diff --git a/native/flow-typed/npm/@react-navigation/native_v5.x.x.js b/native/flow-typed/npm/@react-navigation/native_v5.x.x.js index fc73eb054..27398af10 100644 --- a/native/flow-typed/npm/@react-navigation/native_v5.x.x.js +++ b/native/flow-typed/npm/@react-navigation/native_v5.x.x.js @@ -1,2274 +1,2269 @@ // flow-typed signature: 219fd8b2f5868928e02073db11adb8a5 // flow-typed version: dc2d6a22c7/@react-navigation/native_v5.x.x/flow_>=v0.104.x declare module '@react-navigation/native' { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SECTION 1: IDENTICAL TYPE DEFINITIONS // This section is identical across all React Navigation libdefs and contains // shared definitions. We wish we could make it DRY and import from a shared // definition, but that isn't yet possible. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * We start with some definitions that we have copy-pasted from React Native * source files. */ // This is a bastardization of the true StyleObj type located in // react-native/Libraries/StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes. We unfortunately can't // import that here, and it's too lengthy (and consequently too brittle) to // copy-paste here either. declare type StyleObj = | null | void | number | false | '' | $ReadOnlyArray | { [name: string]: any, ... }; declare type ViewStyleProp = StyleObj; declare type TextStyleProp = StyleObj; declare type AnimatedViewStyleProp = StyleObj; declare type AnimatedTextStyleProp = StyleObj; // Vaguely copied from // react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/animations/Animation.js declare type EndResult = { finished: boolean, ... }; declare type EndCallback = (result: EndResult) => void; declare interface Animation { start( fromValue: number, onUpdate: (value: number) => void, onEnd: ?EndCallback, previousAnimation: ?Animation, animatedValue: AnimatedValue, ): void; stop(): void; } declare type AnimationConfig = { isInteraction?: boolean, useNativeDriver: boolean, onComplete?: ?EndCallback, iterations?: number, ... }; // Vaguely copied from // react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/nodes/AnimatedTracking.js declare interface AnimatedTracking { constructor( value: AnimatedValue, parent: any, animationClass: any, animationConfig: Object, callback?: ?EndCallback, ): void; update(): void; } // Vaguely copied from // react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/nodes/AnimatedValue.js declare type ValueListenerCallback = (state: { value: number, ... }) => void; declare interface AnimatedValue { constructor(value: number): void; setValue(value: number): void; setOffset(offset: number): void; flattenOffset(): void; extractOffset(): void; addListener(callback: ValueListenerCallback): string; removeListener(id: string): void; removeAllListeners(): void; stopAnimation(callback?: ?(value: number) => void): void; resetAnimation(callback?: ?(value: number) => void): void; interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation; animate(animation: Animation, callback: ?EndCallback): void; stopTracking(): void; track(tracking: AnimatedTracking): void; } // Copied from // react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/animations/TimingAnimation.js declare type TimingAnimationConfigSingle = AnimationConfig & { toValue: number | AnimatedValue, easing?: (value: number) => number, duration?: number, delay?: number, ... }; // Copied from // react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/animations/SpringAnimation.js declare type SpringAnimationConfigSingle = AnimationConfig & { toValue: number | AnimatedValue, overshootClamping?: boolean, restDisplacementThreshold?: number, restSpeedThreshold?: number, velocity?: number, bounciness?: number, speed?: number, tension?: number, friction?: number, stiffness?: number, damping?: number, mass?: number, delay?: number, ... }; // Copied from react-native/Libraries/Types/CoreEventTypes.js declare type SyntheticEvent = $ReadOnly<{| bubbles: ?boolean, cancelable: ?boolean, currentTarget: number, defaultPrevented: ?boolean, dispatchConfig: $ReadOnly<{| registrationName: string, |}>, eventPhase: ?number, preventDefault: () => void, isDefaultPrevented: () => boolean, stopPropagation: () => void, isPropagationStopped: () => boolean, isTrusted: ?boolean, nativeEvent: T, persist: () => void, target: ?number, timeStamp: number, type: ?string, |}>; declare type Layout = $ReadOnly<{| x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, |}>; declare type LayoutEvent = SyntheticEvent< $ReadOnly<{| layout: Layout, |}>, >; declare type BlurEvent = SyntheticEvent< $ReadOnly<{| target: number, |}>, >; declare type FocusEvent = SyntheticEvent< $ReadOnly<{| target: number, |}>, >; declare type ResponderSyntheticEvent = $ReadOnly<{| ...SyntheticEvent, touchHistory: $ReadOnly<{| indexOfSingleActiveTouch: number, mostRecentTimeStamp: number, numberActiveTouches: number, touchBank: $ReadOnlyArray< $ReadOnly<{| touchActive: boolean, startPageX: number, startPageY: number, startTimeStamp: number, currentPageX: number, currentPageY: number, currentTimeStamp: number, previousPageX: number, previousPageY: number, previousTimeStamp: number, |}>, >, |}>, |}>; declare type PressEvent = ResponderSyntheticEvent< $ReadOnly<{| changedTouches: $ReadOnlyArray<$PropertyType>, force: number, identifier: number, locationX: number, locationY: number, pageX: number, pageY: number, target: ?number, timestamp: number, touches: $ReadOnlyArray<$PropertyType>, |}>, >; // Vaguely copied from // react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/nodes/AnimatedInterpolation.js declare type ExtrapolateType = 'extend' | 'identity' | 'clamp'; declare type InterpolationConfigType = { inputRange: Array, outputRange: Array | Array, easing?: (input: number) => number, extrapolate?: ExtrapolateType, extrapolateLeft?: ExtrapolateType, extrapolateRight?: ExtrapolateType, ... }; declare interface AnimatedInterpolation { interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation; } // Copied from react-native/Libraries/Components/View/ViewAccessibility.js declare type AccessibilityRole = | 'none' | 'button' | 'link' | 'search' | 'image' | 'keyboardkey' | 'text' | 'adjustable' | 'imagebutton' | 'header' | 'summary' | 'alert' | 'checkbox' | 'combobox' | 'menu' | 'menubar' | 'menuitem' | 'progressbar' | 'radio' | 'radiogroup' | 'scrollbar' | 'spinbutton' | 'switch' | 'tab' | 'tablist' | 'timer' | 'toolbar'; declare type AccessibilityActionInfo = $ReadOnly<{ name: string, label?: string, ... }>; declare type AccessibilityActionEvent = SyntheticEvent< $ReadOnly<{actionName: string, ...}>, >; declare type AccessibilityState = { disabled?: boolean, selected?: boolean, checked?: ?boolean | 'mixed', busy?: boolean, expanded?: boolean, ... }; declare type AccessibilityValue = $ReadOnly<{| min?: number, max?: number, now?: number, text?: string, |}>; // Copied from // react-native/Libraries/Components/Touchable/TouchableWithoutFeedback.js declare type Stringish = string; declare type EdgeInsetsProp = $ReadOnly<$Partial>; declare type TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps = $ReadOnly<{| accessibilityActions?: ?$ReadOnlyArray, accessibilityElementsHidden?: ?boolean, accessibilityHint?: ?Stringish, accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors?: ?boolean, accessibilityLabel?: ?Stringish, accessibilityLiveRegion?: ?('none' | 'polite' | 'assertive'), accessibilityRole?: ?AccessibilityRole, accessibilityState?: ?AccessibilityState, accessibilityValue?: ?AccessibilityValue, accessibilityViewIsModal?: ?boolean, accessible?: ?boolean, children?: ?React$Node, delayLongPress?: ?number, delayPressIn?: ?number, delayPressOut?: ?number, disabled?: ?boolean, focusable?: ?boolean, hitSlop?: ?EdgeInsetsProp, importantForAccessibility?: ?('auto' | 'yes' | 'no' | 'no-hide-descendants'), nativeID?: ?string, onAccessibilityAction?: ?(event: AccessibilityActionEvent) => mixed, onBlur?: ?(event: BlurEvent) => mixed, onFocus?: ?(event: FocusEvent) => mixed, onLayout?: ?(event: LayoutEvent) => mixed, onLongPress?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed, onPress?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed, onPressIn?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed, onPressOut?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed, pressRetentionOffset?: ?EdgeInsetsProp, rejectResponderTermination?: ?boolean, testID?: ?string, touchSoundDisabled?: ?boolean, |}>; // Copied from react-native/Libraries/Image/ImageSource.js declare type ImageURISource = $ReadOnly<{ uri?: ?string, bundle?: ?string, method?: ?string, headers?: ?Object, body?: ?string, cache?: ?('default' | 'reload' | 'force-cache' | 'only-if-cached'), width?: ?number, height?: ?number, scale?: ?number, ... }>; /** * The following is copied from react-native-gesture-handler's libdef */ declare type StateUndetermined = 0; declare type StateFailed = 1; declare type StateBegan = 2; declare type StateCancelled = 3; declare type StateActive = 4; declare type StateEnd = 5; declare type GestureHandlerState = | StateUndetermined | StateFailed | StateBegan | StateCancelled | StateActive | StateEnd; declare type $SyntheticEvent = { +nativeEvent: $ReadOnly<$Exact>, ... }; declare type $Event = $SyntheticEvent<{ handlerTag: number, numberOfPointers: number, state: GestureHandlerState, oldState: GestureHandlerState, ...$Exact, ... }>; declare type $EventHandlers = {| onGestureEvent?: ($Event) => mixed, onHandlerStateChange?: ($Event) => mixed, onBegan?: ($Event) => mixed, onFailed?: ($Event) => mixed, onCancelled?: ($Event) => mixed, onActivated?: ($Event) => mixed, onEnded?: ($Event) => mixed, |}; declare type HitSlop = | number | {| left?: number, top?: number, right?: number, bottom?: number, vertical?: number, horizontal?: number, width?: number, height?: number, |} | {| width: number, left: number, |} | {| width: number, right: number, |} | {| height: number, top: number, |} | {| height: number, bottom: number, |}; declare type $GestureHandlerProps< AdditionalProps: {...}, ExtraEventsProps: {...} > = $ReadOnly<{| ...$Exact, ...$EventHandlers, id?: string, enabled?: boolean, waitFor?: React$Ref | Array>, simultaneousHandlers?: React$Ref | Array>, shouldCancelWhenOutside?: boolean, minPointers?: number, hitSlop?: HitSlop, children?: React$Node, |}>; declare type PanGestureHandlerProps = $GestureHandlerProps< { activeOffsetY?: number | [number, number], activeOffsetX?: number | [number, number], failOffsetY?: number | [number, number], failOffsetX?: number | [number, number], minDist?: number, minVelocity?: number, minVelocityX?: number, minVelocityY?: number, minPointers?: number, maxPointers?: number, avgTouches?: boolean, ... }, { x: number, y: number, absoluteX: number, absoluteY: number, translationX: number, translationY: number, velocityX: number, velocityY: number, ... } >; /** * MAGIC */ declare type $If = $Call< ((true, Then, Else) => Then) & ((false, Then, Else) => Else), Test, Then, Else, >; declare type $IsA = $Call< (Y => true) & (mixed => false), X, >; declare type $IsUndefined = $IsA; declare type $Partial = $ReadOnly<$Rest>; // If { ...T, ... } counts as a T, then we're inexact declare type $IsExact = $Call< (T => false) & (mixed => true), { ...T, ... }, >; /** * Actions, state, etc. */ declare export type ScreenParams = { +[key: string]: mixed, ... }; declare export type BackAction = {| +type: 'GO_BACK', +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type NavigateAction = {| +type: 'NAVIGATE', +payload: | {| +key: string, +params?: ScreenParams |} | {| +name: string, +key?: string, +params?: ScreenParams |}, +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type ResetAction = {| +type: 'RESET', +payload: StaleNavigationState, +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type SetParamsAction = {| +type: 'SET_PARAMS', +payload: {| +params?: ScreenParams |}, +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type CommonAction = | BackAction | NavigateAction | ResetAction | SetParamsAction; declare type NavigateActionCreator = {| (routeName: string, params?: ScreenParams): NavigateAction, ( | {| +key: string, +params?: ScreenParams |} | {| +name: string, +key?: string, +params?: ScreenParams |}, ): NavigateAction, |}; declare export type CommonActionsType = {| +navigate: NavigateActionCreator, +goBack: () => BackAction, +reset: (state: PossiblyStaleNavigationState) => ResetAction, +setParams: (params: ScreenParams) => SetParamsAction, |}; declare export type GenericNavigationAction = {| +type: string, +payload?: { +[key: string]: mixed, ... }, +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type LeafRoute = {| +key: string, +name: RouteName, +params?: ScreenParams, |}; declare export type StateRoute = {| ...LeafRoute, +state: NavigationState | StaleNavigationState, |}; declare export type Route = | LeafRoute | StateRoute; declare export type NavigationState = {| +key: string, +index: number, +routeNames: $ReadOnlyArray, +history?: $ReadOnlyArray, +routes: $ReadOnlyArray>, +type: string, +stale: false, |}; declare export type StaleLeafRoute = {| +key?: string, +name: RouteName, +params?: ScreenParams, |}; declare export type StaleStateRoute = {| ...StaleLeafRoute, +state: StaleNavigationState, |}; declare export type StaleRoute = | StaleLeafRoute | StaleStateRoute; declare export type StaleNavigationState = {| // It's possible to pass React Nav a StaleNavigationState with an undefined // index, but React Nav will always return one with the index set. This is // the same as for the type property below, but in the case of index we tend // to rely on it being set more... +index: number, +history?: $ReadOnlyArray, +routes: $ReadOnlyArray>, +type?: string, +stale?: true, |}; declare export type PossiblyStaleNavigationState = | NavigationState | StaleNavigationState; declare export type PossiblyStaleRoute = | Route | StaleRoute; /** * Routers */ declare type ActionCreators< State: NavigationState, Action: GenericNavigationAction, > = { +[key: string]: (...args: any) => (Action | State => Action), ... }; declare export type DefaultRouterOptions = { +initialRouteName?: string, ... }; declare export type RouterFactory< State: NavigationState, Action: GenericNavigationAction, RouterOptions: DefaultRouterOptions, > = (options: RouterOptions) => Router; declare export type ParamListBase = { +[key: string]: ?ScreenParams, ... }; declare export type RouterConfigOptions = {| +routeNames: $ReadOnlyArray, +routeParamList: ParamListBase, |}; declare export type Router< State: NavigationState, Action: GenericNavigationAction, > = {| +type: $PropertyType, +getInitialState: (options: RouterConfigOptions) => State, +getRehydratedState: ( partialState: PossiblyStaleNavigationState, options: RouterConfigOptions, ) => State, +getStateForRouteNamesChange: ( state: State, options: RouterConfigOptions, ) => State, +getStateForRouteFocus: (state: State, key: string) => State, +getStateForAction: ( state: State, action: Action, options: RouterConfigOptions, ) => ?PossiblyStaleNavigationState; +shouldActionChangeFocus: (action: GenericNavigationAction) => boolean, +actionCreators?: ActionCreators, |}; /** * Stack actions and router */ declare export type StackNavigationState = {| ...NavigationState, +type: 'stack', |}; declare export type ReplaceAction = {| +type: 'REPLACE', +payload: {| +name: string, +key?: ?string, +params?: ScreenParams |}, +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type PushAction = {| +type: 'PUSH', +payload: {| +name: string, +key?: ?string, +params?: ScreenParams |}, +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type PopAction = {| +type: 'POP', +payload: {| +count: number |}, +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type PopToTopAction = {| +type: 'POP_TO_TOP', +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type StackAction = | CommonAction | ReplaceAction | PushAction | PopAction | PopToTopAction; declare export type StackActionsType = {| +replace: (routeName: string, params?: ScreenParams) => ReplaceAction, +push: (routeName: string, params?: ScreenParams) => PushAction, +pop: (count?: number) => PopAction, +popToTop: () => PopToTopAction, |}; declare export type StackRouterOptions = $Exact; /** * Tab actions and router */ declare export type TabNavigationState = {| ...NavigationState, +type: 'tab', +history: $ReadOnlyArray<{| type: 'route', key: string |}>, |}; declare export type JumpToAction = {| +type: 'JUMP_TO', +payload: {| +name: string, +params?: ScreenParams |}, +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type TabAction = | CommonAction | JumpToAction; declare export type TabActionsType = {| +jumpTo: string => JumpToAction, |}; declare export type TabRouterOptions = {| ...$Exact, +backBehavior?: 'initialRoute' | 'order' | 'history' | 'none', |}; /** * Drawer actions and router */ declare type DrawerHistoryEntry = | {| +type: 'route', +key: string |} | {| +type: 'drawer' |}; declare export type DrawerNavigationState = {| ...NavigationState, +type: 'drawer', +history: $ReadOnlyArray, |}; declare export type OpenDrawerAction = {| +type: 'OPEN_DRAWER', +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type CloseDrawerAction = {| +type: 'CLOSE_DRAWER', +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type ToggleDrawerAction = {| +type: 'TOGGLE_DRAWER', +source?: string, +target?: string, |}; declare export type DrawerAction = | TabAction | OpenDrawerAction | CloseDrawerAction | ToggleDrawerAction; declare export type DrawerActionsType = {| ...TabActionsType, +openDrawer: () => OpenDrawerAction, +closeDrawer: () => CloseDrawerAction, +toggleDrawer: () => ToggleDrawerAction, |}; declare export type DrawerRouterOptions = {| ...TabRouterOptions, +openByDefault?: boolean, |}; /** * Events */ declare export type EventMapBase = { +[name: string]: {| +data?: mixed, +canPreventDefault?: boolean, |}, ... }; declare type EventPreventDefaultProperties = $If< Test, {| +defaultPrevented: boolean, +preventDefault: () => void |}, {| |}, >; declare type EventDataProperties = $If< $IsUndefined, {| |}, {| +data: Data |}, >; declare type EventArg< EventName: string, CanPreventDefault: ?boolean = false, Data = void, > = {| ...EventPreventDefaultProperties, ...EventDataProperties, +type: EventName, +target?: string, |}; declare type GlobalEventMap = {| +state: {| +data: {| +state: State |}, +canPreventDefault: false |}, |}; declare type EventMapCore = {| ...GlobalEventMap, +focus: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |}, +blur: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |}, +beforeRemove: {| +data: {| +action: GenericNavigationAction |}, +canPreventDefault: true, |}, |}; declare type EventListenerCallback< EventName: string, State: PossiblyStaleNavigationState = NavigationState, EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore, > = (e: EventArg< EventName, $PropertyType< $ElementType< {| ...EventMap, ...EventMapCore |}, EventName, >, 'canPreventDefault', >, $PropertyType< $ElementType< {| ...EventMap, ...EventMapCore |}, EventName, >, 'data', >, >) => mixed; /** * Navigation prop */ declare type PartialWithMergeProperty = $If< $IsExact, { ...$Partial, +merge: true }, { ...$Partial, +merge: true, ... }, >; declare type EitherExactOrPartialWithMergeProperty = | ParamsType | PartialWithMergeProperty; declare export type SimpleNavigate = >( routeName: DestinationRouteName, params: EitherExactOrPartialWithMergeProperty< $ElementType, >, ) => void; declare export type Navigate = & SimpleNavigate & >( route: $If< $IsUndefined<$ElementType>, | {| +key: string |} | {| +name: DestinationRouteName, +key?: string |}, | {| +key: string, +params?: EitherExactOrPartialWithMergeProperty< $ElementType, >, |} | {| +name: DestinationRouteName, +key?: string, +params?: EitherExactOrPartialWithMergeProperty< $ElementType, >, |}, >, ) => void; declare type NavigationHelpers< ParamList: ParamListBase, State: PossiblyStaleNavigationState = PossiblyStaleNavigationState, EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore, > = { +navigate: Navigate, +dispatch: ( action: | GenericNavigationAction | (State => GenericNavigationAction), ) => void, +reset: PossiblyStaleNavigationState => void, +goBack: () => void, +isFocused: () => boolean, +canGoBack: () => boolean, +getParent: >() => ?Parent, +getState: () => NavigationState, +addListener: |}, >>( name: EventName, callback: EventListenerCallback, ) => () => void, +removeListener: |}, >>( name: EventName, callback: EventListenerCallback, ) => void, ... }; declare type SetParamsInput< ParamList: ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, > = $If< $IsUndefined<$ElementType>, empty, $Partial<$NonMaybeType<$ElementType>>, >; declare export type NavigationProp< ParamList: ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, State: PossiblyStaleNavigationState = PossiblyStaleNavigationState, ScreenOptions: {...} = {...}, EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore, > = { ...$Exact>, +setOptions: (options: $Partial) => void, +setParams: (params: SetParamsInput) => void, ... }; /** * CreateNavigator */ declare export type RouteProp< ParamList: ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys, > = {| ...LeafRoute, +params: $ElementType, +path?: string, |}; declare export type ScreenListeners< State: NavigationState = NavigationState, EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore, > = $ObjMapi< {| [name: $Keys]: empty |}, >(K, empty) => EventListenerCallback, >; declare type BaseScreenProps< ParamList: ParamListBase, NavProp, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, State: NavigationState = NavigationState, ScreenOptions: {...} = {...}, EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore, > = {| +name: RouteName, +options?: | ScreenOptions | ({| route: RouteProp, navigation: NavProp, |}) => ScreenOptions, +listeners?: | ScreenListeners | ({| route: RouteProp, navigation: NavProp, |}) => ScreenListeners, +initialParams?: $Partial<$ElementType>, |}; declare export type ScreenProps< ParamList: ParamListBase, NavProp, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, State: NavigationState = NavigationState, ScreenOptions: {...} = {...}, EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore, > = | {| ...BaseScreenProps< ParamList, NavProp, RouteName, State, ScreenOptions, EventMap, >, +component: React$ComponentType<{| route: RouteProp, navigation: NavProp, |}>, |} | {| ...BaseScreenProps< ParamList, NavProp, RouteName, State, ScreenOptions, EventMap, >, +children: ({| route: RouteProp, navigation: NavProp, |}) => React$Node, |}; declare export type ScreenComponent< GlobalParamList: ParamListBase, ParamList: ParamListBase, State: NavigationState = NavigationState, ScreenOptions: {...} = {...}, EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore, > = < RouteName: $Keys, NavProp: NavigationProp< GlobalParamList, RouteName, State, ScreenOptions, EventMap, >, >(props: ScreenProps< ParamList, NavProp, RouteName, State, ScreenOptions, EventMap, >) => React$Node; declare type ScreenOptionsProp = {| +screenOptions?: | ScreenOptions | ({| route: LeafRoute<>, navigation: NavProp |}) => ScreenOptions, |}; declare export type ExtraNavigatorPropsBase = { ...$Exact, +children?: React$Node, ... }; declare export type NavigatorPropsBase = { ...$Exact, ...ScreenOptionsProp, ... }; declare export type CreateNavigator< State: NavigationState, ScreenOptions: {...}, EventMap: EventMapBase, ExtraNavigatorProps: ExtraNavigatorPropsBase, > = < GlobalParamList: ParamListBase, ParamList: ParamListBase, NavProp: NavigationHelpers< GlobalParamList, State, EventMap, >, >() => {| +Screen: ScreenComponent< GlobalParamList, ParamList, State, ScreenOptions, EventMap, >, +Navigator: React$ComponentType<{| ...$Exact, ...ScreenOptionsProp, |}>, |}; declare export type CreateNavigatorFactory = < State: NavigationState, ScreenOptions: {...}, EventMap: EventMapBase, NavProp: NavigationHelpers< ParamListBase, State, EventMap, >, ExtraNavigatorProps: ExtraNavigatorPropsBase, >( navigator: React$ComponentType<{| ...$Exact, ...ScreenOptionsProp, |}>, ) => CreateNavigator; /** * useNavigationBuilder */ declare export type Descriptor< NavProp, ScreenOptions: {...} = {...}, > = {| +render: () => React$Node, +options: $ReadOnly, +navigation: NavProp, |}; declare export type UseNavigationBuilder = < State: NavigationState, Action: GenericNavigationAction, ScreenOptions: {...}, RouterOptions: DefaultRouterOptions, NavProp, >( routerFactory: RouterFactory, options: {| ...$Exact, ...ScreenOptionsProp, +children?: React$Node, |}, ) => {| +state: State, +descriptors: {| +[key: string]: Descriptor |}, +navigation: NavProp, |}; /** * EdgeInsets */ declare type EdgeInsets = {| +top: number, +right: number, +bottom: number, +left: number, |}; /** * TransitionPreset */ declare export type TransitionSpec = | {| animation: 'spring', config: $Diff< SpringAnimationConfigSingle, { toValue: number | AnimatedValue, ... }, >, |} | {| animation: 'timing', config: $Diff< TimingAnimationConfigSingle, { toValue: number | AnimatedValue, ... }, >, |}; declare export type StackCardInterpolationProps = {| +current: {| +progress: AnimatedInterpolation, |}, +next?: {| +progress: AnimatedInterpolation, |}, +index: number, +closing: AnimatedInterpolation, +swiping: AnimatedInterpolation, +inverted: AnimatedInterpolation, +layouts: {| +screen: {| +width: number, +height: number |}, |}, +insets: EdgeInsets, |}; declare export type StackCardInterpolatedStyle = {| containerStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp, cardStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp, overlayStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp, shadowStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp, |}; declare export type StackCardStyleInterpolator = ( props: StackCardInterpolationProps, ) => StackCardInterpolatedStyle; declare export type StackHeaderInterpolationProps = {| +current: {| +progress: AnimatedInterpolation, |}, +next?: {| +progress: AnimatedInterpolation, |}, +layouts: {| +header: {| +width: number, +height: number |}, +screen: {| +width: number, +height: number |}, +title?: {| +width: number, +height: number |}, +leftLabel?: {| +width: number, +height: number |}, |}, |}; declare export type StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle = {| leftLabelStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp, leftButtonStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp, rightButtonStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp, titleStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp, backgroundStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp, |}; declare export type StackHeaderStyleInterpolator = ( props: StackHeaderInterpolationProps, ) => StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle; declare type GestureDirection = | 'horizontal' | 'horizontal-inverted' | 'vertical' | 'vertical-inverted'; declare export type TransitionPreset = {| +gestureDirection: GestureDirection, +transitionSpec: {| +open: TransitionSpec, +close: TransitionSpec, |}, +cardStyleInterpolator: StackCardStyleInterpolator, +headerStyleInterpolator: StackHeaderStyleInterpolator, |}; /** * Stack options */ declare export type StackDescriptor = Descriptor< StackNavigationProp<>, StackOptions, >; declare type Scene = {| +route: T, +descriptor: StackDescriptor, +progress: {| +current: AnimatedInterpolation, +next?: AnimatedInterpolation, +previous?: AnimatedInterpolation, |}, |}; declare export type StackHeaderProps = {| +mode: 'float' | 'screen', +layout: {| +width: number, +height: number |}, +insets: EdgeInsets, +scene: Scene>, +previous?: Scene>, +navigation: StackNavigationProp, +styleInterpolator: StackHeaderStyleInterpolator, |}; declare export type StackHeaderLeftButtonProps = $Partial<{| +onPress: (() => void), +pressColorAndroid: string; +backImage: (props: {| tintColor: string |}) => React$Node, +tintColor: string, +label: string, +truncatedLabel: string, +labelVisible: boolean, +labelStyle: AnimatedTextStyleProp, +allowFontScaling: boolean, +onLabelLayout: LayoutEvent => void, +screenLayout: {| +width: number, +height: number |}, +titleLayout: {| +width: number, +height: number |}, +canGoBack: boolean, |}>; declare type StackHeaderTitleInputBase = { +onLayout: LayoutEvent => void, +children: string, +allowFontScaling: ?boolean, +tintColor: ?string, +style: ?AnimatedTextStyleProp, ... }; declare export type StackHeaderTitleInputProps = $Exact; declare export type StackOptions = $Partial<{| +title: string, +header: StackHeaderProps => React$Node, +headerShown: boolean, +cardShadowEnabled: boolean, +cardOverlayEnabled: boolean, +cardOverlay: {| style: ViewStyleProp |} => React$Node, +cardStyle: ViewStyleProp, +animationEnabled: boolean, +animationTypeForReplace: 'push' | 'pop', +gestureEnabled: boolean, +gestureResponseDistance: {| vertical?: number, horizontal?: number |}, +gestureVelocityImpact: number, +safeAreaInsets: $Partial, // Transition ...TransitionPreset, // Header +headerTitle: string | (StackHeaderTitleInputProps => React$Node), +headerTitleAlign: 'left' | 'center', +headerTitleStyle: AnimatedTextStyleProp, +headerTitleContainerStyle: ViewStyleProp, +headerTintColor: string, +headerTitleAllowFontScaling: boolean, +headerBackAllowFontScaling: boolean, +headerBackTitle: string | null, +headerBackTitleStyle: TextStyleProp, +headerBackTitleVisible: boolean, +headerTruncatedBackTitle: string, +headerLeft: StackHeaderLeftButtonProps => React$Node, +headerLeftContainerStyle: ViewStyleProp, +headerRight: {| tintColor?: string |} => React$Node, +headerRightContainerStyle: ViewStyleProp, +headerBackImage: $PropertyType, +headerPressColorAndroid: string, +headerBackground: ({| style: ViewStyleProp |}) => React$Node, +headerStyle: ViewStyleProp, +headerTransparent: boolean, +headerStatusBarHeight: number, |}>; /** * Stack navigation prop */ declare export type StackNavigationEventMap = {| ...EventMapCore, +transitionStart: {| +data: {| +closing: boolean |}, +canPreventDefault: false, |}, +transitionEnd: {| +data: {| +closing: boolean |}, +canPreventDefault: false, |}, +gestureStart: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |}, +gestureEnd: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |}, +gestureCancel: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |}, |}; declare type InexactStackNavigationProp< ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, Options: {...} = StackOptions, EventMap: EventMapBase = StackNavigationEventMap, > = { ...$Exact>, +replace: SimpleNavigate, +push: SimpleNavigate, +pop: (count?: number) => void, +popToTop: () => void, ... }; declare export type StackNavigationProp< ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, Options: {...} = StackOptions, EventMap: EventMapBase = StackNavigationEventMap, > = $Exact>; /** * Miscellaneous stack exports */ declare type StackNavigationConfig = {| +mode?: 'card' | 'modal', +headerMode?: 'float' | 'screen' | 'none', +keyboardHandlingEnabled?: boolean, +detachInactiveScreens?: boolean, |}; declare export type ExtraStackNavigatorProps = {| ...$Exact, ...StackRouterOptions, ...StackNavigationConfig, |}; declare export type StackNavigatorProps< NavProp: InexactStackNavigationProp<> = StackNavigationProp<>, > = {| ...ExtraStackNavigatorProps, ...ScreenOptionsProp, |}; /** * Bottom tab options */ declare export type BottomTabBarButtonProps = {| ...$Diff< TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, {| onPress?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed |}, >, +to?: string, +children: React$Node, +onPress?: (MouseEvent | PressEvent) => void, |}; declare export type TabBarVisibilityAnimationConfig = | {| +animation: 'spring', +config?: $Diff< SpringAnimationConfigSingle, { toValue: number | AnimatedValue, useNativeDriver: boolean, ... }, >, |} | {| +animation: 'timing', +config?: $Diff< TimingAnimationConfigSingle, { toValue: number | AnimatedValue, useNativeDriver: boolean, ... }, >, |}; declare export type BottomTabOptions = $Partial<{| +title: string, +tabBarLabel: | string | ({| focused: boolean, color: string |}) => React$Node, +tabBarIcon: ({| focused: boolean, color: string, size: number, |}) => React$Node, +tabBarBadge: number | string, +tabBarBadgeStyle: TextStyleProp, +tabBarAccessibilityLabel: string, +tabBarTestID: string, +tabBarVisible: boolean, +tabBarVisibilityAnimationConfig: $Partial<{| +show: TabBarVisibilityAnimationConfig, +hide: TabBarVisibilityAnimationConfig, |}>, +tabBarButton: BottomTabBarButtonProps => React$Node, +unmountOnBlur: boolean, |}>; /** * Bottom tab navigation prop */ declare export type BottomTabNavigationEventMap = {| ...EventMapCore, +tabPress: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: true |}, +tabLongPress: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |}, |}; declare type InexactTabNavigationProp< ParamList: ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys, Options: {...}, EventMap: EventMapBase, > = { ...$Exact>, +jumpTo: SimpleNavigate, ... }; declare export type InexactBottomTabNavigationProp< ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, Options: {...} = BottomTabOptions, EventMap: EventMapBase = BottomTabNavigationEventMap, > = InexactTabNavigationProp< ParamList, RouteName, Options, EventMap, >; declare export type BottomTabNavigationProp< ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, Options: {...} = BottomTabOptions, EventMap: EventMapBase = BottomTabNavigationEventMap, > = $Exact>; /** * Miscellaneous bottom tab exports */ declare export type BottomTabDescriptor = Descriptor< BottomTabNavigationProp<>, BottomTabOptions, >; declare export type BottomTabBarOptions = $Partial<{| +keyboardHidesTabBar: boolean, +activeTintColor: string, +inactiveTintColor: string, +activeBackgroundColor: string, +inactiveBackgroundColor: string, +allowFontScaling: boolean, +showLabel: boolean, +showIcon: boolean, +labelStyle: TextStyleProp, +iconStyle: TextStyleProp, +tabStyle: ViewStyleProp, +labelPosition: 'beside-icon' | 'below-icon', +adaptive: boolean, +safeAreaInsets: $Partial, +style: ViewStyleProp, |}>; declare type BottomTabNavigationBuilderResult = {| +state: TabNavigationState, +navigation: BottomTabNavigationProp<>, +descriptors: {| +[key: string]: BottomTabDescriptor |}, |}; declare export type BottomTabBarProps = {| ...BottomTabBarOptions, ...BottomTabNavigationBuilderResult, |} declare type BottomTabNavigationConfig = {| +lazy?: boolean, +tabBar?: BottomTabBarProps => React$Node, +tabBarOptions?: BottomTabBarOptions, +detachInactiveScreens?: boolean, |}; declare export type ExtraBottomTabNavigatorProps = {| ...$Exact, ...TabRouterOptions, ...BottomTabNavigationConfig, |}; declare export type BottomTabNavigatorProps< NavProp: InexactBottomTabNavigationProp<> = BottomTabNavigationProp<>, > = {| ...ExtraBottomTabNavigatorProps, ...ScreenOptionsProp, |}; /** * Material bottom tab options */ declare export type MaterialBottomTabOptions = $Partial<{| +title: string, +tabBarColor: string, +tabBarLabel: string, +tabBarIcon: | string | ({| +focused: boolean, +color: string |}) => React$Node, +tabBarBadge: boolean | number | string, +tabBarAccessibilityLabel: string, +tabBarTestID: string, |}>; /** * Material bottom tab navigation prop */ declare export type MaterialBottomTabNavigationEventMap = {| ...EventMapCore, +tabPress: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: true |}, |}; declare export type InexactMaterialBottomTabNavigationProp< ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, Options: {...} = MaterialBottomTabOptions, EventMap: EventMapBase = MaterialBottomTabNavigationEventMap, > = InexactTabNavigationProp< ParamList, RouteName, Options, EventMap, >; declare export type MaterialBottomTabNavigationProp< ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, Options: {...} = MaterialBottomTabOptions, EventMap: EventMapBase = MaterialBottomTabNavigationEventMap, > = $Exact>; /** * Miscellaneous material bottom tab exports */ declare export type PaperFont = {| +fontFamily: string, +fontWeight?: | 'normal' | 'bold' | '100' | '200' | '300' | '400' | '500' | '600' | '700' | '800' | '900', |}; declare export type PaperFonts = {| +regular: PaperFont, +medium: PaperFont, +light: PaperFont, +thin: PaperFont, |}; declare export type PaperTheme = {| +dark: boolean, +mode?: 'adaptive' | 'exact', +roundness: number, +colors: {| +primary: string, +background: string, +surface: string, +accent: string, +error: string, +text: string, +onSurface: string, +onBackground: string, +disabled: string, +placeholder: string, +backdrop: string, +notification: string, |}, +fonts: PaperFonts, +animation: {| +scale: number, |}, |}; declare export type PaperRoute = {| +key: string, +title?: string, +icon?: any, +badge?: string | number | boolean, +color?: string, +accessibilityLabel?: string, +testID?: string, |}; declare export type PaperTouchableProps = {| ...TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, +key: string, +route: PaperRoute, +children: React$Node, +borderless?: boolean, +centered?: boolean, +rippleColor?: string, |}; declare export type MaterialBottomTabNavigationConfig = {| +shifting?: boolean, +labeled?: boolean, +renderTouchable?: PaperTouchableProps => React$Node, +activeColor?: string, +inactiveColor?: string, +sceneAnimationEnabled?: boolean, +keyboardHidesNavigationBar?: boolean, +barStyle?: ViewStyleProp, +style?: ViewStyleProp, +theme?: PaperTheme, |}; declare export type ExtraMaterialBottomTabNavigatorProps = {| ...$Exact, ...TabRouterOptions, ...MaterialBottomTabNavigationConfig, |}; declare export type MaterialBottomTabNavigatorProps< NavProp: InexactMaterialBottomTabNavigationProp<> = MaterialBottomTabNavigationProp<>, > = {| ...ExtraMaterialBottomTabNavigatorProps, ...ScreenOptionsProp, |}; /** * Material top tab options */ declare export type MaterialTopTabOptions = $Partial<{| +title: string, +tabBarLabel: | string | ({| +focused: boolean, +color: string |}) => React$Node, +tabBarIcon: ({| +focused: boolean, +color: string |}) => React$Node, +tabBarAccessibilityLabel: string, +tabBarTestID: string, |}>; /** * Material top tab navigation prop */ declare export type MaterialTopTabNavigationEventMap = {| ...EventMapCore, +tabPress: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: true |}, +tabLongPress: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |}, +swipeStart: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |}, +swipeEnd: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |}, |}; declare export type InexactMaterialTopTabNavigationProp< ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, Options: {...} = MaterialTopTabOptions, EventMap: EventMapBase = MaterialTopTabNavigationEventMap, > = InexactTabNavigationProp< ParamList, RouteName, Options, EventMap, >; declare export type MaterialTopTabNavigationProp< ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, Options: {...} = MaterialTopTabOptions, EventMap: EventMapBase = MaterialTopTabNavigationEventMap, > = $Exact>; /** * Miscellaneous material top tab exports */ declare type MaterialTopTabPagerCommonProps = {| +keyboardDismissMode: 'none' | 'on-drag' | 'auto', +swipeEnabled: boolean, +swipeVelocityImpact?: number, +springVelocityScale?: number, +springConfig: $Partial<{| +damping: number, +mass: number, +stiffness: number, +restSpeedThreshold: number, +restDisplacementThreshold: number, |}>, +timingConfig: $Partial<{| +duration: number, |}>, |}; declare export type MaterialTopTabPagerProps = {| ...MaterialTopTabPagerCommonProps, +onSwipeStart?: () => void, +onSwipeEnd?: () => void, +onIndexChange: (index: number) => void, +navigationState: TabNavigationState, +layout: {| +width: number, +height: number |}, +removeClippedSubviews: boolean, +children: ({| +addListener: (type: 'enter', listener: number => void) => void, +removeListener: (type: 'enter', listener: number => void) => void, +position: any, // Reanimated.Node +render: React$Node => React$Node, +jumpTo: string => void, |}) => React$Node, +gestureHandlerProps: PanGestureHandlerProps, |}; declare export type MaterialTopTabBarIndicatorProps = {| +navigationState: TabNavigationState, +width: string, +style?: ViewStyleProp, +getTabWidth: number => number, |}; declare export type MaterialTopTabBarOptions = $Partial<{| +scrollEnabled: boolean, +bounces: boolean, +pressColor: string, +pressOpacity: number, +getAccessible: ({| +route: Route<> |}) => boolean, +renderBadge: ({| +route: Route<> |}) => React$Node, +renderIndicator: MaterialTopTabBarIndicatorProps => React$Node, +tabStyle: ViewStyleProp, +indicatorStyle: ViewStyleProp, +indicatorContainerStyle: ViewStyleProp, +labelStyle: TextStyleProp, +contentContainerStyle: ViewStyleProp, +style: ViewStyleProp, +activeTintColor: string, +inactiveTintColor: string, +iconStyle: ViewStyleProp, +labelStyle: TextStyleProp, +showLabel: boolean, +showIcon: boolean, +allowFontScaling: boolean, |}>; declare export type MaterialTopTabDescriptor = Descriptor< MaterialBottomTabNavigationProp<>, MaterialBottomTabOptions, >; declare type MaterialTopTabNavigationBuilderResult = {| +state: TabNavigationState, +navigation: MaterialTopTabNavigationProp<>, +descriptors: {| +[key: string]: MaterialTopTabDescriptor |}, |}; declare export type MaterialTopTabBarProps = {| ...MaterialTopTabBarOptions, ...MaterialTopTabNavigationBuilderResult, +layout: {| +width: number, +height: number |}, +position: any, // Reanimated.Node +jumpTo: string => void, |}; declare export type MaterialTopTabNavigationConfig = {| ...$Partial, +position?: any, // Reanimated.Value +tabBarPosition?: 'top' | 'bottom', +initialLayout?: $Partial<{| +width: number, +height: number |}>, +lazy?: boolean, +lazyPreloadDistance?: number, +removeClippedSubviews?: boolean, +sceneContainerStyle?: ViewStyleProp, +style?: ViewStyleProp, +gestureHandlerProps?: PanGestureHandlerProps, +pager?: MaterialTopTabPagerProps => React$Node, +lazyPlaceholder?: ({| +route: Route<> |}) => React$Node, +tabBar?: MaterialTopTabBarProps => React$Node, +tabBarOptions?: MaterialTopTabBarOptions, |}; declare export type ExtraMaterialTopTabNavigatorProps = {| ...$Exact, ...TabRouterOptions, ...MaterialTopTabNavigationConfig, |}; declare export type MaterialTopTabNavigatorProps< NavProp: InexactMaterialTopTabNavigationProp<> = MaterialTopTabNavigationProp<>, > = {| ...ExtraMaterialTopTabNavigatorProps, ...ScreenOptionsProp, |}; /** * Drawer options */ declare export type DrawerOptions = $Partial<{| title: string, drawerLabel: | string | ({| +color: string, +focused: boolean |}) => React$Node, drawerIcon: ({| +color: string, +size: number, +focused: boolean, |}) => React$Node, gestureEnabled: boolean, swipeEnabled: boolean, unmountOnBlur: boolean, |}>; /** * Drawer navigation prop */ declare export type DrawerNavigationEventMap = {| ...EventMapCore, +drawerOpen: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |}, +drawerClose: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |}, |}; declare export type InexactDrawerNavigationProp< ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, Options: {...} = DrawerOptions, EventMap: EventMapBase = DrawerNavigationEventMap, > = { ...$Exact>, +jumpTo: SimpleNavigate, +openDrawer: () => void, +closeDrawer: () => void, +toggleDrawer: () => void, ... }; declare export type DrawerNavigationProp< ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase, RouteName: $Keys = $Keys, Options: {...} = DrawerOptions, EventMap: EventMapBase = DrawerNavigationEventMap, > = $Exact>; /** * Miscellaneous drawer exports */ declare export type DrawerDescriptor = Descriptor< DrawerNavigationProp<>, DrawerOptions, >; declare export type DrawerItemListBaseOptions = $Partial<{| +activeTintColor: string, +activeBackgroundColor: string, +inactiveTintColor: string, +inactiveBackgroundColor: string, +itemStyle: ViewStyleProp, +labelStyle: TextStyleProp, |}>; declare export type DrawerContentOptions = $Partial<{| ...DrawerItemListBaseOptions, +contentContainerStyle: ViewStyleProp, +style: ViewStyleProp, |}>; declare type DrawerNavigationBuilderResult = {| +state: DrawerNavigationState, +navigation: DrawerNavigationProp<>, +descriptors: {| +[key: string]: DrawerDescriptor |}, |}; declare export type DrawerContentProps = {| ...DrawerContentOptions, ...DrawerNavigationBuilderResult, +progress: any, // Reanimated.Node |}; declare export type DrawerNavigationConfig = {| +drawerPosition?: 'left' | 'right', +drawerType?: 'front' | 'back' | 'slide' | 'permanent', +edgeWidth?: number, +hideStatusBar?: boolean, +keyboardDismissMode?: 'on-drag' | 'none', +minSwipeDistance?: number, +overlayColor?: string, +statusBarAnimation?: 'slide' | 'none' | 'fade', +gestureHandlerProps?: PanGestureHandlerProps, +lazy?: boolean, +drawerContent?: DrawerContentProps => React$Node, +drawerContentOptions?: DrawerContentOptions, +sceneContainerStyle?: ViewStyleProp, +drawerStyle?: ViewStyleProp, +detachInactiveScreens?: boolean, |}; declare export type ExtraDrawerNavigatorProps = {| ...$Exact, ...DrawerRouterOptions, ...DrawerNavigationConfig, |}; declare export type DrawerNavigatorProps< NavProp: InexactDrawerNavigationProp<> = DrawerNavigationProp<>, > = {| ...ExtraDrawerNavigatorProps, ...ScreenOptionsProp, |}; /** * BaseNavigationContainer */ declare export type BaseNavigationContainerProps = {| +children: React$Node, +initialState?: PossiblyStaleNavigationState, +onStateChange?: (state: ?PossiblyStaleNavigationState) => void, +independent?: boolean, |}; declare export type ContainerEventMap = {| ...GlobalEventMap, +options: {| +data: {| +options: { +[key: string]: mixed, ... } |}, +canPreventDefault: false, |}, +__unsafe_action__: {| +data: {| +action: GenericNavigationAction, +noop: boolean, |}, +canPreventDefault: false, |}, |}; declare export type BaseNavigationContainerInterface = {| ...$Exact>, +setParams: (params: ScreenParams) => void, +resetRoot: (state?: ?PossiblyStaleNavigationState) => void, +getRootState: () => PossiblyStaleNavigationState, |}; /** * State utils */ declare export type GetStateFromPath = ( path: string, options?: LinkingConfig, ) => PossiblyStaleNavigationState; declare export type GetPathFromState = ( state?: ?PossiblyStaleNavigationState, options?: LinkingConfig, ) => string; declare export type GetFocusedRouteNameFromRoute = PossiblyStaleRoute => ?string; /** * Linking */ declare export type ScreenLinkingConfig = {| +path?: string, +exact?: boolean, +parse?: {| +[param: string]: string => mixed |}, +stringify?: {| +[param: string]: mixed => string |}, +screens?: ScreenLinkingConfigMap, +initialRouteName?: string, |}; declare export type ScreenLinkingConfigMap = {| +[routeName: string]: string | ScreenLinkingConfig, |}; declare export type LinkingConfig = {| +initialRouteName?: string, +screens: ScreenLinkingConfigMap, |}; declare export type LinkingOptions = {| +enabled?: boolean, +prefixes: $ReadOnlyArray, +config?: LinkingConfig, +getStateFromPath?: GetStateFromPath, +getPathFromState?: GetPathFromState, |}; /** * NavigationContainer */ declare export type Theme = {| +dark: boolean, +colors: {| +primary: string, +background: string, +card: string, +text: string, +border: string, |}, |}; declare export type NavigationContainerType = React$AbstractComponent< {| ...BaseNavigationContainerProps, +theme?: Theme, +linking?: LinkingOptions, +fallback?: React$Node, +onReady?: () => mixed, |}, BaseNavigationContainerInterface, >; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SECTION 2: EXPORTED MODULE // This section defines the module exports and contains exported types that // are not present in any other React Navigation libdef. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Actions and routers */ declare export var CommonActions: CommonActionsType; declare export var StackActions: StackActionsType; declare export var TabActions: TabActionsType; declare export var DrawerActions: DrawerActionsType; declare export var BaseRouter: RouterFactory< NavigationState, CommonAction, DefaultRouterOptions, >; declare export var StackRouter: RouterFactory< StackNavigationState, StackAction, StackRouterOptions, >; declare export var TabRouter: RouterFactory< TabNavigationState, TabAction, TabRouterOptions, >; declare export var DrawerRouter: RouterFactory< DrawerNavigationState, DrawerAction, DrawerRouterOptions, >; /** * Navigator utils */ declare export var BaseNavigationContainer: React$AbstractComponent< BaseNavigationContainerProps, BaseNavigationContainerInterface, >; declare export var createNavigatorFactory: CreateNavigatorFactory; declare export var useNavigationBuilder: UseNavigationBuilder; declare export var NavigationHelpersContext: React$Context< ?NavigationHelpers, >; /** * Navigation prop / route accessors */ declare export var NavigationContext: React$Context< ?NavigationProp, >; declare export function useNavigation(): NavigationProp; declare export var NavigationRouteContext: React$Context>; declare export function useRoute(): LeafRoute<>; declare export function useNavigationState( selector: NavigationState => T, ): T; /** * Focus utils */ declare export function useFocusEffect( effect: () => ?(() => mixed), ): void; declare export function useIsFocused(): boolean; /** * State utils */ declare export var getStateFromPath: GetStateFromPath; declare export var getPathFromState: GetPathFromState; declare export function getActionFromState( state: PossiblyStaleNavigationState, ): ?NavigateAction; declare export var getFocusedRouteNameFromRoute: GetFocusedRouteNameFromRoute; /** * useScrollToTop */ declare type ScrollToOptions = { y?: number, animated?: boolean, ... }; declare type ScrollToOffsetOptions = { offset: number, animated?: boolean, ... }; declare type ScrollableView = | { scrollToTop(): void, ... } | { scrollTo(options: ScrollToOptions): void, ... } | { scrollToOffset(options: ScrollToOffsetOptions): void, ... } | { scrollResponderScrollTo(options: ScrollToOptions): void, ... }; declare type ScrollableWrapper = | { getScrollResponder(): React$Node, ... } | { getNode(): ScrollableView, ... } | ScrollableView; declare export function useScrollToTop( ref: { +current: ?ScrollableWrapper, ... }, ): void; /** * Themes */ declare export var DefaultTheme: Theme & { +dark: false, ... }; declare export var DarkTheme: Theme & { +dark: true, ... }; declare export function useTheme(): Theme; declare export var ThemeProvider: React$ComponentType<{| +value: Theme, +children: React$Node, |}>; /** * Linking */ declare export var Link: React$ComponentType<{ +to: string, +action?: GenericNavigationAction, +target?: string, +children: React$Node, ... }>; - declare export function useLinking( - container: { +current: ?React$ElementRef, ... }, - options: LinkingOptions, - ): {| +getInitialState: () => Promise |}; - declare export function useLinkTo(): (path: string) => void; declare export function useLinkProps(props: {| +to: To, +action?: GenericNavigationAction, |}): {| +href: To, +accessibilityRole: 'link', +onPress: (MouseEvent | PressEvent) => void, |}; declare export function useLinkBuilder(): ( name: string, params?: ScreenParams, ) => ?string; /** * NavigationContainer */ declare export var NavigationContainer: NavigationContainerType; /** * useBackButton */ declare export function useBackButton( container: { +current: ?React$ElementRef, ... }, ): void; }