diff --git a/keyserver/src/fetchers/user-fetchers.js b/keyserver/src/fetchers/user-fetchers.js index 86a8dff5f..e502d47c7 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/fetchers/user-fetchers.js +++ b/keyserver/src/fetchers/user-fetchers.js @@ -1,303 +1,316 @@ // @flow import { hasMinCodeVersion } from 'lib/shared/version-utils'; import { undirectedStatus, directedStatus, userRelationshipStatus, } from 'lib/types/relationship-types'; import { communityThreadTypes, threadPermissions, } from 'lib/types/thread-types'; import type { UserInfos, CurrentUserInfo, OldCurrentUserInfo, LoggedInUserInfo, OldLoggedInUserInfo, GlobalUserInfo, } from 'lib/types/user-types'; import { ServerError } from 'lib/utils/errors'; import { dbQuery, SQL } from '../database/database'; import type { Viewer } from '../session/viewer'; async function fetchUserInfos( userIDs: string[], ): Promise<{ [id: string]: GlobalUserInfo }> { if (userIDs.length <= 0) { return {}; } const query = SQL` SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE id IN (${userIDs}) `; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); const userInfos = {}; for (const row of result) { const id = row.id.toString(); userInfos[id] = { id, username: row.username, }; } for (const userID of userIDs) { if (!userInfos[userID]) { userInfos[userID] = { id: userID, username: null, }; } } return userInfos; } async function fetchKnownUserInfos( viewer: Viewer, userIDs?: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise { if (!viewer.loggedIn) { return {}; } if (userIDs && userIDs.length === 0) { return {}; } const query = SQL` SELECT ru.user1, ru.user2, u.username, ru.status AS undirected_status, rd1.status AS user1_directed_status, rd2.status AS user2_directed_status FROM relationships_undirected ru LEFT JOIN relationships_directed rd1 ON rd1.user1 = ru.user1 AND rd1.user2 = ru.user2 LEFT JOIN relationships_directed rd2 ON rd2.user1 = ru.user2 AND rd2.user2 = ru.user1 LEFT JOIN users u ON u.id != ${viewer.userID} AND (u.id = ru.user1 OR u.id = ru.user2) `; if (userIDs) { query.append(SQL` WHERE (ru.user1 = ${viewer.userID} AND ru.user2 IN (${userIDs})) OR (ru.user1 IN (${userIDs}) AND ru.user2 = ${viewer.userID}) `); } else { query.append(SQL` WHERE ru.user1 = ${viewer.userID} OR ru.user2 = ${viewer.userID} `); } query.append(SQL` UNION SELECT id AS user1, NULL AS user2, username, CAST(NULL AS UNSIGNED) AS undirected_status, CAST(NULL AS UNSIGNED) AS user1_directed_status, CAST(NULL AS UNSIGNED) AS user2_directed_status FROM users WHERE id = ${viewer.userID} `); const [result] = await dbQuery(query); const userInfos = {}; for (const row of result) { const user1 = row.user1.toString(); const user2 = row.user2 ? row.user2.toString() : null; const id = user1 === viewer.userID && user2 ? user2 : user1; const userInfo = { id, username: row.username, }; if (!user2) { userInfos[id] = userInfo; continue; } let viewerDirectedStatus; let targetDirectedStatus; if (user1 === viewer.userID) { viewerDirectedStatus = row.user1_directed_status; targetDirectedStatus = row.user2_directed_status; } else { viewerDirectedStatus = row.user2_directed_status; targetDirectedStatus = row.user1_directed_status; } const viewerBlockedTarget = viewerDirectedStatus === directedStatus.BLOCKED; const targetBlockedViewer = targetDirectedStatus === directedStatus.BLOCKED; const friendshipExists = row.undirected_status === undirectedStatus.FRIEND; const viewerRequestedTargetFriendship = viewerDirectedStatus === directedStatus.PENDING_FRIEND; const targetRequestedViewerFriendship = targetDirectedStatus === directedStatus.PENDING_FRIEND; let relationshipStatus; if (viewerBlockedTarget && targetBlockedViewer) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.BOTH_BLOCKED; } else if (targetBlockedViewer) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_VIEWER; } else if (viewerBlockedTarget) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.BLOCKED_BY_VIEWER; } else if (friendshipExists) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.FRIEND; } else if (targetRequestedViewerFriendship) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_RECEIVED; } else if (viewerRequestedTargetFriendship) { relationshipStatus = userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_SENT; } userInfos[id] = userInfo; if (relationshipStatus) { userInfos[id].relationshipStatus = relationshipStatus; } if (relationshipStatus && !row.username) { console.warn( `user ${viewer.userID} has ${relationshipStatus} relationship with ` + `anonymous user ${id}`, ); } } return userInfos; } async function verifyUserIDs( userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise { if (userIDs.length === 0) { return []; } const query = SQL`SELECT id FROM users WHERE id IN (${userIDs})`; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.map(row => row.id.toString()); } async function verifyUserOrCookieIDs( ids: $ReadOnlyArray, ): Promise { if (ids.length === 0) { return []; } const query = SQL` SELECT id FROM users WHERE id IN (${ids}) UNION SELECT id FROM cookies WHERE id IN (${ids}) `; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.map(row => row.id.toString()); } async function fetchCurrentUserInfo( viewer: Viewer, ): Promise { if (!viewer.loggedIn) { return ({ id: viewer.cookieID, anonymous: true }: CurrentUserInfo); } const currentUserInfo = await fetchLoggedInUserInfo(viewer); return currentUserInfo; } async function fetchLoggedInUserInfo( viewer: Viewer, ): Promise { const userQuery = SQL` SELECT id, username FROM users WHERE id = ${viewer.userID} `; const settingsQuery = SQL` SELECT name, data FROM settings WHERE user = ${viewer.userID} `; const [[userResult], [settingsResult]] = await Promise.all([ dbQuery(userQuery), dbQuery(settingsQuery), ]); const [userRow] = userResult; const stillExpectsEmailFields = !hasMinCodeVersion( viewer.platformDetails, 87, ); if (!userRow) { throw new ServerError('unknown_error'); } const id = userRow.id.toString(); const { username } = userRow; if (stillExpectsEmailFields) { return { id, username, email: 'removed from DB', emailVerified: true, }; } const featureGateSettings = !hasMinCodeVersion(viewer.platformDetails, 1000); if (featureGateSettings) { return { id, username }; } const settings = settingsResult.reduce((prev, curr) => { prev[curr.name] = curr.data; return prev; }, {}); return { id, username, settings }; } async function fetchAllUserIDs(): Promise { const query = SQL`SELECT id FROM users`; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); return result.map(row => row.id.toString()); } async function fetchUsername(id: string): Promise { const query = SQL`SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = ${id}`; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); if (result.length === 0) { return null; } const row = result[0]; return row.username; } async function fetchKeyserverAdminID(): Promise { const changeRoleExtractString = `$.${threadPermissions.CHANGE_ROLE}`; const query = SQL` SELECT m.user FROM memberships m INNER JOIN roles r ON m.role = r.id INNER JOIN threads t ON r.thread = t.id WHERE r.name = "Admins" AND t.type IN (${communityThreadTypes}) AND JSON_EXTRACT(r.permissions, ${changeRoleExtractString}) IS TRUE `; const [result] = await dbQuery(query); if (result.length === 0) { return null; } if (result.length > 1) { console.warn('more than one community admin found'); } return result[0].user; } +async function fetchUserIDForEthereumAddress( + address: string, +): Promise { + const query = SQL` + SELECT id + FROM users + WHERE LCASE(ethereum_address) = LCASE(${address}) + `; + const [result] = await dbQuery(query); + return result.length === 0 ? null : result[0].id; +} + export { fetchUserInfos, fetchLoggedInUserInfo, verifyUserIDs, verifyUserOrCookieIDs, fetchCurrentUserInfo, fetchAllUserIDs, fetchUsername, fetchKnownUserInfos, fetchKeyserverAdminID, + fetchUserIDForEthereumAddress, }; diff --git a/keyserver/src/responders/user-responders.js b/keyserver/src/responders/user-responders.js index 80c4e63c0..0096efeee 100644 --- a/keyserver/src/responders/user-responders.js +++ b/keyserver/src/responders/user-responders.js @@ -1,429 +1,439 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import { ErrorTypes, SiweMessage } from 'siwe'; import t from 'tcomb'; import bcrypt from 'twin-bcrypt'; import { policies } from 'lib/facts/policies.js'; import { hasMinCodeVersion } from 'lib/shared/version-utils'; import type { ResetPasswordRequest, LogOutResponse, DeleteAccountRequest, RegisterResponse, RegisterRequest, LogInResponse, LogInRequest, UpdatePasswordRequest, UpdateUserSettingsRequest, PolicyAcknowledgmentRequest, } from 'lib/types/account-types'; import { userSettingsTypes, notificationTypeValues, logInActionSources, } from 'lib/types/account-types'; import type { CalendarQuery } from 'lib/types/entry-types.js'; import { defaultNumberPerThread } from 'lib/types/message-types'; import type { SIWEAuthRequest, SIWEMessage } from 'lib/types/siwe-types.js'; import type { SubscriptionUpdateRequest, SubscriptionUpdateResponse, } from 'lib/types/subscription-types'; import type { PasswordUpdate } from 'lib/types/user-types'; import { ServerError } from 'lib/utils/errors'; import { values } from 'lib/utils/objects'; import { promiseAll } from 'lib/utils/promises'; import { isValidSIWEMessage } from 'lib/utils/siwe-utils.js'; import { tShape, tPlatformDetails, tPassword, tEmail, tOldValidUsername, } from 'lib/utils/validation-utils'; import createAccount from '../creators/account-creator'; import { dbQuery, SQL } from '../database/database'; import { deleteAccount } from '../deleters/account-deleters'; import { deleteCookie } from '../deleters/cookie-deleters'; import { checkAndInvalidateSIWENonceEntry } from '../deleters/siwe-nonce-deleters.js'; import { fetchEntryInfos } from '../fetchers/entry-fetchers'; import { fetchMessageInfos } from '../fetchers/message-fetchers'; import { fetchThreadInfos } from '../fetchers/thread-fetchers'; import { fetchKnownUserInfos, fetchLoggedInUserInfo, + fetchUserIDForEthereumAddress, } from '../fetchers/user-fetchers'; import { createNewAnonymousCookie, createNewUserCookie, setNewSession, } from '../session/cookies'; import type { Viewer } from '../session/viewer'; import { accountUpdater, checkAndSendVerificationEmail, checkAndSendPasswordResetEmail, updatePassword, updateUserSettings, } from '../updaters/account-updaters'; import { userSubscriptionUpdater } from '../updaters/user-subscription-updaters'; import { viewerAcknowledgmentUpdater } from '../updaters/viewer-acknowledgment-updater.js'; import { validateInput } from '../utils/validation-utils'; import { entryQueryInputValidator, newEntryQueryInputValidator, normalizeCalendarQuery, verifyCalendarQueryThreadIDs, } from './entry-responders'; const subscriptionUpdateRequestInputValidator = tShape({ threadID: t.String, updatedFields: tShape({ pushNotifs: t.maybe(t.Boolean), home: t.maybe(t.Boolean), }), }); async function userSubscriptionUpdateResponder( viewer: Viewer, input: any, ): Promise { const request: SubscriptionUpdateRequest = input; await validateInput(viewer, subscriptionUpdateRequestInputValidator, request); const threadSubscription = await userSubscriptionUpdater(viewer, request); return { threadSubscription }; } const accountUpdateInputValidator = tShape({ updatedFields: tShape({ email: t.maybe(tEmail), password: t.maybe(tPassword), }), currentPassword: tPassword, }); async function passwordUpdateResponder( viewer: Viewer, input: any, ): Promise { const request: PasswordUpdate = input; await validateInput(viewer, accountUpdateInputValidator, request); await accountUpdater(viewer, request); } async function sendVerificationEmailResponder(viewer: Viewer): Promise { await validateInput(viewer, null, null); await checkAndSendVerificationEmail(viewer); } const resetPasswordRequestInputValidator = tShape({ usernameOrEmail: t.union([tEmail, tOldValidUsername]), }); async function sendPasswordResetEmailResponder( viewer: Viewer, input: any, ): Promise { const request: ResetPasswordRequest = input; await validateInput(viewer, resetPasswordRequestInputValidator, request); await checkAndSendPasswordResetEmail(request); } async function logOutResponder(viewer: Viewer): Promise { await validateInput(viewer, null, null); if (viewer.loggedIn) { const [anonymousViewerData] = await Promise.all([ createNewAnonymousCookie({ platformDetails: viewer.platformDetails, deviceToken: viewer.deviceToken, }), deleteCookie(viewer.cookieID), ]); viewer.setNewCookie(anonymousViewerData); } return { currentUserInfo: { id: viewer.id, anonymous: true, }, }; } const deleteAccountRequestInputValidator = tShape({ password: tPassword, }); async function accountDeletionResponder( viewer: Viewer, input: any, ): Promise { const request: DeleteAccountRequest = input; await validateInput(viewer, deleteAccountRequestInputValidator, request); const result = await deleteAccount(viewer, request); invariant(result, 'deleteAccount should return result if handed request'); return result; } const deviceTokenUpdateRequestInputValidator = tShape({ deviceType: t.maybe(t.enums.of(['ios', 'android'])), deviceToken: t.String, }); const registerRequestInputValidator = tShape({ username: t.String, email: t.maybe(tEmail), password: tPassword, calendarQuery: t.maybe(newEntryQueryInputValidator), deviceTokenUpdateRequest: t.maybe(deviceTokenUpdateRequestInputValidator), platformDetails: tPlatformDetails, }); async function accountCreationResponder( viewer: Viewer, input: any, ): Promise { const request: RegisterRequest = input; await validateInput(viewer, registerRequestInputValidator, request); return await createAccount(viewer, request); } async function processSuccessfulLogin( viewer: Viewer, input: any, userID: string, calendarQuery: ?CalendarQuery, -) { +): Promise { const request: LogInRequest = input; const newServerTime = Date.now(); const deviceToken = request.deviceTokenUpdateRequest ? request.deviceTokenUpdateRequest.deviceToken : viewer.deviceToken; const [userViewerData] = await Promise.all([ createNewUserCookie(userID, { platformDetails: request.platformDetails, deviceToken, }), deleteCookie(viewer.cookieID), ]); viewer.setNewCookie(userViewerData); if (calendarQuery) { await setNewSession(viewer, calendarQuery, newServerTime); } const threadCursors = {}; for (const watchedThreadID of request.watchedIDs) { threadCursors[watchedThreadID] = null; } const messageSelectionCriteria = { threadCursors, joinedThreads: true }; const [ threadsResult, messagesResult, entriesResult, userInfos, currentUserInfo, ] = await Promise.all([ fetchThreadInfos(viewer), fetchMessageInfos(viewer, messageSelectionCriteria, defaultNumberPerThread), calendarQuery ? fetchEntryInfos(viewer, [calendarQuery]) : undefined, fetchKnownUserInfos(viewer), fetchLoggedInUserInfo(viewer), ]); const rawEntryInfos = entriesResult ? entriesResult.rawEntryInfos : null; const response: LogInResponse = { currentUserInfo, rawMessageInfos: messagesResult.rawMessageInfos, truncationStatuses: messagesResult.truncationStatuses, serverTime: newServerTime, userInfos: values(userInfos), cookieChange: { threadInfos: threadsResult.threadInfos, userInfos: [], }, }; if (rawEntryInfos) { response.rawEntryInfos = rawEntryInfos; } return response; } const logInRequestInputValidator = tShape({ username: t.maybe(t.String), usernameOrEmail: t.maybe(t.union([tEmail, tOldValidUsername])), password: tPassword, watchedIDs: t.list(t.String), calendarQuery: t.maybe(entryQueryInputValidator), deviceTokenUpdateRequest: t.maybe(deviceTokenUpdateRequestInputValidator), platformDetails: tPlatformDetails, source: t.maybe(t.enums.of(values(logInActionSources))), }); async function logInResponder( viewer: Viewer, input: any, ): Promise { await validateInput(viewer, logInRequestInputValidator, input); const request: LogInRequest = input; const calendarQuery = request.calendarQuery ? normalizeCalendarQuery(request.calendarQuery) : null; const promises = {}; if (calendarQuery) { promises.verifyCalendarQueryThreadIDs = verifyCalendarQueryThreadIDs( calendarQuery, ); } const username = request.username ?? request.usernameOrEmail; if (!username) { throw new ServerError('invalid_parameters'); } const userQuery = SQL` SELECT id, hash, username FROM users WHERE LCASE(username) = LCASE(${username}) `; promises.userQuery = dbQuery(userQuery); const { userQuery: [userResult], } = await promiseAll(promises); if (userResult.length === 0) { throw new ServerError('invalid_parameters'); } const userRow = userResult[0]; if (!userRow.hash || !bcrypt.compareSync(request.password, userRow.hash)) { if (hasMinCodeVersion(viewer.platformDetails, 99999)) { throw new ServerError('invalid_parameters'); } else { throw new ServerError('invalid_credentials'); } } const id = userRow.id.toString(); return await processSuccessfulLogin(viewer, input, id, calendarQuery); } const siweAuthRequestInputValidator = tShape({ signature: t.String, message: t.String, calendarQuery: t.maybe(entryQueryInputValidator), deviceTokenUpdateRequest: t.maybe(deviceTokenUpdateRequestInputValidator), platformDetails: tPlatformDetails, watchedIDs: t.list(t.String), }); -async function siweAuthResponder(viewer: Viewer, input: any): Promise { +async function siweAuthResponder( + viewer: Viewer, + input: any, +): Promise { await validateInput(viewer, siweAuthRequestInputValidator, input); const request: SIWEAuthRequest = input; const { message, signature } = request; // 1. Ensure that `message` is a well formed Comm SIWE Auth message. const siweMessage: SIWEMessage = new SiweMessage(message); if (!isValidSIWEMessage(siweMessage)) { throw new ServerError('invalid_parameters'); } // 2. Ensure that the `nonce` exists in the `siwe_nonces` table // AND hasn't expired. If those conditions are met, delete the entry to // ensure that the same `nonce` can't be re-used in a future request. const wasNonceCheckedAndInvalidated = await checkAndInvalidateSIWENonceEntry( siweMessage.nonce, ); if (!wasNonceCheckedAndInvalidated) { throw new ServerError('invalid_parameters'); } // 3. Validate SIWEMessage signature and handle possible errors. try { await siweMessage.validate(signature); } catch (error) { if (error === ErrorTypes.EXPIRED_MESSAGE) { // Thrown when the `expirationTime` is present and in the past. throw new ServerError('expired_message', { status: 400 }); } else if (error === ErrorTypes.INVALID_SIGNATURE) { // Thrown when the `validate()` function can't verify the message. throw new ServerError('invalid_signature', { status: 400 }); } else if (error === ErrorTypes.MALFORMED_SESSION) { // Thrown when some required field is missing. throw new ServerError('malformed_session', { status: 400 }); } else { throw new ServerError('unknown_error', { status: 500 }); } } - return false; + // 4. Complete login with call to `successfulLogInQueries(...)` + // if `address` corresponds to an existing user. + const userID = await fetchUserIDForEthereumAddress(siweMessage.address); + if (!userID) { + throw ServerError('placeholder_error'); + } + return await processSuccessfulLogin(viewer, input, userID); } const updatePasswordRequestInputValidator = tShape({ code: t.String, password: tPassword, watchedIDs: t.list(t.String), calendarQuery: t.maybe(entryQueryInputValidator), deviceTokenUpdateRequest: t.maybe(deviceTokenUpdateRequestInputValidator), platformDetails: tPlatformDetails, }); async function oldPasswordUpdateResponder( viewer: Viewer, input: any, ): Promise { await validateInput(viewer, updatePasswordRequestInputValidator, input); const request: UpdatePasswordRequest = input; if (request.calendarQuery) { request.calendarQuery = normalizeCalendarQuery(request.calendarQuery); } return await updatePassword(viewer, request); } const updateUserSettingsInputValidator = tShape({ name: t.irreducible( userSettingsTypes.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATIONS, x => x === userSettingsTypes.DEFAULT_NOTIFICATIONS, ), data: t.enums.of(notificationTypeValues), }); async function updateUserSettingsResponder( viewer: Viewer, input: any, ): Promise { const request: UpdateUserSettingsRequest = input; await validateInput(viewer, updateUserSettingsInputValidator, request); return await updateUserSettings(viewer, request); } const policyAcknowledgmentRequestInputValidator = tShape({ policy: t.maybe(t.enums.of(policies)), }); async function policyAcknowledgmentResponder( viewer: Viewer, input: any, ): Promise { const request: PolicyAcknowledgmentRequest = input; await validateInput( viewer, policyAcknowledgmentRequestInputValidator, request, ); await viewerAcknowledgmentUpdater(viewer, request.policy); } export { userSubscriptionUpdateResponder, passwordUpdateResponder, sendVerificationEmailResponder, sendPasswordResetEmailResponder, logOutResponder, accountDeletionResponder, accountCreationResponder, logInResponder, siweAuthResponder, oldPasswordUpdateResponder, updateUserSettingsResponder, policyAcknowledgmentResponder, }; diff --git a/lib/actions/siwe-actions.js b/lib/actions/siwe-actions.js index aaae14d7d..40d2722e2 100644 --- a/lib/actions/siwe-actions.js +++ b/lib/actions/siwe-actions.js @@ -1,44 +1,45 @@ // @flow import threadWatcher from '../shared/thread-watcher.js'; +import type { LogInResponse } from '../types/account-types.js'; import type { SIWEAuthServerCall } from '../types/siwe-types.js'; import type { CallServerEndpoint } from '../utils/call-server-endpoint'; import { getConfig } from '../utils/config.js'; const getSIWENonceActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'GET_SIWE_NONCE_STARTED', success: 'GET_SIWE_NONCE_SUCCESS', failed: 'GET_SIWE_NONCE_FAILED', }); const getSIWENonce = ( callServerEndpoint: CallServerEndpoint, ): (() => Promise) => async () => { const response = await callServerEndpoint('siwe_nonce'); return response.nonce; }; const siweAuthActionTypes = Object.freeze({ started: 'SIWE_AUTH_STARTED', success: 'SIWE_AUTH_SUCCESS', failed: 'SIWE_AUTH_FAILED', }); const siweAuthCallServerEndpointOptions = { timeout: 60000 }; const siweAuth = ( callServerEndpoint: CallServerEndpoint, ): (( siweAuthPayload: SIWEAuthServerCall, -) => Promise) => async siweAuthPayload => { +) => Promise) => async siweAuthPayload => { const watchedIDs = threadWatcher.getWatchedIDs(); const response = await callServerEndpoint( 'siwe_auth', { ...siweAuthPayload, watchedIDs, platformDetails: getConfig().platformDetails, }, siweAuthCallServerEndpointOptions, ); return response; }; export { getSIWENonceActionTypes, getSIWENonce, siweAuthActionTypes, siweAuth }; diff --git a/lib/types/redux-types.js b/lib/types/redux-types.js index 6ad8cf2bc..afb332d60 100644 --- a/lib/types/redux-types.js +++ b/lib/types/redux-types.js @@ -1,930 +1,931 @@ // @flow import type { Shape } from '../types/core'; import type { LogOutResult, LogInStartingPayload, LogInResult, RegisterResult, DefaultNotificationPayload, + LogInResponse, } from './account-types'; import type { ActivityUpdateSuccessPayload, QueueActivityUpdatesPayload, SetThreadUnreadStatusPayload, } from './activity-types'; import type { ClientDBDraftInfo, DraftStore } from './draft-types'; import type { EnabledApps, SupportedApps } from './enabled-apps'; import type { RawEntryInfo, EntryStore, SaveEntryPayload, CreateEntryPayload, DeleteEntryResult, RestoreEntryPayload, FetchEntryInfosResult, CalendarQueryUpdateResult, CalendarQueryUpdateStartingPayload, } from './entry-types'; import type { CalendarFilter, CalendarThreadFilter, SetCalendarDeletedFilterPayload, } from './filter-types'; import type { LifecycleState } from './lifecycle-state-types'; import type { LoadingStatus, LoadingInfo } from './loading-types'; import type { UpdateMultimediaMessageMediaPayload } from './media-types'; import type { MessageReportCreationResult } from './message-report-types'; import type { MessageStore, RawMultimediaMessageInfo, RawReactionMessageInfo, FetchMessageInfosPayload, SendMessagePayload, SendReactionMessagePayload, SaveMessagesPayload, NewMessagesPayload, MessageStorePrunePayload, LocallyComposedMessageInfo, ClientDBMessageInfo, SimpleMessagesPayload, } from './message-types'; import type { RawTextMessageInfo } from './messages/text'; import type { BaseNavInfo } from './nav-types'; import { type ForcePolicyAcknowledgmentPayload, type PolicyAcknowledgmentPayload, type UserPolicies, } from './policy-types.js'; import type { RelationshipErrors } from './relationship-types'; import type { EnabledReports, ClearDeliveredReportsPayload, QueueReportsPayload, ReportStore, } from './report-types'; import type { ProcessServerRequestsPayload } from './request-types'; import type { UserSearchResult } from './search-types'; import type { SetSessionPayload } from './session-types'; import type { ConnectionInfo, StateSyncFullActionPayload, StateSyncIncrementalActionPayload, UpdateConnectionStatusPayload, SetLateResponsePayload, UpdateDisconnectedBarPayload, } from './socket-types'; import type { SubscriptionUpdateResult } from './subscription-types'; import type { ThreadStore, ChangeThreadSettingsPayload, LeaveThreadPayload, NewThreadResult, ThreadJoinPayload, } from './thread-types'; import type { ClientUpdatesResultWithUserInfos } from './update-types'; import type { CurrentUserInfo, UserStore } from './user-types'; export type BaseAppState = { navInfo: NavInfo, currentUserInfo: ?CurrentUserInfo, draftStore: DraftStore, entryStore: EntryStore, threadStore: ThreadStore, userStore: UserStore, messageStore: MessageStore, updatesCurrentAsOf: number, // millisecond timestamp loadingStatuses: { [key: string]: { [idx: number]: LoadingStatus } }, calendarFilters: $ReadOnlyArray, urlPrefix: string, connection: ConnectionInfo, watchedThreadIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, lifecycleState: LifecycleState, enabledApps: EnabledApps, reportStore: ReportStore, nextLocalID: number, dataLoaded: boolean, userPolicies: UserPolicies, ... }; // Web JS runtime doesn't have access to the cookie for security reasons. // Native JS doesn't have a sessionID because the cookieID is used instead. // Web JS doesn't have a device token because it's not a device... export type NativeAppState = BaseAppState<*> & { sessionID?: void, deviceToken: ?string, cookie: ?string, ... }; export type WebAppState = BaseAppState<*> & { sessionID: ?string, deviceToken?: void, cookie?: void, ... }; export type AppState = NativeAppState | WebAppState; export type BaseAction = | { +type: '@@redux/INIT', +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'FETCH_ENTRIES_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_ENTRIES_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_ENTRIES_SUCCESS', +payload: FetchEntryInfosResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LOG_OUT_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LOG_OUT_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LOG_OUT_SUCCESS', +payload: LogOutResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_ACCOUNT_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_ACCOUNT_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS', +payload: LogOutResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CREATE_LOCAL_ENTRY', +payload: RawEntryInfo, } | { +type: 'CREATE_ENTRY_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CREATE_ENTRY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CREATE_ENTRY_SUCCESS', +payload: CreateEntryPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SAVE_ENTRY_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SAVE_ENTRY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SAVE_ENTRY_SUCCESS', +payload: SaveEntryPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CONCURRENT_MODIFICATION_RESET', +payload: { +id: string, +dbText: string, }, } | { +type: 'DELETE_ENTRY_STARTED', +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, +payload: { +localID: ?string, +serverID: ?string, }, } | { +type: 'DELETE_ENTRY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_ENTRY_SUCCESS', +payload: ?DeleteEntryResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LOG_IN_STARTED', +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, +payload: LogInStartingPayload, } | { +type: 'LOG_IN_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LOG_IN_SUCCESS', +payload: LogInResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'REGISTER_STARTED', +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, +payload: LogInStartingPayload, } | { +type: 'REGISTER_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'REGISTER_SUCCESS', +payload: RegisterResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_USER_PASSWORD_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_USER_PASSWORD_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_USER_PASSWORD_SUCCESS', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_THREAD_SETTINGS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_THREAD_SETTINGS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_THREAD_SETTINGS_SUCCESS', +payload: ChangeThreadSettingsPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_THREAD_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_THREAD_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'DELETE_THREAD_SUCCESS', +payload: LeaveThreadPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'NEW_THREAD_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'NEW_THREAD_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'NEW_THREAD_SUCCESS', +payload: NewThreadResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'REMOVE_USERS_FROM_THREAD_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'REMOVE_USERS_FROM_THREAD_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'REMOVE_USERS_FROM_THREAD_SUCCESS', +payload: ChangeThreadSettingsPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_THREAD_MEMBER_ROLES_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_THREAD_MEMBER_ROLES_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'CHANGE_THREAD_MEMBER_ROLES_SUCCESS', +payload: ChangeThreadSettingsPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_REVISIONS_FOR_ENTRY_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_REVISIONS_FOR_ENTRY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_REVISIONS_FOR_ENTRY_SUCCESS', +payload: { +entryID: string, +text: string, +deleted: boolean, }, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'RESTORE_ENTRY_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'RESTORE_ENTRY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'RESTORE_ENTRY_SUCCESS', +payload: RestoreEntryPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'JOIN_THREAD_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'JOIN_THREAD_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'JOIN_THREAD_SUCCESS', +payload: ThreadJoinPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEAVE_THREAD_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEAVE_THREAD_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'LEAVE_THREAD_SUCCESS', +payload: LeaveThreadPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_NEW_SESSION', +payload: SetSessionPayload, } | { +type: 'persist/REHYDRATE', +payload: ?BaseAppState<*>, } | { +type: 'FETCH_MESSAGES_BEFORE_CURSOR_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_MESSAGES_BEFORE_CURSOR_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_MESSAGES_BEFORE_CURSOR_SUCCESS', +payload: FetchMessageInfosPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_MOST_RECENT_MESSAGES_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_MOST_RECENT_MESSAGES_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_MOST_RECENT_MESSAGES_SUCCESS', +payload: FetchMessageInfosPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_SINGLE_MOST_RECENT_MESSAGES_FROM_THREADS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_SINGLE_MOST_RECENT_MESSAGES_FROM_THREADS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FETCH_SINGLE_MOST_RECENT_MESSAGES_FROM_THREADS_SUCCESS', +payload: SimpleMessagesPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_TEXT_MESSAGE_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload: RawTextMessageInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_TEXT_MESSAGE_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error & { +localID: string, +threadID: string, }, +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_TEXT_MESSAGE_SUCCESS', +payload: SendMessagePayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_MULTIMEDIA_MESSAGE_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload: RawMultimediaMessageInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_MULTIMEDIA_MESSAGE_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error & { +localID: string, +threadID: string, }, +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_MULTIMEDIA_MESSAGE_SUCCESS', +payload: SendMessagePayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REACTION_MESSAGE_STARTED', +loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, +payload: RawReactionMessageInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REACTION_MESSAGE_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error & { +targetMessageID: string, +threadID: string, +reaction: string, }, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REACTION_MESSAGE_SUCCESS', +payload: SendReactionMessagePayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEARCH_USERS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEARCH_USERS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEARCH_USERS_SUCCESS', +payload: UserSearchResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_DRAFT', +payload: { +key: string, +text: string, }, } | { +type: 'MOVE_DRAFT', +payload: { +oldKey: string, +newKey: string, }, } | { +type: 'SET_CLIENT_DB_STORE', +payload: { +currentUserID: ?string, +drafts: $ReadOnlyArray, +messages: $ReadOnlyArray, +threadStore: ThreadStore, }, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_ACTIVITY_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_ACTIVITY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_ACTIVITY_SUCCESS', +payload: ActivityUpdateSuccessPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_DEVICE_TOKEN_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_DEVICE_TOKEN_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_DEVICE_TOKEN_SUCCESS', +payload: ?string, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REPORT_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REPORT_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REPORT_SUCCESS', +payload?: ClearDeliveredReportsPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REPORTS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REPORTS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_REPORTS_SUCCESS', +payload?: ClearDeliveredReportsPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'QUEUE_REPORTS', +payload: QueueReportsPayload, } | { +type: 'SET_URL_PREFIX', +payload: string, } | { +type: 'SAVE_MESSAGES', +payload: SaveMessagesPayload, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_CALENDAR_THREAD_FILTER', +payload: CalendarThreadFilter, } | { +type: 'CLEAR_CALENDAR_THREAD_FILTER', +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'SET_CALENDAR_DELETED_FILTER', +payload: SetCalendarDeletedFilterPayload, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_SUCCESS', +payload: SubscriptionUpdateResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_CALENDAR_QUERY_STARTED', +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, +payload?: CalendarQueryUpdateStartingPayload, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_CALENDAR_QUERY_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_CALENDAR_QUERY_SUCCESS', +payload: CalendarQueryUpdateResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FULL_STATE_SYNC', +payload: StateSyncFullActionPayload, } | { +type: 'INCREMENTAL_STATE_SYNC', +payload: StateSyncIncrementalActionPayload, } | { +type: 'PROCESS_SERVER_REQUESTS', +payload: ProcessServerRequestsPayload, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_CONNECTION_STATUS', +payload: UpdateConnectionStatusPayload, } | { +type: 'QUEUE_ACTIVITY_UPDATES', +payload: QueueActivityUpdatesPayload, } | { +type: 'UNSUPERVISED_BACKGROUND', +payload?: void, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_LIFECYCLE_STATE', +payload: LifecycleState, } | { +type: 'ENABLE_APP', +payload: SupportedApps, } | { +type: 'DISABLE_APP', +payload: SupportedApps, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_REPORTS_ENABLED', +payload: Shape, } | { +type: 'PROCESS_UPDATES', +payload: ClientUpdatesResultWithUserInfos, } | { +type: 'PROCESS_MESSAGES', +payload: NewMessagesPayload, } | { +type: 'MESSAGE_STORE_PRUNE', +payload: MessageStorePrunePayload, } | { +type: 'SET_LATE_RESPONSE', +payload: SetLateResponsePayload, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_DISCONNECTED_BAR', +payload: UpdateDisconnectedBarPayload, } | { +type: 'REQUEST_ACCESS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'REQUEST_ACCESS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'REQUEST_ACCESS_SUCCESS', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_MULTIMEDIA_MESSAGE_MEDIA', +payload: UpdateMultimediaMessageMediaPayload, } | { +type: 'CREATE_LOCAL_MESSAGE', +payload: LocallyComposedMessageInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_RELATIONSHIPS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_RELATIONSHIPS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'UPDATE_RELATIONSHIPS_SUCCESS', +payload: RelationshipErrors, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_THREAD_UNREAD_STATUS_STARTED', +payload: { +threadID: string, +unread: boolean, }, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_THREAD_UNREAD_STATUS_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_THREAD_UNREAD_STATUS_SUCCESS', +payload: SetThreadUnreadStatusPayload, } | { +type: 'SET_USER_SETTINGS_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SET_USER_SETTINGS_SUCCESS', +payload: DefaultNotificationPayload, } | { +type: 'SET_USER_SETTINGS_FAILED', +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_MESSAGE_REPORT_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_MESSAGE_REPORT_SUCCESS', +payload: MessageReportCreationResult, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SEND_MESSAGE_REPORT_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'FORCE_POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGMENT', +payload: ForcePolicyAcknowledgmentPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_SUCCESS', +payload: PolicyAcknowledgmentPayload, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'GET_SIWE_NONCE_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'GET_SIWE_NONCE_SUCCESS', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'GET_SIWE_NONCE_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SIWE_AUTH_STARTED', +payload?: void, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SIWE_AUTH_SUCCESS', - +payload?: boolean, + +payload: LogInResponse, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, } | { +type: 'SIWE_AUTH_FAILED', +error: true, +payload: Error, +loadingInfo: LoadingInfo, }; export type ActionPayload = ?(Object | Array<*> | $ReadOnlyArray<*> | string); export type SuperAction = { type: string, payload?: ActionPayload, loadingInfo?: LoadingInfo, error?: boolean, }; type ThunkedAction = (dispatch: Dispatch) => void; export type PromisedAction = (dispatch: Dispatch) => Promise; export type Dispatch = ((promisedAction: PromisedAction) => Promise) & ((thunkedAction: ThunkedAction) => void) & ((action: SuperAction) => boolean); // This is lifted from redux-persist/lib/constants.js // I don't want to add redux-persist to the web/server bundles... // import { REHYDRATE } from 'redux-persist'; export const rehydrateActionType = 'persist/REHYDRATE';