diff --git a/native/tooltip/tooltip-context.react.js b/native/tooltip/tooltip-context.react.js index a4da88fe3..9593e2a9e 100644 --- a/native/tooltip/tooltip-context.react.js +++ b/native/tooltip/tooltip-context.react.js @@ -1,191 +1,198 @@ // @flow import { useActionSheet } from '@expo/react-native-action-sheet'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Platform, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import type { TooltipItemBaseProps } from './tooltip-item.react.js'; type RegisterOptionInput = { ...TooltipItemBaseProps, +symbol: symbol, }; type RegisterOptionOutput = { +shouldRender: boolean }; export type TooltipContextType = { +registerOption: (input: RegisterOptionInput) => RegisterOptionOutput, +unregisterOption: (id: string) => void, +showActionSheet: () => void, +shouldShowMore: () => boolean, +getNumVisibleEntries: () => number, }; const TooltipContext: React.Context = React.createContext(); type ProviderProps = { +maxOptionsToDisplay: number, +visibleEntryIDs: ?$ReadOnlyArray, +cancel: () => mixed, +hideTooltip: () => mixed, +children: React.Node, }; function TooltipContextProvider(props: ProviderProps): React.Node { const optionsRef = React.useRef([]); const { visibleEntryIDs } = props; const visibleEntryIDsSet = React.useMemo( () => new Set(visibleEntryIDs ?? []), [visibleEntryIDs], ); const { maxOptionsToDisplay } = props; const registerOption = React.useCallback( (input: RegisterOptionInput) => { const options = optionsRef.current; const existingIndex = options.findIndex(option => option.id === input.id); if (existingIndex === -1) { options.push(input); } else { if (options[existingIndex].symbol !== input.symbol) { console.warn(`multiple TooltipItems registered with ID ${input.id}`); } options[existingIndex] = input; } const optionsToDisplay = options.filter(option => visibleEntryIDsSet.has(option.id), ); const displayIndex = optionsToDisplay.findIndex( option => option.id === input.id, ); const cutoff = optionsToDisplay.length === maxOptionsToDisplay ? maxOptionsToDisplay : maxOptionsToDisplay - 1; const shouldRender = input.id === 'more' || (displayIndex >= 0 && displayIndex < cutoff); return { shouldRender }; }, [maxOptionsToDisplay, visibleEntryIDsSet], ); const unregisterOption = React.useCallback((id: string) => { optionsRef.current = optionsRef.current.filter(option => option.id !== id); }, []); const { cancel, hideTooltip } = props; const { showActionSheetWithOptions } = useActionSheet(); const showActionSheet = React.useCallback(() => { hideTooltip(); const options = optionsRef.current; const optionsToDisplay = options.filter(option => visibleEntryIDsSet.has(option.id), ); const filteredOptions = optionsToDisplay.slice(maxOptionsToDisplay - 1); const cancelButtonExists = options.some(option => option.isCancel); if (Platform.OS === 'ios' && !cancelButtonExists) { filteredOptions.push({ id: 'cancel', text: 'Cancel', onPress: cancel, isCancel: true, symbol: Symbol(), }); } // We're reversing options to populate the action sheet from bottom to // top instead of the default (top to bottom) ordering. filteredOptions.reverse(); const texts = filteredOptions.map(option => option.text); const destructiveButtonIndices = filteredOptions .filter(option => option.isDestructive) .map((_, i) => i); const cancelButtonIndex = filteredOptions.findIndex( option => option.isCancel, ); const icons = filteredOptions.map(option => option.renderIcon ? option.renderIcon(styles.bottomSheetIcon) : undefined, ); const onPressAction = (selectedIndex: ?number) => { - const index = selectedIndex ?? 0; - filteredOptions[index].onPress(); + if ( + selectedIndex === null || + selectedIndex === undefined || + selectedIndex < 0 + ) { + cancel(); + return; + } + filteredOptions[selectedIndex].onPress(); }; const containerStyle = { paddingBottom: 24, }; showActionSheetWithOptions( { options: texts, cancelButtonIndex, destructiveButtonIndex: destructiveButtonIndices, containerStyle, icons, }, onPressAction, ); }, [ hideTooltip, maxOptionsToDisplay, visibleEntryIDsSet, cancel, showActionSheetWithOptions, ]); const shouldShowMore = React.useCallback(() => { const options = optionsRef.current; const optionsToDisplay = options.filter(option => visibleEntryIDsSet.has(option.id), ); return optionsToDisplay.length > maxOptionsToDisplay; }, [maxOptionsToDisplay, visibleEntryIDsSet]); const getNumVisibleEntries = React.useCallback(() => { const options = optionsRef.current; const optionsToDisplay = options.filter(option => visibleEntryIDsSet.has(option.id), ); return Math.min(optionsToDisplay.length, maxOptionsToDisplay); }, [maxOptionsToDisplay, visibleEntryIDsSet]); const context = React.useMemo( () => ({ registerOption, unregisterOption, showActionSheet, shouldShowMore, getNumVisibleEntries, }), [ registerOption, unregisterOption, showActionSheet, shouldShowMore, getNumVisibleEntries, ], ); const { children } = props; return ( {children} ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ bottomSheetIcon: { color: '#000000', }, }); export { TooltipContext, TooltipContextProvider };