionInfo) { await deleteActivityForViewerSession(this.viewer); } if (this.redis) { this.redis.quit(); this.redis = null; } }; sendMessage = async (message: ServerServerSocketMessage) => { invariant( this.ws.readyState > 0, "shouldn't send message until connection established", ); if (this.ws.readyState !== 1) { return; } const { viewer } = this; const validatedMessage = validateOutput( viewer?.platformDetails, serverServerSocketMessageValidator, message, ); const stringMessage = JSON.stringify(validatedMessage); if ( !viewer?.platformDetails || !hasMinCodeVersion(viewer.platformDetails, minVersionsForCompression) || !isStaff(viewer.id) ) { this.ws.send(stringMessage); return; } const compressionResult = await compressMessage(stringMessage); if (this.ws.readyState !== 1) { return; } if (!compressionResult.compressed) { this.ws.send(stringMessage); return; } const compressedMessage = { type: serverSocketMessageTypes.COMPRESSED_MESSAGE, payload: compressionResult.result, }; const validatedCompressedMessage = validateOutput( viewer?.platformDetails, serverServerSocketMessageValidator, compressedMessage, ); const stringCompressedMessage = JSON.stringify(validatedCompressedMessage); this.ws.send(stringCompressedMessage); }; async handleClientSocketMessage( message: ClientSocketMessage, ): Promise { const resultPromise: Promise = (async () => { if (message.type === clientSocketMessageTypes.INITIAL) { this.markActivityOccurred(); return await this.handleInitialClientSocketMessage(message); } else if (message.type === clientSocketMessageTypes.RESPONSES) { this.markActivityOccurred(); return await this.handleResponsesClientSocketMessage(message); } else if (message.type === clientSocketMessageTypes.PING) { return this.handlePingClientSocketMessage(message); } else if (message.type === clientSocketMessageTypes.ACK_UPDATES) { this.markActivityOccurred(); return await this.handleAckUpdatesClientSocketMessage(message); } else if (message.type === clientSocketMessageTypes.API_REQUEST) { this.markActivityOccurred(); return await this.handleAPIRequestClientSocketMessage(message); } return []; })(); const timeoutPromise: Promise = (async () => { await sleep(serverResponseTimeout); throw new ServerError('socket_response_timeout'); })(); return await Promise.race([resultPromise, timeoutPromise]); } async handleInitialClientSocketMessage( message: InitialClientSocketMessage, ): Promise { const { viewer } = this; invariant(viewer, 'should be set'); const responses: Array = []; const { sessionState, clientResponses } = message.payload; const { calendarQuery, updatesCurrentAsOf: oldUpdatesCurrentAsOf, messagesCurrentAsOf: oldMessagesCurrentAsOf, watchedIDs, } = sessionState; await verifyCalendarQueryThreadIDs(calendarQuery); const sessionInitializationResult = await initializeSession( viewer, calendarQuery, oldUpdatesCurrentAsOf, ); const threadCursors: { [string]: null } = {}; for (const watchedThreadID of watchedIDs) { threadCursors[watchedThreadID] = null; } const messageSelectionCriteria = { threadCursors, joinedThreads: true, newerThan: oldMessagesCurrentAsOf, }; const [fetchMessagesResult, { serverRequests, activityUpdateResult }] = await Promise.all([ fetchMessageInfosSince( viewer, messageSelectionCriteria, defaultNumberPerThread, ), processClientResponses(viewer, clientResponses), ]); const messagesResult = { rawMessageInfos: fetchMessagesResult.rawMessageInfos, truncationStatuses: fetchMessagesResult.truncationStatuses, currentAsOf: mostRecentMessageTimestamp( fetchMessagesResult.rawMessageInfos, oldMessagesCurrentAsOf, ), }; const isCookieMissingSignedIdentityKeysBlobPromise = isCookieMissingSignedIdentityKeysBlob(viewer.cookieID); const isCookieMissingOlmNotificationsSessionPromise = isCookieMissingOlmNotificationsSession(viewer); if (!sessionInitializationResult.sessionContinued) { const promises: { +[string]: Promise } = Object.fromEntries( values(serverStateSyncSpecs).map(spec => [ spec.hashKey, spec.fetchFullSocketSyncPayload(viewer, [calendarQuery]), ]), ); // We have a type error here because Flow doesn't know spec.hashKey const castPromises: { +threadInfos: Promise, +currentUserInfo: Promise, +entryInfos: Promise<$ReadOnlyArray>, +userInfos: Promise<$ReadOnlyArray>, } = (promises: any); const results = await promiseAll(castPromises); const payload: ServerStateSyncFullSocketPayload = { type: stateSyncPayloadTypes.FULL, messagesResult, threadInfos: results.threadInfos, currentUserInfo: results.currentUserInfo, rawEntryInfos: results.entryInfos, userInfos: results.userInfos, updatesCurrentAsOf: oldUpdatesCurrentAsOf, }; if (viewer.sessionChanged) { // If initializeSession encounters, // sessionIdentifierTypes.BODY_SESSION_ID but the session // is unspecified or expired, // it will set a new sessionID and specify viewer.sessionChanged const { sessionID } = viewer; invariant( sessionID !== null && sessionID !== undefined, 'should be set', ); payload.sessionID = sessionID; viewer.sessionChanged = false; } responses.push({ type: serverSocketMessageTypes.STATE_SYNC, responseTo: message.id, payload, }); } else { const { sessionUpdate, deltaEntryInfoResult } = sessionInitializationResult; const deleteExpiredUpdatesPromise = deleteUpdatesBeforeTimeTargetingSession(viewer, oldUpdatesCurrentAsOf); const fetchUpdateResultPromise = fetchUpdateInfos( viewer, oldUpdatesCurrentAsOf, calendarQuery, ); const sessionUpdatePromise = commitSessionUpdate(viewer, sessionUpdate); const [fetchUpdateResult] = await Promise.all([ fetchUpdateResultPromise, deleteExpiredUpdatesPromise, sessionUpdatePromise, ]); const { updateInfos, userInfos } = fetchUpdateResult; const newUpdatesCurrentAsOf = mostRecentUpdateTimestamp( [...updateInfos], oldUpdatesCurrentAsOf, ); const updatesResult = { newUpdates: updateInfos, currentAsOf: newUpdatesCurrentAsOf, }; responses.push({ type: serverSocketMessageTypes.STATE_SYNC, responseTo: message.id, payload: { type: stateSyncPayloadTypes.INCREMENTAL, messagesResult, updatesResult, deltaEntryInfos: deltaEntryInfoResult.rawEntryInfos, deletedEntryIDs: deltaEntryInfoResult.deletedEntryIDs, userInfos: values(userInfos), }, }); } const [signedIdentityKeysBlobMissing, olmNotificationsSessionMissing] = await Promise.all([ isCookieMissingSignedIdentityKeysBlobPromise, isCookieMissingOlmNotificationsSessionPromise, ]); if (signedIdentityKeysBlobMissing) { serverRequests.push({ type: serverRequestTypes.SIGNED_IDENTITY_KEYS_BLOB, }); } if (olmNotificationsSessionMissing) { serverRequests.push({ type: serverRequestTypes.INITIAL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE, }); } if (serverRequests.length > 0 || clientResponses.length > 0) { // We send this message first since the STATE_SYNC triggers the client's // connection status to shift to "connected", and we want to make sure the // client responses are cleared from Redux before that happens responses.unshift({ type: serverSocketMessageTypes.REQUESTS, responseTo: message.id, payload: { serverRequests }, }); } if (activityUpdateResult) { // Same reason for unshifting as above responses.unshift({ type: serverSocketMessageTypes.ACTIVITY_UPDATE_RESPONSE, responseTo: message.id, payload: activityUpdateResult, }); } return responses; } async handleResponsesClientSocketMessage( message: ResponsesClientSocketMessage, ): Promise { const { viewer } = this; invariant(viewer, 'should be set'); const { clientResponses } = message.payload; const { stateCheckStatus } = await processClientResponses( viewer, clientResponses, ); const serverRequests = []; if (stateCheckStatus && stateCheckStatus.status !== 'state_check') { const { sessionUpdate, checkStateRequest } = await checkState( viewer, stateCheckStatus, ); if (sessionUpdate) { await commitSessionUpdate(viewer, sessionUpdate); this.setStateCheckConditions({ stateCheckOngoing: false }); } if (checkStateRequest) { serverRequests.push(checkStateRequest); } } // We send a response message regardless of whether we have any requests, // since we need to ack the client's responses return [ { type: serverSocketMessageTypes.REQUESTS, responseTo: message.id, payload: { serverRequests }, }, ]; } handlePingClientSocketMessage( message: PingClientSocketMessage, ): ServerServerSocketMessage[] { return [ { type: serverSocketMessageTypes.PONG, responseTo: message.id, }, ]; } async handleAckUpdatesClientSocketMessage( message: AckUpdatesClientSocketMessage, ): Promise { const { viewer } = this; invariant(viewer, 'should be set'); const { currentAsOf } = message.payload; await Promise.all([ deleteUpdatesBeforeTimeTargetingSession(viewer, currentAsOf), commitSessionUpdate(viewer, { lastUpdate: currentAsOf }), ]); return []; } async handleAPIRequestClientSocketMessage( message: APIRequestClientSocketMessage, ): Promise { if (!endpointIsSocketSafe(message.payload.endpoint)) { throw new ServerError('endpoint_unsafe_for_socket'); } const { viewer } = this; invariant(viewer, 'should be set'); const responder = jsonEndpoints[message.payload.endpoint]; await policiesValidator(viewer, responder.requiredPolicies); const response = await responder.responder(viewer, message.payload.input); return [ { type: serverSocketMessageTypes.API_RESPONSE, responseTo: message.id, payload: response, }, ]; } onRedisMessage = async (message: RedisMessage) => { try { await this.processRedisMessage(message); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } }; async processRedisMessage(message: RedisMessage) { if (message.type === redisMessageTypes.START_SUBSCRIPTION) { this.ws.terminate(); } else if (message.type === redisMessageTypes.NEW_UPDATES) { const { viewer } = this; invariant(viewer, 'should be set'); if (message.ignoreSession && message.ignoreSession === viewer.session) { return; } const rawUpdateInfos = message.updates; this.redisPromiseResolver.add( (async () => { const { updateInfos, userInfos } = await fetchUpdateInfosWithRawUpdateInfos(rawUpdateInfos, { viewer, }); if (updateInfos.length === 0) { console.warn( 'could not get any UpdateInfos from redisMessageTypes.NEW_UPDATES', ); return null; } this.markActivityOccurred(); return { type: serverSocketMessageTypes.UPDATES, payload: { updatesResult: { currentAsOf: mostRecentUpdateTimestamp([...updateInfos], 0), newUpdates: updateInfos, }, userInfos: values(userInfos), }, }; })(), ); } else if (message.type === redisMessageTypes.NEW_MESSAGES) { const { viewer } = this; invariant(viewer, 'should be set'); const rawMessageInfos = message.messages; const messageFetchResult = getMessageFetchResultFromRedisMessages( viewer, rawMessageInfos, ); if (messageFetchResult.rawMessageInfos.length === 0) { console.warn( 'could not get any rawMessageInfos from ' + 'redisMessageTypes.NEW_MESSAGES', ); return; } this.redisPromiseResolver.add( (async () => { this.markActivityOccurred(); return { type: serverSocketMessageTypes.MESSAGES, payload: { messagesResult: { rawMessageInfos: messageFetchResult.rawMessageInfos, truncationStatuses: messageFetchResult.truncationStatuses, currentAsOf: mostRecentMessageTimestamp( messageFetchResult.rawMessageInfos, 0, ), }, }, }; })(), ); } } onSuccessfulConnection() { if (this.ws.readyState !== 1) { return; } this.handleStateCheckConditionsUpdate(); } // The Socket will timeout by calling this.ws.terminate() // serverRequestSocketTimeout milliseconds after the last // time resetTimeout is called resetTimeout: { +cancel: () => void } & (() => void) = _debounce( () => this.ws.terminate(), serverRequestSocketTimeout, ); debouncedAfterActivity: { +cancel: () => void } & (() => void) = _debounce( () => this.setStateCheckConditions({ activityRecentlyOccurred: false }), stateCheckInactivityActivationInterval, ); markActivityOccurred = () => { if (this.ws.readyState !== 1) { return; } this.setStateCheckConditions({ activityRecentlyOccurred: true }); this.debouncedAfterActivity(); }; clearStateCheckTimeout() { const { stateCheckTimeoutID } = this; if (stateCheckTimeoutID) { clearTimeout(stateCheckTimeoutID); this.stateCheckTimeoutID = null; } } setStateCheckConditions(newConditions: Partial) { this.stateCheckConditions = { ...this.stateCheckConditions, ...newConditions, }; this.handleStateCheckConditionsUpdate(); } get stateCheckCanStart(): boolean { return Object.values(this.stateCheckConditions).every(cond => !cond); } handleStateCheckConditionsUpdate() { if (!this.stateCheckCanStart) { this.clearStateCheckTimeout(); return; } if (this.stateCheckTimeoutID) { return; } const { viewer } = this; if (!viewer) { return; } const timeUntilStateCheck = viewer.sessionLastValidated + sessionCheckFrequency - Date.now(); if (timeUntilStateCheck <= 0) { - this.initiateStateCheck(); + ignorePromiseRejections(this.initiateStateCheck()); } else { this.stateCheckTimeoutID = setTimeout( this.initiateStateCheck, timeUntilStateCheck, ); } } initiateStateCheck = async () => { this.setStateCheckConditions({ stateCheckOngoing: true }); const { viewer } = this; invariant(viewer, 'should be set'); const { checkStateRequest } = await checkState(viewer, { status: 'state_check', }); invariant(checkStateRequest, 'should be set'); await this.sendMessage({ type: serverSocketMessageTypes.REQUESTS, payload: { serverRequests: [checkStateRequest] }, }); }; } export { onConnection };