diff --git a/lib/shared/thread-utils.js b/lib/shared/thread-utils.js index 58cf8db89..c5056a5b6 100644 --- a/lib/shared/thread-utils.js +++ b/lib/shared/thread-utils.js @@ -1,1325 +1,1326 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import _find from 'lodash/fp/find'; import * as React from 'react'; import stringHash from 'string-hash'; import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2'; import { fetchMostRecentMessagesActionTypes, fetchMostRecentMessages, } from '../actions/message-actions'; import { newThreadActionTypes } from '../actions/thread-actions'; import { searchUsers as searchUserCall } from '../actions/user-actions'; import ashoat from '../facts/ashoat'; import genesis from '../facts/genesis'; import { permissionLookup, getAllThreadPermissions, makePermissionsBlob, } from '../permissions/thread-permissions'; import type { ChatThreadItem, ChatMessageInfoItem, } from '../selectors/chat-selectors'; import { threadSearchIndex as threadSearchIndexSelector } from '../selectors/nav-selectors'; import { threadInfoSelector, locallyUniqueToRealizedThreadIDsSelector, } from '../selectors/thread-selectors'; import { getRelativeMemberInfos, usersWithPersonalThreadSelector, } from '../selectors/user-selectors'; import type { CalendarQuery } from '../types/entry-types'; import type { RobotextMessageInfo, ComposableMessageInfo, } from '../types/message-types'; import { userRelationshipStatus } from '../types/relationship-types'; import { type RawThreadInfo, type ThreadInfo, type ThreadPermission, type MemberInfo, type ServerThreadInfo, type RelativeMemberInfo, type ThreadCurrentUserInfo, type RoleInfo, type ServerMemberInfo, type ThreadPermissionsInfo, type ThreadType, type ClientNewThreadRequest, type NewThreadResult, threadTypes, threadPermissions, threadTypeIsCommunityRoot, } from '../types/thread-types'; import { type ClientUpdateInfo, updateTypes } from '../types/update-types'; import type { GlobalAccountUserInfo, UserInfos, UserInfo, AccountUserInfo, } from '../types/user-types'; import { useDispatchActionPromise, useServerCall } from '../utils/action-utils'; import type { DispatchActionPromise } from '../utils/action-utils'; import { useSelector } from '../utils/redux-utils'; import { firstLine } from '../utils/string-utils'; import { pluralize, trimText } from '../utils/text-utils'; import { type ParserRules } from './markdown'; import { getMessageTitle } from './message-utils'; import { relationshipBlockedInEitherDirection } from './relationship-utils'; import threadWatcher from './thread-watcher'; function colorIsDark(color: string): boolean { return tinycolor(`#${color}`).isDark(); } const selectedThreadColors = [ 'B8753D', 'C85000', 'AA4B4B', '4B87AA', '648CAA', '57697F', '6D49AB', '00A591', '008F83', '575757', ]; function generateRandomColor(): string { return selectedThreadColors[ Math.floor(Math.random() * selectedThreadColors.length) ]; } function generatePendingThreadColor(userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray): string { const ids = [...userIDs].sort().join('#'); const colorIdx = stringHash(ids) % selectedThreadColors.length; return selectedThreadColors[colorIdx]; } function threadHasPermission( threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo), permission: ThreadPermission, ): boolean { if (!threadInfo) { return false; } invariant( !permissionsDisabledByBlock.has(permission) || threadInfo?.uiName, `${permission} can be disabled by a block, but threadHasPermission can't ` + 'check for a block on RawThreadInfo. Please pass in ThreadInfo instead!', ); if (!threadInfo.currentUser.permissions[permission]) { return false; } return threadInfo.currentUser.permissions[permission].value; } function viewerIsMember(threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)): boolean { return !!( threadInfo && threadInfo.currentUser.role !== null && threadInfo.currentUser.role !== undefined ); } function threadIsInHome(threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)): boolean { return !!(threadInfo && threadInfo.currentUser.subscription.home); } // Can have messages function threadInChatList(threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)): boolean { return ( viewerIsMember(threadInfo) && threadHasPermission(threadInfo, threadPermissions.VISIBLE) ); } function threadIsTopLevel(threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)): boolean { - return !!( - threadInChatList(threadInfo) && - threadInfo && - threadInfo.type !== threadTypes.SIDEBAR - ); + return threadInChatList(threadInfo) && threadIsChannel(threadInfo); +} + +function threadIsChannel(threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo)): boolean { + return !!(threadInfo && threadInfo.type !== threadTypes.SIDEBAR); } function threadInBackgroundChatList( threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo), ): boolean { return threadInChatList(threadInfo) && !threadIsInHome(threadInfo); } function threadInHomeChatList( threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo), ): boolean { return threadInChatList(threadInfo) && threadIsInHome(threadInfo); } // Can have Calendar entries, // does appear as a top-level entity in the thread list function threadInFilterList( threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo), ): boolean { return ( threadInChatList(threadInfo) && !!threadInfo && threadInfo.type !== threadTypes.SIDEBAR ); } function userIsMember( threadInfo: ?(ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo), userID: string, ): boolean { if (!threadInfo) { return false; } if (threadInfo.id === genesis.id) { return true; } return threadInfo.members.some(member => member.id === userID && member.role); } function threadActualMembers( memberInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, ): $ReadOnlyArray { return memberInfos .filter(memberInfo => memberInfo.role) .map(memberInfo => memberInfo.id); } function threadIsGroupChat(threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo): boolean { return ( threadInfo.members.filter(member => { if ( member.id === ashoat.id && !member.role && threadInfo.community === genesis.id ) { return false; } return member.role || member.permissions[threadPermissions.VOICED]?.value; }).length > 2 ); } function threadOrParentThreadIsGroupChat( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, ) { return threadInfo.members.length > 2; } function threadIsPending(threadID: ?string): boolean { return !!threadID?.startsWith('pending'); } function getThreadOtherUsers( threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, ): string[] { const otherUserIDs = []; for (const member of threadInfo.members) { if (!member.role || member.id === viewerID) { continue; } otherUserIDs.push(member.id); } return otherUserIDs; } function getSingleOtherUser( threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, ): ?string { if (!viewerID) { return undefined; } const otherMemberIDs = getThreadOtherUsers(threadInfo, viewerID); if (otherMemberIDs.length !== 1) { return undefined; } return otherMemberIDs[0]; } function getLocallyUniqueThreadID( threadType: ThreadType, memberIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, sourceMessageID: ?string, ): string { const pendingThreadKey = sourceMessageID ? `sidebar/${sourceMessageID}` : [...memberIDs].sort().join('+'); const pendingThreadTypeString = sourceMessageID ? '' : `type${threadType}/`; return `pending/${pendingThreadTypeString}${pendingThreadKey}`; } type CreatePendingThreadArgs = { +viewerID: string, +threadType: ThreadType, +members?: $ReadOnlyArray, +parentThreadInfo?: ?ThreadInfo, +threadColor?: ?string, +name?: ?string, +sourceMessageID?: string, }; function createPendingThread({ viewerID, threadType, members, parentThreadInfo, threadColor, name, sourceMessageID, }: CreatePendingThreadArgs): ThreadInfo { const now = Date.now(); const nonViewerMembers = members ? members.filter(member => member.id !== viewerID) : []; const nonViewerMemberIDs = nonViewerMembers.map(member => member.id); const memberIDs = [...nonViewerMemberIDs, viewerID]; const threadID = getLocallyUniqueThreadID( threadType, memberIDs, sourceMessageID, ); const permissions = { [threadPermissions.KNOW_OF]: true, [threadPermissions.VISIBLE]: true, [threadPermissions.VOICED]: true, }; const membershipPermissions = getAllThreadPermissions( makePermissionsBlob(permissions, null, threadID, threadType), threadID, ); const role = { id: `${threadID}/role`, name: 'Members', permissions, isDefault: true, }; const rawThreadInfo = { id: threadID, type: threadType, name: name ?? null, description: null, color: threadColor ?? generatePendingThreadColor(memberIDs), creationTime: now, parentThreadID: parentThreadInfo?.id ?? null, containingThreadID: getContainingThreadID(parentThreadInfo, threadType), community: getCommunity(parentThreadInfo), members: [ { id: viewerID, role: role.id, permissions: membershipPermissions, isSender: false, }, ...nonViewerMembers.map(member => ({ id: member.id, role: role.id, permissions: membershipPermissions, isSender: false, })), ], roles: { [role.id]: role, }, currentUser: { role: role.id, permissions: membershipPermissions, subscription: { pushNotifs: false, home: false, }, unread: false, }, repliesCount: 0, sourceMessageID, }; const userInfos = {}; nonViewerMembers.forEach(member => (userInfos[member.id] = member)); return threadInfoFromRawThreadInfo(rawThreadInfo, viewerID, userInfos); } function createPendingThreadItem( viewerID: string, user: GlobalAccountUserInfo, ): ChatThreadItem { const threadInfo = createPendingThread({ viewerID, threadType: threadTypes.PERSONAL, members: [user], }); return { type: 'chatThreadItem', threadInfo, mostRecentMessageInfo: null, mostRecentNonLocalMessage: null, lastUpdatedTime: threadInfo.creationTime, lastUpdatedTimeIncludingSidebars: threadInfo.creationTime, sidebars: [], pendingPersonalThreadUserInfo: { id: user.id, username: user.username, }, }; } function createPendingSidebar( sourceMessageInfo: ComposableMessageInfo | RobotextMessageInfo, parentThreadInfo: ThreadInfo, viewerID: string, markdownRules: ParserRules, ): ThreadInfo { const { color, type: parentThreadType } = parentThreadInfo; const messageTitle = getMessageTitle( sourceMessageInfo, parentThreadInfo, markdownRules, 'global_viewer', ); const threadName = trimText(messageTitle, 30); const initialMembers = new Map(); if (userIsMember(parentThreadInfo, sourceMessageInfo.creator.id)) { const { id: sourceAuthorID, username: sourceAuthorUsername, } = sourceMessageInfo.creator; invariant( sourceAuthorUsername, 'sourceAuthorUsername should be set in createPendingSidebar', ); const initialMemberUserInfo: GlobalAccountUserInfo = { id: sourceAuthorID, username: sourceAuthorUsername, }; initialMembers.set(sourceAuthorID, initialMemberUserInfo); } const singleOtherUser = getSingleOtherUser(parentThreadInfo, viewerID); if (parentThreadType === threadTypes.PERSONAL && singleOtherUser) { const singleOtherUsername = parentThreadInfo.members.find( member => member.id === singleOtherUser, )?.username; invariant( singleOtherUsername, 'singleOtherUsername should be set in createPendingSidebar', ); const singleOtherUserInfo: GlobalAccountUserInfo = { id: singleOtherUser, username: singleOtherUsername, }; initialMembers.set(singleOtherUser, singleOtherUserInfo); } return createPendingThread({ viewerID, threadType: threadTypes.SIDEBAR, members: [...initialMembers.values()], parentThreadInfo, threadColor: color, name: threadName, sourceMessageID: sourceMessageInfo.id, }); } function pendingThreadType(numberOfOtherMembers: number): 4 | 6 | 7 { if (numberOfOtherMembers === 0) { return threadTypes.PRIVATE; } else if (numberOfOtherMembers === 1) { return threadTypes.PERSONAL; } else { return threadTypes.LOCAL; } } function threadTypeCanBePending(threadType: ThreadType): boolean { return ( threadType === threadTypes.PERSONAL || threadType === threadTypes.LOCAL || threadType === threadTypes.SIDEBAR || threadType === threadTypes.PRIVATE ); } type CreateRealThreadParameters = { +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +dispatchActionPromise: DispatchActionPromise, +createNewThread: ClientNewThreadRequest => Promise, +sourceMessageID: ?string, +viewerID: ?string, +handleError?: () => mixed, +calendarQuery: CalendarQuery, }; async function createRealThreadFromPendingThread({ threadInfo, dispatchActionPromise, createNewThread, sourceMessageID, viewerID, calendarQuery, }: CreateRealThreadParameters): Promise { if (!threadIsPending(threadInfo.id)) { return threadInfo.id; } const otherMemberIDs = getThreadOtherUsers(threadInfo, viewerID); let resultPromise; if (threadInfo.type !== threadTypes.SIDEBAR) { invariant( otherMemberIDs.length > 0, 'otherMemberIDs should not be empty for threads', ); resultPromise = createNewThread({ type: pendingThreadType(otherMemberIDs.length), initialMemberIDs: otherMemberIDs, color: threadInfo.color, calendarQuery, }); } else { invariant( sourceMessageID, 'sourceMessageID should be set when creating a sidebar', ); resultPromise = createNewThread({ type: threadTypes.SIDEBAR, initialMemberIDs: otherMemberIDs, color: threadInfo.color, sourceMessageID, parentThreadID: threadInfo.parentThreadID, name: threadInfo.name, calendarQuery, }); } dispatchActionPromise(newThreadActionTypes, resultPromise); const { newThreadID } = await resultPromise; return newThreadID; } type RawThreadInfoOptions = { +includeVisibilityRules?: ?boolean, +filterMemberList?: ?boolean, +hideThreadStructure?: ?boolean, +shimThreadTypes?: ?{ +[inType: ThreadType]: ThreadType, }, +filterDetailedThreadEditPermissions?: boolean, }; function rawThreadInfoFromServerThreadInfo( serverThreadInfo: ServerThreadInfo, viewerID: string, options?: RawThreadInfoOptions, ): ?RawThreadInfo { const includeVisibilityRules = options?.includeVisibilityRules; const filterMemberList = options?.filterMemberList; const hideThreadStructure = options?.hideThreadStructure; const shimThreadTypes = options?.shimThreadTypes; const filterDetailedThreadEditPermissions = options?.filterDetailedThreadEditPermissions; const members = []; let currentUser; for (const serverMember of serverThreadInfo.members) { if ( filterMemberList && serverMember.id !== viewerID && !serverMember.role && !memberHasAdminPowers(serverMember) ) { continue; } if ( serverThreadInfo.id === genesis.id && serverMember.id !== viewerID && serverMember.id !== ashoat.id ) { continue; } const memberPermissions = filterThreadEditDetailedPermissions( serverMember.permissions, filterDetailedThreadEditPermissions, ); members.push({ id: serverMember.id, role: serverMember.role, permissions: memberPermissions, isSender: serverMember.isSender, }); if (serverMember.id === viewerID) { currentUser = { role: serverMember.role, permissions: memberPermissions, subscription: serverMember.subscription, unread: serverMember.unread, }; } } let currentUserPermissions; if (currentUser) { currentUserPermissions = currentUser.permissions; } else { currentUserPermissions = filterThreadEditDetailedPermissions( getAllThreadPermissions(null, serverThreadInfo.id), filterDetailedThreadEditPermissions, ); currentUser = { role: null, permissions: currentUserPermissions, subscription: { home: false, pushNotifs: false, }, unread: null, }; } if (!permissionLookup(currentUserPermissions, threadPermissions.KNOW_OF)) { return null; } let { type } = serverThreadInfo; if ( shimThreadTypes && shimThreadTypes[type] !== null && shimThreadTypes[type] !== undefined ) { type = shimThreadTypes[type]; } let rawThreadInfo: any = { id: serverThreadInfo.id, type, name: serverThreadInfo.name, description: serverThreadInfo.description, color: serverThreadInfo.color, creationTime: serverThreadInfo.creationTime, parentThreadID: serverThreadInfo.parentThreadID, members, roles: serverThreadInfo.roles, currentUser, repliesCount: serverThreadInfo.repliesCount, }; if (!hideThreadStructure) { rawThreadInfo = { ...rawThreadInfo, containingThreadID: serverThreadInfo.containingThreadID, community: serverThreadInfo.community, }; } const sourceMessageID = serverThreadInfo.sourceMessageID; if (sourceMessageID) { rawThreadInfo = { ...rawThreadInfo, sourceMessageID }; } if (includeVisibilityRules) { return { ...rawThreadInfo, visibilityRules: rawThreadInfo.type, }; } return rawThreadInfo; } function filterThreadEditDetailedPermissions( permissions: ThreadPermissionsInfo, shouldFilter: ?boolean, ): ThreadPermissionsInfo { if (!shouldFilter) { return permissions; } const { edit_thread_color, edit_thread_description, ...newPermissions } = permissions; return newPermissions; } function robotextName( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, ): string { const threadUsernames = getThreadOtherUsers(threadInfo, viewerID) .map(memberID => userInfos[memberID] && userInfos[memberID].username) .filter(Boolean); if (threadUsernames.length === 0) { return 'just you'; } return pluralize(threadUsernames); } function threadUIName( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, ): string { const uiName = threadInfo.name ? threadInfo.name : robotextName(threadInfo, viewerID, userInfos); return firstLine(uiName); } function threadInfoFromRawThreadInfo( rawThreadInfo: RawThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, ): ThreadInfo { let threadInfo: ThreadInfo = { id: rawThreadInfo.id, type: rawThreadInfo.type, name: rawThreadInfo.name, uiName: threadUIName(rawThreadInfo, viewerID, userInfos), description: rawThreadInfo.description, color: rawThreadInfo.color, creationTime: rawThreadInfo.creationTime, parentThreadID: rawThreadInfo.parentThreadID, containingThreadID: rawThreadInfo.containingThreadID, community: rawThreadInfo.community, members: getRelativeMemberInfos(rawThreadInfo, viewerID, userInfos), roles: rawThreadInfo.roles, currentUser: getCurrentUser(rawThreadInfo, viewerID, userInfos), repliesCount: rawThreadInfo.repliesCount, }; const { sourceMessageID } = rawThreadInfo; if (sourceMessageID) { threadInfo = { ...threadInfo, sourceMessageID }; } return threadInfo; } function getCurrentUser( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, ): ThreadCurrentUserInfo { if (!threadFrozenDueToBlock(threadInfo, viewerID, userInfos)) { return threadInfo.currentUser; } return { ...threadInfo.currentUser, permissions: { ...threadInfo.currentUser.permissions, ...disabledPermissions, }, }; } function threadIsWithBlockedUserOnly( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, checkOnlyViewerBlock?: boolean, ): boolean { if ( threadInfo.type !== threadTypes.PERSONAL && (threadOrParentThreadIsGroupChat(threadInfo) || threadOrParentThreadHasAdminRole(threadInfo)) ) { return false; } const otherUserID = getSingleOtherUser(threadInfo, viewerID); if (!otherUserID) { return false; } const otherUserRelationshipStatus = userInfos[otherUserID]?.relationshipStatus; if (checkOnlyViewerBlock) { return ( otherUserRelationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_BY_VIEWER ); } return ( !!otherUserRelationshipStatus && relationshipBlockedInEitherDirection(otherUserRelationshipStatus) ); } function threadFrozenDueToBlock( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, ): boolean { return threadIsWithBlockedUserOnly(threadInfo, viewerID, userInfos); } function threadFrozenDueToViewerBlock( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, viewerID: ?string, userInfos: UserInfos, ): boolean { return threadIsWithBlockedUserOnly(threadInfo, viewerID, userInfos, true); } function rawThreadInfoFromThreadInfo(threadInfo: ThreadInfo): RawThreadInfo { let rawThreadInfo: RawThreadInfo = { id: threadInfo.id, type: threadInfo.type, name: threadInfo.name, description: threadInfo.description, color: threadInfo.color, creationTime: threadInfo.creationTime, parentThreadID: threadInfo.parentThreadID, containingThreadID: threadInfo.containingThreadID, community: threadInfo.community, members: threadInfo.members.map(relativeMemberInfo => ({ id: relativeMemberInfo.id, role: relativeMemberInfo.role, permissions: relativeMemberInfo.permissions, isSender: relativeMemberInfo.isSender, })), roles: threadInfo.roles, currentUser: threadInfo.currentUser, repliesCount: threadInfo.repliesCount, }; const { sourceMessageID } = threadInfo; if (sourceMessageID) { rawThreadInfo = { ...rawThreadInfo, sourceMessageID }; } return rawThreadInfo; } const threadTypeDescriptions: { [ThreadType]: string } = { [threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_SUBTHREAD]: 'Anybody in the parent thread can see an open child thread.', [threadTypes.COMMUNITY_SECRET_SUBTHREAD]: 'Only visible to its members and admins of ancestor threads.', }; function usersInThreadInfo(threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo): string[] { const userIDs = new Set(); for (const member of threadInfo.members) { userIDs.add(member.id); } return [...userIDs]; } function memberIsAdmin( memberInfo: RelativeMemberInfo | MemberInfo, threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo, ): boolean { return !!( memberInfo.role && roleIsAdminRole(threadInfo.roles[memberInfo.role]) ); } // Since we don't have access to all of the ancestor ThreadInfos, we approximate // "parent admin" as anybody with CHANGE_ROLE permissions. function memberHasAdminPowers( memberInfo: RelativeMemberInfo | MemberInfo | ServerMemberInfo, ): boolean { return !!memberInfo.permissions[threadPermissions.CHANGE_ROLE]?.value; } function roleIsAdminRole(roleInfo: ?RoleInfo): boolean { return !!(roleInfo && !roleInfo.isDefault && roleInfo.name === 'Admins'); } function threadHasAdminRole( threadInfo: ?(RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo | ServerThreadInfo), ): boolean { if (!threadInfo) { return false; } return !!_find({ name: 'Admins' })(threadInfo.roles); } function threadOrParentThreadHasAdminRole( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, ) { return ( threadInfo.members.filter(member => memberHasAdminPowers(member)).length > 0 ); } function identifyInvalidatedThreads( updateInfos: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Set { const invalidated = new Set(); for (const updateInfo of updateInfos) { if (updateInfo.type === updateTypes.DELETE_THREAD) { invalidated.add(updateInfo.threadID); } } return invalidated; } const permissionsDisabledByBlockArray = [ threadPermissions.VOICED, threadPermissions.EDIT_ENTRIES, threadPermissions.EDIT_THREAD_NAME, threadPermissions.EDIT_THREAD_COLOR, threadPermissions.EDIT_THREAD_DESCRIPTION, threadPermissions.CREATE_SUBCHANNELS, threadPermissions.CREATE_SIDEBARS, threadPermissions.JOIN_THREAD, threadPermissions.EDIT_PERMISSIONS, threadPermissions.ADD_MEMBERS, threadPermissions.REMOVE_MEMBERS, ]; const permissionsDisabledByBlock: Set = new Set( permissionsDisabledByBlockArray, ); const disabledPermissions: ThreadPermissionsInfo = permissionsDisabledByBlockArray.reduce( (permissions: ThreadPermissionsInfo, permission: string) => ({ ...permissions, [permission]: { value: false, source: null }, }), {}, ); // Consider updating itemHeight in native/chat/chat-thread-list.react.js // if you change this const emptyItemText: string = `Background threads are just like normal threads, except they don't ` + `contribute to your unread count.\n\n` + `To move a thread over here, switch the “Background” option in its settings.`; const threadSearchText = ( threadInfo: RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, userInfos: UserInfos, viewerID: ?string, ): string => { const searchTextArray = []; if (threadInfo.name) { searchTextArray.push(threadInfo.name); } if (threadInfo.description) { searchTextArray.push(threadInfo.description); } for (const member of threadInfo.members) { const isParentAdmin = memberHasAdminPowers(member); if (!member.role && !isParentAdmin) { continue; } if (member.id === viewerID) { continue; } const userInfo = userInfos[member.id]; if (userInfo && userInfo.username) { searchTextArray.push(userInfo.username); } } return searchTextArray.join(' '); }; function threadNoun(threadType: ThreadType): string { return threadType === threadTypes.SIDEBAR ? 'sidebar' : 'thread'; } function threadLabel(threadType: ThreadType): string { if ( threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_SUBTHREAD || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD ) { return 'Open'; } else if (threadType === threadTypes.PERSONAL) { return 'Personal'; } else if (threadType === threadTypes.SIDEBAR) { return 'Sidebar'; } else if (threadType === threadTypes.PRIVATE) { return 'Private'; } else if ( threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_ROOT || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_ANNOUNCEMENT_ROOT || threadType === threadTypes.GENESIS ) { return 'Community'; } else { return 'Secret'; } } function useWatchThread(threadInfo: ?ThreadInfo) { const dispatchActionPromise = useDispatchActionPromise(); const callFetchMostRecentMessages = useServerCall(fetchMostRecentMessages); const threadID = threadInfo?.id; const threadNotInChatList = !threadInChatList(threadInfo); React.useEffect(() => { if (threadID && threadNotInChatList) { threadWatcher.watchID(threadID); dispatchActionPromise( fetchMostRecentMessagesActionTypes, callFetchMostRecentMessages(threadID), ); } return () => { if (threadID && threadNotInChatList) { threadWatcher.removeID(threadID); } }; }, [ callFetchMostRecentMessages, dispatchActionPromise, threadNotInChatList, threadID, ]); } type ExistingThreadInfoFinderParams = { +searching: boolean, +userInfoInputArray: $ReadOnlyArray, }; type ExistingThreadInfoFinder = ( params: ExistingThreadInfoFinderParams, ) => ?ThreadInfo; function useExistingThreadInfoFinder( baseThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, ): ExistingThreadInfoFinder { const threadInfos = useSelector(threadInfoSelector); const viewerID = useSelector( state => state.currentUserInfo && state.currentUserInfo.id, ); const userInfos = useSelector(state => state.userStore.userInfos); const locallyUniqueToRealizedThreadIDs = useSelector(state => locallyUniqueToRealizedThreadIDsSelector(state.threadStore.threadInfos), ); return React.useCallback( (params: ExistingThreadInfoFinderParams): ?ThreadInfo => { if (!baseThreadInfo) { return null; } const realizedThreadInfo = threadInfos[baseThreadInfo.id]; if (realizedThreadInfo) { return realizedThreadInfo; } if (!viewerID || !threadIsPending(baseThreadInfo.id)) { return baseThreadInfo; } invariant( threadTypeCanBePending(baseThreadInfo.type), `ThreadInfo has pending ID ${baseThreadInfo.id}, but type that ` + `should not be pending ${baseThreadInfo.type}`, ); const { searching, userInfoInputArray } = params; const { sourceMessageID } = baseThreadInfo; const pendingThreadID = searching ? getLocallyUniqueThreadID( pendingThreadType(userInfoInputArray.length), [...userInfoInputArray.map(user => user.id), viewerID], sourceMessageID, ) : getLocallyUniqueThreadID( baseThreadInfo.type, baseThreadInfo.members.map(member => member.id), sourceMessageID, ); const realizedThreadID = locallyUniqueToRealizedThreadIDs.get( pendingThreadID, ); if (realizedThreadID && threadInfos[realizedThreadID]) { return threadInfos[realizedThreadID]; } const updatedThread = searching ? createPendingThread({ viewerID, threadType: pendingThreadType(userInfoInputArray.length), members: userInfoInputArray, }) : baseThreadInfo; return { ...updatedThread, currentUser: getCurrentUser(updatedThread, viewerID, userInfos), }; }, [ baseThreadInfo, threadInfos, viewerID, locallyUniqueToRealizedThreadIDs, userInfos, ], ); } type ThreadTypeParentRequirement = 'optional' | 'required' | 'disabled'; function getThreadTypeParentRequirement( threadType: ThreadType, ): ThreadTypeParentRequirement { if ( threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_SUBTHREAD || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_OPEN_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD || //threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_SECRET_SUBTHREAD || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_SECRET_ANNOUNCEMENT_SUBTHREAD || threadType === threadTypes.SIDEBAR ) { return 'required'; } else if ( threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_ROOT || threadType === threadTypes.COMMUNITY_ANNOUNCEMENT_ROOT || threadType === threadTypes.GENESIS || threadType === threadTypes.PERSONAL || threadType === threadTypes.PRIVATE ) { return 'disabled'; } else { return 'optional'; } } function threadMemberHasPermission( threadInfo: ServerThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, memberID: string, permission: ThreadPermission, ): boolean { for (const member of threadInfo.members) { if (member.id !== memberID) { continue; } return permissionLookup(member.permissions, permission); } return false; } function useCanCreateSidebarFromMessage( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, messageInfo: ComposableMessageInfo | RobotextMessageInfo, ): boolean { const messageCreatorUserInfo = useSelector( state => state.userStore.userInfos[messageInfo.creator.id], ); if (!messageInfo.id || threadInfo.sourceMessageID === messageInfo.id) { return false; } const messageCreatorRelationship = messageCreatorUserInfo?.relationshipStatus; const creatorRelationshipHasBlock = messageCreatorRelationship && relationshipBlockedInEitherDirection(messageCreatorRelationship); const hasPermission = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.CREATE_SIDEBARS, ); return hasPermission && !creatorRelationshipHasBlock; } function useSidebarExistsOrCanBeCreated( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, messageItem: ChatMessageInfoItem, ): boolean { const canCreateSidebarFromMessage = useCanCreateSidebarFromMessage( threadInfo, messageItem.messageInfo, ); return !!messageItem.threadCreatedFromMessage || canCreateSidebarFromMessage; } function checkIfDefaultMembersAreVoiced(threadInfo: ThreadInfo): boolean { const defaultRoleID = Object.keys(threadInfo.roles).find( roleID => threadInfo.roles[roleID].isDefault, ); invariant( defaultRoleID !== undefined, 'all threads should have a default role', ); const defaultRole = threadInfo.roles[defaultRoleID]; return !!defaultRole.permissions[threadPermissions.VOICED]; } function draftKeyFromThreadID(threadID: string): string { return `${threadID}/message_composer`; } function getContainingThreadID( parentThreadInfo: ?ServerThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, threadType: ThreadType, ): ?string { if (!parentThreadInfo) { return null; } if (threadType === threadTypes.SIDEBAR) { return parentThreadInfo.id; } if (!parentThreadInfo.containingThreadID) { return parentThreadInfo.id; } return parentThreadInfo.containingThreadID; } function getCommunity( parentThreadInfo: ?ServerThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo | ThreadInfo, ): ?string { if (!parentThreadInfo) { return null; } const { id, community, type } = parentThreadInfo; if (community !== null && community !== undefined) { return community; } if (threadTypeIsCommunityRoot(type)) { return id; } return null; } function getThreadListSearchResults( chatListData: $ReadOnlyArray, searchText: string, threadFilter: ThreadInfo => boolean, threadSearchResults: $ReadOnlySet, usersSearchResults: $ReadOnlyArray, viewerID: ?string, ): $ReadOnlyArray { if (!searchText) { return chatListData.filter( item => threadIsTopLevel(item.threadInfo) && threadFilter(item.threadInfo), ); } const privateThreads = []; const personalThreads = []; const otherThreads = []; for (const item of chatListData) { if (!threadSearchResults.has(item.threadInfo.id)) { continue; } if (item.threadInfo.type === threadTypes.PRIVATE) { privateThreads.push({ ...item, sidebars: [] }); } else if (item.threadInfo.type === threadTypes.PERSONAL) { personalThreads.push({ ...item, sidebars: [] }); } else { otherThreads.push({ ...item, sidebars: [] }); } } const chatItems = [...privateThreads, ...personalThreads, ...otherThreads]; if (viewerID) { chatItems.push( ...usersSearchResults.map(user => createPendingThreadItem(viewerID, user), ), ); } return chatItems; } type ThreadListSearchResult = { +threadSearchResults: $ReadOnlySet, +usersSearchResults: $ReadOnlyArray, }; function useThreadListSearch( chatListData: $ReadOnlyArray, searchText: string, viewerID: ?string, ): ThreadListSearchResult { const callSearchUsers = useServerCall(searchUserCall); const usersWithPersonalThread = useSelector(usersWithPersonalThreadSelector); const searchUsers = React.useCallback( async (usernamePrefix: string) => { if (usernamePrefix.length === 0) { return []; } const { userInfos } = await callSearchUsers(usernamePrefix); return userInfos.filter( info => !usersWithPersonalThread.has(info.id) && info.id !== viewerID, ); }, [callSearchUsers, usersWithPersonalThread, viewerID], ); const [threadSearchResults, setThreadSearchResults] = React.useState( new Set(), ); const [usersSearchResults, setUsersSearchResults] = React.useState([]); const threadSearchIndex = useSelector(threadSearchIndexSelector); React.useEffect(() => { (async () => { const results = threadSearchIndex.getSearchResults(searchText); setThreadSearchResults(new Set(results)); const usersResults = await searchUsers(searchText); setUsersSearchResults(usersResults); })(); }, [searchText, chatListData, threadSearchIndex, searchUsers]); return { threadSearchResults, usersSearchResults }; } export { colorIsDark, generateRandomColor, generatePendingThreadColor, threadHasPermission, viewerIsMember, threadInChatList, threadIsTopLevel, + threadIsChannel, threadInBackgroundChatList, threadInHomeChatList, threadIsInHome, threadInFilterList, userIsMember, threadActualMembers, threadIsGroupChat, threadIsPending, getSingleOtherUser, getLocallyUniqueThreadID, createPendingThread, createPendingThreadItem, createPendingSidebar, pendingThreadType, createRealThreadFromPendingThread, getCurrentUser, threadFrozenDueToBlock, threadFrozenDueToViewerBlock, rawThreadInfoFromServerThreadInfo, filterThreadEditDetailedPermissions, robotextName, threadInfoFromRawThreadInfo, rawThreadInfoFromThreadInfo, threadTypeDescriptions, usersInThreadInfo, memberIsAdmin, memberHasAdminPowers, roleIsAdminRole, threadHasAdminRole, identifyInvalidatedThreads, permissionsDisabledByBlock, emptyItemText, threadSearchText, threadNoun, threadLabel, useWatchThread, useExistingThreadInfoFinder, getThreadTypeParentRequirement, threadMemberHasPermission, useCanCreateSidebarFromMessage, useSidebarExistsOrCanBeCreated, checkIfDefaultMembersAreVoiced, draftKeyFromThreadID, threadTypeCanBePending, getContainingThreadID, getCommunity, getThreadListSearchResults, useThreadListSearch, }; diff --git a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings.react.js b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings.react.js index 645f86210..7865c452c 100644 --- a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings.react.js +++ b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings.react.js @@ -1,1161 +1,1159 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; import { View, FlatList, Platform } from 'react-native'; import { createSelector } from 'reselect'; import { changeThreadSettingsActionTypes, leaveThreadActionTypes, removeUsersFromThreadActionTypes, changeThreadMemberRolesActionTypes, } from 'lib/actions/thread-actions'; import { createLoadingStatusSelector } from 'lib/selectors/loading-selectors'; import { threadInfoSelector, childThreadInfos, } from 'lib/selectors/thread-selectors'; import { getAvailableRelationshipButtons } from 'lib/shared/relationship-utils'; import { threadHasPermission, viewerIsMember, threadInChatList, getSingleOtherUser, + threadIsChannel, } from 'lib/shared/thread-utils'; import threadWatcher from 'lib/shared/thread-watcher'; import type { RelationshipButton } from 'lib/types/relationship-types'; import { type ThreadInfo, type RelativeMemberInfo, threadPermissions, threadTypes, } from 'lib/types/thread-types'; import type { UserInfos } from 'lib/types/user-types'; import ThreadAncestors from '../../components/thread-ancestors.react'; import { type KeyboardState, KeyboardContext, } from '../../keyboard/keyboard-state'; import type { TabNavigationProp } from '../../navigation/app-navigator.react'; import { defaultStackScreenOptions } from '../../navigation/options'; import { OverlayContext, type OverlayContextType, } from '../../navigation/overlay-context'; import type { NavigationRoute } from '../../navigation/route-names'; import { AddUsersModalRouteName, ComposeSubchannelModalRouteName, } from '../../navigation/route-names'; import { useSelector } from '../../redux/redux-utils'; import type { AppState } from '../../redux/state-types'; import { useStyles, type IndicatorStyle, useIndicatorStyle, } from '../../themes/colors'; import type { VerticalBounds } from '../../types/layout-types'; import type { ViewStyle } from '../../types/styles'; import type { ChatNavigationProp } from '../chat.react'; import type { CategoryType } from './thread-settings-category.react'; import { ThreadSettingsCategoryHeader, ThreadSettingsCategoryFooter, } from './thread-settings-category.react'; import ThreadSettingsChildThread from './thread-settings-child-thread.react'; import ThreadSettingsColor from './thread-settings-color.react'; import ThreadSettingsDeleteThread from './thread-settings-delete-thread.react'; import ThreadSettingsDescription from './thread-settings-description.react'; import ThreadSettingsEditRelationship from './thread-settings-edit-relationship.react'; import ThreadSettingsHomeNotifs from './thread-settings-home-notifs.react'; import ThreadSettingsLeaveThread from './thread-settings-leave-thread.react'; import { ThreadSettingsSeeMore, ThreadSettingsAddMember, ThreadSettingsAddSubchannel, } from './thread-settings-list-action.react'; import ThreadSettingsMember from './thread-settings-member.react'; import ThreadSettingsName from './thread-settings-name.react'; import ThreadSettingsParent from './thread-settings-parent.react'; import ThreadSettingsPromoteSidebar from './thread-settings-promote-sidebar.react'; import ThreadSettingsPushNotifs from './thread-settings-push-notifs.react'; import ThreadSettingsVisibility from './thread-settings-visibility.react'; const itemPageLength = 5; export type ThreadSettingsParams = { +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, }; export type ThreadSettingsNavigate = $PropertyType< ChatNavigationProp<'ThreadSettings'>, 'navigate', >; type ChatSettingsItem = | { +itemType: 'header', +key: string, +title: string, +categoryType: CategoryType, } | { +itemType: 'footer', +key: string, +categoryType: CategoryType, } | { +itemType: 'name', +key: string, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +nameEditValue: ?string, +canChangeSettings: boolean, } | { +itemType: 'color', +key: string, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +colorEditValue: string, +canChangeSettings: boolean, +navigate: ThreadSettingsNavigate, +threadSettingsRouteKey: string, } | { +itemType: 'description', +key: string, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +descriptionEditValue: ?string, +descriptionTextHeight: ?number, +canChangeSettings: boolean, } | { +itemType: 'parent', +key: string, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +parentThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, } | { +itemType: 'visibility', +key: string, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, } | { +itemType: 'pushNotifs', +key: string, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, } | { +itemType: 'homeNotifs', +key: string, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, } | { +itemType: 'seeMore', +key: string, +onPress: () => void, } | { +itemType: 'childThread', +key: string, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +firstListItem: boolean, +lastListItem: boolean, } | { +itemType: 'addSubchannel', +key: string, } | { +itemType: 'member', +key: string, +memberInfo: RelativeMemberInfo, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +canEdit: boolean, +navigate: ThreadSettingsNavigate, +firstListItem: boolean, +lastListItem: boolean, +verticalBounds: ?VerticalBounds, +threadSettingsRouteKey: string, } | { +itemType: 'addMember', +key: string, } | { +itemType: 'promoteSidebar' | 'leaveThread' | 'deleteThread', +key: string, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +navigate: ThreadSettingsNavigate, +buttonStyle: ViewStyle, } | { +itemType: 'editRelationship', +key: string, +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, +navigate: ThreadSettingsNavigate, +buttonStyle: ViewStyle, +relationshipButton: RelationshipButton, }; type BaseProps = { +navigation: ChatNavigationProp<'ThreadSettings'>, +route: NavigationRoute<'ThreadSettings'>, }; type Props = { ...BaseProps, // Redux state +userInfos: UserInfos, +viewerID: ?string, +threadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, +parentThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, +childThreadInfos: ?$ReadOnlyArray, +somethingIsSaving: boolean, +styles: typeof unboundStyles, +indicatorStyle: IndicatorStyle, // withOverlayContext +overlayContext: ?OverlayContextType, // withKeyboardState +keyboardState: ?KeyboardState, }; type State = { +numMembersShowing: number, +numSubchannelsShowing: number, +numSidebarsShowing: number, +nameEditValue: ?string, +descriptionEditValue: ?string, +descriptionTextHeight: ?number, +colorEditValue: string, +verticalBounds: ?VerticalBounds, }; type PropsAndState = { ...Props, ...State }; class ThreadSettings extends React.PureComponent { flatListContainer: ?React.ElementRef; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); const threadInfo = props.threadInfo; invariant(threadInfo, 'ThreadInfo should exist when ThreadSettings opened'); this.state = { numMembersShowing: itemPageLength, numSubchannelsShowing: itemPageLength, numSidebarsShowing: itemPageLength, nameEditValue: null, descriptionEditValue: null, descriptionTextHeight: null, colorEditValue: threadInfo.color, verticalBounds: null, }; } static getThreadInfo(props: { threadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, route: NavigationRoute<'ThreadSettings'>, ... }): ThreadInfo { const { threadInfo } = props; if (threadInfo) { return threadInfo; } return props.route.params.threadInfo; } static scrollDisabled(props: Props) { const { overlayContext } = props; invariant(overlayContext, 'ThreadSettings should have OverlayContext'); return overlayContext.scrollBlockingModalStatus !== 'closed'; } componentDidMount() { const threadInfo = ThreadSettings.getThreadInfo(this.props); if (!threadInChatList(threadInfo)) { threadWatcher.watchID(threadInfo.id); } const tabNavigation: ?TabNavigationProp< 'Chat', > = this.props.navigation.dangerouslyGetParent(); invariant(tabNavigation, 'ChatNavigator should be within TabNavigator'); tabNavigation.addListener('tabPress', this.onTabPress); } componentWillUnmount() { const threadInfo = ThreadSettings.getThreadInfo(this.props); if (!threadInChatList(threadInfo)) { threadWatcher.removeID(threadInfo.id); } const tabNavigation: ?TabNavigationProp< 'Chat', > = this.props.navigation.dangerouslyGetParent(); invariant(tabNavigation, 'ChatNavigator should be within TabNavigator'); tabNavigation.removeListener('tabPress', this.onTabPress); } onTabPress = () => { if (this.props.navigation.isFocused() && !this.props.somethingIsSaving) { this.props.navigation.popToTop(); } }; componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const oldReduxThreadInfo = prevProps.threadInfo; const newReduxThreadInfo = this.props.threadInfo; if (newReduxThreadInfo && newReduxThreadInfo !== oldReduxThreadInfo) { this.props.navigation.setParams({ threadInfo: newReduxThreadInfo }); } const oldNavThreadInfo = ThreadSettings.getThreadInfo(prevProps); const newNavThreadInfo = ThreadSettings.getThreadInfo(this.props); if (oldNavThreadInfo.id !== newNavThreadInfo.id) { if (!threadInChatList(oldNavThreadInfo)) { threadWatcher.removeID(oldNavThreadInfo.id); } if (!threadInChatList(newNavThreadInfo)) { threadWatcher.watchID(newNavThreadInfo.id); } } if ( newNavThreadInfo.color !== oldNavThreadInfo.color && this.state.colorEditValue === oldNavThreadInfo.color ) { this.setState({ colorEditValue: newNavThreadInfo.color }); } if (defaultStackScreenOptions.gestureEnabled) { const scrollIsDisabled = ThreadSettings.scrollDisabled(this.props); const scrollWasDisabled = ThreadSettings.scrollDisabled(prevProps); if (!scrollWasDisabled && scrollIsDisabled) { this.props.navigation.setOptions({ gestureEnabled: false }); } else if (scrollWasDisabled && !scrollIsDisabled) { this.props.navigation.setOptions({ gestureEnabled: true }); } } } threadBasicsListDataSelector = createSelector( (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => ThreadSettings.getThreadInfo(propsAndState), (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.parentThreadInfo, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.nameEditValue, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.colorEditValue, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.descriptionEditValue, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.descriptionTextHeight, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => !propsAndState.somethingIsSaving, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.navigation.navigate, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.route.key, ( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, nameEditValue: ?string, colorEditValue: string, descriptionEditValue: ?string, descriptionTextHeight: ?number, canStartEditing: boolean, navigate: ThreadSettingsNavigate, routeKey: string, ) => { const canEditThreadName = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.EDIT_THREAD_NAME, ); const canEditThreadDescription = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.EDIT_THREAD_DESCRIPTION, ); const canEditThreadColor = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.EDIT_THREAD_COLOR, ); const canChangeName = canEditThreadName && canStartEditing; const canChangeDescription = canEditThreadDescription && canStartEditing; const canChangeColor = canEditThreadColor && canStartEditing; const listData: ChatSettingsItem[] = []; listData.push({ itemType: 'header', key: 'basicsHeader', title: 'Basics', categoryType: 'full', }); listData.push({ itemType: 'name', key: 'name', threadInfo, nameEditValue, canChangeSettings: canChangeName, }); listData.push({ itemType: 'color', key: 'color', threadInfo, colorEditValue, canChangeSettings: canChangeColor, navigate, threadSettingsRouteKey: routeKey, }); listData.push({ itemType: 'footer', key: 'basicsFooter', categoryType: 'full', }); if ( (descriptionEditValue !== null && descriptionEditValue !== undefined) || threadInfo.description || canEditThreadDescription ) { listData.push({ itemType: 'description', key: 'description', threadInfo, descriptionEditValue, descriptionTextHeight, canChangeSettings: canChangeDescription, }); } const isMember = viewerIsMember(threadInfo); if (isMember) { listData.push({ itemType: 'header', key: 'subscriptionHeader', title: 'Subscription', categoryType: 'full', }); listData.push({ itemType: 'pushNotifs', key: 'pushNotifs', threadInfo, }); listData.push({ itemType: 'homeNotifs', key: 'homeNotifs', threadInfo, }); listData.push({ itemType: 'footer', key: 'subscriptionFooter', categoryType: 'full', }); } listData.push({ itemType: 'header', key: 'privacyHeader', title: 'Privacy', categoryType: 'full', }); listData.push({ itemType: 'visibility', key: 'visibility', threadInfo, }); listData.push({ itemType: 'parent', key: 'parent', threadInfo, parentThreadInfo, }); listData.push({ itemType: 'footer', key: 'privacyFooter', categoryType: 'full', }); return listData; }, ); subchannelsListDataSelector = createSelector( (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => ThreadSettings.getThreadInfo(propsAndState), (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.navigation.navigate, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.childThreadInfos, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.numSubchannelsShowing, ( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, navigate: ThreadSettingsNavigate, childThreads: ?$ReadOnlyArray, numSubchannelsShowing: number, ) => { const listData: ChatSettingsItem[] = []; - const subchannels = - childThreads?.filter( - childThreadInfo => childThreadInfo.type !== threadTypes.SIDEBAR, - ) ?? []; + const subchannels = childThreads?.filter(threadIsChannel) ?? []; const canCreateSubchannels = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.CREATE_SUBCHANNELS, ); if (subchannels.length === 0 && !canCreateSubchannels) { return listData; } listData.push({ itemType: 'header', key: 'subchannelHeader', title: 'Subchannels', categoryType: 'unpadded', }); if (canCreateSubchannels) { listData.push({ itemType: 'addSubchannel', key: 'addSubchannel', }); } const numItems = Math.min(numSubchannelsShowing, subchannels.length); for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { const subchannelInfo = subchannels[i]; listData.push({ itemType: 'childThread', key: `childThread${subchannelInfo.id}`, threadInfo: subchannelInfo, firstListItem: i === 0 && !canCreateSubchannels, lastListItem: i === numItems - 1 && numItems === subchannels.length, }); } if (numItems < subchannels.length) { listData.push({ itemType: 'seeMore', key: 'seeMoreSubchannels', onPress: this.onPressSeeMoreSubchannels, }); } listData.push({ itemType: 'footer', key: 'subchannelFooter', categoryType: 'unpadded', }); return listData; }, ); sidebarsListDataSelector = createSelector( (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.navigation.navigate, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.childThreadInfos, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.numSidebarsShowing, ( navigate: ThreadSettingsNavigate, childThreads: ?$ReadOnlyArray, numSidebarsShowing: number, ) => { const listData: ChatSettingsItem[] = []; const sidebars = childThreads?.filter( childThreadInfo => childThreadInfo.type === threadTypes.SIDEBAR, ) ?? []; if (sidebars.length === 0) { return listData; } listData.push({ itemType: 'header', key: 'sidebarHeader', title: 'Sidebars', categoryType: 'unpadded', }); const numItems = Math.min(numSidebarsShowing, sidebars.length); for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { const sidebarInfo = sidebars[i]; listData.push({ itemType: 'childThread', key: `childThread${sidebarInfo.id}`, threadInfo: sidebarInfo, firstListItem: i === 0, lastListItem: i === numItems - 1 && numItems === sidebars.length, }); } if (numItems < sidebars.length) { listData.push({ itemType: 'seeMore', key: 'seeMoreSidebars', onPress: this.onPressSeeMoreSidebars, }); } listData.push({ itemType: 'footer', key: 'sidebarFooter', categoryType: 'unpadded', }); return listData; }, ); threadMembersListDataSelector = createSelector( (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => ThreadSettings.getThreadInfo(propsAndState), (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => !propsAndState.somethingIsSaving, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.navigation.navigate, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.route.key, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.numMembersShowing, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.verticalBounds, ( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, canStartEditing: boolean, navigate: ThreadSettingsNavigate, routeKey: string, numMembersShowing: number, verticalBounds: ?VerticalBounds, ) => { const listData: ChatSettingsItem[] = []; const canAddMembers = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.ADD_MEMBERS, ); if (threadInfo.members.length === 0 && !canAddMembers) { return listData; } listData.push({ itemType: 'header', key: 'memberHeader', title: 'Members', categoryType: 'unpadded', }); if (canAddMembers) { listData.push({ itemType: 'addMember', key: 'addMember', }); } const numItems = Math.min(numMembersShowing, threadInfo.members.length); for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { const memberInfo = threadInfo.members[i]; listData.push({ itemType: 'member', key: `member${memberInfo.id}`, memberInfo, threadInfo, canEdit: canStartEditing, navigate, firstListItem: i === 0 && !canAddMembers, lastListItem: i === numItems - 1 && numItems === threadInfo.members.length, verticalBounds, threadSettingsRouteKey: routeKey, }); } if (numItems < threadInfo.members.length) { listData.push({ itemType: 'seeMore', key: 'seeMoreMembers', onPress: this.onPressSeeMoreMembers, }); } listData.push({ itemType: 'footer', key: 'memberFooter', categoryType: 'unpadded', }); return listData; }, ); actionsListDataSelector = createSelector( (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => ThreadSettings.getThreadInfo(propsAndState), (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.parentThreadInfo, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.navigation.navigate, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.styles, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.userInfos, (propsAndState: PropsAndState) => propsAndState.viewerID, ( threadInfo: ThreadInfo, parentThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo, navigate: ThreadSettingsNavigate, styles: typeof unboundStyles, userInfos: UserInfos, viewerID: ?string, ) => { const buttons = []; const canChangeThreadType = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.EDIT_PERMISSIONS, ); const canCreateSubchannelsInParent = threadHasPermission( parentThreadInfo, threadPermissions.CREATE_SUBCHANNELS, ); const canPromoteSidebar = threadInfo.type === threadTypes.SIDEBAR && canChangeThreadType && canCreateSubchannelsInParent; if (canPromoteSidebar) { buttons.push({ itemType: 'promoteSidebar', key: 'promoteSidebar', threadInfo, navigate, }); } const canLeaveThread = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.LEAVE_THREAD, ); if (viewerIsMember(threadInfo) && canLeaveThread) { buttons.push({ itemType: 'leaveThread', key: 'leaveThread', threadInfo, navigate, }); } const canDeleteThread = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.DELETE_THREAD, ); if (canDeleteThread) { buttons.push({ itemType: 'deleteThread', key: 'deleteThread', threadInfo, navigate, }); } const threadIsPersonal = threadInfo.type === threadTypes.PERSONAL; if (threadIsPersonal && viewerID) { const otherMemberID = getSingleOtherUser(threadInfo, viewerID); if (otherMemberID) { const otherUserInfo = userInfos[otherMemberID]; const availableRelationshipActions = getAvailableRelationshipButtons( otherUserInfo, ); for (const action of availableRelationshipActions) { buttons.push({ itemType: 'editRelationship', key: action, threadInfo, navigate, relationshipButton: action, }); } } } const listData: ChatSettingsItem[] = []; if (buttons.length === 0) { return listData; } listData.push({ itemType: 'header', key: 'actionsHeader', title: 'Actions', categoryType: 'unpadded', }); for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { // Necessary for Flow... if (buttons[i].itemType === 'editRelationship') { listData.push({ ...buttons[i], buttonStyle: [ i === 0 ? null : styles.nonTopButton, i === buttons.length - 1 ? styles.lastButton : null, ], }); } else { listData.push({ ...buttons[i], buttonStyle: [ i === 0 ? null : styles.nonTopButton, i === buttons.length - 1 ? styles.lastButton : null, ], }); } } listData.push({ itemType: 'footer', key: 'actionsFooter', categoryType: 'unpadded', }); return listData; }, ); listDataSelector = createSelector( this.threadBasicsListDataSelector, this.subchannelsListDataSelector, this.sidebarsListDataSelector, this.threadMembersListDataSelector, this.actionsListDataSelector, ( threadBasicsListData: ChatSettingsItem[], subchannelsListData: ChatSettingsItem[], sidebarsListData: ChatSettingsItem[], threadMembersListData: ChatSettingsItem[], actionsListData: ChatSettingsItem[], ) => [ ...threadBasicsListData, ...subchannelsListData, ...sidebarsListData, ...threadMembersListData, ...actionsListData, ], ); get listData() { return this.listDataSelector({ ...this.props, ...this.state }); } render() { let threadAncestors; if (this.props.threadInfo) { threadAncestors = ; } return ( {threadAncestors} ); } flatListContainerRef = ( flatListContainer: ?React.ElementRef, ) => { this.flatListContainer = flatListContainer; }; onFlatListContainerLayout = () => { const { flatListContainer } = this; if (!flatListContainer) { return; } const { keyboardState } = this.props; if (!keyboardState || keyboardState.keyboardShowing) { return; } flatListContainer.measure((x, y, width, height, pageX, pageY) => { if ( height === null || height === undefined || pageY === null || pageY === undefined ) { return; } this.setState({ verticalBounds: { height, y: pageY } }); }); }; renderItem = (row: { item: ChatSettingsItem, ... }) => { const item = row.item; if (item.itemType === 'header') { return ( ); } else if (item.itemType === 'footer') { return ; } else if (item.itemType === 'name') { return ( ); } else if (item.itemType === 'color') { return ( ); } else if (item.itemType === 'description') { return ( ); } else if (item.itemType === 'parent') { return ( ); } else if (item.itemType === 'visibility') { return ; } else if (item.itemType === 'pushNotifs') { return ; } else if (item.itemType === 'homeNotifs') { return ; } else if (item.itemType === 'seeMore') { return ; } else if (item.itemType === 'childThread') { return ( ); } else if (item.itemType === 'addSubchannel') { return ( ); } else if (item.itemType === 'member') { return ( ); } else if (item.itemType === 'addMember') { return ; } else if (item.itemType === 'leaveThread') { return ( ); } else if (item.itemType === 'deleteThread') { return ( ); } else if (item.itemType === 'promoteSidebar') { return ( ); } else if (item.itemType === 'editRelationship') { return ( ); } else { invariant(false, `unexpected ThreadSettings item type ${item.itemType}`); } }; setNameEditValue = (value: ?string, callback?: () => void) => { this.setState({ nameEditValue: value }, callback); }; setColorEditValue = (color: string) => { this.setState({ colorEditValue: color }); }; setDescriptionEditValue = (value: ?string, callback?: () => void) => { this.setState({ descriptionEditValue: value }, callback); }; setDescriptionTextHeight = (height: number) => { this.setState({ descriptionTextHeight: height }); }; onPressComposeSubchannel = () => { const threadInfo = ThreadSettings.getThreadInfo(this.props); this.props.navigation.navigate(ComposeSubchannelModalRouteName, { presentedFrom: this.props.route.key, threadInfo, }); }; onPressAddMember = () => { const threadInfo = ThreadSettings.getThreadInfo(this.props); this.props.navigation.navigate(AddUsersModalRouteName, { presentedFrom: this.props.route.key, threadInfo, }); }; onPressSeeMoreMembers = () => { this.setState(prevState => ({ numMembersShowing: prevState.numMembersShowing + itemPageLength, })); }; onPressSeeMoreSubchannels = () => { this.setState(prevState => ({ numSubchannelsShowing: prevState.numSubchannelsShowing + itemPageLength, })); }; onPressSeeMoreSidebars = () => { this.setState(prevState => ({ numSidebarsShowing: prevState.numSidebarsShowing + itemPageLength, })); }; } const unboundStyles = { container: { backgroundColor: 'panelBackground', flex: 1, }, flatList: { paddingVertical: 16, }, nonTopButton: { borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder', borderTopWidth: 1, }, lastButton: { paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 14 : 12, }, }; const editNameLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector( changeThreadSettingsActionTypes, `${changeThreadSettingsActionTypes.started}:name`, ); const editColorLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector( changeThreadSettingsActionTypes, `${changeThreadSettingsActionTypes.started}:color`, ); const editDescriptionLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector( changeThreadSettingsActionTypes, `${changeThreadSettingsActionTypes.started}:description`, ); const leaveThreadLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector( leaveThreadActionTypes, ); const somethingIsSaving = ( state: AppState, threadMembers: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => { if ( editNameLoadingStatusSelector(state) === 'loading' || editColorLoadingStatusSelector(state) === 'loading' || editDescriptionLoadingStatusSelector(state) === 'loading' || leaveThreadLoadingStatusSelector(state) === 'loading' ) { return true; } for (const threadMember of threadMembers) { const removeUserLoadingStatus = createLoadingStatusSelector( removeUsersFromThreadActionTypes, `${removeUsersFromThreadActionTypes.started}:${threadMember.id}`, )(state); if (removeUserLoadingStatus === 'loading') { return true; } const changeRoleLoadingStatus = createLoadingStatusSelector( changeThreadMemberRolesActionTypes, `${changeThreadMemberRolesActionTypes.started}:${threadMember.id}`, )(state); if (changeRoleLoadingStatus === 'loading') { return true; } } return false; }; const ConnectedThreadSettings: React.ComponentType = React.memo( function ConnectedThreadSettings(props: BaseProps) { const userInfos = useSelector(state => state.userStore.userInfos); const viewerID = useSelector( state => state.currentUserInfo && state.currentUserInfo.id, ); const threadID = props.route.params.threadInfo.id; const threadInfo: ?ThreadInfo = useSelector( state => threadInfoSelector(state)[threadID], ); const parentThreadID = threadInfo ? threadInfo.parentThreadID : props.route.params.threadInfo.parentThreadID; const parentThreadInfo: ?ThreadInfo = useSelector(state => parentThreadID ? threadInfoSelector(state)[parentThreadID] : null, ); const threadMembers = React.useMemo(() => { if (!threadInfo) { return []; } return threadInfo.members; }, [threadInfo]); const boundChildThreadInfos = useSelector( state => childThreadInfos(state)[threadID], ); const boundSomethingIsSaving = useSelector(state => somethingIsSaving(state, threadMembers), ); const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles); const indicatorStyle = useIndicatorStyle(); const overlayContext = React.useContext(OverlayContext); const keyboardState = React.useContext(KeyboardContext); return ( ); }, ); export default ConnectedThreadSettings; diff --git a/web/chat/thread-menu.react.js b/web/chat/thread-menu.react.js index 6709f2667..5231af5df 100644 --- a/web/chat/thread-menu.react.js +++ b/web/chat/thread-menu.react.js @@ -1,194 +1,196 @@ // @flow import { faArrowRight, faBell, faCog, faCommentAlt, faSignOutAlt, faPlusCircle, faUserFriends, } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; import * as React from 'react'; import { childThreadInfos } from 'lib/selectors/thread-selectors'; -import { threadHasPermission, viewerIsMember } from 'lib/shared/thread-utils'; +import { + threadHasPermission, + viewerIsMember, + threadIsChannel, +} from 'lib/shared/thread-utils'; import { type ThreadInfo, threadTypes, threadPermissions, } from 'lib/types/thread-types'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils'; import SWMansionIcon from '../SWMansionIcon.react'; import ThreadMenuItem from './thread-menu-item.react'; import css from './thread-menu.css'; type ThreadMenuProps = { +threadInfo: ThreadInfo, }; function ThreadMenu(props: ThreadMenuProps): React.Node { const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = React.useState(false); const { threadInfo } = props; const membersItem = React.useMemo(() => { if (threadInfo.type === threadTypes.PERSONAL) { return null; } return ; }, [threadInfo.type]); const childThreads = useSelector( state => childThreadInfos(state)[threadInfo.id], ); const hasSidebars = React.useMemo(() => { return childThreads?.some( childThreadInfo => childThreadInfo.type === threadTypes.SIDEBAR, ); }, [childThreads]); const sidebarItem = React.useMemo(() => { if (!hasSidebars) { return null; } return ( ); }, [hasSidebars]); const canCreateSubchannels = React.useMemo( () => threadHasPermission(threadInfo, threadPermissions.CREATE_SUBCHANNELS), [threadInfo], ); const hasSubchannels = React.useMemo(() => { - return childThreads?.some( - childThreadInfo => childThreadInfo.type !== threadTypes.SIDEBAR, - ); + return !!childThreads?.some(threadIsChannel); }, [childThreads]); const viewSubchannelsItem = React.useMemo(() => { if (!hasSubchannels && !canCreateSubchannels) { return null; } return ( ); }, [canCreateSubchannels, hasSubchannels]); const createSubchannelsItem = React.useMemo(() => { if (!canCreateSubchannels) { return null; } return ( ); }, [canCreateSubchannels]); const leaveThreadItem = React.useMemo(() => { const canLeaveThread = threadHasPermission( threadInfo, threadPermissions.LEAVE_THREAD, ); if (!viewerIsMember(threadInfo) || !canLeaveThread) { return null; } return ( ); }, [threadInfo]); const menuItems = React.useMemo(() => { const settingsItem = ( ); const notificationsItem = ( ); const separator =
; // TODO: Enable menu items when the modals are implemented const SHOW_SETTINGS = false; const SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS = false; const SHOW_MEMBERS = false; const SHOW_SIDEBAR = false; const SHOW_VIEW_SUBCHANNELS = false; const SHOW_CREATE_SUBCHANNELS = false; const SHOW_LEAVE_THREAD = false; const items = [ SHOW_SETTINGS && settingsItem, SHOW_NOTIFICATIONS && notificationsItem, SHOW_MEMBERS && membersItem, SHOW_SIDEBAR && sidebarItem, SHOW_VIEW_SUBCHANNELS && viewSubchannelsItem, SHOW_CREATE_SUBCHANNELS && createSubchannelsItem, SHOW_LEAVE_THREAD && leaveThreadItem && separator, SHOW_LEAVE_THREAD && leaveThreadItem, ]; return items.filter(Boolean); }, [ membersItem, sidebarItem, viewSubchannelsItem, createSubchannelsItem, leaveThreadItem, ]); const closeMenuCallback = React.useCallback(() => { document.removeEventListener('click', closeMenuCallback); if (isOpen) { setIsOpen(false); } }, [isOpen]); React.useEffect(() => { if (!document || !isOpen) { return undefined; } document.addEventListener('click', closeMenuCallback); return () => document.removeEventListener('click', closeMenuCallback); }, [closeMenuCallback, isOpen]); const switchMenuCallback = React.useCallback(() => { setIsOpen(isMenuOpen => !isMenuOpen); }, []); if (menuItems.length === 0) { return null; } let menuActionList = null; if (isOpen) { menuActionList = (
); } return (
); } export default ThreadMenu;