Dispatched an invalid session downgrade action (with a wrong cookie / sessionID)
payload: {
currentUserInfo: { anonymous: true },
preRequestUserState: {
currentUserInfo: { id: '83810', username: 'user1'},
cookiesAndSessions: {['256']: {cookie: 'user=123', sessionID: '0'}}
keyserverIDs: ['256'],
Checked that the code returned.
Dispatched an action which was an invalid session downgrade for only some keyservers
payload: {
currentUserInfo: { anonymous: true },
preRequestUserState: {
currentUserInfo: { id: '83810', username: 'user1'},
cookiesAndSessions: {
['256']: {cookie: <valid, current cookie>, sessionID: <valid, current sessionID>},
['100']: {cookie: 'user=123', sessionID: '0'},
keyserverIDs: ['256', '100'],
And checked that the keyservers for which the downgrade was invalid were removed from the payload, and the edited action was passed to next reducers