diff --git a/keyserver/src/responders/responder-validators.test.js b/keyserver/src/responders/responder-validators.test.js index 34a6c7ed5..6c9a8e962 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/responders/responder-validators.test.js +++ b/keyserver/src/responders/responder-validators.test.js @@ -1,971 +1,972 @@ // @flow import { setThreadUnreadStatusResultValidator, updateActivityResultValidator, } from 'lib/types/activity-types.js'; import { fetchEntryInfosResponseValidator, fetchEntryRevisionInfosResultValidator, saveEntryResponseValidator, deleteEntryResponseValidator, deltaEntryInfosResultValidator, restoreEntryResponseValidator, } from './entry-responders.js'; import { getSessionPublicKeysResponseValidator } from './keys-responders.js'; import { inviteLinkVerificationResponseValidator, fetchInviteLinksResponseValidator, } from './link-responders.js'; import { messageReportCreationResultValidator } from './message-report-responder.js'; import { fetchMessageInfosResponseValidator, fetchPinnedMessagesResultValidator, sendEditMessageResponseValidator, sendMessageResponseValidator, } from './message-responders.js'; import { relationshipErrorsValidator } from './relationship-responders.js'; import { reportCreationResponseValidator } from './report-responders.js'; import { userSearchResultValidator } from './search-responders.js'; import { siweNonceResponseValidator } from './siwe-nonce-responders.js'; import { changeThreadSettingsResultValidator, leaveThreadResultValidator, newThreadResponseValidator, threadFetchMediaResultValidator, threadJoinResultValidator, toggleMessagePinResultValidator, roleChangeRequestInputValidator, } from './thread-responders.js'; import { logInResponseValidator, registerResponseValidator, logOutResponseValidator, } from './user-responders.js'; describe('user responder validators', () => { it('should validate logout response', () => { const response = { currentUserInfo: { anonymous: true } }; expect(logOutResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); response.currentUserInfo.anonymous = false; expect(logOutResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(false); }); it('should validate register response', () => { const response = { id: '93079', rawMessageInfos: [ { type: 1, threadID: '93095', creatorID: '93079', time: 1682086407469, initialThreadState: { type: 6, name: null, parentThreadID: '1', color: '648caa', memberIDs: ['256', '93079'], }, id: '93110', }, { type: 0, threadID: '93095', creatorID: '256', time: 1682086407575, text: 'welcome to Comm!', id: '93113', }, ], currentUserInfo: { id: '93079', username: 'user' }, cookieChange: { threadInfos: { '1': { id: '1', type: 12, name: 'GENESIS', description: 'desc', color: 'c85000', creationTime: 1672934346213, parentThreadID: null, members: [ { id: '256', role: '83796', permissions: { know_of: { value: true, source: '1' }, visible: { value: true, source: '1' }, voiced: { value: true, source: '1' }, edit_entries: { value: true, source: '1' }, edit_thread: { value: true, source: '1' }, edit_thread_description: { value: true, source: '1' }, edit_thread_color: { value: true, source: '1' }, delete_thread: { value: true, source: '1' }, create_subthreads: { value: true, source: '1' }, create_sidebars: { value: true, source: '1' }, join_thread: { value: false, source: null }, edit_permissions: { value: false, source: null }, add_members: { value: true, source: '1' }, remove_members: { value: true, source: '1' }, change_role: { value: true, source: '1' }, leave_thread: { value: false, source: null }, react_to_message: { value: true, source: '1' }, edit_message: { value: true, source: '1' }, }, isSender: false, }, ], roles: { '83795': { id: '83795', name: 'Members', permissions: { know_of: true, visible: true, descendant_open_know_of: true, descendant_open_visible: true, descendant_opentoplevel_join_thread: true, }, isDefault: true, }, }, currentUser: { role: '83795', permissions: { know_of: { value: true, source: '1' }, visible: { value: true, source: '1' }, voiced: { value: false, source: null }, edit_entries: { value: false, source: null }, edit_thread: { value: false, source: null }, edit_thread_description: { value: false, source: null }, edit_thread_color: { value: false, source: null }, delete_thread: { value: false, source: null }, create_subthreads: { value: false, source: null }, create_sidebars: { value: false, source: null }, join_thread: { value: false, source: null }, edit_permissions: { value: false, source: null }, add_members: { value: false, source: null }, remove_members: { value: false, source: null }, change_role: { value: false, source: null }, leave_thread: { value: false, source: null }, react_to_message: { value: false, source: null }, edit_message: { value: false, source: null }, }, subscription: { home: true, pushNotifs: true }, unread: true, }, repliesCount: 0, containingThreadID: null, community: null, }, }, userInfos: [ { id: '5', username: 'commbot' }, { id: '256', username: 'ashoat' }, { id: '93079', username: 'temp_user7' }, ], }, }; expect(registerResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); - response.cookieChange.userInfos = undefined; + const cookieChange: any = response.cookieChange; + cookieChange.userInfos = undefined; expect(registerResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(false); }); it('should validate login response', () => { const response = { currentUserInfo: { id: '93079', username: 'temp_user7' }, rawMessageInfos: [ { type: 0, id: '93115', threadID: '93094', time: 1682086407577, creatorID: '5', text: 'This is your private chat, where you can set', }, { type: 1, id: '93111', threadID: '93094', time: 1682086407467, creatorID: '93079', initialThreadState: { type: 7, name: 'temp_user7', parentThreadID: '1', color: '575757', memberIDs: ['93079'], }, }, ], truncationStatuses: { '93094': 'exhaustive', '93095': 'exhaustive' }, serverTime: 1682086579416, userInfos: [ { id: '5', username: 'commbot' }, { id: '256', username: 'ashoat' }, { id: '93079', username: 'temp_user7' }, ], cookieChange: { threadInfos: { '1': { id: '1', type: 12, name: 'GENESIS', description: 'This is the first community on Comm. In the future it will', color: 'c85000', creationTime: 1672934346213, parentThreadID: null, members: [ { id: '256', role: '83796', permissions: { know_of: { value: true, source: '1' }, visible: { value: true, source: '1' }, voiced: { value: true, source: '1' }, edit_entries: { value: true, source: '1' }, edit_thread: { value: true, source: '1' }, edit_thread_description: { value: true, source: '1' }, edit_thread_color: { value: true, source: '1' }, delete_thread: { value: true, source: '1' }, create_subthreads: { value: true, source: '1' }, create_sidebars: { value: true, source: '1' }, join_thread: { value: false, source: null }, edit_permissions: { value: false, source: null }, add_members: { value: true, source: '1' }, remove_members: { value: true, source: '1' }, change_role: { value: true, source: '1' }, leave_thread: { value: false, source: null }, react_to_message: { value: true, source: '1' }, edit_message: { value: true, source: '1' }, }, isSender: false, }, { id: '93079', role: '83795', permissions: { know_of: { value: true, source: '1' }, visible: { value: true, source: '1' }, voiced: { value: false, source: null }, edit_entries: { value: false, source: null }, edit_thread: { value: false, source: null }, edit_thread_description: { value: false, source: null }, edit_thread_color: { value: false, source: null }, delete_thread: { value: false, source: null }, create_subthreads: { value: false, source: null }, create_sidebars: { value: false, source: null }, join_thread: { value: false, source: null }, edit_permissions: { value: false, source: null }, add_members: { value: false, source: null }, remove_members: { value: false, source: null }, change_role: { value: false, source: null }, leave_thread: { value: false, source: null }, react_to_message: { value: false, source: null }, edit_message: { value: false, source: null }, }, isSender: false, }, ], roles: { '83795': { id: '83795', name: 'Members', permissions: { know_of: true, visible: true, descendant_open_know_of: true, descendant_open_visible: true, descendant_opentoplevel_join_thread: true, }, isDefault: true, }, '83796': { id: '83796', name: 'Admins', permissions: { know_of: true, visible: true, voiced: true, react_to_message: true, edit_message: true, edit_entries: true, edit_thread: true, edit_thread_color: true, edit_thread_description: true, create_subthreads: true, create_sidebars: true, add_members: true, delete_thread: true, remove_members: true, change_role: true, descendant_know_of: true, descendant_visible: true, descendant_toplevel_join_thread: true, child_join_thread: true, descendant_voiced: true, descendant_edit_entries: true, descendant_edit_thread: true, descendant_edit_thread_color: true, descendant_edit_thread_description: true, descendant_toplevel_create_subthreads: true, descendant_toplevel_create_sidebars: true, descendant_add_members: true, descendant_delete_thread: true, descendant_edit_permissions: true, descendant_remove_members: true, descendant_change_role: true, }, isDefault: false, }, }, currentUser: { role: '83795', permissions: { know_of: { value: true, source: '1' }, visible: { value: true, source: '1' }, voiced: { value: false, source: null }, edit_entries: { value: false, source: null }, edit_thread: { value: false, source: null }, edit_thread_description: { value: false, source: null }, edit_thread_color: { value: false, source: null }, delete_thread: { value: false, source: null }, create_subthreads: { value: false, source: null }, create_sidebars: { value: false, source: null }, join_thread: { value: false, source: null }, edit_permissions: { value: false, source: null }, add_members: { value: false, source: null }, remove_members: { value: false, source: null }, change_role: { value: false, source: null }, leave_thread: { value: false, source: null }, react_to_message: { value: false, source: null }, edit_message: { value: false, source: null }, }, subscription: { home: true, pushNotifs: true }, unread: true, }, repliesCount: 0, containingThreadID: null, community: null, }, }, userInfos: [], }, rawEntryInfos: [], }; expect(logInResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( logInResponseValidator.is({ ...response, currentUserInfo: undefined }), ).toBe(false); }); }); describe('search responder', () => { it('should validate search response', () => { - const response = { + const response: any = { userInfos: [ { id: '83817', username: 'temp_user0' }, { id: '83853', username: 'temp_user1' }, { id: '83890', username: 'temp_user2' }, { id: '83928', username: 'temp_user3' }, ], }; expect(userSearchResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); response.userInfos.push({ id: 123 }); expect(userSearchResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('message report responder', () => { it('should validate message report response', () => { const response = { messageInfo: { type: 0, threadID: '101113', creatorID: '5', time: 1682429699746, text: 'text', id: '101121', }, }; expect(messageReportCreationResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); response.messageInfo.type = -2; expect(messageReportCreationResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('relationship responder', () => { it('should validate relationship response', () => { const response = { invalid_user: ['83817', '83890'], already_friends: ['83890'], }; expect(relationshipErrorsValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( relationshipErrorsValidator.is({ ...response, user_blocked: {} }), ).toBe(false); }); }); describe('activity responder', () => { it('should validate update activity response', () => { - const response = { unfocusedToUnread: ['93095'] }; + const response: any = { unfocusedToUnread: ['93095'] }; expect(updateActivityResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); response.unfocusedToUnread.push(123); expect(updateActivityResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(false); }); it('should validate set thread unread response', () => { const response = { resetToUnread: false }; expect(setThreadUnreadStatusResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( setThreadUnreadStatusResultValidator.is({ ...response, unread: false }), ).toBe(false); }); }); describe('keys responder', () => { it('should validate get session public keys response', () => { const response = { identityKey: 'key', oneTimeKey: 'key', }; expect(getSessionPublicKeysResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect(getSessionPublicKeysResponseValidator.is(null)).toBe(true); expect( getSessionPublicKeysResponseValidator.is({ ...response, identityKey: undefined, }), ).toBe(false); }); }); describe('siwe nonce responders', () => { it('should validate siwe nonce response', () => { const response = { nonce: 'nonce' }; expect(siweNonceResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect(siweNonceResponseValidator.is({ nonce: 123 })).toBe(false); }); }); describe('entry reponders', () => { it('should validate entry fetch response', () => { const response = { rawEntryInfos: [ { id: '92860', threadID: '85068', text: 'text', year: 2023, month: 4, day: 2, creationTime: 1682082939882, creatorID: '83853', deleted: false, }, ], userInfos: { '123': { id: '123', username: 'username', }, }, }; expect(fetchEntryInfosResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( fetchEntryInfosResponseValidator.is({ ...response, userInfos: undefined, }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate entry revision fetch response', () => { const response = { result: [ { id: '93297', authorID: '83853', text: 'text', lastUpdate: 1682603494202, deleted: false, threadID: '83859', entryID: '93270', }, { id: '93284', authorID: '83853', text: 'text', lastUpdate: 1682603426996, deleted: true, threadID: '83859', entryID: '93270', }, ], }; expect(fetchEntryRevisionInfosResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( fetchEntryRevisionInfosResultValidator.is({ ...response, result: {}, }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate entry save response', () => { const response = { entryID: '93270', newMessageInfos: [ { type: 9, threadID: '83859', creatorID: '83853', time: 1682603362817, entryID: '93270', date: '2023-04-03', text: 'text', id: '93272', }, ], updatesResult: { viewerUpdates: [], userInfos: [] }, }; expect(saveEntryResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( saveEntryResponseValidator.is({ ...response, entryID: undefined, }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate entry delete response', () => { const response = { threadID: '83859', newMessageInfos: [ { type: 11, threadID: '83859', creatorID: '83853', time: 1682603427038, entryID: '93270', date: '2023-04-03', text: 'text', id: '93285', }, ], updatesResult: { viewerUpdates: [], userInfos: [] }, }; expect(deleteEntryResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( deleteEntryResponseValidator.is({ ...response, threadID: undefined, }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate entry restore response', () => { const response = { newMessageInfos: [ { type: 11, threadID: '83859', creatorID: '83853', time: 1682603427038, entryID: '93270', date: '2023-04-03', text: 'text', id: '93285', }, ], updatesResult: { viewerUpdates: [], userInfos: [] }, }; expect(restoreEntryResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( restoreEntryResponseValidator.is({ ...response, newMessageInfos: undefined, }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate entry delta response', () => { const response = { rawEntryInfos: [ { id: '92860', threadID: '85068', text: 'text', year: 2023, month: 4, day: 2, creationTime: 1682082939882, creatorID: '83853', deleted: false, }, ], deletedEntryIDs: ['92860'], userInfos: [ { id: '123', username: 'username', }, ], }; expect(deltaEntryInfosResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( deltaEntryInfosResultValidator.is({ ...response, rawEntryInfos: undefined, }), ).toBe(false); }); }); describe('thread responders', () => { it('should validate change thread settings response', () => { const response = { updatesResult: { newUpdates: [ { type: 1, id: '93601', time: 1682759546258, threadInfo: { id: '92796', type: 6, name: '', description: '', color: 'b8753d', creationTime: 1682076700918, parentThreadID: '1', members: [], roles: {}, currentUser: { role: '85172', permissions: {}, subscription: { home: true, pushNotifs: true, }, unread: false, }, repliesCount: 0, containingThreadID: '1', community: '1', pinnedCount: 0, }, }, ], }, newMessageInfos: [ { type: 4, threadID: '92796', creatorID: '83928', time: 1682759546275, field: 'color', value: 'b8753d', id: '93602', }, ], }; expect(changeThreadSettingsResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( changeThreadSettingsResultValidator.is({ ...response, newMessageInfos: undefined, }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate leave thread response', () => { const response = { updatesResult: { newUpdates: [ { type: 3, id: '93595', time: 1682759498811, threadID: '93561' }, ], }, }; expect(leaveThreadResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( leaveThreadResultValidator.is({ ...response, updatedResult: undefined, }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate new thread response', () => { const response = { newThreadID: '93619', updatesResult: { newUpdates: [ { type: 4, id: '93621', time: 1682759805331, threadInfo: { id: '93619', type: 5, name: 'a', description: '', color: 'b8753d', creationTime: 1682759805298, parentThreadID: '92796', members: [], roles: {}, currentUser: { role: '85172', permissions: {}, subscription: { home: true, pushNotifs: true, }, unread: false, }, repliesCount: 0, containingThreadID: '92796', community: '1', sourceMessageID: '93614', pinnedCount: 0, }, rawMessageInfos: [], truncationStatus: 'exhaustive', rawEntryInfos: [], }, ], }, userInfos: { '256': { id: '256', username: 'ashoat' }, '83928': { id: '83928', username: 'temp_user3' }, }, newMessageInfos: [], }; expect(newThreadResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( newThreadResponseValidator.is({ ...response, newMessageInfos: {}, }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate thread join response', () => { const response = { rawMessageInfos: [ { type: 8, threadID: '93619', creatorID: '83928', time: 1682759915935, id: '93640', }, ], truncationStatuses: {}, userInfos: { '256': { id: '256', username: 'ashoat' }, '83928': { id: '83928', username: 'temp_user3' }, }, updatesResult: { newUpdates: [], }, }; expect(threadJoinResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( threadJoinResultValidator.is({ ...response, updatesResult: [], }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate thread fetch media response', () => { const response = { media: [ { type: 'photo', id: '93642', uri: '', dimensions: { width: 220, height: 220 }, }, ], }; expect(threadFetchMediaResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( threadFetchMediaResultValidator.is({ ...response, media: undefined }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate toggle message pin response', () => { const response = { threadID: '123', newMessageInfos: [] }; expect(toggleMessagePinResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( toggleMessagePinResultValidator.is({ ...response, threadID: undefined }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate role change request input', () => { const input = { threadID: '123', memberIDs: [], role: '1', }; expect(roleChangeRequestInputValidator.is(input)).toBe(true); expect(roleChangeRequestInputValidator.is({ ...input, role: '2|1' })).toBe( true, ); expect(roleChangeRequestInputValidator.is({ ...input, role: '-1' })).toBe( false, ); expect(roleChangeRequestInputValidator.is({ ...input, role: '2|-1' })).toBe( false, ); }); }); describe('message responders', () => { it('should validate send message response', () => { const response = { newMessageInfo: { type: 0, threadID: '93619', creatorID: '83928', time: 1682761023640, text: 'a', localID: 'local3', id: '93649', }, }; expect(sendMessageResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( sendMessageResponseValidator.is({ ...response, newMEssageInfos: undefined, }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate fetch message infos response', () => { const response = { rawMessageInfos: [ { type: 0, id: '83954', threadID: '83938', time: 1673561155110, creatorID: '256', text: 'welcome to Comm!', }, ], truncationStatuses: { '83938': 'exhaustive' }, userInfos: { '256': { id: '256', username: 'ashoat' }, '83928': { id: '83928', username: 'temp_user3' }, }, }; expect(fetchMessageInfosResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( fetchMessageInfosResponseValidator.is({ ...response, userInfos: undefined, }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate send edit message response', () => { const response = { newMessageInfos: [ { type: 0, id: '83954', threadID: '83938', time: 1673561155110, creatorID: '256', text: 'welcome to Comm!', }, ], }; expect(sendEditMessageResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( sendEditMessageResponseValidator.is({ ...response, newMessageInfos: undefined, }), ).toBe(false); }); it('should validate fetch pinned message response', () => { const response = { pinnedMessages: [ { type: 0, id: '83954', threadID: '83938', time: 1673561155110, creatorID: '256', text: 'welcome to Comm!', }, ], }; expect(fetchPinnedMessagesResultValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect( fetchPinnedMessagesResultValidator.is({ ...response, pinnedMessages: undefined, }), ).toBe(false); }); }); describe('report responders', () => { it('should validate report creation response', () => { const response = { id: '123' }; expect(reportCreationResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect(reportCreationResponseValidator.is({})).toBe(false); }); }); describe('link responders', () => { it('should validate invite link verification response', () => { const response = { status: 'already_joined', community: { name: 'name', id: '123', }, }; expect(inviteLinkVerificationResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect(inviteLinkVerificationResponseValidator.is({})).toBe(false); }); it('should validate invite link verification response', () => { const response = { links: [ { name: 'name', primary: true, role: '123', communityID: '123', expirationTime: 123, limitOfUses: 123, numberOfUses: 123, }, ], }; expect(fetchInviteLinksResponseValidator.is(response)).toBe(true); expect(fetchInviteLinksResponseValidator.is({ links: {} })).toBe(false); }); });