diff --git a/lib/hooks/peer-list-hooks.js b/lib/hooks/peer-list-hooks.js index e86b60a1f..632e290c2 100644 --- a/lib/hooks/peer-list-hooks.js +++ b/lib/hooks/peer-list-hooks.js @@ -1,173 +1,138 @@ // @flow import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; import { setPeerDeviceListsActionType } from '../actions/aux-user-actions.js'; -import { - getAllPeerDevices, - getRelativeUserIDs, -} from '../selectors/user-selectors.js'; +import { getAllPeerDevices } from '../selectors/user-selectors.js'; import { IdentityClientContext } from '../shared/identity-client-context.js'; import { useTunnelbroker } from '../tunnelbroker/tunnelbroker-context.js'; import type { UsersRawDeviceLists, UsersDevicesPlatformDetails, SignedDeviceList, RawDeviceList, } from '../types/identity-service-types.js'; import { type DeviceListUpdated, peerToPeerMessageTypes, } from '../types/tunnelbroker/peer-to-peer-message-types.js'; import { getContentSigningKey } from '../utils/crypto-utils.js'; import { convertSignedDeviceListsToRawDeviceLists } from '../utils/device-list-utils.js'; import { values } from '../utils/objects.js'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from '../utils/redux-utils.js'; -function useCreateInitialPeerList(): () => Promise { - const dispatch = useDispatch(); - const relativeUserIDs = useSelector(getRelativeUserIDs); - - const identityContext = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); - invariant(identityContext, 'Identity context should be set'); - - return React.useCallback(async () => { - if (!identityContext) { - return; - } - try { - const peersDeviceLists = - await identityContext.identityClient.getDeviceListsForUsers( - relativeUserIDs, - ); - const usersRawDeviceLists = convertSignedDeviceListsToRawDeviceLists( - peersDeviceLists.usersSignedDeviceLists, - ); - const usersPlatformDetails = peersDeviceLists.usersDevicesPlatformDetails; - - dispatch({ - type: setPeerDeviceListsActionType, - payload: { deviceLists: usersRawDeviceLists, usersPlatformDetails }, - }); - } catch (e) { - console.log(`Error creating initial peer list: ${e.message}`); - } - }, [dispatch, identityContext, relativeUserIDs]); -} - function useGetDeviceListsForUsers(): ( userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, ) => Promise<{ +deviceLists: UsersRawDeviceLists, +usersPlatformDetails: UsersDevicesPlatformDetails, }> { const client = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const identityClient = client?.identityClient; invariant(identityClient, 'Identity client should be set'); return React.useCallback( async (userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray) => { const peersDeviceLists = await identityClient.getDeviceListsForUsers(userIDs); return { deviceLists: convertSignedDeviceListsToRawDeviceLists( peersDeviceLists.usersSignedDeviceLists, ), usersPlatformDetails: peersDeviceLists.usersDevicesPlatformDetails, }; }, [identityClient], ); } function useGetAndUpdateDeviceListsForUsers(): ( userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, broadcastUpdates: ?boolean, ) => Promise { const getDeviceListsForUsers = useGetDeviceListsForUsers(); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const broadcastDeviceListUpdates = useBroadcastDeviceListUpdates(); const allPeerDevices = useSelector(getAllPeerDevices); return React.useCallback( async (userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, broadcastUpdates: ?boolean) => { const { deviceLists, usersPlatformDetails } = await getDeviceListsForUsers(userIDs); if (Object.keys(deviceLists).length === 0) { return; } dispatch({ type: setPeerDeviceListsActionType, payload: { deviceLists, usersPlatformDetails }, }); if (!broadcastUpdates) { return; } const thisDeviceID = await getContentSigningKey(); const newDevices = values(deviceLists) .map((deviceList: RawDeviceList) => deviceList.devices) .flat() .filter( deviceID => !allPeerDevices.includes(deviceID) && deviceID !== thisDeviceID, ); await broadcastDeviceListUpdates(newDevices); }, [ allPeerDevices, broadcastDeviceListUpdates, dispatch, getDeviceListsForUsers, ], ); } function useBroadcastDeviceListUpdates(): ( deviceIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, signedDeviceList?: SignedDeviceList, ) => Promise { const { sendMessage } = useTunnelbroker(); const identityContext = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); invariant(identityContext, 'identity context not set'); return React.useCallback( async ( deviceIDs: $ReadOnlyArray, signedDeviceList?: SignedDeviceList, ) => { const { getAuthMetadata } = identityContext; const { userID } = await getAuthMetadata(); if (!userID) { throw new Error('missing auth metadata'); } const messageToPeer: DeviceListUpdated = { type: peerToPeerMessageTypes.DEVICE_LIST_UPDATED, userID, signedDeviceList, }; const payload = JSON.stringify(messageToPeer); const promises = deviceIDs.map((deviceID: string) => sendMessage({ deviceID, payload, }), ); await Promise.all(promises); }, [identityContext, sendMessage], ); } export { - useCreateInitialPeerList, useGetDeviceListsForUsers, useBroadcastDeviceListUpdates, useGetAndUpdateDeviceListsForUsers, }; diff --git a/native/profile/tunnelbroker-menu.react.js b/native/profile/tunnelbroker-menu.react.js index 05a79e90d..15522363a 100644 --- a/native/profile/tunnelbroker-menu.react.js +++ b/native/profile/tunnelbroker-menu.react.js @@ -1,276 +1,264 @@ // @flow import * as React from 'react'; import { useState } from 'react'; import { Text, View } from 'react-native'; import { ScrollView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; -import { useCreateInitialPeerList } from 'lib/hooks/peer-list-hooks.js'; import { IdentityClientContext } from 'lib/shared/identity-client-context.js'; import { useTunnelbroker } from 'lib/tunnelbroker/tunnelbroker-context.js'; import { tunnelbrokerMessageTypes, type TunnelbrokerMessage, } from 'lib/types/tunnelbroker/messages.js'; import { type EncryptedMessage, peerToPeerMessageTypes, } from 'lib/types/tunnelbroker/peer-to-peer-message-types.js'; import { createOlmSessionsWithOwnDevices, getContentSigningKey, } from 'lib/utils/crypto-utils.js'; import type { ProfileNavigationProp } from './profile.react.js'; import Button from '../components/button.react.js'; import TextInput from '../components/text-input.react.js'; import { olmAPI } from '../crypto/olm-api.js'; import type { NavigationRoute } from '../navigation/route-names.js'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils.js'; import { useColors, useStyles } from '../themes/colors.js'; type Props = { +navigation: ProfileNavigationProp<'TunnelbrokerMenu'>, +route: NavigationRoute<'TunnelbrokerMenu'>, }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function TunnelbrokerMenu(props: Props): React.Node { const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles); const colors = useColors(); const currentUserID = useSelector( state => state.currentUserInfo && state.currentUserInfo.id, ); const identityContext = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const { connected, addListener, sendMessage, removeListener } = useTunnelbroker(); const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]); const [recipient, setRecipient] = useState(''); const [message, setMessage] = useState(''); const [deviceID, setDeviceID] = React.useState(); React.useEffect(() => { void (async () => { const contentSigningKey = await getContentSigningKey(); setDeviceID(contentSigningKey); })(); }, []); const listener = React.useCallback((msg: TunnelbrokerMessage) => { setMessages(prev => [...prev, msg]); }, []); React.useEffect(() => { addListener(listener); return () => removeListener(listener); }, [addListener, listener, removeListener]); const onSubmit = React.useCallback(async () => { try { await sendMessage({ deviceID: recipient, payload: message }); } catch (e) { console.log(e.message); } }, [message, recipient, sendMessage]); const onCreateSessions = React.useCallback(async () => { if (!identityContext) { return; } const authMetadata = await identityContext.getAuthMetadata(); try { await createOlmSessionsWithOwnDevices( authMetadata, identityContext.identityClient, sendMessage, ); } catch (e) { console.log(`Error creating olm sessions with own devices: ${e.message}`); } }, [identityContext, sendMessage]); - const onCreateInitialPeerList = useCreateInitialPeerList(); - const onSendEncryptedMessage = React.useCallback(async () => { try { if (!currentUserID) { return; } await olmAPI.initializeCryptoAccount(); const encryptedData = await olmAPI.encrypt( `Encrypted message to ${recipient}`, recipient, ); const signingKey = await getContentSigningKey(); const encryptedMessage: EncryptedMessage = { type: peerToPeerMessageTypes.ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE, senderInfo: { deviceID: signingKey, userID: currentUserID, }, encryptedData, }; await sendMessage({ deviceID: recipient, payload: JSON.stringify(encryptedMessage), }); } catch (e) { console.log(`Error sending encrypted content to device: ${e.message}`); } }, [currentUserID, recipient, sendMessage]); return ( INFO Connected {connected.toString()} DEVICE ID {deviceID} USER ID {currentUserID} SEND MESSAGE Recipient Message - MESSAGES {messages .filter(msg => msg.type !== tunnelbrokerMessageTypes.HEARTBEAT) .map((msg, id) => ( {JSON.stringify(msg)} ))} ); } const unboundStyles = { scrollViewContentContainer: { paddingTop: 24, }, scrollView: { backgroundColor: 'panelBackground', }, section: { backgroundColor: 'panelForeground', borderBottomWidth: 1, borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder', borderTopWidth: 1, marginBottom: 24, marginVertical: 2, }, header: { color: 'panelBackgroundLabel', fontSize: 12, fontWeight: '400', paddingBottom: 3, paddingHorizontal: 24, }, submenuButton: { flexDirection: 'row', paddingHorizontal: 24, paddingVertical: 10, alignItems: 'center', }, submenuText: { color: 'panelForegroundLabel', flex: 1, fontSize: 16, }, text: { color: 'panelForegroundLabel', fontSize: 16, }, row: { flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', paddingHorizontal: 24, paddingVertical: 14, }, textInput: { color: 'modalBackgroundLabel', flex: 1, fontSize: 16, margin: 0, padding: 0, borderBottomColor: 'transparent', }, }; export default TunnelbrokerMenu; diff --git a/web/settings/account-settings.react.js b/web/settings/account-settings.react.js index b3905f4b4..3658b3e2e 100644 --- a/web/settings/account-settings.react.js +++ b/web/settings/account-settings.react.js @@ -1,311 +1,302 @@ // @flow import * as React from 'react'; import { useLogOut, logOutActionTypes, useSecondaryDeviceLogOut, } from 'lib/actions/user-actions.js'; import { useModalContext } from 'lib/components/modal-provider.react.js'; import SWMansionIcon from 'lib/components/swmansion-icon.react.js'; import { useStringForUser } from 'lib/hooks/ens-cache.js'; -import { useCreateInitialPeerList } from 'lib/hooks/peer-list-hooks.js'; import { accountHasPassword } from 'lib/shared/account-utils.js'; import { IdentityClientContext } from 'lib/shared/identity-client-context.js'; import { useTunnelbroker } from 'lib/tunnelbroker/tunnelbroker-context.js'; import { createOlmSessionsWithOwnDevices, getContentSigningKey, } from 'lib/utils/crypto-utils.js'; import { isDev } from 'lib/utils/dev-utils.js'; import { useDispatchActionPromise } from 'lib/utils/redux-promise-utils.js'; import css from './account-settings.css'; import AppearanceChangeModal from './appearance-change-modal.react.js'; import BackupTestRestoreModal from './backup-test-restore-modal.react.js'; import PasswordChangeModal from './password-change-modal.js'; import BlockListModal from './relationship/block-list-modal.react.js'; import FriendListModal from './relationship/friend-list-modal.react.js'; import TunnelbrokerMessagesScreen from './tunnelbroker-message-list.react.js'; import TunnelbrokerTestScreen from './tunnelbroker-test.react.js'; import EditUserAvatar from '../avatars/edit-user-avatar.react.js'; import Button from '../components/button.react.js'; import { useSelector } from '../redux/redux-utils.js'; import { useStaffCanSee } from '../utils/staff-utils.js'; function AccountSettings(): React.Node { const sendLogoutRequest = useLogOut(); const sendSecondaryDeviceLogoutRequest = useSecondaryDeviceLogOut(); const dispatchActionPromise = useDispatchActionPromise(); const logOutUser = React.useCallback( () => dispatchActionPromise(logOutActionTypes, sendLogoutRequest()), [dispatchActionPromise, sendLogoutRequest], ); const logOutSecondaryDevice = React.useCallback( () => dispatchActionPromise( logOutActionTypes, sendSecondaryDeviceLogoutRequest(), ), [dispatchActionPromise, sendSecondaryDeviceLogoutRequest], ); const identityContext = React.useContext(IdentityClientContext); const userID = useSelector(state => state.currentUserInfo?.id); const [deviceID, setDeviceID] = React.useState(); React.useEffect(() => { void (async () => { const contentSigningKey = await getContentSigningKey(); setDeviceID(contentSigningKey); })(); }, []); const { pushModal, popModal } = useModalContext(); const showPasswordChangeModal = React.useCallback( () => pushModal(), [pushModal], ); const openFriendList = React.useCallback( () => pushModal(), [pushModal], ); const openBlockList = React.useCallback( () => pushModal(), [pushModal], ); const isAccountWithPassword = useSelector(state => accountHasPassword(state.currentUserInfo), ); const currentUserInfo = useSelector(state => state.currentUserInfo); const stringForUser = useStringForUser(currentUserInfo); const staffCanSee = useStaffCanSee(); const { sendMessage, connected, addListener, removeListener } = useTunnelbroker(); const openTunnelbrokerModal = React.useCallback( () => pushModal( , ), [popModal, pushModal, sendMessage], ); const openTunnelbrokerMessagesModal = React.useCallback( () => pushModal( , ), [addListener, popModal, pushModal, removeListener], ); const onCreateOlmSessions = React.useCallback(async () => { if (!identityContext) { return; } const authMetadata = await identityContext.getAuthMetadata(); try { await createOlmSessionsWithOwnDevices( authMetadata, identityContext.identityClient, sendMessage, ); } catch (e) { console.log(`Error creating olm sessions with own devices: ${e.message}`); } }, [identityContext, sendMessage]); - const onCreateInitialPeerList = useCreateInitialPeerList(); - const openBackupTestRestoreModal = React.useCallback( () => pushModal(), [popModal, pushModal], ); const showAppearanceModal = React.useCallback( () => pushModal(), [pushModal], ); if (!currentUserInfo || currentUserInfo.anonymous) { return null; } let changePasswordSection; if (isAccountWithPassword) { changePasswordSection = (
  • Password ******
  • ); } let experimentalLogOutSection; if (isDev) { experimentalLogOutSection = (
  • Log out secondary device
  • ); } let preferences; if (staffCanSee) { preferences = (


    • Appearance
    ); } let tunnelbroker; if (staffCanSee) { tunnelbroker = (

    Tunnelbroker menu

    • Connected {connected.toString()}
    • Send message to device
    • Trace received messages
    • Create session with own devices
    • -
    • - Create initial peer list - -
    ); } let backup; if (staffCanSee) { backup = (

    Backup menu

    • Test backup restore
    ); } let deviceData; if (staffCanSee) { deviceData = (

    Device ID

    • {deviceID}

    User ID

    • {userID}
    ); } return (

    My Account

    • {'Logged in as '} {stringForUser}

    • {experimentalLogOutSection} {changePasswordSection}
    • Friend List
    • Block List
    {preferences} {tunnelbroker} {backup} {deviceData}
    ); } export default AccountSettings;