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Harbormaster All Buildables
All Buildables
All Buildables
- Diff 47527
- Diff 47526
- Buildable 33814 D14491: [native] Add keyserver to device list during restore
- Diff 47525
- Buildable 33813 D14490: [identity] Support tuples in device list verification
- Diff 47524
- Buildable 33812 D14489: [lib][native] Add keyserverDeviceID to LatestBackupInfo
- Diff 47523
- Buildable 33811 D14488: [native] enable connect farcaster prompt, display prompt after nux tips have all been dismissed
- Diff 47522
- Buildable 33810 D14444: [lib] launch connect farcaster prompt
- Diff 47521
- Buildable 33809 D14486: [native] Script to bump native version
- Diff 47519
- Buildable 33808 D14486: [native] Script to bump native version
- Diff 47518
- Buildable 33807 D14487: [ci] Update mac runner image in github workflows
- Diff 47517
- Buildable 33806 D14486: [native] Script to bump native version
- Diff 47516
- Buildable 33805 D14486: [native] Script to bump native version
- Diff 47515
- Buildable 33804 D14486: [native] Script to bump native version
- Diff 47514
- Buildable 33803 D14486: [native] Script to bump native version
- Diff 47513
- Buildable 33802 D14486: [native] Script to bump native version
- Diff 47512
- Buildable 33801 D14486: [native] Script to bump native version
- Diff 47511
- Buildable 33800 D14485: [web][keyserver] log Olm memory usage changes
- Diff 47504
- Buildable 33799 D14481: [native] Remove ffmpeg dependency
- Diff 47503
- Diff 47502
- Buildable 33797 D14483: [web] clear old Olm session before creating new one
- Diff 47501
- Diff 47500
- Buildable 33795 D11243: [CI] Clean on failure for Emscripten pipeline
- Diff 47499
- Buildable 33794 D14485: [web][keyserver] log Olm memory usage changes
- Diff 47498
- Buildable 33793 D14484: [dependencies] bump Olm version to `0.2.3`
- Diff 47497
- Buildable 33792 D11243: [CI] Clean on failure for Emscripten pipeline
- Diff 47496
- Buildable 33791 D14483: [web] clear old Olm session before creating new one
- Diff 47495
- Buildable 33790 D14482: [web] clear old `cryptoStore` before creating new one
- Diff 47494
- Diff 47493
- Buildable 33788 D14481: [native] Remove ffmpeg dependency
- Diff 47492
- Diff 47491
- Buildable 33786 D14479: [ios] Implement transcodeVideo() function on iOS
- Diff 47490
- Buildable 33785 D14478: [android] Implement transcodeVideo() function on Android
- Diff 47489
- Diff 47488
- Buildable 33783 D14476: [ios] Implement generateThumbnail() function on iOS
- Diff 47487
- Diff 47486
- Diff 47485
- Buildable 33780 D14473: [ios] Implement hasMultipleFrames() function on iOS
- Diff 47484
- Diff 47483
- Diff 47482
- Buildable 33777 D14470: [ios] Implement getVideoInfo() function on iOS
- Diff 47481
- Buildable 33776 D14469: [android] Implement getVideoInfo() function on Android
- Diff 47480
- Buildable 33775 D14468: [native] Add MediaModule expo module
- Diff 47479
- Diff 47478
- Diff 47477
- Buildable 33772 D14466: [grpc-clients] Add helpers for services grpc client
- Diff 47476
- Buildable 33771 D14465: [identity] Support service-to-service token in auth RPCs
- Diff 47475
- Diff 47474
- Buildable 33769 D14463: [lib] Add a migration that adds new permissions
- Diff 47461
- Buildable 33768 D14462: [lib] Introduce new permissions
- Diff 47460
- Buildable 33767 D14461: [terraform] Bump staging Identity to 0.51.2
- Diff 47459
- Buildable 33766 D14458: [lib] Create a migration function
- Diff 47458
- Buildable 33765 D14457: [lib] Create unshimming queue
- Diff 47457
- Buildable 33764 D14454: [lib] Save unsupported operations in the DB
- Diff 47456
- Buildable 33763 D14449: [native][web] Expose new store to the JS layer
- Diff 47455
- Buildable 33762 D14448: [native] Add DMOperation operations to the C++ layer
- Diff 47454
- Buildable 33761 D14447: [native] Create table and queries for DMOperations
- Diff 47453
- Buildable 33760 D14458: [lib] Create a migration function
- Diff 47450
- Buildable 33759 D14457: [lib] Create unshimming queue
- Diff 47449
- Diff 47448
- Buildable 33757 D14454: [lib] Save unsupported operations in the DB
- Diff 47447
- Buildable 33756 D14453: [lib] Handle ops in the reducer
- Diff 47446
- Buildable 33755 D14452: [lib] Convert the operations
- Diff 47445
- Buildable 33754 D14460: [identity] Verify prekeys in RefreshUserPrekeys RPC
- Diff 47444
- Buildable 33753 D14459: [commtest] Generate valid prekeys with mock Olm account
- Diff 47443
- Buildable 33752 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47442
- Buildable 33751 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47441
- Buildable 33750 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47440
- Buildable 33749 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47439
- Buildable 33748 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47438
- Buildable 33747 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47437
- Buildable 33746 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47436
- Buildable 33745 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47435
- Buildable 33744 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47434
- Buildable 33743 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47433
- Buildable 33742 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47432
- Buildable 33741 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47431
- Buildable 33740 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47430
- Buildable 33739 D14451: [web] Add support for DM operations to the shared worker
- Diff 47429
- Buildable 33738 D14450: [web] Add SQLite query executor tests
- Diff 47428
- Buildable 33737 D14449: [native][web] Expose new store to the JS layer
- Diff 47427
- Buildable 33736 D14448: [native] Add DMOperation operations to the C++ layer
- Diff 47426
- Buildable 33735 D14447: [native] Create table and queries for DMOperations
- Diff 47425
- Buildable 33734 D14458: [lib] Create a migration function
- Diff 47424
- Buildable 33733 D14457: [lib] Create unshimming queue
- Diff 47422
- Diff 47421
- Buildable 33731 D14455: [ignore] test Emscripten
- Diff 47420
- Buildable 33730 D14454: [lib] Save unsupported operations in the DB
- Diff 47419
- Buildable 33729 D14453: [lib] Handle ops in the reducer
- Diff 47418
- Buildable 33728 D14452: [lib] Convert the operations
- Diff 47417
- Buildable 33727 D14451: [web] Add support for DM operations to the shared worker
- Diff 47416
- Buildable 33726 D14450: [web] Add SQLite query executor tests
- Diff 47415
- Buildable 33725 D14449: [native][web] Expose new store to the JS layer
- Diff 47414
- Buildable 33724 D14448: [native] Add DMOperation operations to the C++ layer
- Diff 47413
- Buildable 33723 D14447: [native] Create table and queries for DMOperations
- Diff 47412
- Buildable 33722 D14446: [native] flip showCommunityDirectory to true
- Diff 47411
- Buildable 33721 D14445: [native] hide community directory prompt on dev
- Diff 47410
- Buildable 33720 D14444: [lib] launch connect farcaster prompt
- Diff 47409
- Buildable 33719 D14444: [lib] launch connect farcaster prompt
- Diff 47408
- Buildable 33718 D14443: [native] cache LoadableImage in memory and disk
- Diff 47406
- Buildable 33717 D14442: [native] update Podfile.lock
- Diff 47402