diff --git a/keyserver/src/push/rescind.js b/keyserver/src/push/rescind.js index bd5363f6a..b9c14cf95 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/push/rescind.js +++ b/keyserver/src/push/rescind.js @@ -1,320 +1,320 @@ // @flow import apn from '@parse/node-apn'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import { threadSubscriptions } from 'lib/types/subscription-types.js'; import { threadPermissions } from 'lib/types/thread-permission-types.js'; import { promiseAll } from 'lib/utils/promises.js'; import { prepareEncryptedAndroidNotificationRescinds, prepareEncryptedIOSNotifications, } from './crypto.js'; import { getAPNsNotificationTopic } from './providers.js'; import type { NotificationTargetDevice, TargetedAndroidNotification, TargetedAPNsNotification, } from './types.js'; import { apnPush, fcmPush } from './utils.js'; import createIDs from '../creators/id-creator.js'; import { dbQuery, SQL } from '../database/database.js'; import type { SQLStatementType } from '../database/types.js'; type ParsedDelivery = { - +platform: 'ios' | 'android', + +platform: 'ios' | 'macos' | 'android', +codeVersion: ?number, +notificationID: string, +deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, }; type ParsedDeliveries = { +[id: string]: $ReadOnlyArray }; async function rescindPushNotifs( notifCondition: SQLStatementType, inputCountCondition?: SQLStatementType, ) { const notificationExtractString = `$.${threadSubscriptions.home}`; const visPermissionExtractString = `$.${threadPermissions.VISIBLE}.value`; const fetchQuery = SQL` SELECT n.id, n.user, n.thread, n.message, n.delivery, n.collapse_key, COUNT( `; fetchQuery.append(inputCountCondition ? inputCountCondition : SQL`m.thread`); fetchQuery.append(SQL` ) AS unread_count FROM notifications n LEFT JOIN memberships m ON m.user = n.user AND m.last_message > m.last_read_message AND m.role > 0 AND JSON_EXTRACT(subscription, ${notificationExtractString}) AND JSON_EXTRACT(permissions, ${visPermissionExtractString}) WHERE n.rescinded = 0 AND `); fetchQuery.append(notifCondition); fetchQuery.append(SQL` GROUP BY n.id, m.user`); const [fetchResult] = await dbQuery(fetchQuery); const allDeviceTokens = new Set(); const parsedDeliveries: ParsedDeliveries = {}; for (const row of fetchResult) { const rawDelivery = JSON.parse(row.delivery); const deliveries = Array.isArray(rawDelivery) ? rawDelivery : [rawDelivery]; const id = row.id.toString(); const rowParsedDeliveries = []; for (const delivery of deliveries) { if ( delivery.iosID || delivery.deviceType === 'ios' || delivery.deviceType === 'macos' ) { const deviceTokens = delivery.iosDeviceTokens ?? delivery.deviceTokens; rowParsedDeliveries.push({ notificationID: delivery.iosID, codeVersion: delivery.codeVersion, platform: delivery.deviceType ?? 'ios', deviceTokens, }); deviceTokens.forEach(deviceToken => allDeviceTokens.add(deviceToken)); } else if (delivery.androidID || delivery.deviceType === 'android') { const deviceTokens = delivery.androidDeviceTokens ?? delivery.deviceTokens; rowParsedDeliveries.push({ notificationID: row.collapse_key ? row.collapse_key : id, codeVersion: delivery.codeVersion, platform: 'android', deviceTokens, }); deviceTokens.forEach(deviceToken => allDeviceTokens.add(deviceToken)); } } parsedDeliveries[id] = rowParsedDeliveries; } const deviceTokenToCookieID = await getDeviceTokenToCookieID(allDeviceTokens); const deliveryPromises = {}; const notifInfo = {}; const rescindedIDs = []; for (const row of fetchResult) { const id = row.id.toString(); const threadID = row.thread.toString(); notifInfo[id] = { userID: row.user.toString(), threadID, messageID: row.message.toString(), }; for (const delivery of parsedDeliveries[id]) { if (delivery.platform === 'ios') { const devices = delivery.deviceTokens.map(deviceToken => ({ deviceToken, cookieID: deviceTokenToCookieID[deviceToken], })); const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const targetedNotifications = await prepareIOSNotification( delivery.notificationID, row.unread_count, threadID, delivery.codeVersion, devices, ); return await apnPush({ targetedNotifications, platformDetails: { platform: 'ios', codeVersion: delivery.codeVersion, }, }); })(); deliveryPromises[id] = deliveryPromise; } else if (delivery.platform === 'android') { const devices = delivery.deviceTokens.map(deviceToken => ({ deviceToken, cookieID: deviceTokenToCookieID[deviceToken], })); const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const targetedNotifications = await prepareAndroidNotification( delivery.notificationID, row.unread_count, threadID, delivery.codeVersion, devices, ); return await fcmPush({ targetedNotifications, codeVersion: delivery.codeVersion, }); })(); deliveryPromises[id] = deliveryPromise; } } rescindedIDs.push(id); } const numRescinds = Object.keys(deliveryPromises).length; const promises = [promiseAll(deliveryPromises)]; if (numRescinds > 0) { promises.push(createIDs('notifications', numRescinds)); } if (rescindedIDs.length > 0) { const rescindQuery = SQL` UPDATE notifications SET rescinded = 1 WHERE id IN (${rescindedIDs}) `; promises.push(dbQuery(rescindQuery)); } const [deliveryResults, dbIDs] = await Promise.all(promises); const newNotifRows = []; if (numRescinds > 0) { invariant(dbIDs, 'dbIDs should be set'); for (const rescindedID in deliveryResults) { const delivery = {}; delivery.source = 'rescind'; delivery.rescindedID = rescindedID; const { errors } = deliveryResults[rescindedID]; if (errors) { delivery.errors = errors; } const dbID = dbIDs.shift(); const { userID, threadID, messageID } = notifInfo[rescindedID]; newNotifRows.push([ dbID, userID, threadID, messageID, null, JSON.stringify([delivery]), 1, ]); } } if (newNotifRows.length > 0) { const insertQuery = SQL` INSERT INTO notifications (id, user, thread, message, collapse_key, delivery, rescinded) VALUES ${newNotifRows} `; await dbQuery(insertQuery); } } async function getDeviceTokenToCookieID( deviceTokens: Set, ): Promise<{ +[string]: string }> { if (deviceTokens.size === 0) { return {}; } const deviceTokenToCookieID = {}; const fetchCookiesQuery = SQL` SELECT id, device_token FROM cookies WHERE device_token IN (${[...deviceTokens]}) `; const [fetchResult] = await dbQuery(fetchCookiesQuery); for (const row of fetchResult) { deviceTokenToCookieID[row.device_token.toString()] = row.id.toString(); } return deviceTokenToCookieID; } async function conditionallyEncryptNotification( notification: T, codeVersion: ?number, devices: $ReadOnlyArray, encryptCallback: ( cookieIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, notification: T, ) => Promise<$ReadOnlyArray>, ): Promise<$ReadOnlyArray<{ +deviceToken: string, +notification: T }>> { const shouldBeEncrypted = codeVersion && codeVersion >= 233; if (!shouldBeEncrypted) { return devices.map(({ deviceToken }) => ({ notification, deviceToken, })); } const notificationPromises = devices.map(({ cookieID, deviceToken }) => (async () => { const [encryptedNotif] = await encryptCallback([cookieID], notification); return { notification: encryptedNotif, deviceToken, }; })(), ); return await Promise.all(notificationPromises); } async function prepareIOSNotification( iosID: string, unreadCount: number, threadID: string, codeVersion: ?number, devices: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise<$ReadOnlyArray> { const notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.topic = getAPNsNotificationTopic({ platform: 'ios', codeVersion: codeVersion ?? undefined, }); if (codeVersion && codeVersion > 198) { notification.mutableContent = true; notification.pushType = 'alert'; notification.badge = unreadCount; } else { notification.priority = 5; notification.contentAvailable = true; notification.pushType = 'background'; } notification.payload = codeVersion && codeVersion > 135 ? { backgroundNotifType: 'CLEAR', notificationId: iosID, setUnreadStatus: true, threadID, } : { managedAps: { action: 'CLEAR', notificationId: iosID, }, }; return await conditionallyEncryptNotification( notification, codeVersion, devices, prepareEncryptedIOSNotifications, ); } async function prepareAndroidNotification( notifID: string, unreadCount: number, threadID: string, codeVersion: ?number, devices: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise<$ReadOnlyArray> { const notification = { data: { badge: unreadCount.toString(), rescind: 'true', rescindID: notifID, setUnreadStatus: 'true', threadID, }, }; return await conditionallyEncryptNotification( notification, codeVersion, devices, prepareEncryptedAndroidNotificationRescinds, ); } export { rescindPushNotifs };