1. Confirmed that `hasMinCodeVersion` successfully works for both cases where the client should be able to see the new message type and vice versa.
2. Ran several pin / unpin actions on a variety of messages (text, images, videos) to confirm that the robotext is as expected
Sorry for the table view, I figured it'll make it easier to see specific images
| | Text | One Image | Two Images | Video | Mixed Media |
| Original | {F440858} | {F440854} | {F440855} | {F440856} | {F440857} |
| Robotext | {F440864} | {F440865} | {F440866} | {F440867} | {F440868} |
| Database | {F440869} | {F440870} | {F440871} | {F440872} | {F440873} |