1. Apply the following diff to `CommNotificationsHandler.java`: https://gist.github.com/marcinwasowicz/b90db78cb695e658ca3e2b1e1fd85c75
2. Build the app and log in.
3. Get `cookie_id` of the notifications olm session created for currently logged in android user (query db).
4. Apply this diff to `send.js` file in keyserver (`push` directory). Remember to replace `cookieID` with data pulled from db in step 2.: https://gist.github.com/marcinwasowicz/873ec48a8b332c1e2324771d52e11ee0
5. Send notification. Examine logs in Android Studio.
2023-05-18 18:03:35.098 12796-12842 COMM app.comm.android W Encrypted sample: AwoguiD1LCV7sLJPq6lHWT5MARaNb3HEd+G/pIQzVyMqnw8QHiJAXQ0fCykph234akrN1RKigZzuDvfx4v++So74g7DoDCRLK+lMdtw06WMXuaGAAXVOOY2Ii63zLClgz7XE+me1qlWw766wN7al
2023-05-18 18:03:35.098 12796-12842 COMM app.comm.android W Decrypted sample: This is data that is sent encrypted over the wire.