diff --git a/keyserver/src/responders/relationship-responders.js b/keyserver/src/responders/relationship-responders.js index da8bb9067..dc14dae3a 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/responders/relationship-responders.js +++ b/keyserver/src/responders/relationship-responders.js @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ // @flow import t, { type TInterface } from 'tcomb'; import { - type RelationshipRequest, + type TraditionalRelationshipRequest, type RelationshipErrors, relationshipActionsList, } from 'lib/types/relationship-types.js'; import { tShape } from 'lib/utils/validation-utils.js'; import type { Viewer } from '../session/viewer.js'; import { updateRelationships } from '../updaters/relationship-updaters.js'; -export const updateRelationshipInputValidator: TInterface = - tShape({ +export const updateRelationshipInputValidator: TInterface = + tShape({ action: t.enums.of(relationshipActionsList, 'relationship action'), userIDs: t.list(t.String), }); export const relationshipErrorsValidator: TInterface = tShape({ invalid_user: t.maybe(t.list(t.String)), already_friends: t.maybe(t.list(t.String)), user_blocked: t.maybe(t.list(t.String)), }); async function updateRelationshipsResponder( viewer: Viewer, - request: RelationshipRequest, + request: TraditionalRelationshipRequest, ): Promise { return await updateRelationships(viewer, request); } export { updateRelationshipsResponder }; diff --git a/keyserver/src/updaters/relationship-updaters.js b/keyserver/src/updaters/relationship-updaters.js index 292dbd42c..0b6fa4490 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/updaters/relationship-updaters.js +++ b/keyserver/src/updaters/relationship-updaters.js @@ -1,386 +1,386 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import { sortUserIDs } from 'lib/shared/relationship-utils.js'; import { messageTypes } from 'lib/types/message-types-enum.js'; import { - type RelationshipRequest, + type TraditionalRelationshipRequest, type RelationshipErrors, type UndirectedRelationshipRow, relationshipActions, undirectedStatus, directedStatus, } from 'lib/types/relationship-types.js'; import { threadTypes } from 'lib/types/thread-types-enum.js'; import type { NewThreadResponse } from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; import { updateTypes } from 'lib/types/update-types-enum.js'; import { type UpdateData } from 'lib/types/update-types.js'; import { cartesianProduct } from 'lib/utils/array.js'; import { ServerError } from 'lib/utils/errors.js'; import { promiseAll } from 'lib/utils/promises.js'; import createMessages from '../creators/message-creator.js'; import { createThread } from '../creators/thread-creator.js'; import { createUpdates } from '../creators/update-creator.js'; import { dbQuery, SQL, mergeOrConditions } from '../database/database.js'; import { fetchFriendRequestRelationshipOperations } from '../fetchers/relationship-fetchers.js'; import { fetchUserInfos } from '../fetchers/user-fetchers.js'; import type { Viewer } from '../session/viewer.js'; async function updateRelationships( viewer: Viewer, - request: RelationshipRequest, + request: TraditionalRelationshipRequest, ): Promise { const { action } = request; if (!viewer.loggedIn) { throw new ServerError('not_logged_in'); } const uniqueUserIDs = [...new Set(request.userIDs)]; const users = await fetchUserInfos(uniqueUserIDs); let errors: RelationshipErrors = {}; const userIDs: string[] = []; for (const userID of uniqueUserIDs) { if (userID === viewer.userID || !users[userID].username) { const acc = errors.invalid_user || []; errors.invalid_user = [...acc, userID]; } else { userIDs.push(userID); } } if (!userIDs.length) { return Object.freeze({ ...errors }); } const updateIDs = []; if (action === relationshipActions.FRIEND) { // We have to create personal threads before setting the relationship // status. By doing that we make sure that failed thread creation is // reported to the caller and can be repeated - there should be only // one PERSONAL thread per a pair of users and we can safely call it // repeatedly. const threadIDPerUser = await createPersonalThreads(viewer, request); const { userRelationshipOperations, errors: friendRequestErrors } = await fetchFriendRequestRelationshipOperations(viewer, userIDs); errors = { ...errors, ...friendRequestErrors }; const undirectedInsertRows = []; const directedInsertRows = []; const directedDeleteIDs = []; const messageDatas = []; const now = Date.now(); for (const userID in userRelationshipOperations) { const operations = userRelationshipOperations[userID]; const ids = sortUserIDs(viewer.userID, userID); if (operations.length) { updateIDs.push(userID); } for (const operation of operations) { if (operation === 'delete_directed') { directedDeleteIDs.push(userID); } else if (operation === 'friend') { const [user1, user2] = ids; const status = undirectedStatus.FRIEND; undirectedInsertRows.push({ user1, user2, status }); messageDatas.push({ type: messageTypes.LEGACY_UPDATE_RELATIONSHIP, threadID: threadIDPerUser[userID], creatorID: viewer.userID, targetID: userID, time: now, operation: 'request_accepted', }); } else if (operation === 'pending_friend') { const status = directedStatus.PENDING_FRIEND; directedInsertRows.push([viewer.userID, userID, status]); messageDatas.push({ type: messageTypes.LEGACY_UPDATE_RELATIONSHIP, threadID: threadIDPerUser[userID], creatorID: viewer.userID, targetID: userID, time: now, operation: 'request_sent', }); } else if (operation === 'know_of') { const [user1, user2] = ids; const status = undirectedStatus.KNOW_OF; undirectedInsertRows.push({ user1, user2, status }); } else { invariant(false, `unexpected relationship operation ${operation}`); } } } const promises: Array> = [ updateUndirectedRelationships(undirectedInsertRows), ]; if (directedInsertRows.length) { const directedInsertQuery = SQL` INSERT INTO relationships_directed (user1, user2, status) VALUES ${directedInsertRows} ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE status = VALUE(status) `; promises.push(dbQuery(directedInsertQuery)); } if (directedDeleteIDs.length) { const directedDeleteQuery = SQL` DELETE FROM relationships_directed WHERE (user1 = ${viewer.userID} AND user2 IN (${directedDeleteIDs})) OR (status = ${directedStatus.PENDING_FRIEND} AND user1 IN (${directedDeleteIDs}) AND user2 = ${viewer.userID}) `; promises.push(dbQuery(directedDeleteQuery)); } if (messageDatas.length > 0) { promises.push(createMessages(viewer, messageDatas, 'broadcast')); } await Promise.all(promises); } else if (action === relationshipActions.UNFRIEND) { updateIDs.push(...userIDs); const updateRows = userIDs.map(userID => { const [user1, user2] = sortUserIDs(viewer.userID, userID); return { user1, user2, status: undirectedStatus.KNOW_OF }; }); const deleteQuery = SQL` DELETE FROM relationships_directed WHERE status = ${directedStatus.PENDING_FRIEND} AND (user1 = ${viewer.userID} AND user2 IN (${userIDs}) OR user1 IN (${userIDs}) AND user2 = ${viewer.userID}) `; await Promise.all([ updateUndirectedRelationships(updateRows, false), dbQuery(deleteQuery), ]); } else if (action === relationshipActions.BLOCK) { updateIDs.push(...userIDs); const directedRows = []; const undirectedRows = []; for (const userID of userIDs) { directedRows.push([viewer.userID, userID, directedStatus.BLOCKED]); const [user1, user2] = sortUserIDs(viewer.userID, userID); undirectedRows.push({ user1, user2, status: undirectedStatus.KNOW_OF }); } const directedInsertQuery = SQL` INSERT INTO relationships_directed (user1, user2, status) VALUES ${directedRows} ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE status = VALUE(status) `; const directedDeleteQuery = SQL` DELETE FROM relationships_directed WHERE status = ${directedStatus.PENDING_FRIEND} AND user1 IN (${userIDs}) AND user2 = ${viewer.userID} `; await Promise.all([ dbQuery(directedInsertQuery), dbQuery(directedDeleteQuery), updateUndirectedRelationships(undirectedRows, false), ]); } else if (action === relationshipActions.UNBLOCK) { updateIDs.push(...userIDs); const query = SQL` DELETE FROM relationships_directed WHERE status = ${directedStatus.BLOCKED} AND user1 = ${viewer.userID} AND user2 IN (${userIDs}) `; await dbQuery(query); } else if (action === relationshipActions.FARCASTER_MUTUAL) { // We have to create personal threads before setting the relationship // status. By doing that we make sure that failed thread creation is // reported to the caller and can be repeated - there should be only // one PERSONAL thread per a pair of users and we can safely call it // repeatedly. await createPersonalThreads(viewer, request); const insertRows = request.userIDs.map(otherUserID => { const [user1, user2] = sortUserIDs(viewer.userID, otherUserID); return { user1, user2, status: undirectedStatus.KNOW_OF }; }); const updateDatas = await updateChangedUndirectedRelationships(insertRows); await createUpdates(updateDatas); } else { invariant(false, `action ${action} is invalid or not supported currently`); } await createUpdates( updateDatasForUserPairs(cartesianProduct([viewer.userID], updateIDs)), ); return Object.freeze({ ...errors }); } function updateDatasForUserPairs( userPairs: $ReadOnlyArray<[string, string]>, ): UpdateData[] { const time = Date.now(); const updateDatas: Array = []; for (const [user1, user2] of userPairs) { updateDatas.push({ type: updateTypes.UPDATE_USER, userID: user1, time, updatedUserID: user2, }); updateDatas.push({ type: updateTypes.UPDATE_USER, userID: user2, time, updatedUserID: user1, }); } return updateDatas; } async function updateUndirectedRelationships( changeset: UndirectedRelationshipRow[], greatest: boolean = true, ) { if (!changeset.length) { return; } const rows = changeset.map(row => [row.user1, row.user2, row.status]); const query = SQL` INSERT INTO relationships_undirected (user1, user2, status) VALUES ${rows} `; if (greatest) { query.append( SQL`ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE status = GREATEST(status, VALUE(status))`, ); } else { query.append(SQL`ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE status = VALUE(status)`); } await dbQuery(query); } async function updateChangedUndirectedRelationships( changeset: UndirectedRelationshipRow[], ): Promise { if (changeset.length === 0) { return []; } const user2ByUser1: Map> = new Map(); for (const { user1, user2 } of changeset) { if (!user2ByUser1.has(user1)) { user2ByUser1.set(user1, new Set()); } user2ByUser1.get(user1)?.add(user2); } const selectQuery = SQL` SELECT user1, user2, status FROM relationships_undirected WHERE `; const conditions = []; for (const [user1, users] of user2ByUser1) { conditions.push(SQL`(user1 = ${user1} AND user2 IN (${[...users]}))`); } selectQuery.append(mergeOrConditions(conditions)); const [result] = await dbQuery(selectQuery); const existingStatuses = new Map(); for (const row of result) { existingStatuses.set(`${row.user1}|${row.user2}`, row.status); } const insertRows = []; for (const row of changeset) { const existingStatus = existingStatuses.get(`${row.user1}|${row.user2}`); if (!existingStatus || existingStatus < row.status) { insertRows.push([row.user1, row.user2, row.status]); } } if (insertRows.length === 0) { return []; } const insertQuery = SQL` INSERT INTO relationships_undirected (user1, user2, status) VALUES ${insertRows} ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE status = GREATEST(status, VALUE(status)) `; await dbQuery(insertQuery); return updateDatasForUserPairs( insertRows.map(([user1, user2]) => [user1, user2]), ); } async function createPersonalThreads( viewer: Viewer, - request: RelationshipRequest, + request: TraditionalRelationshipRequest, ) { invariant( request.action === relationshipActions.FRIEND || request.action === relationshipActions.FARCASTER_MUTUAL, 'We should only create a PERSONAL threads when sending FRIEND or ' + 'FARCASTER_MUTUAL requests, but we tried to do that for ' + request.action, ); const threadIDPerUser: { [string]: string } = {}; const personalThreadsQuery = SQL` SELECT t.id AS threadID, m2.user AS user2 FROM threads t INNER JOIN memberships m1 ON m1.thread = t.id AND m1.user = ${viewer.userID} INNER JOIN memberships m2 ON m2.thread = t.id AND m2.user IN (${request.userIDs}) WHERE t.type = ${threadTypes.PERSONAL} AND m1.role > 0 AND m2.role > 0 `; const [personalThreadsResult] = await dbQuery(personalThreadsQuery); for (const row of personalThreadsResult) { const user2 = row.user2.toString(); threadIDPerUser[user2] = row.threadID.toString(); } const threadCreationPromises: { [string]: Promise } = {}; for (const userID of request.userIDs) { if (threadIDPerUser[userID]) { continue; } threadCreationPromises[userID] = createThread( viewer, { type: threadTypes.PERSONAL, initialMemberIDs: [userID], }, { forceAddMembers: true, updatesForCurrentSession: 'broadcast' }, ); } const personalThreadPerUser = await promiseAll(threadCreationPromises); for (const userID in personalThreadPerUser) { const newThread = personalThreadPerUser[userID]; threadIDPerUser[userID] = newThread.newThreadID; } return threadIDPerUser; } export { updateRelationships, updateDatasForUserPairs, updateUndirectedRelationships, updateChangedUndirectedRelationships, }; diff --git a/lib/actions/relationship-actions.js b/lib/actions/relationship-actions.js index 2ce499ea9..a71e92839 100644 --- a/lib/actions/relationship-actions.js +++ b/lib/actions/relationship-actions.js @@ -1,37 +1,39 @@ // @flow import type { - RelationshipRequest, + TraditionalRelationshipRequest, RelationshipErrors, } from '../types/relationship-types.js'; import type { CallSingleKeyserverEndpoint } from '../utils/call-single-keyserver-endpoint.js'; import { ServerError } from '../utils/errors.js'; const updateRelationshipsActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'UPDATE_RELATIONSHIPS_STARTED', success: 'UPDATE_RELATIONSHIPS_SUCCESS', failed: 'UPDATE_RELATIONSHIPS_FAILED', }); const updateRelationships = ( callSingleKeyserverEndpoint: CallSingleKeyserverEndpoint, - ): ((request: RelationshipRequest) => Promise) => + ): (( + request: TraditionalRelationshipRequest, + ) => Promise) => async request => { const errors = await callSingleKeyserverEndpoint( 'update_relationships', request, ); const { invalid_user, already_friends, user_blocked } = errors; if (invalid_user) { throw new ServerError('invalid_user', errors); } else if (already_friends) { throw new ServerError('already_friends', errors); } else if (user_blocked) { throw new ServerError('user_blocked', errors); } return errors; }; export { updateRelationshipsActionTypes, updateRelationships }; diff --git a/lib/types/relationship-types.js b/lib/types/relationship-types.js index 308639c33..b6f00dff9 100644 --- a/lib/types/relationship-types.js +++ b/lib/types/relationship-types.js @@ -1,113 +1,113 @@ // @flow import type { TInterface, TRefinement } from 'tcomb'; import t from 'tcomb'; import type { AccountUserInfo } from './user-types.js'; import { values } from '../utils/objects.js'; import { tNumEnum, tShape, tString } from '../utils/validation-utils.js'; export const undirectedStatus = Object.freeze({ KNOW_OF: 0, FRIEND: 2, }); export type UndirectedStatus = $Values; export const directedStatus = Object.freeze({ PENDING_FRIEND: 1, BLOCKED: 3, }); export type DirectedStatus = $Values; export const userRelationshipStatus = Object.freeze({ REQUEST_SENT: 1, REQUEST_RECEIVED: 2, FRIEND: 3, BLOCKED_BY_VIEWER: 4, BLOCKED_VIEWER: 5, BOTH_BLOCKED: 6, }); export type UserRelationshipStatus = $Values; export const userRelationshipStatusValidator: TRefinement = tNumEnum( values(userRelationshipStatus), ); const relationshipActionsSansFarcaster = Object.freeze({ FRIEND: 'friend', UNFRIEND: 'unfriend', BLOCK: 'block', UNBLOCK: 'unblock', }); const farcasterRelationshipActions = Object.freeze({ FARCASTER_MUTUAL: 'farcaster', }); export const relationshipActions = Object.freeze({ ...relationshipActionsSansFarcaster, ...farcasterRelationshipActions, }); export type RelationshipAction = $Values; export const relationshipActionsList: $ReadOnlyArray = values(relationshipActions); export type RelationshipActionSansFarcaster = $Values< typeof relationshipActionsSansFarcaster, >; export const relationshipButtons = Object.freeze({ FRIEND: 'friend', UNFRIEND: 'unfriend', BLOCK: 'block', UNBLOCK: 'unblock', ACCEPT: 'accept', WITHDRAW: 'withdraw', REJECT: 'reject', }); export type RelationshipButton = $Values; -export type RelationshipRequest = { +export type TraditionalRelationshipRequest = { +action: RelationshipAction, +userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type FarcasterRelationshipRequest = { +action: 'farcaster', +userIDsToFID: { +[userID: string]: string }, }; const exactlyTwoDictEntriesValidator = t.refinement( t.dict(t.String, t.String), dict => Object.keys(dict).length === 2, ); export const updateFarcasterRelationshipInputValidator: TInterface = tShape({ action: tString('farcaster'), userIDsToFID: exactlyTwoDictEntriesValidator, }); type SharedRelationshipRow = { user1: string, user2: string, }; export type DirectedRelationshipRow = { ...SharedRelationshipRow, status: DirectedStatus, }; export type UndirectedRelationshipRow = { ...SharedRelationshipRow, status: UndirectedStatus, }; export type RelationshipErrors = Partial<{ invalid_user: string[], already_friends: string[], user_blocked: string[], }>; export type UserRelationships = { +friends: $ReadOnlyArray, +blocked: $ReadOnlyArray, }; diff --git a/native/profile/relationship-list-item.react.js b/native/profile/relationship-list-item.react.js index 49e969f82..2d8fd5d63 100644 --- a/native/profile/relationship-list-item.react.js +++ b/native/profile/relationship-list-item.react.js @@ -1,363 +1,363 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; import { View, Text, TouchableOpacity, ActivityIndicator } from 'react-native'; import { updateRelationshipsActionTypes, updateRelationships, } from 'lib/actions/relationship-actions.js'; import { createLoadingStatusSelector } from 'lib/selectors/loading-selectors.js'; import type { LoadingStatus } from 'lib/types/loading-types.js'; import type { ReactRef } from 'lib/types/react-types.js'; import { - type RelationshipRequest, + type TraditionalRelationshipRequest, type RelationshipAction, type RelationshipErrors, userRelationshipStatus, relationshipActions, } from 'lib/types/relationship-types.js'; import type { AccountUserInfo, GlobalAccountUserInfo, } from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import { useLegacyAshoatKeyserverCall } from 'lib/utils/action-utils.js'; import { useDispatchActionPromise, type DispatchActionPromise, } from 'lib/utils/redux-promise-utils.js'; import type { RelationshipListNavigate } from './relationship-list.react.js'; import UserAvatar from '../avatars/user-avatar.react.js'; import PencilIcon from '../components/pencil-icon.react.js'; import SingleLine from '../components/single-line.react.js'; import { type KeyboardState, KeyboardContext, } from '../keyboard/keyboard-state.js'; import { OverlayContext, type OverlayContextType, } from '../navigation/overlay-context.js'; import type { NavigationRoute } from '../navigation/route-names.js'; import { UserRelationshipTooltipModalRouteName, FriendListRouteName, BlockListRouteName, } from '../navigation/route-names.js'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils.js'; import { type Colors, useColors, useStyles } from '../themes/colors.js'; import type { VerticalBounds } from '../types/layout-types.js'; import { useNavigateToUserProfileBottomSheet } from '../user-profile/user-profile-utils.js'; import { UnknownErrorAlertDetails } from '../utils/alert-messages.js'; import Alert from '../utils/alert.js'; const unboundStyles = { container: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', paddingHorizontal: 24, paddingVertical: 10, backgroundColor: 'panelForeground', borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder', }, borderBottom: { borderBottomWidth: 1, }, buttonContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', }, editButtonWithMargin: { marginLeft: 15, }, username: { color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel', flex: 1, fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 20, marginLeft: 8, }, editButton: { paddingLeft: 10, }, blueAction: { color: 'link', fontSize: 16, paddingLeft: 6, }, redAction: { color: 'redText', fontSize: 16, paddingLeft: 6, }, }; type BaseProps = { +userInfo: AccountUserInfo, +lastListItem: boolean, +verticalBounds: ?VerticalBounds, +relationshipListRoute: NavigationRoute<'FriendList' | 'BlockList'>, +navigate: RelationshipListNavigate, +onSelect: (selectedUser: GlobalAccountUserInfo) => void, }; type Props = { ...BaseProps, // Redux state +removeUserLoadingStatus: LoadingStatus, +colors: Colors, +styles: $ReadOnly, // Redux dispatch functions +dispatchActionPromise: DispatchActionPromise, // async functions that hit server APIs +updateRelationships: ( - request: RelationshipRequest, + request: TraditionalRelationshipRequest, ) => Promise, // withOverlayContext +overlayContext: ?OverlayContextType, // withKeyboardState +keyboardState: ?KeyboardState, +navigateToUserProfileBottomSheet: (userID: string) => mixed, }; class RelationshipListItem extends React.PureComponent { editButton: ReactRef> = React.createRef(); render(): React.Node { const { lastListItem, removeUserLoadingStatus, userInfo, relationshipListRoute, } = this.props; const relationshipsToEdit = { [FriendListRouteName]: [userRelationshipStatus.FRIEND], [BlockListRouteName]: [ userRelationshipStatus.BOTH_BLOCKED, userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_BY_VIEWER, ], }[relationshipListRoute.name]; const canEditFriendRequest = { [FriendListRouteName]: true, [BlockListRouteName]: false, }[relationshipListRoute.name]; const borderBottom = lastListItem ? null : this.props.styles.borderBottom; let editButton = null; if (removeUserLoadingStatus === 'loading') { editButton = ( ); } else if (relationshipsToEdit.includes(userInfo.relationshipStatus)) { editButton = ( ); } else if ( userInfo.relationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_RECEIVED && canEditFriendRequest ) { editButton = ( Accept Reject ); } else if ( userInfo.relationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_SENT && canEditFriendRequest ) { editButton = ( Cancel request ); } else { editButton = ( Add ); } return ( {this.props.userInfo.username} {editButton} ); } onPressUser = () => { this.props.navigateToUserProfileBottomSheet(this.props.userInfo.id); }; onSelect = () => { const { id, username } = this.props.userInfo; this.props.onSelect({ id, username }); }; visibleEntryIDs(): [string] { const { relationshipListRoute } = this.props; const id = { [FriendListRouteName]: 'unfriend', [BlockListRouteName]: 'unblock', }[relationshipListRoute.name]; return [id]; } onPressEdit = () => { if (this.props.keyboardState?.dismissKeyboardIfShowing()) { return; } const { editButton, props: { verticalBounds }, } = this; const { overlayContext, userInfo } = this.props; invariant( overlayContext, 'RelationshipListItem should have OverlayContext', ); overlayContext.setScrollBlockingModalStatus('open'); if (!editButton.current || !verticalBounds) { return; } const { relationshipStatus, ...restUserInfo } = userInfo; const relativeUserInfo = { ...restUserInfo, isViewer: false, }; editButton.current.measure((x, y, width, height, pageX, pageY) => { const coordinates = { x: pageX, y: pageY, width, height }; this.props.navigate<'UserRelationshipTooltipModal'>({ name: UserRelationshipTooltipModalRouteName, params: { presentedFrom: this.props.relationshipListRoute.key, initialCoordinates: coordinates, verticalBounds, visibleEntryIDs: this.visibleEntryIDs(), relativeUserInfo, tooltipButtonIcon: 'pencil', }, }); }); }; // We need to set onLayout in order to allow .measure() to be on the ref onLayout = () => {}; onPressFriendUser = () => { this.onPressUpdateFriendship(relationshipActions.FRIEND); }; onPressUnfriendUser = () => { this.onPressUpdateFriendship(relationshipActions.UNFRIEND); }; onPressUpdateFriendship(action: RelationshipAction) { const { id } = this.props.userInfo; const customKeyName = `${updateRelationshipsActionTypes.started}:${id}`; void this.props.dispatchActionPromise( updateRelationshipsActionTypes, this.updateFriendship(action), { customKeyName }, ); } async updateFriendship( action: RelationshipAction, ): Promise { try { return await this.props.updateRelationships({ action, userIDs: [this.props.userInfo.id], }); } catch (e) { Alert.alert( UnknownErrorAlertDetails.title, UnknownErrorAlertDetails.message, [{ text: 'OK' }], { cancelable: true, }, ); throw e; } } } const ConnectedRelationshipListItem: React.ComponentType = React.memo(function ConnectedRelationshipListItem( props: BaseProps, ) { const removeUserLoadingStatus = useSelector(state => createLoadingStatusSelector( updateRelationshipsActionTypes, `${updateRelationshipsActionTypes.started}:${props.userInfo.id}`, )(state), ); const colors = useColors(); const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles); const dispatchActionPromise = useDispatchActionPromise(); const boundUpdateRelationships = useLegacyAshoatKeyserverCall(updateRelationships); const overlayContext = React.useContext(OverlayContext); const keyboardState = React.useContext(KeyboardContext); const navigateToUserProfileBottomSheet = useNavigateToUserProfileBottomSheet(); return ( ); }); export default ConnectedRelationshipListItem;