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diff --git a/lib/hooks/relationship-hooks.js b/lib/hooks/relationship-hooks.js
--- a/lib/hooks/relationship-hooks.js
+++ b/lib/hooks/relationship-hooks.js
@@ -1,35 +1,358 @@
// @flow
import * as React from 'react';
+import uuid from 'uuid';
+import { useAllowOlmViaTunnelbrokerForDMs } from './flag-hooks.js';
+import { useGetAndUpdateDeviceListsForUsers } from './peer-list-hooks.js';
+import { useNewThickThread } from './thread-hooks.js';
import { updateRelationships as serverUpdateRelationships } from '../actions/relationship-actions.js';
import { useLegacyAshoatKeyserverCall } from '../keyserver-conn/legacy-keyserver-call.js';
-import type {
- RelationshipAction,
- RelationshipErrors,
+import { pendingToRealizedThreadIDsSelector } from '../selectors/thread-selectors.js';
+import { dmOperationSpecificationTypes } from '../shared/dm-ops/dm-op-utils.js';
+import { useProcessAndSendDMOperation } from '../shared/dm-ops/process-dm-ops.js';
+import {
+ userSupportsThickThreads,
+ getPendingThreadID,
+} from '../shared/thread-utils.js';
+import type { RelationshipOperation } from '../types/messages/update-relationship.js';
+import type { AppState } from '../types/redux-types.js';
+import {
+ type RelationshipAction,
+ type RelationshipErrors,
+ type RelationshipRequestUserInfo,
+ relationshipActions,
+ userRelationshipStatus,
} from '../types/relationship-types.js';
+import { threadTypes } from '../types/thread-types-enum.js';
+import { useSelector } from '../utils/redux-utils.js';
+import sleep from '../utils/sleep.js';
+type RobotextPlanForUser =
+ | { +plan: 'send_to_thin_thread' }
+ | {
+ +plan: 'send_to_existing_thick_thread',
+ +thickThreadID: string,
+ }
+ | { +plan: 'send_to_new_thick_thread' };
+// We can't call processAndSendDMOperation until device lists are in
+// AuxUserStore, but this hook needs to support users who haven't been fetched
+// yet. We implement an effect that watches AuxUserStore after a fetch, so we
+// know when we're ready to call processAndSendDMOperation.
+type Step = {
+ +step: 'waiting_for_updated_device_lists',
+ +action: RelationshipAction,
+ +userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
+ +waitingForUserIDs: $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
+ +resolve: RelationshipErrors => void,
+ +reject: Error => mixed,
+const deviceListTimeout = 10 * 1000; // ten seconds
function useUpdateRelationships(): (
action: RelationshipAction,
userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
) => Promise<RelationshipErrors> {
+ const viewerID = useSelector(
+ state => state.currentUserInfo &&,
+ );
+ const processAndSendDMOperation = useProcessAndSendDMOperation();
+ const sendRobotextToThickThread = React.useCallback(
+ async (
+ userID: string,
+ thickThreadID: string,
+ relationshipOperation: RelationshipOperation,
+ ): Promise<void> => {
+ if (!viewerID) {
+ console.log('skipping sendRobotextToThickThread since logged out');
+ return;
+ }
+ const op = {
+ type: 'update_relationship',
+ threadID: thickThreadID,
+ creatorID: viewerID,
+ time:,
+ operation: relationshipOperation,
+ targetUserID: userID,
+ messageID: uuid.v4(),
+ };
+ const opSpecification = {
+ type: dmOperationSpecificationTypes.OUTBOUND,
+ op,
+ // We need to use a different mechanism than `all_thread_members`
+ // because when creating a thread, the thread might not yet
+ // be in the store.
+ recipients: {
+ type: 'some_users',
+ userIDs: [userID],
+ },
+ };
+ await processAndSendDMOperation(opSpecification);
+ },
+ [viewerID, processAndSendDMOperation],
+ );
const updateRelationships = useLegacyAshoatKeyserverCall(
- return React.useCallback(
- (action: RelationshipAction, userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray<string>) =>
- updateRelationships({
+ const auxUserInfos = useSelector(state => state.auxUserStore.auxUserInfos);
+ const pendingToRealizedThreadIDs = useSelector((state: AppState) =>
+ pendingToRealizedThreadIDsSelector(state.threadStore.threadInfos),
+ );
+ const userInfos = useSelector(state => state.userStore.userInfos);
+ const rawThreadInfos = useSelector(
+ (state: AppState) => state.threadStore.threadInfos,
+ );
+ const newThickThread = useNewThickThread();
+ // This callback contains the core of the logic. We extract it here because
+ // before we run it, we need to make sure auxUserInfos is correctly populated,
+ // and that might require waiting on a Redux action to be reduced
+ const updateRelationshipsAndSendRobotext = React.useCallback(
+ async (action: RelationshipAction, userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray<string>) => {
+ if (!viewerID) {
+ console.log(
+ 'skipping updateRelationshipsAndSendRobotext since logged out',
+ );
+ return {};
+ }
+ const planForUsers = new Map<string, RobotextPlanForUser>();
+ for (const userID of userIDs) {
+ const supportsThickThreads = userSupportsThickThreads(
+ userID,
+ auxUserInfos,
+ );
+ if (!supportsThickThreads) {
+ planForUsers.set(userID, { plan: 'send_to_thin_thread' });
+ continue;
+ }
+ const pendingThreadID = getPendingThreadID(
+ threadTypes.PERSONAL,
+ [userID, viewerID],
+ null,
+ );
+ const realizedThreadID =
+ pendingToRealizedThreadIDs.get(pendingThreadID);
+ if (!realizedThreadID) {
+ planForUsers.set(userID, { plan: 'send_to_new_thick_thread' });
+ continue;
+ }
+ const rawThreadInfo = rawThreadInfos[realizedThreadID];
+ if (!rawThreadInfo) {
+ console.log(
+ `could not find rawThreadInfo for realizedThreadID ` +
+ `${realizedThreadID} found for pendingThreadID ` +
+ pendingThreadID,
+ );
+ planForUsers.set(userID, { plan: 'send_to_new_thick_thread' });
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (rawThreadInfo.type === threadTypes.PERSONAL) {
+ planForUsers.set(userID, {
+ plan: 'send_to_existing_thick_thread',
+ thickThreadID: realizedThreadID,
+ });
+ } else {
+ planForUsers.set(userID, { plan: 'send_to_thin_thread' });
+ }
+ }
+ const usersForKeyserverCall: {
+ [userID: string]: RelationshipRequestUserInfo,
+ } = {};
+ for (const [userID, planForUser] of planForUsers) {
+ usersForKeyserverCall[userID] = {
+ createRobotextInThinThread:
+ planForUser.plan === 'send_to_thin_thread',
+ };
+ }
+ const keyserverResultPromise = updateRelationships({
- users: Object.fromEntries(
- => [
+ users: usersForKeyserverCall,
+ });
+ const thickThreadPromises: Array<Promise<void>> = [];
+ for (const [userID, planForUser] of planForUsers) {
+ if (planForUser.plan === 'send_to_thin_thread') {
+ // Keyserver calls handles creating robotext for thin threads
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (
+ action !== relationshipActions.FRIEND &&
+ action !== relationshipActions.FARCASTER_MUTUAL
+ ) {
+ // We only create robotext for FRIEND and FARCASTER_MUTUAL
+ continue;
+ }
+ const relationshipStatus = userInfos[userID]?.relationshipStatus;
+ let relationshipOperation;
+ if (action === relationshipActions.FARCASTER_MUTUAL) {
+ relationshipOperation = 'farcaster_mutual';
+ } else if (
+ relationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.FRIEND ||
+ relationshipStatus === userRelationshipStatus.REQUEST_RECEIVED
+ ) {
+ relationshipOperation = 'request_accepted';
+ } else {
+ relationshipOperation = 'request_sent';
+ }
+ if (planForUser.plan === 'send_to_existing_thick_thread') {
+ const { thickThreadID } = planForUser;
+ thickThreadPromises.push(
+ sendRobotextToThickThread(
+ userID,
+ thickThreadID,
+ relationshipOperation,
+ ),
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
+ const createThickThreadAndSendRobotextPromise = (async () => {
+ const thickThreadID = await newThickThread({
+ type: threadTypes.PERSONAL,
+ initialMemberIDs: [userID],
+ });
+ return await sendRobotextToThickThread(
- {
- createRobotextInThinThread: true,
+ thickThreadID,
+ relationshipOperation,
+ );
+ })();
+ thickThreadPromises.push(createThickThreadAndSendRobotextPromise);
+ }
+ const [keyserverResult] = await Promise.all([
+ keyserverResultPromise,
+ Promise.all(thickThreadPromises),
+ ]);
+ return keyserverResult;
+ },
+ [
+ viewerID,
+ updateRelationships,
+ auxUserInfos,
+ pendingToRealizedThreadIDs,
+ sendRobotextToThickThread,
+ userInfos,
+ rawThreadInfos,
+ newThickThread,
+ ],
+ );
+ const [step, setStep] = React.useState<?Step>();
+ // This hook watches AuxUserStore after a fetch to make sure we're ready to
+ // call processAndSendDMOperation. We can't do that from the returned
+ // callback, as it will have an old version of auxUserInfos bound into it.
+ React.useEffect(() => {
+ if (step?.step !== 'waiting_for_updated_device_lists') {
+ return;
+ }
+ const { action, userIDs, waitingForUserIDs, resolve, reject } = step;
+ for (const userID of waitingForUserIDs) {
+ const supportsThickThreads = userSupportsThickThreads(
+ userID,
+ auxUserInfos,
+ );
+ if (!supportsThickThreads) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ setStep(null);
+ updateRelationshipsAndSendRobotext(action, userIDs).then(resolve, reject);
+ }, [step, auxUserInfos, updateRelationshipsAndSendRobotext]);
+ const usingOlmViaTunnelbrokerForDMs = useAllowOlmViaTunnelbrokerForDMs();
+ const getAndUpdateDeviceListsForUsers = useGetAndUpdateDeviceListsForUsers();
+ return React.useCallback(
+ async (action: RelationshipAction, userIDs: $ReadOnlyArray<string>) => {
+ // We only need to create robotext for FRIEND and FARCASTER_MUTUAL,
+ // so we skip the complexity below for other RelationshipActions
+ if (
+ !usingOlmViaTunnelbrokerForDMs ||
+ (action !== relationshipActions.FRIEND &&
+ action !== relationshipActions.FARCASTER_MUTUAL)
+ ) {
+ return await updateRelationships({
+ action,
+ users: Object.fromEntries(
+ => [
+ userID,
+ {
+ // this param only matters for FRIEND and FARCASTER_MUTUAL
+ createRobotextInThinThread: true,
+ },
+ ]),
+ ),
+ });
+ }
+ const missingDeviceListsUserIDs: Array<string> = [];
+ for (const userID of userIDs) {
+ const supportsThickThreads = userSupportsThickThreads(
+ userID,
+ auxUserInfos,
+ );
+ if (!supportsThickThreads) {
+ missingDeviceListsUserIDs.push(userID);
+ }
+ }
+ if (missingDeviceListsUserIDs.length > 0) {
+ const deviceLists = await getAndUpdateDeviceListsForUsers(
+ missingDeviceListsUserIDs,
+ true,
+ );
+ const waitingForUserIDs: Array<string> = [];
+ for (const userID of missingDeviceListsUserIDs) {
+ if (deviceLists[userID] && deviceLists[userID].devices.length > 0) {
+ waitingForUserIDs.push(userID);
+ }
+ }
+ if (waitingForUserIDs.length > 0) {
+ const nextStepPromise = new Promise<RelationshipErrors>(
+ (resolve, reject) => {
+ setStep({
+ step: 'waiting_for_updated_device_lists',
+ action,
+ userIDs,
+ waitingForUserIDs,
+ resolve,
+ reject,
+ });
- ]),
- ),
- }),
- [updateRelationships],
+ );
+ return await Promise.race([
+ nextStepPromise,
+ (async () => {
+ await sleep(deviceListTimeout);
+ throw new Error(`Fetch device lists timed out`);
+ })(),
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ return await updateRelationshipsAndSendRobotext(action, userIDs);
+ },
+ [
+ getAndUpdateDeviceListsForUsers,
+ updateRelationshipsAndSendRobotext,
+ updateRelationships,
+ auxUserInfos,
+ usingOlmViaTunnelbrokerForDMs,
+ ],
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Mon, Dec 23, 4:04 AM (17 h, 43 m)
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D13443.id44476.diff (12 KB)
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D13443: [lib] Add support to useUpdateRelationships for sending relationship robotext to thick threads
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