1. Remove gRPC interface of backup service. More info here: [ENG-4501](https://linear.app/comm/issue/ENG-4501/update-backup-endpoints), but generally web app will also need to send large files in the future
2. Remove blob gRPC client. Start of [ENG-3687](https://linear.app/comm/issue/ENG-3687/use-http-blob-client)
3. Updated `Cargo.toml` (and run the default formatter)
I decided to do it first instead of first creating backup interface and only then removing the gRPC one but:
- as far as I know the current backup service isn't used anywhere
- I will be able to reuse some database code but it will need to be changed and I don't want to have to change the gRPC code to match, if it's going to be removed anyway