diff --git a/native/chat/inner-text-message.react.js b/native/chat/inner-text-message.react.js index e2855b570..c08bc21b8 100644 --- a/native/chat/inner-text-message.react.js +++ b/native/chat/inner-text-message.react.js @@ -1,153 +1,178 @@ // @flow import * as React from 'react'; import { View, StyleSheet, TouchableWithoutFeedback } from 'react-native'; import Animated from 'react-native-reanimated'; import { colorIsDark } from 'lib/shared/thread-utils'; import GestureTouchableOpacity from '../components/gesture-touchable-opacity.react'; import Markdown from '../markdown/markdown.react'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils'; import { useColors, colors } from '../themes/colors'; import type { ChatTextMessageInfoItemWithHeight } from '../types/chat-types'; import { useComposedMessageMaxWidth } from './composed-message-width'; import { useTextMessageMarkdownRules } from './message-list-types'; import { allCorners, filterCorners, getRoundedContainerStyle, } from './rounded-corners'; import { TextMessageMarkdownContext, useTextMessageMarkdown, } from './text-message-markdown-context'; /* eslint-disable import/no-named-as-default-member */ const { Node } = Animated; /* eslint-enable import/no-named-as-default-member */ function dummyNodeForTextMessageHeightMeasurement( text: string, ): React.Element { return {text}; } type DummyTextNodeProps = { ...React.ElementConfig, +children: string, }; function DummyTextNode(props: DummyTextNodeProps): React.Node { const { children, style, ...rest } = props; const maxWidth = useComposedMessageMaxWidth(); const viewStyle = [props.style, styles.dummyMessage, { maxWidth }]; const rules = useTextMessageMarkdownRules(false); return ( {children} ); } type Props = { +item: ChatTextMessageInfoItemWithHeight, +onPress: () => void, +messageRef?: (message: ?React.ElementRef) => void, +threadColorOverride?: ?Node, +isThreadColorDarkOverride?: ?boolean, }; function InnerTextMessage(props: Props): React.Node { const { item } = props; const { text, creator } = item.messageInfo; const { isViewer } = creator; const activeTheme = useSelector(state => state.globalThemeInfo.activeTheme); const boundColors = useColors(); const messageStyle = {}; let darkColor; if (isViewer) { const threadColor = item.threadInfo.color; messageStyle.backgroundColor = props.threadColorOverride ?? `#${threadColor}`; darkColor = props.isThreadColorDarkOverride ?? colorIsDark(threadColor); } else { messageStyle.backgroundColor = boundColors.listChatBubble; darkColor = activeTheme === 'dark'; } const cornerStyle = getRoundedContainerStyle(filterCorners(allCorners, item)); if (!__DEV__) { // We don't force view height in dev mode because we // want to measure it in Message to see if it's correct messageStyle.height = item.contentHeight; } const rules = useTextMessageMarkdownRules(darkColor); const textMessageMarkdown = useTextMessageMarkdown(item.messageInfo); const markdownStyles = React.useMemo(() => { const textStyle = { color: darkColor ? colors.dark.listForegroundLabel : colors.light.listForegroundLabel, }; return [styles.text, textStyle]; }, [darkColor]); + // If we need to render a Text with an onPress prop inside, we're going to + // have an issue: the GestureTouchableOpacity below will trigger too when the + // the onPress is pressed. We have to use a GestureTouchableOpacity in order + // for the message touch gesture to play nice with the message swipe gesture, + // so we need to find a way to disable the GestureTouchableOpacity. + // + // Our solution is to keep using the GestureTouchableOpacity for the padding + // around the text, and to have the Texts inside ALL implement an onPress prop + // that will default to the message touch gesture. Luckily, Text with onPress + // plays nice with the message swipe gesture. + let secondMessage; + if (textMessageMarkdown.markdownHasPressable) { + secondMessage = ( + + + {text} + + + ); + } + const message = ( {text} + {secondMessage} ); // We need to set onLayout in order to allow .measure() to be on the ref const onLayout = React.useCallback(() => {}, []); const { messageRef } = props; if (!messageRef) { return message; } return ( {message} ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ dummyMessage: { paddingHorizontal: 12, paddingVertical: 6, }, message: { overflow: 'hidden', paddingHorizontal: 12, paddingVertical: 6, }, text: { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: 18, }, }); export { InnerTextMessage, dummyNodeForTextMessageHeightMeasurement }; diff --git a/native/markdown/markdown-paragraph.react.js b/native/markdown/markdown-paragraph.react.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..faa7be084 --- /dev/null +++ b/native/markdown/markdown-paragraph.react.js @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// @flow + +import * as React from 'react'; +import { Text } from 'react-native'; + +import { MessagePressResponderContext } from '../chat/message-press-responder-context'; +import type { TextStyle } from '../types/styles'; + +type Props = { + +style?: ?TextStyle, + +children: React.Node, +}; +function MarkdownParagraph(props: Props): React.Node { + const messagePressResponderContext = React.useContext( + MessagePressResponderContext, + ); + const onPressMessage = messagePressResponderContext?.onPressMessage; + return ( + + {props.children} + + ); +} + +export default MarkdownParagraph; diff --git a/native/markdown/rules.react.js b/native/markdown/rules.react.js index 447b07109..45d48cd59 100644 --- a/native/markdown/rules.react.js +++ b/native/markdown/rules.react.js @@ -1,391 +1,392 @@ // @flow import _memoize from 'lodash/memoize'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Text, View } from 'react-native'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import * as SimpleMarkdown from 'simple-markdown'; import { relativeMemberInfoSelectorForMembersOfThread } from 'lib/selectors/user-selectors'; import * as SharedMarkdown from 'lib/shared/markdown'; import type { RelativeMemberInfo } from 'lib/types/thread-types'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils'; import MarkdownLink from './markdown-link.react'; +import MarkdownParagraph from './markdown-paragraph.react'; import { getMarkdownStyles } from './styles'; export type MarkdownRules = { +simpleMarkdownRules: SharedMarkdown.ParserRules, +emojiOnlyFactor: ?number, // We need to use a Text container for Entry because it needs to match up // exactly with TextInput. However, if we use a Text container, we can't // support styles for things like blockQuote, which rely on rendering as a // View, and Views can't be nested inside Texts without explicit height and // width +container: 'View' | 'Text', }; // Entry requires a seamless transition between Markdown and TextInput // components, so we can't do anything that would change the position of text const inlineMarkdownRules: boolean => MarkdownRules = _memoize(useDarkStyle => { const styles = getMarkdownStyles(useDarkStyle ? 'dark' : 'light'); const simpleMarkdownRules = { // Matches 'https://google.com' during parse phase and returns a 'link' node url: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.url, // simple-markdown is case-sensitive, but we don't want to be match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(SharedMarkdown.urlRegex), }, // Matches '[Google](https://google.com)' during parse phase and handles // rendering all 'link' nodes, including for 'autolink' and 'url' link: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.link, match: () => null, react( node: SharedMarkdown.SingleASTNode, output: SharedMarkdown.Output, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) { return ( {output(node.content, state)} ); }, }, // Each line gets parsed into a 'paragraph' node. The AST returned by the // parser will be an array of one or more 'paragraph' nodes paragraph: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.paragraph, // simple-markdown's default RegEx collapses multiple newlines into one. // We want to keep the newlines, but when rendering within a View, we // strip just one trailing newline off, since the View adds vertical // spacing between its children match: (source: string, state: SharedMarkdown.State) => { if (state.inline) { return null; } else if (state.container === 'View') { return SharedMarkdown.paragraphStripTrailingNewlineRegex.exec(source); } else { return SharedMarkdown.paragraphRegex.exec(source); } }, parse( capture: SharedMarkdown.Capture, parse: SharedMarkdown.Parser, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) { let content = capture[1]; if (state.container === 'View') { // React Native renders empty lines with less height. We want to // preserve the newline characters, so we replace empty lines with a // single space content = content.replace(/^$/m, ' '); } return { content: SimpleMarkdown.parseInline(parse, content, state), }; }, // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name react: ( node: SharedMarkdown.SingleASTNode, output: SharedMarkdown.Output, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) => ( - + {output(node.content, state)} - + ), }, // This is the leaf node in the AST returned by the parse phase text: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.text, }; return { simpleMarkdownRules, emojiOnlyFactor: null, container: 'Text', }; }); // We allow the most markdown features for TextMessage, which doesn't have the // same requirements as Entry const fullMarkdownRules: boolean => MarkdownRules = _memoize(useDarkStyle => { const styles = getMarkdownStyles(useDarkStyle ? 'dark' : 'light'); const inlineRules = inlineMarkdownRules(useDarkStyle); const simpleMarkdownRules = { ...inlineRules.simpleMarkdownRules, // Matches '' during parse phase and returns a 'link' // node autolink: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.autolink, // Matches '[Google](https://google.com)' during parse phase and handles // rendering all 'link' nodes, including for 'autolink' and 'url' link: { ...inlineRules.simpleMarkdownRules.link, match: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.link.match, }, mailto: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.mailto, em: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.em, // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name react: ( node: SharedMarkdown.SingleASTNode, output: SharedMarkdown.Output, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) => ( {output(node.content, state)} ), }, strong: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.strong, // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name react: ( node: SharedMarkdown.SingleASTNode, output: SharedMarkdown.Output, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) => ( {output(node.content, state)} ), }, u: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.u, // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name react: ( node: SharedMarkdown.SingleASTNode, output: SharedMarkdown.Output, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) => ( {output(node.content, state)} ), }, del: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.del, // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name react: ( node: SharedMarkdown.SingleASTNode, output: SharedMarkdown.Output, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) => ( {output(node.content, state)} ), }, inlineCode: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.inlineCode, // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name react: ( node: SharedMarkdown.SingleASTNode, output: SharedMarkdown.Output, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) => ( {node.content} ), }, heading: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.heading, match: SimpleMarkdown.blockRegex( SharedMarkdown.headingStripFollowingNewlineRegex, ), // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name react( node: SharedMarkdown.SingleASTNode, output: SharedMarkdown.Output, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) { const headingStyle = styles['h' + node.level]; return ( {output(node.content, state)} ); }, }, blockQuote: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.blockQuote, // match end of blockQuote by either \n\n or end of string match: SharedMarkdown.matchBlockQuote( SharedMarkdown.blockQuoteStripFollowingNewlineRegex, ), parse: SharedMarkdown.parseBlockQuote, // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name react: ( node: SharedMarkdown.SingleASTNode, output: SharedMarkdown.Output, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) => { const { isNestedQuote } = state; const backgroundColor = isNestedQuote ? '#00000000' : '#00000066'; return ( {output(node.content, { ...state, isNestedQuote: true })} ); }, }, codeBlock: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.codeBlock, match: SimpleMarkdown.blockRegex( SharedMarkdown.codeBlockStripTrailingNewlineRegex, ), parse(capture: SharedMarkdown.Capture) { return { content: capture[1].replace(/^ {4}/gm, ''), }; }, // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name react: ( node: SharedMarkdown.SingleASTNode, output: SharedMarkdown.Output, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) => ( {node.content} ), }, fence: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.fence, match: SimpleMarkdown.blockRegex( SharedMarkdown.fenceStripTrailingNewlineRegex, ), parse: (capture: SharedMarkdown.Capture) => ({ type: 'codeBlock', content: capture[2], }), }, json: { order: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.paragraph.order - 1, match: (source: string, state: SharedMarkdown.State) => { if (state.inline) { return null; } return SharedMarkdown.jsonMatch(source); }, parse: (capture: SharedMarkdown.Capture) => { const jsonCapture: SharedMarkdown.JSONCapture = (capture: any); return { type: 'codeBlock', content: SharedMarkdown.jsonPrint(jsonCapture), }; }, }, list: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.list, match: SharedMarkdown.matchList, parse: SharedMarkdown.parseList, react( node: SharedMarkdown.SingleASTNode, output: SharedMarkdown.Output, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) { const children = node.items.map((item, i) => { const content = output(item, state); const bulletValue = node.ordered ? node.start + i + '. ' : '\u2022 '; return ( {bulletValue} {content} ); }); return {children}; }, }, escape: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.escape, }; return { ...inlineRules, simpleMarkdownRules, emojiOnlyFactor: 2, container: 'View', }; }); function useTextMessageRulesFunc( threadID: ?string, ): (useDarkStyle: boolean) => MarkdownRules { return useSelector(getTextMessageRulesFunction(threadID)); } const getTextMessageRulesFunction = _memoize((threadID: ?string) => createSelector( relativeMemberInfoSelectorForMembersOfThread(threadID), ( threadMembers: $ReadOnlyArray, ): (boolean => MarkdownRules) => { if (!threadID) { return fullMarkdownRules; } return _memoize<[boolean], MarkdownRules>((useDarkStyle: boolean) => textMessageRules(threadMembers, useDarkStyle), ); }, ), ); function textMessageRules( members: $ReadOnlyArray, useDarkStyle: boolean, ): MarkdownRules { const styles = getMarkdownStyles(useDarkStyle ? 'dark' : 'light'); const baseRules = fullMarkdownRules(useDarkStyle); return { ...baseRules, simpleMarkdownRules: { ...baseRules.simpleMarkdownRules, mention: { ...SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.strong, match: SharedMarkdown.matchMentions(members), parse: (capture: SharedMarkdown.Capture) => ({ content: capture[0], }), // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name react: ( node: SharedMarkdown.SingleASTNode, output: SharedMarkdown.Output, state: SharedMarkdown.State, ) => ( {node.content} ), }, }, }; } let defaultTextMessageRules = null; function getDefaultTextMessageRules(): MarkdownRules { if (!defaultTextMessageRules) { defaultTextMessageRules = textMessageRules([], false); } return defaultTextMessageRules; } export { inlineMarkdownRules, useTextMessageRulesFunc, getDefaultTextMessageRules, };