diff --git a/keyserver/src/creators/message-creator.js b/keyserver/src/creators/message-creator.js index cef5cf1b5..db71a26ed 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/creators/message-creator.js +++ b/keyserver/src/creators/message-creator.js @@ -1,695 +1,689 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import _pickBy from 'lodash/fp/pickBy.js'; import { permissionLookup } from 'lib/permissions/thread-permissions.js'; import { rawMessageInfoFromMessageData, shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos, stripLocalIDs, } from 'lib/shared/message-utils.js'; import { pushTypes } from 'lib/shared/messages/message-spec.js'; import type { PushType } from 'lib/shared/messages/message-spec.js'; import { messageSpecs } from 'lib/shared/messages/message-specs.js'; import { messageTypes } from 'lib/types/message-types-enum.js'; import { messageDataLocalID, type MessageData, type RawMessageInfo, } from 'lib/types/message-types.js'; import { redisMessageTypes } from 'lib/types/redis-types.js'; import { threadPermissions } from 'lib/types/thread-permission-types.js'; import { updateTypes } from 'lib/types/update-types-enum.js'; import { promiseAll } from 'lib/utils/promises.js'; import createIDs from './id-creator.js'; import type { UpdatesForCurrentSession } from './update-creator.js'; import { createUpdates } from './update-creator.js'; import { dbQuery, SQL, appendSQLArray, mergeOrConditions, } from '../database/database.js'; import { processMessagesForSearch } from '../database/search-utils.js'; import { fetchMessageInfoForLocalID, fetchMessageInfoByID, } from '../fetchers/message-fetchers.js'; import { fetchOtherSessionsForViewer } from '../fetchers/session-fetchers.js'; import { fetchServerThreadInfos } from '../fetchers/thread-fetchers.js'; +import type { Device } from '../push/send'; import { sendPushNotifs, sendRescindNotifs } from '../push/send.js'; import { handleAsyncPromise } from '../responders/handlers.js'; import type { Viewer } from '../session/viewer.js'; import { earliestFocusedTimeConsideredExpired } from '../shared/focused-times.js'; import { publisher } from '../socket/redis.js'; import { creationString } from '../utils/idempotent.js'; type UserThreadInfo = { - +devices: Map< - string, - { - +platform: string, - +deviceToken: string, - +cookieID: string, - +codeVersion: ?string, - }, - >, + +devices: Map, +threadIDs: Set, +notFocusedThreadIDs: Set, +userNotMemberOfSubthreads: Set, +subthreadsCanSetToUnread: Set, }; type LatestMessagesPerUser = Map< string, $ReadOnlyMap< string, { +latestMessage: string, +latestReadMessage?: string, }, >, >; type LatestMessages = $ReadOnlyArray<{ +userID: string, +threadID: string, +latestMessage: string, +latestReadMessage: ?string, }>; // Does not do permission checks! (checkThreadPermission) async function createMessages( viewer: Viewer, messageDatas: $ReadOnlyArray, updatesForCurrentSession?: UpdatesForCurrentSession = 'return', ): Promise { if (messageDatas.length === 0) { return []; } const existingMessages = await Promise.all( messageDatas.map(messageData => fetchMessageInfoForLocalID(viewer, messageDataLocalID(messageData)), ), ); const existingMessageInfos: RawMessageInfo[] = []; const newMessageDatas: MessageData[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < messageDatas.length; i++) { const existingMessage = existingMessages[i]; if (existingMessage) { existingMessageInfos.push(existingMessage); } else { newMessageDatas.push(messageDatas[i]); } } if (newMessageDatas.length === 0) { return shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos( existingMessageInfos, viewer.platformDetails, ); } const ids = await createIDs('messages', newMessageDatas.length); const returnMessageInfos: RawMessageInfo[] = []; const subthreadPermissionsToCheck: Set = new Set(); const messageInsertRows = []; // Indices in threadsToMessageIndices point to newMessageInfos const newMessageInfos: RawMessageInfo[] = []; const threadsToMessageIndices: Map = new Map(); let nextNewMessageIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < messageDatas.length; i++) { const existingMessage = existingMessages[i]; if (existingMessage) { returnMessageInfos.push(existingMessage); continue; } const messageData = messageDatas[i]; const threadID = messageData.threadID; const creatorID = messageData.creatorID; let messageIndices = threadsToMessageIndices.get(threadID); if (!messageIndices) { messageIndices = []; threadsToMessageIndices.set(threadID, messageIndices); } const newMessageIndex = nextNewMessageIndex++; messageIndices.push(newMessageIndex); const serverID = ids[newMessageIndex]; if (messageData.type === messageTypes.CREATE_SUB_THREAD) { subthreadPermissionsToCheck.add(messageData.childThreadID); } const content = messageSpecs[messageData.type].messageContentForServerDB?.(messageData); const creation = messageData.localID && viewer.hasSessionInfo ? creationString(viewer, messageData.localID) : null; let targetMessageID = null; if (messageData.targetMessageID) { targetMessageID = messageData.targetMessageID; } else if (messageData.sourceMessage) { targetMessageID = messageData.sourceMessage.id; } messageInsertRows.push([ serverID, threadID, creatorID, messageData.type, content, messageData.time, creation, targetMessageID, ]); const rawMessageInfo = rawMessageInfoFromMessageData(messageData, serverID); newMessageInfos.push(rawMessageInfo); // at newMessageIndex returnMessageInfos.push(rawMessageInfo); // at i } const messageInsertQuery = SQL` INSERT INTO messages(id, thread, user, type, content, time, creation, target_message) VALUES ${messageInsertRows} `; await dbQuery(messageInsertQuery); const postMessageSendPromise = postMessageSend( viewer, threadsToMessageIndices, subthreadPermissionsToCheck, stripLocalIDs(newMessageInfos), newMessageDatas, updatesForCurrentSession, ); if (!viewer.isScriptViewer) { // If we're not being called from a script, then we avoid awaiting // postMessageSendPromise below so that we don't delay the response to the // user on external services. In that case, we use handleAsyncPromise to // make sure any exceptions are caught and logged. handleAsyncPromise(postMessageSendPromise); } await Promise.all([ updateRepliesCount(threadsToMessageIndices, newMessageDatas), viewer.isScriptViewer ? postMessageSendPromise : undefined, ]); if (updatesForCurrentSession !== 'return') { return []; } return shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos( returnMessageInfos, viewer.platformDetails, ); } async function updateRepliesCount( threadsToMessageIndices: Map, newMessageDatas: MessageData[], ) { const updatedThreads = []; const updateThreads = SQL` UPDATE threads SET replies_count = replies_count + (CASE `; const membershipConditions = []; for (const [threadID, messages] of threadsToMessageIndices.entries()) { const newRepliesIncrease = messages .map(i => newMessageDatas[i].type) .filter(type => messageSpecs[type].includedInRepliesCount).length; if (newRepliesIncrease === 0) { continue; } updateThreads.append(SQL` WHEN id = ${threadID} THEN ${newRepliesIncrease} `); updatedThreads.push(threadID); const senders = messages.map(i => newMessageDatas[i].creatorID); membershipConditions.push( SQL`thread = ${threadID} AND user IN (${senders})`, ); } updateThreads.append(SQL` ELSE 0 END) WHERE id IN (${updatedThreads}) AND source_message IS NOT NULL `); const updateMemberships = SQL` UPDATE memberships SET sender = 1 WHERE sender = 0 AND ( `; updateMemberships.append(mergeOrConditions(membershipConditions)); updateMemberships.append(SQL` ) `); if (updatedThreads.length > 0) { const [{ threadInfos: serverThreadInfos }] = await Promise.all([ fetchServerThreadInfos({ threadIDs: new Set(updatedThreads) }), dbQuery(updateThreads), dbQuery(updateMemberships), ]); const time = Date.now(); const updates = []; for (const threadID in serverThreadInfos) { for (const member of serverThreadInfos[threadID].members) { updates.push({ userID: member.id, time, threadID, type: updateTypes.UPDATE_THREAD, }); } } await createUpdates(updates); } } // Handles: // (1) Sending push notifs // (2) Setting threads to unread and generating corresponding UpdateInfos // (3) Publishing to Redis so that active sockets pass on new messages // (4) Processing messages for search async function postMessageSend( viewer: Viewer, threadsToMessageIndices: Map, subthreadPermissionsToCheck: Set, messageInfos: RawMessageInfo[], messageDatas: MessageData[], updatesForCurrentSession: UpdatesForCurrentSession, ) { const processForSearch = processMessagesForSearch(messageInfos); let joinIndex = 0; let subthreadSelects = ''; const subthreadJoins = []; for (const subthread of subthreadPermissionsToCheck) { const index = joinIndex++; subthreadSelects += ` , stm${index}.permissions AS subthread${subthread}_permissions, stm${index}.role AS subthread${subthread}_role `; const join = SQL`LEFT JOIN memberships `; join.append(`stm${index} ON stm${index}.`); join.append(SQL`thread = ${subthread} AND `); join.append(`stm${index}.user = m.user`); subthreadJoins.push(join); } const time = earliestFocusedTimeConsideredExpired(); const visibleExtractString = `$.${threadPermissions.VISIBLE}.value`; const query = SQL` SELECT m.user, m.thread, c.platform, c.device_token, c.versions, c.id, f.user AS focused_user `; query.append(subthreadSelects); query.append(SQL` FROM memberships m LEFT JOIN cookies c ON c.user = m.user AND c.device_token IS NOT NULL LEFT JOIN focused f ON f.user = m.user AND f.thread = m.thread AND f.time > ${time} `); appendSQLArray(query, subthreadJoins, SQL` `); query.append(SQL` WHERE (m.role > 0 OR f.user IS NOT NULL) AND JSON_EXTRACT(m.permissions, ${visibleExtractString}) IS TRUE AND m.thread IN (${[...threadsToMessageIndices.keys()]}) `); const perUserInfo = new Map(); const [result] = await dbQuery(query); for (const row of result) { const userID = row.user.toString(); const threadID = row.thread.toString(); const deviceToken = row.device_token; const focusedUser = !!row.focused_user; const { platform } = row; const versions = JSON.parse(row.versions); const cookieID = row.id; let thisUserInfo = perUserInfo.get(userID); if (!thisUserInfo) { thisUserInfo = { devices: new Map(), threadIDs: new Set(), notFocusedThreadIDs: new Set(), userNotMemberOfSubthreads: new Set(), subthreadsCanSetToUnread: new Set(), }; perUserInfo.set(userID, thisUserInfo); // Subthread info will be the same for each subthread, so we only parse // it once for (const subthread of subthreadPermissionsToCheck) { const isSubthreadMember = row[`subthread${subthread}_role`] > 0; const rawSubthreadPermissions = row[`subthread${subthread}_permissions`]; const subthreadPermissions = JSON.parse(rawSubthreadPermissions); const canSeeSubthread = permissionLookup( subthreadPermissions, threadPermissions.KNOW_OF, ); if (!canSeeSubthread) { continue; } thisUserInfo.subthreadsCanSetToUnread.add(subthread); // Only include the notification from the superthread if there is no // notification from the subthread if ( !isSubthreadMember || !permissionLookup(subthreadPermissions, threadPermissions.VISIBLE) ) { thisUserInfo.userNotMemberOfSubthreads.add(subthread); } } } if (deviceToken && cookieID) { thisUserInfo.devices.set(deviceToken, { platform, deviceToken, cookieID: cookieID.toString(), codeVersion: versions ? versions.codeVersion : null, + stateVersion: versions ? versions.stateVersion : null, }); } thisUserInfo.threadIDs.add(threadID); if (!focusedUser) { thisUserInfo.notFocusedThreadIDs.add(threadID); } } const messageInfosPerUser = {}; const latestMessagesPerUser: LatestMessagesPerUser = new Map(); const userPushInfoPromises = {}; const userRescindInfoPromises = {}; for (const pair of perUserInfo) { const [userID, preUserPushInfo] = pair; const userMessageInfos = []; for (const threadID of preUserPushInfo.threadIDs) { const messageIndices = threadsToMessageIndices.get(threadID); invariant(messageIndices, `indices should exist for thread ${threadID}`); for (const messageIndex of messageIndices) { const messageInfo = messageInfos[messageIndex]; userMessageInfos.push(messageInfo); } } if (userMessageInfos.length > 0) { messageInfosPerUser[userID] = userMessageInfos; } latestMessagesPerUser.set( userID, determineLatestMessagesPerThread( preUserPushInfo, userID, threadsToMessageIndices, messageInfos, ), ); const { userNotMemberOfSubthreads } = preUserPushInfo; const userDevices = [...preUserPushInfo.devices.values()]; if (userDevices.length === 0) { continue; } const generateNotifUserInfoPromise = async (pushType: PushType) => { const promises = []; for (const threadID of preUserPushInfo.notFocusedThreadIDs) { const messageIndices = threadsToMessageIndices.get(threadID); invariant( messageIndices, `indices should exist for thread ${threadID}`, ); promises.push( ...messageIndices.map(async messageIndex => { const messageInfo = messageInfos[messageIndex]; const { type } = messageInfo; if (messageInfo.creatorID === userID) { // We never send a user notifs about their own activity return undefined; } const { generatesNotifs } = messageSpecs[type]; const messageData = messageDatas[messageIndex]; if (!generatesNotifs) { return undefined; } const doesGenerateNotif = await generatesNotifs( messageInfo, messageData, { notifTargetUserID: userID, userNotMemberOfSubthreads, fetchMessageInfoByID: (messageID: string) => fetchMessageInfoByID(viewer, messageID), }, ); return doesGenerateNotif === pushType ? { messageInfo, messageData } : undefined; }), ); } const messagesToNotify = await Promise.all(promises); const filteredMessagesToNotify = messagesToNotify.filter(Boolean); if (filteredMessagesToNotify.length === 0) { return undefined; } return { devices: userDevices, messageInfos: filteredMessagesToNotify.map( ({ messageInfo }) => messageInfo, ), messageDatas: filteredMessagesToNotify.map( ({ messageData }) => messageData, ), }; }; const userPushInfoPromise = generateNotifUserInfoPromise(pushTypes.NOTIF); const userRescindInfoPromise = generateNotifUserInfoPromise( pushTypes.RESCIND, ); userPushInfoPromises[userID] = userPushInfoPromise; userRescindInfoPromises[userID] = userRescindInfoPromise; } const latestMessages = flattenLatestMessagesPerUser(latestMessagesPerUser); const [pushInfo, rescindInfo] = await Promise.all([ promiseAll(userPushInfoPromises), promiseAll(userRescindInfoPromises), createReadStatusUpdates(latestMessages), redisPublish(viewer, messageInfosPerUser, updatesForCurrentSession), updateLatestMessages(latestMessages), processForSearch, ]); await Promise.all([ sendPushNotifs(_pickBy(Boolean)(pushInfo)), sendRescindNotifs(_pickBy(Boolean)(rescindInfo)), ]); } async function redisPublish( viewer: Viewer, messageInfosPerUser: { [userID: string]: $ReadOnlyArray }, updatesForCurrentSession: UpdatesForCurrentSession, ) { const avoidBroadcastingToCurrentSession = viewer.hasSessionInfo && updatesForCurrentSession !== 'broadcast'; for (const userID in messageInfosPerUser) { if (userID === viewer.userID && avoidBroadcastingToCurrentSession) { continue; } const messageInfos = messageInfosPerUser[userID]; publisher.sendMessage( { userID }, { type: redisMessageTypes.NEW_MESSAGES, messages: messageInfos, }, ); } const viewerMessageInfos = messageInfosPerUser[viewer.userID]; if (!viewerMessageInfos || !avoidBroadcastingToCurrentSession) { return; } const sessionIDs = await fetchOtherSessionsForViewer(viewer); for (const sessionID of sessionIDs) { publisher.sendMessage( { userID: viewer.userID, sessionID }, { type: redisMessageTypes.NEW_MESSAGES, messages: viewerMessageInfos, }, ); } } function determineLatestMessagesPerThread( preUserPushInfo: UserThreadInfo, userID: string, threadsToMessageIndices: $ReadOnlyMap>, messageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, ) { const { threadIDs, notFocusedThreadIDs, subthreadsCanSetToUnread } = preUserPushInfo; const latestMessagesPerThread = new Map(); for (const threadID of threadIDs) { const messageIndices = threadsToMessageIndices.get(threadID); invariant(messageIndices, `indices should exist for thread ${threadID}`); for (const messageIndex of messageIndices) { const messageInfo = messageInfos[messageIndex]; if ( messageInfo.type === messageTypes.CREATE_SUB_THREAD && !subthreadsCanSetToUnread.has(messageInfo.childThreadID) ) { continue; } const messageID = messageInfo.id; invariant( messageID, 'message ID should exist in determineLatestMessagesPerThread', ); if ( notFocusedThreadIDs.has(threadID) && messageInfo.creatorID !== userID ) { latestMessagesPerThread.set(threadID, { latestMessage: messageID, }); } else { latestMessagesPerThread.set(threadID, { latestMessage: messageID, latestReadMessage: messageID, }); } } } return latestMessagesPerThread; } function flattenLatestMessagesPerUser( latestMessagesPerUser: LatestMessagesPerUser, ): LatestMessages { const result = []; for (const [userID, latestMessagesPerThread] of latestMessagesPerUser) { for (const [threadID, latestMessages] of latestMessagesPerThread) { result.push({ userID, threadID, latestMessage: latestMessages.latestMessage, latestReadMessage: latestMessages.latestReadMessage, }); } } return result; } async function createReadStatusUpdates(latestMessages: LatestMessages) { const now = Date.now(); const readStatusUpdates = latestMessages .filter(message => !message.latestReadMessage) .map(({ userID, threadID }) => ({ type: updateTypes.UPDATE_THREAD_READ_STATUS, userID, time: now, threadID, unread: true, })); if (readStatusUpdates.length === 0) { return; } await createUpdates(readStatusUpdates); } function updateLatestMessages(latestMessages: LatestMessages) { if (latestMessages.length === 0) { return; } const query = SQL` UPDATE memberships SET `; const lastMessageExpression = SQL` last_message = GREATEST(last_message, CASE `; const lastReadMessageExpression = SQL` , last_read_message = GREATEST(last_read_message, CASE `; let shouldUpdateLastReadMessage = false; for (const { userID, threadID, latestMessage, latestReadMessage, } of latestMessages) { lastMessageExpression.append(SQL` WHEN user = ${userID} AND thread = ${threadID} THEN ${latestMessage} `); if (latestReadMessage) { shouldUpdateLastReadMessage = true; lastReadMessageExpression.append(SQL` WHEN user = ${userID} AND thread = ${threadID} THEN ${latestReadMessage} `); } } lastMessageExpression.append(SQL` ELSE last_message END) `); lastReadMessageExpression.append(SQL` ELSE last_read_message END) `); const conditions = latestMessages.map( ({ userID, threadID }) => SQL`(user = ${userID} AND thread = ${threadID})`, ); query.append(lastMessageExpression); if (shouldUpdateLastReadMessage) { query.append(lastReadMessageExpression); } query.append(SQL`WHERE `); query.append(mergeOrConditions(conditions)); dbQuery(query); } export default createMessages; diff --git a/keyserver/src/push/send.js b/keyserver/src/push/send.js index 5ec5f35b1..90f5cc49f 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/push/send.js +++ b/keyserver/src/push/send.js @@ -1,1329 +1,1387 @@ // @flow import apn from '@parse/node-apn'; import type { ResponseFailure } from '@parse/node-apn'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import _cloneDeep from 'lodash/fp/cloneDeep.js'; import _flow from 'lodash/fp/flow.js'; import _mapValues from 'lodash/fp/mapValues.js'; import _pickBy from 'lodash/fp/pickBy.js'; import t from 'tcomb'; import uuidv4 from 'uuid/v4.js'; import { oldValidUsernameRegex } from 'lib/shared/account-utils.js'; import { isMentioned } from 'lib/shared/mention-utils.js'; import { createMessageInfo, sortMessageInfoList, shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos, } from 'lib/shared/message-utils.js'; import { messageSpecs } from 'lib/shared/messages/message-specs.js'; import { notifTextsForMessageInfo } from 'lib/shared/notif-utils.js'; import { rawThreadInfoFromServerThreadInfo, threadInfoFromRawThreadInfo, } from 'lib/shared/thread-utils.js'; import type { Platform, PlatformDetails } from 'lib/types/device-types.js'; import { messageTypes } from 'lib/types/message-types-enum.js'; import { type RawMessageInfo, type MessageData, } from 'lib/types/message-types.js'; import { rawMessageInfoValidator } from 'lib/types/message-types.js'; import type { WebNotification, WNSNotification, ResolvedNotifTexts, } from 'lib/types/notif-types.js'; import { resolvedNotifTextsValidator } from 'lib/types/notif-types.js'; import type { ServerThreadInfo } from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; import { updateTypes } from 'lib/types/update-types-enum.js'; import { promiseAll } from 'lib/utils/promises.js'; import { tID, tPlatformDetails, tShape } from 'lib/utils/validation-utils.js'; import { prepareEncryptedIOSNotifications, prepareEncryptedAndroidNotifications, } from './crypto.js'; import { getAPNsNotificationTopic } from './providers.js'; import { rescindPushNotifs } from './rescind.js'; import type { NotificationTargetDevice, TargetedAPNsNotification, TargetedAndroidNotification, } from './types.js'; import { apnPush, fcmPush, getUnreadCounts, apnMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize, fcmMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize, wnsMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize, webPush, wnsPush, type WebPushError, type WNSPushError, } from './utils.js'; import createIDs from '../creators/id-creator.js'; import { createUpdates } from '../creators/update-creator.js'; import { dbQuery, SQL, mergeOrConditions } from '../database/database.js'; import type { CollapsableNotifInfo } from '../fetchers/message-fetchers.js'; import { fetchCollapsableNotifs } from '../fetchers/message-fetchers.js'; import { fetchServerThreadInfos } from '../fetchers/thread-fetchers.js'; import { fetchUserInfos } from '../fetchers/user-fetchers.js'; import type { Viewer } from '../session/viewer.js'; import { getENSNames } from '../utils/ens-cache.js'; import { validateOutput } from '../utils/validation-utils.js'; -type Device = { +export type Device = { +platform: Platform, +deviceToken: string, +cookieID: string, +codeVersion: ?number, + +stateVersion: ?number, }; type PushUserInfo = { +devices: Device[], // messageInfos and messageDatas have the same key +messageInfos: RawMessageInfo[], +messageDatas: MessageData[], }; type Delivery = PushDelivery | { collapsedInto: string }; type NotificationRow = { +dbID: string, +userID: string, +threadID?: ?string, +messageID?: ?string, +collapseKey?: ?string, +deliveries: Delivery[], }; export type PushInfo = { [userID: string]: PushUserInfo }; async function sendPushNotifs(pushInfo: PushInfo) { if (Object.keys(pushInfo).length === 0) { return; } const [ unreadCounts, { usersToCollapsableNotifInfo, serverThreadInfos, userInfos }, dbIDs, ] = await Promise.all([ getUnreadCounts(Object.keys(pushInfo)), fetchInfos(pushInfo), createDBIDs(pushInfo), ]); const deliveryPromises = []; const notifications: Map = new Map(); for (const userID in usersToCollapsableNotifInfo) { const threadInfos = _flow( _mapValues((serverThreadInfo: ServerThreadInfo) => { const rawThreadInfo = rawThreadInfoFromServerThreadInfo( serverThreadInfo, userID, ); if (!rawThreadInfo) { return null; } return threadInfoFromRawThreadInfo(rawThreadInfo, userID, userInfos); }), _pickBy(threadInfo => threadInfo), )(serverThreadInfos); for (const notifInfo of usersToCollapsableNotifInfo[userID]) { const hydrateMessageInfo = (rawMessageInfo: RawMessageInfo) => createMessageInfo(rawMessageInfo, userID, userInfos, threadInfos); const newMessageInfos = []; const newRawMessageInfos = []; for (const newRawMessageInfo of notifInfo.newMessageInfos) { const newMessageInfo = hydrateMessageInfo(newRawMessageInfo); if (newMessageInfo) { newMessageInfos.push(newMessageInfo); newRawMessageInfos.push(newRawMessageInfo); } } if (newMessageInfos.length === 0) { continue; } const existingMessageInfos = notifInfo.existingMessageInfos .map(hydrateMessageInfo) .filter(Boolean); const allMessageInfos = sortMessageInfoList([ ...newMessageInfos, ...existingMessageInfos, ]); const [firstNewMessageInfo, ...remainingNewMessageInfos] = newMessageInfos; const { threadID } = firstNewMessageInfo; const threadInfo = threadInfos[threadID]; const updateBadge = threadInfo.currentUser.subscription.home; const displayBanner = threadInfo.currentUser.subscription.pushNotifs; const username = userInfos[userID] && userInfos[userID].username; const userWasMentioned = username && threadInfo.currentUser.role && oldValidUsernameRegex.test(username) && newMessageInfos.some(newMessageInfo => { const unwrappedMessageInfo = newMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.SIDEBAR_SOURCE ? newMessageInfo.sourceMessage : newMessageInfo; return ( unwrappedMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.TEXT && isMentioned(username, unwrappedMessageInfo.text) ); }); if (!updateBadge && !displayBanner && !userWasMentioned) { continue; } const badgeOnly = !displayBanner && !userWasMentioned; const notifTargetUserInfo = { id: userID, username }; const notifTexts = await notifTextsForMessageInfo( allMessageInfos, threadInfo, notifTargetUserInfo, getENSNames, ); if (!notifTexts) { continue; } const dbID = dbIDs.shift(); invariant(dbID, 'should have sufficient DB IDs'); const byPlatform = getDevicesByPlatform(pushInfo[userID].devices); const firstMessageID = firstNewMessageInfo.id; invariant(firstMessageID, 'RawMessageInfo.id should be set on server'); const notificationInfo = { source: 'new_message', dbID, userID, threadID, messageID: firstMessageID, collapseKey: notifInfo.collapseKey, }; const iosVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('ios'); if (iosVersionsToTokens) { - for (const [codeVersion, devices] of iosVersionsToTokens) { - const platformDetails = { platform: 'ios', codeVersion }; + for (const [versionKey, devices] of iosVersionsToTokens) { + const { codeVersion, stateVersion } = stringToVersionKey(versionKey); + + const platformDetails: PlatformDetails = { + platform: 'ios', + codeVersion, + stateVersion, + }; const shimmedNewRawMessageInfos = shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos( newRawMessageInfos, platformDetails, ); const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const targetedNotifications = await prepareAPNsNotification( { notifTexts, newRawMessageInfos: shimmedNewRawMessageInfos, threadID: threadInfo.id, collapseKey: notifInfo.collapseKey, badgeOnly, unreadCount: unreadCounts[userID], platformDetails, }, devices, ); return await sendAPNsNotification('ios', targetedNotifications, { ...notificationInfo, codeVersion, }); })(); deliveryPromises.push(deliveryPromise); } } const androidVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('android'); if (androidVersionsToTokens) { - for (const [codeVersion, devices] of androidVersionsToTokens) { - const platformDetails = { platform: 'android', codeVersion }; + for (const [versionKey, devices] of androidVersionsToTokens) { + const { codeVersion, stateVersion } = stringToVersionKey(versionKey); + const platformDetails = { + platform: 'android', + codeVersion, + stateVersion, + }; const shimmedNewRawMessageInfos = shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos( newRawMessageInfos, platformDetails, ); const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const targetedNotifications = await prepareAndroidNotification( { notifTexts, newRawMessageInfos: shimmedNewRawMessageInfos, threadID: threadInfo.id, collapseKey: notifInfo.collapseKey, badgeOnly, unreadCount: unreadCounts[userID], platformDetails, dbID, }, devices, ); return await sendAndroidNotification(targetedNotifications, { ...notificationInfo, codeVersion, }); })(); deliveryPromises.push(deliveryPromise); } } const webVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('web'); if (webVersionsToTokens) { - for (const [codeVersion, devices] of webVersionsToTokens) { - const platformDetails = { platform: 'web', codeVersion }; + for (const [versionKey, devices] of webVersionsToTokens) { + const { codeVersion, stateVersion } = stringToVersionKey(versionKey); + const platformDetails = { + platform: 'web', + codeVersion, + stateVersion, + }; + const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const notification = await prepareWebNotification({ notifTexts, threadID: threadInfo.id, unreadCount: unreadCounts[userID], platformDetails, }); const deviceTokens = devices.map(({ deviceToken }) => deviceToken); return await sendWebNotification(notification, deviceTokens, { ...notificationInfo, codeVersion, }); })(); deliveryPromises.push(deliveryPromise); } } const macosVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('macos'); if (macosVersionsToTokens) { - for (const [codeVersion, devices] of macosVersionsToTokens) { - const platformDetails = { platform: 'macos', codeVersion }; + for (const [versionKey, devices] of macosVersionsToTokens) { + const { codeVersion, stateVersion } = stringToVersionKey(versionKey); + const platformDetails = { + platform: 'macos', + codeVersion, + stateVersion, + }; const shimmedNewRawMessageInfos = shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos( newRawMessageInfos, platformDetails, ); const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const targetedNotifications = await prepareAPNsNotification( { notifTexts, newRawMessageInfos: shimmedNewRawMessageInfos, threadID: threadInfo.id, collapseKey: notifInfo.collapseKey, badgeOnly, unreadCount: unreadCounts[userID], platformDetails, }, devices, ); return await sendAPNsNotification('macos', targetedNotifications, { ...notificationInfo, codeVersion, }); })(); deliveryPromises.push(deliveryPromise); } } const windowsVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('windows'); if (windowsVersionsToTokens) { - for (const [codeVersion, devices] of windowsVersionsToTokens) { - const platformDetails = { platform: 'windows', codeVersion }; + for (const [versionKey, devices] of windowsVersionsToTokens) { + const { codeVersion, stateVersion } = stringToVersionKey(versionKey); + const platformDetails = { + platform: 'windows', + codeVersion, + stateVersion, + }; + const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const notification = await prepareWNSNotification({ notifTexts, threadID: threadInfo.id, unreadCount: unreadCounts[userID], platformDetails, }); const deviceTokens = devices.map(({ deviceToken }) => deviceToken); return await sendWNSNotification(notification, deviceTokens, { ...notificationInfo, codeVersion, }); })(); deliveryPromises.push(deliveryPromise); } } for (const newMessageInfo of remainingNewMessageInfos) { const newDBID = dbIDs.shift(); invariant(newDBID, 'should have sufficient DB IDs'); const messageID = newMessageInfo.id; invariant(messageID, 'RawMessageInfo.id should be set on server'); notifications.set(newDBID, { dbID: newDBID, userID, threadID: newMessageInfo.threadID, messageID, collapseKey: notifInfo.collapseKey, deliveries: [{ collapsedInto: dbID }], }); } } } const cleanUpPromises = []; if (dbIDs.length > 0) { const query = SQL`DELETE FROM ids WHERE id IN (${dbIDs})`; cleanUpPromises.push(dbQuery(query)); } const [deliveryResults] = await Promise.all([ Promise.all(deliveryPromises), Promise.all(cleanUpPromises), ]); await saveNotifResults(deliveryResults, notifications, true); } async function sendRescindNotifs(rescindInfo: PushInfo) { if (Object.keys(rescindInfo).length === 0) { return; } const usersToCollapsableNotifInfo = await fetchCollapsableNotifs(rescindInfo); const promises = []; for (const userID in usersToCollapsableNotifInfo) { for (const notifInfo of usersToCollapsableNotifInfo[userID]) { for (const existingMessageInfo of notifInfo.existingMessageInfos) { const rescindCondition = SQL` n.user = ${userID} AND n.thread = ${existingMessageInfo.threadID} AND n.message = ${existingMessageInfo.id} `; promises.push(rescindPushNotifs(rescindCondition)); } } } await Promise.all(promises); } // The results in deliveryResults will be combined with the rows // in rowsToSave and then written to the notifications table async function saveNotifResults( deliveryResults: $ReadOnlyArray, inputRowsToSave: Map, rescindable: boolean, ) { const rowsToSave = new Map(inputRowsToSave); const allInvalidTokens = []; for (const deliveryResult of deliveryResults) { const { info, delivery, invalidTokens } = deliveryResult; const { dbID, userID } = info; const curNotifRow = rowsToSave.get(dbID); if (curNotifRow) { curNotifRow.deliveries.push(delivery); } else { // Ternary expressions for Flow const threadID = info.threadID ? info.threadID : null; const messageID = info.messageID ? info.messageID : null; const collapseKey = info.collapseKey ? info.collapseKey : null; rowsToSave.set(dbID, { dbID, userID, threadID, messageID, collapseKey, deliveries: [delivery], }); } if (invalidTokens) { allInvalidTokens.push({ userID, tokens: invalidTokens, }); } } const notificationRows = []; for (const notification of rowsToSave.values()) { notificationRows.push([ notification.dbID, notification.userID, notification.threadID, notification.messageID, notification.collapseKey, JSON.stringify(notification.deliveries), Number(!rescindable), ]); } const dbPromises = []; if (allInvalidTokens.length > 0) { dbPromises.push(removeInvalidTokens(allInvalidTokens)); } if (notificationRows.length > 0) { const query = SQL` INSERT INTO notifications (id, user, thread, message, collapse_key, delivery, rescinded) VALUES ${notificationRows} `; dbPromises.push(dbQuery(query)); } if (dbPromises.length > 0) { await Promise.all(dbPromises); } } async function fetchInfos(pushInfo: PushInfo) { const usersToCollapsableNotifInfo = await fetchCollapsableNotifs(pushInfo); const threadIDs = new Set(); const threadWithChangedNamesToMessages = new Map(); const addThreadIDsFromMessageInfos = (rawMessageInfo: RawMessageInfo) => { const threadID = rawMessageInfo.threadID; threadIDs.add(threadID); const messageSpec = messageSpecs[rawMessageInfo.type]; if (messageSpec.threadIDs) { for (const id of messageSpec.threadIDs(rawMessageInfo)) { threadIDs.add(id); } } if ( rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.CHANGE_SETTINGS && rawMessageInfo.field === 'name' ) { const messages = threadWithChangedNamesToMessages.get(threadID); if (messages) { messages.push(rawMessageInfo.id); } else { threadWithChangedNamesToMessages.set(threadID, [rawMessageInfo.id]); } } }; for (const userID in usersToCollapsableNotifInfo) { for (const notifInfo of usersToCollapsableNotifInfo[userID]) { for (const rawMessageInfo of notifInfo.existingMessageInfos) { addThreadIDsFromMessageInfos(rawMessageInfo); } for (const rawMessageInfo of notifInfo.newMessageInfos) { addThreadIDsFromMessageInfos(rawMessageInfo); } } } const promises = {}; // These threadInfos won't have currentUser set promises.threadResult = fetchServerThreadInfos({ threadIDs }); if (threadWithChangedNamesToMessages.size > 0) { const typesThatAffectName = [ messageTypes.CHANGE_SETTINGS, messageTypes.CREATE_THREAD, ]; const oldNameQuery = SQL` SELECT IF( JSON_TYPE(JSON_EXTRACT(m.content, "$.name")) = 'NULL', "", JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(m.content, "$.name")) ) AS name, m.thread FROM ( SELECT MAX(id) AS id FROM messages WHERE type IN (${typesThatAffectName}) AND JSON_EXTRACT(content, "$.name") IS NOT NULL AND`; const threadClauses = []; for (const [threadID, messages] of threadWithChangedNamesToMessages) { threadClauses.push( SQL`(thread = ${threadID} AND id NOT IN (${messages}))`, ); } oldNameQuery.append(mergeOrConditions(threadClauses)); oldNameQuery.append(SQL` GROUP BY thread ) x LEFT JOIN messages m ON m.id = x.id `); promises.oldNames = dbQuery(oldNameQuery); } const { threadResult, oldNames } = await promiseAll(promises); const serverThreadInfos = threadResult.threadInfos; if (oldNames) { const [result] = oldNames; for (const row of result) { const threadID = row.thread.toString(); serverThreadInfos[threadID].name = row.name; } } const userInfos = await fetchNotifUserInfos( serverThreadInfos, usersToCollapsableNotifInfo, ); return { usersToCollapsableNotifInfo, serverThreadInfos, userInfos }; } async function fetchNotifUserInfos( serverThreadInfos: { +[threadID: string]: ServerThreadInfo }, usersToCollapsableNotifInfo: { +[userID: string]: CollapsableNotifInfo[] }, ) { const missingUserIDs = new Set(); for (const threadID in serverThreadInfos) { const serverThreadInfo = serverThreadInfos[threadID]; for (const member of serverThreadInfo.members) { missingUserIDs.add(member.id); } } const addUserIDsFromMessageInfos = (rawMessageInfo: RawMessageInfo) => { missingUserIDs.add(rawMessageInfo.creatorID); const userIDs = messageSpecs[rawMessageInfo.type].userIDs?.(rawMessageInfo) ?? []; for (const userID of userIDs) { missingUserIDs.add(userID); } }; for (const userID in usersToCollapsableNotifInfo) { missingUserIDs.add(userID); for (const notifInfo of usersToCollapsableNotifInfo[userID]) { for (const rawMessageInfo of notifInfo.existingMessageInfos) { addUserIDsFromMessageInfos(rawMessageInfo); } for (const rawMessageInfo of notifInfo.newMessageInfos) { addUserIDsFromMessageInfos(rawMessageInfo); } } } return await fetchUserInfos([...missingUserIDs]); } async function createDBIDs(pushInfo: PushInfo): Promise { let numIDsNeeded = 0; for (const userID in pushInfo) { numIDsNeeded += pushInfo[userID].messageInfos.length; } return await createIDs('notifications', numIDsNeeded); } +type VersionKey = { codeVersion: number, stateVersion: number }; +const versionKeyRegex: RegExp = new RegExp(/^-?\d+\|-?\d+$/); +function versionKeyToString(versionKey: VersionKey): string { + return `${versionKey.codeVersion}|${versionKey.stateVersion}`; +} + +function stringToVersionKey(versionKeyString: string): VersionKey { + invariant( + versionKeyRegex.test(versionKeyString), + 'should pass correct version key string', + ); + const [codeVersion, stateVersion] = versionKeyString.split('|').map(Number); + return { codeVersion, stateVersion }; +} + function getDevicesByPlatform( devices: $ReadOnlyArray, -): Map>> { +): Map>> { const byPlatform = new Map(); for (const device of devices) { let innerMap = byPlatform.get(device.platform); if (!innerMap) { innerMap = new Map(); byPlatform.set(device.platform, innerMap); } const codeVersion: number = device.codeVersion !== null && device.codeVersion !== undefined && device.platform !== 'windows' && device.platform !== 'macos' ? device.codeVersion : -1; - let innerMostArray = innerMap.get(codeVersion); + const stateVersion: number = device.stateVersion ?? -1; + + const versionKey = versionKeyToString({ + codeVersion, + stateVersion, + }); + let innerMostArray = innerMap.get(versionKey); if (!innerMostArray) { innerMostArray = []; - innerMap.set(codeVersion, innerMostArray); + innerMap.set(versionKey, innerMostArray); } innerMostArray.push({ cookieID: device.cookieID, deviceToken: device.deviceToken, }); } return byPlatform; } type APNsNotifInputData = { +notifTexts: ResolvedNotifTexts, +newRawMessageInfos: RawMessageInfo[], +threadID: string, +collapseKey: ?string, +badgeOnly: boolean, +unreadCount: number, +platformDetails: PlatformDetails, }; const apnsNotifInputDataValidator = tShape({ notifTexts: resolvedNotifTextsValidator, newRawMessageInfos: t.list(rawMessageInfoValidator), threadID: tID, collapseKey: t.maybe(t.String), badgeOnly: t.Boolean, unreadCount: t.Number, platformDetails: tPlatformDetails, }); async function prepareAPNsNotification( inputData: APNsNotifInputData, devices: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise<$ReadOnlyArray> { const convertedData = validateOutput( inputData.platformDetails, apnsNotifInputDataValidator, inputData, ); const { notifTexts, newRawMessageInfos, threadID, collapseKey, badgeOnly, unreadCount, platformDetails, } = convertedData; const isTextNotification = newRawMessageInfos.every( newRawMessageInfo => newRawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.TEXT, ); const shouldBeEncrypted = platformDetails.platform === 'ios' && !collapseKey && isTextNotification; const uniqueID = uuidv4(); const notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.topic = getAPNsNotificationTopic(platformDetails); const { merged, ...rest } = notifTexts; // We don't include alert's body on macos because we // handle displaying the notification ourselves and // we don't want macOS to display it automatically. if (!badgeOnly && platformDetails.platform !== 'macos') { notification.body = merged; notification.sound = 'default'; } notification.payload = { ...notification.payload, ...rest, }; notification.badge = unreadCount; notification.threadId = threadID; notification.id = uniqueID; notification.pushType = 'alert'; notification.payload.id = uniqueID; notification.payload.threadID = threadID; if (platformDetails.codeVersion && platformDetails.codeVersion > 198) { notification.mutableContent = true; } if (collapseKey) { notification.collapseId = collapseKey; } const messageInfos = JSON.stringify(newRawMessageInfos); // We make a copy before checking notification's length, because calling // length compiles the notification and makes it immutable. Further // changes to its properties won't be reflected in the final plaintext // data that is sent. const copyWithMessageInfos = _cloneDeep(notification); copyWithMessageInfos.payload = { ...copyWithMessageInfos.payload, messageInfos, }; const evaluateAndSelectNotifPayload = (notif, notifWithMessageInfos) => { const notifWithMessageInfosCopy = _cloneDeep(notifWithMessageInfos); if ( notifWithMessageInfosCopy.length() <= apnMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize ) { return notifWithMessageInfos; } const notifCopy = _cloneDeep(notif); if (notifCopy.length() > apnMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize) { console.warn( `${platformDetails.platform} notification ${uniqueID} ` + `exceeds size limit, even with messageInfos omitted`, ); } return notif; }; const deviceTokens = devices.map(({ deviceToken }) => deviceToken); if ( shouldBeEncrypted && platformDetails.codeVersion && platformDetails.codeVersion > 222 ) { const cookieIDs = devices.map(({ cookieID }) => cookieID); const [notifications, notificationsWithMessageInfos] = await Promise.all([ prepareEncryptedIOSNotifications(cookieIDs, notification), prepareEncryptedIOSNotifications(cookieIDs, copyWithMessageInfos), ]); return notificationsWithMessageInfos.map((notif, idx) => ({ notification: evaluateAndSelectNotifPayload(notifications[idx], notif), deviceToken: deviceTokens[idx], })); } const notificationToSend = evaluateAndSelectNotifPayload( notification, copyWithMessageInfos, ); return deviceTokens.map(deviceToken => ({ notification: notificationToSend, deviceToken, })); } type AndroidNotifInputData = { ...APNsNotifInputData, +dbID: string, }; const androidNotifInputDataValidator = tShape({ ...apnsNotifInputDataValidator.meta.props, dbID: t.String, }); async function prepareAndroidNotification( inputData: AndroidNotifInputData, devices: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise<$ReadOnlyArray> { const convertedData = validateOutput( inputData.platformDetails, androidNotifInputDataValidator, inputData, ); const { notifTexts, newRawMessageInfos, threadID, collapseKey, badgeOnly, unreadCount, platformDetails: { codeVersion }, dbID, } = convertedData; const isTextNotification = newRawMessageInfos.every( newRawMessageInfo => newRawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.TEXT, ); const shouldBeEncrypted = isTextNotification && !collapseKey && codeVersion && codeVersion > 228; const notifID = collapseKey ? collapseKey : dbID; const { merged, ...rest } = notifTexts; const notification = { data: { badge: unreadCount.toString(), ...rest, threadID, }, }; // The reason we only include `badgeOnly` for newer clients is because older // clients don't know how to parse it. The reason we only include `id` for // newer clients is that if the older clients see that field, they assume // the notif has a full payload, and then crash when trying to parse it. // By skipping `id` we allow old clients to still handle in-app notifs and // badge updating. if (!badgeOnly || (codeVersion && codeVersion >= 69)) { notification.data = { ...notification.data, id: notifID, badgeOnly: badgeOnly ? '1' : '0', }; } const messageInfos = JSON.stringify(newRawMessageInfos); const copyWithMessageInfos = { ...notification, data: { ...notification.data, messageInfos }, }; const evaluateAndSelectNotification = (notif, notifWithMessageInfos) => { if ( Buffer.byteLength(JSON.stringify(notifWithMessageInfos)) <= fcmMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize ) { return notifWithMessageInfos; } if ( Buffer.byteLength(JSON.stringify(notif)) > fcmMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize ) { console.warn( `Android notification ${notifID} exceeds size limit, even with messageInfos omitted`, ); } return notif; }; const deviceTokens = devices.map(({ deviceToken }) => deviceToken); if (shouldBeEncrypted) { const cookieIDs = devices.map(({ cookieID }) => cookieID); const [notifications, notificationsWithMessageInfos] = await Promise.all([ prepareEncryptedAndroidNotifications(cookieIDs, notification), prepareEncryptedAndroidNotifications(cookieIDs, copyWithMessageInfos), ]); return notificationsWithMessageInfos.map((notif, idx) => ({ notification: evaluateAndSelectNotification(notifications[idx], notif), deviceToken: deviceTokens[idx], })); } const notificationToSend = evaluateAndSelectNotification( notification, copyWithMessageInfos, ); return deviceTokens.map(deviceToken => ({ notification: notificationToSend, deviceToken, })); } type WebNotifInputData = { +notifTexts: ResolvedNotifTexts, +threadID: string, +unreadCount: number, +platformDetails: PlatformDetails, }; const webNotifInputDataValidator = tShape({ notifTexts: resolvedNotifTextsValidator, threadID: tID, unreadCount: t.Number, platformDetails: tPlatformDetails, }); async function prepareWebNotification( inputData: WebNotifInputData, ): Promise { const convertedData = validateOutput( inputData.platformDetails, webNotifInputDataValidator, inputData, ); const { notifTexts, threadID, unreadCount } = convertedData; const id = uuidv4(); const { merged, ...rest } = notifTexts; const notification = { ...rest, unreadCount, id, threadID, }; return notification; } type WNSNotifInputData = { +notifTexts: ResolvedNotifTexts, +threadID: string, +unreadCount: number, +platformDetails: PlatformDetails, }; const wnsNotifInputDataValidator = tShape({ notifTexts: resolvedNotifTextsValidator, threadID: tID, unreadCount: t.Number, platformDetails: tPlatformDetails, }); async function prepareWNSNotification( inputData: WNSNotifInputData, ): Promise { const convertedData = validateOutput( inputData.platformDetails, wnsNotifInputDataValidator, inputData, ); const { notifTexts, threadID, unreadCount } = convertedData; const { merged, ...rest } = notifTexts; const notification = { ...rest, unreadCount, threadID, }; if ( Buffer.byteLength(JSON.stringify(notification)) > wnsMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize ) { console.warn('WNS notification exceeds size limit'); } return notification; } type NotificationInfo = | { +source: 'new_message', +dbID: string, +userID: string, +threadID: string, +messageID: string, +collapseKey: ?string, +codeVersion: number, } | { +source: 'mark_as_unread' | 'mark_as_read' | 'activity_update', +dbID: string, +userID: string, +codeVersion: number, }; type APNsDelivery = { source: $PropertyType, deviceType: 'ios' | 'macos', iosID: string, deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, codeVersion: number, errors?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; type APNsResult = { info: NotificationInfo, delivery: APNsDelivery, invalidTokens?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; async function sendAPNsNotification( platform: 'ios' | 'macos', targetedNotifications: $ReadOnlyArray, notificationInfo: NotificationInfo, ): Promise { const { source, codeVersion } = notificationInfo; const response = await apnPush({ targetedNotifications, platformDetails: { platform, codeVersion }, }); invariant( new Set(targetedNotifications.map(({ notification }) => notification.id)) .size === 1, 'Encrypted versions of the same notification must share id value', ); const iosID = targetedNotifications[0].notification.id; const deviceTokens = targetedNotifications.map( ({ deviceToken }) => deviceToken, ); const delivery: APNsDelivery = { source, deviceType: platform, iosID, deviceTokens, codeVersion, }; if (response.errors) { delivery.errors = response.errors; } const result: APNsResult = { info: notificationInfo, delivery, }; if (response.invalidTokens) { result.invalidTokens = response.invalidTokens; } return result; } type PushResult = AndroidResult | APNsResult | WebResult | WNSResult; type PushDelivery = AndroidDelivery | APNsDelivery | WebDelivery | WNSDelivery; type AndroidDelivery = { source: $PropertyType, deviceType: 'android', androidIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, codeVersion: number, errors?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; type AndroidResult = { info: NotificationInfo, delivery: AndroidDelivery, invalidTokens?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; async function sendAndroidNotification( targetedNotifications: $ReadOnlyArray, notificationInfo: NotificationInfo, ): Promise { const collapseKey = notificationInfo.collapseKey ? notificationInfo.collapseKey : null; // for Flow... const { source, codeVersion } = notificationInfo; const response = await fcmPush({ targetedNotifications, collapseKey, codeVersion, }); const deviceTokens = targetedNotifications.map( ({ deviceToken }) => deviceToken, ); const androidIDs = response.fcmIDs ? response.fcmIDs : []; const delivery: AndroidDelivery = { source, deviceType: 'android', androidIDs, deviceTokens, codeVersion, }; if (response.errors) { delivery.errors = response.errors; } const result: AndroidResult = { info: notificationInfo, delivery, }; if (response.invalidTokens) { result.invalidTokens = response.invalidTokens; } return result; } type WebDelivery = { +source: $PropertyType, +deviceType: 'web', +deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, +codeVersion?: number, +errors?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; type WebResult = { +info: NotificationInfo, +delivery: WebDelivery, +invalidTokens?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; async function sendWebNotification( notification: WebNotification, deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, notificationInfo: NotificationInfo, ): Promise { const { source, codeVersion } = notificationInfo; const response = await webPush({ notification, deviceTokens, }); const delivery: WebDelivery = { source, deviceType: 'web', deviceTokens, codeVersion, errors: response.errors, }; const result: WebResult = { info: notificationInfo, delivery, invalidTokens: response.invalidTokens, }; return result; } type WNSDelivery = { +source: $PropertyType, +deviceType: 'windows', +wnsIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, +deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, +codeVersion?: number, +errors?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; type WNSResult = { +info: NotificationInfo, +delivery: WNSDelivery, +invalidTokens?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; async function sendWNSNotification( notification: WNSNotification, deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, notificationInfo: NotificationInfo, ): Promise { const { source, codeVersion } = notificationInfo; const response = await wnsPush({ notification, deviceTokens, }); const wnsIDs = response.wnsIDs ?? []; const delivery: WNSDelivery = { source, deviceType: 'windows', wnsIDs, deviceTokens, codeVersion, errors: response.errors, }; const result: WNSResult = { info: notificationInfo, delivery, invalidTokens: response.invalidTokens, }; return result; } type InvalidToken = { +userID: string, +tokens: $ReadOnlyArray, }; async function removeInvalidTokens( invalidTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise { const sqlTuples = invalidTokens.map( invalidTokenUser => SQL`( user = ${invalidTokenUser.userID} AND device_token IN (${invalidTokenUser.tokens}) )`, ); const sqlCondition = mergeOrConditions(sqlTuples); const selectQuery = SQL` SELECT id, user, device_token FROM cookies WHERE `; selectQuery.append(sqlCondition); const [result] = await dbQuery(selectQuery); const userCookiePairsToInvalidDeviceTokens = new Map(); for (const row of result) { const userCookiePair = `${row.user}|${row.id}`; const existing = userCookiePairsToInvalidDeviceTokens.get(userCookiePair); if (existing) { existing.add(row.device_token); } else { userCookiePairsToInvalidDeviceTokens.set( userCookiePair, new Set([row.device_token]), ); } } const time = Date.now(); const promises = []; for (const entry of userCookiePairsToInvalidDeviceTokens) { const [userCookiePair, deviceTokens] = entry; const [userID, cookieID] = userCookiePair.split('|'); const updateDatas = [...deviceTokens].map(deviceToken => ({ type: updateTypes.BAD_DEVICE_TOKEN, userID, time, deviceToken, targetCookie: cookieID, })); promises.push(createUpdates(updateDatas)); } const updateQuery = SQL` UPDATE cookies SET device_token = NULL WHERE `; updateQuery.append(sqlCondition); promises.push(dbQuery(updateQuery)); await Promise.all(promises); } async function updateBadgeCount( viewer: Viewer, source: 'mark_as_unread' | 'mark_as_read' | 'activity_update', ) { const { userID } = viewer; const deviceTokenQuery = SQL` SELECT platform, device_token, versions, id FROM cookies WHERE user = ${userID} AND device_token IS NOT NULL `; if (viewer.data.cookieID) { deviceTokenQuery.append(SQL`AND id != ${viewer.cookieID} `); } const [unreadCounts, [deviceTokenResult], [dbID]] = await Promise.all([ getUnreadCounts([userID]), dbQuery(deviceTokenQuery), createIDs('notifications', 1), ]); const unreadCount = unreadCounts[userID]; - - const devices = deviceTokenResult.map(row => ({ - platform: row.platform, - cookieID: row.id, - deviceToken: row.device_token, - codeVersion: JSON.parse(row.versions)?.codeVersion, - })); + const devices = deviceTokenResult.map(row => { + const versions = JSON.parse(row.versions); + return { + platform: row.platform, + cookieID: row.id, + deviceToken: row.device_token, + codeVersion: versions?.codeVersion, + stateVersion: versions?.stateVersion, + }; + }); const byPlatform = getDevicesByPlatform(devices); const deliveryPromises = []; const iosVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('ios'); if (iosVersionsToTokens) { - for (const [codeVersion, deviceInfos] of iosVersionsToTokens) { + for (const [versionKey, deviceInfos] of iosVersionsToTokens) { + const { codeVersion, stateVersion } = stringToVersionKey(versionKey); const notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.topic = getAPNsNotificationTopic({ platform: 'ios', codeVersion, + stateVersion, }); notification.badge = unreadCount; notification.pushType = 'alert'; const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const cookieIDs = deviceInfos.map(({ cookieID }) => cookieID); let notificationsArray; if (codeVersion > 222) { notificationsArray = await prepareEncryptedIOSNotifications( cookieIDs, notification, ); } else { notificationsArray = cookieIDs.map(() => notification); } const targetedNotifications = deviceInfos.map( ({ deviceToken }, idx) => ({ deviceToken, notification: notificationsArray[idx], }), ); return await sendAPNsNotification('ios', targetedNotifications, { source, dbID, userID, codeVersion, }); })(); deliveryPromises.push(deliveryPromise); } } const androidVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('android'); if (androidVersionsToTokens) { - for (const [codeVersion, deviceInfos] of androidVersionsToTokens) { + for (const [versionKey, deviceInfos] of androidVersionsToTokens) { + const { codeVersion } = stringToVersionKey(versionKey); const notificationData = codeVersion < 69 ? { badge: unreadCount.toString() } : { badge: unreadCount.toString(), badgeOnly: '1' }; const notification = { data: notificationData }; const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const cookieIDs = deviceInfos.map(({ cookieID }) => cookieID); let notificationsArray; if (codeVersion > 222) { notificationsArray = await prepareEncryptedAndroidNotifications( cookieIDs, notification, ); } else { notificationsArray = cookieIDs.map(() => notification); } const targetedNotifications = deviceInfos.map( ({ deviceToken }, idx) => ({ deviceToken, notification: notificationsArray[idx], }), ); return await sendAndroidNotification(targetedNotifications, { source, dbID, userID, codeVersion, }); })(); deliveryPromises.push(deliveryPromise); } } const macosVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('macos'); if (macosVersionsToTokens) { - for (const [codeVersion, deviceInfos] of macosVersionsToTokens) { + for (const [versionKey, deviceInfos] of macosVersionsToTokens) { + const { codeVersion, stateVersion } = stringToVersionKey(versionKey); const notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.topic = getAPNsNotificationTopic({ platform: 'macos', codeVersion, + stateVersion, }); notification.badge = unreadCount; notification.pushType = 'alert'; const targetedNotifications = deviceInfos.map(({ deviceToken }) => ({ deviceToken, notification, })); deliveryPromises.push( sendAPNsNotification('macos', targetedNotifications, { source, dbID, userID, codeVersion, }), ); } } const deliveryResults = await Promise.all(deliveryPromises); await saveNotifResults(deliveryResults, new Map(), false); } export { sendPushNotifs, sendRescindNotifs, updateBadgeCount };