A lot of nested quotation cause native app crash and looks confusing on web, more details in task: [[ https://linear.app/comm/issue/ENG-1547/maximum-call-stack-size-exceed-after-spamming | ENG-1547 ]]
We process all quotation levels which results with too many recursive calls.
Limit level of recursion calls, for that we will use `state` object which according to `simple-markdown` docs [[ https://github.com/Khan/simple-markdown#parsecapture-recurseparse-state | is the mutable state threading object, which can be examined or modified ]].
Also, to make that change I needed to change the same code in two places, there are mostly different rules for each platform but don't you think it worth moving those which are overlapped to one place, somewhere in `/lib/shared`? I'll wait for your opinion and if yes I'll create a task on linear.