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diff --git a/services/identity/src/database/ b/services/identity/src/database/
--- a/services/identity/src/database/
+++ b/services/identity/src/database/
@@ -988,3 +988,185 @@
+// Helper module for "migration" code into new device list schema.
+// We can get rid of this when primary device takes over the responsibility
+// of managing the device list.
+mod migration {
+ use std::cmp::Ordering;
+ use super::*;
+ /// Returns reference to primary device (if any) from given list of devices
+ /// or None if there's no valid primary device.
+ fn determine_primary_device(devices: &[DeviceRow]) -> Option<&DeviceRow> {
+ // 1. Find mobile devices with valid token
+ // 2. Prioritize these with latest code version
+ // 3. If there's a tie, select the one with latest login time
+ let mut mobile_devices = devices
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|device| {
+ device.device_type == DeviceType::Ios
+ || device.device_type == DeviceType::Android
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ mobile_devices.sort_by(|a, b| {
+ let code_version_cmp = b.code_version.cmp(&a.code_version);
+ if code_version_cmp == Ordering::Equal {
+ b.login_time.cmp(&a.login_time)
+ } else {
+ code_version_cmp
+ }
+ });
+ mobile_devices.first().cloned()
+ }
+ mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use chrono::Duration;
+ #[test]
+ fn determine_primary_device_returns_none_for_empty_list() {
+ let devices = vec![];
+ assert!(determine_primary_device(&devices).is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn determine_primary_device_returns_none_for_web_only() {
+ let devices =
+ vec![create_test_device("web", DeviceType::Web, 0, Utc::now())];
+ assert!(
+ determine_primary_device(&devices).is_none(),
+ "Primary device should be None for web-only devices"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn determine_primary_device_prioritizes_mobile() {
+ let devices = vec![
+ create_test_device("mobile", DeviceType::Android, 0, Utc::now()),
+ create_test_device("web", DeviceType::Web, 0, Utc::now()),
+ ];
+ let primary_device = determine_primary_device(&devices)
+ .expect("Primary device should be present");
+ assert_eq!(
+ primary_device.device_id, "mobile",
+ "Primary device should be mobile"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn determine_primary_device_prioritizes_latest_code_version() {
+ let devices_with_latest_code_version = vec![
+ create_test_device("mobile1", DeviceType::Android, 1, Utc::now()),
+ create_test_device("mobile2", DeviceType::Android, 2, Utc::now()),
+ create_test_device("web", DeviceType::Web, 0, Utc::now()),
+ ];
+ let primary_device =
+ determine_primary_device(&devices_with_latest_code_version)
+ .expect("Primary device should be present");
+ assert_eq!(
+ primary_device.device_id, "mobile2",
+ "Primary device should be mobile with latest code version"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn determine_primary_device_prioritizes_latest_login_time() {
+ let devices = vec![
+ create_test_device("mobile1_today", DeviceType::Ios, 1, Utc::now()),
+ create_test_device(
+ "mobile2_yesterday",
+ DeviceType::Android,
+ 1,
+ Utc::now() - Duration::days(1),
+ ),
+ create_test_device("web", DeviceType::Web, 0, Utc::now()),
+ ];
+ let primary_device = determine_primary_device(&devices)
+ .expect("Primary device should be present");
+ assert_eq!(
+ primary_device.device_id, "mobile1_today",
+ "Primary device should be mobile with latest login time"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn determine_primary_device_keeps_deterministic_order() {
+ // Given two identical devices, the first one should be selected as primary
+ let today = Utc::now();
+ let devices_with_latest_code_version = vec![
+ create_test_device("mobile1", DeviceType::Android, 1, today),
+ create_test_device("mobile2", DeviceType::Android, 1, today),
+ ];
+ let primary_device =
+ determine_primary_device(&devices_with_latest_code_version)
+ .expect("Primary device should be present");
+ assert_eq!(
+ primary_device.device_id, "mobile1",
+ "Primary device selection should be deterministic"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn determine_primary_device_all_rules_together() {
+ use DeviceType::{Android, Ios, Web};
+ let today = Utc::now();
+ let yesterday = today - Duration::days(1);
+ let devices = vec![
+ create_test_device("mobile1_today", Android, 1, today),
+ create_test_device("mobile2_today", Android, 2, today),
+ create_test_device("mobile3_yesterday", Ios, 1, yesterday),
+ create_test_device("mobile4_yesterday", Ios, 2, yesterday),
+ create_test_device("web", Web, 5, today),
+ ];
+ let primary_device = determine_primary_device(&devices)
+ .expect("Primary device should be present");
+ assert_eq!(
+ primary_device.device_id, "mobile2_today",
+ "Primary device should be mobile with latest code version and login time"
+ );
+ }
+ fn create_test_device(
+ id: &str,
+ platform: DeviceType,
+ code_version: u64,
+ login_time: DateTime<Utc>,
+ ) -> DeviceRow {
+ DeviceRow {
+ user_id: "test".into(),
+ device_id: id.into(),
+ device_type: platform,
+ device_key_info: IdentityKeyInfo {
+ key_payload: "".into(),
+ key_payload_signature: "".into(),
+ social_proof: None,
+ },
+ content_prekey: PreKey {
+ pre_key: "".into(),
+ pre_key_signature: "".into(),
+ },
+ notif_prekey: PreKey {
+ pre_key: "".into(),
+ pre_key_signature: "".into(),
+ },
+ code_version,
+ login_time,
+ }
+ }
+ }

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Dec 3, 12:47 AM (21 h, 53 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D10400.diff (5 KB)

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