diff --git a/services/terraform/remote/service_identity.tf b/services/terraform/remote/service_identity.tf index 8740cb483..369dea2fc 100644 --- a/services/terraform/remote/service_identity.tf +++ b/services/terraform/remote/service_identity.tf @@ -1,210 +1,213 @@ locals { - identity_service_image_tag = "0.3" + identity_service_image_tag = "0.5" identity_service_server_image = "commapp/identity-server:${local.identity_service_image_tag}" identity_service_container_name = "identity-server" # Port that the container is listening on identity_service_container_grpc_port = 50054 identity_sc_port_name = "identity-service-ecs-grpc" identity_sc_dns_name = "identity-service" # URL accessible by other services in the same Service Connect namespace # This renders to e.g. 'http://identity-service:50054' identity_local_url = "http://${local.identity_sc_dns_name}:${local.identity_service_container_grpc_port}" # Port that is exposed to the public SSL endpoint (appended to domain name) identity_service_grpc_public_port = 50054 identity_service_domain_name = "identity.${local.root_domain}" opaque_server_setup_secret_name = "identity/ServerSetup" } data "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "identity_server_setup" { name = local.opaque_server_setup_secret_name } resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "identity_service" { family = "identity-service-task-def" container_definitions = jsonencode([ { name = local.identity_service_container_name image = local.identity_service_server_image essential = true portMappings = [ { name = local.identity_sc_port_name containerPort = local.identity_service_container_grpc_port protocol = "tcp" appProtocol = "grpc" } ] environment = [ { name = "RUST_LOG" value = "info" }, { name = "KEYSERVER_PUBLIC_KEY" value = nonsensitive(local.secrets["keyserverPublicKey"]) } ] secrets = [ { # This is exposed as an environment variable in the container name = "OPAQUE_SERVER_SETUP" valueFrom = data.aws_secretsmanager_secret.identity_server_setup.arn } ] logConfiguration = { "logDriver" = "awslogs" "options" = { "awslogs-create-group" = "true" "awslogs-group" = "/ecs/identity-service-task-def" "awslogs-region" = "us-east-2" "awslogs-stream-prefix" = "ecs" } } linuxParameters = { initProcessEnabled = true } } ]) task_role_arn = aws_iam_role.services_ddb_full_access.arn execution_role_arn = aws_iam_role.ecs_task_execution.arn network_mode = "bridge" cpu = "512" memory = "512" requires_compatibilities = ["EC2"] # Set this to true if you want to keep old revisions # when this definition is changed skip_destroy = false } resource "aws_ecs_service" "identity_service" { name = "identity-service" cluster = aws_ecs_cluster.comm_services.id launch_type = "EC2" task_definition = aws_ecs_task_definition.identity_service.arn force_new_deployment = true - desired_count = 1 - lifecycle { - ignore_changes = [desired_count] - } + desired_count = 2 # Expose Identity service to other services in the cluster service_connect_configuration { enabled = true service { discovery_name = local.identity_sc_dns_name port_name = local.identity_sc_port_name client_alias { port = local.identity_service_container_grpc_port dns_name = local.identity_sc_dns_name } } } load_balancer { target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.identity_service_grpc.arn container_name = local.identity_service_container_name container_port = local.identity_service_container_grpc_port } deployment_circuit_breaker { enable = true rollback = true } enable_execute_command = true enable_ecs_managed_tags = true } # Security group to configure access to the service resource "aws_security_group" "identity_service" { name = "identity-service-ecs-sg" vpc_id = aws_vpc.default.id ingress { from_port = local.identity_service_container_grpc_port to_port = local.identity_service_container_grpc_port protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [""] description = "gRPC port" } # Allow all outbound traffic egress { from_port = 0 to_port = 0 protocol = "-1" cidr_blocks = [""] } lifecycle { create_before_destroy = true } } resource "aws_lb_target_group" "identity_service_grpc" { name = "identity-service-ecs-grpc-tg" port = local.identity_service_container_grpc_port protocol = "HTTP" protocol_version = "GRPC" vpc_id = aws_vpc.default.id # The "bridge" network mode requires target type set to instance target_type = "instance" + stickiness { + type = "lb_cookie" + cookie_duration = 10 # Duration in seconds + enabled = true + } + health_check { enabled = true healthy_threshold = 2 unhealthy_threshold = 3 } } # Load Balancer resource "aws_lb" "identity_service" { load_balancer_type = "application" name = "identity-service-lb" internal = false subnets = [ aws_subnet.public_a.id, aws_subnet.public_b.id, aws_subnet.public_c.id, ] } resource "aws_lb_listener" "identity_service_grpc" { load_balancer_arn = aws_lb.identity_service.arn port = local.identity_service_grpc_public_port protocol = "HTTPS" ssl_policy = "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS13-1-2-2021-06" certificate_arn = data.aws_acm_certificate.identity_service.arn default_action { type = "forward" target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.identity_service_grpc.arn } lifecycle { # Required only for existing resources to avoid plan difference ignore_changes = [default_action[0].forward[0].stickiness[0].duration] # Target group cannot be destroyed if it is used replace_triggered_by = [aws_lb_target_group.identity_service_grpc] } } # SSL Certificate data "aws_acm_certificate" "identity_service" { domain = local.identity_service_domain_name statuses = ["ISSUED"] } # Required for Route53 DNS record output "identity_service_load_balancer_dns_name" { value = aws_lb.identity_service.dns_name }