Please see the testing video below where I do the followingconfirm in both announcement and non-announcement communities, the user-surfaced permission 'voiced in announcement channels' is shown:
1. Created a new community and add some members (making it an announcement root)
2. Create some normal subchannels and announcement subchannels
3. Log out and confirm that an added user cannot speak in the announcement subchannels but can speak in the normal subchannels
4. Log back into the Admin user and modify the `Members` permissions so they can speak in announcement channels
5. Log into the normal members and confirm that they can talk in the announcement root + announcement subchannels
6. Log into the Admin and create a custom role without 'voiced_in_announcement_channels' permission and assign it to some members
7. Log into the members and confirm that they can no longer speak in the announcement root and announcement subchannels
8. Log back into the Admin user and edit the new role to have 'voiced_in_announcement_channels' permission
9. Log into the other members and confirm they can now speak in announcement subchannels and the announcement root{F838658}