diff --git a/keyserver/src/creators/message-creator.js b/keyserver/src/creators/message-creator.js index 798ae9748..256cae758 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/creators/message-creator.js +++ b/keyserver/src/creators/message-creator.js @@ -1,623 +1,629 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import _pickBy from 'lodash/fp/pickBy'; import { permissionLookup } from 'lib/permissions/thread-permissions'; import { rawMessageInfoFromMessageData, shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos, stripLocalIDs, } from 'lib/shared/message-utils'; import { messageSpecs } from 'lib/shared/messages/message-specs'; import { messageTypes, messageDataLocalID, type MessageData, type RawMessageInfo, } from 'lib/types/message-types'; import { redisMessageTypes } from 'lib/types/redis-types'; import { threadPermissions } from 'lib/types/thread-types'; import { updateTypes } from 'lib/types/update-types'; import { promiseAll } from 'lib/utils/promises'; import { dbQuery, SQL, appendSQLArray, mergeOrConditions, } from '../database/database'; -import { fetchMessageInfoForLocalID } from '../fetchers/message-fetchers'; +import { + fetchMessageInfoForLocalID, + fetchMessageInfoByID, +} from '../fetchers/message-fetchers'; import { fetchOtherSessionsForViewer } from '../fetchers/session-fetchers'; import { fetchServerThreadInfos } from '../fetchers/thread-fetchers'; import { sendPushNotifs } from '../push/send'; import { handleAsyncPromise } from '../responders/handlers'; import type { Viewer } from '../session/viewer'; import { earliestFocusedTimeConsideredExpired } from '../shared/focused-times'; import { publisher } from '../socket/redis'; import { creationString } from '../utils/idempotent'; import createIDs from './id-creator'; import type { UpdatesForCurrentSession } from './update-creator'; import { createUpdates } from './update-creator'; type UserThreadInfo = { +devices: Map< string, { +deviceType: string, +deviceToken: string, +codeVersion: ?string, }, >, +threadIDs: Set, +notFocusedThreadIDs: Set, +userNotMemberOfSubthreads: Set, +subthreadsCanSetToUnread: Set, }; type LatestMessagesPerUser = Map< string, $ReadOnlyMap< string, { +latestMessage: string, +latestReadMessage?: string, }, >, >; type LatestMessages = $ReadOnlyArray<{ +userID: string, +threadID: string, +latestMessage: string, +latestReadMessage: ?string, }>; // Does not do permission checks! (checkThreadPermission) async function createMessages( viewer: Viewer, messageDatas: $ReadOnlyArray, updatesForCurrentSession?: UpdatesForCurrentSession = 'return', ): Promise { if (messageDatas.length === 0) { return []; } const messageInfos: RawMessageInfo[] = []; const newMessageDatas: MessageData[] = []; const existingMessages = await Promise.all( messageDatas.map(messageData => fetchMessageInfoForLocalID(viewer, messageDataLocalID(messageData)), ), ); for (let i = 0; i < existingMessages.length; i++) { const existingMessage = existingMessages[i]; if (existingMessage) { messageInfos.push(existingMessage); } else { newMessageDatas.push(messageDatas[i]); } } if (newMessageDatas.length === 0) { return shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos(messageInfos, viewer.platformDetails); } const ids = await createIDs('messages', newMessageDatas.length); const subthreadPermissionsToCheck: Set = new Set(); const threadsToMessageIndices: Map = new Map(); const messageInsertRows = []; for (let i = 0; i < newMessageDatas.length; i++) { const messageData = newMessageDatas[i]; const threadID = messageData.threadID; const creatorID = messageData.creatorID; if (messageData.type === messageTypes.CREATE_SUB_THREAD) { subthreadPermissionsToCheck.add(messageData.childThreadID); } let messageIndices = threadsToMessageIndices.get(threadID); if (!messageIndices) { messageIndices = []; threadsToMessageIndices.set(threadID, messageIndices); } messageIndices.push(i); const content = messageSpecs[messageData.type].messageContentForServerDB?.( messageData, ); const creation = messageData.localID && viewer.hasSessionInfo ? creationString(viewer, messageData.localID) : null; const targetMessageID = messageData.targetMessageID ? messageData.targetMessageID : null; messageInsertRows.push([ ids[i], threadID, creatorID, messageData.type, content, messageData.time, creation, targetMessageID, ]); messageInfos.push(rawMessageInfoFromMessageData(messageData, ids[i])); } if (viewer.isScriptViewer) { await postMessageSend( viewer, threadsToMessageIndices, subthreadPermissionsToCheck, stripLocalIDs(messageInfos), updatesForCurrentSession, ); } else { // We aren't awaiting because this function calls external services and we // don't want to delay the response handleAsyncPromise( postMessageSend( viewer, threadsToMessageIndices, subthreadPermissionsToCheck, stripLocalIDs(messageInfos), updatesForCurrentSession, ), ); } const messageInsertQuery = SQL` INSERT INTO messages(id, thread, user, type, content, time, creation, target_message) VALUES ${messageInsertRows} `; await Promise.all([ dbQuery(messageInsertQuery), updateRepliesCount(threadsToMessageIndices, newMessageDatas), ]); if (updatesForCurrentSession !== 'return') { return []; } return shimUnsupportedRawMessageInfos(messageInfos, viewer.platformDetails); } async function updateRepliesCount( threadsToMessageIndices: Map, newMessageDatas: MessageData[], ) { const updatedThreads = []; const updateThreads = SQL` UPDATE threads SET replies_count = replies_count + (CASE `; const membershipConditions = []; for (const [threadID, messages] of threadsToMessageIndices.entries()) { const newRepliesIncrease = messages .map(i => newMessageDatas[i].type) .filter(type => messageSpecs[type].includedInRepliesCount).length; if (newRepliesIncrease === 0) { continue; } updateThreads.append(SQL` WHEN id = ${threadID} THEN ${newRepliesIncrease} `); updatedThreads.push(threadID); const senders = messages.map(i => newMessageDatas[i].creatorID); membershipConditions.push( SQL`thread = ${threadID} AND user IN (${senders})`, ); } updateThreads.append(SQL` ELSE 0 END) WHERE id IN (${updatedThreads}) AND source_message IS NOT NULL `); const updateMemberships = SQL` UPDATE memberships SET sender = 1 WHERE sender = 0 AND ( `; updateMemberships.append(mergeOrConditions(membershipConditions)); updateMemberships.append(SQL` ) `); if (updatedThreads.length > 0) { const [{ threadInfos: serverThreadInfos }] = await Promise.all([ fetchServerThreadInfos(SQL`t.id IN (${updatedThreads})`), dbQuery(updateThreads), dbQuery(updateMemberships), ]); const time = Date.now(); const updates = []; for (const threadID in serverThreadInfos) { for (const member of serverThreadInfos[threadID].members) { updates.push({ userID: member.id, time, threadID, type: updateTypes.UPDATE_THREAD, }); } } await createUpdates(updates); } } // Handles: // (1) Sending push notifs // (2) Setting threads to unread and generating corresponding UpdateInfos // (3) Publishing to Redis so that active sockets pass on new messages async function postMessageSend( viewer: Viewer, threadsToMessageIndices: Map, subthreadPermissionsToCheck: Set, messageInfos: RawMessageInfo[], updatesForCurrentSession: UpdatesForCurrentSession, ) { let joinIndex = 0; let subthreadSelects = ''; const subthreadJoins = []; for (const subthread of subthreadPermissionsToCheck) { const index = joinIndex++; subthreadSelects += ` , stm${index}.permissions AS subthread${subthread}_permissions, stm${index}.role AS subthread${subthread}_role `; const join = SQL`LEFT JOIN memberships `; join.append(`stm${index} ON stm${index}.`); join.append(SQL`thread = ${subthread} AND `); join.append(`stm${index}.user = m.user`); subthreadJoins.push(join); } const time = earliestFocusedTimeConsideredExpired(); const visibleExtractString = `$.${threadPermissions.VISIBLE}.value`; const query = SQL` SELECT m.user, m.thread, c.platform, c.device_token, c.versions, f.user AS focused_user `; query.append(subthreadSelects); query.append(SQL` FROM memberships m LEFT JOIN cookies c ON c.user = m.user AND c.device_token IS NOT NULL LEFT JOIN focused f ON f.user = m.user AND f.thread = m.thread AND f.time > ${time} `); appendSQLArray(query, subthreadJoins, SQL` `); query.append(SQL` WHERE (m.role > 0 OR f.user IS NOT NULL) AND JSON_EXTRACT(m.permissions, ${visibleExtractString}) IS TRUE AND m.thread IN (${[...threadsToMessageIndices.keys()]}) `); const perUserInfo = new Map(); const [result] = await dbQuery(query); for (const row of result) { const userID = row.user.toString(); const threadID = row.thread.toString(); const deviceToken = row.device_token; const focusedUser = !!row.focused_user; const { platform } = row; const versions = JSON.parse(row.versions); let thisUserInfo = perUserInfo.get(userID); if (!thisUserInfo) { thisUserInfo = { devices: new Map(), threadIDs: new Set(), notFocusedThreadIDs: new Set(), userNotMemberOfSubthreads: new Set(), subthreadsCanSetToUnread: new Set(), }; perUserInfo.set(userID, thisUserInfo); // Subthread info will be the same for each subthread, so we only parse // it once for (const subthread of subthreadPermissionsToCheck) { const isSubthreadMember = row[`subthread${subthread}_role`] > 0; const rawSubthreadPermissions = row[`subthread${subthread}_permissions`]; const subthreadPermissions = JSON.parse(rawSubthreadPermissions); const canSeeSubthread = permissionLookup( subthreadPermissions, threadPermissions.KNOW_OF, ); if (!canSeeSubthread) { continue; } thisUserInfo.subthreadsCanSetToUnread.add(subthread); // Only include the notification from the superthread if there is no // notification from the subthread if ( !isSubthreadMember || !permissionLookup(subthreadPermissions, threadPermissions.VISIBLE) ) { thisUserInfo.userNotMemberOfSubthreads.add(subthread); } } } if (deviceToken) { thisUserInfo.devices.set(deviceToken, { deviceType: platform, deviceToken, codeVersion: versions ? versions.codeVersion : null, }); } thisUserInfo.threadIDs.add(threadID); if (!focusedUser) { thisUserInfo.notFocusedThreadIDs.add(threadID); } } const messageInfosPerUser = {}; const latestMessagesPerUser: LatestMessagesPerUser = new Map(); const userPushInfoPromises = {}; for (const pair of perUserInfo) { const [userID, preUserPushInfo] = pair; const { userNotMemberOfSubthreads } = preUserPushInfo; const userDevices = [...preUserPushInfo.devices.values()]; if (userDevices.length === 0) { continue; } const userPushInfoMessageInfoPromises = []; for (const threadID of preUserPushInfo.notFocusedThreadIDs) { const messageIndices = threadsToMessageIndices.get(threadID); invariant(messageIndices, `indices should exist for thread ${threadID}`); userPushInfoMessageInfoPromises.push( ...messageIndices.map(async messageIndex => { const messageInfo = messageInfos[messageIndex]; const { type } = messageInfo; if (messageInfo.creatorID === userID) { // We never send a user notifs about their own activity return undefined; } const { generatesNotifs } = messageSpecs[type]; const doesGenerateNotif = await generatesNotifs(messageInfo, { + notifTargetUserID: userID, userNotMemberOfSubthreads, + fetchMessageInfoByID: (messageID: string) => + fetchMessageInfoByID(viewer, messageID), }); return doesGenerateNotif ? messageInfo : undefined; }), ); } const userPushInfoPromise = (async () => { const userMessageInfos = await Promise.all( userPushInfoMessageInfoPromises, ); const filteredMessageInfos = userMessageInfos.filter(Boolean); if (filteredMessageInfos.length === 0) { return undefined; } return { devices: userDevices, messageInfos: filteredMessageInfos, }; })(); userPushInfoPromises[userID] = userPushInfoPromise; const userMessageInfos = []; for (const threadID of preUserPushInfo.threadIDs) { const messageIndices = threadsToMessageIndices.get(threadID); invariant(messageIndices, `indices should exist for thread ${threadID}`); for (const messageIndex of messageIndices) { const messageInfo = messageInfos[messageIndex]; userMessageInfos.push(messageInfo); } } if (userMessageInfos.length > 0) { messageInfosPerUser[userID] = userMessageInfos; } latestMessagesPerUser.set( userID, determineLatestMessagesPerThread( preUserPushInfo, userID, threadsToMessageIndices, messageInfos, ), ); } const latestMessages = flattenLatestMessagesPerUser(latestMessagesPerUser); const [pushInfo] = await Promise.all([ promiseAll(userPushInfoPromises), createReadStatusUpdates(latestMessages), redisPublish(viewer, messageInfosPerUser, updatesForCurrentSession), updateLatestMessages(latestMessages), ]); await sendPushNotifs(_pickBy(Boolean)(pushInfo)); } async function redisPublish( viewer: Viewer, messageInfosPerUser: { [userID: string]: $ReadOnlyArray }, updatesForCurrentSession: UpdatesForCurrentSession, ) { const avoidBroadcastingToCurrentSession = viewer.hasSessionInfo && updatesForCurrentSession !== 'broadcast'; for (const userID in messageInfosPerUser) { if (userID === viewer.userID && avoidBroadcastingToCurrentSession) { continue; } const messageInfos = messageInfosPerUser[userID]; publisher.sendMessage( { userID }, { type: redisMessageTypes.NEW_MESSAGES, messages: messageInfos, }, ); } const viewerMessageInfos = messageInfosPerUser[viewer.userID]; if (!viewerMessageInfos || !avoidBroadcastingToCurrentSession) { return; } const sessionIDs = await fetchOtherSessionsForViewer(viewer); for (const sessionID of sessionIDs) { publisher.sendMessage( { userID: viewer.userID, sessionID }, { type: redisMessageTypes.NEW_MESSAGES, messages: viewerMessageInfos, }, ); } } function determineLatestMessagesPerThread( preUserPushInfo: UserThreadInfo, userID: string, threadsToMessageIndices: $ReadOnlyMap>, messageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, ) { const { threadIDs, notFocusedThreadIDs, subthreadsCanSetToUnread, } = preUserPushInfo; const latestMessagesPerThread = new Map(); for (const threadID of threadIDs) { const messageIndices = threadsToMessageIndices.get(threadID); invariant(messageIndices, `indices should exist for thread ${threadID}`); for (const messageIndex of messageIndices) { const messageInfo = messageInfos[messageIndex]; if ( messageInfo.type === messageTypes.CREATE_SUB_THREAD && !subthreadsCanSetToUnread.has(messageInfo.childThreadID) ) { continue; } const messageID = messageInfo.id; invariant( messageID, 'message ID should exist in determineLatestMessagesPerThread', ); if ( notFocusedThreadIDs.has(threadID) && messageInfo.creatorID !== userID ) { latestMessagesPerThread.set(threadID, { latestMessage: messageID, }); } else { latestMessagesPerThread.set(threadID, { latestMessage: messageID, latestReadMessage: messageID, }); } } } return latestMessagesPerThread; } function flattenLatestMessagesPerUser( latestMessagesPerUser: LatestMessagesPerUser, ): LatestMessages { const result = []; for (const [userID, latestMessagesPerThread] of latestMessagesPerUser) { for (const [threadID, latestMessages] of latestMessagesPerThread) { result.push({ userID, threadID, latestMessage: latestMessages.latestMessage, latestReadMessage: latestMessages.latestReadMessage, }); } } return result; } async function createReadStatusUpdates(latestMessages: LatestMessages) { const now = Date.now(); const readStatusUpdates = latestMessages .filter(message => !message.latestReadMessage) .map(({ userID, threadID }) => ({ type: updateTypes.UPDATE_THREAD_READ_STATUS, userID, time: now, threadID, unread: true, })); if (readStatusUpdates.length === 0) { return; } return await createUpdates(readStatusUpdates); } function updateLatestMessages(latestMessages: LatestMessages) { if (latestMessages.length === 0) { return; } const query = SQL` UPDATE memberships SET `; const lastMessageExpression = SQL` last_message = GREATEST(last_message, CASE `; const lastReadMessageExpression = SQL` , last_read_message = GREATEST(last_read_message, CASE `; let shouldUpdateLastReadMessage = false; for (const { userID, threadID, latestMessage, latestReadMessage, } of latestMessages) { lastMessageExpression.append(SQL` WHEN user = ${userID} AND thread = ${threadID} THEN ${latestMessage} `); if (latestReadMessage) { shouldUpdateLastReadMessage = true; lastReadMessageExpression.append(SQL` WHEN user = ${userID} AND thread = ${threadID} THEN ${latestReadMessage} `); } } lastMessageExpression.append(SQL` ELSE last_message END) `); lastReadMessageExpression.append(SQL` ELSE last_read_message END) `); const conditions = latestMessages.map( ({ userID, threadID }) => SQL`(user = ${userID} AND thread = ${threadID})`, ); query.append(lastMessageExpression); if (shouldUpdateLastReadMessage) { query.append(lastReadMessageExpression); } query.append(SQL`WHERE `); query.append(mergeOrConditions(conditions)); return dbQuery(query); } export default createMessages; diff --git a/lib/shared/messages/message-spec.js b/lib/shared/messages/message-spec.js index 46e70a93c..2a2d07040 100644 --- a/lib/shared/messages/message-spec.js +++ b/lib/shared/messages/message-spec.js @@ -1,118 +1,120 @@ // @flow import type { PlatformDetails } from '../../types/device-types'; import type { Media } from '../../types/media-types'; import type { MessageInfo, ClientDBMessageInfo, RawComposableMessageInfo, RawMessageInfo, RawRobotextMessageInfo, RobotextMessageInfo, } from '../../types/message-types'; import type { RawUnsupportedMessageInfo } from '../../types/messages/unsupported'; import type { NotifTexts } from '../../types/notif-types'; import type { ThreadInfo, ThreadType } from '../../types/thread-types'; import type { RelativeUserInfo } from '../../types/user-types'; import { type ParserRules } from '../markdown'; import type { GetMessageTitleViewerContext } from '../message-utils'; export type MessageTitleParam = { +messageInfo: Info, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +markdownRules: ParserRules, +viewerContext?: GetMessageTitleViewerContext, }; export type RawMessageInfoFromServerDBRowParams = { +localID: ?string, +media?: $ReadOnlyArray, +derivedMessages: $ReadOnlyMap< string, RawComposableMessageInfo | RawRobotextMessageInfo, >, }; export type CreateMessageInfoParams = { +threadInfos: { +[id: string]: ThreadInfo }, +createMessageInfoFromRaw: (rawInfo: RawMessageInfo) => ?MessageInfo, +createRelativeUserInfos: ( userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => RelativeUserInfo[], }; export type RobotextParams = { +encodedThreadEntity: (threadID: string, text: string) => string, +robotextForUsers: (users: RelativeUserInfo[]) => string, +robotextForUser: (user: RelativeUserInfo) => string, +threadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, }; export type NotificationTextsParams = { +notifThreadName: (threadInfo: ThreadInfo) => string, +notifTextForSubthreadCreation: ( creator: RelativeUserInfo, threadType: ThreadType, parentThreadInfo: ThreadInfo, childThreadName: ?string, childThreadUIName: string, ) => NotifTexts, +strippedRobotextForMessageInfo: ( messageInfo: RobotextMessageInfo, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, ) => string, +notificationTexts: ( messageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, ) => NotifTexts, }; export type GeneratesNotifsParams = { + +notifTargetUserID: string, +userNotMemberOfSubthreads: Set, + +fetchMessageInfoByID: (messageID: string) => Promise, }; export type MessageSpec = { +messageContentForServerDB?: (data: Data | RawInfo) => string, +messageContentForClientDB?: (data: RawInfo) => string, +messageTitle: (param: MessageTitleParam) => string, +rawMessageInfoFromServerDBRow?: ( row: Object, params: RawMessageInfoFromServerDBRowParams, ) => ?RawInfo, +rawMessageInfoFromClientDB: ( clientDBMessageInfo: ClientDBMessageInfo, ) => RawInfo, +createMessageInfo: ( rawMessageInfo: RawInfo, creator: RelativeUserInfo, params: CreateMessageInfoParams, ) => ?Info, +rawMessageInfoFromMessageData?: (messageData: Data, id: ?string) => RawInfo, +robotext?: ( messageInfo: Info, creator: string, params: RobotextParams, ) => string, +shimUnsupportedMessageInfo?: ( rawMessageInfo: RawInfo, platformDetails: ?PlatformDetails, ) => RawInfo | RawUnsupportedMessageInfo, +unshimMessageInfo?: ( unwrapped: RawInfo, messageInfo: RawMessageInfo, ) => ?RawMessageInfo, +notificationTexts?: ( messageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, params: NotificationTextsParams, ) => NotifTexts, +notificationCollapseKey?: (rawMessageInfo: RawInfo) => string, +generatesNotifs: ( rawMessageInfo: RawInfo, params: GeneratesNotifsParams, ) => Promise, +userIDs?: (rawMessageInfo: RawInfo) => $ReadOnlyArray, +startsThread?: boolean, +threadIDs?: (rawMessageInfo: RawInfo) => $ReadOnlyArray, +includedInRepliesCount?: boolean, }; diff --git a/lib/shared/messages/reaction-message-spec.js b/lib/shared/messages/reaction-message-spec.js index 659dc2d35..84ee0a07c 100644 --- a/lib/shared/messages/reaction-message-spec.js +++ b/lib/shared/messages/reaction-message-spec.js @@ -1,212 +1,222 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import type { PlatformDetails } from '../../types/device-types'; import { assertMessageType, messageTypes, type MessageInfo, type ClientDBMessageInfo, } from '../../types/message-types'; import type { ReactionMessageData, RawReactionMessageInfo, ReactionMessageInfo, } from '../../types/messages/reaction'; import type { RawUnsupportedMessageInfo } from '../../types/messages/unsupported'; import type { NotifTexts } from '../../types/notif-types'; import type { ThreadInfo } from '../../types/thread-types'; import type { RelativeUserInfo } from '../../types/user-types'; import { removeCreatorAsViewer } from '../message-utils'; import { threadIsGroupChat } from '../thread-utils'; import { stringForUser } from '../user-utils'; import { hasMinCodeVersion } from '../version-utils'; import type { MessageSpec, MessageTitleParam, NotificationTextsParams, + GeneratesNotifsParams, } from './message-spec'; import { assertSingleMessageInfo, joinResult } from './utils'; export const reactionMessageSpec: MessageSpec< ReactionMessageData, RawReactionMessageInfo, ReactionMessageInfo, > = Object.freeze({ messageContentForServerDB( data: ReactionMessageData | RawReactionMessageInfo, ): string { return JSON.stringify({ reaction: data.reaction, action: data.action, }); }, messageContentForClientDB(data: RawReactionMessageInfo): string { return JSON.stringify({ targetMessageID: data.targetMessageID, reaction: data.reaction, action: data.action, }); }, messageTitle({ messageInfo, viewerContext, }: MessageTitleParam) { let validMessageInfo: ReactionMessageInfo = (messageInfo: ReactionMessageInfo); if (viewerContext === 'global_viewer') { validMessageInfo = removeCreatorAsViewer(validMessageInfo); } const creator = stringForUser(validMessageInfo.creator); const preview = validMessageInfo.action === 'add_reaction' ? 'liked a message' : 'unliked a message'; return `${creator} ${preview}`; }, rawMessageInfoFromServerDBRow(row: Object): RawReactionMessageInfo { invariant( row.targetMessageID !== null && row.targetMessageID !== undefined, 'targetMessageID should be set', ); const content = JSON.parse(row.content); return { type: messageTypes.REACTION, id: row.id.toString(), threadID: row.threadID.toString(), time: row.time, creatorID: row.creatorID.toString(), targetMessageID: row.targetMessageID.toString(), reaction: content.reaction, action: content.action, }; }, rawMessageInfoFromClientDB( clientDBMessageInfo: ClientDBMessageInfo, ): RawReactionMessageInfo { const messageType = assertMessageType(parseInt(clientDBMessageInfo.type)); invariant( messageType === messageTypes.REACTION, 'message must be of type REACTION', ); invariant( clientDBMessageInfo.content !== undefined && clientDBMessageInfo.content !== null, 'content must be defined', ); const content = JSON.parse(clientDBMessageInfo.content); const rawReactionMessageInfo: RawReactionMessageInfo = { type: messageTypes.REACTION, id: clientDBMessageInfo.id, threadID: clientDBMessageInfo.thread, time: parseInt(clientDBMessageInfo.time), creatorID: clientDBMessageInfo.user, targetMessageID: content.targetMessageID, reaction: content.reaction, action: content.action, }; return rawReactionMessageInfo; }, createMessageInfo( rawMessageInfo: RawReactionMessageInfo, creator: RelativeUserInfo, ): ReactionMessageInfo { return { type: messageTypes.REACTION, id: rawMessageInfo.id, threadID: rawMessageInfo.threadID, creator, time: rawMessageInfo.time, targetMessageID: rawMessageInfo.targetMessageID, reaction: rawMessageInfo.reaction, action: rawMessageInfo.action, }; }, rawMessageInfoFromMessageData( messageData: ReactionMessageData, id: ?string, ): RawReactionMessageInfo { invariant(id, 'RawReactionMessageInfo needs id'); return { ...messageData, id }; }, shimUnsupportedMessageInfo( rawMessageInfo: RawReactionMessageInfo, platformDetails: ?PlatformDetails, ): RawReactionMessageInfo | RawUnsupportedMessageInfo { if (hasMinCodeVersion(platformDetails, 167)) { return rawMessageInfo; } const { id } = rawMessageInfo; invariant(id !== null && id !== undefined, 'id should be set on server'); return { type: messageTypes.UNSUPPORTED, id, threadID: rawMessageInfo.threadID, creatorID: rawMessageInfo.creatorID, time: rawMessageInfo.time, robotext: 'liked a message', unsupportedMessageInfo: rawMessageInfo, }; }, unshimMessageInfo(unwrapped: RawReactionMessageInfo): RawReactionMessageInfo { return unwrapped; }, notificationTexts( messageInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, threadInfo: ThreadInfo, params: NotificationTextsParams, ): NotifTexts { const messageInfo = assertSingleMessageInfo(messageInfos); invariant( messageInfo.type === messageTypes.REACTION, 'messageInfo should be reaction type', ); const userString = stringForUser(messageInfo.creator); const body = messageInfo.action === 'add_reaction' ? 'liked a message' : 'unliked a message'; let merged; if (!threadInfo.name && !threadIsGroupChat(threadInfo)) { merged = `${userString} ${body}`; } else { const threadName = params.notifThreadName(threadInfo); merged = `${userString} ${body} in ${threadName}`; } return { merged, body, title: threadInfo.uiName, prefix: userString, }; }, notificationCollapseKey(rawMessageInfo: RawReactionMessageInfo): string { return joinResult( rawMessageInfo.type, rawMessageInfo.threadID, rawMessageInfo.creatorID, rawMessageInfo.targetMessageID, ); }, - generatesNotifs: async () => true, + generatesNotifs: async ( + rawMessageInfo: RawReactionMessageInfo, + params: GeneratesNotifsParams, + ) => { + const { notifTargetUserID, fetchMessageInfoByID } = params; + const targetMessageInfo = await fetchMessageInfoByID( + rawMessageInfo.targetMessageID, + ); + return targetMessageInfo?.creatorID === notifTargetUserID; + }, });