1. Build app.
2. Write some drafts in some threads.
3. Rebuild the app, but modify `updateDraft` function in `SQLiteQueryExecutor` to create main compaction instead of updating draft. Add some logging to print `encryptionKey` to the console.
4. Update draft.
5. Ensure that backup file is created by downloading container from Xcode or by examining device file explorer in Android studio. Ensure file is encrypted.
6. Log-out.
7. Re-build the app, but modify `updateDraft` function in `SQLiteQueryExecutor` to restore database from main compaction. Hardcode the same backup id that you used to create compaction and encryptionKey that was logged to the console.
8. Log-in.
9. Update draft.
10. Ensure that drafts saved before log-out are on the device.