[[ https://gist.github.com/vdhanan/8d3b72f5ce43cedf35e6a265290348b7 | test patch ]]
1. Modified `getOneTimeKeysForPublishing` to generate one unpublished one-time key
2. called `commCoreModule.getOneTimeKeys(10) twice from JS
3. confirmed that the one unpublished key appeared in `otks` but not `otks2` (all the keys in `otks` get marked as published so they are no longer accessible on the second call)
4. confirmed that `otks2` was a brand new set of 10 keys
5. (not in patch) called `commCoreModule.getOneTimeKeys(101) and got an error: `{"message": "error generateKeys => invalid amount of one-time keys published. Expected 101, got 100"}`. this is expected since the account can only hold 100 one-time keys.