diff --git a/lib/reducers/master-reducer.js b/lib/reducers/master-reducer.js index 7eed71e14..ba20f58b0 100644 --- a/lib/reducers/master-reducer.js +++ b/lib/reducers/master-reducer.js @@ -1,241 +1,246 @@ // @flow import { reduceAlertStore } from './alert-reducer.js'; import { reduceAuxUserStore } from './aux-user-reducer.js'; import reduceCalendarFilters from './calendar-filters-reducer.js'; import { reduceCommunityStore } from './community-reducer.js'; import reduceCustomerServer from './custom-server-reducer.js'; import reduceDataLoaded from './data-loaded-reducer.js'; import { reduceDBOpsStore } from './db-ops-reducer.js'; import { reduceDraftStore } from './draft-reducer.js'; import reduceEnabledApps from './enabled-apps-reducer.js'; import { reduceEntryInfos } from './entry-reducer.js'; import { reduceIntegrityStore } from './integrity-reducer.js'; import reduceInviteLinks from './invite-links-reducer.js'; import reduceKeyserverStore from './keyserver-reducer.js'; import reduceLifecycleState from './lifecycle-state-reducer.js'; import { reduceLoadingStatuses } from './loading-reducer.js'; import { reduceMessageStore } from './message-reducer.js'; import reduceBaseNavInfo from './nav-reducer.js'; import policiesReducer from './policies-reducer.js'; import reduceReportStore from './report-store-reducer.js'; import { reduceSyncedMetadataStore } from './synced-metadata-reducer.js'; import reduceGlobalThemeInfo from './theme-reducer.js'; import { reduceThreadActivity } from './thread-activity-reducer.js'; import { reduceThreadInfos } from './thread-reducer.js'; import { reduceCurrentUserInfo, reduceUserInfos } from './user-reducer.js'; import { addKeyserverActionType } from '../actions/keyserver-actions.js'; import { legacySiweAuthActionTypes } from '../actions/siwe-actions.js'; import { fetchPendingUpdatesActionTypes } from '../actions/update-actions.js'; import { legacyKeyserverRegisterActionTypes, legacyLogInActionTypes, keyserverAuthActionTypes, } from '../actions/user-actions.js'; import { keyserverStoreOpsHandlers, type ReplaceKeyserverOperation, } from '../ops/keyserver-store-ops.js'; import { isStaff } from '../shared/staff-utils.js'; import type { BaseNavInfo } from '../types/nav-types.js'; import type { BaseAppState, BaseAction } from '../types/redux-types.js'; import { fullStateSyncActionType, incrementalStateSyncActionType, } from '../types/socket-types.js'; import type { StoreOperations } from '../types/store-ops-types.js'; import { isDev } from '../utils/dev-utils.js'; export default function baseReducer>( state: T, action: BaseAction, onStateDifference: (message: string) => mixed, ): { state: T, storeOperations: StoreOperations } { const { threadStore, newThreadInconsistencies, threadStoreOperations } = reduceThreadInfos(state.threadStore, action); const { threadInfos } = threadStore; const { entryStore, reportCreationRequests: newEntryInconsistencies, entryStoreOperations, } = reduceEntryInfos( state.entryStore, action, threadInfos, onStateDifference, ); const onStateDifferenceForStaff = (message: string) => { const isCurrentUserStaff = state.currentUserInfo?.id ? isStaff(state.currentUserInfo.id) : false; if (isCurrentUserStaff || isDev) { onStateDifference(message); } }; const [userStore, newUserInconsistencies, userStoreOperations] = reduceUserInfos(state.userStore, action); const newInconsistencies = [ ...newEntryInconsistencies, ...newThreadInconsistencies, ...newUserInconsistencies, ]; // Only allow checkpoints to increase if we are connected // or if the action is a STATE_SYNC const { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: reducedMessageStore } = - reduceMessageStore(state.messageStore, action, threadInfos); + reduceMessageStore( + state.messageStore, + action, + threadInfos, + onStateDifferenceForStaff, + ); let messageStore = reducedMessageStore; let { keyserverStore, keyserverStoreOperations } = reduceKeyserverStore( state.keyserverStore, action, onStateDifferenceForStaff, ); if ( action.type !== incrementalStateSyncActionType && action.type !== fullStateSyncActionType && action.type !== fetchPendingUpdatesActionTypes.success && action.type !== legacyKeyserverRegisterActionTypes.success && action.type !== legacyLogInActionTypes.success && action.type !== legacySiweAuthActionTypes.success && action.type !== keyserverAuthActionTypes.success && action.type !== addKeyserverActionType ) { const replaceOperations: ReplaceKeyserverOperation[] = []; for (const keyserverID in keyserverStore.keyserverInfos) { if ( keyserverStore.keyserverInfos[keyserverID].connection.status === 'connected' ) { continue; } if ( messageStore.currentAsOf[keyserverID] !== state.messageStore.currentAsOf[keyserverID] ) { messageStore = { ...messageStore, currentAsOf: { ...messageStore.currentAsOf, [keyserverID]: state.messageStore.currentAsOf[keyserverID], }, }; } if ( state.keyserverStore.keyserverInfos[keyserverID] && keyserverStore.keyserverInfos[keyserverID].updatesCurrentAsOf !== state.keyserverStore.keyserverInfos[keyserverID].updatesCurrentAsOf ) { replaceOperations.push({ type: 'replace_keyserver', payload: { id: keyserverID, keyserverInfo: { ...keyserverStore.keyserverInfos[keyserverID], updatesCurrentAsOf: state.keyserverStore.keyserverInfos[keyserverID] .updatesCurrentAsOf, }, }, }); } } keyserverStore = keyserverStoreOpsHandlers.processStoreOperations( keyserverStore, replaceOperations, ); keyserverStoreOperations = [ ...keyserverStoreOperations, ...replaceOperations, ]; } const { draftStore, draftStoreOperations } = reduceDraftStore( state.draftStore, action, ); const { reportStore, reportStoreOperations } = reduceReportStore( state.reportStore, action, newInconsistencies, ); const { communityStore, communityStoreOperations } = reduceCommunityStore( state.communityStore, action, ); const { integrityStore, integrityStoreOperations } = reduceIntegrityStore( state.integrityStore, action, onStateDifferenceForStaff, threadInfos, threadStoreOperations, ); const { syncedMetadataStore, syncedMetadataStoreOperations } = reduceSyncedMetadataStore(state.syncedMetadataStore, action); const { auxUserStore, auxUserStoreOperations } = reduceAuxUserStore( state.auxUserStore, action, ); const { threadActivityStore, threadActivityStoreOperations } = reduceThreadActivity(state.threadActivityStore, action); return { state: { ...state, navInfo: reduceBaseNavInfo(state.navInfo, action), draftStore, entryStore, loadingStatuses: reduceLoadingStatuses(state.loadingStatuses, action), currentUserInfo: reduceCurrentUserInfo(state.currentUserInfo, action), threadStore, userStore, messageStore, calendarFilters: reduceCalendarFilters( state.calendarFilters, action, threadStore, ), alertStore: reduceAlertStore(state.alertStore, action), lifecycleState: reduceLifecycleState(state.lifecycleState, action), enabledApps: reduceEnabledApps(state.enabledApps, action), reportStore, dataLoaded: reduceDataLoaded(state.dataLoaded, action), userPolicies: policiesReducer(state.userPolicies, action), inviteLinksStore: reduceInviteLinks(state.inviteLinksStore, action), keyserverStore, integrityStore, globalThemeInfo: reduceGlobalThemeInfo(state.globalThemeInfo, action), customServer: reduceCustomerServer(state.customServer, action), communityStore, dbOpsStore: reduceDBOpsStore(state.dbOpsStore, action), syncedMetadataStore, auxUserStore, threadActivityStore, }, storeOperations: { draftStoreOperations, threadStoreOperations, messageStoreOperations, reportStoreOperations, userStoreOperations, keyserverStoreOperations, communityStoreOperations, integrityStoreOperations, syncedMetadataStoreOperations, auxUserStoreOperations, threadActivityStoreOperations, entryStoreOperations, }, }; } diff --git a/lib/reducers/message-reducer.js b/lib/reducers/message-reducer.js index 673686e7d..d2f618f71 100644 --- a/lib/reducers/message-reducer.js +++ b/lib/reducers/message-reducer.js @@ -1,1813 +1,1854 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import _difference from 'lodash/fp/difference.js'; import _flow from 'lodash/fp/flow.js'; import _isEqual from 'lodash/fp/isEqual.js'; import _keyBy from 'lodash/fp/keyBy.js'; import _map from 'lodash/fp/map.js'; import _mapKeys from 'lodash/fp/mapKeys.js'; import _mapValues from 'lodash/fp/mapValues.js'; import _omit from 'lodash/fp/omit.js'; import _omitBy from 'lodash/fp/omitBy.js'; import _pick from 'lodash/fp/pick.js'; import _pickBy from 'lodash/fp/pickBy.js'; import _uniq from 'lodash/fp/uniq.js'; import { setClientDBStoreActionType } from '../actions/client-db-store-actions.js'; import { createEntryActionTypes, saveEntryActionTypes, deleteEntryActionTypes, restoreEntryActionTypes, } from '../actions/entry-actions.js'; import { toggleMessagePinActionTypes, fetchMessagesBeforeCursorActionTypes, fetchMostRecentMessagesActionTypes, sendTextMessageActionTypes, sendMultimediaMessageActionTypes, sendReactionMessageActionTypes, sendEditMessageActionTypes, saveMessagesActionType, processMessagesActionType, messageStorePruneActionType, createLocalMessageActionType, fetchSingleMostRecentMessagesFromThreadsActionTypes, } from '../actions/message-actions.js'; import { sendMessageReportActionTypes } from '../actions/message-report-actions.js'; import { legacySiweAuthActionTypes } from '../actions/siwe-actions.js'; import { changeThreadSettingsActionTypes, deleteThreadActionTypes, leaveThreadActionTypes, newThreadActionTypes, removeUsersFromThreadActionTypes, changeThreadMemberRolesActionTypes, joinThreadActionTypes, } from '../actions/thread-actions.js'; import { fetchPendingUpdatesActionTypes } from '../actions/update-actions.js'; import { updateMultimediaMessageMediaActionType } from '../actions/upload-actions.js'; import { keyserverAuthActionTypes, deleteKeyserverAccountActionTypes, legacyLogInActionTypes, legacyKeyserverRegisterActionTypes, } from '../actions/user-actions.js'; import { setNewSessionActionType } from '../keyserver-conn/keyserver-conn-types.js'; import { messageStoreOpsHandlers, type MessageStoreOperation, type ReplaceMessageOperation, } from '../ops/message-store-ops.js'; import { pendingToRealizedThreadIDsSelector } from '../selectors/thread-selectors.js'; import { messageID, sortMessageInfoList, sortMessageIDs, mergeThreadMessageInfos, findNewestMessageTimePerKeyserver, localIDPrefix, } from '../shared/message-utils.js'; import { threadHasPermission, threadInChatList, threadIsPending, } from '../shared/thread-utils.js'; import threadWatcher from '../shared/thread-watcher.js'; import { unshimMessageInfos } from '../shared/unshim-utils.js'; import { updateSpecs } from '../shared/updates/update-specs.js'; import { recoveryFromReduxActionSources } from '../types/account-types.js'; import type { Media, Image } from '../types/media-types.js'; import { messageTypes } from '../types/message-types-enum.js'; import { type RawMessageInfo, type LocalMessageInfo, type MessageStore, type MessageTruncationStatus, type MessageTruncationStatuses, messageTruncationStatus, defaultNumberPerThread, type ThreadMessageInfo, } from '../types/message-types.js'; import type { RawImagesMessageInfo } from '../types/messages/images.js'; import type { RawMediaMessageInfo } from '../types/messages/media.js'; import type { RawThreadInfo } from '../types/minimally-encoded-thread-permissions-types.js'; import { type BaseAction } from '../types/redux-types.js'; import { processServerRequestsActionType } from '../types/request-types.js'; import { fullStateSyncActionType, incrementalStateSyncActionType, stateSyncPayloadTypes, } from '../types/socket-types.js'; import { threadPermissions } from '../types/thread-permission-types.js'; import type { LegacyRawThreadInfo, RawThreadInfos, MixedRawThreadInfos, } from '../types/thread-types.js'; import { type ClientUpdateInfo, processUpdatesActionType, } from '../types/update-types.js'; +import { getMessageForException } from '../utils/errors.js'; import { translateClientDBThreadMessageInfos } from '../utils/message-ops-utils.js'; +import { assertObjectsAreEqual } from '../utils/objects.js'; const _mapValuesWithKeys = _mapValues.convert({ cap: false }); // Input must already be ordered! function mapThreadsToMessageIDsFromOrderedMessageInfos( orderedMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, ): { [threadID: string]: string[] } { const threadsToMessageIDs: { [threadID: string]: string[] } = {}; for (const messageInfo of orderedMessageInfos) { const key = messageID(messageInfo); if (!threadsToMessageIDs[messageInfo.threadID]) { threadsToMessageIDs[messageInfo.threadID] = [key]; } else { threadsToMessageIDs[messageInfo.threadID].push(key); } } return threadsToMessageIDs; } function isThreadWatched( threadID: string, threadInfo: ?LegacyRawThreadInfo | ?RawThreadInfo, watchedIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ) { return ( threadIsPending(threadID) || (threadInfo && threadHasPermission(threadInfo, threadPermissions.VISIBLE) && (threadInChatList(threadInfo) || watchedIDs.includes(threadID))) ); } +function assertMessageStoreLocalMessageInfosAreEqual( + processedMessageStore: MessageStore, + expectedMessageStore: MessageStore, + location: string, + onStateDifference?: (message: string) => mixed, +) { + try { + assertObjectsAreEqual( + processedMessageStore.local, + expectedMessageStore.local, + `MessageStore.local - ${location}`, + ); + } catch (e) { + console.log( + 'Error processing MessageStore local ops', + processedMessageStore.local, + expectedMessageStore.local, + ); + const message = `Error processing MessageStore local ops ${ + getMessageForException(e) ?? '{no exception message}' + }`; + onStateDifference?.(message); + } +} + const newThread = (): ThreadMessageInfo => ({ messageIDs: [], startReached: false, }); type FreshMessageStoreResult = { +messageStoreOperations: $ReadOnlyArray, +messageStore: MessageStore, }; function freshMessageStore( messageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, truncationStatus: { [threadID: string]: MessageTruncationStatus }, currentAsOf: { +[keyserverID: string]: number }, threadInfos: MixedRawThreadInfos, ): FreshMessageStoreResult { const unshimmed = unshimMessageInfos(messageInfos); const orderedMessageInfos = sortMessageInfoList(unshimmed); const messages = _keyBy(messageID)(orderedMessageInfos); const messageStoreReplaceOperations = orderedMessageInfos.map( messageInfo => ({ type: 'replace', payload: { id: messageID(messageInfo), messageInfo }, }), ); const threadsToMessageIDs = mapThreadsToMessageIDsFromOrderedMessageInfos(orderedMessageInfos); const threads = _mapValuesWithKeys( (messageIDs: string[], threadID: string) => ({ ...newThread(), messageIDs, startReached: truncationStatus[threadID] === messageTruncationStatus.EXHAUSTIVE, }), )(threadsToMessageIDs); const watchedIDs = threadWatcher.getWatchedIDs(); for (const threadID in threadInfos) { const threadInfo = threadInfos[threadID]; if ( threads[threadID] || !isThreadWatched(threadID, threadInfo, watchedIDs) ) { continue; } threads[threadID] = newThread(); } const messageStoreOperations = [ { type: 'remove_all' }, { type: 'remove_all_threads', }, { type: 'remove_all_local_message_infos', }, { type: 'replace_threads', payload: { threads }, }, ...messageStoreReplaceOperations, ]; return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { messages, threads, local: {}, currentAsOf, }, }; } type ReassignmentResult = { +messageStoreOperations: MessageStoreOperation[], +messageStore: MessageStore, +reassignedThreadIDs: string[], }; function reassignMessagesToRealizedThreads( messageStore: MessageStore, threadInfos: RawThreadInfos, ): ReassignmentResult { const pendingToRealizedThreadIDs = pendingToRealizedThreadIDsSelector(threadInfos); const messageStoreOperations: MessageStoreOperation[] = []; const messages: { [string]: RawMessageInfo } = {}; for (const storeMessageID in messageStore.messages) { const message = messageStore.messages[storeMessageID]; const newThreadID = pendingToRealizedThreadIDs.get(message.threadID); messages[storeMessageID] = newThreadID ? { ...message, threadID: newThreadID, time: threadInfos[newThreadID]?.creationTime ?? message.time, } : message; if (!newThreadID) { continue; } const updateMsgOperation: ReplaceMessageOperation = { type: 'replace', payload: { id: storeMessageID, messageInfo: messages[storeMessageID] }, }; messageStoreOperations.push(updateMsgOperation); } const threads: { [string]: ThreadMessageInfo } = {}; const reassignedThreadIDs = []; const updatedThreads: { [string]: ThreadMessageInfo } = {}; const threadsToRemove = []; for (const threadID in messageStore.threads) { const threadMessageInfo = messageStore.threads[threadID]; const newThreadID = pendingToRealizedThreadIDs.get(threadID); if (!newThreadID) { threads[threadID] = threadMessageInfo; continue; } const realizedThread = messageStore.threads[newThreadID]; if (!realizedThread) { reassignedThreadIDs.push(newThreadID); threads[newThreadID] = threadMessageInfo; updatedThreads[newThreadID] = threadMessageInfo; threadsToRemove.push(threadID); continue; } threads[newThreadID] = mergeThreadMessageInfos( threadMessageInfo, realizedThread, messages, ); updatedThreads[newThreadID] = threads[newThreadID]; } if (threadsToRemove.length) { messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'remove_threads', payload: { ids: threadsToRemove, }, }); } messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'replace_threads', payload: { threads: updatedThreads, }, }); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { ...messageStore, threads, messages, }, reassignedThreadIDs, }; } type MergeNewMessagesResult = { +messageStoreOperations: $ReadOnlyArray, +messageStore: MessageStore, }; // oldMessageStore is from the old state // newMessageInfos, truncationStatus come from server function mergeNewMessages( oldMessageStore: MessageStore, newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, truncationStatus: { +[threadID: string]: MessageTruncationStatus }, threadInfos: RawThreadInfos, ): MergeNewMessagesResult { const { messageStoreOperations: updateWithLatestThreadInfosOps, messageStore: messageStoreUpdatedWithLatestThreadInfos, reassignedThreadIDs, } = updateMessageStoreWithLatestThreadInfos(oldMessageStore, threadInfos); const messageStoreAfterUpdateOps = processMessageStoreOperations( oldMessageStore, updateWithLatestThreadInfosOps, ); const updatedMessageStore = { ...messageStoreUpdatedWithLatestThreadInfos, messages: messageStoreAfterUpdateOps.messages, threads: messageStoreAfterUpdateOps.threads, local: messageStoreAfterUpdateOps.local, }; const localIDsToServerIDs: Map = new Map(); const watchedThreadIDs = [ ...threadWatcher.getWatchedIDs(), ...reassignedThreadIDs, ]; const unshimmedNewMessages = unshimMessageInfos(newMessageInfos); const unshimmedNewMessagesOfWatchedThreads = unshimmedNewMessages.filter( msg => isThreadWatched( msg.threadID, threadInfos[msg.threadID], watchedThreadIDs, ), ); const orderedNewMessageInfos = _flow( _map((messageInfo: RawMessageInfo) => { const { id: inputID } = messageInfo; invariant(inputID, 'new messageInfos should have serverID'); invariant( !threadIsPending(messageInfo.threadID), 'new messageInfos should have realized thread id', ); const currentMessageInfo = updatedMessageStore.messages[inputID]; if ( messageInfo.type === messageTypes.TEXT || messageInfo.type === messageTypes.IMAGES || messageInfo.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA ) { const { localID: inputLocalID } = messageInfo; const currentLocalMessageInfo = inputLocalID ? updatedMessageStore.messages[inputLocalID] : null; if (currentMessageInfo && currentMessageInfo.localID) { // If the client already has a RawMessageInfo with this serverID, keep // any localID associated with the existing one. This is because we // use localIDs as React keys and changing React keys leads to loss of // component state. (The conditional below is for Flow) if (messageInfo.type === messageTypes.TEXT) { messageInfo = { ...messageInfo, localID: currentMessageInfo.localID, }; } else if (messageInfo.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA) { messageInfo = ({ ...messageInfo, localID: currentMessageInfo.localID, }: RawMediaMessageInfo); } else { messageInfo = ({ ...messageInfo, localID: currentMessageInfo.localID, }: RawImagesMessageInfo); } } else if (currentLocalMessageInfo && currentLocalMessageInfo.localID) { // If the client has a RawMessageInfo with this localID, but not with // the serverID, that means the message creation succeeded but the // success action never got processed. We set a key in // localIDsToServerIDs here to fix the messageIDs for the rest of the // MessageStore too. (The conditional below is for Flow) invariant(inputLocalID, 'inputLocalID should be set'); localIDsToServerIDs.set(inputLocalID, inputID); if (messageInfo.type === messageTypes.TEXT) { messageInfo = { ...messageInfo, localID: currentLocalMessageInfo.localID, }; } else if (messageInfo.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA) { messageInfo = ({ ...messageInfo, localID: currentLocalMessageInfo.localID, }: RawMediaMessageInfo); } else { messageInfo = ({ ...messageInfo, localID: currentLocalMessageInfo.localID, }: RawImagesMessageInfo); } } else { // If neither the serverID nor the localID from the delivered // RawMessageInfo exists in the client store, then this message is // brand new to us. Ignore any localID provided by the server. // (The conditional below is for Flow) const { localID, ...rest } = messageInfo; if (rest.type === messageTypes.TEXT) { messageInfo = { ...rest }; } else if (rest.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA) { messageInfo = ({ ...rest }: RawMediaMessageInfo); } else { messageInfo = ({ ...rest }: RawImagesMessageInfo); } } } else if ( currentMessageInfo && messageInfo.time > currentMessageInfo.time ) { // When thick threads will be introduced it will be possible for two // clients to create the same message (e.g. when they create the same // sidebar at the same time). We're going to use deterministic ids for // messages which should be unique within a thread and we have to find // a way for clients to agree which message to keep. We can't rely on // always choosing incoming messages nor messages from the store, // because a message that is in one user's store, will be send to // another user. One way to deal with it is to always choose a message // which is older, according to its timestamp. We can use this strategy // only for messages that can start a thread, because for other types // it might break the "contiguous" property of message ids (we can // consider selecting younger messages in that case, but for now we use // an invariant). invariant( messageInfo.type === messageTypes.CREATE_SIDEBAR || messageInfo.type === messageTypes.CREATE_THREAD || messageInfo.type === messageTypes.SIDEBAR_SOURCE, `Two different messages of type ${messageInfo.type} with the same ` + 'id found', ); return currentMessageInfo; } return _isEqual(messageInfo)(currentMessageInfo) ? currentMessageInfo : messageInfo; }), sortMessageInfoList, )(unshimmedNewMessagesOfWatchedThreads); const newMessageOps: MessageStoreOperation[] = []; const threadsToMessageIDs = mapThreadsToMessageIDsFromOrderedMessageInfos( orderedNewMessageInfos, ); const oldMessageInfosToCombine = []; const threadsThatNeedMessageIDsResorted = []; const updatedThreads: { [string]: ThreadMessageInfo } = {}; const threads = _flow( _mapValuesWithKeys((messageIDs: string[], threadID: string) => { const oldThread = updatedMessageStore.threads[threadID]; const truncate = truncationStatus[threadID]; if (!oldThread) { updatedThreads[threadID] = { ...newThread(), messageIDs, startReached: truncate === messageTruncationStatus.EXHAUSTIVE, }; return updatedThreads[threadID]; } let oldMessageIDsUnchanged = true; const oldMessageIDs = oldThread.messageIDs.map(oldID => { const newID = localIDsToServerIDs.get(oldID); if (newID !== null && newID !== undefined) { oldMessageIDsUnchanged = false; return newID; } return oldID; }); if (truncate === messageTruncationStatus.TRUNCATED) { // If the result set in the payload isn't contiguous with what we have // now, that means we need to dump what we have in the state and replace // it with the result set. We do this to achieve our two goals for the // messageStore: currentness and contiguousness. newMessageOps.push({ type: 'remove_messages_for_threads', payload: { threadIDs: [threadID] }, }); updatedThreads[threadID] = { messageIDs, startReached: false, }; return updatedThreads[threadID]; } const oldNotInNew = _difference(oldMessageIDs)(messageIDs); for (const id of oldNotInNew) { const oldMessageInfo = updatedMessageStore.messages[id]; invariant(oldMessageInfo, `could not find ${id} in messageStore`); oldMessageInfosToCombine.push(oldMessageInfo); const localInfo = updatedMessageStore.local[id]; if (localInfo) { newMessageOps.push({ type: 'replace_local_message_info', payload: { id, localMessageInfo: localInfo, }, }); } } const startReached = oldThread.startReached || truncate === messageTruncationStatus.EXHAUSTIVE; if (_difference(messageIDs)(oldMessageIDs).length === 0) { if (startReached === oldThread.startReached && oldMessageIDsUnchanged) { return oldThread; } updatedThreads[threadID] = { messageIDs: oldMessageIDs, startReached, }; return updatedThreads[threadID]; } const mergedMessageIDs = [...messageIDs, ...oldNotInNew]; threadsThatNeedMessageIDsResorted.push(threadID); return { messageIDs: mergedMessageIDs, startReached, }; }), _pickBy(thread => !!thread), )(threadsToMessageIDs); for (const threadID in updatedMessageStore.threads) { if (threads[threadID]) { continue; } let thread = updatedMessageStore.threads[threadID]; const truncate = truncationStatus[threadID]; if (truncate === messageTruncationStatus.EXHAUSTIVE) { thread = { ...thread, startReached: true, }; } threads[threadID] = thread; updatedThreads[threadID] = thread; for (const id of thread.messageIDs) { const messageInfo = updatedMessageStore.messages[id]; if (messageInfo) { oldMessageInfosToCombine.push(messageInfo); } const localInfo = updatedMessageStore.local[id]; if (localInfo) { newMessageOps.push({ type: 'replace_local_message_info', payload: { id, localMessageInfo: localInfo, }, }); } } } const messages = _flow( sortMessageInfoList, _keyBy(messageID), )([...orderedNewMessageInfos, ...oldMessageInfosToCombine]); const newMessages = _keyBy(messageID)(orderedNewMessageInfos); for (const id in newMessages) { newMessageOps.push({ type: 'replace', payload: { id, messageInfo: newMessages[id] }, }); } if (localIDsToServerIDs.size > 0) { newMessageOps.push({ type: 'remove', payload: { ids: [...localIDsToServerIDs.keys()] }, }); } for (const threadID of threadsThatNeedMessageIDsResorted) { threads[threadID].messageIDs = sortMessageIDs(messages)( threads[threadID].messageIDs, ); updatedThreads[threadID] = threads[threadID]; } newMessageOps.push({ type: 'replace_threads', payload: { threads: updatedThreads, }, }); const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( updatedMessageStore, newMessageOps, ); const currentAsOf: { [keyserverID: string]: number } = {}; const newestMessageTimePerKeyserver = findNewestMessageTimePerKeyserver( orderedNewMessageInfos, ); for (const keyserverID in newestMessageTimePerKeyserver) { currentAsOf[keyserverID] = Math.max( newestMessageTimePerKeyserver[keyserverID], processedMessageStore.currentAsOf[keyserverID] ?? 0, ); } const messageStore = { messages: processedMessageStore.messages, threads: processedMessageStore.threads, local: processedMessageStore.local, currentAsOf: { ...processedMessageStore.currentAsOf, ...currentAsOf, }, }; return { messageStoreOperations: [ ...updateWithLatestThreadInfosOps, ...newMessageOps, ], messageStore, }; } type UpdateMessageStoreWithLatestThreadInfosResult = { +messageStoreOperations: MessageStoreOperation[], +messageStore: MessageStore, +reassignedThreadIDs: string[], }; function updateMessageStoreWithLatestThreadInfos( messageStore: MessageStore, threadInfos: RawThreadInfos, ): UpdateMessageStoreWithLatestThreadInfosResult { const messageStoreOperations: MessageStoreOperation[] = []; const { messageStore: reassignedMessageStore, messageStoreOperations: reassignMessagesOps, reassignedThreadIDs, } = reassignMessagesToRealizedThreads(messageStore, threadInfos); messageStoreOperations.push(...reassignMessagesOps); const watchedIDs = [...threadWatcher.getWatchedIDs(), ...reassignedThreadIDs]; const filteredThreads: { [string]: ThreadMessageInfo } = {}; const threadsToRemoveMessagesFrom = []; const messageIDsToRemove: string[] = []; for (const threadID in reassignedMessageStore.threads) { const threadMessageInfo = reassignedMessageStore.threads[threadID]; const threadInfo = threadInfos[threadID]; if (isThreadWatched(threadID, threadInfo, watchedIDs)) { filteredThreads[threadID] = threadMessageInfo; } else { threadsToRemoveMessagesFrom.push(threadID); messageIDsToRemove.push(...threadMessageInfo.messageIDs); } } const updatedThreads: { [string]: ThreadMessageInfo } = {}; for (const threadID in threadInfos) { const threadInfo = threadInfos[threadID]; if ( isThreadWatched(threadID, threadInfo, watchedIDs) && !filteredThreads[threadID] ) { filteredThreads[threadID] = newThread(); updatedThreads[threadID] = filteredThreads[threadID]; } } messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'remove_threads', payload: { ids: threadsToRemoveMessagesFrom }, }); messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'replace_threads', payload: { threads: updatedThreads, }, }); messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'remove_messages_for_threads', payload: { threadIDs: threadsToRemoveMessagesFrom }, }); const localMessagesToRemove = _pick(messageIDsToRemove)( reassignedMessageStore.local, ); messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'remove_local_message_infos', payload: { ids: Object.keys(localMessagesToRemove) }, }); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { messages: _omit(messageIDsToRemove)(reassignedMessageStore.messages), threads: filteredThreads, local: _omit(messageIDsToRemove)(reassignedMessageStore.local), currentAsOf: reassignedMessageStore.currentAsOf, }, reassignedThreadIDs, }; } function ensureRealizedThreadIDIsUsedWhenPossible( payload: T, threadInfos: RawThreadInfos, ): T { const pendingToRealizedThreadIDs = pendingToRealizedThreadIDsSelector(threadInfos); const realizedThreadID = pendingToRealizedThreadIDs.get(payload.threadID); return realizedThreadID ? { ...payload, threadID: realizedThreadID } : payload; } const { processStoreOperations: processMessageStoreOperations } = messageStoreOpsHandlers; type ReduceMessageStoreResult = { +messageStoreOperations: $ReadOnlyArray, +messageStore: MessageStore, }; function reduceMessageStore( messageStore: MessageStore, action: BaseAction, newThreadInfos: RawThreadInfos, + onStateDifference?: (message: string) => mixed, ): ReduceMessageStoreResult { if ( action.type === legacyLogInActionTypes.success || action.type === legacySiweAuthActionTypes.success ) { const { messagesResult } = action.payload; let { messageInfos } = messagesResult; // If it's a resolution attempt and the userID doesn't change, // then we should keep all local messages in the store // TODO we can't check if the userID changed until ENG-6126 if ( action.payload.authActionSource === recoveryFromReduxActionSources.cookieInvalidationResolutionAttempt || action.payload.authActionSource === recoveryFromReduxActionSources.socketAuthErrorResolutionAttempt ) { const localMessages = Object.values(messageStore.messages).filter( rawMessageInfo => messageID(rawMessageInfo).startsWith(localIDPrefix), ); messageInfos = [...messageInfos, ...localMessages]; } const { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: freshStore } = freshMessageStore( messageInfos, messagesResult.truncationStatus, messagesResult.currentAsOf, newThreadInfos, ); const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( messageStore, messageStoreOperations, ); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { ...freshStore, messages: processedMessageStore.messages, threads: processedMessageStore.threads, local: processedMessageStore.local, }, }; } else if (action.type === keyserverAuthActionTypes.success) { const { messagesResult } = action.payload; return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, messagesResult.messageInfos, messagesResult.truncationStatus, newThreadInfos, ); } else if (action.type === incrementalStateSyncActionType) { const { messagesResult, updatesResult } = action.payload; if ( messagesResult.rawMessageInfos.length === 0 && updatesResult.newUpdates.length === 0 ) { return { messageStoreOperations: [], messageStore }; } const newMessagesResult = mergeUpdatesWithMessageInfos( messagesResult.rawMessageInfos, updatesResult.newUpdates, messagesResult.truncationStatuses, ); return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, newMessagesResult.rawMessageInfos, newMessagesResult.truncationStatuses, newThreadInfos, ); } else if ( action.type === fetchPendingUpdatesActionTypes.success && action.payload.type === stateSyncPayloadTypes.INCREMENTAL ) { const { messagesResult, updatesResult } = action.payload; if ( messagesResult.rawMessageInfos.length === 0 && updatesResult.newUpdates.length === 0 ) { return { messageStoreOperations: [], messageStore }; } const newMessagesResult = mergeUpdatesWithMessageInfos( messagesResult.rawMessageInfos, updatesResult.newUpdates, messagesResult.truncationStatuses, ); return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, newMessagesResult.rawMessageInfos, newMessagesResult.truncationStatuses, newThreadInfos, ); } else if (action.type === processUpdatesActionType) { if (action.payload.updatesResult.newUpdates.length === 0) { return { messageStoreOperations: [], messageStore }; } const messagesResult = mergeUpdatesWithMessageInfos( [], action.payload.updatesResult.newUpdates, ); const { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: newMessageStore } = mergeNewMessages( messageStore, messagesResult.rawMessageInfos, messagesResult.truncationStatuses, newThreadInfos, ); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { messages: newMessageStore.messages, threads: newMessageStore.threads, local: newMessageStore.local, currentAsOf: messageStore.currentAsOf, }, }; } else if ( action.type === fullStateSyncActionType || action.type === processMessagesActionType || (action.type === fetchPendingUpdatesActionTypes.success && action.payload.type === stateSyncPayloadTypes.FULL) ) { const { messagesResult } = action.payload; return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, messagesResult.rawMessageInfos, messagesResult.truncationStatuses, newThreadInfos, ); } else if ( action.type === fetchSingleMostRecentMessagesFromThreadsActionTypes.success ) { return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, action.payload.rawMessageInfos, action.payload.truncationStatuses, newThreadInfos, ); } else if ( action.type === fetchMessagesBeforeCursorActionTypes.success || action.type === fetchMostRecentMessagesActionTypes.success ) { return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, action.payload.rawMessageInfos, { [action.payload.threadID]: action.payload.truncationStatus }, newThreadInfos, ); } else if (action.type === deleteKeyserverAccountActionTypes.success) { const { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: filteredMessageStore } = updateMessageStoreWithLatestThreadInfos(messageStore, newThreadInfos); const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( messageStore, messageStoreOperations, ); let currentAsOf = {}; if (action.payload.keyserverIDs) { currentAsOf = _omit(action.payload.keyserverIDs)( filteredMessageStore.currentAsOf, ); } return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { ...filteredMessageStore, currentAsOf, messages: processedMessageStore.messages, threads: processedMessageStore.threads, local: processedMessageStore.local, }, }; } else if ( action.type === deleteThreadActionTypes.success || action.type === leaveThreadActionTypes.success || action.type === setNewSessionActionType ) { const { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: filteredMessageStore } = updateMessageStoreWithLatestThreadInfos(messageStore, newThreadInfos); const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( messageStore, messageStoreOperations, ); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { ...filteredMessageStore, messages: processedMessageStore.messages, threads: processedMessageStore.threads, local: processedMessageStore.local, }, }; } else if (action.type === newThreadActionTypes.success) { const messagesResult = mergeUpdatesWithMessageInfos( action.payload.newMessageInfos, action.payload.updatesResult.newUpdates, ); return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, messagesResult.rawMessageInfos, messagesResult.truncationStatuses, newThreadInfos, ); } else if (action.type === sendMessageReportActionTypes.success) { return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, [action.payload.messageInfo], { [(action.payload.messageInfo.threadID: string)]: messageTruncationStatus.UNCHANGED, }, newThreadInfos, ); } else if (action.type === legacyKeyserverRegisterActionTypes.success) { const truncationStatuses: { [string]: MessageTruncationStatus } = {}; for (const messageInfo of action.payload.rawMessageInfos) { truncationStatuses[messageInfo.threadID] = messageTruncationStatus.EXHAUSTIVE; } return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, action.payload.rawMessageInfos, truncationStatuses, newThreadInfos, ); } else if ( action.type === changeThreadSettingsActionTypes.success || action.type === removeUsersFromThreadActionTypes.success || action.type === changeThreadMemberRolesActionTypes.success || action.type === createEntryActionTypes.success || action.type === saveEntryActionTypes.success || action.type === restoreEntryActionTypes.success || action.type === toggleMessagePinActionTypes.success ) { return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, action.payload.newMessageInfos, { [(action.payload.threadID: string)]: messageTruncationStatus.UNCHANGED, }, newThreadInfos, ); } else if (action.type === deleteEntryActionTypes.success) { const payload = action.payload; if (payload) { return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, payload.newMessageInfos, { [payload.threadID]: messageTruncationStatus.UNCHANGED }, newThreadInfos, ); } } else if (action.type === joinThreadActionTypes.success) { const messagesResult = mergeUpdatesWithMessageInfos( action.payload.rawMessageInfos, action.payload.updatesResult.newUpdates, ); return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, messagesResult.rawMessageInfos, messagesResult.truncationStatuses, newThreadInfos, ); } else if (action.type === sendEditMessageActionTypes.success) { const { newMessageInfos } = action.payload; const truncationStatuses: { [string]: MessageTruncationStatus } = {}; for (const messageInfo of newMessageInfos) { truncationStatuses[messageInfo.threadID] = messageTruncationStatus.UNCHANGED; } return mergeNewMessages( messageStore, newMessageInfos, truncationStatuses, newThreadInfos, ); } else if ( action.type === sendTextMessageActionTypes.started || action.type === sendMultimediaMessageActionTypes.started || action.type === sendReactionMessageActionTypes.started ) { const payload = ensureRealizedThreadIDIsUsedWhenPossible( action.payload, newThreadInfos, ); const { localID, threadID } = payload; invariant(localID, `localID should be set on ${action.type}`); const messageIDs = messageStore.threads[threadID]?.messageIDs ?? []; if (!messageStore.messages[localID]) { for (const existingMessageID of messageIDs) { const existingMessageInfo = messageStore.messages[existingMessageID]; if (existingMessageInfo && existingMessageInfo.localID === localID) { return { messageStoreOperations: [], messageStore }; } } } const messageStoreOperations: MessageStoreOperation[] = [ { type: 'replace', payload: { id: localID, messageInfo: payload }, }, ]; let updatedThreads; if (messageStore.messages[localID]) { const messages = { ...messageStore.messages, [(localID: string)]: payload, }; const thread = messageStore.threads[threadID]; updatedThreads = { [(threadID: string)]: { messageIDs: sortMessageIDs(messages)(messageIDs), startReached: thread?.startReached ?? true, }, }; messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'remove_local_message_infos', payload: { ids: [localID], }, }); } else { updatedThreads = { [(threadID: string)]: messageStore.threads[threadID] ? { ...messageStore.threads[threadID], messageIDs: [localID, ...messageIDs], } : { messageIDs: [localID], startReached: true, }, }; } messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'replace_threads', payload: { threads: { ...updatedThreads }, }, }); const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( messageStore, messageStoreOperations, ); const newMessageStore = { messages: processedMessageStore.messages, threads: processedMessageStore.threads, local: processedMessageStore.local, currentAsOf: messageStore.currentAsOf, }; return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: newMessageStore, }; } else if ( action.type === sendTextMessageActionTypes.failed || action.type === sendMultimediaMessageActionTypes.failed ) { const { localID } = action.payload; const messageStoreOperations = [ { type: 'replace_local_message_info', payload: { id: localID, localMessageInfo: { sendFailed: true, }, }, }, ]; const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( messageStore, messageStoreOperations, ); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { messages: processedMessageStore.messages, threads: processedMessageStore.threads, local: processedMessageStore.local, currentAsOf: messageStore.currentAsOf, }, }; } else if (action.type === sendReactionMessageActionTypes.failed) { const { localID, threadID } = action.payload; const messageStoreOperations: MessageStoreOperation[] = []; messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'remove', payload: { ids: [localID] }, }); const newMessageIDs = messageStore.threads[threadID].messageIDs.filter( id => id !== localID, ); const updatedThreads = { [threadID]: { ...messageStore.threads[threadID], messageIDs: newMessageIDs, }, }; messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'replace_threads', payload: { threads: updatedThreads }, }); const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( messageStore, messageStoreOperations, ); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: processedMessageStore, }; } else if ( action.type === sendTextMessageActionTypes.success || action.type === sendMultimediaMessageActionTypes.success || action.type === sendReactionMessageActionTypes.success ) { const { payload } = action; invariant( !threadIsPending(payload.threadID), 'Successful message action should have realized thread id', ); const replaceMessageKey = (messageKey: string) => messageKey === payload.localID ? payload.serverID : messageKey; let newMessages; const messageStoreOperations: MessageStoreOperation[] = []; if (messageStore.messages[payload.serverID]) { // If somehow the serverID got in there already, we'll just update the // serverID message and scrub the localID one newMessages = _omitBy( (messageInfo: RawMessageInfo) => messageInfo.type === messageTypes.TEXT && !messageInfo.id && messageInfo.localID === payload.localID, )(messageStore.messages); messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'remove', payload: { ids: [payload.localID] }, }); } else if (messageStore.messages[payload.localID]) { // The normal case, the localID message gets replaced by the serverID one newMessages = _mapKeys(replaceMessageKey)(messageStore.messages); messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'rekey', payload: { from: payload.localID, to: payload.serverID }, }); } else { // Well this is weird, we probably got deauthorized between when the // action was dispatched and when we ran this reducer... return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore }; } const newMessage = { ...newMessages[payload.serverID], id: payload.serverID, localID: payload.localID, time: payload.time, }; newMessages[payload.serverID] = newMessage; messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'replace', payload: { id: payload.serverID, messageInfo: newMessage }, }); const threadID = payload.threadID; const newMessageIDs = _flow( _uniq, sortMessageIDs(newMessages), )(messageStore.threads[threadID].messageIDs.map(replaceMessageKey)); messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'remove_local_message_infos', payload: { ids: [payload.localID], }, }); const updatedThreads = { [threadID]: { ...messageStore.threads[threadID], messageIDs: newMessageIDs, }, }; messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'replace_threads', payload: { threads: updatedThreads }, }); const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( messageStore, messageStoreOperations, ); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { ...messageStore, messages: processedMessageStore.messages, threads: processedMessageStore.threads, local: processedMessageStore.local, }, }; } else if (action.type === saveMessagesActionType) { const truncationStatuses: { [string]: MessageTruncationStatus } = {}; for (const messageInfo of action.payload.rawMessageInfos) { truncationStatuses[messageInfo.threadID] = messageTruncationStatus.UNCHANGED; } const { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: newMessageStore } = mergeNewMessages( messageStore, action.payload.rawMessageInfos, truncationStatuses, newThreadInfos, ); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { messages: newMessageStore.messages, threads: newMessageStore.threads, local: newMessageStore.local, // We avoid bumping currentAsOf because notifs may include a contracted // RawMessageInfo, so we want to make sure we still fetch it currentAsOf: messageStore.currentAsOf, }, }; } else if (action.type === messageStorePruneActionType) { const messageIDsToPrune = []; const updatedThreads: { [string]: ThreadMessageInfo } = {}; for (const threadID of action.payload.threadIDs) { let thread = messageStore.threads[threadID]; if (!thread) { continue; } const newMessageIDs = [...thread.messageIDs]; const removed = newMessageIDs.splice(defaultNumberPerThread); if (removed.length > 0) { thread = { ...thread, messageIDs: newMessageIDs, startReached: false, }; } for (const id of removed) { messageIDsToPrune.push(id); } updatedThreads[threadID] = thread; } const localMessageIDsToRemove = _pick(messageIDsToPrune)( messageStore.local, ); const messageStoreOperations = [ { type: 'remove', payload: { ids: messageIDsToPrune }, }, { type: 'replace_threads', payload: { threads: updatedThreads, }, }, { type: 'remove_local_message_infos', payload: { ids: Object.keys(localMessageIDsToRemove) }, }, ]; const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( messageStore, messageStoreOperations, ); const newMessageStore = { messages: processedMessageStore.messages, threads: processedMessageStore.threads, local: processedMessageStore.local, currentAsOf: messageStore.currentAsOf, }; return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: newMessageStore, }; } else if (action.type === updateMultimediaMessageMediaActionType) { const { messageID: id, currentMediaID, mediaUpdate } = action.payload; const message = messageStore.messages[id]; invariant(message, `message with ID ${id} could not be found`); invariant( message.type === messageTypes.IMAGES || message.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA, `message with ID ${id} is not multimedia`, ); let updatedMessage; let replaced = false; if (message.type === messageTypes.IMAGES) { const media: Image[] = []; for (const singleMedia of message.media) { if (singleMedia.id !== currentMediaID) { media.push(singleMedia); } else { let updatedMedia: Image = { id: mediaUpdate.id ?? singleMedia.id, type: 'photo', uri: mediaUpdate.uri ?? singleMedia.uri, dimensions: mediaUpdate.dimensions ?? singleMedia.dimensions, thumbHash: mediaUpdate.thumbHash ?? singleMedia.thumbHash, }; if ( 'localMediaSelection' in singleMedia && !('localMediaSelection' in mediaUpdate) ) { updatedMedia = { ...updatedMedia, localMediaSelection: singleMedia.localMediaSelection, }; } else if (mediaUpdate.localMediaSelection) { updatedMedia = { ...updatedMedia, localMediaSelection: mediaUpdate.localMediaSelection, }; } media.push(updatedMedia); replaced = true; } } updatedMessage = { ...message, media }; } else { const media: Media[] = []; for (const singleMedia of message.media) { if (singleMedia.id !== currentMediaID) { media.push(singleMedia); } else if ( singleMedia.type === 'photo' && mediaUpdate.type === 'photo' ) { media.push({ ...singleMedia, ...mediaUpdate }); replaced = true; } else if ( singleMedia.type === 'video' && mediaUpdate.type === 'video' ) { media.push({ ...singleMedia, ...mediaUpdate }); replaced = true; } else if ( singleMedia.type === 'encrypted_photo' && mediaUpdate.type === 'encrypted_photo' ) { if (singleMedia.blobURI) { const { holder, ...rest } = mediaUpdate; if (holder) { console.log( `mediaUpdate contained holder for media ${singleMedia.id} ` + 'that has blobURI', ); } media.push({ ...singleMedia, ...rest }); } else { invariant( singleMedia.holder, 'Encrypted media must have holder or blobURI', ); const { blobURI, ...rest } = mediaUpdate; if (blobURI) { console.log( `mediaUpdate contained blobURI for media ${singleMedia.id} ` + 'that has holder', ); } media.push({ ...singleMedia, ...rest }); } replaced = true; } else if ( singleMedia.type === 'encrypted_video' && mediaUpdate.type === 'encrypted_video' ) { if (singleMedia.blobURI) { const { holder, thumbnailHolder, ...rest } = mediaUpdate; if (holder || thumbnailHolder) { console.log( 'mediaUpdate contained holder or thumbnailHolder for media ' + `${singleMedia.id} that has blobURI`, ); } media.push({ ...singleMedia, ...rest }); } else { invariant( singleMedia.holder, 'Encrypted media must have holder or blobURI', ); const { blobURI, thumbnailBlobURI, ...rest } = mediaUpdate; if (blobURI || thumbnailBlobURI) { console.log( 'mediaUpdate contained blobURI or thumbnailBlobURI for media ' + `${singleMedia.id} that has holder`, ); } media.push({ ...singleMedia, ...rest }); } replaced = true; } else if ( singleMedia.type === 'photo' && mediaUpdate.type === 'encrypted_photo' ) { // extract fields that are absent in encrypted_photo type const { uri, localMediaSelection, ...original } = singleMedia; const { holder: newHolder, blobURI: newBlobURI, encryptionKey, ...update } = mediaUpdate; const blobURI = newBlobURI ?? newHolder; invariant( blobURI && encryptionKey, 'holder and encryptionKey are required for encrypted_photo message', ); media.push({ ...original, ...update, type: 'encrypted_photo', blobURI, encryptionKey, }); replaced = true; } else if ( singleMedia.type === 'video' && mediaUpdate.type === 'encrypted_video' ) { const { uri, thumbnailURI, localMediaSelection, ...original } = singleMedia; const { holder: newHolder, blobURI: newBlobURI, encryptionKey, thumbnailHolder: newThumbnailHolder, thumbnailBlobURI: newThumbnailBlobURI, thumbnailEncryptionKey, ...update } = mediaUpdate; const blobURI = newBlobURI ?? newHolder; invariant( blobURI && encryptionKey, 'holder and encryptionKey are required for encrypted_video message', ); const thumbnailBlobURI = newThumbnailBlobURI ?? newThumbnailHolder; invariant( thumbnailBlobURI && thumbnailEncryptionKey, 'thumbnailHolder and thumbnailEncryptionKey are required for ' + 'encrypted_video message', ); media.push({ ...original, ...update, type: 'encrypted_video', blobURI, encryptionKey, thumbnailBlobURI, thumbnailEncryptionKey, }); replaced = true; } else if (mediaUpdate.id) { const { id: newID } = mediaUpdate; media.push({ ...singleMedia, id: newID }); replaced = true; } } updatedMessage = { ...message, media }; } invariant( replaced, `message ${id} did not contain media with ID ${currentMediaID}`, ); const messageStoreOperations = [ { type: 'replace', payload: { id, messageInfo: updatedMessage, }, }, ]; const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( messageStore, messageStoreOperations, ); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { ...messageStore, messages: processedMessageStore.messages, threads: processedMessageStore.threads, local: processedMessageStore.local, }, }; } else if (action.type === createLocalMessageActionType) { const messageInfo = ensureRealizedThreadIDIsUsedWhenPossible( action.payload, newThreadInfos, ); const { localID, threadID } = messageInfo; const messageIDs = messageStore.threads[messageInfo.threadID]?.messageIDs ?? []; const threadState: ThreadMessageInfo = messageStore.threads[threadID] ? { ...messageStore.threads[threadID], messageIDs: [localID, ...messageIDs], } : { messageIDs: [localID], startReached: true, }; const messageStoreOperations = [ { type: 'replace', payload: { id: localID, messageInfo }, }, { type: 'replace_threads', payload: { threads: { [(threadID: string)]: threadState }, }, }, ]; const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( messageStore, messageStoreOperations, ); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { ...messageStore, threads: processedMessageStore.threads, messages: processedMessageStore.messages, local: processedMessageStore.local, }, }; } else if (action.type === processServerRequestsActionType) { const { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: messageStoreAfterReassignment, } = reassignMessagesToRealizedThreads(messageStore, newThreadInfos); const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( messageStore, messageStoreOperations, ); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: { ...messageStoreAfterReassignment, messages: processedMessageStore.messages, threads: processedMessageStore.threads, local: processedMessageStore.local, }, }; } else if (action.type === setClientDBStoreActionType) { const actionPayloadMessageStoreThreads = translateClientDBThreadMessageInfos( action.payload.messageStoreThreads ?? [], ); + const actionPayloadMessageStoreLocalMessageInfos = + action.payload.messageStoreLocalMessageInfos ?? {}; + + assertMessageStoreLocalMessageInfosAreEqual( + { + ...messageStore, + local: actionPayloadMessageStoreLocalMessageInfos, + }, + messageStore, + action.type, + onStateDifference, + ); + const newThreads: { [threadID: string]: ThreadMessageInfo, } = { ...messageStore.threads }; for (const threadID in actionPayloadMessageStoreThreads) { newThreads[threadID] = { ...actionPayloadMessageStoreThreads[threadID], messageIDs: messageStore.threads?.[threadID]?.messageIDs ?? [], }; } const payloadMessages = action.payload.messages; if (!payloadMessages) { return { messageStoreOperations: [], messageStore: { ...messageStore, threads: newThreads }, }; } const { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: updatedMessageStore } = updateMessageStoreWithLatestThreadInfos( { ...messageStore, threads: newThreads }, newThreadInfos, ); let threads = { ...updatedMessageStore.threads }; let local = { ...updatedMessageStore.local }; // Store message IDs already contained within threads so that we // do not insert duplicates const existingMessageIDs = new Set(); for (const threadID in threads) { threads[threadID].messageIDs.forEach(msgID => { existingMessageIDs.add(msgID); }); } const threadsNeedMsgIDsResorting = new Set(); const actionPayloadMessages = messageStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData(payloadMessages); // When starting the app on native, we filter out any local-only multimedia // messages because the relevant context is no longer available const messageIDsToBeRemoved = []; const threadsToAdd: { [string]: ThreadMessageInfo } = {}; for (const id in actionPayloadMessages) { const message = actionPayloadMessages[id]; const { threadID } = message; let existingThread = threads[threadID]; if (!existingThread) { existingThread = newThread(); threadsToAdd[threadID] = existingThread; } if ( (message.type === messageTypes.IMAGES || message.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA) && !message.id ) { messageIDsToBeRemoved.push(id); threads = { ...threads, [(threadID: string)]: { ...existingThread, messageIDs: existingThread.messageIDs.filter( curMessageID => curMessageID !== id, ), }, }; local = _pickBy( (localInfo: LocalMessageInfo, key: string) => key !== id, )(local); } else if (!existingMessageIDs.has(id)) { threads = { ...threads, [(threadID: string)]: { ...existingThread, messageIDs: [...existingThread.messageIDs, id], }, }; threadsNeedMsgIDsResorting.add(threadID); } else if (!threads[threadID]) { threads = { ...threads, [(threadID: string)]: existingThread }; } } for (const threadID of threadsNeedMsgIDsResorting) { threads[threadID].messageIDs = sortMessageIDs(actionPayloadMessages)( threads[threadID].messageIDs, ); } const newMessageStore = { ...updatedMessageStore, messages: actionPayloadMessages, threads: threads, local: local, }; if (messageIDsToBeRemoved.length > 0) { messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'remove', payload: { ids: messageIDsToBeRemoved }, }); } const processedMessageStore = processMessageStoreOperations( newMessageStore, messageStoreOperations, ); messageStoreOperations.push({ type: 'replace_threads', payload: { threads: threadsToAdd }, }); return { messageStoreOperations, messageStore: processedMessageStore, }; } return { messageStoreOperations: [], messageStore }; } type MergedUpdatesWithMessages = { +rawMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +truncationStatuses: MessageTruncationStatuses, }; function mergeUpdatesWithMessageInfos( messageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, truncationStatuses?: MessageTruncationStatuses, ): MergedUpdatesWithMessages { const messageIDs = new Set( messageInfos.map(messageInfo => messageInfo.id).filter(Boolean), ); const mergedMessageInfos = [...messageInfos]; const mergedTruncationStatuses = { ...truncationStatuses }; for (const update of newUpdates) { const { mergeMessageInfosAndTruncationStatuses } = updateSpecs[update.type]; if (!mergeMessageInfosAndTruncationStatuses) { continue; } mergeMessageInfosAndTruncationStatuses( messageIDs, mergedMessageInfos, mergedTruncationStatuses, update, ); } return { rawMessageInfos: mergedMessageInfos, truncationStatuses: mergedTruncationStatuses, }; } export { freshMessageStore, reduceMessageStore }; diff --git a/lib/utils/message-ops-utils.js b/lib/utils/message-ops-utils.js index 95b682ec7..7c76a686f 100644 --- a/lib/utils/message-ops-utils.js +++ b/lib/utils/message-ops-utils.js @@ -1,298 +1,314 @@ // @flow import _keyBy from 'lodash/fp/keyBy.js'; import { contentStringForMediaArray, encryptedMediaBlobURI, encryptedVideoThumbnailBlobURI, } from '../media/media-utils.js'; import { messageID } from '../shared/message-utils.js'; import { messageSpecs } from '../shared/messages/message-specs.js'; import type { EncryptedVideo, Media, ClientDBMediaInfo, Image, Video, } from '../types/media-types'; import { messageTypes, assertMessageType, } from '../types/message-types-enum.js'; import { type ClientDBMessageInfo, type RawMessageInfo, type ClientDBThreadMessageInfo, type ThreadMessageInfo, + type ClientDBLocalMessageInfo, + type MessageStoreLocalMessageInfos, } from '../types/message-types.js'; import type { MediaMessageServerDBContent } from '../types/messages/media.js'; function translateMediaToClientDBMediaInfos( media: $ReadOnlyArray, ): $ReadOnlyArray { const clientDBMediaInfos = []; for (const m of media) { const type = m.type === 'encrypted_photo' ? 'photo' : m.type === 'encrypted_video' ? 'video' : m.type; const mediaURI = m.type === 'encrypted_photo' || m.type === 'encrypted_video' ? encryptedMediaBlobURI(m) : m.uri; clientDBMediaInfos.push({ id: m.id, uri: mediaURI, type: type, extras: JSON.stringify({ dimensions: m.dimensions, loop: type === 'video' ? m.loop : false, local_media_selection: m.localMediaSelection, encryption_key: m.encryptionKey, thumb_hash: m.thumbHash ?? undefined, }), }); if (m.type === 'video' || m.type === 'encrypted_video') { const thumbnailURI = m.type === 'encrypted_video' ? encryptedVideoThumbnailBlobURI(m) : m.thumbnailURI; clientDBMediaInfos.push({ id: m.thumbnailID, uri: thumbnailURI, type: 'photo', extras: JSON.stringify({ dimensions: m.dimensions, loop: false, encryption_key: m.thumbnailEncryptionKey, thumb_hash: m.thumbnailThumbHash ?? undefined, }), }); } } return clientDBMediaInfos; } function translateClientDBMediaInfoToImage( clientDBMediaInfo: ClientDBMediaInfo, ): Image { const { dimensions, local_media_selection, thumb_hash } = JSON.parse( clientDBMediaInfo.extras, ); if (!local_media_selection) { return { id: clientDBMediaInfo.id, uri: clientDBMediaInfo.uri, type: 'photo', dimensions: dimensions, thumbHash: thumb_hash, }; } return { id: clientDBMediaInfo.id, uri: clientDBMediaInfo.uri, type: 'photo', dimensions: dimensions, localMediaSelection: local_media_selection, thumbHash: thumb_hash, }; } function translateClientDBMediaInfosToMedia( clientDBMessageInfo: ClientDBMessageInfo, ): $ReadOnlyArray { if (parseInt(clientDBMessageInfo.type) === messageTypes.IMAGES) { if (!clientDBMessageInfo.media_infos) { return []; } return clientDBMessageInfo.media_infos.map( translateClientDBMediaInfoToImage, ); } if ( !clientDBMessageInfo.media_infos || clientDBMessageInfo.media_infos.length === 0 ) { return []; } const mediaInfos: $ReadOnlyArray = clientDBMessageInfo.media_infos; const mediaMap = _keyBy('id')(mediaInfos); if (!clientDBMessageInfo.content) { return []; } const messageContent: $ReadOnlyArray = JSON.parse(clientDBMessageInfo.content); const translatedMedia: Media[] = []; for (const media of messageContent) { if (media.type === 'photo') { const extras = JSON.parse(mediaMap[media.uploadID].extras); const { dimensions, encryption_key: encryptionKey, thumb_hash: thumbHash, } = extras; let image; if (encryptionKey) { image = { id: media.uploadID, type: 'encrypted_photo', blobURI: mediaMap[media.uploadID].uri, dimensions, encryptionKey, thumbHash, }; } else { image = { id: media.uploadID, type: 'photo', uri: mediaMap[media.uploadID].uri, dimensions, thumbHash, }; } translatedMedia.push(image); } else if (media.type === 'video') { const extras = JSON.parse(mediaMap[media.uploadID].extras); const { dimensions, loop, local_media_selection: localMediaSelection, encryption_key: encryptionKey, } = extras; const { encryption_key: thumbnailEncryptionKey, thumb_hash: thumbnailThumbHash, } = JSON.parse(mediaMap[media.thumbnailUploadID].extras); if (encryptionKey) { const video: EncryptedVideo = { id: media.uploadID, type: 'encrypted_video', blobURI: mediaMap[media.uploadID].uri, dimensions, loop, encryptionKey, thumbnailID: media.thumbnailUploadID, thumbnailBlobURI: mediaMap[media.thumbnailUploadID].uri, thumbnailEncryptionKey, thumbnailThumbHash, }; translatedMedia.push(video); } else { const video: Video = { id: media.uploadID, uri: mediaMap[media.uploadID].uri, type: 'video', dimensions, loop, thumbnailID: media.thumbnailUploadID, thumbnailURI: mediaMap[media.thumbnailUploadID].uri, thumbnailThumbHash, }; translatedMedia.push( localMediaSelection ? { ...video, localMediaSelection } : video, ); } } } return translatedMedia; } function translateRawMessageInfoToClientDBMessageInfo( rawMessageInfo: RawMessageInfo, ): ClientDBMessageInfo { return { id: messageID(rawMessageInfo), local_id: rawMessageInfo.localID ? rawMessageInfo.localID : null, thread: rawMessageInfo.threadID, user: rawMessageInfo.creatorID, type: rawMessageInfo.type.toString(), future_type: rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.UNSUPPORTED ? rawMessageInfo.unsupportedMessageInfo.type.toString() : null, time: rawMessageInfo.time.toString(), content: messageSpecs[rawMessageInfo.type].messageContentForClientDB?.( rawMessageInfo, ), media_infos: rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.IMAGES || rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA ? translateMediaToClientDBMediaInfos(rawMessageInfo.media) : null, }; } function translateClientDBMessageInfoToRawMessageInfo( clientDBMessageInfo: ClientDBMessageInfo, ): RawMessageInfo { return messageSpecs[ assertMessageType(parseInt(clientDBMessageInfo.type)) ].rawMessageInfoFromClientDB(clientDBMessageInfo); } type TranslatedThreadMessageInfo = { +startReached: boolean, }; export type TranslatedThreadMessageInfos = { +[threadID: string]: TranslatedThreadMessageInfo, }; function translateClientDBThreadMessageInfos( clientDBThreadMessageInfo: $ReadOnlyArray, ): TranslatedThreadMessageInfos { return Object.fromEntries( clientDBThreadMessageInfo.map((threadInfo: ClientDBThreadMessageInfo) => [ threadInfo.id, { startReached: threadInfo.start_reached === '1', }, ]), ); } function translateThreadMessageInfoToClientDBThreadMessageInfo( id: string, threadMessageInfo: ThreadMessageInfo | TranslatedThreadMessageInfo, ): ClientDBThreadMessageInfo { const startReached = threadMessageInfo.startReached ? 1 : 0; return { id, start_reached: startReached.toString(), }; } +function translateClientDBLocalMessageInfos( + clientDBLocalMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +): MessageStoreLocalMessageInfos { + return Object.fromEntries( + clientDBLocalMessageInfos.map( + (localMessageInfo: ClientDBLocalMessageInfo) => [ + localMessageInfo.id, + JSON.parse(localMessageInfo.localMessageInfo), + ], + ), + ); +} + function getPinnedContentFromClientDBMessageInfo( clientDBMessageInfo: ClientDBMessageInfo, ): string { const { media_infos } = clientDBMessageInfo; let pinnedContent; if (!media_infos || media_infos.length === 0) { pinnedContent = 'a message'; } else { const media = translateClientDBMediaInfosToMedia(clientDBMessageInfo); pinnedContent = contentStringForMediaArray(media); } return pinnedContent; } export { translateClientDBMediaInfoToImage, translateRawMessageInfoToClientDBMessageInfo, translateClientDBMessageInfoToRawMessageInfo, translateClientDBMediaInfosToMedia, getPinnedContentFromClientDBMessageInfo, translateClientDBThreadMessageInfos, translateThreadMessageInfoToClientDBThreadMessageInfo, + translateClientDBLocalMessageInfos, }; diff --git a/native/data/sqlite-data-handler.js b/native/data/sqlite-data-handler.js index a10d1fa5f..b04eb1c47 100644 --- a/native/data/sqlite-data-handler.js +++ b/native/data/sqlite-data-handler.js @@ -1,323 +1,329 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; import { setClientDBStoreActionType } from 'lib/actions/client-db-store-actions.js'; import { MediaCacheContext } from 'lib/components/media-cache-provider.react.js'; import type { CallSingleKeyserverEndpoint } from 'lib/keyserver-conn/call-single-keyserver-endpoint.js'; import type { CallKeyserverEndpoint } from 'lib/keyserver-conn/keyserver-conn-types.js'; import { useKeyserverRecoveryLogIn } from 'lib/keyserver-conn/recovery-utils.js'; import { auxUserStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/aux-user-store-ops.js'; import { communityStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/community-store-ops.js'; import { entryStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/entries-store-ops.js'; import { integrityStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/integrity-store-ops.js'; import { keyserverStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/keyserver-store-ops.js'; import { reportStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/report-store-ops.js'; import { syncedMetadataStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/synced-metadata-store-ops.js'; import { threadActivityStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/thread-activity-store-ops.js'; import { threadStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/thread-store-ops.js'; import { userStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/user-store-ops.js'; import { isLoggedIn } from 'lib/selectors/user-selectors.js'; import { useInitialNotificationsEncryptedMessage } from 'lib/shared/crypto-utils.js'; import { shouldClearData } from 'lib/shared/data-utils.js'; import { recoveryFromDataHandlerActionSources, type RecoveryFromDataHandlerActionSource, } from 'lib/types/account-types.js'; import { getMessageForException } from 'lib/utils/errors.js'; +import { translateClientDBLocalMessageInfos } from 'lib/utils/message-ops-utils.js'; import { useDispatchActionPromise } from 'lib/utils/redux-promise-utils.js'; import { useDispatch } from 'lib/utils/redux-utils.js'; import { supportingMultipleKeyservers } from 'lib/utils/services-utils.js'; import { reportDatabaseDeleted } from 'lib/utils/wait-until-db-deleted.js'; import { resolveKeyserverSessionInvalidationUsingNativeCredentials } from '../account/legacy-recover-keyserver-session.js'; import { authoritativeKeyserverID } from '../authoritative-keyserver.js'; import { filesystemMediaCache } from '../media/media-cache.js'; import { commCoreModule } from '../native-modules.js'; import { setStoreLoadedActionType } from '../redux/action-types.js'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils.js'; import Alert from '../utils/alert.js'; import { isTaskCancelledError } from '../utils/error-handling.js'; import { useStaffCanSee } from '../utils/staff-utils.js'; async function clearSensitiveData() { try { await commCoreModule.clearSensitiveData(); reportDatabaseDeleted(); } catch (error) { console.log( `Error clearing SQLite database: ${ getMessageForException(error) ?? 'unknown' }`, ); throw error; } try { await filesystemMediaCache.clearCache(); } catch { throw new Error('clear_media_cache_failed'); } } const returnsFalseSinceDoesntNeedToSupportCancellation = () => false; function SQLiteDataHandler(): React.Node { const storeLoaded = useSelector(state => state.storeLoaded); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const dispatchActionPromise = useDispatchActionPromise(); const rehydrateConcluded = useSelector( state => !!(state._persist && state._persist.rehydrated), ); const staffCanSee = useStaffCanSee(); const loggedIn = useSelector(isLoggedIn); const currentLoggedInUserID = useSelector(state => state.currentUserInfo?.anonymous ? undefined : state.currentUserInfo?.id, ); const mediaCacheContext = React.useContext(MediaCacheContext); const getInitialNotificationsEncryptedMessage = useInitialNotificationsEncryptedMessage(authoritativeKeyserverID); const keyserverRecoveryLogIn = useKeyserverRecoveryLogIn( authoritativeKeyserverID, ); const recoverDataFromAuthoritativeKeyserver = React.useCallback( async (source: RecoveryFromDataHandlerActionSource) => { const innerRecoverDataFromAuthoritativeKeyserver = ( callSingleKeyserverEndpoint: CallSingleKeyserverEndpoint, callKeyserverEndpoint: CallKeyserverEndpoint, ) => resolveKeyserverSessionInvalidationUsingNativeCredentials( callSingleKeyserverEndpoint, callKeyserverEndpoint, dispatchActionPromise, source, authoritativeKeyserverID, getInitialNotificationsEncryptedMessage, returnsFalseSinceDoesntNeedToSupportCancellation, ); try { await keyserverRecoveryLogIn( source, innerRecoverDataFromAuthoritativeKeyserver, returnsFalseSinceDoesntNeedToSupportCancellation, ); dispatch({ type: setStoreLoadedActionType }); } catch (fetchCookieException) { if (staffCanSee) { Alert.alert( `Error fetching new cookie from native credentials: ${ getMessageForException(fetchCookieException) ?? '{no exception message}' }. Please kill the app.`, ); } else { commCoreModule.terminate(); } } }, [ dispatch, dispatchActionPromise, keyserverRecoveryLogIn, staffCanSee, getInitialNotificationsEncryptedMessage, ], ); const recoverData = React.useCallback( (source: RecoveryFromDataHandlerActionSource) => { if (supportingMultipleKeyservers) { invariant( false, 'recoverData in SQLiteDataHandler is not yet implemented when ' + 'supportingMultipleKeyservers is enabled. It should recover ' + 'from broken SQLite state by restoring from backup service', ); } return recoverDataFromAuthoritativeKeyserver(source); }, [recoverDataFromAuthoritativeKeyserver], ); const callClearSensitiveData = React.useCallback( async (triggeredBy: string) => { await clearSensitiveData(); console.log(`SQLite database deletion was triggered by ${triggeredBy}`); }, [], ); const handleSensitiveData = React.useCallback(async () => { try { let sqliteStampedUserID, errorGettingStampedUserID = false; try { sqliteStampedUserID = await commCoreModule.getSQLiteStampedUserID(); } catch (error) { errorGettingStampedUserID = true; console.log( `Error getting SQLite stamped user ID: ${ getMessageForException(error) ?? 'unknown' }`, ); } if ( errorGettingStampedUserID || shouldClearData(sqliteStampedUserID, currentLoggedInUserID) ) { await callClearSensitiveData('change in logged-in user credentials'); } if ( currentLoggedInUserID && currentLoggedInUserID !== sqliteStampedUserID ) { await commCoreModule.stampSQLiteDBUserID(currentLoggedInUserID); } } catch (e) { if (isTaskCancelledError(e)) { return; } if (__DEV__) { throw e; } console.log(e); if (e.message !== 'clear_media_cache_failed') { commCoreModule.terminate(); } } }, [callClearSensitiveData, currentLoggedInUserID]); React.useEffect(() => { if (!rehydrateConcluded) { return; } const databaseNeedsDeletion = commCoreModule.checkIfDatabaseNeedsDeletion(); if (databaseNeedsDeletion) { void (async () => { try { await callClearSensitiveData('detecting corrupted database'); } catch (e) { if (__DEV__) { throw e; } console.log(e); if (e.message !== 'clear_media_cache_failed') { commCoreModule.terminate(); } } await recoverData( recoveryFromDataHandlerActionSources.corruptedDatabaseDeletion, ); })(); return; } const sensitiveDataHandled = handleSensitiveData(); if (storeLoaded) { return; } if (!loggedIn) { dispatch({ type: setStoreLoadedActionType }); return; } void (async () => { await Promise.all([ sensitiveDataHandled, mediaCacheContext?.evictCache(), ]); try { const { threads, messages, drafts, messageStoreThreads, reports, users, keyservers, communities, integrityThreadHashes, syncedMetadata, auxUserInfos, threadActivityEntries, entries, + messageStoreLocalMessageInfos, } = await commCoreModule.getClientDBStore(); const threadInfosFromDB = threadStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData(threads); const reportsFromDB = reportStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData(reports); const usersFromDB = userStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData(users); const keyserverInfosFromDB = keyserverStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData(keyservers); const communityInfosFromDB = communityStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData(communities); const threadHashesFromDB = integrityStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData( integrityThreadHashes, ); const syncedMetadataFromDB = syncedMetadataStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData(syncedMetadata); const auxUserInfosFromDB = auxUserStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData(auxUserInfos); const threadActivityStoreFromDB = threadActivityStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData( threadActivityEntries, ); const entriesFromDB = entryStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData(entries); + const localMessageInfosFromDB = translateClientDBLocalMessageInfos( + messageStoreLocalMessageInfos, + ); dispatch({ type: setClientDBStoreActionType, payload: { drafts, messages, threadStore: { threadInfos: threadInfosFromDB }, currentUserID: currentLoggedInUserID, messageStoreThreads, reports: reportsFromDB, users: usersFromDB, keyserverInfos: keyserverInfosFromDB, communities: communityInfosFromDB, threadHashes: threadHashesFromDB, syncedMetadata: syncedMetadataFromDB, auxUserInfos: auxUserInfosFromDB, threadActivityStore: threadActivityStoreFromDB, entries: entriesFromDB, + messageStoreLocalMessageInfos: localMessageInfosFromDB, }, }); } catch (setStoreException) { if (isTaskCancelledError(setStoreException)) { dispatch({ type: setStoreLoadedActionType }); return; } if (staffCanSee) { Alert.alert( 'Error setting threadStore or messageStore', getMessageForException(setStoreException) ?? '{no exception message}', ); } await recoverData( recoveryFromDataHandlerActionSources.sqliteLoadFailure, ); } })(); }, [ currentLoggedInUserID, handleSensitiveData, loggedIn, dispatch, rehydrateConcluded, staffCanSee, storeLoaded, recoverData, callClearSensitiveData, mediaCacheContext, ]); return null; } export { SQLiteDataHandler, clearSensitiveData }; diff --git a/web/shared-worker/utils/store.js b/web/shared-worker/utils/store.js index df9f86b13..52637b317 100644 --- a/web/shared-worker/utils/store.js +++ b/web/shared-worker/utils/store.js @@ -1,261 +1,274 @@ // @flow import { auxUserStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/aux-user-store-ops.js'; import { communityStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/community-store-ops.js'; import { entryStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/entries-store-ops.js'; import { integrityStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/integrity-store-ops.js'; import { keyserverStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/keyserver-store-ops.js'; import { messageStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/message-store-ops.js'; import { reportStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/report-store-ops.js'; import { syncedMetadataStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/synced-metadata-store-ops.js'; import { threadActivityStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/thread-activity-store-ops.js'; import { threadStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/thread-store-ops.js'; import { userStoreOpsHandlers } from 'lib/ops/user-store-ops.js'; import { canUseDatabaseOnWeb } from 'lib/shared/web-database.js'; import type { ClientStore, StoreOperations, } from 'lib/types/store-ops-types.js'; +import { translateClientDBLocalMessageInfos } from 'lib/utils/message-ops-utils.js'; import { entries } from 'lib/utils/objects.js'; import { defaultWebState } from '../../redux/default-state.js'; import { workerRequestMessageTypes } from '../../types/worker-types.js'; import { getCommSharedWorker } from '../shared-worker-provider.js'; async function getClientDBStore(): Promise { const sharedWorker = await getCommSharedWorker(); let result: ClientStore = { currentUserID: null, drafts: [], messages: null, threadStore: null, messageStoreThreads: null, reports: null, users: null, keyserverInfos: defaultWebState.keyserverStore.keyserverInfos, communityInfos: null, threadHashes: null, syncedMetadata: null, auxUserInfos: null, threadActivityStore: null, entries: null, messageStoreLocalMessageInfos: null, }; const data = await sharedWorker.schedule({ type: workerRequestMessageTypes.GET_CLIENT_STORE, }); if (data?.store?.drafts) { result = { ...result, drafts: data.store.drafts, }; } if (data?.store?.reports) { result = { ...result, reports: reportStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData(data.store.reports), }; } if (data?.store?.threads && data.store.threads.length > 0) { result = { ...result, threadStore: { threadInfos: threadStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData( data.store.threads, ), }, }; } if (data?.store?.keyservers?.length) { result = { ...result, keyserverInfos: keyserverStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData( data.store.keyservers, ), }; } if (data?.store?.communities) { result = { ...result, communityInfos: communityStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData( data.store.communities, ), }; } if (data?.store?.integrityThreadHashes) { result = { ...result, threadHashes: integrityStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData( data.store.integrityThreadHashes, ), }; } if (data?.store?.syncedMetadata) { result = { ...result, syncedMetadata: syncedMetadataStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData( data.store.syncedMetadata, ), }; } if (data?.store?.auxUserInfos) { result = { ...result, auxUserInfos: auxUserStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData( data.store.auxUserInfos, ), }; } if (data?.store?.users && data.store.users.length > 0) { result = { ...result, users: userStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData(data.store.users), }; } if (data?.store?.messages && data.store.messages.length > 0) { result = { ...result, messages: data.store.messages, }; } if ( data?.store?.messageStoreThreads && data.store.messageStoreThreads.length > 0 ) { result = { ...result, messageStoreThreads: data.store.messageStoreThreads, }; } if ( data?.store?.threadActivityEntries && data.store.threadActivityEntries.length > 0 ) { result = { ...result, threadActivityStore: threadActivityStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData( data.store.threadActivityEntries, ), }; } if (data?.store?.entries && data.store.entries.length > 0) { result = { ...result, entries: entryStoreOpsHandlers.translateClientDBData(data.store.entries), }; } + + if ( + data?.store?.messageStoreLocalMessageInfos && + data.store.messageStoreLocalMessageInfos.length > 0 + ) { + result = { + ...result, + messageStoreLocalMessageInfos: translateClientDBLocalMessageInfos( + data.store.messageStoreLocalMessageInfos, + ), + }; + } return result; } async function processDBStoreOperations( storeOperations: StoreOperations, userID?: ?string, ): Promise { const { draftStoreOperations, threadStoreOperations, reportStoreOperations, keyserverStoreOperations, communityStoreOperations, integrityStoreOperations, syncedMetadataStoreOperations, auxUserStoreOperations, userStoreOperations, messageStoreOperations, threadActivityStoreOperations, outboundP2PMessages, entryStoreOperations, } = storeOperations; const canUseDatabase = canUseDatabaseOnWeb(userID); const convertedThreadStoreOperations = canUseDatabase ? threadStoreOpsHandlers.convertOpsToClientDBOps(threadStoreOperations) : []; const convertedReportStoreOperations = reportStoreOpsHandlers.convertOpsToClientDBOps(reportStoreOperations); const convertedKeyserverStoreOperations = keyserverStoreOpsHandlers.convertOpsToClientDBOps(keyserverStoreOperations); const convertedCommunityStoreOperations = communityStoreOpsHandlers.convertOpsToClientDBOps(communityStoreOperations); const convertedIntegrityStoreOperations = integrityStoreOpsHandlers.convertOpsToClientDBOps(integrityStoreOperations); const convertedSyncedMetadataStoreOperations = syncedMetadataStoreOpsHandlers.convertOpsToClientDBOps( syncedMetadataStoreOperations, ); const convertedAuxUserStoreOperations = auxUserStoreOpsHandlers.convertOpsToClientDBOps(auxUserStoreOperations); const convertedUserStoreOperations = userStoreOpsHandlers.convertOpsToClientDBOps(userStoreOperations); const convertedMessageStoreOperations = messageStoreOpsHandlers.convertOpsToClientDBOps(messageStoreOperations); const convertedThreadActivityStoreOperations = threadActivityStoreOpsHandlers.convertOpsToClientDBOps( threadActivityStoreOperations, ); const convertedEntryStoreOperations = entryStoreOpsHandlers.convertOpsToClientDBOps(entryStoreOperations); if ( convertedThreadStoreOperations.length === 0 && convertedReportStoreOperations.length === 0 && (!draftStoreOperations || draftStoreOperations.length === 0) && convertedKeyserverStoreOperations.length === 0 && convertedCommunityStoreOperations.length === 0 && convertedIntegrityStoreOperations.length === 0 && convertedSyncedMetadataStoreOperations.length === 0 && convertedAuxUserStoreOperations.length === 0 && convertedUserStoreOperations.length === 0 && convertedMessageStoreOperations.length === 0 && convertedThreadActivityStoreOperations.length === 0 && convertedEntryStoreOperations.length === 0 ) { return; } const sharedWorker = await getCommSharedWorker(); const isSupported = await sharedWorker.isSupported(); if (!isSupported) { return; } try { await sharedWorker.schedule({ type: workerRequestMessageTypes.PROCESS_STORE_OPERATIONS, storeOperations: { draftStoreOperations, reportStoreOperations: convertedReportStoreOperations, threadStoreOperations: convertedThreadStoreOperations, keyserverStoreOperations: convertedKeyserverStoreOperations, communityStoreOperations: convertedCommunityStoreOperations, integrityStoreOperations: convertedIntegrityStoreOperations, syncedMetadataStoreOperations: convertedSyncedMetadataStoreOperations, auxUserStoreOperations: convertedAuxUserStoreOperations, userStoreOperations: convertedUserStoreOperations, messageStoreOperations: convertedMessageStoreOperations, threadActivityStoreOperations: convertedThreadActivityStoreOperations, outboundP2PMessages, entryStoreOperations: convertedEntryStoreOperations, }, }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); if (canUseDatabase) { window.alert(e.message); if ( entries(storeOperations).some( ([key, ops]) => key !== 'draftStoreOperations' && key !== 'reportStoreOperations' && ops.length > 0, ) ) { await sharedWorker.init({ clearDatabase: true, markAsCorrupted: true }); location.reload(); } } } } export { getClientDBStore, processDBStoreOperations };