Once I added `cryptoStore` to the `redux-persist` "whitelist," I noticed that refreshing the page caused an error. The error had to do with `olm.Account()` not being a constructor. After looking into it, I realized that the issue was that we weren't `await`ing `initOlm` in `getSignedIdentityKeysBlobSelector` before trying to use `olm` functions.
> Why wasn't this an issue before?
Previously, the only places on `web` where we were using `olm` were `LoginForm`, `TraditionalLoginForm`, and `SIWELoginForm`.
In all of those places we made sure that `await initOlm` had completed prior to using any `olm` functionality (either explicitly in `LoginForm`, or implicitly in the child `TraditionalLoginForm` and `SIWELoginForm` components) so this was never an issue.
I failed to ensure that we were handling `await initOlm()` when writing `getSignedIdentityKeysBlobSelector`. This caused a crash on refresh because the `olm` codepaths in `getSignedIdentityKeysBlobSelector` get "hit" immediately as part of `Socket` "rendering."
The reason I wasn't catching this previously is
A. I either had OLM initialized after authing in... so things worked.
B. `primaryAccount`/`primaryIdentityKeys`/`notificationIdentityKeys` were unset because they weren't persisted, and `getSignedIdentityKeysBlobSelector` early returned: https://blob.sh/1628a9.png... so things worked.
Once I added `cryptoStore` to `redux-persist`, I ran into the situation where
A. OLM hadn't been initialized.
B. `getSignedIdentityKeysBlobSelector` was getting past the early return case... and the `new olm.Account()` call failed.
In this diff I add `await initOlm()` to `getSignedIdentityKeysBlobSelector` and make the necessary modifications in `TraditionalLoginForm` and `SIWELoginForm` to accomodate the changes.