diff --git a/nix/overlay.nix b/nix/overlay.nix index 690223474..017d2afbd 100644 --- a/nix/overlay.nix +++ b/nix/overlay.nix @@ -1,56 +1,56 @@ # An overlay allows for a package set to be extended with new or modified packages # `final` refers to the package set with all overlays applied. # This allows for added or modified packages to be referenced with # all relevant changes final: # `prev` refers to the previous package set before this current overlay is applied. # This is cheaper for nix to evaluate, thus should be prefered over final when possible. prev: { # add packages meant for just this repository amqp-cpp = prev.callPackage ./amqp-cpp.nix { }; protobuf_3_15_cmake = prev.callPackage ./protobuf_3_15.nix { }; devShell = final.callPackage ./dev-shell.nix { }; mysql-down = prev.callPackage ./mysql-down-linux.nix { }; mysql-up = prev.callPackage ./mysql-up-linux.nix { }; arcanist = prev.arcanist.override(_: { # php8.1 will cause warnings to throw as exceptions # around calling strlen() with null php = prev.php80; }); olm = prev.olm.overrideAttrs(oldAttrs: { # *.hh files aren't meant to be used externally # so we patch installation to add it postInstall = '' cp \ $NIX_BUILD_TOP/${oldAttrs.src.name}/include/olm/*.h* \ ''${!outputDev}/include/olm ''; }); - # 16.14 now requires explicit awaits on all imports, pin to 16.13 + # 16.14 now requires experimental import assertions syntax, pin to 16.13 # https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/main/doc/changelogs/CHANGELOG_V16.md nodejs-16_x = prev.nodejs-16_x.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { version = "16.13.0"; name = "nodejs-${version}"; src = prev.fetchurl { url = "https://nodejs.org/dist/v${version}/node-v${version}.tar.xz"; sha256 = "sha256-MhFLPcOUXtD5X4vDO0LGjg7xjECMtWEiVyoWPZB+y8w="; }; }); # Ensure that yarn is using the pinned version yarn = prev.yarn.override (_: { nodejs = final.nodejs-16_x; }); }