diff --git a/keyserver/src/fetchers/user-fetchers.js b/keyserver/src/fetchers/user-fetchers.js index 47b08627b..68e56b221 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/fetchers/user-fetchers.js +++ b/keyserver/src/fetchers/user-fetchers.js @@ -1,332 +1,328 @@ // @flow import { hasMinCodeVersion } from 'lib/shared/version-utils.js'; import { undirectedStatus, directedStatus, userRelationshipStatus, } from 'lib/types/relationship-types.js'; import { communityThreadTypes, threadPermissions, } from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; import type { UserInfos, CurrentUserInfo, OldCurrentUserInfo, LoggedInUserInfo, OldLoggedInUserInfo, GlobalUserInfo, } from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import { ServerError } from 'lib/utils/errors.js'; import { dbQuery, SQL } from '../database/database.js'; import type { Viewer } from '../session/viewer.js'; async function fetchUserInfos( userIDs: string[], ): Promise<{ [id: string]: GlobalUserInfo }> { if (userIDs.length <= 0) { return {}; } const query = SQL` - SELECT id, username, avatar, FROM users WHERE id IN (${userIDs}) + SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE id IN (${userIDs}) `; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); const userInfos = {}; for (const row of result) { const id = row.id.toString(); userInfos[id] = { id, username: row.username, - avatar: row.avatar, }; } for (const userID of userIDs) { if (!userInfos[userID]) { userInfos[userID] = { id: userID, username: null, - avatar: null, }; } } return userInfos; } async function fetchKnownUserInfos( viewer: Viewer, userIDs?: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise { if (!viewer.loggedIn) { return {}; } if (userIDs && userIDs.length === 0) { return {}; } const query = SQL` - SELECT ru.user1, ru.user2, u.username, u.avatar, - ru.status AS undirected_status, rd1.status AS user1_directed_status, - rd2.status AS user2_directed_status + SELECT ru.user1, ru.user2, u.username, ru.status AS undirected_status, + rd1.status AS user1_directed_status, rd2.status AS user2_directed_status FROM relationships_undirected ru LEFT JOIN relationships_directed rd1 ON rd1.user1 = ru.user1 AND rd1.user2 = ru.user2 LEFT JOIN relationships_directed rd2 ON rd2.user1 = ru.user2 AND rd2.user2 = ru.user1 LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id != ${viewer.userID} AND (u.id = ru.user1 OR u.id = ru.user2) `; if (userIDs) { query.append(SQL` WHERE (ru.user1 = ${viewer.userID} AND ru.user2 IN (${userIDs})) OR (ru.user1 IN (${userIDs}) AND ru.user2 = ${viewer.userID}) `); } else { query.append(SQL` WHERE ru.user1 = ${viewer.userID} OR ru.user2 = ${viewer.userID} `); } query.append(SQL` - UNION SELECT id AS user1, NULL AS user2, username, avatar, + UNION SELECT id AS user1, NULL AS user2, username, CAST(NULL AS UNSIGNED) AS undirected_status, CAST(NULL AS UNSIGNED) AS user1_directed_status, CAST(NULL AS UNSIGNED) AS user2_directed_status FROM users WHERE id = ${viewer.userID} `); const [result] = await dbQuery(query); const userInfos = {}; for (const row of result) { const user1 = row.user1.toString(); const user2 = row.user2 ? row.user2.toString() : null; const id = user1 === viewer.userID && user2 ? user2 : user1; const userInfo = { id, username: row.username, - avatar: row.avatar, }; if (!user2) { userInfos[id] = userInfo; continue; } let viewerDirectedStatus; let targetDirectedStatus; if (user1 === viewer.userID) { viewerDirectedStatus = row.user1_directed_status; targetDirectedStatus = row.user2_directed_status; } else { viewerDirectedStatus = row.user2_directed_status; targetDirectedStatus = row.user1_directed_status; } const viewerBlockedTarget = viewerDirectedStatus === directedStatus.BLOCKED; const targetBlockedViewer = targetDirectedStatus === directedStatus.BLOCKED; const friendshipExists = row.undirected_status === undirectedStatus.FRIEND; const viewerRequestedTargetFriendship = viewerDirectedStatus === directedStatus.PENDING_FRIEND; const targetRequestedViewerFriendship = targetDirectedStatus === directedStatus.PENDING_FRIEND; let relationshipStatus; if (viewerBlockedTarget && targetBlockedViewer) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.BOTH_BLOCKED; } else if (targetBlockedViewer) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_VIEWER; } else if (viewerBlockedTarget) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_BY_VIEWER; } else if (friendshipExists) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.FRIEND; } else if (targetRequestedViewerFriendship) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_RECEIVED; } else if (viewerRequestedTargetFriendship) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_SENT; } userInfos[id] = userInfo; if (relationshipStatus) { userInfos[id].relationshipStatus = relationshipStatus; } if (relationshipStatus && !row.username) { console.warn( `user ${viewer.userID} has ${relationshipStatus} relationship with ` + `anonymous user ${id}`, ); } } return userInfos; } async function verifyUserIDs( userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise { if (userIDs.length === 0) { return []; } const query = SQL`SELECT id FROM users WHERE id IN (${userIDs})`; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.map(row => row.id.toString()); } async function verifyUserOrCookieIDs( ids: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise { if (ids.length === 0) { return []; } const query = SQL` SELECT id FROM users WHERE id IN (${ids}) UNION SELECT id FROM cookies WHERE id IN (${ids}) `; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.map(row => row.id.toString()); } async function fetchCurrentUserInfo( viewer: Viewer, ): Promise { if (!viewer.loggedIn) { return ({ id: viewer.cookieID, anonymous: true }: CurrentUserInfo); } const currentUserInfo = await fetchLoggedInUserInfo(viewer); return currentUserInfo; } async function fetchLoggedInUserInfo( viewer: Viewer, ): Promise { const userQuery = SQL` SELECT id, username, avatar FROM users WHERE id = ${viewer.userID} `; const settingsQuery = SQL` SELECT name, data FROM settings WHERE user = ${viewer.userID} `; const [[userResult], [settingsResult]] = await Promise.all([ dbQuery(userQuery), dbQuery(settingsQuery), ]); const [userRow] = userResult; const stillExpectsEmailFields = !hasMinCodeVersion( viewer.platformDetails, 87, ); if (!userRow) { throw new ServerError('unknown_error'); } const id = userRow.id.toString(); const { username, avatar } = userRow; if (stillExpectsEmailFields) { return { id, username, email: 'removed from DB', emailVerified: true, }; } let loggedInUserInfo: LoggedInUserInfo = { id, username, }; const shouldIncludeAvatar = hasMinCodeVersion(viewer.platformDetails, 1000); if (shouldIncludeAvatar && avatar) { loggedInUserInfo = { ...loggedInUserInfo, avatar }; } const featureGateSettings = !hasMinCodeVersion(viewer.platformDetails, 1000); if (featureGateSettings) { return loggedInUserInfo; } const settings = settingsResult.reduce((prev, curr) => { prev[curr.name] = curr.data; return prev; }, {}); loggedInUserInfo = { ...loggedInUserInfo, settings }; return loggedInUserInfo; } async function fetchAllUserIDs(): Promise { const query = SQL`SELECT id FROM users`; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.map(row => row.id.toString()); } async function fetchUsername(id: string): Promise { const query = SQL`SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = ${id}`; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); if (result.length === 0) { return null; } const row = result[0]; return row.username; } async function fetchKeyserverAdminID(): Promise { const changeRoleExtractString = `$.${threadPermissions.CHANGE_ROLE}`; const query = SQL` SELECT m.user FROM memberships m INNER JOIN roles r ON m.role = r.id INNER JOIN threads t ON r.thread = t.id WHERE r.name = "Admins" AND t.type IN (${communityThreadTypes}) AND JSON_EXTRACT(r.permissions, ${changeRoleExtractString}) IS TRUE `; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); if (result.length === 0) { return null; } if (result.length > 1) { console.warn('more than one community admin found'); } return result[0].user; } async function fetchUserIDForEthereumAddress( address: string, ): Promise { const query = SQL` SELECT id FROM users WHERE LCASE(ethereum_address) = LCASE(${address}) `; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.length === 0 ? null : result[0].id.toString(); } export { fetchUserInfos, fetchLoggedInUserInfo, verifyUserIDs, verifyUserOrCookieIDs, fetchCurrentUserInfo, fetchAllUserIDs, fetchUsername, fetchKnownUserInfos, fetchKeyserverAdminID, fetchUserIDForEthereumAddress, }; diff --git a/keyserver/src/push/send.js b/keyserver/src/push/send.js index 09a3abf4b..617873836 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/push/send.js +++ b/keyserver/src/push/send.js @@ -1,1064 +1,1063 @@ // @flow import apn from '@parse/node-apn'; import type { ResponseFailure } from '@parse/node-apn'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import _cloneDeep from 'lodash/fp/cloneDeep.js'; import _flow from 'lodash/fp/flow.js'; import _mapValues from 'lodash/fp/mapValues.js'; import _pickBy from 'lodash/fp/pickBy.js'; import uuidv4 from 'uuid/v4.js'; import { oldValidUsernameRegex } from 'lib/shared/account-utils.js'; import { isMentioned } from 'lib/shared/mention-utils.js'; import { createMessageInfo, sortMessageInfoList, shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos, } from 'lib/shared/message-utils.js'; import { messageSpecs } from 'lib/shared/messages/message-specs.js'; import { notifTextsForMessageInfo } from 'lib/shared/notif-utils.js'; import { rawThreadInfoFromServerThreadInfo, threadInfoFromRawThreadInfo, } from 'lib/shared/thread-utils.js'; import type { Platform, PlatformDetails } from 'lib/types/device-types.js'; import { type RawMessageInfo, type MessageData, messageTypes, } from 'lib/types/message-types.js'; import type { WebNotification, ResolvedNotifTexts, } from 'lib/types/notif-types.js'; import type { ServerThreadInfo } from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; import { updateTypes } from 'lib/types/update-types.js'; import { promiseAll } from 'lib/utils/promises.js'; import { getAPNsNotificationTopic } from './providers.js'; import { rescindPushNotifs } from './rescind.js'; import { apnPush, fcmPush, getUnreadCounts, apnMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize, fcmMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize, webPush, type WebPushError, } from './utils.js'; import createIDs from '../creators/id-creator.js'; import { createUpdates } from '../creators/update-creator.js'; import { dbQuery, SQL, mergeOrConditions } from '../database/database.js'; import type { CollapsableNotifInfo } from '../fetchers/message-fetchers.js'; import { fetchCollapsableNotifs } from '../fetchers/message-fetchers.js'; import { fetchServerThreadInfos } from '../fetchers/thread-fetchers.js'; import { fetchUserInfos } from '../fetchers/user-fetchers.js'; import type { Viewer } from '../session/viewer.js'; import { getENSNames } from '../utils/ens-cache.js'; type Device = { +platform: Platform, +deviceToken: string, +codeVersion: ?number, }; type PushUserInfo = { +devices: Device[], // messageInfos and messageDatas have the same key +messageInfos: RawMessageInfo[], +messageDatas: MessageData[], }; type Delivery = PushDelivery | { collapsedInto: string }; type NotificationRow = { +dbID: string, +userID: string, +threadID?: ?string, +messageID?: ?string, +collapseKey?: ?string, +deliveries: Delivery[], }; export type PushInfo = { [userID: string]: PushUserInfo }; async function sendPushNotifs(pushInfo: PushInfo) { if (Object.keys(pushInfo).length === 0) { return; } const [ unreadCounts, { usersToCollapsableNotifInfo, serverThreadInfos, userInfos }, dbIDs, ] = await Promise.all([ getUnreadCounts(Object.keys(pushInfo)), fetchInfos(pushInfo), createDBIDs(pushInfo), ]); const deliveryPromises = []; const notifications: Map = new Map(); for (const userID in usersToCollapsableNotifInfo) { const threadInfos = _flow( _mapValues((serverThreadInfo: ServerThreadInfo) => { const rawThreadInfo = rawThreadInfoFromServerThreadInfo( serverThreadInfo, userID, ); if (!rawThreadInfo) { return null; } return threadInfoFromRawThreadInfo(rawThreadInfo, userID, userInfos); }), _pickBy(threadInfo => threadInfo), )(serverThreadInfos); for (const notifInfo of usersToCollapsableNotifInfo[userID]) { const hydrateMessageInfo = (rawMessageInfo: RawMessageInfo) => createMessageInfo(rawMessageInfo, userID, userInfos, threadInfos); const newMessageInfos = []; const newRawMessageInfos = []; for (const newRawMessageInfo of notifInfo.newMessageInfos) { const newMessageInfo = hydrateMessageInfo(newRawMessageInfo); if (newMessageInfo) { newMessageInfos.push(newMessageInfo); newRawMessageInfos.push(newRawMessageInfo); } } if (newMessageInfos.length === 0) { continue; } const existingMessageInfos = notifInfo.existingMessageInfos .map(hydrateMessageInfo) .filter(Boolean); const allMessageInfos = sortMessageInfoList([ ...newMessageInfos, ...existingMessageInfos, ]); const [firstNewMessageInfo, ...remainingNewMessageInfos] = newMessageInfos; const { threadID } = firstNewMessageInfo; const threadInfo = threadInfos[threadID]; const updateBadge = threadInfo.currentUser.subscription.home; const displayBanner = threadInfo.currentUser.subscription.pushNotifs; const username = userInfos[userID] && userInfos[userID].username; - const avatar = userInfos[userID] && userInfos[userID].avatar; const userWasMentioned = username && threadInfo.currentUser.role && oldValidUsernameRegex.test(username) && newMessageInfos.some(newMessageInfo => { const unwrappedMessageInfo = newMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.SIDEBAR_SOURCE ? newMessageInfo.sourceMessage : newMessageInfo; return ( unwrappedMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.TEXT && isMentioned(username, unwrappedMessageInfo.text) ); }); if (!updateBadge && !displayBanner && !userWasMentioned) { continue; } const badgeOnly = !displayBanner && !userWasMentioned; - const notifTargetUserInfo = { id: userID, username, avatar }; + const notifTargetUserInfo = { id: userID, username }; const notifTexts = await notifTextsForMessageInfo( allMessageInfos, threadInfo, notifTargetUserInfo, getENSNames, ); if (!notifTexts) { continue; } const dbID = dbIDs.shift(); invariant(dbID, 'should have sufficient DB IDs'); const byPlatform = getDevicesByPlatform(pushInfo[userID].devices); const firstMessageID = firstNewMessageInfo.id; invariant(firstMessageID, 'RawMessageInfo.id should be set on server'); const notificationInfo = { source: 'new_message', dbID, userID, threadID, messageID: firstMessageID, collapseKey: notifInfo.collapseKey, }; const iosVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('ios'); if (iosVersionsToTokens) { for (const [codeVersion, deviceTokens] of iosVersionsToTokens) { const platformDetails = { platform: 'ios', codeVersion }; const shimmedNewRawMessageInfos = shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos( newRawMessageInfos, platformDetails, ); const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const notification = await prepareAPNsNotification({ notifTexts, newRawMessageInfos: shimmedNewRawMessageInfos, threadID: threadInfo.id, collapseKey: notifInfo.collapseKey, badgeOnly, unreadCount: unreadCounts[userID], platformDetails, }); return await sendAPNsNotification( 'ios', notification, [...deviceTokens], { ...notificationInfo, codeVersion, }, ); })(); deliveryPromises.push(deliveryPromise); } } const androidVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('android'); if (androidVersionsToTokens) { for (const [codeVersion, deviceTokens] of androidVersionsToTokens) { const platformDetails = { platform: 'android', codeVersion }; const shimmedNewRawMessageInfos = shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos( newRawMessageInfos, platformDetails, ); const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const notification = await prepareAndroidNotification({ notifTexts, newRawMessageInfos: shimmedNewRawMessageInfos, threadID: threadInfo.id, collapseKey: notifInfo.collapseKey, badgeOnly, unreadCount: unreadCounts[userID], platformDetails, dbID, }); return await sendAndroidNotification( notification, [...deviceTokens], { ...notificationInfo, codeVersion, }, ); })(); deliveryPromises.push(deliveryPromise); } } const webVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('web'); if (webVersionsToTokens) { for (const [codeVersion, deviceTokens] of webVersionsToTokens) { const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const notification = await prepareWebNotification({ notifTexts, threadID: threadInfo.id, unreadCount: unreadCounts[userID], }); return await sendWebNotification(notification, [...deviceTokens], { ...notificationInfo, codeVersion, }); })(); deliveryPromises.push(deliveryPromise); } } const macosVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('macos'); if (macosVersionsToTokens) { for (const [codeVersion, deviceTokens] of macosVersionsToTokens) { const platformDetails = { platform: 'macos', codeVersion }; const shimmedNewRawMessageInfos = shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos( newRawMessageInfos, platformDetails, ); const deliveryPromise = (async () => { const notification = await prepareAPNsNotification({ notifTexts, newRawMessageInfos: shimmedNewRawMessageInfos, threadID: threadInfo.id, collapseKey: notifInfo.collapseKey, badgeOnly, unreadCount: unreadCounts[userID], platformDetails, }); return await sendAPNsNotification( 'macos', notification, [...deviceTokens], { ...notificationInfo, codeVersion, }, ); })(); deliveryPromises.push(deliveryPromise); } } for (const newMessageInfo of remainingNewMessageInfos) { const newDBID = dbIDs.shift(); invariant(newDBID, 'should have sufficient DB IDs'); const messageID = newMessageInfo.id; invariant(messageID, 'RawMessageInfo.id should be set on server'); notifications.set(newDBID, { dbID: newDBID, userID, threadID: newMessageInfo.threadID, messageID, collapseKey: notifInfo.collapseKey, deliveries: [{ collapsedInto: dbID }], }); } } } const cleanUpPromises = []; if (dbIDs.length > 0) { const query = SQL`DELETE FROM ids WHERE id IN (${dbIDs})`; cleanUpPromises.push(dbQuery(query)); } const [deliveryResults] = await Promise.all([ Promise.all(deliveryPromises), Promise.all(cleanUpPromises), ]); await saveNotifResults(deliveryResults, notifications, true); } async function sendRescindNotifs(rescindInfo: PushInfo) { if (Object.keys(rescindInfo).length === 0) { return; } const usersToCollapsableNotifInfo = await fetchCollapsableNotifs(rescindInfo); const promises = []; for (const userID in usersToCollapsableNotifInfo) { for (const notifInfo of usersToCollapsableNotifInfo[userID]) { for (const existingMessageInfo of notifInfo.existingMessageInfos) { const rescindCondition = SQL` n.user = ${userID} AND n.thread = ${existingMessageInfo.threadID} AND n.message = ${existingMessageInfo.id} `; promises.push(rescindPushNotifs(rescindCondition)); } } } await Promise.all(promises); } // The results in deliveryResults will be combined with the rows // in rowsToSave and then written to the notifications table async function saveNotifResults( deliveryResults: $ReadOnlyArray, inputRowsToSave: Map, rescindable: boolean, ) { const rowsToSave = new Map(inputRowsToSave); const allInvalidTokens = []; for (const deliveryResult of deliveryResults) { const { info, delivery, invalidTokens } = deliveryResult; const { dbID, userID } = info; const curNotifRow = rowsToSave.get(dbID); if (curNotifRow) { curNotifRow.deliveries.push(delivery); } else { // Ternary expressions for Flow const threadID = info.threadID ? info.threadID : null; const messageID = info.messageID ? info.messageID : null; const collapseKey = info.collapseKey ? info.collapseKey : null; rowsToSave.set(dbID, { dbID, userID, threadID, messageID, collapseKey, deliveries: [delivery], }); } if (invalidTokens) { allInvalidTokens.push({ userID, tokens: invalidTokens, }); } } const notificationRows = []; for (const notification of rowsToSave.values()) { notificationRows.push([ notification.dbID, notification.userID, notification.threadID, notification.messageID, notification.collapseKey, JSON.stringify(notification.deliveries), Number(!rescindable), ]); } const dbPromises = []; if (allInvalidTokens.length > 0) { dbPromises.push(removeInvalidTokens(allInvalidTokens)); } if (notificationRows.length > 0) { const query = SQL` INSERT INTO notifications (id, user, thread, message, collapse_key, delivery, rescinded) VALUES ${notificationRows} `; dbPromises.push(dbQuery(query)); } if (dbPromises.length > 0) { await Promise.all(dbPromises); } } async function fetchInfos(pushInfo: PushInfo) { const usersToCollapsableNotifInfo = await fetchCollapsableNotifs(pushInfo); const threadIDs = new Set(); const threadWithChangedNamesToMessages = new Map(); const addThreadIDsFromMessageInfos = (rawMessageInfo: RawMessageInfo) => { const threadID = rawMessageInfo.threadID; threadIDs.add(threadID); const messageSpec = messageSpecs[rawMessageInfo.type]; if (messageSpec.threadIDs) { for (const id of messageSpec.threadIDs(rawMessageInfo)) { threadIDs.add(id); } } if ( rawMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.CHANGE_SETTINGS && rawMessageInfo.field === 'name' ) { const messages = threadWithChangedNamesToMessages.get(threadID); if (messages) { messages.push(rawMessageInfo.id); } else { threadWithChangedNamesToMessages.set(threadID, [rawMessageInfo.id]); } } }; for (const userID in usersToCollapsableNotifInfo) { for (const notifInfo of usersToCollapsableNotifInfo[userID]) { for (const rawMessageInfo of notifInfo.existingMessageInfos) { addThreadIDsFromMessageInfos(rawMessageInfo); } for (const rawMessageInfo of notifInfo.newMessageInfos) { addThreadIDsFromMessageInfos(rawMessageInfo); } } } const promises = {}; // These threadInfos won't have currentUser set promises.threadResult = fetchServerThreadInfos( SQL`t.id IN (${[...threadIDs]})`, ); if (threadWithChangedNamesToMessages.size > 0) { const typesThatAffectName = [ messageTypes.CHANGE_SETTINGS, messageTypes.CREATE_THREAD, ]; const oldNameQuery = SQL` SELECT IF( JSON_TYPE(JSON_EXTRACT(m.content, "$.name")) = 'NULL', "", JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(m.content, "$.name")) ) AS name, m.thread FROM ( SELECT MAX(id) AS id FROM messages WHERE type IN (${typesThatAffectName}) AND JSON_EXTRACT(content, "$.name") IS NOT NULL AND`; const threadClauses = []; for (const [threadID, messages] of threadWithChangedNamesToMessages) { threadClauses.push( SQL`(thread = ${threadID} AND id NOT IN (${messages}))`, ); } oldNameQuery.append(mergeOrConditions(threadClauses)); oldNameQuery.append(SQL` GROUP BY thread ) x LEFT JOIN messages m ON m.id = x.id `); promises.oldNames = dbQuery(oldNameQuery); } const { threadResult, oldNames } = await promiseAll(promises); const serverThreadInfos = threadResult.threadInfos; if (oldNames) { const [result] = oldNames; for (const row of result) { const threadID = row.thread.toString(); serverThreadInfos[threadID].name = row.name; } } const userInfos = await fetchNotifUserInfos( serverThreadInfos, usersToCollapsableNotifInfo, ); return { usersToCollapsableNotifInfo, serverThreadInfos, userInfos }; } async function fetchNotifUserInfos( serverThreadInfos: { +[threadID: string]: ServerThreadInfo }, usersToCollapsableNotifInfo: { +[userID: string]: CollapsableNotifInfo[] }, ) { const missingUserIDs = new Set(); for (const threadID in serverThreadInfos) { const serverThreadInfo = serverThreadInfos[threadID]; for (const member of serverThreadInfo.members) { missingUserIDs.add(member.id); } } const addUserIDsFromMessageInfos = (rawMessageInfo: RawMessageInfo) => { missingUserIDs.add(rawMessageInfo.creatorID); const userIDs = messageSpecs[rawMessageInfo.type].userIDs?.(rawMessageInfo) ?? []; for (const userID of userIDs) { missingUserIDs.add(userID); } }; for (const userID in usersToCollapsableNotifInfo) { missingUserIDs.add(userID); for (const notifInfo of usersToCollapsableNotifInfo[userID]) { for (const rawMessageInfo of notifInfo.existingMessageInfos) { addUserIDsFromMessageInfos(rawMessageInfo); } for (const rawMessageInfo of notifInfo.newMessageInfos) { addUserIDsFromMessageInfos(rawMessageInfo); } } } return await fetchUserInfos([...missingUserIDs]); } async function createDBIDs(pushInfo: PushInfo): Promise { let numIDsNeeded = 0; for (const userID in pushInfo) { numIDsNeeded += pushInfo[userID].messageInfos.length; } return await createIDs('notifications', numIDsNeeded); } function getDevicesByPlatform( devices: Device[], ): Map>> { const byPlatform = new Map(); for (const device of devices) { let innerMap = byPlatform.get(device.platform); if (!innerMap) { innerMap = new Map(); byPlatform.set(device.platform, innerMap); } const codeVersion: number = device.codeVersion !== null && device.codeVersion !== undefined ? device.codeVersion : -1; let innerMostSet = innerMap.get(codeVersion); if (!innerMostSet) { innerMostSet = new Set(); innerMap.set(codeVersion, innerMostSet); } innerMostSet.add(device.deviceToken); } return byPlatform; } type APNsNotifInputData = { +notifTexts: ResolvedNotifTexts, +newRawMessageInfos: RawMessageInfo[], +threadID: string, +collapseKey: ?string, +badgeOnly: boolean, +unreadCount: number, +platformDetails: PlatformDetails, }; async function prepareAPNsNotification( inputData: APNsNotifInputData, ): Promise { const { notifTexts, newRawMessageInfos, threadID, collapseKey, badgeOnly, unreadCount, platformDetails, } = inputData; const uniqueID = uuidv4(); const notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.topic = getAPNsNotificationTopic(platformDetails); const { merged, ...rest } = notifTexts; // We don't include alert's body on macos because we // handle displaying the notification ourselves and // we don't want macOS to display it automatically. if (!badgeOnly && platformDetails.platform !== 'macos') { notification.body = merged; notification.sound = 'default'; } notification.payload = { ...notification.payload, ...rest, }; notification.badge = unreadCount; notification.threadId = threadID; notification.id = uniqueID; notification.pushType = 'alert'; notification.payload.id = uniqueID; notification.payload.threadID = threadID; // It was agreed to temporarily make even releases staff-only. This way // we will be able to prevent shipping NSE functionality to public iOS // users until it is thoroughly tested among staff members. if ( platformDetails.codeVersion && platformDetails.codeVersion > 198 && platformDetails.codeVersion % 2 === 0 ) { notification.mutableContent = true; } if (collapseKey) { notification.collapseId = collapseKey; } const messageInfos = JSON.stringify(newRawMessageInfos); // We make a copy before checking notification's length, because calling // length compiles the notification and makes it immutable. Further // changes to its properties won't be reflected in the final plaintext // data that is sent. const copyWithMessageInfos = _cloneDeep(notification); copyWithMessageInfos.payload = { ...copyWithMessageInfos.payload, messageInfos, }; if (copyWithMessageInfos.length() <= apnMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize) { notification.payload.messageInfos = messageInfos; return notification; } const notificationCopy = _cloneDeep(notification); if (notificationCopy.length() > apnMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize) { console.warn( `${platformDetails.platform} notification ${uniqueID} ` + `exceeds size limit, even with messageInfos omitted`, ); } return notification; } type AndroidNotifInputData = { ...APNsNotifInputData, +dbID: string, }; async function prepareAndroidNotification( inputData: AndroidNotifInputData, ): Promise { const { notifTexts, newRawMessageInfos, threadID, collapseKey, badgeOnly, unreadCount, platformDetails: { codeVersion }, dbID, } = inputData; const notifID = collapseKey ? collapseKey : dbID; const { merged, ...rest } = notifTexts; const notification = { data: { badge: unreadCount.toString(), ...rest, threadID, }, }; // The reason we only include `badgeOnly` for newer clients is because older // clients don't know how to parse it. The reason we only include `id` for // newer clients is that if the older clients see that field, they assume // the notif has a full payload, and then crash when trying to parse it. // By skipping `id` we allow old clients to still handle in-app notifs and // badge updating. if (!badgeOnly || (codeVersion && codeVersion >= 69)) { notification.data = { ...notification.data, id: notifID, badgeOnly: badgeOnly ? '1' : '0', }; } const messageInfos = JSON.stringify(newRawMessageInfos); const copyWithMessageInfos = { ...notification, data: { ...notification.data, messageInfos }, }; if ( Buffer.byteLength(JSON.stringify(copyWithMessageInfos)) <= fcmMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize ) { return copyWithMessageInfos; } if ( Buffer.byteLength(JSON.stringify(notification)) > fcmMaxNotificationPayloadByteSize ) { console.warn( `Android notification ${notifID} exceeds size limit, even with messageInfos omitted`, ); } return notification; } type WebNotifInputData = { +notifTexts: ResolvedNotifTexts, +threadID: string, +unreadCount: number, }; async function prepareWebNotification( inputData: WebNotifInputData, ): Promise { const { notifTexts, threadID, unreadCount } = inputData; const id = uuidv4(); const { merged, ...rest } = notifTexts; const notification = { ...rest, unreadCount, id, threadID, }; return notification; } type NotificationInfo = | { +source: 'new_message', +dbID: string, +userID: string, +threadID: string, +messageID: string, +collapseKey: ?string, +codeVersion: number, } | { +source: 'mark_as_unread' | 'mark_as_read' | 'activity_update', +dbID: string, +userID: string, +codeVersion: number, }; type APNsDelivery = { source: $PropertyType, deviceType: 'ios' | 'macos', iosID: string, deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, codeVersion: number, errors?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; type APNsResult = { info: NotificationInfo, delivery: APNsDelivery, invalidTokens?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; async function sendAPNsNotification( platform: 'ios' | 'macos', notification: apn.Notification, deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, notificationInfo: NotificationInfo, ): Promise { const { source, codeVersion } = notificationInfo; const response = await apnPush({ notification, deviceTokens, platformDetails: { platform, codeVersion }, }); const delivery: APNsDelivery = { source, deviceType: platform, iosID: notification.id, deviceTokens, codeVersion, }; if (response.errors) { delivery.errors = response.errors; } const result: APNsResult = { info: notificationInfo, delivery, }; if (response.invalidTokens) { result.invalidTokens = response.invalidTokens; } return result; } type PushResult = AndroidResult | APNsResult | WebResult; type PushDelivery = AndroidDelivery | APNsDelivery | WebDelivery; type AndroidDelivery = { source: $PropertyType, deviceType: 'android', androidIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, codeVersion: number, errors?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; type AndroidResult = { info: NotificationInfo, delivery: AndroidDelivery, invalidTokens?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; async function sendAndroidNotification( notification: Object, deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, notificationInfo: NotificationInfo, ): Promise { const collapseKey = notificationInfo.collapseKey ? notificationInfo.collapseKey : null; // for Flow... const { source, codeVersion } = notificationInfo; const response = await fcmPush({ notification, deviceTokens, collapseKey, codeVersion, }); const androidIDs = response.fcmIDs ? response.fcmIDs : []; const delivery: AndroidDelivery = { source, deviceType: 'android', androidIDs, deviceTokens, codeVersion, }; if (response.errors) { delivery.errors = response.errors; } const result: AndroidResult = { info: notificationInfo, delivery, }; if (response.invalidTokens) { result.invalidTokens = response.invalidTokens; } return result; } type WebDelivery = { +source: $PropertyType, +deviceType: 'web', +deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, +codeVersion?: number, +errors?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; type WebResult = { +info: NotificationInfo, +delivery: WebDelivery, +invalidTokens?: $ReadOnlyArray, }; async function sendWebNotification( notification: WebNotification, deviceTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, notificationInfo: NotificationInfo, ): Promise { const { source, codeVersion } = notificationInfo; const response = await webPush({ notification, deviceTokens, }); const delivery: WebDelivery = { source, deviceType: 'web', deviceTokens, codeVersion, errors: response.errors, }; const result: WebResult = { info: notificationInfo, delivery, invalidTokens: response.invalidTokens, }; return result; } type InvalidToken = { +userID: string, +tokens: $ReadOnlyArray, }; async function removeInvalidTokens( invalidTokens: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise { const sqlTuples = invalidTokens.map( invalidTokenUser => SQL`( user = ${invalidTokenUser.userID} AND device_token IN (${invalidTokenUser.tokens}) )`, ); const sqlCondition = mergeOrConditions(sqlTuples); const selectQuery = SQL` SELECT id, user, device_token FROM cookies WHERE `; selectQuery.append(sqlCondition); const [result] = await dbQuery(selectQuery); const userCookiePairsToInvalidDeviceTokens = new Map(); for (const row of result) { const userCookiePair = `${row.user}|${row.id}`; const existing = userCookiePairsToInvalidDeviceTokens.get(userCookiePair); if (existing) { existing.add(row.device_token); } else { userCookiePairsToInvalidDeviceTokens.set( userCookiePair, new Set([row.device_token]), ); } } const time = Date.now(); const promises = []; for (const entry of userCookiePairsToInvalidDeviceTokens) { const [userCookiePair, deviceTokens] = entry; const [userID, cookieID] = userCookiePair.split('|'); const updateDatas = [...deviceTokens].map(deviceToken => ({ type: updateTypes.BAD_DEVICE_TOKEN, userID, time, deviceToken, targetCookie: cookieID, })); promises.push(createUpdates(updateDatas)); } const updateQuery = SQL` UPDATE cookies SET device_token = NULL WHERE `; updateQuery.append(sqlCondition); promises.push(dbQuery(updateQuery)); await Promise.all(promises); } async function updateBadgeCount( viewer: Viewer, source: 'mark_as_unread' | 'mark_as_read' | 'activity_update', ) { const { userID } = viewer; const deviceTokenQuery = SQL` SELECT platform, device_token, versions FROM cookies WHERE user = ${userID} AND device_token IS NOT NULL `; if (viewer.data.cookieID) { deviceTokenQuery.append(SQL`AND id != ${viewer.cookieID} `); } const [unreadCounts, [deviceTokenResult], [dbID]] = await Promise.all([ getUnreadCounts([userID]), dbQuery(deviceTokenQuery), createIDs('notifications', 1), ]); const unreadCount = unreadCounts[userID]; const devices = deviceTokenResult.map(row => ({ platform: row.platform, deviceToken: row.device_token, codeVersion: JSON.parse(row.versions)?.codeVersion, })); const byPlatform = getDevicesByPlatform(devices); const deliveryPromises = []; const iosVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('ios'); if (iosVersionsToTokens) { for (const [codeVersion, deviceTokens] of iosVersionsToTokens) { const notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.topic = getAPNsNotificationTopic({ platform: 'ios', codeVersion, }); notification.badge = unreadCount; notification.pushType = 'alert'; deliveryPromises.push( sendAPNsNotification('ios', notification, [...deviceTokens], { source, dbID, userID, codeVersion, }), ); } } const androidVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('android'); if (androidVersionsToTokens) { for (const [codeVersion, deviceTokens] of androidVersionsToTokens) { const notificationData = codeVersion < 69 ? { badge: unreadCount.toString() } : { badge: unreadCount.toString(), badgeOnly: '1' }; const notification = { data: notificationData }; deliveryPromises.push( sendAndroidNotification(notification, [...deviceTokens], { source, dbID, userID, codeVersion, }), ); } } const macosVersionsToTokens = byPlatform.get('macos'); if (macosVersionsToTokens) { for (const [codeVersion, deviceTokens] of macosVersionsToTokens) { const notification = new apn.Notification(); notification.topic = getAPNsNotificationTopic({ platform: 'macos', codeVersion, }); notification.badge = unreadCount; notification.pushType = 'alert'; deliveryPromises.push( sendAPNsNotification('macos', notification, [...deviceTokens], { source, dbID, userID, codeVersion, }), ); } } const deliveryResults = await Promise.all(deliveryPromises); await saveNotifResults(deliveryResults, new Map(), false); } export { sendPushNotifs, sendRescindNotifs, updateBadgeCount }; diff --git a/keyserver/src/search/users.js b/keyserver/src/search/users.js index 8bcc06bc0..6fcdfb425 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/search/users.js +++ b/keyserver/src/search/users.js @@ -1,31 +1,30 @@ // @flow import type { UserSearchRequest } from 'lib/types/search-types.js'; import type { GlobalAccountUserInfo } from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import { dbQuery, SQL } from '../database/database.js'; async function searchForUsers( query: UserSearchRequest, ): Promise { - const sqlQuery = SQL`SELECT id, username, avatar FROM users `; + const sqlQuery = SQL`SELECT id, username FROM users `; const prefix = query.prefix; if (prefix) { sqlQuery.append(SQL`WHERE LOWER(username) LIKE LOWER(${prefix + '%'}) `); } sqlQuery.append(SQL`LIMIT 20`); const [result] = await dbQuery(sqlQuery); const userInfos = []; for (const row of result) { userInfos.push({ id: row.id.toString(), username: row.username, - avatar: row.avatar, }); } return userInfos; } export { searchForUsers }; diff --git a/keyserver/src/socket/session-utils.js b/keyserver/src/socket/session-utils.js index a1acd9d24..52061d2f5 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/socket/session-utils.js +++ b/keyserver/src/socket/session-utils.js @@ -1,601 +1,601 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import t from 'tcomb'; import type { TUnion, TInterface } from 'tcomb'; import { usersInRawEntryInfos, serverEntryInfo, serverEntryInfosObject, } from 'lib/shared/entry-utils.js'; import { usersInThreadInfo } from 'lib/shared/thread-utils.js'; import { hasMinCodeVersion } from 'lib/shared/version-utils.js'; import type { UpdateActivityResult } from 'lib/types/activity-types.js'; import type { IdentityKeysBlob } from 'lib/types/crypto-types.js'; import { isDeviceType } from 'lib/types/device-types.js'; import type { CalendarQuery, DeltaEntryInfosResponse, } from 'lib/types/entry-types.js'; import { reportTypes, type ThreadInconsistencyReportCreationRequest, type EntryInconsistencyReportCreationRequest, } from 'lib/types/report-types.js'; import { serverRequestTypes, type ThreadInconsistencyClientResponse, type EntryInconsistencyClientResponse, type ClientResponse, type ServerServerRequest, type ServerCheckStateServerRequest, } from 'lib/types/request-types.js'; import { sessionCheckFrequency } from 'lib/types/session-types.js'; import { signedIdentityKeysBlobValidator } from 'lib/utils/crypto-utils.js'; import { hash } from 'lib/utils/objects.js'; import { promiseAll } from 'lib/utils/promises.js'; import { tShape, tPlatform, tPlatformDetails, } from 'lib/utils/validation-utils.js'; import { saveOneTimeKeys } from '../creators/one-time-keys-creator.js'; import createReport from '../creators/report-creator.js'; import { SQL } from '../database/database.js'; import { fetchEntryInfos, fetchEntryInfosByID, fetchEntriesForSession, } from '../fetchers/entry-fetchers.js'; import { checkIfSessionHasEnoughOneTimeKeys } from '../fetchers/key-fetchers.js'; import { fetchThreadInfos } from '../fetchers/thread-fetchers.js'; import { fetchCurrentUserInfo, fetchUserInfos, fetchKnownUserInfos, } from '../fetchers/user-fetchers.js'; import { activityUpdatesInputValidator } from '../responders/activity-responders.js'; import { handleAsyncPromise } from '../responders/handlers.js'; import { threadInconsistencyReportValidatorShape, entryInconsistencyReportValidatorShape, } from '../responders/report-responders.js'; import { setNewSession, setCookiePlatform, setCookiePlatformDetails, setCookieSignedIdentityKeysBlob, } from '../session/cookies.js'; import type { Viewer } from '../session/viewer.js'; import { activityUpdater } from '../updaters/activity-updaters.js'; import { compareNewCalendarQuery } from '../updaters/entry-updaters.js'; import type { SessionUpdate } from '../updaters/session-updaters.js'; import { getOlmUtility } from '../utils/olm-utils.js'; const clientResponseInputValidator: TUnion = t.union([ tShape({ type: t.irreducible( 'serverRequestTypes.PLATFORM', x => x === serverRequestTypes.PLATFORM, ), platform: tPlatform, }), tShape({ ...threadInconsistencyReportValidatorShape, type: t.irreducible( 'serverRequestTypes.THREAD_INCONSISTENCY', x => x === serverRequestTypes.THREAD_INCONSISTENCY, ), }), tShape({ ...entryInconsistencyReportValidatorShape, type: t.irreducible( 'serverRequestTypes.ENTRY_INCONSISTENCY', x => x === serverRequestTypes.ENTRY_INCONSISTENCY, ), }), tShape({ type: t.irreducible( 'serverRequestTypes.PLATFORM_DETAILS', x => x === serverRequestTypes.PLATFORM_DETAILS, ), platformDetails: tPlatformDetails, }), tShape({ type: t.irreducible( 'serverRequestTypes.CHECK_STATE', x => x === serverRequestTypes.CHECK_STATE, ), hashResults: t.dict(t.String, t.Boolean), }), tShape({ type: t.irreducible( 'serverRequestTypes.INITIAL_ACTIVITY_UPDATES', x => x === serverRequestTypes.INITIAL_ACTIVITY_UPDATES, ), activityUpdates: activityUpdatesInputValidator, }), tShape({ type: t.irreducible( 'serverRequestTypes.MORE_ONE_TIME_KEYS', x => x === serverRequestTypes.MORE_ONE_TIME_KEYS, ), keys: t.list(t.String), }), tShape({ type: t.irreducible( 'serverRequestTypes.SIGNED_IDENTITY_KEYS_BLOB', x => x === serverRequestTypes.SIGNED_IDENTITY_KEYS_BLOB, ), signedIdentityKeysBlob: signedIdentityKeysBlobValidator, }), ]); type StateCheckStatus = | { status: 'state_validated' } | { status: 'state_invalid', invalidKeys: $ReadOnlyArray } | { status: 'state_check' }; type ProcessClientResponsesResult = { serverRequests: ServerServerRequest[], stateCheckStatus: ?StateCheckStatus, activityUpdateResult: ?UpdateActivityResult, }; async function processClientResponses( viewer: Viewer, clientResponses: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise { let viewerMissingPlatform = !viewer.platform; const { platformDetails } = viewer; let viewerMissingPlatformDetails = !platformDetails || (isDeviceType(viewer.platform) && (platformDetails.codeVersion === null || platformDetails.codeVersion === undefined || platformDetails.stateVersion === null || platformDetails.stateVersion === undefined)); const promises = []; let activityUpdates = []; let stateCheckStatus = null; const clientSentPlatformDetails = clientResponses.some( response => response.type === serverRequestTypes.PLATFORM_DETAILS, ); for (const clientResponse of clientResponses) { if ( clientResponse.type === serverRequestTypes.PLATFORM && !clientSentPlatformDetails ) { promises.push(setCookiePlatform(viewer, clientResponse.platform)); viewerMissingPlatform = false; if (!isDeviceType(clientResponse.platform)) { viewerMissingPlatformDetails = false; } } else if ( clientResponse.type === serverRequestTypes.THREAD_INCONSISTENCY ) { promises.push(recordThreadInconsistency(viewer, clientResponse)); } else if (clientResponse.type === serverRequestTypes.ENTRY_INCONSISTENCY) { promises.push(recordEntryInconsistency(viewer, clientResponse)); } else if (clientResponse.type === serverRequestTypes.PLATFORM_DETAILS) { promises.push( setCookiePlatformDetails(viewer, clientResponse.platformDetails), ); viewerMissingPlatform = false; viewerMissingPlatformDetails = false; } else if ( clientResponse.type === serverRequestTypes.INITIAL_ACTIVITY_UPDATES ) { activityUpdates = [...activityUpdates, ...clientResponse.activityUpdates]; } else if (clientResponse.type === serverRequestTypes.CHECK_STATE) { const invalidKeys = []; for (const key in clientResponse.hashResults) { const result = clientResponse.hashResults[key]; if (!result) { invalidKeys.push(key); } } stateCheckStatus = invalidKeys.length > 0 ? { status: 'state_invalid', invalidKeys } : { status: 'state_validated' }; } else if (clientResponse.type === serverRequestTypes.MORE_ONE_TIME_KEYS) { invariant(clientResponse.keys, 'keys expected in client response'); handleAsyncPromise(saveOneTimeKeys(viewer, clientResponse.keys)); } else if ( clientResponse.type === serverRequestTypes.SIGNED_IDENTITY_KEYS_BLOB ) { invariant( clientResponse.signedIdentityKeysBlob, 'signedIdentityKeysBlob expected in client response', ); const { signedIdentityKeysBlob } = clientResponse; const identityKeys: IdentityKeysBlob = JSON.parse( signedIdentityKeysBlob.payload, ); const olmUtil = getOlmUtility(); try { olmUtil.ed25519_verify( identityKeys.primaryIdentityPublicKeys.ed25519, signedIdentityKeysBlob.payload, signedIdentityKeysBlob.signature, ); handleAsyncPromise( setCookieSignedIdentityKeysBlob( viewer.cookieID, signedIdentityKeysBlob, ), ); } catch (e) { continue; } } } const activityUpdatePromise = (async () => { if (activityUpdates.length === 0) { return; } return await activityUpdater(viewer, { updates: activityUpdates }); })(); const serverRequests = []; const checkOneTimeKeysPromise = (async () => { if (!viewer.loggedIn) { return; } const enoughOneTimeKeys = await checkIfSessionHasEnoughOneTimeKeys( viewer.session, ); if (!enoughOneTimeKeys) { serverRequests.push({ type: serverRequestTypes.MORE_ONE_TIME_KEYS }); } })(); const { activityUpdateResult } = await promiseAll({ all: Promise.all(promises), activityUpdateResult: activityUpdatePromise, checkOneTimeKeysPromise, }); if ( !stateCheckStatus && viewer.loggedIn && viewer.sessionLastValidated + sessionCheckFrequency < Date.now() ) { stateCheckStatus = { status: 'state_check' }; } if (viewerMissingPlatform) { serverRequests.push({ type: serverRequestTypes.PLATFORM }); } if (viewerMissingPlatformDetails) { serverRequests.push({ type: serverRequestTypes.PLATFORM_DETAILS }); } return { serverRequests, stateCheckStatus, activityUpdateResult }; } async function recordThreadInconsistency( viewer: Viewer, response: ThreadInconsistencyClientResponse, ): Promise { const { type, ...rest } = response; const reportCreationRequest = ({ ...rest, type: reportTypes.THREAD_INCONSISTENCY, }: ThreadInconsistencyReportCreationRequest); await createReport(viewer, reportCreationRequest); } async function recordEntryInconsistency( viewer: Viewer, response: EntryInconsistencyClientResponse, ): Promise { const { type, ...rest } = response; const reportCreationRequest = ({ ...rest, type: reportTypes.ENTRY_INCONSISTENCY, }: EntryInconsistencyReportCreationRequest); await createReport(viewer, reportCreationRequest); } type SessionInitializationResult = | { sessionContinued: false } | { sessionContinued: true, deltaEntryInfoResult: DeltaEntryInfosResponse, sessionUpdate: SessionUpdate, }; async function initializeSession( viewer: Viewer, calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, oldLastUpdate: number, ): Promise { if (!viewer.loggedIn) { return { sessionContinued: false }; } if (!viewer.hasSessionInfo) { // If the viewer has no session info but is logged in, that is indicative // of an expired / invalidated session and we should generate a new one await setNewSession(viewer, calendarQuery, oldLastUpdate); return { sessionContinued: false }; } if (oldLastUpdate < viewer.sessionLastUpdated) { // If the client has an older last_update than the server is tracking for // that client, then the client either had some issue persisting its store, // or the user restored the client app from a backup. Either way, we should // invalidate the existing session, since the server has assumed that the // checkpoint is further along than it is on the client, and might not still // have all of the updates necessary to do an incremental update await setNewSession(viewer, calendarQuery, oldLastUpdate); return { sessionContinued: false }; } let comparisonResult = null; try { comparisonResult = compareNewCalendarQuery(viewer, calendarQuery); } catch (e) { if (e.message !== 'unknown_error') { throw e; } } if (comparisonResult) { const { difference, oldCalendarQuery } = comparisonResult; const sessionUpdate = { ...comparisonResult.sessionUpdate, lastUpdate: oldLastUpdate, }; const deltaEntryInfoResult = await fetchEntriesForSession( viewer, difference, oldCalendarQuery, ); return { sessionContinued: true, deltaEntryInfoResult, sessionUpdate }; } else { await setNewSession(viewer, calendarQuery, oldLastUpdate); return { sessionContinued: false }; } } type StateCheckResult = { sessionUpdate?: SessionUpdate, checkStateRequest?: ServerCheckStateServerRequest, }; async function checkState( viewer: Viewer, status: StateCheckStatus, calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, ): Promise { const shouldCheckUserInfos = hasMinCodeVersion(viewer.platformDetails, 59); if (status.status === 'state_validated') { return { sessionUpdate: { lastValidated: Date.now() } }; } else if (status.status === 'state_check') { const promises = { threadsResult: fetchThreadInfos(viewer), entriesResult: fetchEntryInfos(viewer, [calendarQuery]), currentUserInfo: fetchCurrentUserInfo(viewer), userInfosResult: undefined, }; if (shouldCheckUserInfos) { promises.userInfosResult = fetchKnownUserInfos(viewer); } const fetchedData = await promiseAll(promises); let hashesToCheck = { threadInfos: hash(fetchedData.threadsResult.threadInfos), entryInfos: hash( serverEntryInfosObject(fetchedData.entriesResult.rawEntryInfos), ), currentUserInfo: hash(fetchedData.currentUserInfo), }; if (shouldCheckUserInfos) { hashesToCheck = { ...hashesToCheck, userInfos: hash(fetchedData.userInfosResult), }; } const checkStateRequest = { type: serverRequestTypes.CHECK_STATE, hashesToCheck, }; return { checkStateRequest }; } const { invalidKeys } = status; let fetchAllThreads = false, fetchAllEntries = false, fetchAllUserInfos = false, fetchUserInfo = false; const threadIDsToFetch = [], entryIDsToFetch = [], userIDsToFetch = []; for (const key of invalidKeys) { if (key === 'threadInfos') { fetchAllThreads = true; } else if (key === 'entryInfos') { fetchAllEntries = true; } else if (key === 'userInfos') { fetchAllUserInfos = true; } else if (key === 'currentUserInfo') { fetchUserInfo = true; } else if (key.startsWith('threadInfo|')) { const [, threadID] = key.split('|'); threadIDsToFetch.push(threadID); } else if (key.startsWith('entryInfo|')) { const [, entryID] = key.split('|'); entryIDsToFetch.push(entryID); } else if (key.startsWith('userInfo|')) { const [, userID] = key.split('|'); userIDsToFetch.push(userID); } } const fetchPromises = {}; if (fetchAllThreads) { fetchPromises.threadsResult = fetchThreadInfos(viewer); } else if (threadIDsToFetch.length > 0) { fetchPromises.threadsResult = fetchThreadInfos( viewer, SQL`t.id IN (${threadIDsToFetch})`, ); } if (fetchAllEntries) { fetchPromises.entriesResult = fetchEntryInfos(viewer, [calendarQuery]); } else if (entryIDsToFetch.length > 0) { fetchPromises.entryInfos = fetchEntryInfosByID(viewer, entryIDsToFetch); } if (fetchAllUserInfos) { fetchPromises.userInfos = fetchKnownUserInfos(viewer); } else if (userIDsToFetch.length > 0) { fetchPromises.userInfos = fetchKnownUserInfos(viewer, userIDsToFetch); } if (fetchUserInfo) { fetchPromises.currentUserInfo = fetchCurrentUserInfo(viewer); } const fetchedData = await promiseAll(fetchPromises); const hashesToCheck = {}, failUnmentioned = {}, stateChanges = {}; for (const key of invalidKeys) { if (key === 'threadInfos') { // Instead of returning all threadInfos, we want to narrow down and figure // out which threadInfos don't match first const { threadInfos } = fetchedData.threadsResult; for (const threadID in threadInfos) { hashesToCheck[`threadInfo|${threadID}`] = hash(threadInfos[threadID]); } failUnmentioned.threadInfos = true; } else if (key === 'entryInfos') { // Instead of returning all entryInfos, we want to narrow down and figure // out which entryInfos don't match first const { rawEntryInfos } = fetchedData.entriesResult; for (const rawEntryInfo of rawEntryInfos) { const entryInfo = serverEntryInfo(rawEntryInfo); invariant(entryInfo, 'should be set'); const { id: entryID } = entryInfo; invariant(entryID, 'should be set'); hashesToCheck[`entryInfo|${entryID}`] = hash(entryInfo); } failUnmentioned.entryInfos = true; } else if (key === 'userInfos') { // Instead of returning all userInfos, we want to narrow down and figure // out which userInfos don't match first const { userInfos } = fetchedData; for (const userID in userInfos) { hashesToCheck[`userInfo|${userID}`] = hash(userInfos[userID]); } failUnmentioned.userInfos = true; } else if (key === 'currentUserInfo') { stateChanges.currentUserInfo = fetchedData.currentUserInfo; } else if (key.startsWith('threadInfo|')) { const [, threadID] = key.split('|'); const { threadInfos } = fetchedData.threadsResult; const threadInfo = threadInfos[threadID]; if (!threadInfo) { if (!stateChanges.deleteThreadIDs) { stateChanges.deleteThreadIDs = []; } stateChanges.deleteThreadIDs.push(threadID); continue; } if (!stateChanges.rawThreadInfos) { stateChanges.rawThreadInfos = []; } stateChanges.rawThreadInfos.push(threadInfo); } else if (key.startsWith('entryInfo|')) { const [, entryID] = key.split('|'); const rawEntryInfos = fetchedData.entriesResult ? fetchedData.entriesResult.rawEntryInfos : fetchedData.entryInfos; const entryInfo = rawEntryInfos.find( candidate => candidate.id === entryID, ); if (!entryInfo) { if (!stateChanges.deleteEntryIDs) { stateChanges.deleteEntryIDs = []; } stateChanges.deleteEntryIDs.push(entryID); continue; } if (!stateChanges.rawEntryInfos) { stateChanges.rawEntryInfos = []; } stateChanges.rawEntryInfos.push(entryInfo); } else if (key.startsWith('userInfo|')) { const { userInfos: fetchedUserInfos } = fetchedData; const [, userID] = key.split('|'); const userInfo = fetchedUserInfos[userID]; if (!userInfo || !userInfo.username) { if (!stateChanges.deleteUserInfoIDs) { stateChanges.deleteUserInfoIDs = []; } stateChanges.deleteUserInfoIDs.push(userID); } else { if (!stateChanges.userInfos) { stateChanges.userInfos = []; } stateChanges.userInfos.push({ ...userInfo, // Flow gets confused if we don't do this username: userInfo.username, }); } } } if (!shouldCheckUserInfos) { const userIDs = new Set(); if (stateChanges.rawThreadInfos) { for (const threadInfo of stateChanges.rawThreadInfos) { for (const userID of usersInThreadInfo(threadInfo)) { userIDs.add(userID); } } } if (stateChanges.rawEntryInfos) { for (const userID of usersInRawEntryInfos(stateChanges.rawEntryInfos)) { userIDs.add(userID); } } const userInfos = []; if (userIDs.size > 0) { const fetchedUserInfos = await fetchUserInfos([...userIDs]); for (const userID in fetchedUserInfos) { const userInfo = fetchedUserInfos[userID]; if (userInfo && userInfo.username) { - const { id, username, avatar } = userInfo; - userInfos.push({ id, username, avatar }); + const { id, username } = userInfo; + userInfos.push({ id, username }); } } } if (userInfos.length > 0) { stateChanges.userInfos = userInfos; } } const checkStateRequest = { type: serverRequestTypes.CHECK_STATE, hashesToCheck, failUnmentioned, stateChanges, }; if (Object.keys(hashesToCheck).length === 0) { return { checkStateRequest, sessionUpdate: { lastValidated: Date.now() } }; } else { return { checkStateRequest }; } } export { clientResponseInputValidator, processClientResponses, initializeSession, checkState, }; diff --git a/lib/selectors/relationship-selectors.js b/lib/selectors/relationship-selectors.js index 9d088a300..8daf284fb 100644 --- a/lib/selectors/relationship-selectors.js +++ b/lib/selectors/relationship-selectors.js @@ -1,54 +1,49 @@ // @flow import _orderBy from 'lodash/fp/orderBy.js'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import type { BaseAppState } from '../types/redux-types.js'; import { userRelationshipStatus, type UserRelationships, } from '../types/relationship-types.js'; import type { UserInfos } from '../types/user-types.js'; const userRelationshipsSelector: (state: BaseAppState<*>) => UserRelationships = createSelector( (state: BaseAppState<*>) => state.userStore.userInfos, (userInfos: UserInfos) => { const unorderedFriendRequests = []; const unorderedFriends = []; const blocked = []; for (const userID in userInfos) { const userInfo = userInfos[userID]; - const { id, username, avatar, relationshipStatus } = userInfo; + const { id, username, relationshipStatus } = userInfo; if (!username) { continue; } if ( relationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_RECEIVED || relationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_SENT ) { - unorderedFriendRequests.push({ - id, - username, - avatar, - relationshipStatus, - }); + unorderedFriendRequests.push({ id, username, relationshipStatus }); } else if (relationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.FRIEND) { - unorderedFriends.push({ id, username, avatar, relationshipStatus }); + unorderedFriends.push({ id, username, relationshipStatus }); } else if ( relationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_BY_VIEWER || relationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.BOTH_BLOCKED ) { - blocked.push({ id, username, avatar, relationshipStatus }); + blocked.push({ id, username, relationshipStatus }); } } const friendRequests = _orderBy('relationshipStatus')('desc')( unorderedFriendRequests, ); const friends = friendRequests.concat(unorderedFriends); return { friends, blocked }; }, ); export { userRelationshipsSelector }; diff --git a/lib/selectors/user-selectors.js b/lib/selectors/user-selectors.js index 968e3310e..6e7cda8ad 100644 --- a/lib/selectors/user-selectors.js +++ b/lib/selectors/user-selectors.js @@ -1,227 +1,217 @@ // @flow import _memoize from 'lodash/memoize.js'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import SearchIndex from '../shared/search-index.js'; import { getSingleOtherUser, memberHasAdminPowers, } from '../shared/thread-utils.js'; import type { BaseAppState } from '../types/redux-types.js'; import { userRelationshipStatus } from '../types/relationship-types.js'; import { type RawThreadInfo, type RelativeMemberInfo, threadTypes, } from '../types/thread-types.js'; import type { UserInfos, RelativeUserInfo, AccountUserInfo, } from '../types/user-types.js'; // Used for specific message payloads that include an array of user IDs, ie. // array of initial users, array of added users function userIDsToRelativeUserInfos( userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, ): RelativeUserInfo[] { const relativeUserInfos = []; for (const userID of userIDs) { const username = userInfos[userID] ? userInfos[userID].username : null; - const avatar = userInfos[userID].avatar ? userInfos[userID].avatar : null; - if (userID === viewerID) { relativeUserInfos.unshift({ id: userID, username, - avatar, isViewer: true, }); } else { relativeUserInfos.push({ id: userID, username, - avatar, isViewer: false, }); } } return relativeUserInfos; } const emptyArray = []; function getRelativeMemberInfos( threadInfo: ?RawThreadInfo, currentUserID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, ): $ReadOnlyArray { const relativeMemberInfos = []; if (!threadInfo) { return relativeMemberInfos; } const memberInfos = threadInfo.members; for (const memberInfo of memberInfos) { const isParentAdmin = memberHasAdminPowers(memberInfo); if (!memberInfo.role && !isParentAdmin) { continue; } const username = userInfos[memberInfo.id] ? userInfos[memberInfo.id].username : null; - const avatar = userInfos[memberInfo.id] - ? userInfos[memberInfo.id].avatar - : null; - if (memberInfo.id === currentUserID) { relativeMemberInfos.unshift({ id: memberInfo.id, role: memberInfo.role, permissions: memberInfo.permissions, username, - avatar, isViewer: true, isSender: memberInfo.isSender, }); } else { relativeMemberInfos.push({ id: memberInfo.id, role: memberInfo.role, permissions: memberInfo.permissions, username, - avatar, isViewer: false, isSender: memberInfo.isSender, }); } } return relativeMemberInfos; } // Includes current user at the start const baseRelativeMemberInfoSelectorForMembersOfThread = ( threadID: ?string, ) => { if (!threadID) { return () => emptyArray; } return createSelector( (state: BaseAppState<*>) => state.threadStore.threadInfos[threadID], (state: BaseAppState<*>) => state.currentUserInfo && state.currentUserInfo.id, (state: BaseAppState<*>) => state.userStore.userInfos, getRelativeMemberInfos, ); }; const relativeMemberInfoSelectorForMembersOfThread: ( threadID: ?string, ) => (state: BaseAppState<*>) => $ReadOnlyArray = _memoize( baseRelativeMemberInfoSelectorForMembersOfThread, ); const userInfoSelectorForPotentialMembers: (state: BaseAppState<*>) => { [id: string]: AccountUserInfo, } = createSelector( (state: BaseAppState<*>) => state.userStore.userInfos, (state: BaseAppState<*>) => state.currentUserInfo && state.currentUserInfo.id, ( userInfos: UserInfos, currentUserID: ?string, ): { [id: string]: AccountUserInfo } => { const availableUsers: { [id: string]: AccountUserInfo } = {}; for (const id in userInfos) { - const { username, avatar, relationshipStatus } = userInfos[id]; + const { username, relationshipStatus } = userInfos[id]; if (id === currentUserID || !username) { continue; } if ( relationshipStatus !== userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_VIEWER && relationshipStatus !== userRelationshipStatus.BOTH_BLOCKED ) { - availableUsers[id] = { id, username, avatar, relationshipStatus }; + availableUsers[id] = { id, username, relationshipStatus }; } } return availableUsers; }, ); function searchIndexFromUserInfos(userInfos: { [id: string]: AccountUserInfo, }) { const searchIndex = new SearchIndex(); for (const id in userInfos) { searchIndex.addEntry(id, userInfos[id].username); } return searchIndex; } const userSearchIndexForPotentialMembers: ( state: BaseAppState<*>, ) => SearchIndex = createSelector( userInfoSelectorForPotentialMembers, searchIndexFromUserInfos, ); const isLoggedIn = (state: BaseAppState<*>): boolean => !!( state.currentUserInfo && !state.currentUserInfo.anonymous && state.dataLoaded ); const userStoreSearchIndex: (state: BaseAppState<*>) => SearchIndex = createSelector( (state: BaseAppState<*>) => state.userStore.userInfos, (userInfos: UserInfos) => { const searchIndex = new SearchIndex(); for (const id in userInfos) { const { username } = userInfos[id]; if (!username) { continue; } searchIndex.addEntry(id, username); } return searchIndex; }, ); const usersWithPersonalThreadSelector: ( state: BaseAppState<*>, ) => $ReadOnlySet = createSelector( state => state.currentUserInfo && state.currentUserInfo.id, state => state.threadStore.threadInfos, (viewerID, threadInfos) => { const personalThreadMembers = new Set(); for (const threadID in threadInfos) { const thread = threadInfos[threadID]; if ( thread.type !== threadTypes.PERSONAL || !thread.members.find(member => member.id === viewerID) ) { continue; } const otherMemberID = getSingleOtherUser(thread, viewerID); if (otherMemberID) { personalThreadMembers.add(otherMemberID); } } return personalThreadMembers; }, ); export { userIDsToRelativeUserInfos, getRelativeMemberInfos, relativeMemberInfoSelectorForMembersOfThread, userInfoSelectorForPotentialMembers, userSearchIndexForPotentialMembers, isLoggedIn, userStoreSearchIndex, usersWithPersonalThreadSelector, }; diff --git a/lib/shared/message-utils.js b/lib/shared/message-utils.js index 6b6eca2b3..a78dc0357 100644 --- a/lib/shared/message-utils.js +++ b/lib/shared/message-utils.js @@ -1,579 +1,578 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import _maxBy from 'lodash/fp/maxBy.js'; import _orderBy from 'lodash/fp/orderBy.js'; import * as React from 'react'; import { codeBlockRegex, type ParserRules } from './markdown.js'; import type { CreationSideEffectsFunc } from './messages/message-spec.js'; import { messageSpecs } from './messages/message-specs.js'; import { threadIsGroupChat } from './thread-utils.js'; import { useStringForUser } from '../hooks/ens-cache.js'; import { userIDsToRelativeUserInfos } from '../selectors/user-selectors.js'; import { type PlatformDetails, isWebPlatform } from '../types/device-types.js'; import type { Media } from '../types/media-types.js'; import { type MessageInfo, type RawMessageInfo, type RobotextMessageInfo, type RawMultimediaMessageInfo, type MessageData, type MessageTruncationStatus, type MultimediaMessageData, type MessageStore, type ComposableMessageInfo, messageTypes, messageTruncationStatus, type RawComposableMessageInfo, type ThreadMessageInfo, } from '../types/message-types.js'; import type { ImagesMessageData } from '../types/messages/images.js'; import type { MediaMessageData } from '../types/messages/media.js'; import type { RawReactionMessageInfo, ReactionMessageInfo, } from '../types/messages/reaction.js'; import { type ThreadInfo } from '../types/thread-types.js'; import type { UserInfos } from '../types/user-types.js'; import { type EntityText, useEntityTextAsString, } from '../utils/entity-text.js'; const localIDPrefix = 'local'; // Prefers localID function messageKey(messageInfo: MessageInfo | RawMessageInfo): string { if (messageInfo.localID) { return messageInfo.localID; } invariant(messageInfo.id, 'localID should exist if ID does not'); return messageInfo.id; } // Prefers serverID function messageID(messageInfo: MessageInfo | RawMessageInfo): string { if (messageInfo.id) { return messageInfo.id; } invariant(messageInfo.localID, 'localID should exist if ID does not'); return messageInfo.localID; } function robotextForMessageInfo( messageInfo: RobotextMessageInfo, threadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, ): EntityText { const messageSpec = messageSpecs[messageInfo.type]; invariant( messageSpec.robotext, `we're not aware of messageType ${messageInfo.type}`, ); return messageSpec.robotext(messageInfo, { threadInfo }); } function createMessageInfo( rawMessageInfo: RawMessageInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, threadInfos: { +[id: string]: ThreadInfo }, ): ?MessageInfo { const creatorInfo = userInfos[rawMessageInfo.creatorID]; const creator = { id: rawMessageInfo.creatorID, username: creatorInfo ? creatorInfo.username : 'anonymous', isViewer: rawMessageInfo.creatorID === viewerID, - avatar: creatorInfo.avatar ? creatorInfo.avatar : null, }; const createRelativeUserInfos = (userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray) => userIDsToRelativeUserInfos(userIDs, viewerID, userInfos); const createMessageInfoFromRaw = (rawInfo: RawMessageInfo) => createMessageInfo(rawInfo, viewerID, userInfos, threadInfos); const messageSpec = messageSpecs[rawMessageInfo.type]; return messageSpec.createMessageInfo(rawMessageInfo, creator, { threadInfos, createMessageInfoFromRaw, createRelativeUserInfos, }); } type LengthResult = { +local: number, +realized: number, }; function findMessageIDMaxLengths( messageIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ): LengthResult { const result = { local: 0, realized: 0, }; for (const id of messageIDs) { if (!id) { continue; } if (id.startsWith(localIDPrefix)) { result.local = Math.max(result.local, id.length - localIDPrefix.length); } else { result.realized = Math.max(result.realized, id.length); } } return result; } function extendMessageID(id: ?string, lengths: LengthResult): ?string { if (!id) { return id; } if (id.startsWith(localIDPrefix)) { const zeroPaddedID = id .substr(localIDPrefix.length) .padStart(lengths.local, '0'); return `${localIDPrefix}${zeroPaddedID}`; } return id.padStart(lengths.realized, '0'); } function sortMessageInfoList( messageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, ): T[] { const lengths = findMessageIDMaxLengths( messageInfos.map(message => message?.id), ); return _orderBy([ 'time', (message: T) => extendMessageID(message?.id, lengths), ])(['desc', 'desc'])(messageInfos); } const sortMessageIDs: (messages: { +[id: string]: RawMessageInfo }) => ( messageIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => string[] = messages => messageIDs => { const lengths = findMessageIDMaxLengths(messageIDs); return _orderBy([ (id: string) => messages[id].time, (id: string) => extendMessageID(id, lengths), ])(['desc', 'desc'])(messageIDs); }; function rawMessageInfoFromMessageData( messageData: MessageData, id: ?string, ): RawMessageInfo { const messageSpec = messageSpecs[messageData.type]; invariant( messageSpec.rawMessageInfoFromMessageData, `we're not aware of messageType ${messageData.type}`, ); return messageSpec.rawMessageInfoFromMessageData(messageData, id); } function mostRecentMessageTimestamp( messageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, previousTimestamp: number, ): number { if (messageInfos.length === 0) { return previousTimestamp; } return _maxBy('time')(messageInfos).time; } function usersInMessageInfos( messageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, ): string[] { const userIDs = new Set(); for (const messageInfo of messageInfos) { if (messageInfo.creatorID) { userIDs.add(messageInfo.creatorID); } else if (messageInfo.creator) { userIDs.add(messageInfo.creator.id); } } return [...userIDs]; } function combineTruncationStatuses( first: MessageTruncationStatus, second: ?MessageTruncationStatus, ): MessageTruncationStatus { if ( first === messageTruncationStatus.EXHAUSTIVE || second === messageTruncationStatus.EXHAUSTIVE ) { return messageTruncationStatus.EXHAUSTIVE; } else if ( first === messageTruncationStatus.UNCHANGED && second !== null && second !== undefined ) { return second; } else { return first; } } function shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos( rawMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, platformDetails: ?PlatformDetails, ): RawMessageInfo[] { if (platformDetails && isWebPlatform(platformDetails.platform)) { return [...rawMessageInfos]; } return rawMessageInfos.map(rawMessageInfo => { const { shimUnsupportedMessageInfo } = messageSpecs[rawMessageInfo.type]; if (shimUnsupportedMessageInfo) { return shimUnsupportedMessageInfo(rawMessageInfo, platformDetails); } return rawMessageInfo; }); } type MediaMessageDataCreationInput = { +threadID: string, +creatorID: string, +media: $ReadOnlyArray, +localID?: ?string, +time?: ?number, +sidebarCreation?: ?boolean, ... }; function createMediaMessageData( input: MediaMessageDataCreationInput, ): MultimediaMessageData { let allMediaArePhotos = true; const photoMedia = []; for (const singleMedia of input.media) { if (singleMedia.type === 'video') { allMediaArePhotos = false; break; } else { photoMedia.push(singleMedia); } } const { localID, threadID, creatorID, sidebarCreation } = input; const time = input.time ? input.time : Date.now(); let messageData; if (allMediaArePhotos) { messageData = ({ type: messageTypes.IMAGES, threadID, creatorID, time, media: photoMedia, }: ImagesMessageData); if (localID) { messageData = { ...messageData, localID }; } if (sidebarCreation) { messageData = { ...messageData, sidebarCreation }; } } else { messageData = ({ type: messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA, threadID, creatorID, time, media: input.media, }: MediaMessageData); if (localID) { messageData = { ...messageData, localID }; } if (sidebarCreation) { messageData = { ...messageData, sidebarCreation }; } } return messageData; } type MediaMessageInfoCreationInput = { ...$Exact, +id?: ?string, }; function createMediaMessageInfo( input: MediaMessageInfoCreationInput, ): RawMultimediaMessageInfo { const messageData = createMediaMessageData(input); const createRawMessageInfo = messageSpecs[messageData.type].rawMessageInfoFromMessageData; invariant( createRawMessageInfo, 'multimedia message spec should have rawMessageInfoFromMessageData', ); const result = createRawMessageInfo(messageData, input.id); invariant( result.type === messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA || result.type === messageTypes.IMAGES, `media messageSpec returned MessageType ${result.type}`, ); return result; } function stripLocalID( rawMessageInfo: RawComposableMessageInfo | RawReactionMessageInfo, ) { const { localID, ...rest } = rawMessageInfo; return rest; } function stripLocalIDs( input: $ReadOnlyArray, ): RawMessageInfo[] { const output = []; for (const rawMessageInfo of input) { if (rawMessageInfo.localID) { invariant( rawMessageInfo.id, 'serverID should be set if localID is being stripped', ); output.push(stripLocalID(rawMessageInfo)); } else { output.push(rawMessageInfo); } } return output; } // Normally we call trim() to remove whitespace at the beginning and end of each // message. However, our Markdown parser supports a "codeBlock" format where the // user can indent each line to indicate a code block. If we match the // corresponding RegEx, we'll only trim whitespace off the end. function trimMessage(message: string): string { message = message.replace(/^\n*/, ''); return codeBlockRegex.exec(message) ? message.trimEnd() : message.trim(); } function createMessageQuote(message: string): string { // add `>` to each line to include empty lines in the quote return message.replace(/^/gm, '> '); } function createMessageReply(message: string): string { return createMessageQuote(message) + '\n\n'; } function getMostRecentNonLocalMessageID( threadID: string, messageStore: MessageStore, ): ?string { const thread = messageStore.threads[threadID]; return thread?.messageIDs.find(id => !id.startsWith(localIDPrefix)); } function getMessageTitle( messageInfo: | ComposableMessageInfo | RobotextMessageInfo | ReactionMessageInfo, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, markdownRules: ParserRules, ): EntityText { const { messageTitle } = messageSpecs[messageInfo.type]; if (messageTitle) { return messageTitle({ messageInfo, threadInfo, markdownRules }); } invariant( messageInfo.type !== messageTypes.TEXT && messageInfo.type !== messageTypes.IMAGES && messageInfo.type !== messageTypes.MULTIMEDIA && messageInfo.type !== messageTypes.REACTION, 'messageTitle can only be auto-generated for RobotextMessageInfo', ); return robotextForMessageInfo(messageInfo, threadInfo); } function mergeThreadMessageInfos( first: ThreadMessageInfo, second: ThreadMessageInfo, messages: { +[id: string]: RawMessageInfo }, ): ThreadMessageInfo { let firstPointer = 0; let secondPointer = 0; const mergedMessageIDs = []; let firstCandidate = first.messageIDs[firstPointer]; let secondCandidate = second.messageIDs[secondPointer]; while (firstCandidate !== undefined || secondCandidate !== undefined) { if (firstCandidate === undefined) { mergedMessageIDs.push(secondCandidate); secondPointer++; } else if (secondCandidate === undefined) { mergedMessageIDs.push(firstCandidate); firstPointer++; } else if (firstCandidate === secondCandidate) { mergedMessageIDs.push(firstCandidate); firstPointer++; secondPointer++; } else { const firstMessage = messages[firstCandidate]; const secondMessage = messages[secondCandidate]; invariant( firstMessage && secondMessage, 'message in messageIDs not present in MessageStore', ); if ( (firstMessage.id && secondMessage.id && firstMessage.id === secondMessage.id) || (firstMessage.localID && secondMessage.localID && firstMessage.localID === secondMessage.localID) ) { mergedMessageIDs.push(firstCandidate); firstPointer++; secondPointer++; } else if (firstMessage.time < secondMessage.time) { mergedMessageIDs.push(secondCandidate); secondPointer++; } else { mergedMessageIDs.push(firstCandidate); firstPointer++; } } firstCandidate = first.messageIDs[firstPointer]; secondCandidate = second.messageIDs[secondPointer]; } return { messageIDs: mergedMessageIDs, startReached: first.startReached && second.startReached, lastNavigatedTo: Math.max(first.lastNavigatedTo, second.lastNavigatedTo), lastPruned: Math.max(first.lastPruned, second.lastPruned), }; } type MessagePreviewPart = { +text: string, // unread has highest contrast, followed by primary, followed by secondary +style: 'unread' | 'primary' | 'secondary', }; type MessagePreviewResult = { +message: MessagePreviewPart, +username: ?MessagePreviewPart, }; function useMessagePreview( originalMessageInfo: ?MessageInfo, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, markdownRules: ParserRules, ): ?MessagePreviewResult { let messageInfo; if ( originalMessageInfo && originalMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.SIDEBAR_SOURCE ) { messageInfo = originalMessageInfo.sourceMessage; } else { messageInfo = originalMessageInfo; } const hasUsername = threadIsGroupChat(threadInfo) || threadInfo.name !== '' || messageInfo?.creator.isViewer; const shouldDisplayUser = messageInfo?.type === messageTypes.TEXT && hasUsername; const stringForUser = useStringForUser( shouldDisplayUser ? messageInfo?.creator : null, ); const { unread } = threadInfo.currentUser; const username = React.useMemo(() => { if (!shouldDisplayUser) { return null; } invariant( stringForUser, 'useStringForUser should only return falsey if pass null or undefined', ); return { text: stringForUser, style: unread ? 'unread' : 'secondary', }; }, [shouldDisplayUser, stringForUser, unread]); const messageTitleEntityText = React.useMemo(() => { if (!messageInfo) { return messageInfo; } return getMessageTitle(messageInfo, threadInfo, markdownRules); }, [messageInfo, threadInfo, markdownRules]); const threadID = threadInfo.id; const entityTextToStringParams = React.useMemo( () => ({ threadID, }), [threadID], ); const messageTitle = useEntityTextAsString( messageTitleEntityText, entityTextToStringParams, ); const isTextMessage = messageInfo?.type === messageTypes.TEXT; const message = React.useMemo(() => { if (messageTitle === null || messageTitle === undefined) { return messageTitle; } let style; if (unread) { style = 'unread'; } else if (isTextMessage) { style = 'primary'; } else { style = 'secondary'; } return { text: messageTitle, style }; }, [messageTitle, unread, isTextMessage]); return React.useMemo(() => { if (!message) { return message; } return { message, username }; }, [message, username]); } function useMessageCreationSideEffectsFunc( messageType: $PropertyType, ): CreationSideEffectsFunc { const messageSpec = messageSpecs[messageType]; invariant(messageSpec, `we're not aware of messageType ${messageType}`); invariant( messageSpec.useCreationSideEffectsFunc, `no useCreationSideEffectsFunc in message spec for ${messageType}`, ); return messageSpec.useCreationSideEffectsFunc(); } export { localIDPrefix, messageKey, messageID, robotextForMessageInfo, createMessageInfo, sortMessageInfoList, sortMessageIDs, rawMessageInfoFromMessageData, mostRecentMessageTimestamp, usersInMessageInfos, combineTruncationStatuses, shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos, createMediaMessageData, createMediaMessageInfo, stripLocalIDs, trimMessage, createMessageQuote, createMessageReply, getMostRecentNonLocalMessageID, getMessageTitle, mergeThreadMessageInfos, useMessagePreview, useMessageCreationSideEffectsFunc, }; diff --git a/lib/shared/reaction-utils.test.js b/lib/shared/reaction-utils.test.js index 45f79173d..afc362408 100644 --- a/lib/shared/reaction-utils.test.js +++ b/lib/shared/reaction-utils.test.js @@ -1,158 +1,158 @@ // @flow import { stringForReactionList } from './reaction-utils.js'; import type { ReactionInfo } from '../selectors/chat-selectors.js'; describe('stringForReactionList(reactions: ReactionInfo)', () => { it( 'should return (👍 3) for a message with three user likes' + ' including the viewer', () => { const messageLikesUsers = [ - { id: '83810', isViewer: true, username: 'ginsu', avatar: null }, - { id: '86622', isViewer: false, username: 'ashoat', avatar: null }, - { id: '83889', isViewer: false, username: 'atul', avatar: null }, + { id: '83810', isViewer: true, username: 'ginsu' }, + { id: '86622', isViewer: false, username: 'ashoat' }, + { id: '83889', isViewer: false, username: 'atul' }, ]; const messageLikesInfo = { users: messageLikesUsers, viewerReacted: true, }; const reactions: ReactionInfo = { '👍': messageLikesInfo, }; expect(stringForReactionList(reactions)).toBe('👍 3'); }, ); it( 'should return (👍 3) for a message with three user likes' + ' not including the viewer', () => { const messageLikesUsers = [ - { id: '83810', isViewer: false, username: 'ginsu', avatar: null }, - { id: '86622', isViewer: false, username: 'ashoat', avatar: null }, - { id: '83889', isViewer: false, username: 'atul', avatar: null }, + { id: '83810', isViewer: false, username: 'ginsu' }, + { id: '86622', isViewer: false, username: 'ashoat' }, + { id: '83889', isViewer: false, username: 'atul' }, ]; const messageLikesInfo = { users: messageLikesUsers, viewerReacted: false, }; const reactions: ReactionInfo = { '👍': messageLikesInfo, }; expect(stringForReactionList(reactions)).toBe('👍 3'); }, ); it( 'should return (👍) for a message with one user like' + ' including the viewer', () => { const messageLikesUsers = [ - { id: '83810', isViewer: false, username: 'ginsu', avatar: null }, + { id: '83810', isViewer: false, username: 'ginsu' }, ]; const messageLikesInfo = { users: messageLikesUsers, viewerReacted: true, }; const reactions: ReactionInfo = { '👍': messageLikesInfo, }; expect(stringForReactionList(reactions)).toBe('👍'); }, ); it( 'should return (👍) for a message with one user like' + ' not including the viewer', () => { const messageLikesUsers = [ - { id: '83810', isViewer: false, username: 'ashoat', avatar: null }, + { id: '83810', isViewer: false, username: 'ashoat' }, ]; const messageLikesInfo = { users: messageLikesUsers, viewerReacted: false, }; const reactions: ReactionInfo = { '👍': messageLikesInfo, }; expect(stringForReactionList(reactions)).toBe('👍'); }, ); it('should return an empty string for a message no reactions', () => { const reactions: ReactionInfo = {}; expect(stringForReactionList(reactions)).toBe(''); }); it( 'should return (👍 😆 3) for a message with one like not including' + ' the viewer and three laugh reactions including the viewer', () => { const messageLikesUsers = [ - { id: '83810', isViewer: false, username: 'varun', avatar: null }, + { id: '83810', isViewer: false, username: 'varun' }, ]; const messageLikesInfo = { users: messageLikesUsers, viewerReacted: false, }; const messageLaughsUsers = [ - { id: '12345', isViewer: true, username: 'ginsu', avatar: null }, - { id: '67890', isViewer: false, username: 'ashoat', avatar: null }, - { id: '83889', isViewer: false, username: 'atul', avatar: null }, + { id: '12345', isViewer: true, username: 'ginsu' }, + { id: '67890', isViewer: false, username: 'ashoat' }, + { id: '83889', isViewer: false, username: 'atul' }, ]; const messageLaughsInfo = { users: messageLaughsUsers, viewerReacted: true, }; const reactions: ReactionInfo = { '👍': messageLikesInfo, '😆': messageLaughsInfo, }; expect(stringForReactionList(reactions)).toBe('👍 😆 3'); }, ); it( 'should return (👍 9+) for a message with 12 user likes' + ' not including the viewer', () => { const messageLikesUsers = [ - { id: '86622', isViewer: false, username: 'ginsu', avatar: null }, - { id: '12345', isViewer: false, username: 'ashoat', avatar: null }, - { id: '67890', isViewer: false, username: 'atul', avatar: null }, - { id: '83889', isViewer: false, username: 'varun', avatar: null }, - { id: '49203', isViewer: false, username: 'tomek', avatar: null }, - { id: '83029', isViewer: false, username: 'max', avatar: null }, - { id: '72902', isViewer: false, username: 'jon', avatar: null }, - { id: '49022', isViewer: false, username: 'mark', avatar: null }, - { id: '48902', isViewer: false, username: 'kamil', avatar: null }, - { id: '80922', isViewer: false, username: 'marcin', avatar: null }, - { id: '12890', isViewer: false, username: 'inka', avatar: null }, - { id: '67891', isViewer: false, username: 'przemek', avatar: null }, + { id: '86622', isViewer: false, username: 'ginsu' }, + { id: '12345', isViewer: false, username: 'ashoat' }, + { id: '67890', isViewer: false, username: 'atul' }, + { id: '83889', isViewer: false, username: 'varun' }, + { id: '49203', isViewer: false, username: 'tomek' }, + { id: '83029', isViewer: false, username: 'max' }, + { id: '72902', isViewer: false, username: 'jon' }, + { id: '49022', isViewer: false, username: 'mark' }, + { id: '48902', isViewer: false, username: 'kamil' }, + { id: '80922', isViewer: false, username: 'marcin' }, + { id: '12890', isViewer: false, username: 'inka' }, + { id: '67891', isViewer: false, username: 'przemek' }, ]; const messageLikesInfo = { users: messageLikesUsers, viewerReacted: false, }; const reactions: ReactionInfo = { '👍': messageLikesInfo, }; expect(stringForReactionList(reactions)).toBe('👍 9+'); }, ); }); diff --git a/lib/shared/thread-utils.js b/lib/shared/thread-utils.js index 8080cf37e..e58d32daa 100644 --- a/lib/shared/thread-utils.js +++ b/lib/shared/thread-utils.js @@ -1,1655 +1,1654 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import _find from 'lodash/fp/find.js'; import * as React from 'react'; import stringHash from 'string-hash'; import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2'; import { type ParserRules } from './markdown.js'; import { extractMentionsFromText } from './mention-utils.js'; import { getMessageTitle } from './message-utils.js'; import { relationshipBlockedInEitherDirection } from './relationship-utils.js'; import threadWatcher from './thread-watcher.js'; import { fetchMostRecentMessagesActionTypes, fetchMostRecentMessages, } from '../actions/message-actions.js'; import { changeThreadMemberRolesActionTypes, newThreadActionTypes, removeUsersFromThreadActionTypes, } from '../actions/thread-actions.js'; import { searchUsers as searchUserCall } from '../actions/user-actions.js'; import ashoat from '../facts/ashoat.js'; import genesis from '../facts/genesis.js'; import { useLoggedInUserInfo } from '../hooks/account-hooks.js'; import { permissionLookup, getAllThreadPermissions, makePermissionsBlob, } from '../permissions/thread-permissions.js'; import type { ChatThreadItem, ChatMessageInfoItem, } from '../selectors/chat-selectors.js'; import { useGlobalThreadSearchIndex } from '../selectors/nav-selectors.js'; import { threadInfoSelector, pendingToRealizedThreadIDsSelector, } from '../selectors/thread-selectors.js'; import { getRelativeMemberInfos, usersWithPersonalThreadSelector, } from '../selectors/user-selectors.js'; import type { CalendarQuery } from '../types/entry-types.js'; import { type RobotextMessageInfo, type ComposableMessageInfo, messageTypes, } from '../types/message-types.js'; import { userRelationshipStatus } from '../types/relationship-types.js'; import { type RawThreadInfo, type ThreadInfo, type ThreadPermission, type MemberInfo, type ServerThreadInfo, type RelativeMemberInfo, type ThreadCurrentUserInfo, type RoleInfo, type ServerMemberInfo, type ThreadPermissionsInfo, type ThreadType, type ClientNewThreadRequest, type NewThreadResult, type ChangeThreadSettingsPayload, threadTypes, threadPermissions, threadTypeIsCommunityRoot, assertThreadType, } from '../types/thread-types.js'; import { type ClientUpdateInfo, updateTypes } from '../types/update-types.js'; import type { GlobalAccountUserInfo, UserInfos, AccountUserInfo, LoggedInUserInfo, } from '../types/user-types.js'; import { useDispatchActionPromise, useServerCall, } from '../utils/action-utils.js'; import type { DispatchActionPromise } from '../utils/action-utils.js'; import type { GetENSNames } from '../utils/ens-helpers.js'; import { ET, entityTextToRawString, getEntityTextAsString, type ThreadEntity, } from '../utils/entity-text.js'; import { values } from '../utils/objects.js'; import { useSelector } from '../utils/redux-utils.js'; import { firstLine } from '../utils/string-utils.js'; import { trimText } from '../utils/text-utils.js'; const chatNameMaxLength = 191; const chatNameMinLength = 0; const secondCharRange = `{${chatNameMinLength},${chatNameMaxLength}}`; const validChatNameRegexString = `^.${secondCharRange}$`; const validChatNameRegex: RegExp = new RegExp(validChatNameRegexString); function colorIsDark(color: string): boolean { return tinycolor(`#${color}`).isDark(); } const selectedThreadColorsObj = Object.freeze({ a: '4b87aa', b: '5c9f5f', c: 'b8753d', d: 'aa4b4b', e: '6d49ab', f: 'c85000', g: '008f83', h: '648caa', i: '57697f', j: '575757', }); const selectedThreadColors: $ReadOnlyArray = values( selectedThreadColorsObj, ); export type SelectedThreadColors = $Values; function generateRandomColor(): string { return selectedThreadColors[ Math.floor(Math.random() * selectedThreadColors.length) ]; } function generatePendingThreadColor(userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray): string { const ids = [...userIDs].sort().join('#'); const colorIdx = stringHash(ids) % selectedThreadColors.length; return selectedThreadColors[colorIdx]; } function threadHasPermission( threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo), permission: ThreadPermission, ): boolean { if (!threadInfo) { return false; } invariant( !permissionsDisabledByBlock.has(permission) || threadInfo?.uiName, `${permission} can be disabled by a block, but threadHasPermission can't ` + 'check for a block on RawThreadInfo. Please pass in ThreadInfo instead!', ); if (!threadInfo.currentUser.permissions[permission]) { return false; } return threadInfo.currentUser.permissions[permission].value; } function viewerIsMember(threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)): boolean { return !!( threadInfo && threadInfo.currentUser.role !== null && threadInfo.currentUser.role !== undefined ); } function threadIsInHome(threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)): boolean { return !!(threadInfo && threadInfo.currentUser.subscription.home); } // Can have messages function threadInChatList(threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)): boolean { return ( viewerIsMember(threadInfo) && threadHasPermission(threadInfo, threadPermissions.VISIBLE) ); } function threadIsTopLevel(threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)): boolean { return threadInChatList(threadInfo) && threadIsChannel(threadInfo); } function threadIsChannel(threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)): boolean { return !!(threadInfo && threadInfo.type !== threadTypes.SIDEBAR); } function threadIsSidebar(threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)): boolean { return threadInfo?.type === threadTypes.SIDEBAR; } function threadInBackgroundChatList( threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo), ): boolean { return threadInChatList(threadInfo) && !threadIsInHome(threadInfo); } function threadInHomeChatList( threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo), ): boolean { return threadInChatList(threadInfo) && threadIsInHome(threadInfo); } // Can have Calendar entries, // does appear as a top-level entity in the thread list function threadInFilterList( threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo), ): boolean { return ( threadInChatList(threadInfo) && !!threadInfo && threadInfo.type !== threadTypes.SIDEBAR ); } function userIsMember( threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo), userID: string, ): boolean { if (!threadInfo) { return false; } if (threadInfo.id === genesis.id) { return true; } return threadInfo.members.some(member => member.id === userID && member.role); } function threadActualMembers( memberInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, ): $ReadOnlyArray { return memberInfos .filter(memberInfo => memberInfo.role) .map(memberInfo => memberInfo.id); } function threadOtherMembers( memberInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, viewerID: ?string, ): $ReadOnlyArray { return memberInfos.filter( memberInfo => memberInfo.role && memberInfo.id !== viewerID, ); } function threadMembersWithoutAddedAshoat( threadInfo: T, ): $PropertyType { if (threadInfo.community !== genesis.id) { return threadInfo.members; } return threadInfo.members.filter( member => member.id !== ashoat.id || member.role, ); } function threadIsGroupChat(threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo): boolean { return ( threadMembersWithoutAddedAshoat(threadInfo).filter( member => member.role || member.permissions[threadPermissions.VOICED]?.value, ).length > 2 ); } function threadOrParentThreadIsGroupChat( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, ) { return threadMembersWithoutAddedAshoat(threadInfo).length > 2; } function threadIsPending(threadID: ?string): boolean { return !!threadID?.startsWith('pending'); } function threadIsPendingSidebar(threadID: ?string): boolean { return !!threadID?.startsWith('pending/sidebar/'); } function getSingleOtherUser( threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, ): ?string { if (!viewerID) { return undefined; } const otherMembers = threadOtherMembers(threadInfo.members, viewerID); if (otherMembers.length !== 1) { return undefined; } return otherMembers[0].id; } function getPendingThreadID( threadType: ThreadType, memberIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, sourceMessageID: ?string, ): string { const pendingThreadKey = sourceMessageID ? `sidebar/${sourceMessageID}` : [...memberIDs].sort().join('+'); const pendingThreadTypeString = sourceMessageID ? '' : `type${threadType}/`; return `pending/${pendingThreadTypeString}${pendingThreadKey}`; } const pendingThreadIDRegex = 'pending/(type[0-9]+/[0-9]+(\\+[0-9]+)*|sidebar/[0-9]+)'; type PendingThreadIDContents = { +threadType: ThreadType, +memberIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, +sourceMessageID: ?string, }; function parsePendingThreadID( pendingThreadID: string, ): ?PendingThreadIDContents { const pendingRegex = new RegExp(`^${pendingThreadIDRegex}$`); const pendingThreadIDMatches = pendingRegex.exec(pendingThreadID); if (!pendingThreadIDMatches) { return null; } const [threadTypeString, threadKey] = pendingThreadIDMatches[1].split('/'); const threadType = threadTypeString === 'sidebar' ? threadTypes.SIDEBAR : assertThreadType(Number(threadTypeString.replace('type', ''))); const memberIDs = threadTypeString === 'sidebar' ? [] : threadKey.split('+'); const sourceMessageID = threadTypeString === 'sidebar' ? threadKey : null; return { threadType, memberIDs, sourceMessageID, }; } type UserIDAndUsername = { +id: string, +username: string, ... }; type CreatePendingThreadArgs = { +viewerID: string, +threadType: ThreadType, +members: $ReadOnlyArray, +parentThreadInfo?: ?ThreadInfo, +threadColor?: ?string, +name?: ?string, +sourceMessageID?: string, }; function createPendingThread({ viewerID, threadType, members, parentThreadInfo, threadColor, name, sourceMessageID, }: CreatePendingThreadArgs): ThreadInfo { const now = Date.now(); if (!members.some(member => member.id === viewerID)) { throw new Error( 'createPendingThread should be called with the viewer as a member', ); } const memberIDs = members.map(member => member.id); const threadID = getPendingThreadID(threadType, memberIDs, sourceMessageID); const permissions = { [threadPermissions.KNOW_OF]: true, [threadPermissions.VISIBLE]: true, [threadPermissions.VOICED]: true, }; const membershipPermissions = getAllThreadPermissions( makePermissionsBlob(permissions, null, threadID, threadType), threadID, ); const role = { id: `${threadID}/role`, name: 'Members', permissions, isDefault: true, }; const rawThreadInfo = { id: threadID, type: threadType, name: name ?? null, description: null, color: threadColor ?? generatePendingThreadColor(memberIDs), creationTime: now, parentThreadID: parentThreadInfo?.id ?? null, containingThreadID: getContainingThreadID(parentThreadInfo, threadType), community: getCommunity(parentThreadInfo), members: members.map(member => ({ id: member.id, role: role.id, permissions: membershipPermissions, isSender: false, })), roles: { [role.id]: role, }, currentUser: { role: role.id, permissions: membershipPermissions, subscription: { pushNotifs: false, home: false, }, unread: false, }, repliesCount: 0, sourceMessageID, }; const userInfos = {}; for (const member of members) { const { id, username } = member; userInfos[id] = { id, username }; } return threadInfoFromRawThreadInfo(rawThreadInfo, viewerID, userInfos); } function createPendingThreadItem( loggedInUserInfo: LoggedInUserInfo, user: UserIDAndUsername, ): ChatThreadItem { const threadInfo = createPendingThread({ viewerID: loggedInUserInfo.id, threadType: threadTypes.PERSONAL, members: [loggedInUserInfo, user], }); return { type: 'chatThreadItem', threadInfo, mostRecentMessageInfo: null, mostRecentNonLocalMessage: null, lastUpdatedTime: threadInfo.creationTime, lastUpdatedTimeIncludingSidebars: threadInfo.creationTime, sidebars: [], pendingPersonalThreadUserInfo: { id: user.id, username: user.username, - avatar: null, }, }; } // Returns map from lowercase username to AccountUserInfo function memberLowercaseUsernameMap( members: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Map { const memberMap = new Map(); for (const member of members) { - const { id, role, username, avatar } = member; + const { id, role, username } = member; if (!role || !username) { continue; } - memberMap.set(username.toLowerCase(), { id, username, avatar }); + memberMap.set(username.toLowerCase(), { id, username }); } return memberMap; } // Returns map from user ID to AccountUserInfo function extractMentionedMembers( text: string, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, ): Map { const memberMap = memberLowercaseUsernameMap(threadInfo.members); const mentions = extractMentionsFromText(text); const mentionedMembers = new Map(); for (const mention of mentions) { const userInfo = memberMap.get(mention.toLowerCase()); if (userInfo) { mentionedMembers.set(userInfo.id, userInfo); } } return mentionedMembers; } // When a member of the parent is mentioned in a sidebar, // they will be automatically added to that sidebar function extractNewMentionedParentMembers( messageText: string, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo: ThreadInfo, ): AccountUserInfo[] { const mentionedMembersOfParent = extractMentionedMembers( messageText, parentThreadInfo, ); for (const member of threadInfo.members) { if (member.role) { mentionedMembersOfParent.delete(member.id); } } return [...mentionedMembersOfParent.values()]; } type SharedCreatePendingSidebarInput = { +sourceMessageInfo: ComposableMessageInfo | RobotextMessageInfo, +parentThreadInfo: ThreadInfo, +loggedInUserInfo: LoggedInUserInfo, }; type BaseCreatePendingSidebarInput = { ...SharedCreatePendingSidebarInput, +messageTitle: string, }; function baseCreatePendingSidebar( input: BaseCreatePendingSidebarInput, ): ThreadInfo { const { sourceMessageInfo, parentThreadInfo, loggedInUserInfo, messageTitle, } = input; const { color, type: parentThreadType } = parentThreadInfo; const threadName = trimText(messageTitle, 30); const initialMembers = new Map(); const { id: viewerID, username: viewerUsername } = loggedInUserInfo; initialMembers.set(viewerID, { id: viewerID, username: viewerUsername }); if (userIsMember(parentThreadInfo, sourceMessageInfo.creator.id)) { const { id: sourceAuthorID, username: sourceAuthorUsername } = sourceMessageInfo.creator; invariant( sourceAuthorUsername, 'sourceAuthorUsername should be set in createPendingSidebar', ); const initialMemberUserInfo = { id: sourceAuthorID, username: sourceAuthorUsername, }; initialMembers.set(sourceAuthorID, initialMemberUserInfo); } const singleOtherUser = getSingleOtherUser(parentThreadInfo, viewerID); if (parentThreadType === threadTypes.PERSONAL && singleOtherUser) { const singleOtherUsername = parentThreadInfo.members.find( member => member.id === singleOtherUser, )?.username; invariant( singleOtherUsername, 'singleOtherUsername should be set in createPendingSidebar', ); const singleOtherUserInfo = { id: singleOtherUser, username: singleOtherUsername, }; initialMembers.set(singleOtherUser, singleOtherUserInfo); } if (sourceMessageInfo.type === messageTypes.TEXT) { const mentionedMembersOfParent = extractMentionedMembers( sourceMessageInfo.text, parentThreadInfo, ); for (const [memberID, member] of mentionedMembersOfParent) { initialMembers.set(memberID, member); } } return createPendingThread({ viewerID, threadType: threadTypes.SIDEBAR, members: [...initialMembers.values()], parentThreadInfo, threadColor: color, name: threadName, sourceMessageID: sourceMessageInfo.id, }); } // The message title here may have ETH addresses that aren't resolved to ENS // names. This function should only be used in cases where we're sure that we // don't care about the thread title. We should prefer createPendingSidebar // wherever possible type CreateUnresolvedPendingSidebarInput = { ...SharedCreatePendingSidebarInput, +markdownRules: ParserRules, }; function createUnresolvedPendingSidebar( input: CreateUnresolvedPendingSidebarInput, ): ThreadInfo { const { sourceMessageInfo, parentThreadInfo, loggedInUserInfo, markdownRules, } = input; const messageTitleEntityText = getMessageTitle( sourceMessageInfo, parentThreadInfo, markdownRules, ); const messageTitle = entityTextToRawString(messageTitleEntityText, { ignoreViewer: true, }); return baseCreatePendingSidebar({ sourceMessageInfo, parentThreadInfo, messageTitle, loggedInUserInfo, }); } type CreatePendingSidebarInput = { ...SharedCreatePendingSidebarInput, +markdownRules: ParserRules, +getENSNames: ?GetENSNames, }; async function createPendingSidebar( input: CreatePendingSidebarInput, ): Promise { const { sourceMessageInfo, parentThreadInfo, loggedInUserInfo, markdownRules, getENSNames, } = input; const messageTitleEntityText = getMessageTitle( sourceMessageInfo, parentThreadInfo, markdownRules, ); const messageTitle = await getEntityTextAsString( messageTitleEntityText, getENSNames, { ignoreViewer: true }, ); invariant( messageTitle !== null && messageTitle !== undefined, 'getEntityTextAsString only returns falsey when passed falsey', ); return baseCreatePendingSidebar({ sourceMessageInfo, parentThreadInfo, messageTitle, loggedInUserInfo, }); } function pendingThreadType(numberOfOtherMembers: number): 4 | 6 | 7 { if (numberOfOtherMembers === 0) { return threadTypes.PRIVATE; } else if (numberOfOtherMembers === 1) { return threadTypes.PERSONAL; } else { return threadTypes.LOCAL; } } function threadTypeCanBePending(threadType: ThreadType): boolean { return ( threadType === threadTypes.PERSONAL || threadType === threadTypes.LOCAL || threadType === threadTypes.SIDEBAR || threadType === threadTypes.PRIVATE ); } type CreateRealThreadParameters = { +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +dispatchActionPromise: DispatchActionPromise, +createNewThread: ClientNewThreadRequest => Promise, +sourceMessageID: ?string, +viewerID: ?string, +handleError?: () => mixed, +calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, }; async function createRealThreadFromPendingThread({ threadInfo, dispatchActionPromise, createNewThread, sourceMessageID, viewerID, calendarQuery, }: CreateRealThreadParameters): Promise { if (!threadIsPending(threadInfo.id)) { return threadInfo.id; } const otherMemberIDs = threadOtherMembers(threadInfo.members, viewerID).map( member => member.id, ); let resultPromise; if (threadInfo.type !== threadTypes.SIDEBAR) { invariant( otherMemberIDs.length > 0, 'otherMemberIDs should not be empty for threads', ); resultPromise = createNewThread({ type: pendingThreadType(otherMemberIDs.length), initialMemberIDs: otherMemberIDs, color: threadInfo.color, calendarQuery, }); } else { invariant( sourceMessageID, 'sourceMessageID should be set when creating a sidebar', ); resultPromise = createNewThread({ type: threadTypes.SIDEBAR, initialMemberIDs: otherMemberIDs, color: threadInfo.color, sourceMessageID, parentThreadID: threadInfo.parentThreadID, name: threadInfo.name, calendarQuery, }); } dispatchActionPromise(newThreadActionTypes, resultPromise); const { newThreadID } = await resultPromise; return newThreadID; } type RawThreadInfoOptions = { +includeVisibilityRules?: ?boolean, +filterMemberList?: ?boolean, +hideThreadStructure?: ?boolean, +shimThreadTypes?: ?{ +[inType: ThreadType]: ThreadType, }, +filterDetailedThreadEditPermissions?: boolean, }; function rawThreadInfoFromServerThreadInfo( serverThreadInfo: ServerThreadInfo, viewerID: string, options?: RawThreadInfoOptions, ): ?RawThreadInfo { const includeVisibilityRules = options?.includeVisibilityRules; const filterMemberList = options?.filterMemberList; const hideThreadStructure = options?.hideThreadStructure; const shimThreadTypes = options?.shimThreadTypes; const filterDetailedThreadEditPermissions = options?.filterDetailedThreadEditPermissions; const members = []; let currentUser; for (const serverMember of serverThreadInfo.members) { if ( filterMemberList && serverMember.id !== viewerID && !serverMember.role && !memberHasAdminPowers(serverMember) ) { continue; } if ( serverThreadInfo.id === genesis.id && serverMember.id !== viewerID && serverMember.id !== ashoat.id ) { continue; } const memberPermissions = filterThreadEditDetailedPermissions( serverMember.permissions, filterDetailedThreadEditPermissions, ); members.push({ id: serverMember.id, role: serverMember.role, permissions: memberPermissions, isSender: serverMember.isSender, }); if (serverMember.id === viewerID) { currentUser = { role: serverMember.role, permissions: memberPermissions, subscription: serverMember.subscription, unread: serverMember.unread, }; } } let currentUserPermissions; if (currentUser) { currentUserPermissions = currentUser.permissions; } else { currentUserPermissions = filterThreadEditDetailedPermissions( getAllThreadPermissions(null, serverThreadInfo.id), filterDetailedThreadEditPermissions, ); currentUser = { role: null, permissions: currentUserPermissions, subscription: { home: false, pushNotifs: false, }, unread: null, }; } if (!permissionLookup(currentUserPermissions, threadPermissions.KNOW_OF)) { return null; } let { type } = serverThreadInfo; if ( shimThreadTypes && shimThreadTypes[type] !== null && shimThreadTypes[type] !== undefined ) { type = shimThreadTypes[type]; } let rawThreadInfo: any = { id: serverThreadInfo.id, type, name: serverThreadInfo.name, description: serverThreadInfo.description, color: serverThreadInfo.color, creationTime: serverThreadInfo.creationTime, parentThreadID: serverThreadInfo.parentThreadID, members, roles: serverThreadInfo.roles, currentUser, repliesCount: serverThreadInfo.repliesCount, }; if (!hideThreadStructure) { rawThreadInfo = { ...rawThreadInfo, containingThreadID: serverThreadInfo.containingThreadID, community: serverThreadInfo.community, }; } const sourceMessageID = serverThreadInfo.sourceMessageID; if (sourceMessageID) { rawThreadInfo = { ...rawThreadInfo, sourceMessageID }; } if (includeVisibilityRules) { return { ...rawThreadInfo, visibilityRules: rawThreadInfo.type, }; } return rawThreadInfo; } function filterThreadEditDetailedPermissions( permissions: ThreadPermissionsInfo, shouldFilter: ?boolean, ): ThreadPermissionsInfo { if (!shouldFilter) { return permissions; } const { edit_thread_color, edit_thread_description, ...newPermissions } = permissions; return newPermissions; } function threadUIName(threadInfo: ThreadInfo): string | ThreadEntity { if (threadInfo.name) { return firstLine(threadInfo.name); } const threadMembers = threadInfo.members.filter( memberInfo => memberInfo.role, ); const memberEntities = threadMembers.map(member => ET.user({ userInfo: member }), ); return { type: 'thread', id: threadInfo.id, name: threadInfo.name, display: 'uiName', uiName: memberEntities, }; } function threadInfoFromRawThreadInfo( rawThreadInfo: RawThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, ): ThreadInfo { let threadInfo: ThreadInfo = { id: rawThreadInfo.id, type: rawThreadInfo.type, name: rawThreadInfo.name, uiName: '', description: rawThreadInfo.description, color: rawThreadInfo.color, creationTime: rawThreadInfo.creationTime, parentThreadID: rawThreadInfo.parentThreadID, containingThreadID: rawThreadInfo.containingThreadID, community: rawThreadInfo.community, members: getRelativeMemberInfos(rawThreadInfo, viewerID, userInfos), roles: rawThreadInfo.roles, currentUser: getCurrentUser(rawThreadInfo, viewerID, userInfos), repliesCount: rawThreadInfo.repliesCount, }; threadInfo = { ...threadInfo, uiName: threadUIName(threadInfo), }; const { sourceMessageID } = rawThreadInfo; if (sourceMessageID) { threadInfo = { ...threadInfo, sourceMessageID }; } return threadInfo; } function getCurrentUser( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, ): ThreadCurrentUserInfo { if (!threadFrozenDueToBlock(threadInfo, viewerID, userInfos)) { return threadInfo.currentUser; } return { ...threadInfo.currentUser, permissions: { ...threadInfo.currentUser.permissions, ...disabledPermissions, }, }; } function threadIsWithBlockedUserOnly( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, checkOnlyViewerBlock?: boolean, ): boolean { if ( threadOrParentThreadIsGroupChat(threadInfo) || threadOrParentThreadHasAdminRole(threadInfo) ) { return false; } const otherUserID = getSingleOtherUser(threadInfo, viewerID); if (!otherUserID) { return false; } const otherUserRelationshipStatus = userInfos[otherUserID]?.relationshipStatus; if (checkOnlyViewerBlock) { return ( otherUserRelationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_BY_VIEWER ); } return ( !!otherUserRelationshipStatus && relationshipBlockedInEitherDirection(otherUserRelationshipStatus) ); } function threadFrozenDueToBlock( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, ): boolean { return threadIsWithBlockedUserOnly(threadInfo, viewerID, userInfos); } function threadFrozenDueToViewerBlock( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, ): boolean { return threadIsWithBlockedUserOnly(threadInfo, viewerID, userInfos, true); } function rawThreadInfoFromThreadInfo(threadInfo: ThreadInfo): RawThreadInfo { let rawThreadInfo: RawThreadInfo = { id: threadInfo.id, type: threadInfo.type, name: threadInfo.name, description: threadInfo.description, color: threadInfo.color, creationTime: threadInfo.creationTime, parentThreadID: threadInfo.parentThreadID, containingThreadID: threadInfo.containingThreadID, community: threadInfo.community, members: threadInfo.members.map(relativeMemberInfo => ({ id: relativeMemberInfo.id, role: relativeMemberInfo.role, permissions: relativeMemberInfo.permissions, isSender: relativeMemberInfo.isSender, })), roles: threadInfo.roles, currentUser: threadInfo.currentUser, repliesCount: threadInfo.repliesCount, }; const { sourceMessageID } = threadInfo; if (sourceMessageID) { rawThreadInfo = { ...rawThreadInfo, sourceMessageID }; } return rawThreadInfo; } const threadTypeDescriptions: { [ThreadType]: string } = { [threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_SUBTHREAD]: 'Anybody in the parent channel can see an open subchannel.', [threadTypes.COMMUNITY_SECRET_SUBTHREAD]: 'Only visible to its members and admins of ancestor channels.', }; function usersInThreadInfo(threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo): string[] { const userIDs = new Set(); for (const member of threadInfo.members) { userIDs.add(member.id); } return [...userIDs]; } function memberIsAdmin( memberInfo: RelativeMemberInfo | MemberInfo, threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo, ): boolean { return !!( memberInfo.role && roleIsAdminRole(threadInfo.roles[memberInfo.role]) ); } // Since we don't have access to all of the ancestor ThreadInfos, we approximate // "parent admin" as anybody with CHANGE_ROLE permissions. function memberHasAdminPowers( memberInfo: RelativeMemberInfo | MemberInfo | ServerMemberInfo, ): boolean { return !!memberInfo.permissions[threadPermissions.CHANGE_ROLE]?.value; } function roleIsAdminRole(roleInfo: ?RoleInfo): boolean { return !!(roleInfo && !roleInfo.isDefault && roleInfo.name === 'Admins'); } function threadHasAdminRole( threadInfo: ?(RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo | ServerThreadInfo), ): boolean { if (!threadInfo) { return false; } return !!_find({ name: 'Admins' })(threadInfo.roles); } function threadOrParentThreadHasAdminRole( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, ) { return ( threadMembersWithoutAddedAshoat(threadInfo).filter(member => memberHasAdminPowers(member), ).length > 0 ); } function identifyInvalidatedThreads( updateInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Set { const invalidated = new Set(); for (const updateInfo of updateInfos) { if (updateInfo.type === updateTypes.DELETE_THREAD) { invalidated.add(updateInfo.threadID); } } return invalidated; } const permissionsDisabledByBlockArray = [ threadPermissions.VOICED, threadPermissions.EDIT_ENTRIES, threadPermissions.EDIT_THREAD_NAME, threadPermissions.EDIT_THREAD_COLOR, threadPermissions.EDIT_THREAD_DESCRIPTION, threadPermissions.CREATE_SUBCHANNELS, threadPermissions.CREATE_SIDEBARS, threadPermissions.JOIN_THREAD, threadPermissions.EDIT_PERMISSIONS, threadPermissions.ADD_MEMBERS, threadPermissions.REMOVE_MEMBERS, ]; const permissionsDisabledByBlock: Set = new Set( permissionsDisabledByBlockArray, ); const disabledPermissions: ThreadPermissionsInfo = permissionsDisabledByBlockArray.reduce( (permissions: ThreadPermissionsInfo, permission: string) => ({ ...permissions, [permission]: { value: false, source: null }, }), {}, ); // Consider updating itemHeight in native/chat/chat-thread-list.react.js // if you change this const emptyItemText: string = `Background chats are just like normal chats, except they don't ` + `contribute to your unread count.\n\n` + `To move a chat over here, switch the “Background” option in its settings.`; function threadNoun(threadType: ThreadType, parentThreadID: ?string): string { if (threadType === threadTypes.SIDEBAR) { return 'thread'; } else if ( threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_SECRET_SUBTHREAD && parentThreadID === genesis.id ) { return 'chat'; } else if ( threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_ROOT || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_ANNOUNCEMENT_ROOT || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_SUBTHREAD || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_SECRET_SUBTHREAD || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_SECRET_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD || threadType === threadTypes.GENESIS ) { return 'channel'; } else { return 'chat'; } } function threadLabel(threadType: ThreadType): string { if ( threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_SUBTHREAD || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD ) { return 'Open'; } else if (threadType === threadTypes.PERSONAL) { return 'Personal'; } else if (threadType === threadTypes.SIDEBAR) { return 'Thread'; } else if (threadType === threadTypes.PRIVATE) { return 'Private'; } else if ( threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_ROOT || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_ANNOUNCEMENT_ROOT || threadType === threadTypes.GENESIS ) { return 'Community'; } else { return 'Secret'; } } function useWatchThread(threadInfo: ?ThreadInfo) { const dispatchActionPromise = useDispatchActionPromise(); const callFetchMostRecentMessages = useServerCall(fetchMostRecentMessages); const threadID = threadInfo?.id; const threadNotInChatList = !threadInChatList(threadInfo); React.useEffect(() => { if (threadID && threadNotInChatList) { threadWatcher.watchID(threadID); dispatchActionPromise( fetchMostRecentMessagesActionTypes, callFetchMostRecentMessages(threadID), ); } return () => { if (threadID && threadNotInChatList) { threadWatcher.removeID(threadID); } }; }, [ callFetchMostRecentMessages, dispatchActionPromise, threadNotInChatList, threadID, ]); } type ExistingThreadInfoFinderParams = { +searching: boolean, +userInfoInputArray: $ReadOnlyArray, }; type ExistingThreadInfoFinder = ( params: ExistingThreadInfoFinderParams, ) => ?ThreadInfo; function useExistingThreadInfoFinder( baseThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, ): ExistingThreadInfoFinder { const threadInfos = useSelector(threadInfoSelector); const loggedInUserInfo = useLoggedInUserInfo(); const userInfos = useSelector(state => state.userStore.userInfos); const pendingToRealizedThreadIDs = useSelector(state => pendingToRealizedThreadIDsSelector(state.threadStore.threadInfos), ); return React.useCallback( (params: ExistingThreadInfoFinderParams): ?ThreadInfo => { if (!baseThreadInfo) { return null; } const realizedThreadInfo = threadInfos[baseThreadInfo.id]; if (realizedThreadInfo) { return realizedThreadInfo; } if (!loggedInUserInfo || !threadIsPending(baseThreadInfo.id)) { return baseThreadInfo; } const viewerID = loggedInUserInfo?.id; invariant( threadTypeCanBePending(baseThreadInfo.type), `ThreadInfo has pending ID ${baseThreadInfo.id}, but type that ` + `should not be pending ${baseThreadInfo.type}`, ); const { searching, userInfoInputArray } = params; const { sourceMessageID } = baseThreadInfo; const pendingThreadID = searching ? getPendingThreadID( pendingThreadType(userInfoInputArray.length), [...userInfoInputArray.map(user => user.id), viewerID], sourceMessageID, ) : getPendingThreadID( baseThreadInfo.type, baseThreadInfo.members.map(member => member.id), sourceMessageID, ); const realizedThreadID = pendingToRealizedThreadIDs.get(pendingThreadID); if (realizedThreadID && threadInfos[realizedThreadID]) { return threadInfos[realizedThreadID]; } const updatedThread = searching ? createPendingThread({ viewerID, threadType: pendingThreadType(userInfoInputArray.length), members: [loggedInUserInfo, ...userInfoInputArray], }) : baseThreadInfo; return { ...updatedThread, currentUser: getCurrentUser(updatedThread, viewerID, userInfos), }; }, [ baseThreadInfo, threadInfos, loggedInUserInfo, pendingToRealizedThreadIDs, userInfos, ], ); } type ThreadTypeParentRequirement = 'optional' | 'required' | 'disabled'; function getThreadTypeParentRequirement( threadType: ThreadType, ): ThreadTypeParentRequirement { if ( threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_SUBTHREAD || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD || //threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_SECRET_SUBTHREAD || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_SECRET_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD || threadType === threadTypes.SIDEBAR ) { return 'required'; } else if ( threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_ROOT || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_ANNOUNCEMENT_ROOT || threadType === threadTypes.GENESIS || threadType === threadTypes.PERSONAL || threadType === threadTypes.PRIVATE ) { return 'disabled'; } else { return 'optional'; } } function threadMemberHasPermission( threadInfo: ServerThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, memberID: string, permission: ThreadPermission, ): boolean { for (const member of threadInfo.members) { if (member.id !== memberID) { continue; } return permissionLookup(member.permissions, permission); } return false; } function useCanCreateSidebarFromMessage( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, messageInfo: ComposableMessageInfo | RobotextMessageInfo, ): boolean { const messageCreatorUserInfo = useSelector( state => state.userStore.userInfos[messageInfo.creator.id], ); if (!messageInfo.id || threadInfo.sourceMessageID === messageInfo.id) { return false; } const messageCreatorRelationship = messageCreatorUserInfo?.relationshipStatus; const creatorRelationshipHasBlock = messageCreatorRelationship && relationshipBlockedInEitherDirection(messageCreatorRelationship); const hasPermission = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.CREATE_SIDEBARS, ); return hasPermission && !creatorRelationshipHasBlock; } function useSidebarExistsOrCanBeCreated( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, messageItem: ChatMessageInfoItem, ): boolean { const canCreateSidebarFromMessage = useCanCreateSidebarFromMessage( threadInfo, messageItem.messageInfo, ); return !!messageItem.threadCreatedFromMessage || canCreateSidebarFromMessage; } function checkIfDefaultMembersAreVoiced(threadInfo: ThreadInfo): boolean { const defaultRoleID = Object.keys(threadInfo.roles).find( roleID => threadInfo.roles[roleID].isDefault, ); invariant( defaultRoleID !== undefined, 'all threads should have a default role', ); const defaultRole = threadInfo.roles[defaultRoleID]; return !!defaultRole.permissions[threadPermissions.VOICED]; } function draftKeyFromThreadID(threadID: string): string { return `${threadID}/message_composer`; } function getContainingThreadID( parentThreadInfo: ?ServerThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, threadType: ThreadType, ): ?string { if (!parentThreadInfo) { return null; } if (threadType === threadTypes.SIDEBAR) { return parentThreadInfo.id; } if (!parentThreadInfo.containingThreadID) { return parentThreadInfo.id; } return parentThreadInfo.containingThreadID; } function getCommunity( parentThreadInfo: ?ServerThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, ): ?string { if (!parentThreadInfo) { return null; } const { id, community, type } = parentThreadInfo; if (community !== null && community !== undefined) { return community; } if (threadTypeIsCommunityRoot(type)) { return id; } return null; } function getThreadListSearchResults( chatListData: $ReadOnlyArray, searchText: string, threadFilter: ThreadInfo => boolean, threadSearchResults: $ReadOnlySet, usersSearchResults: $ReadOnlyArray, loggedInUserInfo: ?LoggedInUserInfo, ): $ReadOnlyArray { if (!searchText) { return chatListData.filter( item => threadIsTopLevel(item.threadInfo) && threadFilter(item.threadInfo), ); } const privateThreads = []; const personalThreads = []; const otherThreads = []; for (const item of chatListData) { if (!threadSearchResults.has(item.threadInfo.id)) { continue; } if (item.threadInfo.type === threadTypes.PRIVATE) { privateThreads.push({ ...item, sidebars: [] }); } else if (item.threadInfo.type === threadTypes.PERSONAL) { personalThreads.push({ ...item, sidebars: [] }); } else { otherThreads.push({ ...item, sidebars: [] }); } } const chatItems = [...privateThreads, ...personalThreads, ...otherThreads]; if (loggedInUserInfo) { chatItems.push( ...usersSearchResults.map(user => createPendingThreadItem(loggedInUserInfo, user), ), ); } return chatItems; } type ThreadListSearchResult = { +threadSearchResults: $ReadOnlySet, +usersSearchResults: $ReadOnlyArray, }; function useThreadListSearch( chatListData: $ReadOnlyArray, searchText: string, viewerID: ?string, ): ThreadListSearchResult { const callSearchUsers = useServerCall(searchUserCall); const usersWithPersonalThread = useSelector(usersWithPersonalThreadSelector); const searchUsers = React.useCallback( async (usernamePrefix: string) => { if (usernamePrefix.length === 0) { return []; } const { userInfos } = await callSearchUsers(usernamePrefix); return userInfos.filter( info => !usersWithPersonalThread.has(info.id) && info.id !== viewerID, ); }, [callSearchUsers, usersWithPersonalThread, viewerID], ); const [threadSearchResults, setThreadSearchResults] = React.useState( new Set(), ); const [usersSearchResults, setUsersSearchResults] = React.useState([]); const threadSearchIndex = useGlobalThreadSearchIndex(); React.useEffect(() => { (async () => { const results = threadSearchIndex.getSearchResults(searchText); setThreadSearchResults(new Set(results)); const usersResults = await searchUsers(searchText); setUsersSearchResults(usersResults); })(); }, [searchText, chatListData, threadSearchIndex, searchUsers]); return { threadSearchResults, usersSearchResults }; } function removeMemberFromThread( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, memberInfo: RelativeMemberInfo, dispatchActionPromise: DispatchActionPromise, removeUserFromThreadServerCall: ( threadID: string, memberIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => Promise, ) { const customKeyName = `${removeUsersFromThreadActionTypes.started}:${memberInfo.id}`; dispatchActionPromise( removeUsersFromThreadActionTypes, removeUserFromThreadServerCall(threadInfo.id, [memberInfo.id]), { customKeyName }, ); } function switchMemberAdminRoleInThread( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, memberInfo: RelativeMemberInfo, isCurrentlyAdmin: boolean, dispatchActionPromise: DispatchActionPromise, changeUserRoleServerCall: ( threadID: string, memberIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, newRole: string, ) => Promise, ) { let newRole = null; for (const roleID in threadInfo.roles) { const role = threadInfo.roles[roleID]; if (isCurrentlyAdmin && role.isDefault) { newRole = role.id; break; } else if (!isCurrentlyAdmin && roleIsAdminRole(role)) { newRole = role.id; break; } } invariant(newRole !== null, 'Could not find new role'); const customKeyName = `${changeThreadMemberRolesActionTypes.started}:${memberInfo.id}`; dispatchActionPromise( changeThreadMemberRolesActionTypes, changeUserRoleServerCall(threadInfo.id, [memberInfo.id], newRole), { customKeyName }, ); } function getAvailableThreadMemberActions( memberInfo: RelativeMemberInfo, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, canEdit: ?boolean = true, ): $ReadOnlyArray<'remove_user' | 'remove_admin' | 'make_admin'> { const role = memberInfo.role; if (!canEdit || !role) { return []; } const canRemoveMembers = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.REMOVE_MEMBERS, ); const canChangeRoles = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.CHANGE_ROLE, ); const result = []; if ( canRemoveMembers && !memberInfo.isViewer && (canChangeRoles || threadInfo.roles[role]?.isDefault) ) { result.push('remove_user'); } if (canChangeRoles && memberInfo.username && threadHasAdminRole(threadInfo)) { result.push( memberIsAdmin(memberInfo, threadInfo) ? 'remove_admin' : 'make_admin', ); } return result; } function patchThreadInfoToIncludeMentionedMembersOfParent( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo: ThreadInfo, messageText: string, viewerID: string, ): ThreadInfo { const members: UserIDAndUsername[] = threadInfo.members .map(({ id, username }) => (username ? { id, username } : null)) .filter(Boolean); const mentionedNewMembers = extractNewMentionedParentMembers( messageText, threadInfo, parentThreadInfo, ); if (mentionedNewMembers.length === 0) { return threadInfo; } members.push(...mentionedNewMembers); return createPendingThread({ viewerID, threadType: threadTypes.SIDEBAR, members, parentThreadInfo, threadColor: threadInfo.color, name: threadInfo.name, sourceMessageID: threadInfo.sourceMessageID, }); } export { colorIsDark, generateRandomColor, generatePendingThreadColor, threadHasPermission, viewerIsMember, threadInChatList, threadIsTopLevel, threadIsChannel, threadIsSidebar, threadInBackgroundChatList, threadInHomeChatList, threadIsInHome, threadInFilterList, userIsMember, threadActualMembers, threadOtherMembers, threadIsGroupChat, threadIsPending, threadIsPendingSidebar, getSingleOtherUser, getPendingThreadID, pendingThreadIDRegex, parsePendingThreadID, createPendingThread, createUnresolvedPendingSidebar, extractNewMentionedParentMembers, createPendingSidebar, pendingThreadType, createRealThreadFromPendingThread, getCurrentUser, threadFrozenDueToBlock, threadFrozenDueToViewerBlock, rawThreadInfoFromServerThreadInfo, filterThreadEditDetailedPermissions, threadUIName, threadInfoFromRawThreadInfo, rawThreadInfoFromThreadInfo, threadTypeDescriptions, usersInThreadInfo, memberIsAdmin, memberHasAdminPowers, roleIsAdminRole, threadHasAdminRole, identifyInvalidatedThreads, permissionsDisabledByBlock, emptyItemText, threadNoun, threadLabel, useWatchThread, useExistingThreadInfoFinder, getThreadTypeParentRequirement, threadMemberHasPermission, useCanCreateSidebarFromMessage, useSidebarExistsOrCanBeCreated, checkIfDefaultMembersAreVoiced, draftKeyFromThreadID, threadTypeCanBePending, getContainingThreadID, getCommunity, getThreadListSearchResults, useThreadListSearch, removeMemberFromThread, switchMemberAdminRoleInThread, getAvailableThreadMemberActions, selectedThreadColors, threadMembersWithoutAddedAshoat, validChatNameRegex, chatNameMaxLength, patchThreadInfoToIncludeMentionedMembersOfParent, }; diff --git a/lib/types/thread-types.js b/lib/types/thread-types.js index 3b8fdaf2f..bf47f305e 100644 --- a/lib/types/thread-types.js +++ b/lib/types/thread-types.js @@ -1,481 +1,480 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import type { Shape } from './core.js'; import type { CalendarQuery, RawEntryInfo } from './entry-types.js'; import type { Media } from './media-types.js'; import type { RawMessageInfo, MessageTruncationStatuses, } from './message-types.js'; import type { ThreadSubscription } from './subscription-types.js'; import type { ServerUpdateInfo, ClientUpdateInfo } from './update-types.js'; import type { UserInfo, UserInfos } from './user-types.js'; import type { ThreadEntity } from '../utils/entity-text.js'; export const threadTypes = Object.freeze({ //OPEN: 0, (DEPRECATED) //CLOSED: 1, (DEPRECATED) //SECRET: 2, (DEPRECATED) // has parent, not top-level (appears under parent in inbox), and visible to // all members of parent SIDEBAR: 5, // canonical thread for each pair of users. represents the friendship PERSONAL: 6, // canonical thread for each single user PRIVATE: 7, // local "thick" thread (outside of community). no parent, can only have // sidebar children. currently a proxy for COMMUNITY_SECRET_SUBTHREAD until we // launch actual E2E LOCAL: 4, // aka "org". no parent, top-level, has admin COMMUNITY_ROOT: 8, // like COMMUNITY_ROOT, but members aren't voiced COMMUNITY_ANNOUNCEMENT_ROOT: 9, // an open subthread. has parent, top-level (not sidebar), and visible to all // members of parent. root ancestor is a COMMUNITY_ROOT COMMUNITY_OPEN_SUBTHREAD: 3, // like COMMUNITY_SECRET_SUBTHREAD, but members aren't voiced COMMUNITY_OPEN_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD: 10, // a secret subthread. optional parent, top-level (not sidebar), visible only // to its members. root ancestor is a COMMUNITY_ROOT COMMUNITY_SECRET_SUBTHREAD: 4, // like COMMUNITY_SECRET_SUBTHREAD, but members aren't voiced COMMUNITY_SECRET_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD: 11, // like COMMUNITY_SECRET_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD, but you can't leave GENESIS: 12, }); export type ThreadType = $Values; export function assertThreadType(threadType: number): ThreadType { invariant( threadType === 3 || threadType === 4 || threadType === 5 || threadType === 6 || threadType === 7 || threadType === 8 || threadType === 9 || threadType === 10 || threadType === 11 || threadType === 12, 'number is not ThreadType enum', ); return threadType; } export const communityThreadTypes: $ReadOnlyArray = Object.freeze([ threadTypes.COMMUNITY_ROOT, threadTypes.COMMUNITY_ANNOUNCEMENT_ROOT, threadTypes.GENESIS, ]); export const communitySubthreads: $ReadOnlyArray = Object.freeze([ threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_SUBTHREAD, threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD, threadTypes.COMMUNITY_SECRET_SUBTHREAD, threadTypes.COMMUNITY_SECRET_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD, ]); export function threadTypeIsCommunityRoot(threadType: ThreadType): boolean { return communityThreadTypes.includes(threadType); } export const threadPermissions = Object.freeze({ KNOW_OF: 'know_of', MEMBERSHIP_DEPRECATED: 'membership', VISIBLE: 'visible', VOICED: 'voiced', EDIT_ENTRIES: 'edit_entries', EDIT_THREAD_NAME: 'edit_thread', EDIT_THREAD_DESCRIPTION: 'edit_thread_description', EDIT_THREAD_COLOR: 'edit_thread_color', DELETE_THREAD: 'delete_thread', CREATE_SUBCHANNELS: 'create_subthreads', CREATE_SIDEBARS: 'create_sidebars', JOIN_THREAD: 'join_thread', EDIT_PERMISSIONS: 'edit_permissions', ADD_MEMBERS: 'add_members', REMOVE_MEMBERS: 'remove_members', CHANGE_ROLE: 'change_role', LEAVE_THREAD: 'leave_thread', REACT_TO_MESSAGE: 'react_to_message', }); export type ThreadPermission = $Values; export function assertThreadPermissions( ourThreadPermissions: string, ): ThreadPermission { invariant( ourThreadPermissions === 'know_of' || ourThreadPermissions === 'membership' || ourThreadPermissions === 'visible' || ourThreadPermissions === 'voiced' || ourThreadPermissions === 'edit_entries' || ourThreadPermissions === 'edit_thread' || ourThreadPermissions === 'edit_thread_description' || ourThreadPermissions === 'edit_thread_color' || ourThreadPermissions === 'delete_thread' || ourThreadPermissions === 'create_subthreads' || ourThreadPermissions === 'create_sidebars' || ourThreadPermissions === 'join_thread' || ourThreadPermissions === 'edit_permissions' || ourThreadPermissions === 'add_members' || ourThreadPermissions === 'remove_members' || ourThreadPermissions === 'change_role' || ourThreadPermissions === 'leave_thread' || ourThreadPermissions === 'react_to_message', 'string is not threadPermissions enum', ); return ourThreadPermissions; } export const threadPermissionPropagationPrefixes = Object.freeze({ DESCENDANT: 'descendant_', CHILD: 'child_', }); export type ThreadPermissionPropagationPrefix = $Values< typeof threadPermissionPropagationPrefixes, >; export const threadPermissionFilterPrefixes = Object.freeze({ // includes only SIDEBAR, COMMUNITY_OPEN_SUBTHREAD, // COMMUNITY_OPEN_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD OPEN: 'open_', // excludes only SIDEBAR TOP_LEVEL: 'toplevel_', // includes only COMMUNITY_OPEN_SUBTHREAD, // COMMUNITY_OPEN_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD OPEN_TOP_LEVEL: 'opentoplevel_', }); export type ThreadPermissionFilterPrefix = $Values< typeof threadPermissionFilterPrefixes, >; export type ThreadPermissionInfo = | { +value: true, +source: string } | { +value: false, +source: null }; export type ThreadPermissionsBlob = { +[permission: string]: ThreadPermissionInfo, }; export type ThreadRolePermissionsBlob = { +[permission: string]: boolean }; export type ThreadPermissionsInfo = { +[permission: ThreadPermission]: ThreadPermissionInfo, }; export type MemberInfo = { +id: string, +role: ?string, +permissions: ThreadPermissionsInfo, +isSender: boolean, }; export type RelativeMemberInfo = { ...MemberInfo, +username: ?string, - +avatar?: ?ClientAvatar, +isViewer: boolean, }; export type RoleInfo = { +id: string, +name: string, +permissions: ThreadRolePermissionsBlob, +isDefault: boolean, }; export type ThreadCurrentUserInfo = { +role: ?string, +permissions: ThreadPermissionsInfo, +subscription: ThreadSubscription, +unread: ?boolean, }; export type RawThreadInfo = { +id: string, +type: ThreadType, +name: ?string, +description: ?string, +color: string, // hex, without "#" or "0x" +creationTime: number, // millisecond timestamp +parentThreadID: ?string, +containingThreadID: ?string, +community: ?string, +members: $ReadOnlyArray, +roles: { [id: string]: RoleInfo }, +currentUser: ThreadCurrentUserInfo, +sourceMessageID?: string, +repliesCount: number, }; export type ThreadInfo = { +id: string, +type: ThreadType, +name: ?string, +uiName: string | ThreadEntity, +description: ?string, +color: string, // hex, without "#" or "0x" +creationTime: number, // millisecond timestamp +parentThreadID: ?string, +containingThreadID: ?string, +community: ?string, +members: $ReadOnlyArray, +roles: { [id: string]: RoleInfo }, +currentUser: ThreadCurrentUserInfo, +sourceMessageID?: string, +repliesCount: number, }; export type ResolvedThreadInfo = { +id: string, +type: ThreadType, +name: ?string, +uiName: string, +description: ?string, +color: string, // hex, without "#" or "0x" +creationTime: number, // millisecond timestamp +parentThreadID: ?string, +containingThreadID: ?string, +community: ?string, +members: $ReadOnlyArray, +roles: { [id: string]: RoleInfo }, +currentUser: ThreadCurrentUserInfo, +sourceMessageID?: string, +repliesCount: number, }; export type ServerMemberInfo = { +id: string, +role: ?string, +permissions: ThreadPermissionsInfo, +subscription: ThreadSubscription, +unread: ?boolean, +isSender: boolean, }; export type ServerThreadInfo = { +id: string, +type: ThreadType, +name: ?string, +description: ?string, +color: string, // hex, without "#" or "0x" +creationTime: number, // millisecond timestamp +parentThreadID: ?string, +containingThreadID: ?string, +community: ?string, +depth: number, +members: $ReadOnlyArray, +roles: { [id: string]: RoleInfo }, +sourceMessageID?: string, +repliesCount: number, }; export type ThreadStore = { +threadInfos: { +[id: string]: RawThreadInfo }, }; export type RemoveThreadOperation = { +type: 'remove', +payload: { +ids: $ReadOnlyArray }, }; export type RemoveAllThreadsOperation = { +type: 'remove_all', }; export type ReplaceThreadOperation = { +type: 'replace', +payload: { +id: string, +threadInfo: RawThreadInfo }, }; export type ThreadStoreOperation = | RemoveThreadOperation | RemoveAllThreadsOperation | ReplaceThreadOperation; export type ClientDBThreadInfo = { +id: string, +type: number, +name: ?string, +description: ?string, +color: string, +creationTime: string, +parentThreadID: ?string, +containingThreadID: ?string, +community: ?string, +members: string, +roles: string, +currentUser: string, +sourceMessageID?: string, +repliesCount: number, }; export type ClientDBReplaceThreadOperation = { +type: 'replace', +payload: ClientDBThreadInfo, }; export type ClientDBThreadStoreOperation = | RemoveThreadOperation | RemoveAllThreadsOperation | ClientDBReplaceThreadOperation; export type ThreadDeletionRequest = { +threadID: string, +accountPassword: ?string, }; export type RemoveMembersRequest = { +threadID: string, +memberIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type RoleChangeRequest = { +threadID: string, +memberIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, +role: string, }; export type ChangeThreadSettingsResult = { +threadInfo?: RawThreadInfo, +threadInfos?: { +[id: string]: RawThreadInfo }, +updatesResult: { +newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type ChangeThreadSettingsPayload = { +threadID: string, +updatesResult: { +newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type LeaveThreadRequest = { +threadID: string, }; export type LeaveThreadResult = { +threadInfos?: { +[id: string]: RawThreadInfo }, +updatesResult: { +newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, }; export type LeaveThreadPayload = { +updatesResult: { +newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, }; export type ThreadChanges = Shape<{ +type: ThreadType, +name: string, +description: string, +color: string, +parentThreadID: ?string, +newMemberIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, }>; export type UpdateThreadRequest = { +threadID: string, +changes: ThreadChanges, }; export type BaseNewThreadRequest = { +id?: ?string, +name?: ?string, +description?: ?string, +color?: ?string, +parentThreadID?: ?string, +initialMemberIDs?: ?$ReadOnlyArray, +ghostMemberIDs?: ?$ReadOnlyArray, }; type NewThreadRequest = | { +type: 3 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12, ...BaseNewThreadRequest, } | { +type: 5, +sourceMessageID: string, ...BaseNewThreadRequest, }; export type ClientNewThreadRequest = { ...NewThreadRequest, +calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, }; export type ServerNewThreadRequest = { ...NewThreadRequest, +calendarQuery?: ?CalendarQuery, }; export type NewThreadResponse = { +updatesResult: { +newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +newThreadInfo?: RawThreadInfo, +userInfos: UserInfos, +newThreadID?: string, }; export type NewThreadResult = { +updatesResult: { +newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, +newMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +userInfos: UserInfos, +newThreadID: string, }; export type ServerThreadJoinRequest = { +threadID: string, +calendarQuery?: ?CalendarQuery, }; export type ClientThreadJoinRequest = { +threadID: string, +calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, }; export type ThreadJoinResult = { threadInfos?: { +[id: string]: RawThreadInfo }, updatesResult: { newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, rawMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, truncationStatuses: MessageTruncationStatuses, userInfos: UserInfos, rawEntryInfos?: ?$ReadOnlyArray, }; export type ThreadJoinPayload = { +updatesResult: { newUpdates: $ReadOnlyArray, }, +rawMessageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, +truncationStatuses: MessageTruncationStatuses, +userInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type ThreadFetchMediaResult = { +media: $ReadOnlyArray, }; export type ThreadFetchMediaRequest = { +threadID: string, +limit: number, +offset: number, }; export type SidebarInfo = { +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +lastUpdatedTime: number, +mostRecentNonLocalMessage: ?string, }; // We can show a max of 3 sidebars inline underneath their parent in the chat // tab. If there are more, we show a button that opens a modal to see the rest export const maxReadSidebars = 3; // We can show a max of 5 sidebars inline underneath their parent // in the chat tab if every one of the displayed sidebars is unread export const maxUnreadSidebars = 5; diff --git a/native/profile/relationship-list-item.react.js b/native/profile/relationship-list-item.react.js index 5dee35753..7c3d4026b 100644 --- a/native/profile/relationship-list-item.react.js +++ b/native/profile/relationship-list-item.react.js @@ -1,360 +1,360 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Alert, View, Text, TouchableOpacity, ActivityIndicator, } from 'react-native'; import { updateRelationshipsActionTypes, updateRelationships, } from 'lib/actions/relationship-actions.js'; import { createLoadingStatusSelector } from 'lib/selectors/loading-selectors.js'; import { getAvatarForUser } from 'lib/shared/avatar-utils.js'; import type { LoadingStatus } from 'lib/types/loading-types.js'; import { type RelationshipRequest, type RelationshipAction, type RelationshipErrors, userRelationshipStatus, relationshipActions, } from 'lib/types/relationship-types.js'; import type { AccountUserInfo, GlobalAccountUserInfo, } from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import { type DispatchActionPromise, useServerCall, useDispatchActionPromise, } from 'lib/utils/action-utils.js'; import type { RelationshipListNavigate } from './relationship-list.react.js'; import Avatar from '../components/avatar.react.js'; import PencilIcon from '../components/pencil-icon.react.js'; import { SingleLine } from '../components/single-line.react.js'; import { type KeyboardState, KeyboardContext, } from '../keyboard/keyboard-state.js'; import { OverlayContext, type OverlayContextType, } from '../navigation/overlay-context.js'; import type { NavigationRoute } from '../navigation/route-names.js'; import { RelationshipListItemTooltipModalRouteName, FriendListRouteName, BlockListRouteName, } from '../navigation/route-names.js'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils.js'; import { type Colors, useColors, useStyles } from '../themes/colors.js'; import type { VerticalBounds } from '../types/layout-types.js'; import { useShouldRenderAvatars } from '../utils/avatar-utils.js'; type BaseProps = { +userInfo: AccountUserInfo, +lastListItem: boolean, +verticalBounds: ?VerticalBounds, +relationshipListRoute: NavigationRoute<'FriendList' | 'BlockList'>, +navigate: RelationshipListNavigate, +onSelect: (selectedUser: GlobalAccountUserInfo) => void, }; type Props = { ...BaseProps, // Redux state +removeUserLoadingStatus: LoadingStatus, +colors: Colors, +styles: typeof unboundStyles, // Redux dispatch functions +dispatchActionPromise: DispatchActionPromise, // async functions that hit server APIs +updateRelationships: ( request: RelationshipRequest, ) => Promise, // withOverlayContext +overlayContext: ?OverlayContextType, // withKeyboardState +keyboardState: ?KeyboardState, +shouldRenderAvatars: boolean, }; class RelationshipListItem extends React.PureComponent { editButton = React.createRef>(); render() { const { lastListItem, removeUserLoadingStatus, userInfo, relationshipListRoute, } = this.props; const relationshipsToEdit = { [FriendListRouteName]: [userRelationshipStatus.FRIEND], [BlockListRouteName]: [ userRelationshipStatus.BOTH_BLOCKED, userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_BY_VIEWER, ], }[relationshipListRoute.name]; const canEditFriendRequest = { [FriendListRouteName]: true, [BlockListRouteName]: false, }[relationshipListRoute.name]; const borderBottom = lastListItem ? null : this.props.styles.borderBottom; let editButton = null; if (removeUserLoadingStatus === 'loading') { editButton = ( ); } else if (relationshipsToEdit.includes(userInfo.relationshipStatus)) { editButton = ( ); } else if ( userInfo.relationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_RECEIVED && canEditFriendRequest ) { editButton = ( Accept Reject ); } else if ( userInfo.relationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_SENT && canEditFriendRequest ) { editButton = ( Cancel request ); } else { editButton = ( Add ); } const marginLeftStyle = { marginLeft: this.props.shouldRenderAvatars ? 8 : 0, }; const avatarInfo = getAvatarForUser(this.props.userInfo); return ( {this.props.userInfo.username} {editButton} ); } onSelect = () => { - const { id, username, avatar } = this.props.userInfo; - this.props.onSelect({ id, username, avatar }); + const { id, username } = this.props.userInfo; + this.props.onSelect({ id, username }); }; visibleEntryIDs() { const { relationshipListRoute } = this.props; const id = { [FriendListRouteName]: 'unfriend', [BlockListRouteName]: 'unblock', }[relationshipListRoute.name]; return [id]; } onPressEdit = () => { if (this.props.keyboardState?.dismissKeyboardIfShowing()) { return; } const { editButton, props: { verticalBounds }, } = this; const { overlayContext, userInfo } = this.props; invariant( overlayContext, 'RelationshipListItem should have OverlayContext', ); overlayContext.setScrollBlockingModalStatus('open'); if (!editButton.current || !verticalBounds) { return; } const { relationshipStatus, ...restUserInfo } = userInfo; const relativeUserInfo = { ...restUserInfo, isViewer: false, }; editButton.current.measure((x, y, width, height, pageX, pageY) => { const coordinates = { x: pageX, y: pageY, width, height }; this.props.navigate<'RelationshipListItemTooltipModal'>({ name: RelationshipListItemTooltipModalRouteName, params: { presentedFrom: this.props.relationshipListRoute.key, initialCoordinates: coordinates, verticalBounds, visibleEntryIDs: this.visibleEntryIDs(), relativeUserInfo, }, }); }); }; // We need to set onLayout in order to allow .measure() to be on the ref onLayout = () => {}; onPressFriendUser = () => { this.onPressUpdateFriendship(relationshipActions.FRIEND); }; onPressUnfriendUser = () => { this.onPressUpdateFriendship(relationshipActions.UNFRIEND); }; onPressUpdateFriendship(action: RelationshipAction) { const { id } = this.props.userInfo; const customKeyName = `${updateRelationshipsActionTypes.started}:${id}`; this.props.dispatchActionPromise( updateRelationshipsActionTypes, this.updateFriendship(action), { customKeyName }, ); } async updateFriendship(action: RelationshipAction) { try { return await this.props.updateRelationships({ action, userIDs: [this.props.userInfo.id], }); } catch (e) { Alert.alert('Unknown error', 'Uhh... try again?', [{ text: 'OK' }], { cancelable: true, }); throw e; } } } const unboundStyles = { editButton: { paddingLeft: 10, }, container: { flex: 1, paddingHorizontal: 12, backgroundColor: 'panelForeground', }, innerContainer: { paddingVertical: 10, paddingHorizontal: 12, borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder', flexDirection: 'row', }, borderBottom: { borderBottomWidth: 1, }, buttonContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', }, editButtonWithMargin: { marginLeft: 15, }, username: { color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel', flex: 1, fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 20, marginLeft: 8, }, blueAction: { color: 'link', fontSize: 16, paddingLeft: 6, }, redAction: { color: 'redText', fontSize: 16, paddingLeft: 6, }, }; const ConnectedRelationshipListItem: React.ComponentType = React.memo(function ConnectedRelationshipListItem( props: BaseProps, ) { const removeUserLoadingStatus = useSelector(state => createLoadingStatusSelector( updateRelationshipsActionTypes, `${updateRelationshipsActionTypes.started}:${props.userInfo.id}`, )(state), ); const colors = useColors(); const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles); const dispatchActionPromise = useDispatchActionPromise(); const boundUpdateRelationships = useServerCall(updateRelationships); const overlayContext = React.useContext(OverlayContext); const keyboardState = React.useContext(KeyboardContext); const shouldRenderAvatars = useShouldRenderAvatars(); return ( ); }); export default ConnectedRelationshipListItem; diff --git a/native/profile/relationship-list.react.js b/native/profile/relationship-list.react.js index 10a8228a6..8fe8eab37 100644 --- a/native/profile/relationship-list.react.js +++ b/native/profile/relationship-list.react.js @@ -1,495 +1,495 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; import { View, Text, Alert, Platform } from 'react-native'; import { FlatList } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import { updateRelationshipsActionTypes, updateRelationships, } from 'lib/actions/relationship-actions.js'; import { searchUsersActionTypes, searchUsers, } from 'lib/actions/user-actions.js'; import { useENSNames } from 'lib/hooks/ens-cache.js'; import { registerFetchKey } from 'lib/reducers/loading-reducer.js'; import { userRelationshipsSelector } from 'lib/selectors/relationship-selectors.js'; import { userStoreSearchIndex as userStoreSearchIndexSelector } from 'lib/selectors/user-selectors.js'; import { userRelationshipStatus, relationshipActions, } from 'lib/types/relationship-types.js'; import type { GlobalAccountUserInfo, AccountUserInfo, } from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import { useServerCall, useDispatchActionPromise, } from 'lib/utils/action-utils.js'; import type { ProfileNavigationProp } from './profile.react.js'; import RelationshipListItem from './relationship-list-item.react.js'; import LinkButton from '../components/link-button.react.js'; import { createTagInput, BaseTagInput } from '../components/tag-input.react.js'; import { KeyboardContext } from '../keyboard/keyboard-state.js'; import { OverlayContext } from '../navigation/overlay-context.js'; import type { NavigationRoute } from '../navigation/route-names.js'; import { FriendListRouteName, BlockListRouteName, } from '../navigation/route-names.js'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils.js'; import { useStyles, useIndicatorStyle } from '../themes/colors.js'; import type { VerticalBounds } from '../types/layout-types.js'; const TagInput = createTagInput(); export type RelationshipListNavigate = $PropertyType< ProfileNavigationProp<'FriendList' | 'BlockList'>, 'navigate', >; const tagInputProps = { placeholder: 'username', autoFocus: true, returnKeyType: 'go', }; type ListItem = | { +type: 'empty', +because: 'no-relationships' | 'no-results' } | { +type: 'header' } | { +type: 'footer' } | { +type: 'user', +userInfo: AccountUserInfo, +lastListItem: boolean, +verticalBounds: ?VerticalBounds, }; function keyExtractor(item: ListItem) { if (item.userInfo) { return item.userInfo.id; } else if (item.type === 'empty') { return 'empty'; } else if (item.type === 'header') { return 'header'; } else if (item.type === 'footer') { return 'footer'; } invariant(false, 'keyExtractor conditions should be exhaustive'); } const tagDataLabelExtractor = (userInfo: GlobalAccountUserInfo) => userInfo.username; type Props = { +navigation: ProfileNavigationProp<>, +route: NavigationRoute<'FriendList' | 'BlockList'>, }; function RelationshipList(props: Props): React.Node { const callSearchUsers = useServerCall(searchUsers); const userInfos = useSelector(state => state.userStore.userInfos); const searchUsersOnServer = React.useCallback( async (usernamePrefix: string) => { if (usernamePrefix.length === 0) { return []; } const userInfosResult = await callSearchUsers(usernamePrefix); return userInfosResult.userInfos; }, [callSearchUsers], ); const [searchInputText, setSearchInputText] = React.useState(''); const [userStoreSearchResults, setUserStoreSearchResults] = React.useState< $ReadOnlySet, >(new Set()); const [serverSearchResults, setServerSearchResults] = React.useState< $ReadOnlyArray, >([]); const { route } = props; const routeName = route.name; const userStoreSearchIndex = useSelector(userStoreSearchIndexSelector); const onChangeSearchText = React.useCallback( async (searchText: string) => { setSearchInputText(searchText); const excludeStatuses = { [FriendListRouteName]: [ userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_VIEWER, userRelationshipStatus.BOTH_BLOCKED, ], [BlockListRouteName]: [], }[routeName]; const results = userStoreSearchIndex .getSearchResults(searchText) .filter(userID => { const relationship = userInfos[userID].relationshipStatus; return !excludeStatuses.includes(relationship); }); setUserStoreSearchResults(new Set(results)); const searchResultsFromServer = await searchUsersOnServer(searchText); const filteredServerSearchResults = searchResultsFromServer.filter( searchUserInfo => { const userInfo = userInfos[searchUserInfo.id]; return ( !userInfo || !excludeStatuses.includes(userInfo.relationshipStatus) ); }, ); setServerSearchResults(filteredServerSearchResults); }, [routeName, userStoreSearchIndex, userInfos, searchUsersOnServer], ); const overlayContext = React.useContext(OverlayContext); invariant(overlayContext, 'RelationshipList should have OverlayContext'); const scrollEnabled = overlayContext.scrollBlockingModalStatus === 'closed'; const tagInputRef = React.useRef>(); const flatListContainerRef = React.useRef>(); const keyboardState = React.useContext(KeyboardContext); const keyboardNotShowing = !!( keyboardState && !keyboardState.keyboardShowing ); const [verticalBounds, setVerticalBounds] = React.useState(null); const onFlatListContainerLayout = React.useCallback(() => { if (!flatListContainerRef.current) { return; } if (!keyboardNotShowing) { return; } flatListContainerRef.current.measure( (x, y, width, height, pageX, pageY) => { if ( height === null || height === undefined || pageY === null || pageY === undefined ) { return; } setVerticalBounds({ height, y: pageY }); }, ); }, [keyboardNotShowing]); const [currentTags, setCurrentTags] = React.useState< $ReadOnlyArray, >([]); const onSelect = React.useCallback( (selectedUser: GlobalAccountUserInfo) => { if (currentTags.find(o => o.id === selectedUser.id)) { return; } setSearchInputText(''); setCurrentTags(prevCurrentTags => prevCurrentTags.concat(selectedUser)); }, [currentTags], ); const onUnknownErrorAlertAcknowledged = React.useCallback(() => { setCurrentTags([]); setSearchInputText(''); invariant(tagInputRef.current, 'tagInput should be set'); tagInputRef.current.focus(); }, []); const callUpdateRelationships = useServerCall(updateRelationships); const updateRelationshipsOnServer = React.useCallback(async () => { const action = { [FriendListRouteName]: relationshipActions.FRIEND, [BlockListRouteName]: relationshipActions.BLOCK, }[routeName]; const userIDs = currentTags.map(userInfo => userInfo.id); try { const result = await callUpdateRelationships({ action, userIDs, }); setCurrentTags([]); setSearchInputText(''); return result; } catch (e) { Alert.alert( 'Unknown error', 'Uhh... try again?', [{ text: 'OK', onPress: onUnknownErrorAlertAcknowledged }], { cancelable: true, onDismiss: onUnknownErrorAlertAcknowledged }, ); throw e; } }, [ routeName, currentTags, callUpdateRelationships, onUnknownErrorAlertAcknowledged, ]); const dispatchActionPromise = useDispatchActionPromise(); const noCurrentTags = currentTags.length === 0; const onPressAdd = React.useCallback(() => { if (noCurrentTags) { return; } dispatchActionPromise( updateRelationshipsActionTypes, updateRelationshipsOnServer(), ); }, [noCurrentTags, dispatchActionPromise, updateRelationshipsOnServer]); const inputProps = React.useMemo( () => ({ ...tagInputProps, onSubmitEditing: onPressAdd, }), [onPressAdd], ); const { navigation } = props; const { navigate } = navigation; const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles); const renderItem = React.useCallback( ({ item }: { item: ListItem, ... }) => { if (item.type === 'empty') { const action = { [FriendListRouteName]: 'added', [BlockListRouteName]: 'blocked', }[routeName]; const emptyMessage = item.because === 'no-relationships' ? `You haven't ${action} any users yet` : 'No results'; return {emptyMessage}; } else if (item.type === 'header' || item.type === 'footer') { return ; } else if (item.type === 'user') { return ( ); } else { invariant(false, `unexpected RelationshipList item type ${item.type}`); } }, [routeName, navigate, route, onSelect, styles.emptyText, styles.separator], ); const { setOptions } = navigation; const prevNoCurrentTags = React.useRef(noCurrentTags); React.useEffect(() => { let setSaveButtonDisabled; if (!prevNoCurrentTags.current && noCurrentTags) { setSaveButtonDisabled = true; } else if (prevNoCurrentTags.current && !noCurrentTags) { setSaveButtonDisabled = false; } prevNoCurrentTags.current = noCurrentTags; if (setSaveButtonDisabled === undefined) { return; } setOptions({ // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name headerRight: () => ( ), }); }, [setOptions, noCurrentTags, onPressAdd]); const relationships = useSelector(userRelationshipsSelector); const viewerID = useSelector( state => state.currentUserInfo && state.currentUserInfo.id, ); const usersWithoutENSNames = React.useMemo(() => { if (searchInputText === '') { return { [FriendListRouteName]: relationships.friends, [BlockListRouteName]: relationships.blocked, }[routeName]; } const mergedUserInfos: { [id: string]: AccountUserInfo } = {}; for (const userInfo of serverSearchResults) { mergedUserInfos[userInfo.id] = userInfo; } for (const id of userStoreSearchResults) { - const { username, avatar, relationshipStatus } = userInfos[id]; + const { username, relationshipStatus } = userInfos[id]; if (username) { - mergedUserInfos[id] = { id, username, avatar, relationshipStatus }; + mergedUserInfos[id] = { id, username, relationshipStatus }; } } const excludeUserIDsArray = currentTags .map(userInfo => userInfo.id) .concat(viewerID || []); const excludeUserIDs = new Set(excludeUserIDsArray); const sortToEnd = []; const userSearchResults = []; const sortRelationshipTypesToEnd = { [FriendListRouteName]: [userRelationshipStatus.FRIEND], [BlockListRouteName]: [ userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_BY_VIEWER, userRelationshipStatus.BOTH_BLOCKED, ], }[routeName]; for (const userID in mergedUserInfos) { if (excludeUserIDs.has(userID)) { continue; } const userInfo = mergedUserInfos[userID]; if (sortRelationshipTypesToEnd.includes(userInfo.relationshipStatus)) { sortToEnd.push(userInfo); } else { userSearchResults.push(userInfo); } } return userSearchResults.concat(sortToEnd); }, [ searchInputText, relationships, routeName, viewerID, currentTags, serverSearchResults, userStoreSearchResults, userInfos, ]); const displayUsers = useENSNames(usersWithoutENSNames); const listData = React.useMemo(() => { let emptyItem; if (displayUsers.length === 0 && searchInputText === '') { emptyItem = { type: 'empty', because: 'no-relationships' }; } else if (displayUsers.length === 0) { emptyItem = { type: 'empty', because: 'no-results' }; } const mappedUsers = displayUsers.map((userInfo, index) => ({ type: 'user', userInfo, lastListItem: displayUsers.length - 1 === index, verticalBounds, })); return [] .concat(emptyItem ? emptyItem : []) .concat(emptyItem ? [] : { type: 'header' }) .concat(mappedUsers) .concat(emptyItem ? [] : { type: 'footer' }); }, [displayUsers, verticalBounds, searchInputText]); const indicatorStyle = useIndicatorStyle(); const currentTagsWithENSNames = useENSNames(currentTags); return ( Search: ); } const unboundStyles = { container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'panelBackground', }, contentContainer: { paddingTop: 12, paddingBottom: 24, }, separator: { backgroundColor: 'panelForegroundBorder', height: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 1.5 : 1, }, emptyText: { color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel', flex: 1, fontSize: 16, lineHeight: 20, textAlign: 'center', paddingHorizontal: 12, paddingVertical: 10, marginHorizontal: 12, }, tagInput: { flex: 1, marginLeft: 8, paddingRight: 12, }, tagInputLabel: { color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel', fontSize: 16, paddingLeft: 12, }, tagInputContainer: { alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: 'panelForeground', borderBottomWidth: 1, borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder', flexDirection: 'row', paddingVertical: 6, }, }; registerFetchKey(searchUsersActionTypes); registerFetchKey(updateRelationshipsActionTypes); const MemoizedRelationshipList: React.ComponentType = React.memo(RelationshipList); MemoizedRelationshipList.displayName = 'RelationshipList'; export default MemoizedRelationshipList; diff --git a/web/modals/threads/create/steps/subchannel-members-list.react.js b/web/modals/threads/create/steps/subchannel-members-list.react.js index 4282920e5..f0dab1043 100644 --- a/web/modals/threads/create/steps/subchannel-members-list.react.js +++ b/web/modals/threads/create/steps/subchannel-members-list.react.js @@ -1,111 +1,103 @@ // @flow import * as React from 'react'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { useENSNames } from 'lib/hooks/ens-cache.js'; import { stringForUser } from 'lib/shared/user-utils.js'; import type { ThreadInfo } from 'lib/types/thread-types.js'; import type { UserListItem } from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import AddMembersList from '../../../components/add-members-list.react.js'; type Props = { +searchText: string, +searchResult: $ReadOnlySet, +communityThreadInfo: ThreadInfo, +parentThreadInfo: ThreadInfo, +selectedUsers: $ReadOnlySet, +toggleUserSelection: (userID: string) => void, }; function SubchannelMembersList(props: Props): React.Node { const { searchText, searchResult, communityThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo, selectedUsers, toggleUserSelection, } = props; const { members: parentMembers } = parentThreadInfo; const { members: communityMembers, name: communityName } = communityThreadInfo; const currentUserId = useSelector(state => state.currentUserInfo.id); const parentMembersSet = React.useMemo( () => new Set(parentThreadInfo.members.map(user => user.id)), [parentThreadInfo], ); const parentMemberListWithoutENSNames = React.useMemo( () => parentMembers .filter( user => user.id !== currentUserId && (searchResult.has(user.id) || searchText.length === 0), ) - .map(user => ({ - id: user.id, - username: stringForUser(user), - avatar: user.avatar, - })), + .map(user => ({ id: user.id, username: stringForUser(user) })), [parentMembers, currentUserId, searchResult, searchText], ); const parentMemberList = useENSNames( parentMemberListWithoutENSNames, ); const otherMemberListWithoutENSNames = React.useMemo( () => communityMembers .filter( user => !parentMembersSet.has(user.id) && user.id !== currentUserId && (searchResult.has(user.id) || searchText.length === 0), ) - .map(user => ({ - id: user.id, - username: stringForUser(user), - avatar: user.avatar, - })), + .map(user => ({ id: user.id, username: stringForUser(user) })), [ communityMembers, parentMembersSet, currentUserId, searchResult, searchText, ], ); const otherMemberList = useENSNames( otherMemberListWithoutENSNames, ); const sortedGroupedUserList = React.useMemo( () => [ { header: 'Users in parent channel', userInfos: parentMemberList }, { header: `All users in ${communityName ?? 'community'}`, userInfos: otherMemberList, }, ].filter(item => item.userInfos.length), [parentMemberList, otherMemberList, communityName], ); return ( ); } export default SubchannelMembersList; diff --git a/web/settings/relationship/add-users-list.react.js b/web/settings/relationship/add-users-list.react.js index be51b1e27..5af4717ac 100644 --- a/web/settings/relationship/add-users-list.react.js +++ b/web/settings/relationship/add-users-list.react.js @@ -1,261 +1,259 @@ // @flow import * as React from 'react'; import { updateRelationships, updateRelationshipsActionTypes, } from 'lib/actions/relationship-actions.js'; import { searchUsers } from 'lib/actions/user-actions.js'; import { useENSNames } from 'lib/hooks/ens-cache.js'; import { createLoadingStatusSelector } from 'lib/selectors/loading-selectors.js'; import { userStoreSearchIndex as userStoreSearchIndexSelector } from 'lib/selectors/user-selectors.js'; import type { UserRelationshipStatus, RelationshipAction, } from 'lib/types/relationship-types.js'; import type { GlobalAccountUserInfo } from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import { useDispatchActionPromise, useServerCall, } from 'lib/utils/action-utils.js'; import AddUsersListItem from './add-users-list-item.react.js'; import css from './add-users-list.css'; import Button from '../../components/button.react.js'; import type { ButtonColor } from '../../components/button.react.js'; import Label from '../../components/label.react.js'; import LoadingIndicator from '../../loading-indicator.react.js'; import { useSelector } from '../../redux/redux-utils.js'; const loadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector( updateRelationshipsActionTypes, ); type Props = { +searchText: string, +excludedStatuses?: $ReadOnlySet, +closeModal: () => void, +confirmButtonContent: React.Node, +confirmButtonColor?: ButtonColor, +relationshipAction: RelationshipAction, }; function AddUsersList(props: Props): React.Node { const { searchText, excludedStatuses = new Set(), closeModal, confirmButtonContent, confirmButtonColor, relationshipAction, } = props; const viewerID = useSelector(state => state.currentUserInfo?.id); const userStoreSearchIndex = useSelector(userStoreSearchIndexSelector); const [userStoreSearchResults, setUserStoreSearchResults] = React.useState< $ReadOnlySet, >(new Set(userStoreSearchIndex.getSearchResults(searchText))); React.useEffect(() => { setUserStoreSearchResults( new Set(userStoreSearchIndex.getSearchResults(searchText)), ); }, [searchText, userStoreSearchIndex]); const [serverSearchResults, setServerSearchResults] = React.useState< $ReadOnlyArray, >([]); const callSearchUsers = useServerCall(searchUsers); React.useEffect(() => { (async () => { if (searchText.length === 0) { setServerSearchResults([]); } else { const { userInfos } = await callSearchUsers(searchText); setServerSearchResults(userInfos); } })(); }, [callSearchUsers, searchText]); const searchTextPresent = searchText.length > 0; const userInfos = useSelector(state => state.userStore.userInfos); const mergedUserInfos = React.useMemo(() => { const mergedInfos = {}; for (const userInfo of serverSearchResults) { mergedInfos[userInfo.id] = userInfo; } const userStoreUserIDs = searchTextPresent ? userStoreSearchResults : Object.keys(userInfos); for (const id of userStoreUserIDs) { - const { username, avatar, relationshipStatus } = userInfos[id]; + const { username, relationshipStatus } = userInfos[id]; if (username) { - mergedInfos[id] = { id, username, avatar, relationshipStatus }; + mergedInfos[id] = { id, username, relationshipStatus }; } } return mergedInfos; }, [ searchTextPresent, serverSearchResults, userInfos, userStoreSearchResults, ]); const sortedUsers = React.useMemo( () => Object.keys(mergedUserInfos) .map(userID => mergedUserInfos[userID]) .filter( user => user.id !== viewerID && !excludedStatuses.has(user.relationshipStatus), ) .sort((user1, user2) => user1.username.localeCompare(user2.username)), [excludedStatuses, mergedUserInfos, viewerID], ); const [pendingUsersToAdd, setPendingUsersToAdd] = React.useState< $ReadOnlyArray, >([]); const selectUser = React.useCallback( (userID: string) => { setPendingUsersToAdd(pendingUsers => { const username = mergedUserInfos[userID]?.username; - const avatar = mergedUserInfos[userID]?.avatar; if (!username || pendingUsers.some(user => user.id === userID)) { return pendingUsers; } const newPendingUser = { id: userID, username, - avatar, }; let targetIndex = 0; while ( targetIndex < pendingUsers.length && newPendingUser.username.localeCompare( pendingUsers[targetIndex].username, ) > 0 ) { targetIndex++; } return [ ...pendingUsers.slice(0, targetIndex), newPendingUser, ...pendingUsers.slice(targetIndex), ]; }); }, [mergedUserInfos], ); const deselectUser = React.useCallback( (userID: string) => setPendingUsersToAdd(pendingUsers => pendingUsers.filter(userInfo => userInfo.id !== userID), ), [], ); const pendingUserIDs = React.useMemo( () => new Set(pendingUsersToAdd.map(userInfo => userInfo.id)), [pendingUsersToAdd], ); const pendingUsersWithENSNames = useENSNames(pendingUsersToAdd); const userTags = React.useMemo(() => { if (pendingUsersWithENSNames.length === 0) { return null; } const tags = pendingUsersWithENSNames.map(userInfo => ( )); return
; }, [deselectUser, pendingUsersWithENSNames]); const filteredUsers = React.useMemo( () => sortedUsers.filter(userInfo => !pendingUserIDs.has(userInfo.id)), [pendingUserIDs, sortedUsers], ); const filteredUsersWithENSNames = useENSNames(filteredUsers); const userRows = React.useMemo( () => filteredUsersWithENSNames.map(userInfo => ( )), [filteredUsersWithENSNames, selectUser], ); const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = React.useState(''); const callUpdateRelationships = useServerCall(updateRelationships); const dispatchActionPromise = useDispatchActionPromise(); const updateRelationshipsPromiseCreator = React.useCallback(async () => { try { setErrorMessage(''); const result = await callUpdateRelationships({ action: relationshipAction, userIDs: Array.from(pendingUserIDs), }); closeModal(); return result; } catch (e) { setErrorMessage('unknown error'); throw e; } }, [callUpdateRelationships, closeModal, pendingUserIDs, relationshipAction]); const confirmSelection = React.useCallback( () => dispatchActionPromise( updateRelationshipsActionTypes, updateRelationshipsPromiseCreator(), ), [dispatchActionPromise, updateRelationshipsPromiseCreator], ); const loadingStatus = useSelector(loadingStatusSelector); let buttonContent = confirmButtonContent; if (loadingStatus === 'loading') { buttonContent = ( <>
); } let errors; if (errorMessage) { errors =
; } return (
); } export default AddUsersList; diff --git a/web/settings/relationship/user-list.react.js b/web/settings/relationship/user-list.react.js index 8065f17cb..9142b820a 100644 --- a/web/settings/relationship/user-list.react.js +++ b/web/settings/relationship/user-list.react.js @@ -1,76 +1,75 @@ // @flow import classNames from 'classnames'; import * as React from 'react'; import { useENSNames } from 'lib/hooks/ens-cache.js'; import { userStoreSearchIndex as userStoreSearchIndexSelector } from 'lib/selectors/user-selectors.js'; import type { AccountUserInfo } from 'lib/types/user-types.js'; import css from './user-list.css'; import { useSelector } from '../../redux/redux-utils.js'; export type UserRowProps = { +userInfo: AccountUserInfo, +onMenuVisibilityChange?: (visible: boolean) => void, }; type UserListProps = { +userRowComponent: React.ComponentType, +filterUser: (userInfo: AccountUserInfo) => boolean, +usersComparator: (user1: AccountUserInfo, user2: AccountUserInfo) => number, +searchText: string, }; export function UserList(props: UserListProps): React.Node { const { userRowComponent, filterUser, usersComparator, searchText } = props; const userInfos = useSelector(state => state.userStore.userInfos); const userStoreSearchIndex = useSelector(userStoreSearchIndexSelector); const [isMenuVisible, setIsMenuVisible] = React.useState(false); const onMenuVisibilityChange = React.useCallback( (visible: boolean) => setIsMenuVisible(visible), [], ); const searchResult = React.useMemo( () => userStoreSearchIndex.getSearchResults(searchText), [searchText, userStoreSearchIndex], ); const users = React.useMemo(() => { const userIDs = searchText ? searchResult : Object.keys(userInfos); const unfilteredUserInfos = []; for (const id of userIDs) { - const { username, avatar, relationshipStatus } = userInfos[id]; + const { username, relationshipStatus } = userInfos[id]; if (!username) { continue; } unfilteredUserInfos.push({ id, username, - avatar, relationshipStatus, }); } return unfilteredUserInfos.filter(filterUser).sort(usersComparator); }, [filterUser, searchResult, searchText, userInfos, usersComparator]); const usersWithENSNames = useENSNames(users); const userRows = React.useMemo(() => { const UserRow = userRowComponent; return usersWithENSNames.map(user => ( )); }, [userRowComponent, usersWithENSNames, onMenuVisibilityChange]); const containerClasses = classNames(css.container, { [css.noScroll]: isMenuVisible, }); return
; }