In `CommCoreModule::getUserPublicKeys` place the following lines and attach XCode debugger to each line (for Android log output of each line and examine logs in logcat):
std::uint8_t numPrekeys = this->cryptoModule->getNumPrekeys(); // should be zero
std::string firstPrekey = this->cryptoModule->generateAndGetPrekey();
std::string secondPrekey = this->cryptoModule->generateAndGetPrekey();
std::uint8_t numPrekeys_1 = this->cryptoModule->getNumPrekeys();//should be 2
std::string prekey_1 = this->cryptoModule->getPrekey();// should be as prekey 2
std::string prekey_2 = this->cryptoModule->getUnpublishedPrekey();// should be as prekey 2
std::uint8_t numPrekeys_2 = this->cryptoModule->getNumPrekeys();// should be 1
std::string secondPrekey_3 = this->cryptoModule->getUnpublishedPrekey();// should crash
Ensure the output of each line matches what is written in the comments.