diff --git a/lib/types/identity-service-types.js b/lib/types/identity-service-types.js index ef97e02e3..d6dbf7a9b 100644 --- a/lib/types/identity-service-types.js +++ b/lib/types/identity-service-types.js @@ -1,425 +1,432 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import t, { type TInterface, type TList, type TDict, type TEnums } from 'tcomb'; import { identityKeysBlobValidator, type IdentityKeysBlob, signedPrekeysValidator, type SignedPrekeys, type OneTimeKeysResultValues, } from './crypto-types.js'; import { type Platform } from './device-types.js'; import { type OlmSessionInitializationInfo, olmSessionInitializationInfoValidator, } from './olm-session-types.js'; import { currentUserInfoValidator, type CurrentUserInfo, } from './user-types.js'; import { values } from '../utils/objects.js'; import { tUserID, tShape } from '../utils/validation-utils.js'; export type UserAuthMetadata = { +userID: string, +accessToken: string, }; // This type should not be altered without also updating OutboundKeyInfoResponse // in native/native_rust_library/src/identity/x3dh.rs export type OutboundKeyInfoResponse = { +payload: string, +payloadSignature: string, +contentPrekey: string, +contentPrekeySignature: string, +notifPrekey: string, +notifPrekeySignature: string, +oneTimeContentPrekey: ?string, +oneTimeNotifPrekey: ?string, }; // This type should not be altered without also updating InboundKeyInfoResponse // in native/native_rust_library/src/identity/x3dh.rs export type InboundKeyInfoResponse = { +payload: string, +payloadSignature: string, +contentPrekey: string, +contentPrekeySignature: string, +notifPrekey: string, +notifPrekeySignature: string, +username?: ?string, +walletAddress?: ?string, }; export type DeviceOlmOutboundKeys = { +identityKeysBlob: IdentityKeysBlob, +contentInitializationInfo: OlmSessionInitializationInfo, +notifInitializationInfo: OlmSessionInitializationInfo, +payloadSignature: string, }; export const deviceOlmOutboundKeysValidator: TInterface = tShape({ identityKeysBlob: identityKeysBlobValidator, contentInitializationInfo: olmSessionInitializationInfoValidator, notifInitializationInfo: olmSessionInitializationInfoValidator, payloadSignature: t.String, }); export type UserDevicesOlmOutboundKeys = { +deviceID: string, +keys: ?DeviceOlmOutboundKeys, }; export type DeviceOlmInboundKeys = { +identityKeysBlob: IdentityKeysBlob, +signedPrekeys: SignedPrekeys, +payloadSignature: string, }; export const deviceOlmInboundKeysValidator: TInterface = tShape({ identityKeysBlob: identityKeysBlobValidator, signedPrekeys: signedPrekeysValidator, payloadSignature: t.String, }); export type UserDevicesOlmInboundKeys = { +keys: { +[deviceID: string]: ?DeviceOlmInboundKeys, }, +username?: ?string, +walletAddress?: ?string, }; // This type should not be altered without also updating FarcasterUser in // keyserver/addons/rust-node-addon/src/identity_client/get_farcaster_users.rs export type FarcasterUser = { +userID: string, +username: string, +farcasterID: string, }; export const farcasterUserValidator: TInterface = tShape({ userID: tUserID, username: t.String, farcasterID: t.String, }); export const farcasterUsersValidator: TList> = t.list( farcasterUserValidator, ); export const userDeviceOlmInboundKeysValidator: TInterface = tShape({ keys: t.dict(t.String, t.maybe(deviceOlmInboundKeysValidator)), username: t.maybe(t.String), walletAddress: t.maybe(t.String), }); export interface IdentityServiceClient { // Only a primary device can initiate account deletion, and web cannot be a // primary device +deleteWalletUser?: () => Promise; // Only a primary device can initiate account deletion, and web cannot be a // primary device +deletePasswordUser?: (password: string) => Promise; +logOut: () => Promise; // This log out type is specific to primary device, and web cannot be a // primary device +logOutPrimaryDevice?: () => Promise; +logOutSecondaryDevice: () => Promise; +getKeyserverKeys: string => Promise; // Users cannot register from web +registerPasswordUser?: ( username: string, password: string, fid: ?string, ) => Promise; // Users cannot register from web +registerReservedPasswordUser?: ( username: string, password: string, keyserverMessage: string, keyserverSignature: string, ) => Promise; +logInPasswordUser: ( username: string, password: string, ) => Promise; +getOutboundKeysForUser: ( userID: string, ) => Promise; +getInboundKeysForUser: ( userID: string, ) => Promise; +uploadOneTimeKeys: (oneTimeKeys: OneTimeKeysResultValues) => Promise; +generateNonce: () => Promise; // Users cannot register from web +registerWalletUser?: ( walletAddress: string, siweMessage: string, siweSignature: string, fid: ?string, ) => Promise; +logInWalletUser: ( walletAddress: string, siweMessage: string, siweSignature: string, ) => Promise; + // Users cannot restore backup from web + +restoreUser?: ( + userID: string, + deviceList: SignedDeviceList, + siweMessage?: string, + siweSignature?: string, + ) => Promise; // on native, publishing prekeys to Identity is called directly from C++, // there is no need to expose it to JS +publishWebPrekeys?: (prekeys: SignedPrekeys) => Promise; +getDeviceListHistoryForUser: ( userID: string, sinceTimestamp?: number, ) => Promise<$ReadOnlyArray>; +getDeviceListsForUsers: ( userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => Promise; // updating device list is possible only on Native // web cannot be a primary device, so there's no need to expose it to JS +updateDeviceList?: (newDeviceList: SignedDeviceList) => Promise; +syncPlatformDetails: () => Promise; +uploadKeysForRegisteredDeviceAndLogIn: ( userID: string, signedNonce: SignedNonce, ) => Promise; +getFarcasterUsers: ( farcasterIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => Promise<$ReadOnlyArray>; +linkFarcasterAccount: (farcasterID: string) => Promise; +unlinkFarcasterAccount: () => Promise; +findUserIdentities: ( userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => Promise; +versionSupported: () => Promise; +changePassword: (oldPassword: string, newPassword: string) => Promise; } export type IdentityServiceAuthLayer = { +userID: string, +deviceID: string, +commServicesAccessToken: string, }; export type IdentityAuthResult = { +userID: string, +accessToken: string, +username: string, +preRequestUserState?: ?CurrentUserInfo, }; export const identityAuthResultValidator: TInterface = tShape({ userID: tUserID, accessToken: t.String, username: t.String, preRequestUserState: t.maybe(currentUserInfoValidator), }); export type IdentityNewDeviceKeyUpload = { +keyPayload: string, +keyPayloadSignature: string, +contentPrekey: string, +contentPrekeySignature: string, +notifPrekey: string, +notifPrekeySignature: string, +contentOneTimeKeys: $ReadOnlyArray, +notifOneTimeKeys: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type IdentityExistingDeviceKeyUpload = { +keyPayload: string, +keyPayloadSignature: string, +contentPrekey: string, +contentPrekeySignature: string, +notifPrekey: string, +notifPrekeySignature: string, }; // Device list types export type RawDeviceList = { +devices: $ReadOnlyArray, +timestamp: number, }; export const rawDeviceListValidator: TInterface = tShape({ devices: t.list(t.String), timestamp: t.Number, }); export type UsersRawDeviceLists = { +[userID: string]: RawDeviceList, }; // User Identity types export type EthereumIdentity = { walletAddress: string, siweMessage: string, siweSignature: string, }; export type Identity = { +username: string, +ethIdentity: ?EthereumIdentity, +farcasterID: ?string, }; export type Identities = { +[userID: string]: Identity, }; export const ethereumIdentityValidator: TInterface = tShape({ walletAddress: t.String, siweMessage: t.String, siweSignature: t.String, }); export const identityValidator: TInterface = tShape({ username: t.String, ethIdentity: t.maybe(ethereumIdentityValidator), farcasterID: t.maybe(t.String), }); export const identitiesValidator: TDict = t.dict( t.String, identityValidator, ); export type ReservedUserIdentifiers = { +[userID: string]: string, }; export const reservedIdentifiersValidator: TDict = t.dict(t.String, t.String); export type UserIdentitiesResponse = { +identities: Identities, +reservedUserIdentifiers: ReservedUserIdentifiers, }; export const userIdentitiesResponseValidator: TInterface = tShape({ identities: identitiesValidator, reservedUserIdentifiers: reservedIdentifiersValidator, }); export type SignedDeviceList = { // JSON-stringified RawDeviceList +rawDeviceList: string, // Current primary device signature. Absent for Identity Service generated // device lists. +curPrimarySignature?: string, // Previous primary device signature. Present only if primary device // has changed since last update. +lastPrimarySignature?: string, }; export const signedDeviceListValidator: TInterface = tShape({ rawDeviceList: t.String, curPrimarySignature: t.maybe(t.String), lastPrimarySignature: t.maybe(t.String), }); export const signedDeviceListHistoryValidator: TList> = t.list(signedDeviceListValidator); export type UsersSignedDeviceLists = { +[userID: string]: SignedDeviceList, }; export const usersSignedDeviceListsValidator: TDict = t.dict(t.String, signedDeviceListValidator); export type SignedNonce = { +nonce: string, +nonceSignature: string, }; export const ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER = 10; export const identityDeviceTypes = Object.freeze({ KEYSERVER: 0, WEB: 1, IOS: 2, ANDROID: 3, WINDOWS: 4, MAC_OS: 5, }); export type IdentityDeviceType = $Values; function isIdentityDeviceType(deviceType: number): boolean %checks { return ( deviceType === 0 || deviceType === 1 || deviceType === 2 || deviceType === 3 || deviceType === 4 || deviceType === 5 ); } export function assertIdentityDeviceType( deviceType: number, ): IdentityDeviceType { invariant( isIdentityDeviceType(deviceType), 'number is not IdentityDeviceType enum', ); return deviceType; } export const identityDeviceTypeToPlatform: { +[identityDeviceType: IdentityDeviceType]: Platform, } = Object.freeze({ [identityDeviceTypes.WEB]: 'web', [identityDeviceTypes.ANDROID]: 'android', [identityDeviceTypes.IOS]: 'ios', [identityDeviceTypes.WINDOWS]: 'windows', [identityDeviceTypes.MAC_OS]: 'macos', }); export const platformToIdentityDeviceType: { +[platform: Platform]: IdentityDeviceType, } = Object.freeze({ web: identityDeviceTypes.WEB, android: identityDeviceTypes.ANDROID, ios: identityDeviceTypes.IOS, windows: identityDeviceTypes.WINDOWS, macos: identityDeviceTypes.MAC_OS, }); export const identityDeviceTypeValidator: TEnums = t.enums.of( values(identityDeviceTypes), ); export type IdentityPlatformDetails = { +deviceType: IdentityDeviceType, +codeVersion: number, +stateVersion?: number, +majorDesktopVersion?: number, }; export const identityPlatformDetailsValidator: TInterface = tShape({ deviceType: identityDeviceTypeValidator, codeVersion: t.Number, stateVersion: t.maybe(t.Number), majorDesktopVersion: t.maybe(t.Number), }); export type UserDevicesPlatformDetails = { +[deviceID: string]: IdentityPlatformDetails, }; export const userDevicesPlatformDetailsValidator: TDict = t.dict(t.String, identityPlatformDetailsValidator); export type UsersDevicesPlatformDetails = { +[userID: string]: UserDevicesPlatformDetails, }; export const usersDevicesPlatformDetailsValidator: TDict = t.dict(t.String, userDevicesPlatformDetailsValidator); export type PeersDeviceLists = { +usersSignedDeviceLists: UsersSignedDeviceLists, +usersDevicesPlatformDetails: UsersDevicesPlatformDetails, }; export const peersDeviceListsValidator: TInterface = tShape({ usersSignedDeviceLists: usersSignedDeviceListsValidator, usersDevicesPlatformDetails: usersDevicesPlatformDetailsValidator, }); diff --git a/native/identity-service/identity-service-context-provider.react.js b/native/identity-service/identity-service-context-provider.react.js index 599e00c38..6d580cb8e 100644 --- a/native/identity-service/identity-service-context-provider.react.js +++ b/native/identity-service/identity-service-context-provider.react.js @@ -1,710 +1,746 @@ // @flow import * as React from 'react'; import { getOneTimeKeyValues } from 'lib/shared/crypto-utils.js'; import { createAndSignSingletonDeviceList } from 'lib/shared/device-list-utils.js'; import { IdentityClientContext } from 'lib/shared/identity-client-context.js'; import { type IdentityKeysBlob, identityKeysBlobValidator, type OneTimeKeysResultValues, } from 'lib/types/crypto-types.js'; import { type DeviceOlmInboundKeys, deviceOlmInboundKeysValidator, type DeviceOlmOutboundKeys, deviceOlmOutboundKeysValidator, farcasterUsersValidator, identityAuthResultValidator, type IdentityServiceClient, ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER, type SignedDeviceList, signedDeviceListHistoryValidator, type SignedNonce, type UserAuthMetadata, userDeviceOlmInboundKeysValidator, type UserDevicesOlmInboundKeys, type UserDevicesOlmOutboundKeys, type UsersSignedDeviceLists, userIdentitiesResponseValidator, type UsersDevicesPlatformDetails, peersDeviceListsValidator, } from 'lib/types/identity-service-types.js'; import { getContentSigningKey } from 'lib/utils/crypto-utils.js'; import { assertWithValidator } from 'lib/utils/validation-utils.js'; import { getCommServicesAuthMetadataEmitter } from '../event-emitters/csa-auth-metadata-emitter.js'; import { commCoreModule, commRustModule } from '../native-modules.js'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils.js'; type Props = { +children: React.Node, }; function IdentityServiceContextProvider(props: Props): React.Node { const { children } = props; const userIDPromiseRef = React.useRef>(); if (!userIDPromiseRef.current) { userIDPromiseRef.current = (async () => { const { userID } = await commCoreModule.getCommServicesAuthMetadata(); return userID; })(); } React.useEffect(() => { const metadataEmitter = getCommServicesAuthMetadataEmitter(); const subscription = metadataEmitter.addListener( 'commServicesAuthMetadata', (authMetadata: UserAuthMetadata) => { userIDPromiseRef.current = Promise.resolve(authMetadata.userID); }, ); return () => subscription.remove(); }, []); const accessToken = useSelector(state => state.commServicesAccessToken); const getAuthMetadata = React.useCallback< () => Promise<{ +deviceID: string, +userID: string, +accessToken: string, }>, >(async () => { const deviceID = await getContentSigningKey(); const userID = await userIDPromiseRef.current; if (!deviceID || !userID || !accessToken) { throw new Error('Identity service client is not initialized'); } return { deviceID, userID, accessToken }; }, [accessToken]); const processAuthResult = async (authResult: string, deviceID: string) => { const { userID, accessToken: token, username } = JSON.parse(authResult); const identityAuthResult = { accessToken: token, userID, username, }; const validatedResult = assertWithValidator( identityAuthResult, identityAuthResultValidator, ); await commCoreModule.setCommServicesAuthMetadata( validatedResult.userID, deviceID, validatedResult.accessToken, ); return validatedResult; }; const client = React.useMemo( () => ({ deleteWalletUser: async () => { const { deviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); return commRustModule.deleteWalletUser(userID, deviceID, token); }, deletePasswordUser: async (password: string) => { const { deviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); return commRustModule.deletePasswordUser( userID, deviceID, token, password, ); }, logOut: async () => { const { deviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); return commRustModule.logOut(userID, deviceID, token); }, logOutPrimaryDevice: async () => { const { deviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); const signedDeviceList = await createAndSignSingletonDeviceList(deviceID); return commRustModule.logOutPrimaryDevice( userID, deviceID, token, JSON.stringify(signedDeviceList), ); }, logOutSecondaryDevice: async () => { const { deviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); return commRustModule.logOutSecondaryDevice(userID, deviceID, token); }, getKeyserverKeys: async ( keyserverID: string, ): Promise => { const { deviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); const result = await commRustModule.getKeyserverKeys( userID, deviceID, token, keyserverID, ); const resultObject = JSON.parse(result); const payload = resultObject?.payload; const keyserverKeys = { identityKeysBlob: payload ? JSON.parse(payload) : null, contentInitializationInfo: { prekey: resultObject?.contentPrekey, prekeySignature: resultObject?.contentPrekeySignature, oneTimeKey: resultObject?.oneTimeContentPrekey, }, notifInitializationInfo: { prekey: resultObject?.notifPrekey, prekeySignature: resultObject?.notifPrekeySignature, oneTimeKey: resultObject?.oneTimeNotifPrekey, }, payloadSignature: resultObject?.payloadSignature, }; return assertWithValidator( keyserverKeys, deviceOlmOutboundKeysValidator, ); }, getOutboundKeysForUser: async ( targetUserID: string, ): Promise => { const { deviceID: authDeviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); const result = await commRustModule.getOutboundKeysForUser( userID, authDeviceID, token, targetUserID, ); const resultArray = JSON.parse(result); return resultArray .map(outboundKeysInfo => { try { const payload = outboundKeysInfo?.payload; const identityKeysBlob: IdentityKeysBlob = assertWithValidator( payload ? JSON.parse(payload) : null, identityKeysBlobValidator, ); const deviceID = identityKeysBlob.primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519; const deviceKeys = { identityKeysBlob, contentInitializationInfo: { prekey: outboundKeysInfo?.contentPrekey, prekeySignature: outboundKeysInfo?.contentPrekeySignature, oneTimeKey: outboundKeysInfo?.oneTimeContentPrekey, }, notifInitializationInfo: { prekey: outboundKeysInfo?.notifPrekey, prekeySignature: outboundKeysInfo?.notifPrekeySignature, oneTimeKey: outboundKeysInfo?.oneTimeNotifPrekey, }, payloadSignature: outboundKeysInfo?.payloadSignature, }; try { const validatedKeys = assertWithValidator( deviceKeys, deviceOlmOutboundKeysValidator, ); return { deviceID, keys: validatedKeys, }; } catch (e) { console.log(e); return { deviceID, keys: null, }; } } catch (e) { console.log(e); return null; } }) .filter(Boolean); }, getInboundKeysForUser: async ( targetUserID: string, ): Promise => { const { deviceID: authDeviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); const result = await commRustModule.getInboundKeysForUser( userID, authDeviceID, token, targetUserID, ); const resultArray = JSON.parse(result); const devicesKeys: { [deviceID: string]: ?DeviceOlmInboundKeys, } = {}; resultArray.forEach(inboundKeysInfo => { try { const payload = inboundKeysInfo?.payload; const identityKeysBlob: IdentityKeysBlob = assertWithValidator( payload ? JSON.parse(payload) : null, identityKeysBlobValidator, ); const deviceID = identityKeysBlob.primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519; const deviceKeys = { identityKeysBlob, signedPrekeys: { contentPrekey: inboundKeysInfo?.contentPrekey, contentPrekeySignature: inboundKeysInfo?.contentPrekeySignature, notifPrekey: inboundKeysInfo?.notifPrekey, notifPrekeySignature: inboundKeysInfo?.notifPrekeySignature, }, payloadSignature: inboundKeysInfo?.payloadSignature, }; try { devicesKeys[deviceID] = assertWithValidator( deviceKeys, deviceOlmInboundKeysValidator, ); } catch (e) { console.log(e); devicesKeys[deviceID] = null; } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); const device = resultArray?.[0]; const inboundUserKeys = { keys: devicesKeys, username: device?.username, walletAddress: device?.walletAddress, }; return assertWithValidator( inboundUserKeys, userDeviceOlmInboundKeysValidator, ); }, uploadOneTimeKeys: async (oneTimeKeys: OneTimeKeysResultValues) => { const { deviceID: authDeviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); await commRustModule.uploadOneTimeKeys( userID, authDeviceID, token, oneTimeKeys.contentOneTimeKeys, oneTimeKeys.notificationsOneTimeKeys, ); }, registerPasswordUser: async ( username: string, password: string, fid: ?string, ) => { await commCoreModule.initializeCryptoAccount(); const [ { blobPayload, signature, primaryIdentityPublicKeys }, { contentOneTimeKeys, notificationsOneTimeKeys }, prekeys, ] = await Promise.all([ commCoreModule.getUserPublicKey(), commCoreModule.getOneTimeKeys(ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER), commCoreModule.validateAndGetPrekeys(), ]); const initialDeviceList = await createAndSignSingletonDeviceList( primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519, ); const registrationResult = await commRustModule.registerPasswordUser( username, password, blobPayload, signature, prekeys.contentPrekey, prekeys.contentPrekeySignature, prekeys.notifPrekey, prekeys.notifPrekeySignature, getOneTimeKeyValues(contentOneTimeKeys), getOneTimeKeyValues(notificationsOneTimeKeys), fid ?? '', JSON.stringify(initialDeviceList), ); return await processAuthResult( registrationResult, primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519, ); }, registerReservedPasswordUser: async ( username: string, password: string, keyserverMessage: string, keyserverSignature: string, ) => { await commCoreModule.initializeCryptoAccount(); const [ { blobPayload, signature, primaryIdentityPublicKeys }, { contentOneTimeKeys, notificationsOneTimeKeys }, prekeys, ] = await Promise.all([ commCoreModule.getUserPublicKey(), commCoreModule.getOneTimeKeys(ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER), commCoreModule.validateAndGetPrekeys(), ]); const initialDeviceList = await createAndSignSingletonDeviceList( primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519, ); const registrationResult = await commRustModule.registerReservedPasswordUser( username, password, blobPayload, signature, prekeys.contentPrekey, prekeys.contentPrekeySignature, prekeys.notifPrekey, prekeys.notifPrekeySignature, getOneTimeKeyValues(contentOneTimeKeys), getOneTimeKeyValues(notificationsOneTimeKeys), keyserverMessage, keyserverSignature, JSON.stringify(initialDeviceList), ); return await processAuthResult( registrationResult, primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519, ); }, logInPasswordUser: async (username: string, password: string) => { await commCoreModule.initializeCryptoAccount(); const [{ blobPayload, signature, primaryIdentityPublicKeys }, prekeys] = await Promise.all([ commCoreModule.getUserPublicKey(), commCoreModule.validateAndGetPrekeys(), ]); const loginResult = await commRustModule.logInPasswordUser( username, password, blobPayload, signature, prekeys.contentPrekey, prekeys.contentPrekeySignature, prekeys.notifPrekey, prekeys.notifPrekeySignature, ); return await processAuthResult( loginResult, primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519, ); }, registerWalletUser: async ( walletAddress: string, siweMessage: string, siweSignature: string, fid: ?string, ) => { await commCoreModule.initializeCryptoAccount(); const [ { blobPayload, signature, primaryIdentityPublicKeys }, { contentOneTimeKeys, notificationsOneTimeKeys }, prekeys, ] = await Promise.all([ commCoreModule.getUserPublicKey(), commCoreModule.getOneTimeKeys(ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER), commCoreModule.validateAndGetPrekeys(), ]); const initialDeviceList = await createAndSignSingletonDeviceList( primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519, ); const registrationResult = await commRustModule.registerWalletUser( siweMessage, siweSignature, blobPayload, signature, prekeys.contentPrekey, prekeys.contentPrekeySignature, prekeys.notifPrekey, prekeys.notifPrekeySignature, getOneTimeKeyValues(contentOneTimeKeys), getOneTimeKeyValues(notificationsOneTimeKeys), fid ?? '', JSON.stringify(initialDeviceList), ); return await processAuthResult( registrationResult, primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519, ); }, logInWalletUser: async ( walletAddress: string, siweMessage: string, siweSignature: string, ) => { await commCoreModule.initializeCryptoAccount(); const [{ blobPayload, signature, primaryIdentityPublicKeys }, prekeys] = await Promise.all([ commCoreModule.getUserPublicKey(), commCoreModule.validateAndGetPrekeys(), ]); const loginResult = await commRustModule.logInWalletUser( siweMessage, siweSignature, blobPayload, signature, prekeys.contentPrekey, prekeys.contentPrekeySignature, prekeys.notifPrekey, prekeys.notifPrekeySignature, ); return await processAuthResult( loginResult, primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519, ); }, + restoreUser: async ( + userID: string, + deviceList: SignedDeviceList, + siweMessage?: string, + siweSignature?: string, + ) => { + await commCoreModule.initializeCryptoAccount(); + const [ + { blobPayload, signature, primaryIdentityPublicKeys }, + { contentOneTimeKeys, notificationsOneTimeKeys }, + prekeys, + ] = await Promise.all([ + commCoreModule.getUserPublicKey(), + commCoreModule.getOneTimeKeys(ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER), + commCoreModule.validateAndGetPrekeys(), + ]); + const restoreResult = await commRustModule.restoreUser( + userID, + siweMessage, + siweSignature, + blobPayload, + signature, + prekeys.contentPrekey, + prekeys.contentPrekeySignature, + prekeys.notifPrekey, + prekeys.notifPrekeySignature, + getOneTimeKeyValues(contentOneTimeKeys), + getOneTimeKeyValues(notificationsOneTimeKeys), + JSON.stringify(deviceList), + ); + + return await processAuthResult( + restoreResult, + primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519, + ); + }, uploadKeysForRegisteredDeviceAndLogIn: async ( userID: string, nonceChallengeResponse: SignedNonce, ) => { await commCoreModule.initializeCryptoAccount(); const [ { blobPayload, signature, primaryIdentityPublicKeys }, { contentOneTimeKeys, notificationsOneTimeKeys }, prekeys, ] = await Promise.all([ commCoreModule.getUserPublicKey(), commCoreModule.getOneTimeKeys(ONE_TIME_KEYS_NUMBER), commCoreModule.validateAndGetPrekeys(), ]); const { nonce, nonceSignature } = nonceChallengeResponse; const registrationResult = await commRustModule.uploadSecondaryDeviceKeysAndLogIn( userID, nonce, nonceSignature, blobPayload, signature, prekeys.contentPrekey, prekeys.contentPrekeySignature, prekeys.notifPrekey, prekeys.notifPrekeySignature, getOneTimeKeyValues(contentOneTimeKeys), getOneTimeKeyValues(notificationsOneTimeKeys), ); return await processAuthResult( registrationResult, primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519, ); }, generateNonce: commRustModule.generateNonce, getDeviceListHistoryForUser: async ( userID: string, sinceTimestamp?: number, ) => { const { deviceID: authDeviceID, userID: authUserID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); const result = await commRustModule.getDeviceListForUser( authUserID, authDeviceID, token, userID, sinceTimestamp, ); const rawPayloads: string[] = JSON.parse(result); const deviceLists: SignedDeviceList[] = rawPayloads.map(payload => JSON.parse(payload), ); return assertWithValidator( deviceLists, signedDeviceListHistoryValidator, ); }, getDeviceListsForUsers: async (userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray) => { const { deviceID: authDeviceID, userID: authUserID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); const result = await commRustModule.getDeviceListsForUsers( authUserID, authDeviceID, token, userIDs, ); const rawPayloads: { +usersDeviceLists: { +[userID: string]: string }, +usersDevicesPlatformDetails: UsersDevicesPlatformDetails, } = JSON.parse(result); let usersDeviceLists: UsersSignedDeviceLists = {}; for (const userID in rawPayloads.usersDeviceLists) { usersDeviceLists = { ...usersDeviceLists, [userID]: JSON.parse(rawPayloads.usersDeviceLists[userID]), }; } const peersDeviceLists = { usersSignedDeviceLists: usersDeviceLists, usersDevicesPlatformDetails: rawPayloads.usersDevicesPlatformDetails, }; return assertWithValidator(peersDeviceLists, peersDeviceListsValidator); }, updateDeviceList: async (newDeviceList: SignedDeviceList) => { const { deviceID: authDeviceID, userID, accessToken: authAccessToken, } = await getAuthMetadata(); const payload = JSON.stringify(newDeviceList); await commRustModule.updateDeviceList( userID, authDeviceID, authAccessToken, payload, ); }, syncPlatformDetails: async () => { const { deviceID: authDeviceID, userID, accessToken: authAccessToken, } = await getAuthMetadata(); await commRustModule.syncPlatformDetails( userID, authDeviceID, authAccessToken, ); }, getFarcasterUsers: async (farcasterIDs: $ReadOnlyArray) => { const farcasterUsersJSONString = await commRustModule.getFarcasterUsers(farcasterIDs); const farcasterUsers = JSON.parse(farcasterUsersJSONString); return assertWithValidator(farcasterUsers, farcasterUsersValidator); }, linkFarcasterAccount: async (farcasterID: string) => { const { deviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); return commRustModule.linkFarcasterAccount( userID, deviceID, token, farcasterID, ); }, unlinkFarcasterAccount: async () => { const { deviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); return commRustModule.unlinkFarcasterAccount(userID, deviceID, token); }, findUserIdentities: async (userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray) => { const { deviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); const result = await commRustModule.findUserIdentities( userID, deviceID, token, userIDs, ); return assertWithValidator( JSON.parse(result), userIdentitiesResponseValidator, ); }, versionSupported: () => { return commRustModule.versionSupported(); }, changePassword: async (oldPassword: string, newPassword: string) => { const { deviceID, userID, accessToken: token, } = await getAuthMetadata(); return commRustModule.updatePassword( userID, deviceID, token, oldPassword, newPassword, ); }, }), [getAuthMetadata], ); const value = React.useMemo( () => ({ identityClient: client, getAuthMetadata, }), [client, getAuthMetadata], ); return ( {children} ); } export default IdentityServiceContextProvider;