diff --git a/native/avatars/avatar-hooks.js b/native/avatars/avatar-hooks.js index 601c8c924..31648ecf1 100644 --- a/native/avatars/avatar-hooks.js +++ b/native/avatars/avatar-hooks.js @@ -1,623 +1,623 @@ // @flow import { useActionSheet } from '@expo/react-native-action-sheet'; import * as ImagePicker from 'expo-image-picker'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Platform } from 'react-native'; import filesystem from 'react-native-fs'; import { useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import { uploadMultimedia, useBlobServiceUpload, } from 'lib/actions/upload-actions.js'; import { EditThreadAvatarContext } from 'lib/components/base-edit-thread-avatar-provider.react.js'; import { EditUserAvatarContext } from 'lib/components/edit-user-avatar-provider.react.js'; import { useLegacyAshoatKeyserverCall } from 'lib/keyserver-conn/legacy-keyserver-call.js'; import { extensionFromFilename, filenameFromPathOrURI, } from 'lib/media/file-utils.js'; import type { UpdateUserAvatarRequest } from 'lib/types/avatar-types.js'; import type { NativeMediaSelection, MediaLibrarySelection, MediaMissionFailure, } from 'lib/types/media-types.js'; import type { RawThreadInfo, ThreadInfo, } from 'lib/types/minimally-encoded-thread-permissions-types.js'; import { threadTypeIsThick } from 'lib/types/thread-types-enum.js'; import { authoritativeKeyserverID } from '../authoritative-keyserver.js'; import CommIcon from '../components/comm-icon.react.js'; import SWMansionIcon from '../components/swmansion-icon.react.js'; import { encryptMedia } from '../media/encryption-utils.js'; import { getCompatibleMediaURI } from '../media/identifier-utils.js'; import type { MediaResult } from '../media/media-utils.js'; import { processMedia } from '../media/media-utils.js'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils.js'; import { useStyles } from '../themes/colors.js'; import Alert from '../utils/alert.js'; import blobServiceUploadHandler from '../utils/blob-service-upload.js'; import { useStaffCanSee } from '../utils/staff-utils.js'; // TODO: flip the switch const useBlobServiceUploads = false; function displayAvatarUpdateFailureAlert(): void { Alert.alert( 'Couldn’t save avatar', 'Please try again later', [{ text: 'OK' }], { cancelable: true }, ); } function useUploadProcessedMedia(): ( media: MediaResult, metadataUploadLocation: 'keyserver' | 'none', ) => Promise { const callUploadMultimedia = useLegacyAshoatKeyserverCall(uploadMultimedia); const callBlobServiceUpload = useBlobServiceUpload(); return React.useCallback( async (processedMedia, metadataUploadLocation) => { const useBlobService = metadataUploadLocation !== 'keyserver' || useBlobServiceUploads; if (!useBlobService) { const { uploadURI, filename, mime, dimensions } = processedMedia; const { id } = await callUploadMultimedia( { uri: uploadURI, name: filename, type: mime, }, dimensions, ); if (!id) { return undefined; } return { type: 'image', uploadID: id }; } const { result: encryptionResult } = await encryptMedia(processedMedia); if (!encryptionResult.success) { throw new Error('Avatar media encryption failed.'); } invariant( encryptionResult.mediaType === 'encrypted_photo', 'Invalid mediaType after encrypting avatar', ); const { uploadURI, filename, mime, blobHash, encryptionKey, dimensions, thumbHash, } = encryptionResult; const { id, uri } = await callBlobServiceUpload({ uploadInput: { blobInput: { type: 'uri', uri: uploadURI, filename, mimeType: mime, }, blobHash, encryptionKey, dimensions, thumbHash, loop: false, }, keyserverOrThreadID: metadataUploadLocation === 'keyserver' ? authoritativeKeyserverID : null, callbacks: { blobServiceUploadHandler }, }); if (metadataUploadLocation !== 'keyserver') { return { type: 'non_keyserver_image', blobURI: uri, thumbHash, encryptionKey, }; } if (!id) { return undefined; } return { type: 'encrypted_image', uploadID: id }; }, [callUploadMultimedia, callBlobServiceUpload], ); } function useProcessSelectedMedia(): NativeMediaSelection => Promise< MediaMissionFailure | MediaResult, > { const hasWiFi = useSelector(state => state.connectivity.hasWiFi); const staffCanSee = useStaffCanSee(); const processSelectedMedia = React.useCallback( async (selection: NativeMediaSelection) => { const { resultPromise } = processMedia(selection, { hasWiFi, finalFileHeaderCheck: staffCanSee, }); return await resultPromise; }, [hasWiFi, staffCanSee], ); return processSelectedMedia; } async function selectFromGallery(): Promise { try { const { assets, canceled } = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({ mediaTypes: ImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.Images, allowsEditing: true, allowsMultipleSelection: false, quality: 1, }); if (canceled || assets.length === 0) { return undefined; } const asset = assets.pop(); const { width, height, assetId: mediaNativeID } = asset; const assetFilename = asset.fileName || filenameFromPathOrURI(asset.uri) || ''; const uri = getCompatibleMediaURI( asset.uri, extensionFromFilename(assetFilename), ); const currentTime = Date.now(); const selection: MediaLibrarySelection = { step: 'photo_library', dimensions: { height, width }, uri, filename: assetFilename, mediaNativeID, selectTime: currentTime, sendTime: currentTime, retries: 0, }; return selection; } catch (e) { console.log(e); return undefined; } } function useUploadSelectedMedia( setProcessingOrUploadInProgress?: (inProgress: boolean) => mixed, ): ( selection: NativeMediaSelection, metadataUploadLocation: 'keyserver' | 'none', ) => Promise { const processSelectedMedia = useProcessSelectedMedia(); const uploadProcessedMedia = useUploadProcessedMedia(); return React.useCallback( async (selection: NativeMediaSelection, metadataUploadLocation) => { setProcessingOrUploadInProgress?.(true); const urisToBeDisposed: Set = new Set([selection.uri]); let processedMedia; try { processedMedia = await processSelectedMedia(selection); if (processedMedia.uploadURI) { urisToBeDisposed.add(processedMedia.uploadURI); } } catch (e) { urisToBeDisposed.forEach(filesystem.unlink); Alert.alert( 'Media processing failed', 'Unable to process selected media.', ); setProcessingOrUploadInProgress?.(false); return undefined; } if (!processedMedia.success) { urisToBeDisposed.forEach(filesystem.unlink); Alert.alert( 'Media processing failed', 'Unable to process selected media.', ); setProcessingOrUploadInProgress?.(false); return undefined; } let uploadedMedia: ?UpdateUserAvatarRequest; try { uploadedMedia = await uploadProcessedMedia( processedMedia, metadataUploadLocation, ); urisToBeDisposed.forEach(filesystem.unlink); setProcessingOrUploadInProgress?.(false); } catch { urisToBeDisposed.forEach(filesystem.unlink); Alert.alert( 'Media upload failed', 'Unable to upload selected media. Please try again.', ); setProcessingOrUploadInProgress?.(false); return undefined; } return uploadedMedia; }, [ processSelectedMedia, setProcessingOrUploadInProgress, uploadProcessedMedia, ], ); } function useNativeSetUserAvatar(): ( request: UpdateUserAvatarRequest, ) => Promise { const editUserAvatarContext = React.useContext(EditUserAvatarContext); invariant(editUserAvatarContext, 'editUserAvatarContext must be defined'); const { baseSetUserAvatar, getRegistrationModeEnabled, getRegistrationModeSuccessCallback, } = editUserAvatarContext; const nativeSetUserAvatar = React.useCallback( async (request: UpdateUserAvatarRequest) => { const registrationModeEnabled = getRegistrationModeEnabled(); if (registrationModeEnabled) { const successCallback = getRegistrationModeSuccessCallback(); invariant( successCallback, 'successCallback must be defined if registrationModeEnabled is true', ); successCallback({ needsUpload: false, updateUserAvatarRequest: request, }); return; } try { await baseSetUserAvatar(request); } catch { displayAvatarUpdateFailureAlert(); } }, [ getRegistrationModeEnabled, getRegistrationModeSuccessCallback, baseSetUserAvatar, ], ); return nativeSetUserAvatar; } function useNativeUpdateUserImageAvatar(): ( selection: NativeMediaSelection, ) => Promise { const editUserAvatarContext = React.useContext(EditUserAvatarContext); invariant(editUserAvatarContext, 'editUserAvatarContext must be defined'); const { baseSetUserAvatar, getRegistrationModeEnabled, getRegistrationModeSuccessCallback, setUserAvatarMediaUploadInProgress, } = editUserAvatarContext; const uploadSelectedMedia = useUploadSelectedMedia( setUserAvatarMediaUploadInProgress, ); const nativeUpdateUserImageAvatar = React.useCallback( async (selection: NativeMediaSelection) => { const registrationModeEnabled = getRegistrationModeEnabled(); if (registrationModeEnabled) { const successCallback = getRegistrationModeSuccessCallback(); invariant( successCallback, 'successCallback must be defined if registrationModeEnabled is true', ); successCallback({ needsUpload: true, mediaSelection: selection, }); return; } const imageAvatarUpdateRequest = await uploadSelectedMedia( selection, 'keyserver', ); if (!imageAvatarUpdateRequest) { return; } try { await baseSetUserAvatar(imageAvatarUpdateRequest); } catch { displayAvatarUpdateFailureAlert(); } }, [ getRegistrationModeEnabled, getRegistrationModeSuccessCallback, baseSetUserAvatar, uploadSelectedMedia, ], ); return nativeUpdateUserImageAvatar; } function useSelectFromGalleryAndUpdateUserAvatar(): () => Promise { const nativeUpdateUserImageAvatar = useNativeUpdateUserImageAvatar(); const selectFromGalleryAndUpdateUserAvatar = React.useCallback(async (): Promise => { const selection = await selectFromGallery(); if (!selection) { return; } await nativeUpdateUserImageAvatar(selection); }, [nativeUpdateUserImageAvatar]); return selectFromGalleryAndUpdateUserAvatar; } function useNativeSetThreadAvatar(): ( threadID: string, avatarRequest: UpdateUserAvatarRequest, ) => Promise { const editThreadAvatarContext = React.useContext(EditThreadAvatarContext); invariant(editThreadAvatarContext, 'editThreadAvatarContext must be defined'); const { baseSetThreadAvatar } = editThreadAvatarContext; const nativeSetThreadAvatar = React.useCallback( async ( threadID: string, avatarRequest: UpdateUserAvatarRequest, ): Promise => { try { await baseSetThreadAvatar(threadID, avatarRequest); } catch (e) { displayAvatarUpdateFailureAlert(); throw e; } }, [baseSetThreadAvatar], ); return nativeSetThreadAvatar; } function useNativeUpdateThreadImageAvatar(): ( selection: NativeMediaSelection, threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo, ) => Promise { const editThreadAvatarContext = React.useContext(EditThreadAvatarContext); invariant(editThreadAvatarContext, 'editThreadAvatarContext must be defined'); const { baseSetThreadAvatar, updateThreadAvatarMediaUploadInProgress } = editThreadAvatarContext; const uploadSelectedMedia = useUploadSelectedMedia( updateThreadAvatarMediaUploadInProgress, ); const nativeUpdateThreadImageAvatar = React.useCallback( async ( selection: NativeMediaSelection, threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo, ): Promise => { const metadataUploadLocation = threadTypeIsThick(threadInfo.type) ? 'none' : 'keyserver'; const imageAvatarUpdateRequest = await uploadSelectedMedia( selection, metadataUploadLocation, ); if (!imageAvatarUpdateRequest) { return; } try { await baseSetThreadAvatar(threadInfo.id, imageAvatarUpdateRequest); } catch { displayAvatarUpdateFailureAlert(); } }, [baseSetThreadAvatar, uploadSelectedMedia], ); return nativeUpdateThreadImageAvatar; } function useSelectFromGalleryAndUpdateThreadAvatar(): ( threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo, ) => Promise { const nativeUpdateThreadImageAvatar = useNativeUpdateThreadImageAvatar(); const selectFromGalleryAndUpdateThreadAvatar = React.useCallback( async (threadInfo: ThreadInfo | RawThreadInfo): Promise => { const selection: ?MediaLibrarySelection = await selectFromGallery(); if (!selection) { return; } await nativeUpdateThreadImageAvatar(selection, threadInfo); }, [nativeUpdateThreadImageAvatar], ); return selectFromGalleryAndUpdateThreadAvatar; } type ShowAvatarActionSheetOptions = { +id: 'emoji' | 'image' | 'camera' | 'ens' | 'farcaster' | 'cancel' | 'remove', +onPress?: () => mixed, }; function useShowAvatarActionSheet( options: $ReadOnlyArray, ): () => void { options = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? [...options, { id: 'cancel' }] : options; const insets = useSafeAreaInsets(); const { showActionSheetWithOptions } = useActionSheet(); const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles); const showAvatarActionSheet = React.useCallback(() => { const texts = options.map((option: ShowAvatarActionSheetOptions) => { if (option.id === 'emoji') { return 'Select emoji'; } else if (option.id === 'image') { return 'Select image'; } else if (option.id === 'camera') { return 'Open camera'; } else if (option.id === 'ens') { return 'Use ENS avatar'; } else if (option.id === 'farcaster') { return 'Use Farcaster avatar'; } else if (option.id === 'remove') { return 'Reset to default'; } else { return 'Cancel'; } }); const cancelButtonIndex = options.findIndex( option => option.id === 'cancel', ); const containerStyle = { - paddingBotton: insets.bottom, + paddingBottom: insets.bottom, }; const icons = options.map(option => { if (option.id === 'emoji') { return ( ); } else if (option.id === 'image') { return ( ); } else if (option.id === 'camera') { return ( ); } else if (option.id === 'ens') { return ( ); } else if (option.id === 'farcaster') { return ( ); } else if (option.id === 'remove') { return ( ); } else { return undefined; } }); const onPressAction = (selectedIndex: ?number) => { if ( selectedIndex === null || selectedIndex === undefined || selectedIndex < 0 ) { return; } const option = options[selectedIndex]; if (option.onPress) { option.onPress(); } }; showActionSheetWithOptions( { options: texts, cancelButtonIndex, containerStyle, icons, }, onPressAction, ); }, [ insets.bottom, options, showActionSheetWithOptions, styles.bottomSheetIcon, ]); return showAvatarActionSheet; } const unboundStyles = { bottomSheetIcon: { color: '#000000', }, }; export { displayAvatarUpdateFailureAlert, selectFromGallery, useUploadSelectedMedia, useUploadProcessedMedia, useProcessSelectedMedia, useShowAvatarActionSheet, useSelectFromGalleryAndUpdateUserAvatar, useNativeSetUserAvatar, useNativeUpdateUserImageAvatar, useSelectFromGalleryAndUpdateThreadAvatar, useNativeSetThreadAvatar, useNativeUpdateThreadImageAvatar, };