diff --git a/web/app.react.js b/web/app.react.js index d340adf1f..d44d93d4a 100644 --- a/web/app.react.js +++ b/web/app.react.js @@ -1,406 +1,418 @@ // @flow import 'basscss/css/basscss.min.css'; import './theme.css'; import { config as faConfig } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import _isEqual from 'lodash/fp/isEqual.js'; import * as React from 'react'; import { DndProvider } from 'react-dnd'; import { HTML5Backend } from 'react-dnd-html5-backend'; import { WagmiConfig } from 'wagmi'; import { fetchEntriesActionTypes, updateCalendarQueryActionTypes, } from 'lib/actions/entry-actions.js'; import { ChatMentionContextProvider } from 'lib/components/chat-mention-provider.react.js'; import { EditUserAvatarProvider } from 'lib/components/edit-user-avatar-provider.react.js'; import { ModalProvider, useModalContext, } from 'lib/components/modal-provider.react.js'; import { createLoadingStatusSelector, combineLoadingStatuses, } from 'lib/selectors/loading-selectors.js'; import { isLoggedIn } from 'lib/selectors/user-selectors.js'; import { extractMajorDesktopVersion } from 'lib/shared/version-utils.js'; import { TunnelbrokerProvider } from 'lib/tunnelbroker/tunnelbroker-context.js'; import type { LoadingStatus } from 'lib/types/loading-types.js'; import type { Dispatch } from 'lib/types/redux-types.js'; -import { registerConfig } from 'lib/utils/config.js'; +import { getConfig, registerConfig } from 'lib/utils/config.js'; import { useDispatch } from 'lib/utils/redux-utils.js'; import { infoFromURL } from 'lib/utils/url-utils.js'; import { AlchemyENSCacheProvider, wagmiConfig } from 'lib/utils/wagmi-utils.js'; import QrCodeLogin from './account/qr-code-login.react.js'; import AppThemeWrapper from './app-theme-wrapper.react.js'; import WebEditThreadAvatarProvider from './avatars/web-edit-thread-avatar-provider.react.js'; import Calendar from './calendar/calendar.react.js'; import Chat from './chat/chat.react.js'; import { EditModalProvider } from './chat/edit-message-provider.js'; import NavigationArrows from './components/navigation-arrows.react.js'; import { initOpaque } from './crypto/opaque-utils.js'; +import { getDatabaseModule } from './database/database-module-provider.js'; import electron from './electron.js'; import InputStateContainer from './input/input-state-container.react.js'; import InviteLinkHandler from './invite-links/invite-link-handler.react.js'; import InviteLinksRefresher from './invite-links/invite-links-refresher.react.js'; import LoadingIndicator from './loading-indicator.react.js'; import { MenuProvider } from './menu-provider.react.js'; import UpdateModalHandler from './modals/update-modal.react.js'; import SettingsSwitcher from './navigation-panels/settings-switcher.react.js'; import Topbar from './navigation-panels/topbar.react.js'; import useBadgeHandler from './push-notif/badge-handler.react.js'; import { PushNotificationsHandler } from './push-notif/push-notifs-handler.js'; import { updateNavInfoActionType } from './redux/action-types.js'; import { DisconnectedBarVisibilityHandler } from './redux/disconnected-bar-visibility-handler.js'; import DisconnectedBar from './redux/disconnected-bar.js'; import FocusHandler from './redux/focus-handler.react.js'; import { persistConfig } from './redux/persist.js'; import PolicyAcknowledgmentHandler from './redux/policy-acknowledgment-handler.js'; import { useSelector } from './redux/redux-utils.js'; import VisibilityHandler from './redux/visibility-handler.react.js'; import history from './router-history.js'; import { MessageSearchStateProvider } from './search/message-search-state-provider.react.js'; import { createTunnelbrokerInitMessage } from './selectors/tunnelbroker-selectors.js'; import AccountSettings from './settings/account-settings.react.js'; import DangerZone from './settings/danger-zone.react.js'; import KeyserverSelectionList from './settings/keyserver-selection-list.react.js'; import CommunityPicker from './sidebar/community-picker.react.js'; import Splash from './splash/splash.react.js'; import './typography.css'; import css from './style.css'; import { TooltipProvider } from './tooltips/tooltip-provider.js'; import { type NavInfo } from './types/nav-types.js'; import { canonicalURLFromReduxState, navInfoFromURL } from './url-utils.js'; void initOpaque(); // We want Webpack's css-loader and style-loader to handle the Fontawesome CSS, // so we disable the autoAddCss logic and import the CSS file. Otherwise every // icon flashes huge for a second before the CSS is loaded. import '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core/styles.css'; faConfig.autoAddCss = false; const desktopDetails = electron?.version ? { majorDesktopVersion: extractMajorDesktopVersion(electron?.version) } : null; registerConfig({ // We can't securely cache credentials on web resolveKeyserverSessionInvalidationUsingNativeCredentials: null, setSessionIDOnRequest: true, // Never reset the calendar range calendarRangeInactivityLimit: null, platformDetails: { platform: electron?.platform ?? 'web', codeVersion: 63, stateVersion: persistConfig.version, ...desktopDetails, }, }); +const versionBroadcast = new BroadcastChannel('comm_version'); +versionBroadcast.postMessage(getConfig().platformDetails.codeVersion); +versionBroadcast.onmessage = (event: MessageEvent) => { + if (event.data && event.data !== getConfig().platformDetails.codeVersion) { + location.reload(); + } +}; + +// Start initializing the database immediately +void getDatabaseModule(); + type BaseProps = { +location: { +pathname: string, ... }, }; type Props = { ...BaseProps, // Redux state +navInfo: NavInfo, +entriesLoadingStatus: LoadingStatus, +loggedIn: boolean, +activeThreadCurrentlyUnread: boolean, // Redux dispatch functions +dispatch: Dispatch, +modals: $ReadOnlyArray, }; class App extends React.PureComponent { componentDidMount() { const { navInfo, location: { pathname }, loggedIn, } = this.props; const newURL = canonicalURLFromReduxState(navInfo, pathname, loggedIn); if (pathname !== newURL) { history.replace(newURL); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const { navInfo, location: { pathname }, loggedIn, } = this.props; if (!_isEqual(navInfo)(prevProps.navInfo)) { const newURL = canonicalURLFromReduxState(navInfo, pathname, loggedIn); if (newURL !== pathname) { history.push(newURL); } } else if (pathname !== prevProps.location.pathname) { const urlInfo = infoFromURL(pathname); const newNavInfo = navInfoFromURL(urlInfo, { navInfo }); if (!_isEqual(newNavInfo)(navInfo)) { this.props.dispatch({ type: updateNavInfoActionType, payload: newNavInfo, }); } } else if (loggedIn !== prevProps.loggedIn) { const newURL = canonicalURLFromReduxState(navInfo, pathname, loggedIn); if (newURL !== pathname) { history.replace(newURL); } } if (loggedIn !== prevProps.loggedIn) { electron?.clearHistory(); } } onWordmarkClicked = () => { this.props.dispatch({ type: updateNavInfoActionType, payload: { tab: 'chat' }, }); }; render(): React.Node { let content; if (this.props.loggedIn) { content = ( <> {this.renderMainContent()} {this.props.modals} ); } else { content = ( <> {this.renderLoginPage()} {this.props.modals} ); } return ( {content} ); } onHeaderDoubleClick = (): void => electron?.doubleClickTopBar(); stopDoubleClickPropagation: ?(SyntheticEvent) => void = electron ? e => e.stopPropagation() : null; renderLoginPage(): React.Node { const { loginMethod } = this.props.navInfo; if (loginMethod === 'qr-code') { return ; } return ; } renderMainContent(): React.Node { const mainContent = this.getMainContentWithSwitcher(); let navigationArrows = null; if (electron) { navigationArrows = ; } const headerClasses = classnames({ [css.header]: true, [css['electron-draggable']]: electron, }); const wordmarkClasses = classnames({ [css.wordmark]: true, [css['electron-non-draggable']]: electron, [css['wordmark-macos']]: electron?.platform === 'macos', }); return (


); } getMainContentWithSwitcher(): React.Node { const { tab, settingsSection } = this.props.navInfo; let mainContent: React.Node; if (tab === 'settings') { if (settingsSection === 'account') { mainContent = ; } else if (settingsSection === 'keyservers') { mainContent = ; } else if (settingsSection === 'danger-zone') { mainContent = ; } return (
); } if (tab === 'calendar') { mainContent = ; } else if (tab === 'chat') { mainContent = ; } const mainContentClass = classnames( css['main-content-container'], css['main-content-container-column'], ); return (
); } } const fetchEntriesLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector( fetchEntriesActionTypes, ); const updateCalendarQueryLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector( updateCalendarQueryActionTypes, ); const ConnectedApp: React.ComponentType = React.memo( function ConnectedApp(props) { const activeChatThreadID = useSelector( state => state.navInfo.activeChatThreadID, ); const navInfo = useSelector(state => state.navInfo); const fetchEntriesLoadingStatus = useSelector( fetchEntriesLoadingStatusSelector, ); const updateCalendarQueryLoadingStatus = useSelector( updateCalendarQueryLoadingStatusSelector, ); const entriesLoadingStatus = combineLoadingStatuses( fetchEntriesLoadingStatus, updateCalendarQueryLoadingStatus, ); const loggedIn = useSelector(isLoggedIn); const activeThreadCurrentlyUnread = useSelector( state => !activeChatThreadID || !!state.threadStore.threadInfos[activeChatThreadID]?.currentUser.unread, ); useBadgeHandler(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const modalContext = useModalContext(); const modals = React.useMemo( () => modalContext.modals.map(([modal, key]) => ( {modal} )), [modalContext.modals], ); const tunnelbrokerInitMessage = useSelector(createTunnelbrokerInitMessage); return ( ); }, ); function AppWithProvider(props: BaseProps): React.Node { return ( ); } export default AppWithProvider; diff --git a/web/database/database-module-provider.js b/web/database/database-module-provider.js index fea07cbe8..46cc96a39 100644 --- a/web/database/database-module-provider.js +++ b/web/database/database-module-provider.js @@ -1,159 +1,162 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import localforage from 'localforage'; +import { getConfig } from 'lib/utils/config.js'; + import { DATABASE_WORKER_PATH, WORKERS_MODULES_DIR_PATH, SQLITE_ENCRYPTION_KEY, } from './utils/constants.js'; import { isDesktopSafari, isSQLiteSupported } from './utils/db-utils.js'; import WorkerConnectionProxy from './utils/worker-connection-proxy.js'; import { exportKeyToJWK, generateCryptoKey, } from '../crypto/aes-gcm-crypto-utils.js'; import { workerRequestMessageTypes, type WorkerRequestMessage, type WorkerResponseMessage, } from '../types/worker-types.js'; declare var baseURL: string; declare var commQueryExecutorFilename: string; const databaseStatuses = Object.freeze({ notRunning: 'NOT_RUNNING', initSuccess: 'INIT_SUCCESS', initInProgress: 'INIT_IN_PROGRESS', initError: 'INIT_ERROR', }); type DatabaseStatus = | { +type: 'NOT_RUNNING' | 'INIT_SUCCESS' | 'INIT_ERROR' } | { +type: 'INIT_IN_PROGRESS', +initPromise: Promise }; type InitOptions = { +clearDatabase: boolean }; class DatabaseModule { worker: ?SharedWorker; workerProxy: ?WorkerConnectionProxy; status: DatabaseStatus = { type: databaseStatuses.notRunning }; async init({ clearDatabase }: InitOptions): Promise { if (!isSQLiteSupported()) { console.warn('SQLite is not supported'); this.status = { type: databaseStatuses.initError }; return; } if (this.status.type === databaseStatuses.initInProgress) { await this.status.initPromise; return; } if ( (this.status.type === databaseStatuses.initSuccess && !clearDatabase) || this.status.type === databaseStatuses.initError ) { return; } const initPromise = (async () => { if (clearDatabase && this.status.type === databaseStatuses.initSuccess) { console.info('Clearing sensitive data'); invariant(this.workerProxy, 'Worker proxy should exist'); await this.workerProxy.scheduleOnWorker({ type: workerRequestMessageTypes.CLEAR_SENSITIVE_DATA, }); } - this.worker = new SharedWorker(DATABASE_WORKER_PATH); + const codeVersion = getConfig().platformDetails.codeVersion ?? ''; + const workerName = `comm-app-database-${codeVersion}`; + + this.worker = new SharedWorker(DATABASE_WORKER_PATH, workerName); this.worker.onerror = console.error; this.workerProxy = new WorkerConnectionProxy( this.worker.port, console.error, ); const origin = window.location.origin; try { let encryptionKey = null; if (isDesktopSafari) { encryptionKey = await getSafariEncryptionKey(); } invariant(this.workerProxy, 'Worker proxy should exist'); await this.workerProxy.scheduleOnWorker({ type: workerRequestMessageTypes.INIT, databaseModuleFilePath: `${origin}${baseURL}${WORKERS_MODULES_DIR_PATH}`, encryptionKey, commQueryExecutorFilename, }); this.status = { type: databaseStatuses.initSuccess }; console.info('Database initialization success'); } catch (error) { this.status = { type: databaseStatuses.initError }; console.error(`Database initialization failure`, error); } })(); this.status = { type: databaseStatuses.initInProgress, initPromise }; await initPromise; } async isDatabaseSupported(): Promise { if (this.status.type === databaseStatuses.initInProgress) { await this.status.initPromise; } return this.status.type === databaseStatuses.initSuccess; } async schedule( payload: WorkerRequestMessage, ): Promise { if (this.status.type === databaseStatuses.notRunning) { throw new Error('Database not running'); } if (this.status.type === databaseStatuses.initInProgress) { await this.status.initPromise; } if (this.status.type === databaseStatuses.initError) { throw new Error('Database could not be initialized'); } invariant(this.workerProxy, 'Worker proxy should exist'); return this.workerProxy.scheduleOnWorker(payload); } } async function getSafariEncryptionKey(): Promise { const encryptionKey = await localforage.getItem( SQLITE_ENCRYPTION_KEY, ); if (encryptionKey) { return await exportKeyToJWK(encryptionKey); } const newEncryptionKey = await generateCryptoKey({ extractable: true, }); await localforage.setItem(SQLITE_ENCRYPTION_KEY, newEncryptionKey); return await exportKeyToJWK(newEncryptionKey); } let databaseModule: ?DatabaseModule = null; async function getDatabaseModule(): Promise { if (databaseModule) { return databaseModule; } const newModule = new DatabaseModule(); databaseModule = newModule; await newModule.init({ clearDatabase: false }); return newModule; } -// Start initializing the database immediately -void getDatabaseModule(); export { getDatabaseModule };