diff --git a/services/terraform/self-host/aws-deploy.sh b/services/terraform/self-host/aws-deploy.sh index 6de59eb38..72554faca 100755 --- a/services/terraform/self-host/aws-deploy.sh +++ b/services/terraform/self-host/aws-deploy.sh @@ -1,145 +1,149 @@ #!/bin/bash # Disable AWS cli command pager outputs export AWS_PAGER="" # Do not change without replacing keyserver_cluster name in aws_ecs.tf cluster_name="keyserver-cluster" # Do not change without replacing keyserver_primary_service # name in keyserver_primary.tf primary_service_name="keyserver-primary-service" # Do not change without replacing keyserver_secondary_service # name in keyserver_secondary.tf secondary_service_name="keyserver-secondary-service" # Grab user configuration variables from terraform.tfvars health_check_domain=$(echo "var.keyserver_domain_name" | terraform console -var-file terraform.tfvars.json | tr -d '"') health_check_url="https://${health_check_domain}/health" num_desired_secondary_nodes=$(echo "var.desired_secondary_nodes" | terraform console -var-file terraform.tfvars.json) +aws_region=$(echo "var.region" | terraform console -var-file terraform.tfvars.json | tr -d '"') + +# Set aws-cli region to aws region self-hosted keyserver is deployed on +export AWS_REGION=$aws_region if [[ -z "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}" || -z "${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}" ]]; then echo "Error: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables must be set to run migration." exit 1 fi if ! aws sts get-caller-identity > /dev/null; then echo "Error: Invalid AWS credentials or not in nix shell. Please check your AWS configuration and/or run nix develop." exit 1 fi convert_seconds() { total_seconds="$1" minutes="$((total_seconds / 60))" seconds="$((total_seconds % 60))" if (( minutes > 0 )); then echo "${minutes} minute(s) and ${seconds} seconds" else echo "${seconds} seconds" fi } check_health() { local retry_interval=10 local total_elapsed_time=0 while true; do http_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$health_check_url") if [[ "$http_code" -eq 200 ]]; then echo "Health check returned status 200 OK $http_code. Primary keyserver node ready" return 0 fi total_elapsed_time="$(( total_elapsed_time + retry_interval ))" converted_time="$(convert_seconds $total_elapsed_time)" echo "Health check returned status $http_code. Elapsed time: ${converted_time}." sleep $retry_interval done } disable_lb_traffic() { aws ec2 revoke-security-group-ingress \ --group-id "$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters "Name=group-name,Values=lb-sg" --query "SecurityGroups[0].GroupId" --output text)" \ --protocol tcp \ --port 443 \ --cidr > /dev/null } enable_lb_traffic() { aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \ --group-id "$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters "Name=group-name,Values=lb-sg" --query "SecurityGroups[0].GroupId" --output text)" \ --protocol tcp \ --port 443 \ --cidr > /dev/null } # Stop all primary and secondary tasks and disable traffic to load balancer echo "Disabling traffic to load balancer" disable_lb_traffic http_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" --max-time 5 "$health_check_url") if [[ "$http_code" -eq 000 ]]; then echo "Error: Health check timed out trying to access keyserver domain at ${health_check_url}." echo "Ensure terraform variable allowed_ip is properly configured and run terraform apply" echo "Re-enabling traffic to load balancer until domain is accessible and migration script is rerun" enable_lb_traffic exit 1 fi echo "Set desired count of secondary service to 0" aws ecs update-service --cluster "$cluster_name" --service "$secondary_service_name" --desired-count 0 > /dev/null echo "Taking down all secondary nodes in $cluster_name" task_arns=$(aws ecs list-tasks --cluster "$cluster_name" --service-name "$secondary_service_name" --query 'taskArns[*]' --output text) for task_arn in $task_arns; do echo "Stopping secondary node running on task $task_arn" aws ecs stop-task --cluster "$cluster_name" --task "$task_arn" > /dev/null done echo "Set desired count of primary service to 0" aws ecs update-service --cluster "$cluster_name" --service "$primary_service_name" --desired-count 0 > /dev/null echo "Taking down primary node in $cluster_name" primary_task_arns=$(aws ecs list-tasks --cluster "$cluster_name" --service-name "$primary_service_name" --query 'taskArns[*]' --output text) for primary_task_arn in $primary_task_arns; do echo "Stopping primary node running on task $primary_task_arn" aws ecs stop-task --cluster "$cluster_name" --task "$primary_task_arn" > /dev/null done echo "Waiting until primary and secondary nodes have been shutdown" total_elapsed_time=0 retry_interval=10 while true; do http_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$health_check_url") echo "Health check returned status $http_code. Elapsed time: $(convert_seconds $total_elapsed_time)" if [[ "$http_code" -ne 200 ]]; then echo "Stopping primary and secondary nodes was successful. Continuing with migration." break fi total_elapsed_time=$(( total_elapsed_time + retry_interval )) sleep $retry_interval done echo "Redeploying primary service in $cluster_name" aws ecs update-service --cluster "$cluster_name" --service "$primary_service_name" --force-new-deployment --desired-count 1 > /dev/null echo "Waiting for health check at $health_check_domain to return status 200 OK" check_health echo "Primary node successfully running. Re-enabling public access to load balancer" enable_lb_traffic echo "Setting desired count of secondary service to $num_desired_secondary_nodes". aws ecs update-service --cluster "$cluster_name" --service "$secondary_service_name" --desired-count "$num_desired_secondary_nodes" --force-new-deployment > /dev/null echo "Successfully ran migration"