diff --git a/lib/actions/user-actions.js b/lib/actions/user-actions.js index 250d6b1b0..29f9fb766 100644 --- a/lib/actions/user-actions.js +++ b/lib/actions/user-actions.js @@ -1,1188 +1,1208 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; import type { CallSingleKeyserverEndpoint, CallSingleKeyserverEndpointOptions, } from '../keyserver-conn/call-single-keyserver-endpoint.js'; import { extractKeyserverIDFromID, sortThreadIDsPerKeyserver, sortCalendarQueryPerKeyserver, } from '../keyserver-conn/keyserver-call-utils.js'; import { useKeyserverCall } from '../keyserver-conn/keyserver-call.js'; import type { CallKeyserverEndpoint } from '../keyserver-conn/keyserver-conn-types.js'; import { usePreRequestUserState } from '../selectors/account-selectors.js'; import { getOneTimeKeyValuesFromBlob, getPrekeyValueFromBlob, } from '../shared/crypto-utils.js'; import { fetchLatestDeviceList } from '../shared/device-list-utils.js'; import { IdentityClientContext } from '../shared/identity-client-context.js'; import threadWatcher from '../shared/thread-watcher.js'; import { permissionsAndAuthRelatedRequestTimeout, callIdentityServiceTimeout, } from '../shared/timeouts.js'; import { useTunnelbroker } from '../tunnelbroker/tunnelbroker-context.js'; import type { LegacyLogInInfo, LegacyLogInResult, LegacyRegisterResult, LegacyRegisterInfo, UpdateUserSettingsRequest, PolicyAcknowledgmentRequest, ClaimUsernameRequest, ClaimUsernameResponse, LogInRequest, KeyserverAuthResult, KeyserverAuthInfo, KeyserverAuthRequest, ClientLogInResponse, KeyserverLogOutResult, LogOutResult, } from '../types/account-types.js'; import type { UpdateUserAvatarRequest, UpdateUserAvatarResponse, } from '../types/avatar-types.js'; import type { RawEntryInfo, CalendarQuery } from '../types/entry-types.js'; import type { Identities, IdentityAuthResult, } from '../types/identity-service-types'; import type { RawMessageInfo, MessageTruncationStatuses, } from '../types/message-types.js'; import type { GetOlmSessionInitializationDataResponse } from '../types/request-types.js'; import type { UserSearchResult, ExactUserSearchResult, } from '../types/search-types.js'; import type { PreRequestUserState } from '../types/session-types.js'; import type { SubscriptionUpdateRequest, SubscriptionUpdateResult, } from '../types/subscription-types.js'; import type { RawThreadInfos } from '../types/thread-types.js'; import { peerToPeerMessageTypes, type EncryptedMessage, } from '../types/tunnelbroker/peer-to-peer-message-types.js'; import { userActionsP2PMessageTypes, type SecondaryDeviceLogoutP2PMessage, } from '../types/tunnelbroker/user-actions-peer-to-peer-message-types.js'; import type { CurrentUserInfo, UserInfo, PasswordUpdate, LoggedOutUserInfo, } from '../types/user-types.js'; import { authoritativeKeyserverID } from '../utils/authoritative-keyserver.js'; import { getConfig } from '../utils/config.js'; import { createOlmSessionWithPeer } from '../utils/crypto-utils.js'; import { getMessageForException } from '../utils/errors.js'; import { useSelector } from '../utils/redux-utils.js'; import { usingCommServicesAccessToken } from '../utils/services-utils.js'; import sleep from '../utils/sleep.js'; const loggedOutUserInfo: LoggedOutUserInfo = { anonymous: true, }; export type KeyserverLogOutInput = { +preRequestUserState: PreRequestUserState, +keyserverIDs?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; const logOutActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'LOG_OUT_STARTED', success: 'LOG_OUT_SUCCESS', failed: 'LOG_OUT_FAILED', }); const keyserverLogOut = ( callKeyserverEndpoint: CallKeyserverEndpoint, allKeyserverIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ): ((input: KeyserverLogOutInput) => Promise) => async input => { const { preRequestUserState } = input; const keyserverIDs = input.keyserverIDs ?? allKeyserverIDs; const requests: { [string]: {} } = {}; for (const keyserverID of keyserverIDs) { requests[keyserverID] = {}; } let response = null; try { response = await Promise.race([ callKeyserverEndpoint('log_out', requests), (async () => { await sleep(500); throw new Error('keyserver log_out took more than 500ms'); })(), ]); } catch {} const currentUserInfo = response ? loggedOutUserInfo : null; return { currentUserInfo, preRequestUserState, keyserverIDs }; }; type UseLogOutOptions = { +logOutType?: 'legacy' | 'secondary_device', }; function useLogOut( options: UseLogOutOptions = {}, ): (keyserverIDs?: $ReadOnlyArray) => Promise { const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const identityClient = client?.identityClient; const preRequestUserState = usePreRequestUserState(); const callKeyserverLogOut = useKeyserverCall(keyserverLogOut); const commServicesAccessToken = useSelector( state => state.commServicesAccessToken, ); const { logOutType } = options; return React.useCallback( async (keyserverIDs?: $ReadOnlyArray) => { const identityPromise = (async () => { if (!usingCommServicesAccessToken || !commServicesAccessToken) { return; } if (!identityClient) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } const callIdentityClientLogOut = logOutType === 'secondary_device' ? identityClient.logOutSecondaryDevice : identityClient.logOut; try { await Promise.race([ callIdentityClientLogOut(), (async () => { await sleep(500); throw new Error('identity log_out took more than 500ms'); })(), ]); } catch {} })(); const [{ keyserverIDs: _, ...result }] = await Promise.all([ callKeyserverLogOut({ preRequestUserState, keyserverIDs, }), identityPromise, ]); return { ...result, preRequestUserState: { ...result.preRequestUserState, commServicesAccessToken, }, }; }, [ callKeyserverLogOut, commServicesAccessToken, identityClient, logOutType, preRequestUserState, ], ); } function useIdentityLogOut(): () => Promise { const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const identityClient = client?.identityClient; const preRequestUserState = usePreRequestUserState(); const commServicesAccessToken = useSelector( state => state.commServicesAccessToken, ); return React.useCallback(async () => { invariant( usingCommServicesAccessToken, 'identityLogOut can only be called when usingCommServicesAccessToken', ); if (!identityClient) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } try { await Promise.race([ identityClient.logOut(), (async () => { await sleep(500); throw new Error('identity log_out took more than 500ms'); })(), ]); } catch {} return { currentUserInfo: null, preRequestUserState: { ...preRequestUserState, commServicesAccessToken, }, }; }, [commServicesAccessToken, identityClient, preRequestUserState]); } const secondaryDeviceLogOutOptions = Object.freeze({ logOutType: 'secondary_device', }); function useSecondaryDeviceLogOut(): () => Promise { const { sendMessage } = useTunnelbroker(); const logOut = useLogOut(secondaryDeviceLogOutOptions); const identityContext = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); if (!identityContext) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } return React.useCallback(async () => { const { identityClient, getAuthMetadata } = identityContext; const authMetadata = await getAuthMetadata(); const { userID, deviceID } = authMetadata; if (!deviceID || !userID) { throw new Error('No auth metadata'); } // get current device list and primary device ID const { devices } = await fetchLatestDeviceList(identityClient, userID); const primaryDeviceID = devices[0]; if (deviceID === primaryDeviceID) { throw new Error('Used secondary device logout on primary device'); } // create and send Olm Tunnelbroker message to primary device const { olmAPI } = getConfig(); await olmAPI.initializeCryptoAccount(); const messageContents: SecondaryDeviceLogoutP2PMessage = { type: userActionsP2PMessageTypes.LOG_OUT_SECONDARY_DEVICE, }; try { const encryptedData = await olmAPI.encrypt( JSON.stringify(messageContents), primaryDeviceID, ); const encryptedMessage: EncryptedMessage = { type: peerToPeerMessageTypes.ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE, senderInfo: { deviceID, userID }, encryptedData, }; await sendMessage({ deviceID: primaryDeviceID, payload: JSON.stringify(encryptedMessage), }); } catch { try { await createOlmSessionWithPeer( authMetadata, identityClient, sendMessage, userID, primaryDeviceID, ); const encryptedData = await olmAPI.encrypt( JSON.stringify(messageContents), primaryDeviceID, ); const encryptedMessage: EncryptedMessage = { type: peerToPeerMessageTypes.ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE, senderInfo: { deviceID, userID }, encryptedData, }; await sendMessage({ deviceID: primaryDeviceID, payload: JSON.stringify(encryptedMessage), }); } catch (err) { console.warn('Error sending secondary device logout message:', err); } } // log out of identity service, keyserver and visually return logOut(); }, [identityContext, sendMessage, logOut]); } const claimUsernameActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'CLAIM_USERNAME_STARTED', success: 'CLAIM_USERNAME_SUCCESS', failed: 'CLAIM_USERNAME_FAILED', }); const claimUsername = ( callKeyserverEndpoint: CallKeyserverEndpoint, ): (( claimUsernameRequest: ClaimUsernameRequest, ) => Promise) => async (claimUsernameRequest: ClaimUsernameRequest) => { const requests = { [authoritativeKeyserverID()]: claimUsernameRequest }; const responses = await callKeyserverEndpoint('claim_username', requests); const response = responses[authoritativeKeyserverID()]; return { message: response.message, signature: response.signature, }; }; function useClaimUsername(): ( claimUsernameRequest: ClaimUsernameRequest, ) => Promise { return useKeyserverCall(claimUsername); } const deleteKeyserverAccountActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'DELETE_KEYSERVER_ACCOUNT_STARTED', success: 'DELETE_KEYSERVER_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS', failed: 'DELETE_KEYSERVER_ACCOUNT_FAILED', }); const deleteKeyserverAccount = ( callKeyserverEndpoint: CallKeyserverEndpoint, allKeyserverIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ): ((input: KeyserverLogOutInput) => Promise) => async input => { const { preRequestUserState } = input; const keyserverIDs = input.keyserverIDs ?? allKeyserverIDs; const requests: { [string]: {} } = {}; for (const keyserverID of keyserverIDs) { requests[keyserverID] = {}; } await callKeyserverEndpoint('delete_account', requests); return { currentUserInfo: loggedOutUserInfo, preRequestUserState, keyserverIDs, }; }; function useDeleteKeyserverAccount(): ( keyserverIDs?: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => Promise { const preRequestUserState = usePreRequestUserState(); const callKeyserverDeleteAccount = useKeyserverCall(deleteKeyserverAccount); return React.useCallback( (keyserverIDs?: $ReadOnlyArray) => callKeyserverDeleteAccount({ preRequestUserState, keyserverIDs }), [callKeyserverDeleteAccount, preRequestUserState], ); } const deleteAccountActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'DELETE_ACCOUNT_STARTED', success: 'DELETE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS', failed: 'DELETE_ACCOUNT_FAILED', }); function useDeleteAccount(): (password: ?string) => Promise { const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const identityClient = client?.identityClient; const preRequestUserState = usePreRequestUserState(); const callKeyserverDeleteAccount = useKeyserverCall(deleteKeyserverAccount); const commServicesAccessToken = useSelector( state => state.commServicesAccessToken, ); return React.useCallback( async password => { if (usingCommServicesAccessToken) { if (!identityClient) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } if ( !identityClient.deleteWalletUser || !identityClient.deletePasswordUser ) { throw new Error('Delete user method unimplemented'); } if (password) { await identityClient.deletePasswordUser(password); } else { await identityClient.deleteWalletUser(); } } try { const keyserverResult = await callKeyserverDeleteAccount({ preRequestUserState, }); const { keyserverIDs: _, ...result } = keyserverResult; return { ...result, preRequestUserState: { ...result.preRequestUserState, commServicesAccessToken, }, }; } catch (e) { if (!usingCommServicesAccessToken) { throw e; } console.log( 'Failed to delete account on keyserver:', getMessageForException(e), ); } return { currentUserInfo: null, preRequestUserState: { ...preRequestUserState, commServicesAccessToken, }, }; }, [ callKeyserverDeleteAccount, commServicesAccessToken, identityClient, preRequestUserState, ], ); } // useDeleteDiscardedIdentityAccount is used in a scenario where the user is // visibly logged-out, and it's only used to reset state (eg. Redux, SQLite) to // a logged-out state. function useDeleteDiscardedIdentityAccount(): ( password: ?string, ) => Promise { const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const identityClient = client?.identityClient; const preRequestUserState = usePreRequestUserState(); const commServicesAccessToken = useSelector( state => state.commServicesAccessToken, ); return React.useCallback( async password => { invariant( usingCommServicesAccessToken, 'deleteDiscardedIdentityAccount can only be called when ' + 'usingCommServicesAccessToken', ); if (!identityClient) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } if ( !identityClient.deleteWalletUser || !identityClient.deletePasswordUser ) { throw new Error('Delete user method unimplemented'); } const deleteUserPromise = password ? identityClient.deletePasswordUser(password) : identityClient.deleteWalletUser(); await Promise.race([ deleteUserPromise, (async () => { await sleep(callIdentityServiceTimeout); throw new Error('identity delete user call took more than 500ms'); })(), ]); return { currentUserInfo: null, preRequestUserState: { ...preRequestUserState, commServicesAccessToken, }, }; }, [commServicesAccessToken, identityClient, preRequestUserState], ); } const legacyKeyserverRegisterActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'LEGACY_KEYSERVER_REGISTER_STARTED', success: 'LEGACY_KEYSERVER_REGISTER_SUCCESS', failed: 'LEGACY_KEYSERVER_REGISTER_FAILED', }); const legacyKeyserverRegisterCallSingleKeyserverEndpointOptions = { timeout: permissionsAndAuthRelatedRequestTimeout, }; const legacyKeyserverRegister = ( callSingleKeyserverEndpoint: CallSingleKeyserverEndpoint, ): (( registerInfo: LegacyRegisterInfo, options?: CallSingleKeyserverEndpointOptions, ) => Promise) => async (registerInfo, options) => { const deviceTokenUpdateRequest = registerInfo.deviceTokenUpdateRequest[authoritativeKeyserverID()]; const { preRequestUserInfo, ...rest } = registerInfo; const response = await callSingleKeyserverEndpoint( 'create_account', { ...rest, deviceTokenUpdateRequest, platformDetails: getConfig().platformDetails, }, { ...legacyKeyserverRegisterCallSingleKeyserverEndpointOptions, ...options, }, ); return { currentUserInfo: response.currentUserInfo, rawMessageInfos: response.rawMessageInfos, threadInfos: response.cookieChange.threadInfos, userInfos: response.cookieChange.userInfos, calendarQuery: registerInfo.calendarQuery, }; }; export type KeyserverAuthInput = $ReadOnly<{ ...KeyserverAuthInfo, +preRequestUserInfo: ?CurrentUserInfo, }>; const keyserverAuthActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'KEYSERVER_AUTH_STARTED', success: 'KEYSERVER_AUTH_SUCCESS', failed: 'KEYSERVER_AUTH_FAILED', }); const keyserverAuthCallSingleKeyserverEndpointOptions = { timeout: permissionsAndAuthRelatedRequestTimeout, }; const keyserverAuth = ( callKeyserverEndpoint: CallKeyserverEndpoint, ): ((input: KeyserverAuthInput) => Promise) => async keyserverAuthInfo => { const watchedIDs = threadWatcher.getWatchedIDs(); const { authActionSource, calendarQuery, keyserverData, deviceTokenUpdateInput, preRequestUserInfo, ...restLogInInfo } = keyserverAuthInfo; const keyserverIDs = Object.keys(keyserverData); const watchedIDsPerKeyserver = sortThreadIDsPerKeyserver(watchedIDs); const calendarQueryPerKeyserver = sortCalendarQueryPerKeyserver( calendarQuery, keyserverIDs, ); const requests: { [string]: KeyserverAuthRequest } = {}; for (const keyserverID of keyserverIDs) { requests[keyserverID] = { ...restLogInInfo, deviceTokenUpdateRequest: deviceTokenUpdateInput[keyserverID], watchedIDs: watchedIDsPerKeyserver[keyserverID] ?? [], calendarQuery: calendarQueryPerKeyserver[keyserverID], platformDetails: getConfig().platformDetails, initialContentEncryptedMessage: keyserverData[keyserverID].initialContentEncryptedMessage, initialNotificationsEncryptedMessage: keyserverData[keyserverID].initialNotificationsEncryptedMessage, source: authActionSource, }; } const responses: { +[string]: ClientLogInResponse } = await callKeyserverEndpoint( 'keyserver_auth', requests, keyserverAuthCallSingleKeyserverEndpointOptions, ); const userInfosArrays = []; let threadInfos: RawThreadInfos = {}; const calendarResult: WritableCalendarResult = { calendarQuery: keyserverAuthInfo.calendarQuery, rawEntryInfos: [], }; const messagesResult: WritableGenericMessagesResult = { messageInfos: [], truncationStatus: {}, watchedIDsAtRequestTime: watchedIDs, currentAsOf: {}, }; let updatesCurrentAsOf: { +[string]: number } = {}; for (const keyserverID in responses) { threadInfos = { ...responses[keyserverID].cookieChange.threadInfos, ...threadInfos, }; if (responses[keyserverID].rawEntryInfos) { calendarResult.rawEntryInfos = calendarResult.rawEntryInfos.concat( responses[keyserverID].rawEntryInfos, ); } messagesResult.messageInfos = messagesResult.messageInfos.concat( responses[keyserverID].rawMessageInfos, ); messagesResult.truncationStatus = { ...messagesResult.truncationStatus, ...responses[keyserverID].truncationStatuses, }; messagesResult.currentAsOf = { ...messagesResult.currentAsOf, [keyserverID]: responses[keyserverID].serverTime, }; updatesCurrentAsOf = { ...updatesCurrentAsOf, [keyserverID]: responses[keyserverID].serverTime, }; userInfosArrays.push(responses[keyserverID].userInfos); userInfosArrays.push(responses[keyserverID].cookieChange.userInfos); } const userInfos = mergeUserInfos(...userInfosArrays); return { threadInfos, currentUserInfo: responses[authoritativeKeyserverID()]?.currentUserInfo, calendarResult, messagesResult, userInfos, updatesCurrentAsOf, authActionSource: keyserverAuthInfo.authActionSource, notAcknowledgedPolicies: responses[authoritativeKeyserverID()]?.notAcknowledgedPolicies, preRequestUserInfo, }; }; const identityRegisterActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'IDENTITY_REGISTER_STARTED', success: 'IDENTITY_REGISTER_SUCCESS', failed: 'IDENTITY_REGISTER_FAILED', }); function useIdentityPasswordRegister(): ( username: string, password: string, fid: ?string, ) => Promise { const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const identityClient = client?.identityClient; invariant(identityClient, 'Identity client should be set'); if (!identityClient.registerPasswordUser) { throw new Error('Register password user method unimplemented'); } return identityClient.registerPasswordUser; } function useIdentityWalletRegister(): ( walletAddress: string, siweMessage: string, siweSignature: string, fid: ?string, ) => Promise { const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const identityClient = client?.identityClient; invariant(identityClient, 'Identity client should be set'); if (!identityClient.registerWalletUser) { throw new Error('Register wallet user method unimplemented'); } return identityClient.registerWalletUser; } const identityGenerateNonceActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'IDENTITY_GENERATE_NONCE_STARTED', success: 'IDENTITY_GENERATE_NONCE_SUCCESS', failed: 'IDENTITY_GENERATE_NONCE_FAILED', }); function useIdentityGenerateNonce(): () => Promise { const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const identityClient = client?.identityClient; invariant(identityClient, 'Identity client should be set'); return identityClient.generateNonce; } function mergeUserInfos( ...userInfoArrays: Array<$ReadOnlyArray> ): UserInfo[] { const merged: { [string]: UserInfo } = {}; for (const userInfoArray of userInfoArrays) { for (const userInfo of userInfoArray) { merged[userInfo.id] = userInfo; } } const flattened = []; for (const id in merged) { flattened.push(merged[id]); } return flattened; } type WritableGenericMessagesResult = { messageInfos: RawMessageInfo[], truncationStatus: MessageTruncationStatuses, watchedIDsAtRequestTime: string[], currentAsOf: { [keyserverID: string]: number }, }; type WritableCalendarResult = { rawEntryInfos: RawEntryInfo[], calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, }; const identityLogInActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'IDENTITY_LOG_IN_STARTED', success: 'IDENTITY_LOG_IN_SUCCESS', failed: 'IDENTITY_LOG_IN_FAILED', }); function useIdentityPasswordLogIn(): ( username: string, password: string, ) => Promise { const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const identityClient = client?.identityClient; const preRequestUserState = useSelector(state => state.currentUserInfo); const callClaimUsername = useClaimUsername(); return React.useCallback( (username, password) => { if (!identityClient) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } return (async () => { let result; try { result = await identityClient.logInPasswordUser(username, password); } catch (e) { const { registerReservedPasswordUser } = identityClient; if ( !registerReservedPasswordUser || getMessageForException(e) !== 'need keyserver message to claim username' ) { throw e; } const { message, signature } = await callClaimUsername({ username, password, }); result = await registerReservedPasswordUser( username, password, message, signature, ); } return { ...result, preRequestUserState, }; })(); }, [identityClient, preRequestUserState, callClaimUsername], ); } function useIdentityWalletLogIn(): ( walletAddress: string, siweMessage: string, siweSignature: string, ) => Promise { const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const identityClient = client?.identityClient; invariant(identityClient, 'Identity client should be set'); return identityClient.logInWalletUser; } function useIdentitySecondaryDeviceLogIn(): ( userID: string, ) => Promise { const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const identityClient = client?.identityClient; invariant(identityClient, 'Identity client should be set'); const { generateNonce, uploadKeysForRegisteredDeviceAndLogIn } = identityClient; const { signMessage } = getConfig().olmAPI; return React.useCallback( async (userID: string) => { const nonce = await generateNonce(); const nonceSignature = await signMessage(nonce); return await uploadKeysForRegisteredDeviceAndLogIn(userID, { nonce, nonceSignature, }); }, [generateNonce, signMessage, uploadKeysForRegisteredDeviceAndLogIn], ); } const legacyLogInActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'LEGACY_LOG_IN_STARTED', success: 'LEGACY_LOG_IN_SUCCESS', failed: 'LEGACY_LOG_IN_FAILED', }); const legacyLogInCallSingleKeyserverEndpointOptions = { timeout: permissionsAndAuthRelatedRequestTimeout, }; const legacyLogIn = ( callKeyserverEndpoint: CallKeyserverEndpoint, ): ((input: LegacyLogInInfo) => Promise) => async logInInfo => { const watchedIDs = threadWatcher.getWatchedIDs(); const { authActionSource, calendarQuery, keyserverIDs: inputKeyserverIDs, preRequestUserInfo, ...restLogInInfo } = logInInfo; // Eventually the list of keyservers will be fetched from the // identity service const keyserverIDs = inputKeyserverIDs ?? [authoritativeKeyserverID()]; const watchedIDsPerKeyserver = sortThreadIDsPerKeyserver(watchedIDs); const calendarQueryPerKeyserver = sortCalendarQueryPerKeyserver( calendarQuery, keyserverIDs, ); const requests: { [string]: LogInRequest } = {}; for (const keyserverID of keyserverIDs) { requests[keyserverID] = { ...restLogInInfo, deviceTokenUpdateRequest: logInInfo.deviceTokenUpdateRequest[keyserverID], source: authActionSource, watchedIDs: watchedIDsPerKeyserver[keyserverID] ?? [], calendarQuery: calendarQueryPerKeyserver[keyserverID], platformDetails: getConfig().platformDetails, }; } const responses: { +[string]: ClientLogInResponse } = await callKeyserverEndpoint( 'log_in', requests, legacyLogInCallSingleKeyserverEndpointOptions, ); const userInfosArrays = []; let threadInfos: RawThreadInfos = {}; const calendarResult: WritableCalendarResult = { calendarQuery: logInInfo.calendarQuery, rawEntryInfos: [], }; const messagesResult: WritableGenericMessagesResult = { messageInfos: [], truncationStatus: {}, watchedIDsAtRequestTime: watchedIDs, currentAsOf: {}, }; let updatesCurrentAsOf: { +[string]: number } = {}; for (const keyserverID in responses) { threadInfos = { ...responses[keyserverID].cookieChange.threadInfos, ...threadInfos, }; if (responses[keyserverID].rawEntryInfos) { calendarResult.rawEntryInfos = calendarResult.rawEntryInfos.concat( responses[keyserverID].rawEntryInfos, ); } messagesResult.messageInfos = messagesResult.messageInfos.concat( responses[keyserverID].rawMessageInfos, ); messagesResult.truncationStatus = { ...messagesResult.truncationStatus, ...responses[keyserverID].truncationStatuses, }; messagesResult.currentAsOf = { ...messagesResult.currentAsOf, [keyserverID]: responses[keyserverID].serverTime, }; updatesCurrentAsOf = { ...updatesCurrentAsOf, [keyserverID]: responses[keyserverID].serverTime, }; userInfosArrays.push(responses[keyserverID].userInfos); userInfosArrays.push(responses[keyserverID].cookieChange.userInfos); } const userInfos = mergeUserInfos(...userInfosArrays); return { threadInfos, currentUserInfo: responses[authoritativeKeyserverID()].currentUserInfo, calendarResult, messagesResult, userInfos, updatesCurrentAsOf, authActionSource: logInInfo.authActionSource, notAcknowledgedPolicies: responses[authoritativeKeyserverID()].notAcknowledgedPolicies, preRequestUserInfo, }; }; function useLegacyLogIn(): ( input: LegacyLogInInfo, ) => Promise { return useKeyserverCall(legacyLogIn); } const changeKeyserverUserPasswordActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'CHANGE_KEYSERVER_USER_PASSWORD_STARTED', success: 'CHANGE_KEYSERVER_USER_PASSWORD_SUCCESS', failed: 'CHANGE_KEYSERVER_USER_PASSWORD_FAILED', }); const changeKeyserverUserPassword = ( callSingleKeyserverEndpoint: CallSingleKeyserverEndpoint, ): ((passwordUpdate: PasswordUpdate) => Promise) => async passwordUpdate => { await callSingleKeyserverEndpoint('update_account', passwordUpdate); }; const searchUsersActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'SEARCH_USERS_STARTED', success: 'SEARCH_USERS_SUCCESS', failed: 'SEARCH_USERS_FAILED', }); const searchUsers = ( callSingleKeyserverEndpoint: CallSingleKeyserverEndpoint, ): ((usernamePrefix: string) => Promise) => async usernamePrefix => { const response = await callSingleKeyserverEndpoint('search_users', { prefix: usernamePrefix, }); return { userInfos: response.userInfos, }; }; const exactSearchUserActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'EXACT_SEARCH_USER_STARTED', success: 'EXACT_SEARCH_USER_SUCCESS', failed: 'EXACT_SEARCH_USER_FAILED', }); const exactSearchUser = ( callSingleKeyserverEndpoint: CallSingleKeyserverEndpoint, ): ((username: string) => Promise) => async username => { const response = await callSingleKeyserverEndpoint('exact_search_user', { username, }); return { userInfo: response.userInfo, }; }; const updateSubscriptionActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_STARTED', success: 'UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_SUCCESS', failed: 'UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_FAILED', }); const updateSubscription = ( callKeyserverEndpoint: CallKeyserverEndpoint, ): (( input: SubscriptionUpdateRequest, ) => Promise) => async input => { const keyserverID = extractKeyserverIDFromID(input.threadID); const requests = { [keyserverID]: input }; const responses = await callKeyserverEndpoint( 'update_user_subscription', requests, ); const response = responses[keyserverID]; return { threadID: input.threadID, subscription: response.threadSubscription, }; }; function useUpdateSubscription(): ( input: SubscriptionUpdateRequest, ) => Promise { return useKeyserverCall(updateSubscription); } const setUserSettingsActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'SET_USER_SETTINGS_STARTED', success: 'SET_USER_SETTINGS_SUCCESS', failed: 'SET_USER_SETTINGS_FAILED', }); const setUserSettings = ( callKeyserverEndpoint: CallKeyserverEndpoint, allKeyserverIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ): ((input: UpdateUserSettingsRequest) => Promise) => async input => { const requests: { [string]: UpdateUserSettingsRequest } = {}; for (const keyserverID of allKeyserverIDs) { requests[keyserverID] = input; } await callKeyserverEndpoint('update_user_settings', requests); }; function useSetUserSettings(): ( input: UpdateUserSettingsRequest, ) => Promise { return useKeyserverCall(setUserSettings); } const getOlmSessionInitializationDataActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'GET_OLM_SESSION_INITIALIZATION_DATA_STARTED', success: 'GET_OLM_SESSION_INITIALIZATION_DATA_SUCCESS', failed: 'GET_OLM_SESSION_INITIALIZATION_DATA_FAILED', }); const getOlmSessionInitializationData = ( callSingleKeyserverEndpoint: CallSingleKeyserverEndpoint, ): (( options?: ?CallSingleKeyserverEndpointOptions, ) => Promise) => async options => { const olmInitData = await callSingleKeyserverEndpoint( 'get_olm_session_initialization_data', {}, options, ); return { signedIdentityKeysBlob: olmInitData.signedIdentityKeysBlob, contentInitializationInfo: { ...olmInitData.contentInitializationInfo, oneTimeKey: getOneTimeKeyValuesFromBlob( olmInitData.contentInitializationInfo.oneTimeKey, )[0], prekey: getPrekeyValueFromBlob( olmInitData.contentInitializationInfo.prekey, ), }, notifInitializationInfo: { ...olmInitData.notifInitializationInfo, oneTimeKey: getOneTimeKeyValuesFromBlob( olmInitData.notifInitializationInfo.oneTimeKey, )[0], prekey: getPrekeyValueFromBlob( olmInitData.notifInitializationInfo.prekey, ), }, }; }; const policyAcknowledgmentActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_STARTED', success: 'POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_SUCCESS', failed: 'POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_FAILED', }); const policyAcknowledgment = ( callSingleKeyserverEndpoint: CallSingleKeyserverEndpoint, ): ((policyRequest: PolicyAcknowledgmentRequest) => Promise) => async policyRequest => { await callSingleKeyserverEndpoint('policy_acknowledgment', policyRequest); }; const updateUserAvatarActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'UPDATE_USER_AVATAR_STARTED', success: 'UPDATE_USER_AVATAR_SUCCESS', failed: 'UPDATE_USER_AVATAR_FAILED', }); const updateUserAvatar = ( callSingleKeyserverEndpoint: CallSingleKeyserverEndpoint, ): (( avatarDBContent: UpdateUserAvatarRequest, ) => Promise) => async avatarDBContent => { const { updates }: UpdateUserAvatarResponse = await callSingleKeyserverEndpoint('update_user_avatar', avatarDBContent); return { updates }; }; const processNewUserIDsActionType = 'PROCESS_NEW_USER_IDS'; const findUserIdentitiesActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'FIND_USER_IDENTITIES_STARTED', success: 'FIND_USER_IDENTITIES_SUCCESS', failed: 'FIND_USER_IDENTITIES_FAILED', }); function useFindUserIdentities(): ( userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => Promise { const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const identityClient = client?.identityClient; invariant(identityClient, 'Identity client should be set'); return identityClient.findUserIdentities; } +const versionSupportedByIdentityActionTypes = Object.freeze({ + started: 'VERSION_SUPPORTED_BY_IDENTITY_STARTED', + success: 'VERSION_SUPPORTED_BY_IDENTITY_SUCCESS', + failed: 'VERSION_SUPPORTED_BY_IDENTITY_FAILED', +}); + +function useVersionSupportedByIdentity(): () => Promise<{ + +supported: boolean, +}> { + const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); + const identityClient = client?.identityClient; + invariant(identityClient, 'Identity client should be set'); + return async () => { + const supported = await identityClient.versionSupported(); + return { supported }; + }; +} + export { changeKeyserverUserPasswordActionTypes, changeKeyserverUserPassword, claimUsernameActionTypes, useClaimUsername, useDeleteKeyserverAccount, deleteKeyserverAccountActionTypes, getOlmSessionInitializationDataActionTypes, getOlmSessionInitializationData, mergeUserInfos, legacyLogIn as legacyLogInRawAction, identityLogInActionTypes, useIdentityPasswordLogIn, useIdentityWalletLogIn, useIdentitySecondaryDeviceLogIn, useLegacyLogIn, legacyLogInActionTypes, useLogOut, useIdentityLogOut, useSecondaryDeviceLogOut, logOutActionTypes, legacyKeyserverRegister, legacyKeyserverRegisterActionTypes, searchUsers, searchUsersActionTypes, exactSearchUser, exactSearchUserActionTypes, useSetUserSettings, setUserSettingsActionTypes, useUpdateSubscription, updateSubscriptionActionTypes, policyAcknowledgment, policyAcknowledgmentActionTypes, updateUserAvatarActionTypes, updateUserAvatar, deleteAccountActionTypes, useDeleteAccount, useDeleteDiscardedIdentityAccount, keyserverAuthActionTypes, keyserverAuth as keyserverAuthRawAction, identityRegisterActionTypes, useIdentityPasswordRegister, useIdentityWalletRegister, identityGenerateNonceActionTypes, useIdentityGenerateNonce, processNewUserIDsActionType, findUserIdentitiesActionTypes, useFindUserIdentities, + versionSupportedByIdentityActionTypes, + useVersionSupportedByIdentity, }; diff --git a/lib/types/redux-types.js b/lib/types/redux-types.js index 4712b419f..b7fb6ac5f 100644 --- a/lib/types/redux-types.js +++ b/lib/types/redux-types.js @@ -1,1530 +1,1548 @@ // @flow import type { PersistState } from 'redux-persist/es/types'; import type { LogOutResult, KeyserverLogOutResult, LegacyLogInStartingPayload, LegacyLogInResult, LegacyRegisterResult, DefaultNotificationPayload, ClaimUsernameResponse, KeyserverAuthResult, } from './account-types.js'; import type { ActivityUpdateSuccessPayload, QueueActivityUpdatesPayload, SetThreadUnreadStatusPayload, } from './activity-types.js'; import type { AlertStore, RecordAlertActionPayload } from './alert-types.js'; import type { AuxUserStore, SetAuxUserFIDsPayload, AddAuxUserFIDsPayload, SetPeerDeviceListsPayload, } from './aux-user-types.js'; import type { UpdateUserAvatarRequest, UpdateUserAvatarResponse, } from './avatar-types.js'; import type { CommunityStore, AddCommunityPayload, FetchCommunityInfosResponse, CreateOrUpdateFarcasterChannelTagResponse, DeleteFarcasterChannelTagPayload, } from './community-types.js'; import type { MessageSourceMetadata, DBOpsStore } from './db-ops-types.js'; import type { GetVersionActionPayload, LastCommunicatedPlatformDetails, } from './device-types.js'; import type { DraftStore } from './draft-types.js'; import type { EnabledApps, SupportedApps } from './enabled-apps.js'; import type { RawEntryInfo, EntryStore, SaveEntryPayload, CreateEntryPayload, DeleteEntryResult, RestoreEntryPayload, FetchEntryInfosResult, CalendarQueryUpdateResult, CalendarQueryUpdateStartingPayload, FetchRevisionsForEntryPayload, } from './entry-types.js'; import type { CalendarFilter, CalendarThreadFilter, SetCalendarDeletedFilterPayload, } from './filter-types.js'; import type { IdentityAuthResult } from './identity-service-types'; import type { IntegrityStore } from './integrity-types.js'; import type { KeyserverStore, AddKeyserverPayload, RemoveKeyserverPayload, } from './keyserver-types.js'; import type { LifecycleState } from './lifecycle-state-types.js'; import type { FetchInviteLinksResponse, InviteLink, InviteLinksStore, InviteLinkVerificationResponse, DisableInviteLinkPayload, } from './link-types.js'; import type { LoadingStatus, LoadingInfo } from './loading-types.js'; import type { UpdateMultimediaMessageMediaPayload } from './media-types.js'; import type { MessageReportCreationResult } from './message-report-types.js'; import type { MessageStore, RawMultimediaMessageInfo, FetchMessageInfosPayload, SendMessagePayload, EditMessagePayload, SaveMessagesPayload, NewMessagesPayload, MessageStorePrunePayload, LocallyComposedMessageInfo, SimpleMessagesPayload, FetchPinnedMessagesResult, SearchMessagesResponse, } from './message-types.js'; import type { RawReactionMessageInfo } from './messages/reaction.js'; import type { RawTextMessageInfo } from './messages/text.js'; import type { BaseNavInfo, WebNavInfo } from './nav-types.js'; import { type ForcePolicyAcknowledgmentPayload, type PolicyAcknowledgmentPayload, type UserPolicies, } from './policy-types.js'; import type { RelationshipErrors } from './relationship-types.js'; import type { EnabledReports, ClearDeliveredReportsPayload, QueueReportsPayload, ReportStore, } from './report-types.js'; import type { ProcessServerRequestAction, GetOlmSessionInitializationDataResponse, } from './request-types.js'; import type { UserSearchResult, ExactUserSearchResult, } from './search-types.js'; import type { SetSessionPayload } from './session-types.js'; import type { ConnectionIssue, StateSyncFullActionPayload, StateSyncIncrementalActionPayload, SetActiveSessionRecoveryPayload, ClientStateSyncSocketResult, } from './socket-types.js'; import { type ClientStore } from './store-ops-types.js'; import type { SubscriptionUpdateResult } from './subscription-types.js'; import type { SyncedMetadataStore, SetSyncedMetadataEntryPayload, ClearSyncedMetadataEntryPayload, } from './synced-metadata-types.js'; import type { GlobalThemeInfo } from './theme-types.js'; import type { ThreadActivityStore } from './thread-activity-types.js'; import type { ThreadStore, ChangeThreadSettingsPayload, LeaveThreadPayload, NewThreadResult, ThreadJoinPayload, ToggleMessagePinResult, LegacyThreadStore, RoleModificationPayload, RoleDeletionPayload, } from './thread-types.js'; import type { ClientUpdatesResultWithUserInfos } from './update-types.js'; import type { CurrentUserInfo, UserInfos, UserStore, UserInfo, } from './user-types.js'; import type { SetDeviceTokenActionPayload } from '../actions/device-actions.js'; import type { UpdateConnectionStatusPayload, SetLateResponsePayload, UpdateKeyserverReachabilityPayload, } from '../keyserver-conn/keyserver-conn-types.js'; export type BaseAppState = { +navInfo: NavInfo, +currentUserInfo: ?CurrentUserInfo, +draftStore: DraftStore, +entryStore: EntryStore, +threadStore: ThreadStore, +userStore: UserStore, +messageStore: MessageStore, +loadingStatuses: { [key: string]: { [idx: number]: LoadingStatus } }, +calendarFilters: $ReadOnlyArray, +alertStore: AlertStore, +watchedThreadIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, +lifecycleState: LifecycleState, +enabledApps: EnabledApps, +reportStore: ReportStore, +dataLoaded: boolean, +userPolicies: UserPolicies, +commServicesAccessToken: ?string, +inviteLinksStore: InviteLinksStore, +keyserverStore: KeyserverStore, +threadActivityStore: ThreadActivityStore, +integrityStore: IntegrityStore, +globalThemeInfo: GlobalThemeInfo, +customServer: ?string, +communityStore: CommunityStore, +dbOpsStore: DBOpsStore, +syncedMetadataStore: SyncedMetadataStore, +auxUserStore: AuxUserStore, +_persist: ?PersistState, ... }; export type NativeAppState = BaseAppState<>; export type WebAppState = BaseAppState<> & { +pushApiPublicKey: ?string, ... }; export type AppState = NativeAppState | WebAppState; export type ClientWebInitialReduxStateResponse = { +navInfo: WebNavInfo, +currentUserInfo: CurrentUserInfo, +entryStore: EntryStore, +threadStore: ThreadStore, +userInfos: UserInfos, +messageStore: MessageStore, +pushApiPublicKey: ?string, +inviteLinksStore: InviteLinksStore, +keyserverInfo: WebInitialKeyserverInfo, }; export type ServerWebInitialReduxStateResponse = { +navInfo: WebNavInfo, +currentUserInfo: CurrentUserInfo, +entryStore: EntryStore, +threadStore: LegacyThreadStore, +userInfos: UserInfos, +messageStore: MessageStore, +pushApiPublicKey: ?string, +inviteLinksStore: InviteLinksStore, +keyserverInfo: WebInitialKeyserverInfo, }; export type WebInitialKeyserverInfo = { +sessionID: ?string, +updatesCurrentAsOf: number, }; export type BaseAction = $ReadOnly<{ +messageSourceMetadata?: MessageSourceMetadata, ... | { +type: '@@redux/INIT', +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'FETCH_ENTRIES_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_ENTRIES_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_ENTRIES_SUCCESS', +payload: FetchEntryInfosResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LOG_OUT_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LOG_OUT_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LOG_OUT_SUCCESS', +payload: LogOutResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CLAIM_USERNAME_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CLAIM_USERNAME_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CLAIM_USERNAME_SUCCESS', +payload: ClaimUsernameResponse, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_KEYSERVER_ACCOUNT_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_KEYSERVER_ACCOUNT_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_KEYSERVER_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS', +payload: KeyserverLogOutResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_ACCOUNT_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_ACCOUNT_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS', +payload: LogOutResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CREATE_LOCAL_ENTRY', +payload: RawEntryInfo, } | { +type: 'CREATE_ENTRY_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CREATE_ENTRY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CREATE_ENTRY_SUCCESS', +payload: CreateEntryPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SAVE_ENTRY_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SAVE_ENTRY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SAVE_ENTRY_SUCCESS', +payload: SaveEntryPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION_RESET', +payload: { +id: string, +dbText: string, }, } | { +type: 'DELETE_ENTRY_STARTED', +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, +payload: { +localID: ?string, +serverID: ?string, }, } | { +type: 'DELETE_ENTRY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_ENTRY_SUCCESS', +payload: ?DeleteEntryResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'IDENTITY_LOG_IN_STARTED', +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'IDENTITY_LOG_IN_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'IDENTITY_LOG_IN_SUCCESS', +payload: IdentityAuthResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'KEYSERVER_AUTH_STARTED', +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'KEYSERVER_AUTH_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'KEYSERVER_AUTH_SUCCESS', +payload: KeyserverAuthResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEGACY_LOG_IN_STARTED', +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, +payload: LegacyLogInStartingPayload, } | { +type: 'LEGACY_LOG_IN_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEGACY_LOG_IN_SUCCESS', +payload: LegacyLogInResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEGACY_KEYSERVER_REGISTER_STARTED', +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, +payload: LegacyLogInStartingPayload, } | { +type: 'LEGACY_KEYSERVER_REGISTER_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEGACY_KEYSERVER_REGISTER_SUCCESS', +payload: LegacyRegisterResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'IDENTITY_REGISTER_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'IDENTITY_REGISTER_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'IDENTITY_REGISTER_SUCCESS', +payload: IdentityAuthResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'IDENTITY_GENERATE_NONCE_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'IDENTITY_GENERATE_NONCE_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'IDENTITY_GENERATE_NONCE_SUCCESS', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_KEYSERVER_USER_PASSWORD_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_KEYSERVER_USER_PASSWORD_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_KEYSERVER_USER_PASSWORD_SUCCESS', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_THREAD_SETTINGS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_THREAD_SETTINGS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_THREAD_SETTINGS_SUCCESS', +payload: ChangeThreadSettingsPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_THREAD_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_THREAD_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_THREAD_SUCCESS', +payload: LeaveThreadPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'NEW_THREAD_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'NEW_THREAD_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'NEW_THREAD_SUCCESS', +payload: NewThreadResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'REMOVE_USERS_FROM_THREAD_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'REMOVE_USERS_FROM_THREAD_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'REMOVE_USERS_FROM_THREAD_SUCCESS', +payload: ChangeThreadSettingsPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_THREAD_MEMBER_ROLES_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_THREAD_MEMBER_ROLES_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_THREAD_MEMBER_ROLES_SUCCESS', +payload: ChangeThreadSettingsPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_REVISIONS_FOR_ENTRY_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_REVISIONS_FOR_ENTRY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_REVISIONS_FOR_ENTRY_SUCCESS', +payload: FetchRevisionsForEntryPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'RESTORE_ENTRY_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'RESTORE_ENTRY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'RESTORE_ENTRY_SUCCESS', +payload: RestoreEntryPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'JOIN_THREAD_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'JOIN_THREAD_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'JOIN_THREAD_SUCCESS', +payload: ThreadJoinPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEAVE_THREAD_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEAVE_THREAD_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEAVE_THREAD_SUCCESS', +payload: LeaveThreadPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_NEW_SESSION', +payload: SetSessionPayload, } | { +type: 'persist/REHYDRATE', +payload: ?BaseAppState<>, } | { +type: 'FETCH_MESSAGES_BEFORE_CURSOR_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_MESSAGES_BEFORE_CURSOR_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_MESSAGES_BEFORE_CURSOR_SUCCESS', +payload: FetchMessageInfosPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_MOST_RECENT_MESSAGES_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_MOST_RECENT_MESSAGES_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_MOST_RECENT_MESSAGES_SUCCESS', +payload: FetchMessageInfosPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_SINGLE_MOST_RECENT_MESSAGES_FROM_THREADS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_SINGLE_MOST_RECENT_MESSAGES_FROM_THREADS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_SINGLE_MOST_RECENT_MESSAGES_FROM_THREADS_SUCCESS', +payload: SimpleMessagesPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_TEXT_MESSAGE_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload: RawTextMessageInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_TEXT_MESSAGE_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error & { +localID: string, +threadID: string, }, +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_TEXT_MESSAGE_SUCCESS', +payload: SendMessagePayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_MULTIMEDIA_MESSAGE_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload: RawMultimediaMessageInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_MULTIMEDIA_MESSAGE_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error & { +localID: string, +threadID: string, }, +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_MULTIMEDIA_MESSAGE_SUCCESS', +payload: SendMessagePayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REACTION_MESSAGE_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload: RawReactionMessageInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REACTION_MESSAGE_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error & { +localID: string, +threadID: string, +targetMessageID: string, +reaction: string, +action: string, }, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REACTION_MESSAGE_SUCCESS', +payload: SendMessagePayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEARCH_USERS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEARCH_USERS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEARCH_USERS_SUCCESS', +payload: UserSearchResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'EXACT_SEARCH_USER_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'EXACT_SEARCH_USER_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'EXACT_SEARCH_USER_SUCCESS', +payload: ExactUserSearchResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_DRAFT', +payload: { +key: string, +text: string, }, } | { +type: 'MOVE_DRAFT', +payload: { +oldKey: string, +newKey: string, }, } | { +type: 'SET_CLIENT_DB_STORE', +payload: ClientStore, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_ACTIVITY_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_ACTIVITY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_ACTIVITY_SUCCESS', +payload: ActivityUpdateSuccessPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_DEVICE_TOKEN_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_DEVICE_TOKEN_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_DEVICE_TOKEN_SUCCESS', +payload: SetDeviceTokenActionPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REPORT_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REPORT_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REPORT_SUCCESS', +payload?: ClearDeliveredReportsPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REPORTS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REPORTS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REPORTS_SUCCESS', +payload?: ClearDeliveredReportsPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'QUEUE_REPORTS', +payload: QueueReportsPayload, } | { +type: 'SET_URL_PREFIX', +payload: string, } | { +type: 'SAVE_MESSAGES', +payload: SaveMessagesPayload, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_CALENDAR_THREAD_FILTER', +payload: CalendarThreadFilter, } | { +type: 'CLEAR_CALENDAR_THREAD_FILTER', +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'SET_CALENDAR_DELETED_FILTER', +payload: SetCalendarDeletedFilterPayload, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_SUCCESS', +payload: SubscriptionUpdateResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_CALENDAR_QUERY_STARTED', +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, +payload?: CalendarQueryUpdateStartingPayload, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_CALENDAR_QUERY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_CALENDAR_QUERY_SUCCESS', +payload: CalendarQueryUpdateResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FULL_STATE_SYNC', +payload: StateSyncFullActionPayload, } | { +type: 'INCREMENTAL_STATE_SYNC', +payload: StateSyncIncrementalActionPayload, } | ProcessServerRequestAction | { +type: 'UPDATE_CONNECTION_STATUS', +payload: UpdateConnectionStatusPayload, } | { +type: 'QUEUE_ACTIVITY_UPDATES', +payload: QueueActivityUpdatesPayload, } | { +type: 'UNSUPERVISED_BACKGROUND', +payload: { +keyserverID: string }, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_LIFECYCLE_STATE', +payload: LifecycleState, } | { +type: 'ENABLE_APP', +payload: SupportedApps, } | { +type: 'DISABLE_APP', +payload: SupportedApps, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_REPORTS_ENABLED', +payload: Partial, } | { +type: 'PROCESS_UPDATES', +payload: ClientUpdatesResultWithUserInfos, } | { +type: 'PROCESS_MESSAGES', +payload: NewMessagesPayload, } | { +type: 'MESSAGE_STORE_PRUNE', +payload: MessageStorePrunePayload, } | { +type: 'SET_LATE_RESPONSE', +payload: SetLateResponsePayload, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_KEYSERVER_REACHABILITY', +payload: UpdateKeyserverReachabilityPayload, } | { +type: 'REQUEST_ACCESS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'REQUEST_ACCESS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'REQUEST_ACCESS_SUCCESS', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_MULTIMEDIA_MESSAGE_MEDIA', +payload: UpdateMultimediaMessageMediaPayload, } | { +type: 'CREATE_LOCAL_MESSAGE', +payload: LocallyComposedMessageInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_RELATIONSHIPS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_RELATIONSHIPS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_RELATIONSHIPS_SUCCESS', +payload: RelationshipErrors, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_THREAD_UNREAD_STATUS_STARTED', +payload: { +threadID: string, +unread: boolean, }, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_THREAD_UNREAD_STATUS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_THREAD_UNREAD_STATUS_SUCCESS', +payload: SetThreadUnreadStatusPayload, } | { +type: 'SET_USER_SETTINGS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_USER_SETTINGS_SUCCESS', +payload: DefaultNotificationPayload, } | { +type: 'SET_USER_SETTINGS_FAILED', +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_MESSAGE_REPORT_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_MESSAGE_REPORT_SUCCESS', +payload: MessageReportCreationResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_MESSAGE_REPORT_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FORCE_POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGMENT', +payload: ForcePolicyAcknowledgmentPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_SUCCESS', +payload: PolicyAcknowledgmentPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'GET_SIWE_NONCE_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'GET_SIWE_NONCE_SUCCESS', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'GET_SIWE_NONCE_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEGACY_SIWE_AUTH_STARTED', +payload: LegacyLogInStartingPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEGACY_SIWE_AUTH_SUCCESS', +payload: LegacyLogInResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEGACY_SIWE_AUTH_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'RECORD_ALERT', +payload: RecordAlertActionPayload, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_USER_AVATAR_STARTED', +payload: UpdateUserAvatarRequest, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_USER_AVATAR_SUCCESS', +payload: UpdateUserAvatarResponse, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_USER_AVATAR_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_EDIT_MESSAGE_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'SEND_EDIT_MESSAGE_SUCCESS', +payload: EditMessagePayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_EDIT_MESSAGE_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'TOGGLE_MESSAGE_PIN_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'TOGGLE_MESSAGE_PIN_SUCCESS', +payload: ToggleMessagePinResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'TOGGLE_MESSAGE_PIN_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_PINNED_MESSAGES_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'FETCH_PINNED_MESSAGES_SUCCESS', +payload: FetchPinnedMessagesResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_PINNED_MESSAGES_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'VERIFY_INVITE_LINK_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'VERIFY_INVITE_LINK_SUCCESS', +payload: InviteLinkVerificationResponse, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'VERIFY_INVITE_LINK_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_PRIMARY_INVITE_LINKS_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'FETCH_PRIMARY_INVITE_LINKS_SUCCESS', +payload: FetchInviteLinksResponse, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_PRIMARY_INVITE_LINKS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_CALENDAR_COMMUNITY_FILTER', +payload: string, } | { +type: 'CLEAR_CALENDAR_COMMUNITY_FILTER', +payload: void, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_CHAT_COMMUNITY_FILTER', +payload: string, } | { +type: 'CLEAR_CHAT_COMMUNITY_FILTER', +payload: void, } | { +type: 'SEARCH_MESSAGES_STARTED', +payload: void, +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEARCH_MESSAGES_SUCCESS', +payload: SearchMessagesResponse, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEARCH_MESSAGES_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CREATE_OR_UPDATE_PUBLIC_LINK_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'CREATE_OR_UPDATE_PUBLIC_LINK_SUCCESS', +payload: InviteLink, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CREATE_OR_UPDATE_PUBLIC_LINK_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DISABLE_INVITE_LINK_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'DISABLE_INVITE_LINK_SUCCESS', +payload: DisableInviteLinkPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DISABLE_INVITE_LINK_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'GET_OLM_SESSION_INITIALIZATION_DATA_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'GET_OLM_SESSION_INITIALIZATION_DATA_SUCCESS', +payload: GetOlmSessionInitializationDataResponse, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'GET_OLM_SESSION_INITIALIZATION_DATA_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_DATA_LOADED', +payload: { +dataLoaded: boolean, }, } | { +type: 'GET_VERSION_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'GET_VERSION_SUCCESS', +payload: GetVersionActionPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'GET_VERSION_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_LAST_COMMUNICATED_PLATFORM_DETAILS', +payload: LastCommunicatedPlatformDetails, } | { +type: 'RESET_USER_STATE', +payload?: void } | { +type: 'MODIFY_COMMUNITY_ROLE_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'MODIFY_COMMUNITY_ROLE_SUCCESS', +payload: RoleModificationPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'MODIFY_COMMUNITY_ROLE_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_COMMUNITY_ROLE_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'DELETE_COMMUNITY_ROLE_SUCCESS', +payload: RoleDeletionPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_COMMUNITY_ROLE_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_THREAD_LAST_NAVIGATED', +payload: { +threadID: string, +time: number }, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_INTEGRITY_STORE', +payload: { +threadIDsToHash?: $ReadOnlyArray, +threadHashingStatus?: 'starting' | 'running' | 'completed', }, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_THEME_INFO', +payload: Partial, } | { +type: 'ADD_KEYSERVER', +payload: AddKeyserverPayload, } | { +type: 'REMOVE_KEYSERVER', +payload: RemoveKeyserverPayload, } | { +type: 'SET_CUSTOM_SERVER', +payload: string, } | { +type: 'SET_CONNECTION_ISSUE', +payload: { +connectionIssue: ?ConnectionIssue, +keyserverID: string }, } | { +type: 'ADD_COMMUNITY', +payload: AddCommunityPayload, } | { +type: 'SET_SYNCED_METADATA_ENTRY', +payload: SetSyncedMetadataEntryPayload, } | { +type: 'CLEAR_SYNCED_METADATA_ENTRY', +payload: ClearSyncedMetadataEntryPayload, } | { +type: 'SET_ACTIVE_SESSION_RECOVERY', +payload: SetActiveSessionRecoveryPayload, } | { +type: 'SET_AUX_USER_FIDS', +payload: SetAuxUserFIDsPayload, } | { +type: 'ADD_AUX_USER_FIDS', +payload: AddAuxUserFIDsPayload, } | { +type: 'CLEAR_AUX_USER_FIDS', +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'SET_PEER_DEVICE_LISTS', +payload: SetPeerDeviceListsPayload, } | { +type: 'OPS_PROCESSING_FINISHED_ACTION_TYPE', +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'FETCH_COMMUNITY_INFOS_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'FETCH_COMMUNITY_INFOS_SUCCESS', +payload: FetchCommunityInfosResponse, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_COMMUNITY_INFOS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CREATE_OR_UPDATE_FARCASTER_CHANNEL_TAG_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'CREATE_OR_UPDATE_FARCASTER_CHANNEL_TAG_SUCCESS', +payload: CreateOrUpdateFarcasterChannelTagResponse, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CREATE_OR_UPDATE_FARCASTER_CHANNEL_TAG_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_FARCASTER_CHANNEL_TAG_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'DELETE_FARCASTER_CHANNEL_TAG_SUCCESS', +payload: DeleteFarcasterChannelTagPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_FARCASTER_CHANNEL_TAG_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'PROCESS_NEW_USER_IDS', +payload: { +userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, }, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FIND_USER_IDENTITIES_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'FIND_USER_IDENTITIES_SUCCESS', +payload: { +userInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, }, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FIND_USER_IDENTITIES_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } + | { + +type: 'VERSION_SUPPORTED_BY_IDENTITY_STARTED', + +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, + +payload?: void, + } + | { + +type: 'VERSION_SUPPORTED_BY_IDENTITY_SUCCESS', + +payload: { + +supported: boolean, + }, + +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, + } + | { + +type: 'VERSION_SUPPORTED_BY_IDENTITY_FAILED', + +error: true, + +payload: Error, + +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, + } | { +type: 'FETCH_PENDING_UPDATES_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'FETCH_PENDING_UPDATES_SUCCESS', +payload: ClientStateSyncSocketResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_PENDING_UPDATES_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, }, }>; export type ActionPayload = ?(Object | Array<*> | $ReadOnlyArray<*> | string); export type DispatchSource = 'tunnelbroker' | 'tab-sync'; export type SuperAction = { +type: string, +payload?: ActionPayload, +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +error?: boolean, +dispatchSource?: DispatchSource, +messageSourceMetadata?: MessageSourceMetadata, }; type ThunkedAction = (dispatch: Dispatch) => void; export type PromisedAction = (dispatch: Dispatch) => Promise; export type Dispatch = ((promisedAction: PromisedAction) => Promise) & ((thunkedAction: ThunkedAction) => void) & ((action: SuperAction) => boolean); // This is lifted from redux-persist/lib/constants.js // I don't want to add redux-persist to the web/server bundles... // import { REHYDRATE } from 'redux-persist'; export const rehydrateActionType = 'persist/REHYDRATE'; diff --git a/native/components/version-supported.react.js b/native/components/version-supported.react.js index 18ffe705f..322c410ca 100644 --- a/native/components/version-supported.react.js +++ b/native/components/version-supported.react.js @@ -1,60 +1,74 @@ // @flow import * as React from 'react'; -import { useLogOut, logOutActionTypes } from 'lib/actions/user-actions.js'; +import { + useLogOut, + logOutActionTypes, + useVersionSupportedByIdentity, + versionSupportedByIdentityActionTypes, +} from 'lib/actions/user-actions.js'; import { isLoggedIn } from 'lib/selectors/user-selectors.js'; import { useDispatchActionPromise } from 'lib/utils/redux-promise-utils.js'; -import { commRustModule } from '../native-modules.js'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils.js'; import { appOutOfDateAlertDetails } from '../utils/alert-messages.js'; import Alert from '../utils/alert.js'; function VersionSupportedChecker(): React.Node { const hasRun = React.useRef(false); const loggedIn = useSelector(isLoggedIn); const dispatchActionPromise = useDispatchActionPromise(); const callLogOut = useLogOut(); + const callVersionSupportedByIdentity = useVersionSupportedByIdentity(); const onUsernameAlertAcknowledged = React.useCallback(() => { if (loggedIn) { void dispatchActionPromise(logOutActionTypes, callLogOut()); } }, [callLogOut, dispatchActionPromise, loggedIn]); const checkVersionSupport = React.useCallback(async () => { try { - const isVersionSupported = await commRustModule.versionSupported(); + const versionSupportedPromise = callVersionSupportedByIdentity(); + void dispatchActionPromise( + versionSupportedByIdentityActionTypes, + versionSupportedPromise, + ); + const { supported: isVersionSupported } = await versionSupportedPromise; if (isVersionSupported) { return; } Alert.alert( appOutOfDateAlertDetails.title, appOutOfDateAlertDetails.message, [ { text: 'OK', onPress: onUsernameAlertAcknowledged, }, ], { cancelable: false }, ); } catch (error) { console.log('Error checking version:', error); } - }, [onUsernameAlertAcknowledged]); + }, [ + callVersionSupportedByIdentity, + dispatchActionPromise, + onUsernameAlertAcknowledged, + ]); React.useEffect(() => { if (hasRun.current) { return; } hasRun.current = true; void checkVersionSupport(); }, [checkVersionSupport]); return null; } export default VersionSupportedChecker;