diff --git a/lib/selectors/chat-selectors.js b/lib/selectors/chat-selectors.js index bb48c2b9b..36f602d98 100644 --- a/lib/selectors/chat-selectors.js +++ b/lib/selectors/chat-selectors.js @@ -1,745 +1,717 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import _filter from 'lodash/fp/filter.js'; import _flow from 'lodash/fp/flow.js'; import _map from 'lodash/fp/map.js'; import _orderBy from 'lodash/fp/orderBy.js'; import * as React from 'react'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import { createObjectSelector } from 'reselect-map'; import { threadInfoFromSourceMessageIDSelector, threadInfoSelector, } from './thread-selectors.js'; import { sidebarInfoSelector } from '../selectors/sidebar-selectors.js'; import { createMessageInfo, getMostRecentNonLocalMessageID, messageKey, robotextForMessageInfo, sortMessageInfoList, } from '../shared/message-utils.js'; import { messageSpecs } from '../shared/messages/message-specs.js'; -import { - threadInChatList, - threadIsPending, - threadIsTopLevel, -} from '../shared/thread-utils.js'; +import { threadInChatList, threadIsPending } from '../shared/thread-utils.js'; import { messageTypes } from '../types/message-types-enum.js'; import { type ComposableMessageInfo, isComposableMessageType, type LocalMessageInfo, type MessageInfo, type MessageStore, type RobotextMessageInfo, } from '../types/message-types.js'; import type { ThreadInfo, RawThreadInfo, } from '../types/minimally-encoded-thread-permissions-types.js'; import type { BaseAppState } from '../types/redux-types.js'; import { threadTypeIsSidebar } from '../types/thread-types-enum.js'; import { maxReadSidebars, maxUnreadSidebars, type SidebarInfo, } from '../types/thread-types.js'; import type { AccountUserInfo, RelativeUserInfo, UserInfo, } from '../types/user-types.js'; import { threeDays } from '../utils/date-utils.js'; import type { EntityText } from '../utils/entity-text.js'; import memoize2 from '../utils/memoize.js'; import { useSelector } from '../utils/redux-utils.js'; export type SidebarItem = | { ...SidebarInfo, +type: 'sidebar', } | { +type: 'seeMore', +unread: boolean, } | { +type: 'spacer' }; export type ChatThreadItem = { +type: 'chatThreadItem', +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +mostRecentMessageInfo: ?MessageInfo, +mostRecentNonLocalMessage: ?string, +lastUpdatedTime: number, +lastUpdatedTimeIncludingSidebars: number, +sidebars: $ReadOnlyArray, +pendingPersonalThreadUserInfo?: UserInfo, }; const messageInfoSelector: (state: BaseAppState<>) => { +[id: string]: ?MessageInfo, } = createObjectSelector( (state: BaseAppState<>) => state.messageStore.messages, (state: BaseAppState<>) => state.currentUserInfo && state.currentUserInfo.id, (state: BaseAppState<>) => state.userStore.userInfos, threadInfoSelector, createMessageInfo, ); function isEmptyMediaMessage(messageInfo: MessageInfo): boolean { return ( (messageInfo.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA || messageInfo.type === messageTypes.IMAGES) && messageInfo.media.length === 0 ); } function getMostRecentMessageInfo( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, messageStore: MessageStore, messages: { +[id: string]: ?MessageInfo }, ): ?MessageInfo { const thread = messageStore.threads[threadInfo.id]; if (!thread) { return null; } for (const messageID of thread.messageIDs) { const messageInfo = messages[messageID]; if (!messageInfo || isEmptyMediaMessage(messageInfo)) { continue; } return messageInfo; } return null; } function getLastUpdatedTime( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, mostRecentMessageInfo: ?MessageInfo, ): number { return mostRecentMessageInfo ? mostRecentMessageInfo.time : threadInfo.creationTime; } function createChatThreadItem( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, messageStore: MessageStore, messages: { +[id: string]: ?MessageInfo }, sidebarInfos: ?$ReadOnlyArray, ): ChatThreadItem { const mostRecentMessageInfo = getMostRecentMessageInfo( threadInfo, messageStore, messages, ); const mostRecentNonLocalMessage = getMostRecentNonLocalMessageID( threadInfo.id, messageStore, ); const lastUpdatedTime = getLastUpdatedTime(threadInfo, mostRecentMessageInfo); const sidebars = sidebarInfos ?? []; const allSidebarItems = sidebars.map(sidebarInfo => ({ type: 'sidebar', ...sidebarInfo, })); const lastUpdatedTimeIncludingSidebars = allSidebarItems.length > 0 ? Math.max(lastUpdatedTime, allSidebarItems[0].lastUpdatedTime) : lastUpdatedTime; const numUnreadSidebars = allSidebarItems.filter( sidebar => sidebar.threadInfo.currentUser.unread, ).length; let numReadSidebarsToShow = maxReadSidebars - numUnreadSidebars; const threeDaysAgo = Date.now() - threeDays; const sidebarItems: SidebarItem[] = []; for (const sidebar of allSidebarItems) { if (sidebarItems.length >= maxUnreadSidebars) { break; } else if (sidebar.threadInfo.currentUser.unread) { sidebarItems.push(sidebar); } else if ( sidebar.lastUpdatedTime > threeDaysAgo && numReadSidebarsToShow > 0 ) { sidebarItems.push(sidebar); numReadSidebarsToShow--; } } const numReadButRecentSidebars = allSidebarItems.filter( sidebar => !sidebar.threadInfo.currentUser.unread && sidebar.lastUpdatedTime > threeDaysAgo, ).length; if ( sidebarItems.length < numUnreadSidebars + numReadButRecentSidebars || (sidebarItems.length < allSidebarItems.length && sidebarItems.length > 0) ) { sidebarItems.push({ type: 'seeMore', unread: numUnreadSidebars > maxUnreadSidebars, }); } if (sidebarItems.length !== 0) { sidebarItems.push({ type: 'spacer', }); } return { type: 'chatThreadItem', threadInfo, mostRecentMessageInfo, mostRecentNonLocalMessage, lastUpdatedTime, lastUpdatedTimeIncludingSidebars, sidebars: sidebarItems, }; } -const chatListData: (state: BaseAppState<>) => $ReadOnlyArray = - createSelector( - threadInfoSelector, - (state: BaseAppState<>) => state.messageStore, - messageInfoSelector, - sidebarInfoSelector, - ( - threadInfos: { - +[id: string]: ThreadInfo, - }, - messageStore: MessageStore, - messageInfos: { +[id: string]: ?MessageInfo }, - sidebarInfos: { +[id: string]: $ReadOnlyArray }, - ): $ReadOnlyArray => - getChatThreadItems( - threadInfos, - messageStore, - messageInfos, - sidebarInfos, - threadIsTopLevel, - ), - ); - function useFlattenedChatListData(): $ReadOnlyArray { return useFilteredChatListData(threadInChatList); } function useFilteredChatListData( filterFunction: (threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)) => boolean, ): $ReadOnlyArray { const threadInfos = useSelector(threadInfoSelector); const messageInfos = useSelector(messageInfoSelector); const sidebarInfos = useSelector(sidebarInfoSelector); const messageStore = useSelector(state => state.messageStore); return React.useMemo( () => getChatThreadItems( threadInfos, messageStore, messageInfos, sidebarInfos, filterFunction, ), [messageInfos, messageStore, sidebarInfos, filterFunction, threadInfos], ); } function getChatThreadItems( threadInfos: { +[id: string]: ThreadInfo }, messageStore: MessageStore, messageInfos: { +[id: string]: ?MessageInfo }, sidebarInfos: { +[id: string]: $ReadOnlyArray }, filterFunction: (threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)) => boolean, ): $ReadOnlyArray { return _flow( _filter(filterFunction), _map((threadInfo: ThreadInfo): ChatThreadItem => createChatThreadItem( threadInfo, messageStore, messageInfos, sidebarInfos[threadInfo.id], ), ), _orderBy('lastUpdatedTimeIncludingSidebars')('desc'), )(threadInfos); } export type RobotextChatMessageInfoItem = { +itemType: 'message', +messageInfoType: 'robotext', +messageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +startsConversation: boolean, +startsCluster: boolean, endsCluster: boolean, +robotext: EntityText, +threadCreatedFromMessage: ?ThreadInfo, +reactions: ReactionInfo, }; export type ComposableChatMessageInfoItem = { +itemType: 'message', +messageInfoType: 'composable', +messageInfo: ComposableMessageInfo, +localMessageInfo: ?LocalMessageInfo, +startsConversation: boolean, +startsCluster: boolean, endsCluster: boolean, +threadCreatedFromMessage: ?ThreadInfo, +reactions: ReactionInfo, +hasBeenEdited: boolean, +isPinned: boolean, }; export type ChatMessageInfoItem = | RobotextChatMessageInfoItem | ComposableChatMessageInfoItem; export type ChatMessageItem = { itemType: 'loader' } | ChatMessageInfoItem; export type ReactionInfo = { +[reaction: string]: MessageReactionInfo }; type MessageReactionInfo = { +viewerReacted: boolean, +users: $ReadOnlyArray, }; type TargetMessageReactions = Map>; const msInFiveMinutes = 5 * 60 * 1000; function createChatMessageItems( threadID: string, messageStore: MessageStore, messageInfos: { +[id: string]: ?MessageInfo }, threadInfos: { +[id: string]: ThreadInfo }, threadInfoFromSourceMessageID: { +[id: string]: ThreadInfo, }, additionalMessages: $ReadOnlyArray, viewerID: string, ): ChatMessageItem[] { const thread = messageStore.threads[threadID]; const threadMessageInfos = (thread?.messageIDs ?? []) .map((messageID: string) => messageInfos[messageID]) .filter(Boolean); const messages = additionalMessages.length > 0 ? sortMessageInfoList([...threadMessageInfos, ...additionalMessages]) : threadMessageInfos; const targetMessageReactionsMap = new Map(); // We need to iterate backwards to put the order of messages in chronological // order, starting with the oldest. This avoids the scenario where the most // recent message with the remove_reaction action may try to remove a user // that hasn't been added to the messageReactionUsersInfoMap, causing it // to be skipped. for (let i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const messageInfo = messages[i]; if (messageInfo.type !== messageTypes.REACTION) { continue; } if (!targetMessageReactionsMap.has(messageInfo.targetMessageID)) { const reactsMap: TargetMessageReactions = new Map(); targetMessageReactionsMap.set(messageInfo.targetMessageID, reactsMap); } const messageReactsMap = targetMessageReactionsMap.get( messageInfo.targetMessageID, ); invariant(messageReactsMap, 'messageReactsInfo should be set'); if (!messageReactsMap.has(messageInfo.reaction)) { const usersInfoMap = new Map(); messageReactsMap.set(messageInfo.reaction, usersInfoMap); } const messageReactionUsersInfoMap = messageReactsMap.get( messageInfo.reaction, ); invariant( messageReactionUsersInfoMap, 'messageReactionUsersInfoMap should be set', ); if (messageInfo.action === 'add_reaction') { messageReactionUsersInfoMap.set( messageInfo.creator.id, messageInfo.creator, ); } else { messageReactionUsersInfoMap.delete(messageInfo.creator.id); } } const targetMessageEditMap = new Map(); for (let i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const messageInfo = messages[i]; if (messageInfo.type !== messageTypes.EDIT_MESSAGE) { continue; } targetMessageEditMap.set(messageInfo.targetMessageID, messageInfo.text); } const targetMessagePinStatusMap = new Map(); // Once again, we iterate backwards to put the order of messages in // chronological order (i.e. oldest to newest) to handle pinned messages. // This is important because we want to make sure that the most recent pin // action is the one that is used to determine whether a message // is pinned or not. for (let i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const messageInfo = messages[i]; if (messageInfo.type !== messageTypes.TOGGLE_PIN) { continue; } targetMessagePinStatusMap.set( messageInfo.targetMessageID, messageInfo.action === 'pin', ); } const chatMessageItems: ChatMessageItem[] = []; let lastMessageInfo = null; for (let i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const messageInfo = messages[i]; if ( messageInfo.type === messageTypes.REACTION || messageInfo.type === messageTypes.EDIT_MESSAGE ) { continue; } let originalMessageInfo = messageInfo.type === messageTypes.SIDEBAR_SOURCE ? messageInfo.sourceMessage : messageInfo; if (isEmptyMediaMessage(originalMessageInfo)) { continue; } let hasBeenEdited = false; if ( originalMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.TEXT && originalMessageInfo.id ) { const newText = targetMessageEditMap.get(originalMessageInfo.id); if (newText !== undefined) { hasBeenEdited = true; originalMessageInfo = { ...originalMessageInfo, text: newText, }; } } let startsConversation = true; let startsCluster = true; if ( lastMessageInfo && lastMessageInfo.time + msInFiveMinutes > originalMessageInfo.time ) { startsConversation = false; if ( isComposableMessageType(lastMessageInfo.type) && isComposableMessageType(originalMessageInfo.type) && lastMessageInfo.creator.id === originalMessageInfo.creator.id ) { startsCluster = false; } } if (startsCluster && chatMessageItems.length > 0) { const lastMessageItem = chatMessageItems[chatMessageItems.length - 1]; invariant(lastMessageItem.itemType === 'message', 'should be message'); lastMessageItem.endsCluster = true; } const threadCreatedFromMessage = !threadTypeIsSidebar(threadInfos[threadID]?.type) && messageInfo.id ? threadInfoFromSourceMessageID[messageInfo.id] : undefined; const isPinned = !!( originalMessageInfo.id && targetMessagePinStatusMap.get(originalMessageInfo.id) ); const renderedReactions: ReactionInfo = (() => { const result: { [string]: MessageReactionInfo } = {}; let messageReactsMap; if (originalMessageInfo.id) { messageReactsMap = targetMessageReactionsMap.get( originalMessageInfo.id, ); } if (!messageReactsMap) { return result; } for (const reaction of messageReactsMap.keys()) { const reactionUsersInfoMap = messageReactsMap.get(reaction); invariant(reactionUsersInfoMap, 'reactionUsersInfoMap should be set'); if (reactionUsersInfoMap.size === 0) { continue; } const reactionUserInfos = [...reactionUsersInfoMap.values()]; const messageReactionInfo = { users: reactionUserInfos, viewerReacted: reactionUsersInfoMap.has(viewerID), }; result[reaction] = messageReactionInfo; } return result; })(); const threadInfo = threadInfos[threadID]; const parentThreadInfo = threadInfo?.parentThreadID ? threadInfos[threadInfo.parentThreadID] : null; const lastChatMessageItem = chatMessageItems.length > 0 ? chatMessageItems[chatMessageItems.length - 1] : undefined; const messageSpec = messageSpecs[originalMessageInfo.type]; if ( !threadCreatedFromMessage && Object.keys(renderedReactions).length === 0 && !hasBeenEdited && !isPinned && lastChatMessageItem && lastChatMessageItem.itemType === 'message' && lastChatMessageItem.messageInfoType === 'robotext' && !lastChatMessageItem.threadCreatedFromMessage && Object.keys(lastChatMessageItem.reactions).length === 0 && !isComposableMessageType(originalMessageInfo.type) && messageSpec?.mergeIntoPrecedingRobotextMessageItem ) { const { mergeIntoPrecedingRobotextMessageItem } = messageSpec; const mergeResult = mergeIntoPrecedingRobotextMessageItem( originalMessageInfo, lastChatMessageItem, { threadInfo, parentThreadInfo }, ); if (mergeResult.shouldMerge) { chatMessageItems[chatMessageItems.length - 1] = mergeResult.item; continue; } } if (isComposableMessageType(originalMessageInfo.type)) { // We use these invariants instead of just checking the messageInfo.type // directly in the conditional above so that isComposableMessageType can // be the source of truth invariant( originalMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.TEXT || originalMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.IMAGES || originalMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA, "Flow doesn't understand isComposableMessageType above", ); const localMessageInfo = messageStore.local[messageKey(originalMessageInfo)]; chatMessageItems.push({ itemType: 'message', messageInfoType: 'composable', messageInfo: originalMessageInfo, localMessageInfo, startsConversation, startsCluster, endsCluster: false, threadCreatedFromMessage, reactions: renderedReactions, hasBeenEdited, isPinned, }); } else { invariant( originalMessageInfo.type !== messageTypes.TEXT && originalMessageInfo.type !== messageTypes.IMAGES && originalMessageInfo.type !== messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA, "Flow doesn't understand isComposableMessageType above", ); const robotext = robotextForMessageInfo( originalMessageInfo, threadInfo, parentThreadInfo, ); chatMessageItems.push({ itemType: 'message', messageInfoType: 'robotext', messageInfos: [originalMessageInfo], startsConversation, startsCluster, endsCluster: false, threadCreatedFromMessage, robotext, reactions: renderedReactions, }); } lastMessageInfo = originalMessageInfo; } if (chatMessageItems.length > 0) { const lastMessageItem = chatMessageItems[chatMessageItems.length - 1]; invariant(lastMessageItem.itemType === 'message', 'should be message'); lastMessageItem.endsCluster = true; } chatMessageItems.reverse(); const hideSpinner = thread ? thread.startReached : threadIsPending(threadID); if (hideSpinner) { return chatMessageItems; } return [...chatMessageItems, ({ itemType: 'loader' }: ChatMessageItem)]; } const baseMessageListData = ( threadID: ?string, additionalMessages: $ReadOnlyArray, ): ((state: BaseAppState<>) => ?(ChatMessageItem[])) => createSelector( (state: BaseAppState<>) => state.messageStore, messageInfoSelector, threadInfoSelector, threadInfoFromSourceMessageIDSelector, (state: BaseAppState<>) => state.currentUserInfo && state.currentUserInfo.id, ( messageStore: MessageStore, messageInfos: { +[id: string]: ?MessageInfo }, threadInfos: { +[id: string]: ThreadInfo, }, threadInfoFromSourceMessageID: { +[id: string]: ThreadInfo, }, viewerID: ?string, ): ?(ChatMessageItem[]) => { if (!threadID || !viewerID) { return null; } return createChatMessageItems( threadID, messageStore, messageInfos, threadInfos, threadInfoFromSourceMessageID, additionalMessages, viewerID, ); }, ); export type MessageListData = ?(ChatMessageItem[]); const messageListData: ( threadID: ?string, additionalMessages: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => (state: BaseAppState<>) => MessageListData = memoize2(baseMessageListData); export type UseMessageListDataArgs = { +searching: boolean, +userInfoInputArray: $ReadOnlyArray, +threadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, }; function useMessageListData({ searching, userInfoInputArray, threadInfo, }: UseMessageListDataArgs): MessageListData { const messageInfos = useSelector(messageInfoSelector); const containingThread = useSelector(state => { if ( !threadInfo || !threadTypeIsSidebar(threadInfo.type) || !threadInfo.containingThreadID ) { return null; } return state.messageStore.threads[threadInfo.containingThreadID]; }); const pendingSidebarEditMessageInfo = React.useMemo(() => { const sourceMessageID = threadInfo?.sourceMessageID; const threadMessageInfos = (containingThread?.messageIDs ?? []) .map((messageID: string) => messageInfos[messageID]) .filter(Boolean) .filter( message => message.type === messageTypes.EDIT_MESSAGE && message.targetMessageID === sourceMessageID, ); if (threadMessageInfos.length === 0) { return null; } return threadMessageInfos[0]; }, [threadInfo, containingThread, messageInfos]); const pendingSidebarSourceMessageInfo = useSelector(state => { const sourceMessageID = threadInfo?.sourceMessageID; if ( !threadInfo || !threadTypeIsSidebar(threadInfo.type) || !sourceMessageID ) { return null; } const thread = state.messageStore.threads[threadInfo.id]; const shouldSourceBeAdded = !thread || (thread.startReached && thread.messageIDs.every( id => messageInfos[id]?.type !== messageTypes.SIDEBAR_SOURCE, )); return shouldSourceBeAdded ? messageInfos[sourceMessageID] : null; }); invariant( !pendingSidebarSourceMessageInfo || pendingSidebarSourceMessageInfo.type !== messageTypes.SIDEBAR_SOURCE, 'sidebars can not be created from sidebar_source message', ); const additionalMessages = React.useMemo(() => { if (!pendingSidebarSourceMessageInfo) { return ([]: MessageInfo[]); } const result: MessageInfo[] = [pendingSidebarSourceMessageInfo]; if (pendingSidebarEditMessageInfo) { result.push(pendingSidebarEditMessageInfo); } return result; }, [pendingSidebarSourceMessageInfo, pendingSidebarEditMessageInfo]); const boundMessageListData = useSelector( messageListData(threadInfo?.id, additionalMessages), ); return React.useMemo(() => { if (searching && userInfoInputArray.length === 0) { return []; } return boundMessageListData; }, [searching, userInfoInputArray.length, boundMessageListData]); } export { messageInfoSelector, createChatThreadItem, - chatListData, createChatMessageItems, messageListData, useFlattenedChatListData, useFilteredChatListData, useMessageListData, };