diff --git a/landing/siwe.react.js b/landing/siwe.react.js index c886b6f2e..da16590ae 100644 --- a/landing/siwe.react.js +++ b/landing/siwe.react.js @@ -1,191 +1,199 @@ // @flow import { useConnectModal, RainbowKitProvider, darkTheme, useModalState, ConnectButton, connectorsForWallets, } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit'; import '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit/styles.css'; import { injectedWallet, rainbowWallet, metaMaskWallet, walletConnectWallet, // eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit/wallets'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import _merge from 'lodash/fp/merge.js'; import * as React from 'react'; import { useAccount, useSigner, WagmiConfig } from 'wagmi'; import type { SIWEWebViewMessage } from 'lib/types/siwe-types.js'; import { getSIWEStatementForPublicKey, siweStatementWithoutPublicKey, siweMessageSigningExplanationStatements, createSIWEMessage, } from 'lib/utils/siwe-utils.js'; import { configureWagmiChains, createWagmiClient, } from 'lib/utils/wagmi-utils.js'; import { SIWEContext } from './siwe-context.js'; import css from './siwe.css'; const { chains, provider } = configureWagmiChains(process.env.COMM_ALCHEMY_KEY); const connectors = connectorsForWallets([ { + groupName: 'Recommended', wallets: [ injectedWallet({ chains }), rainbowWallet({ chains }), metaMaskWallet({ chains }), walletConnectWallet({ chains }), ], }, ]); const wagmiClient = createWagmiClient({ connectors, provider }); function postMessageToNativeWebView(message: SIWEWebViewMessage) { window.ReactNativeWebView?.postMessage?.(JSON.stringify(message)); } async function signInWithEthereum( address: string, signer, nonce: string, statement: string, ) { invariant(nonce, 'nonce must be present in signInWithEthereum'); const message = createSIWEMessage(address, statement, nonce); const signature = await signer.signMessage(message); postMessageToNativeWebView({ type: 'siwe_success', address, message, signature, }); } function SIWE(): React.Node { const { address } = useAccount(); const { data: signer } = useSigner(); const { siweNonce, siwePrimaryIdentityPublicKey } = React.useContext( SIWEContext, ); const onClick = React.useCallback(() => { invariant(siweNonce, 'nonce must be present during SIWE attempt'); const statement = siwePrimaryIdentityPublicKey ? getSIWEStatementForPublicKey(siwePrimaryIdentityPublicKey) : siweStatementWithoutPublicKey; signInWithEthereum(address, signer, siweNonce, statement); }, [address, signer, siweNonce, siwePrimaryIdentityPublicKey]); const { openConnectModal } = useConnectModal(); const hasNonce = siweNonce !== null && siweNonce !== undefined; React.useEffect(() => { if (hasNonce && openConnectModal) { openConnectModal(); } }, [hasNonce, openConnectModal]); const prevConnectModalOpen = React.useRef(false); const modalState = useModalState(); + const closeTimeoutRef = React.useRef(); const { connectModalOpen } = modalState; React.useEffect(() => { if (!connectModalOpen && prevConnectModalOpen.current && !signer) { - postMessageToNativeWebView({ type: 'siwe_closed' }); + closeTimeoutRef.current = setTimeout( + () => postMessageToNativeWebView({ type: 'siwe_closed' }), + 50, + ); + } else if (closeTimeoutRef.current) { + clearTimeout(closeTimeoutRef.current); + closeTimeoutRef.current = undefined; } prevConnectModalOpen.current = connectModalOpen; }, [connectModalOpen, signer]); const newModalAppeared = React.useCallback(mutationList => { for (const mutation of mutationList) { for (const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) { if ( addedNode instanceof HTMLElement && addedNode.id === 'walletconnect-wrapper' ) { postMessageToNativeWebView({ type: 'walletconnect_modal_update', state: 'open', }); } } for (const addedNode of mutation.removedNodes) { if ( addedNode instanceof HTMLElement && addedNode.id === 'walletconnect-wrapper' ) { postMessageToNativeWebView({ type: 'walletconnect_modal_update', state: 'closed', }); } } } }, []); React.useEffect(() => { const observer = new MutationObserver(newModalAppeared); invariant(document.body, 'document.body should be set'); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true }); return () => { observer.disconnect(); }; }, [newModalAppeared]); if (!hasNonce) { return (
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