1. Successfully built app without errors.
2. Device testing:
To test the APNs notification physical iOS device is required.
- Isolated testing can be done using the [[ https://github.com/geekbrother/apns-ios-push-tester | apns-ios-push-tester ]] XCode project. To test it clone the [[ https://github.com/geekbrother/apns-ios-push-tester | apns-ios-push-tester ]] and follow the instruction to set the certificate, run the app on the physical iOS device and get the device token.
- Comm app testing can be done using the apns certificate provided in 1Password.
Send the apns message using the following library call from C++:
#include "cxxbridge_code/src/lib.rs.h"
#include "rust/cxx.h
const std::string cert_path = argv[1];
const std::string cert_pass = argv[2];
const std::string topic = argv[3];
const std::string device_token = argv[4];
const std::string message_text = argv[5];
const std::string message_payload = argv[6];
const bool sandbox = true; // True if your certificate is for development.
sendNotifToAPNS(cert_path, cert_pass, topic, device_token, message_text, message_payload, sandbox);
The expected result is push message delivery to the device if the credentials are correct. Errors if some of the credentials are wrong.