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diff --git a/native/account/logged-out-modal.react.js b/native/account/logged-out-modal.react.js
--- a/native/account/logged-out-modal.react.js
+++ b/native/account/logged-out-modal.react.js
@@ -125,6 +125,113 @@
+const unboundStyles = {
+ animationContainer: {
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ backButton: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: 13,
+ },
+ button: {
+ borderRadius: 4,
+ marginBottom: 4,
+ marginTop: 4,
+ marginLeft: 4,
+ marginRight: 4,
+ paddingBottom: 14,
+ paddingLeft: 18,
+ paddingRight: 18,
+ paddingTop: 14,
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ buttonContainer: {
+ bottom: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ marginLeft: 26,
+ marginRight: 26,
+ paddingBottom: 20,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: 0,
+ },
+ buttonText: {
+ fontFamily: 'OpenSans-Semibold',
+ fontSize: 17,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ classicAuthButton: {
+ backgroundColor: 'purpleButton',
+ },
+ classicAuthButtonText: {
+ color: 'whiteText',
+ },
+ registerButtons: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ },
+ signInButtons: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ },
+ container: {
+ backgroundColor: 'transparent',
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ header: {
+ color: 'white',
+ fontFamily: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'IBMPlexSans' : 'IBMPlexSans-Medium',
+ fontSize: 56,
+ fontWeight: '500',
+ lineHeight: 66,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ loadingIndicator: {
+ paddingTop: 15,
+ },
+ modalBackground: {
+ bottom: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: 0,
+ top: 0,
+ },
+ siweButton: {
+ backgroundColor: 'siweButton',
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ },
+ siweButtonText: {
+ color: 'siweButtonText',
+ },
+ siweOr: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ marginBottom: 18,
+ marginTop: 14,
+ },
+ siweOrLeftHR: {
+ borderColor: 'logInSpacer',
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ flex: 1,
+ marginRight: 18,
+ marginTop: 10,
+ },
+ siweOrRightHR: {
+ borderColor: 'logInSpacer',
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ flex: 1,
+ marginLeft: 18,
+ marginTop: 10,
+ },
+ siweOrText: {
+ color: 'whiteText',
+ fontSize: 17,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ siweIcon: {
+ paddingRight: 10,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: RootNavigationProp<'LoggedOutModal'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'LoggedOutModal'>,
@@ -690,113 +797,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- animationContainer: {
- flex: 1,
- },
- backButton: {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: 13,
- },
- button: {
- borderRadius: 4,
- marginBottom: 4,
- marginTop: 4,
- marginLeft: 4,
- marginRight: 4,
- paddingBottom: 14,
- paddingLeft: 18,
- paddingRight: 18,
- paddingTop: 14,
- flex: 1,
- },
- buttonContainer: {
- bottom: 0,
- left: 0,
- marginLeft: 26,
- marginRight: 26,
- paddingBottom: 20,
- position: 'absolute',
- right: 0,
- },
- buttonText: {
- fontFamily: 'OpenSans-Semibold',
- fontSize: 17,
- textAlign: 'center',
- },
- classicAuthButton: {
- backgroundColor: 'purpleButton',
- },
- classicAuthButtonText: {
- color: 'whiteText',
- },
- registerButtons: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- signInButtons: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- container: {
- backgroundColor: 'transparent',
- flex: 1,
- },
- header: {
- color: 'white',
- fontFamily: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'IBMPlexSans' : 'IBMPlexSans-Medium',
- fontSize: 56,
- fontWeight: '500',
- lineHeight: 66,
- textAlign: 'center',
- },
- loadingIndicator: {
- paddingTop: 15,
- },
- modalBackground: {
- bottom: 0,
- left: 0,
- position: 'absolute',
- right: 0,
- top: 0,
- },
- siweButton: {
- backgroundColor: 'siweButton',
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- },
- siweButtonText: {
- color: 'siweButtonText',
- },
- siweOr: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- marginBottom: 18,
- marginTop: 14,
- },
- siweOrLeftHR: {
- borderColor: 'logInSpacer',
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- flex: 1,
- marginRight: 18,
- marginTop: 10,
- },
- siweOrRightHR: {
- borderColor: 'logInSpacer',
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- flex: 1,
- marginLeft: 18,
- marginTop: 10,
- },
- siweOrText: {
- color: 'whiteText',
- fontSize: 17,
- textAlign: 'center',
- },
- siweIcon: {
- paddingRight: 10,
- },
const isForegroundSelector = createIsForegroundSelector(
diff --git a/native/calendar/calendar.react.js b/native/calendar/calendar.react.js
--- a/native/calendar/calendar.react.js
+++ b/native/calendar/calendar.react.js
@@ -121,6 +121,42 @@
+visibleEntries: { +[key: string]: boolean },
+const unboundStyles = {
+ container: {
+ backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ flatList: {
+ backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ keyboardAvoidingViewContainer: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: 0,
+ bottom: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ right: 0,
+ },
+ keyboardAvoidingView: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: 0,
+ right: 0,
+ bottom: 0,
+ },
+ sectionHeader: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelSecondaryForeground',
+ borderBottomWidth: 2,
+ borderColor: 'listBackground',
+ height: 31,
+ },
+ sectionHeaderText: {
+ color: 'listSeparatorLabel',
+ fontWeight: 'bold',
+ padding: 5,
+ },
+ weekendSectionHeader: {},
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: TabNavigationProp<'Calendar'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'Calendar'>,
@@ -1013,42 +1049,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- container: {
- backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
- flex: 1,
- },
- flatList: {
- backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
- flex: 1,
- },
- keyboardAvoidingViewContainer: {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: 0,
- bottom: 0,
- left: 0,
- right: 0,
- },
- keyboardAvoidingView: {
- position: 'absolute',
- left: 0,
- right: 0,
- bottom: 0,
- },
- sectionHeader: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelSecondaryForeground',
- borderBottomWidth: 2,
- borderColor: 'listBackground',
- height: 31,
- },
- sectionHeaderText: {
- color: 'listSeparatorLabel',
- fontWeight: 'bold',
- padding: 5,
- },
- weekendSectionHeader: {},
const loadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector(
diff --git a/native/calendar/entry.react.js b/native/calendar/entry.react.js
--- a/native/calendar/entry.react.js
+++ b/native/calendar/entry.react.js
@@ -104,6 +104,81 @@
+const unboundStyles = {
+ actionLinks: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ marginTop: -5,
+ },
+ button: {
+ padding: 5,
+ },
+ buttonContents: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ },
+ container: {
+ backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
+ },
+ entry: {
+ borderRadius: 8,
+ margin: 5,
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ },
+ leftLinks: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'flex-start',
+ paddingHorizontal: 5,
+ },
+ leftLinksText: {
+ fontSize: 12,
+ fontWeight: 'bold',
+ paddingLeft: 5,
+ },
+ pencilIcon: {
+ lineHeight: 13,
+ paddingTop: 1,
+ },
+ rightLinks: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'flex-end',
+ paddingHorizontal: 5,
+ },
+ rightLinksText: {
+ fontSize: 12,
+ fontWeight: 'bold',
+ },
+ text: {
+ fontFamily: 'System',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ },
+ textContainer: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: 0,
+ paddingBottom: 6,
+ paddingLeft: 10,
+ paddingRight: 10,
+ paddingTop: 5,
+ transform: ({
+ ios: [{ translateY: -1 / 3 }],
+ default: [],
+ }): $ReadOnlyArray<{ +translateY: number }>),
+ },
+ textInput: {
+ fontFamily: 'System',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ left: ((Platform.OS === 'android' ? 9.8 : 10): number),
+ margin: 0,
+ padding: 0,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: 10,
+ top: ((Platform.OS === 'android' ? 4.8 : 0.5): number),
+ },
type SharedProps = {
+navigation: TabNavigationProp<'Calendar'>,
+entryInfo: EntryInfoWithHeight,
@@ -693,81 +768,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- actionLinks: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- marginTop: -5,
- },
- button: {
- padding: 5,
- },
- buttonContents: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- container: {
- backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
- },
- entry: {
- borderRadius: 8,
- margin: 5,
- overflow: 'hidden',
- },
- leftLinks: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'flex-start',
- paddingHorizontal: 5,
- },
- leftLinksText: {
- fontSize: 12,
- fontWeight: 'bold',
- paddingLeft: 5,
- },
- pencilIcon: {
- lineHeight: 13,
- paddingTop: 1,
- },
- rightLinks: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'flex-end',
- paddingHorizontal: 5,
- },
- rightLinksText: {
- fontSize: 12,
- fontWeight: 'bold',
- },
- text: {
- fontFamily: 'System',
- fontSize: 16,
- },
- textContainer: {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: 0,
- paddingBottom: 6,
- paddingLeft: 10,
- paddingRight: 10,
- paddingTop: 5,
- transform: ({
- ios: [{ translateY: -1 / 3 }],
- default: [],
- }): $ReadOnlyArray<{ +translateY: number }>),
- },
- textInput: {
- fontFamily: 'System',
- fontSize: 16,
- left: ((Platform.OS === 'android' ? 9.8 : 10): number),
- margin: 0,
- padding: 0,
- position: 'absolute',
- right: 10,
- top: ((Platform.OS === 'android' ? 4.8 : 0.5): number),
- },
const activeThreadPickerSelector = createIsForegroundSelector(
diff --git a/native/calendar/section-footer.react.js b/native/calendar/section-footer.react.js
--- a/native/calendar/section-footer.react.js
+++ b/native/calendar/section-footer.react.js
@@ -7,6 +7,36 @@
import SWMansionIcon from '../components/swmansion-icon.react.js';
import { type Colors, useStyles, useColors } from '../themes/colors.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ actionLinksText: {
+ color: 'listSeparatorLabel',
+ fontWeight: 'bold',
+ },
+ addButton: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelSecondaryForeground',
+ borderRadius: 5,
+ margin: 5,
+ paddingBottom: 5,
+ paddingLeft: 10,
+ paddingRight: 10,
+ paddingTop: 5,
+ },
+ addButtonContents: {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ },
+ addIcon: {
+ color: 'listSeparatorLabel',
+ fontSize: 18,
+ paddingRight: 4,
+ },
+ sectionFooter: {
+ alignItems: 'flex-start',
+ backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
+ height: 40,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+dateString: string,
+onAdd: (dateString: string) => void,
@@ -41,36 +71,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- actionLinksText: {
- color: 'listSeparatorLabel',
- fontWeight: 'bold',
- },
- addButton: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelSecondaryForeground',
- borderRadius: 5,
- margin: 5,
- paddingBottom: 5,
- paddingLeft: 10,
- paddingRight: 10,
- paddingTop: 5,
- },
- addButtonContents: {
- alignItems: 'center',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- addIcon: {
- color: 'listSeparatorLabel',
- fontSize: 18,
- paddingRight: 4,
- },
- sectionFooter: {
- alignItems: 'flex-start',
- backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
- height: 40,
- },
const ConnectedSectionFooter: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedSectionFooter(props: BaseProps) {
const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles);
diff --git a/native/chat/chat-input-bar.react.js b/native/chat/chat-input-bar.react.js
--- a/native/chat/chat-input-bar.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/chat-input-bar.react.js
@@ -157,6 +157,120 @@
easing: EasingNode.inOut(EasingNode.ease),
+const unboundStyles = {
+ cameraIcon: {
+ paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 11 : 8,
+ paddingRight: 5,
+ },
+ cameraRollIcon: {
+ paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 11 : 8,
+ paddingRight: 5,
+ },
+ container: {
+ backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
+ paddingLeft: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 10 : 5,
+ },
+ expandButton: {
+ bottom: 0,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: 0,
+ },
+ expandIcon: {
+ paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 13 : 11,
+ paddingRight: 2,
+ },
+ expandoButtons: {
+ alignSelf: 'flex-end',
+ },
+ explanation: {
+ color: 'listBackgroundSecondaryLabel',
+ paddingBottom: 4,
+ paddingTop: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ innerExpandoButtons: {
+ alignItems: 'flex-end',
+ alignSelf: 'flex-end',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ },
+ inputContainer: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ },
+ joinButton: {
+ borderRadius: 8,
+ flex: 1,
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ marginHorizontal: 12,
+ marginVertical: 3,
+ },
+ joinButtonContainer: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ height: 48,
+ marginBottom: 8,
+ },
+ editView: {
+ marginLeft: 20,
+ marginRight: 20,
+ padding: 10,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ },
+ editViewContent: {
+ flex: 1,
+ paddingRight: 6,
+ },
+ exitEditButton: {
+ marginTop: 6,
+ },
+ editingLabel: {
+ paddingBottom: 4,
+ },
+ editingMessagePreview: {
+ color: 'listForegroundLabel',
+ },
+ joinButtonContent: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ },
+ joinButtonTextLight: {
+ color: 'white',
+ fontSize: 20,
+ marginHorizontal: 4,
+ },
+ joinButtonTextDark: {
+ color: 'black',
+ fontSize: 20,
+ marginHorizontal: 4,
+ },
+ joinThreadLoadingIndicator: {
+ paddingVertical: 2,
+ },
+ sendButton: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ bottom: 4,
+ left: 0,
+ },
+ sendIcon: {
+ paddingLeft: 9,
+ paddingRight: 8,
+ paddingVertical: 6,
+ },
+ textInput: {
+ backgroundColor: 'listInputBackground',
+ borderRadius: 8,
+ color: 'listForegroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ marginLeft: 4,
+ marginRight: 4,
+ marginTop: 6,
+ marginBottom: 8,
+ maxHeight: 110,
+ paddingHorizontal: 10,
+ paddingVertical: 5,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
@@ -1106,120 +1220,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- cameraIcon: {
- paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 11 : 8,
- paddingRight: 5,
- },
- cameraRollIcon: {
- paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 11 : 8,
- paddingRight: 5,
- },
- container: {
- backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
- paddingLeft: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 10 : 5,
- },
- expandButton: {
- bottom: 0,
- position: 'absolute',
- right: 0,
- },
- expandIcon: {
- paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 13 : 11,
- paddingRight: 2,
- },
- expandoButtons: {
- alignSelf: 'flex-end',
- },
- explanation: {
- color: 'listBackgroundSecondaryLabel',
- paddingBottom: 4,
- paddingTop: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- },
- innerExpandoButtons: {
- alignItems: 'flex-end',
- alignSelf: 'flex-end',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- inputContainer: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- joinButton: {
- borderRadius: 8,
- flex: 1,
- justifyContent: 'center',
- marginHorizontal: 12,
- marginVertical: 3,
- },
- joinButtonContainer: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- height: 48,
- marginBottom: 8,
- },
- editView: {
- marginLeft: 20,
- marginRight: 20,
- padding: 10,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- },
- editViewContent: {
- flex: 1,
- paddingRight: 6,
- },
- exitEditButton: {
- marginTop: 6,
- },
- editingLabel: {
- paddingBottom: 4,
- },
- editingMessagePreview: {
- color: 'listForegroundLabel',
- },
- joinButtonContent: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignItems: 'center',
- },
- joinButtonTextLight: {
- color: 'white',
- fontSize: 20,
- marginHorizontal: 4,
- },
- joinButtonTextDark: {
- color: 'black',
- fontSize: 20,
- marginHorizontal: 4,
- },
- joinThreadLoadingIndicator: {
- paddingVertical: 2,
- },
- sendButton: {
- position: 'absolute',
- bottom: 4,
- left: 0,
- },
- sendIcon: {
- paddingLeft: 9,
- paddingRight: 8,
- paddingVertical: 6,
- },
- textInput: {
- backgroundColor: 'listInputBackground',
- borderRadius: 8,
- color: 'listForegroundLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- marginLeft: 4,
- marginRight: 4,
- marginTop: 6,
- marginBottom: 8,
- maxHeight: 110,
- paddingHorizontal: 10,
- paddingVertical: 5,
- },
const joinThreadLoadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector(
diff --git a/native/chat/failed-send.react.js b/native/chat/failed-send.react.js
--- a/native/chat/failed-send.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/failed-send.react.js
@@ -21,6 +21,23 @@
const failedSendHeight = 22;
+const unboundStyles = {
+ deliveryFailed: {
+ color: 'listSeparatorLabel',
+ paddingHorizontal: 3,
+ },
+ failedSendInfo: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'flex-end',
+ marginRight: 20,
+ paddingTop: 5,
+ },
+ retrySend: {
+ paddingHorizontal: 3,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+item: ChatMessageInfoItemWithHeight,
@@ -133,23 +150,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- deliveryFailed: {
- color: 'listSeparatorLabel',
- paddingHorizontal: 3,
- },
- failedSendInfo: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'flex-end',
- marginRight: 20,
- paddingTop: 5,
- },
- retrySend: {
- paddingHorizontal: 3,
- },
const ConnectedFailedSend: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedFailedSend(props: BaseProps) {
const id = messageID(props.item.messageInfo);
diff --git a/native/chat/message-list-container.react.js b/native/chat/message-list-container.react.js
--- a/native/chat/message-list-container.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/message-list-container.react.js
@@ -50,6 +50,32 @@
import { type Colors, useColors, useStyles } from '../themes/colors.js';
import type { ChatMessageItemWithHeight } from '../types/chat-types.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ pinnedCountBanner: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ height: 30,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ },
+ pinnedCountText: {
+ color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
+ marginRight: 5,
+ },
+ container: {
+ backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ threadContent: {
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ hiddenThreadContent: {
+ height: 0,
+ opacity: 0,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: ChatNavigationProp<'MessageList'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'MessageList'>,
@@ -214,32 +240,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- pinnedCountBanner: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- height: 30,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- textAlign: 'center',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignItems: 'center',
- },
- pinnedCountText: {
- color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
- marginRight: 5,
- },
- container: {
- backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
- flex: 1,
- },
- threadContent: {
- flex: 1,
- },
- hiddenThreadContent: {
- height: 0,
- opacity: 0,
- },
const ConnectedMessageListContainer: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedMessageListContainer(
props: BaseProps,
diff --git a/native/chat/message-list-header-title.react.js b/native/chat/message-list-header-title.react.js
--- a/native/chat/message-list-header-title.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/message-list-header-title.react.js
@@ -16,6 +16,20 @@
import { ThreadSettingsRouteName } from '../navigation/route-names.js';
import { useStyles } from '../themes/colors.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ avatarContainer: {
+ marginRight: 8,
+ },
+ button: {
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ container: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
+navigate: $PropertyType<ChatNavigationProp<'MessageList'>, 'navigate'>,
@@ -74,20 +88,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- avatarContainer: {
- marginRight: 8,
- },
- button: {
- flex: 1,
- },
- container: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- alignItems: 'center',
- },
const ConnectedMessageListHeaderTitle: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedMessageListHeaderTitle(
props: BaseProps,
diff --git a/native/chat/message-list.react.js b/native/chat/message-list.react.js
--- a/native/chat/message-list.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/message-list.react.js
@@ -55,6 +55,19 @@
import type { VerticalBounds } from '../types/layout-types.js';
import type { ViewableItemsChange } from '../types/react-native.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ container: {
+ backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ header: {
+ height: 12,
+ },
+ listLoadingIndicator: {
+ flex: 1,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
+messageListData: $ReadOnlyArray<ChatMessageItemWithHeight>,
@@ -311,19 +324,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- container: {
- backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
- flex: 1,
- },
- header: {
- height: 12,
- },
- listLoadingIndicator: {
- flex: 1,
- },
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/color-selector-modal.react.js b/native/chat/settings/color-selector-modal.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/color-selector-modal.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/color-selector-modal.react.js
@@ -32,6 +32,36 @@
+setColor: (color: string) => void,
+const unboundStyles = {
+ closeButton: {
+ borderRadius: 3,
+ height: 18,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: 5,
+ top: 5,
+ width: 18,
+ },
+ closeButtonIcon: {
+ color: 'modalBackgroundSecondaryLabel',
+ left: 3,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ },
+ colorSelector: {
+ bottom: 10,
+ left: 10,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: 10,
+ top: 10,
+ },
+ colorSelectorContainer: {
+ backgroundColor: 'modalBackground',
+ borderRadius: 5,
+ flex: 0,
+ marginHorizontal: 15,
+ marginVertical: 20,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: RootNavigationProp<'ColorSelectorModal'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'ColorSelectorModal'>,
@@ -137,36 +167,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- closeButton: {
- borderRadius: 3,
- height: 18,
- position: 'absolute',
- right: 5,
- top: 5,
- width: 18,
- },
- closeButtonIcon: {
- color: 'modalBackgroundSecondaryLabel',
- left: 3,
- position: 'absolute',
- },
- colorSelector: {
- bottom: 10,
- left: 10,
- position: 'absolute',
- right: 10,
- top: 10,
- },
- colorSelectorContainer: {
- backgroundColor: 'modalBackground',
- borderRadius: 5,
- flex: 0,
- marginHorizontal: 15,
- marginVertical: 20,
- },
const ConnectedColorSelectorModal: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedColorSelectorModal(props: BaseProps) {
const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles);
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/compose-subchannel-modal.react.js b/native/chat/settings/compose-subchannel-modal.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/compose-subchannel-modal.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/compose-subchannel-modal.react.js
@@ -22,6 +22,43 @@
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
+const unboundStyles = {
+ forwardIcon: {
+ color: 'modalForegroundSecondaryLabel',
+ paddingLeft: 10,
+ },
+ modal: {
+ flex: 0,
+ },
+ option: {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ paddingHorizontal: 10,
+ paddingVertical: 20,
+ },
+ optionExplanation: {
+ color: 'modalBackgroundLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: 14,
+ paddingLeft: 20,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ optionText: {
+ color: 'modalBackgroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 20,
+ paddingLeft: 5,
+ },
+ visibility: {
+ color: 'modalBackgroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 24,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ visibilityIcon: {
+ color: 'modalBackgroundLabel',
+ paddingRight: 3,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: RootNavigationProp<'ComposeSubchannelModal'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'ComposeSubchannelModal'>,
@@ -101,43 +138,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- forwardIcon: {
- color: 'modalForegroundSecondaryLabel',
- paddingLeft: 10,
- },
- modal: {
- flex: 0,
- },
- option: {
- alignItems: 'center',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingHorizontal: 10,
- paddingVertical: 20,
- },
- optionExplanation: {
- color: 'modalBackgroundLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: 14,
- paddingLeft: 20,
- textAlign: 'center',
- },
- optionText: {
- color: 'modalBackgroundLabel',
- fontSize: 20,
- paddingLeft: 5,
- },
- visibility: {
- color: 'modalBackgroundLabel',
- fontSize: 24,
- textAlign: 'center',
- },
- visibilityIcon: {
- color: 'modalBackgroundLabel',
- paddingRight: 3,
- },
const ConnectedComposeSubchannelModal: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedComposeSubchannelModal(
props: BaseProps,
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/delete-thread.react.js b/native/chat/settings/delete-thread.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/delete-thread.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/delete-thread.react.js
@@ -56,6 +56,61 @@
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
+const unboundStyles = {
+ deleteButton: {
+ backgroundColor: 'vibrantRedButton',
+ borderRadius: 5,
+ flex: 1,
+ marginHorizontal: 24,
+ marginVertical: 12,
+ padding: 12,
+ },
+ deleteText: {
+ color: 'white',
+ fontSize: 18,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ header: {
+ color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ fontWeight: '400',
+ paddingBottom: 3,
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ },
+ input: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontFamily: 'Arial',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ paddingVertical: 0,
+ borderBottomColor: 'transparent',
+ },
+ scrollView: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
+ },
+ scrollViewContentContainer: {
+ paddingTop: 24,
+ },
+ section: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ borderBottomWidth: 1,
+ borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ marginBottom: 24,
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 12,
+ },
+ warningText: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ marginBottom: 24,
+ marginHorizontal: 24,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: ChatNavigationProp<'DeleteThread'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'DeleteThread'>,
@@ -192,61 +247,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- deleteButton: {
- backgroundColor: 'vibrantRedButton',
- borderRadius: 5,
- flex: 1,
- marginHorizontal: 24,
- marginVertical: 12,
- padding: 12,
- },
- deleteText: {
- color: 'white',
- fontSize: 18,
- textAlign: 'center',
- },
- header: {
- color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
- fontSize: 12,
- fontWeight: '400',
- paddingBottom: 3,
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- },
- input: {
- color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontFamily: 'Arial',
- fontSize: 16,
- paddingVertical: 0,
- borderBottomColor: 'transparent',
- },
- scrollView: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
- },
- scrollViewContentContainer: {
- paddingTop: 24,
- },
- section: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- borderBottomWidth: 1,
- borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- marginBottom: 24,
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 12,
- },
- warningText: {
- color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- marginBottom: 24,
- marginHorizontal: 24,
- textAlign: 'center',
- },
const loadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector(
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-color.react.js b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-color.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-color.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-color.react.js
@@ -16,6 +16,28 @@
import { useSelector } from '../../redux/redux-utils.js';
import { type Colors, useColors, useStyles } from '../../themes/colors.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ colorLine: {
+ lineHeight:{ android: 22, default: 25 }),
+ },
+ colorRow: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ paddingBottom: 8,
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingTop: 4,
+ },
+ currentValue: {
+ flex: 1,
+ paddingLeft: 4,
+ },
+ label: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ width: 96,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
+colorEditValue: string,
@@ -78,28 +100,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- colorLine: {
- lineHeight:{ android: 22, default: 25 }),
- },
- colorRow: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingBottom: 8,
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingTop: 4,
- },
- currentValue: {
- flex: 1,
- paddingLeft: 4,
- },
- label: {
- color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- width: 96,
- },
const ConnectedThreadSettingsColor: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedThreadSettingsColor(
props: BaseProps,
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-description.react.js b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-description.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-description.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-description.react.js
@@ -45,6 +45,48 @@
} from '../../types/react-native.js';
import Alert from '../../utils/alert.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ addDescriptionButton: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 10,
+ },
+ addDescriptionText: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: 16,
+ },
+ editIcon: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
+ paddingLeft: 10,
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ },
+ outlineCategory: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ borderRadius: 1,
+ borderStyle: 'dashed',
+ borderWidth: 1,
+ marginLeft: -1,
+ marginRight: -1,
+ },
+ row: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 4,
+ },
+ text: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontFamily: 'Arial',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ margin: 0,
+ padding: 0,
+ borderBottomColor: 'transparent',
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
+descriptionEditValue: ?string,
@@ -250,48 +292,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- addDescriptionButton: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 10,
- },
- addDescriptionText: {
- color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: 16,
- },
- editIcon: {
- color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
- paddingLeft: 10,
- textAlign: 'right',
- },
- outlineCategory: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- borderRadius: 1,
- borderStyle: 'dashed',
- borderWidth: 1,
- marginLeft: -1,
- marginRight: -1,
- },
- row: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 4,
- },
- text: {
- color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontFamily: 'Arial',
- fontSize: 16,
- margin: 0,
- padding: 0,
- borderBottomColor: 'transparent',
- },
const ConnectedThreadSettingsDescription: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedThreadSettingsDescription(
props: BaseProps,
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-home-notifs.react.js b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-home-notifs.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-home-notifs.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-home-notifs.react.js
@@ -19,6 +19,28 @@
import SingleLine from '../../components/single-line.react.js';
import { useStyles } from '../../themes/colors.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ currentValue: {
+ alignItems: 'flex-end',
+ margin: 0,
+ paddingLeft: 4,
+ paddingRight: 0,
+ paddingVertical: 0,
+ },
+ label: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ row: {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 3,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
@@ -75,28 +97,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- currentValue: {
- alignItems: 'flex-end',
- margin: 0,
- paddingLeft: 4,
- paddingRight: 0,
- paddingVertical: 0,
- },
- label: {
- color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- flex: 1,
- },
- row: {
- alignItems: 'center',
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 3,
- },
const ConnectedThreadSettingsHomeNotifs: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedThreadSettingsHomeNotifs(
props: BaseProps,
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-leave-thread.react.js b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-leave-thread.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-leave-thread.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-leave-thread.react.js
@@ -31,6 +31,23 @@
import type { ViewStyle } from '../../types/styles.js';
import Alert from '../../utils/alert.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ button: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ paddingHorizontal: 12,
+ paddingVertical: 10,
+ },
+ container: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ paddingHorizontal: 12,
+ },
+ text: {
+ color: 'redText',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: 16,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
+buttonStyle: ViewStyle,
@@ -132,23 +149,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- button: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingHorizontal: 12,
- paddingVertical: 10,
- },
- container: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- paddingHorizontal: 12,
- },
- text: {
- color: 'redText',
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: 16,
- },
const ConnectedThreadSettingsLeaveThread: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedThreadSettingsLeaveThread(
props: BaseProps,
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-list-action.react.js b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-list-action.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-list-action.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-list-action.react.js
@@ -9,6 +9,56 @@
import { useStyles } from '../../themes/colors.js';
import type { ViewStyle, TextStyle } from '../../types/styles.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ addSubchannelButton: {
+ paddingTop: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 4 : 1,
+ },
+ addIcon: {
+ color: 'link',
+ },
+ addItemRow: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ paddingHorizontal: 12,
+ },
+ addMemberButton: {
+ paddingTop: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 4 : 1,
+ },
+ container: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ paddingHorizontal: 12,
+ paddingVertical: 8,
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ },
+ icon: {
+ lineHeight: 20,
+ },
+ seeMoreButton: {
+ paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 4 : 2,
+ paddingTop: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 2 : 0,
+ },
+ seeMoreContents: {
+ borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ },
+ seeMoreIcon: {
+ color: 'link',
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: 10,
+ top: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 12 : 10,
+ },
+ seeMoreRow: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ paddingHorizontal: 12,
+ },
+ text: {
+ color: 'link',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: 16,
+ fontStyle: 'italic',
+ },
type ListActionProps = {
+onPress: () => void,
+text: string,
@@ -95,56 +145,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- addSubchannelButton: {
- paddingTop: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 4 : 1,
- },
- addIcon: {
- color: 'link',
- },
- addItemRow: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- paddingHorizontal: 12,
- },
- addMemberButton: {
- paddingTop: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 4 : 1,
- },
- container: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingHorizontal: 12,
- paddingVertical: 8,
- justifyContent: 'center',
- },
- icon: {
- lineHeight: 20,
- },
- seeMoreButton: {
- paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 4 : 2,
- paddingTop: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 2 : 0,
- },
- seeMoreContents: {
- borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- },
- seeMoreIcon: {
- color: 'link',
- position: 'absolute',
- right: 10,
- top: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 12 : 10,
- },
- seeMoreRow: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- paddingHorizontal: 12,
- },
- text: {
- color: 'link',
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: 16,
- fontStyle: 'italic',
- },
export {
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-member.react.js b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-member.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-member.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-member.react.js
@@ -47,6 +47,51 @@
import type { VerticalBounds } from '../../types/layout-types.js';
import { useNavigateToUserProfileBottomSheet } from '../../user-profile/user-profile-utils.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ container: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ flex: 1,
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 8,
+ },
+ editButton: {
+ paddingLeft: 10,
+ },
+ topBorder: {
+ borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ },
+ lastContainer: {
+ paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 12 : 10,
+ },
+ role: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: 14,
+ paddingTop: 4,
+ },
+ row: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ },
+ userInfoContainer: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ },
+ username: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: 16,
+ lineHeight: 20,
+ marginLeft: 8,
+ },
+ anonymous: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
+ fontStyle: 'italic',
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+memberInfo: RelativeMemberInfo | MinimallyEncodedRelativeMemberInfo,
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
@@ -209,51 +254,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- container: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- flex: 1,
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 8,
- },
- editButton: {
- paddingLeft: 10,
- },
- topBorder: {
- borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- },
- lastContainer: {
- paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 12 : 10,
- },
- role: {
- color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: 14,
- paddingTop: 4,
- },
- row: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- userInfoContainer: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- alignItems: 'center',
- },
- username: {
- color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: 16,
- lineHeight: 20,
- marginLeft: 8,
- },
- anonymous: {
- color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
- fontStyle: 'italic',
- },
const ConnectedThreadSettingsMember: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedThreadSettingsMember(
props: BaseProps,
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-name.react.js b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-name.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-name.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-name.react.js
@@ -36,6 +36,31 @@
import { type Colors, useStyles, useColors } from '../../themes/colors.js';
import Alert from '../../utils/alert.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ currentValue: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontFamily: 'Arial',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ margin: 0,
+ paddingLeft: 4,
+ paddingRight: 0,
+ paddingVertical: 0,
+ borderBottomColor: 'transparent',
+ },
+ label: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ width: 96,
+ },
+ row: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 8,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfo: ResolvedThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedResolvedThreadInfo,
+nameEditValue: ?string,
@@ -191,31 +216,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- currentValue: {
- color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontFamily: 'Arial',
- fontSize: 16,
- margin: 0,
- paddingLeft: 4,
- paddingRight: 0,
- paddingVertical: 0,
- borderBottomColor: 'transparent',
- },
- label: {
- color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- width: 96,
- },
- row: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 8,
- },
const ConnectedThreadSettingsName: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedThreadSettingsName(props: BaseProps) {
const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles);
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-promote-sidebar.react.js b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-promote-sidebar.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-promote-sidebar.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-promote-sidebar.react.js
@@ -13,6 +13,23 @@
import type { ViewStyle } from '../../types/styles.js';
import Alert from '../../utils/alert.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ button: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ paddingHorizontal: 12,
+ paddingVertical: 10,
+ },
+ container: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ paddingHorizontal: 12,
+ },
+ text: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: 16,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
+buttonStyle: ViewStyle,
@@ -66,23 +83,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- button: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingHorizontal: 12,
- paddingVertical: 10,
- },
- container: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- paddingHorizontal: 12,
- },
- text: {
- color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: 16,
- },
const onError = () => {
Alert.alert('Unknown error', 'Uhh... try again?', undefined, {
cancelable: true,
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-push-notifs.react.js b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-push-notifs.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-push-notifs.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings-push-notifs.react.js
@@ -28,6 +28,31 @@
import { useStyles } from '../../themes/colors.js';
import Alert from '../../utils/alert.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ currentValue: {
+ alignItems: 'flex-end',
+ margin: 0,
+ paddingLeft: 4,
+ paddingRight: 0,
+ paddingVertical: 0,
+ },
+ label: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ row: {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 3,
+ },
+ infoIcon: {
+ paddingRight: 20,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
@@ -147,31 +172,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- currentValue: {
- alignItems: 'flex-end',
- margin: 0,
- paddingLeft: 4,
- paddingRight: 0,
- paddingVertical: 0,
- },
- label: {
- color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- flex: 1,
- },
- row: {
- alignItems: 'center',
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 3,
- },
- infoIcon: {
- paddingRight: 20,
- },
const ConnectedThreadSettingsPushNotifs: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedThreadSettingsPushNotifs(
props: BaseProps,
diff --git a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings.react.js b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings.react.js
--- a/native/chat/settings/thread-settings.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/settings/thread-settings.react.js
@@ -246,6 +246,23 @@
+relationshipButton: RelationshipButton,
+const unboundStyles = {
+ container: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ flatList: {
+ paddingVertical: 16,
+ },
+ nonTopButton: {
+ borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ },
+ lastButton: {
+ paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 14 : 12,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: ChatNavigationProp<'ThreadSettings'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'ThreadSettings'>,
@@ -1113,23 +1130,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- container: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
- flex: 1,
- },
- flatList: {
- paddingVertical: 16,
- },
- nonTopButton: {
- borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- },
- lastButton: {
- paddingBottom: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 14 : 12,
- },
const threadMembersChangeIsSaving = (
state: AppState,
threadMembers: $ReadOnlyArray<
diff --git a/native/chat/thread-settings-button.react.js b/native/chat/thread-settings-button.react.js
--- a/native/chat/thread-settings-button.react.js
+++ b/native/chat/thread-settings-button.react.js
@@ -11,6 +11,13 @@
import { ThreadSettingsRouteName } from '../navigation/route-names.js';
import { useStyles } from '../themes/colors.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ button: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
+ paddingHorizontal: 10,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfo: ThreadInfo | MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
+navigate: $PropertyType<ChatNavigationProp<'MessageList'>, 'navigate'>,
@@ -43,13 +50,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- button: {
- color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
- paddingHorizontal: 10,
- },
const ConnectedThreadSettingsButton: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedThreadSettingsButton(
props: BaseProps,
diff --git a/native/components/link-button.react.js b/native/components/link-button.react.js
--- a/native/components/link-button.react.js
+++ b/native/components/link-button.react.js
@@ -7,6 +7,17 @@
import { useStyles } from '../themes/colors.js';
import type { ViewStyle } from '../types/styles.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ disabled: {
+ color: 'modalBackgroundSecondaryLabel',
+ },
+ text: {
+ color: 'link',
+ fontSize: 17,
+ paddingHorizontal: 10,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+text: string,
+onPress: () => void,
@@ -38,17 +49,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- disabled: {
- color: 'modalBackgroundSecondaryLabel',
- },
- text: {
- color: 'link',
- fontSize: 17,
- paddingHorizontal: 10,
- },
const ConnectedLinkButton: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedLinkButton(props: BaseProps) {
const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles);
diff --git a/native/components/thread-list-thread.react.js b/native/components/thread-list-thread.react.js
--- a/native/components/thread-list-thread.react.js
+++ b/native/components/thread-list-thread.react.js
@@ -12,6 +12,21 @@
import { type Colors, useStyles, useColors } from '../themes/colors.js';
import type { ViewStyle, TextStyle } from '../types/styles.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ button: {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ paddingLeft: 13,
+ },
+ text: {
+ color: 'modalForegroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ paddingLeft: 9,
+ paddingRight: 12,
+ paddingVertical: 6,
+ },
type SharedProps = {
+onSelect: (threadID: string) => void,
+style?: ViewStyle,
@@ -52,21 +67,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- button: {
- alignItems: 'center',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingLeft: 13,
- },
- text: {
- color: 'modalForegroundLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- paddingLeft: 9,
- paddingRight: 12,
- paddingVertical: 6,
- },
const ConnectedThreadListThread: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedThreadListThread(props: BaseProps) {
const { threadInfo, } = props;
diff --git a/native/components/thread-list.react.js b/native/components/thread-list.react.js
--- a/native/components/thread-list.react.js
+++ b/native/components/thread-list.react.js
@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
import type { ViewStyle, TextStyle } from '../types/styles.js';
import { waitForModalInputFocus } from '../utils/timers.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ search: {
+ marginBottom: 8,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfos: $ReadOnlyArray<ThreadInfo>,
+onSelect: (threadID: string) => void,
@@ -137,12 +143,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- search: {
- marginBottom: 8,
- },
const ConnectedThreadList: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedThreadList(props: BaseProps) {
const styles = useStyles(unboundStyles);
diff --git a/native/components/user-list-user.react.js b/native/components/user-list-user.react.js
--- a/native/components/user-list-user.react.js
+++ b/native/components/user-list-user.react.js
@@ -18,6 +18,25 @@
return Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 31.5 : 33.5;
+const unboundStyles = {
+ button: {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ },
+ notice: {
+ color: 'modalForegroundSecondaryLabel',
+ fontStyle: 'italic',
+ },
+ text: {
+ color: 'modalForegroundLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: 16,
+ paddingHorizontal: 12,
+ paddingVertical: 6,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+userInfo: UserListItem,
+onSelect: (user: AccountUserInfo) => void,
@@ -69,25 +88,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- button: {
- alignItems: 'center',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- },
- notice: {
- color: 'modalForegroundSecondaryLabel',
- fontStyle: 'italic',
- },
- text: {
- color: 'modalForegroundLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: 16,
- paddingHorizontal: 12,
- paddingVertical: 6,
- },
const ConnectedUserListUser: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedUserListUser(props: BaseProps) {
const colors = useColors();
diff --git a/native/keyboard/keyboard-input-host.react.js b/native/keyboard/keyboard-input-host.react.js
--- a/native/keyboard/keyboard-input-host.react.js
+++ b/native/keyboard/keyboard-input-host.react.js
@@ -15,6 +15,14 @@
import { NavContext } from '../navigation/navigation-context.js';
import { useStyles } from '../themes/colors.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ // This is a special style needed by 'react-native-keyboard-input':
+ //
+ kbInitialProps: {
+ backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+textInputRef?: ?React.ElementRef<typeof TextInput>,
@@ -92,14 +100,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- // This is a special style needed by 'react-native-keyboard-input':
- //
- kbInitialProps: {
- backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
- },
const ConnectedKeyboardInputHost: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedKeyboardInputHost(props: BaseProps) {
const inputState = React.useContext(InputStateContext);
diff --git a/native/media/media-gallery-keyboard.react.js b/native/media/media-gallery-keyboard.react.js
--- a/native/media/media-gallery-keyboard.react.js
+++ b/native/media/media-gallery-keyboard.react.js
@@ -45,6 +45,63 @@
useNativeDriver: true,
+const unboundStyles = {
+ container: {
+ backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: 0,
+ right: 0,
+ top: 0,
+ },
+ galleryHeader: {
+ height: 56,
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ borderColor: 'modalForegroundBorder',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ paddingHorizontal: 16,
+ },
+ galleryHeaderTitle: {
+ color: 'modalForegroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 14,
+ fontWeight: '500',
+ },
+ nativePickerButton: {
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08)',
+ borderRadius: 8,
+ paddingHorizontal: 12,
+ paddingVertical: 7,
+ },
+ nativePickerButtonLabel: {
+ color: 'modalButtonLabel',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ fontWeight: '500',
+ },
+ galleryContainer: {
+ flex: 1,
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ },
+ error: {
+ color: 'listBackgroundLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: 28,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ loadingIndicator: {
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ sendButtonContainer: {
+ bottom: 20,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: 30,
+ },
+ separator: {
+ width: 2,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+threadInfo: ?ThreadInfo | ?MinimallyEncodedThreadInfo,
@@ -596,63 +653,6 @@
const mediaGalleryKeyboardName = 'MediaGalleryKeyboard';
-const unboundStyles = {
- container: {
- backgroundColor: 'listBackground',
- position: 'absolute',
- left: 0,
- right: 0,
- top: 0,
- },
- galleryHeader: {
- height: 56,
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- borderColor: 'modalForegroundBorder',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- alignItems: 'center',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- paddingHorizontal: 16,
- },
- galleryHeaderTitle: {
- color: 'modalForegroundLabel',
- fontSize: 14,
- fontWeight: '500',
- },
- nativePickerButton: {
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08)',
- borderRadius: 8,
- paddingHorizontal: 12,
- paddingVertical: 7,
- },
- nativePickerButtonLabel: {
- color: 'modalButtonLabel',
- fontSize: 12,
- fontWeight: '500',
- },
- galleryContainer: {
- flex: 1,
- alignItems: 'center',
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- error: {
- color: 'listBackgroundLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: 28,
- textAlign: 'center',
- },
- loadingIndicator: {
- flex: 1,
- },
- sendButtonContainer: {
- bottom: 20,
- position: 'absolute',
- right: 30,
- },
- separator: {
- width: 2,
- },
function ConnectedMediaGalleryKeyboard(props: BaseProps) {
const dimensions = useSelector(state => state.dimensions);
const foreground = useIsAppForegrounded();
diff --git a/native/profile/appearance-preferences.react.js b/native/profile/appearance-preferences.react.js
--- a/native/profile/appearance-preferences.react.js
+++ b/native/profile/appearance-preferences.react.js
@@ -27,6 +27,48 @@
+const unboundStyles = {
+ header: {
+ color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ fontWeight: '400',
+ paddingBottom: 3,
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ },
+ hr: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ height: 1,
+ marginHorizontal: 15,
+ },
+ icon: {
+ lineHeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 18 : 20,
+ },
+ option: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ },
+ row: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 10,
+ },
+ scrollView: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
+ },
+ scrollViewContentContainer: {
+ paddingTop: 24,
+ },
+ section: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ borderBottomWidth: 1,
+ borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ marginBottom: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 2,
+ },
type OptionText = {
themePreference: GlobalThemePreference,
text: string,
@@ -93,48 +135,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- header: {
- color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
- fontSize: 12,
- fontWeight: '400',
- paddingBottom: 3,
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- },
- hr: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- height: 1,
- marginHorizontal: 15,
- },
- icon: {
- lineHeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 18 : 20,
- },
- option: {
- color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- },
- row: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 10,
- },
- scrollView: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
- },
- scrollViewContentContainer: {
- paddingTop: 24,
- },
- section: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- borderBottomWidth: 1,
- borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- marginBottom: 24,
- paddingVertical: 2,
- },
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: ProfileNavigationProp<'AppearancePreferences'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'AppearancePreferences'>,
diff --git a/native/profile/custom-server-modal.react.js b/native/profile/custom-server-modal.react.js
--- a/native/profile/custom-server-modal.react.js
+++ b/native/profile/custom-server-modal.react.js
@@ -23,6 +23,37 @@
+presentedFrom: string,
+const unboundStyles = {
+ button: {
+ backgroundColor: 'vibrantGreenButton',
+ borderRadius: 5,
+ marginHorizontal: 2,
+ marginVertical: 2,
+ paddingHorizontal: 12,
+ paddingVertical: 4,
+ },
+ buttonText: {
+ color: 'white',
+ fontSize: 18,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ container: {
+ justifyContent: 'flex-end',
+ },
+ modal: {
+ flex: 0,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ },
+ textInput: {
+ color: 'modalBackgroundLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: 16,
+ margin: 0,
+ padding: 0,
+ borderBottomColor: 'transparent',
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: RootNavigationProp<'CustomServerModal'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'CustomServerModal'>,
@@ -87,37 +118,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- button: {
- backgroundColor: 'vibrantGreenButton',
- borderRadius: 5,
- marginHorizontal: 2,
- marginVertical: 2,
- paddingHorizontal: 12,
- paddingVertical: 4,
- },
- buttonText: {
- color: 'white',
- fontSize: 18,
- textAlign: 'center',
- },
- container: {
- justifyContent: 'flex-end',
- },
- modal: {
- flex: 0,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- textInput: {
- color: 'modalBackgroundLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: 16,
- margin: 0,
- padding: 0,
- borderBottomColor: 'transparent',
- },
const ConnectedCustomServerModal: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedCustomServerModal(props: BaseProps) {
const urlPrefix = useSelector(urlPrefixSelector(ashoatKeyserverID));
diff --git a/native/profile/default-notifications-preferences.react.js b/native/profile/default-notifications-preferences.react.js
--- a/native/profile/default-notifications-preferences.react.js
+++ b/native/profile/default-notifications-preferences.react.js
@@ -55,6 +55,33 @@
+const unboundStyles = {
+ scrollView: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
+ },
+ scrollViewContentContainer: {
+ paddingTop: 24,
+ },
+ section: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ borderBottomWidth: 1,
+ borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ marginBottom: 24,
+ marginVertical: 2,
+ },
+ icon: {
+ lineHeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 18 : 20,
+ },
+ header: {
+ color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ fontWeight: '400',
+ paddingBottom: 3,
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: ProfileNavigationProp<'DefaultNotifications'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'DefaultNotifications'>,
@@ -150,33 +177,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- scrollView: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
- },
- scrollViewContentContainer: {
- paddingTop: 24,
- },
- section: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- borderBottomWidth: 1,
- borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- marginBottom: 24,
- marginVertical: 2,
- },
- icon: {
- lineHeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 18 : 20,
- },
- header: {
- color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
- fontSize: 12,
- fontWeight: '400',
- paddingBottom: 3,
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- },
const ConnectedDefaultNotificationPreferences: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedDefaultNotificationPreferences(
diff --git a/native/profile/dev-tools.react.js b/native/profile/dev-tools.react.js
--- a/native/profile/dev-tools.react.js
+++ b/native/profile/dev-tools.react.js
@@ -32,6 +32,63 @@
+const unboundStyles = {
+ container: {
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ customServerLabel: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ },
+ header: {
+ color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ fontWeight: '400',
+ paddingBottom: 3,
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ },
+ hr: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ height: 1,
+ marginHorizontal: 15,
+ },
+ icon: {
+ lineHeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 18 : 20,
+ },
+ redText: {
+ color: 'redText',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: 16,
+ },
+ row: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 10,
+ },
+ scrollView: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
+ },
+ scrollViewContentContainer: {
+ paddingTop: 24,
+ },
+ serverContainer: {
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ serverText: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ },
+ slightlyPaddedSection: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ borderBottomWidth: 1,
+ borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ marginBottom: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 2,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: ProfileNavigationProp<'DevTools'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'DevTools'>,
@@ -178,63 +235,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- container: {
- flex: 1,
- },
- customServerLabel: {
- color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- },
- header: {
- color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
- fontSize: 12,
- fontWeight: '400',
- paddingBottom: 3,
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- },
- hr: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- height: 1,
- marginHorizontal: 15,
- },
- icon: {
- lineHeight: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 18 : 20,
- },
- redText: {
- color: 'redText',
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: 16,
- },
- row: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 10,
- },
- scrollView: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
- },
- scrollViewContentContainer: {
- paddingTop: 24,
- },
- serverContainer: {
- flex: 1,
- },
- serverText: {
- color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- },
- slightlyPaddedSection: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- borderBottomWidth: 1,
- borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- marginBottom: 24,
- paddingVertical: 2,
- },
const ConnectedDevTools: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> = React.memo<BaseProps>(
function ConnectedDevTools(props: BaseProps) {
const urlPrefix = useSelector(urlPrefixSelector(ashoatKeyserverID));
diff --git a/native/profile/edit-password.react.js b/native/profile/edit-password.react.js
--- a/native/profile/edit-password.react.js
+++ b/native/profile/edit-password.react.js
@@ -33,6 +33,62 @@
import { type Colors, useColors, useStyles } from '../themes/colors.js';
import Alert from '../utils/alert.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ header: {
+ color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ fontWeight: '400',
+ paddingBottom: 3,
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ },
+ hr: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ height: 1,
+ marginHorizontal: 15,
+ },
+ input: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontFamily: 'Arial',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ paddingVertical: 0,
+ borderBottomColor: 'transparent',
+ },
+ row: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 9,
+ },
+ saveButton: {
+ backgroundColor: 'vibrantGreenButton',
+ borderRadius: 5,
+ flex: 1,
+ marginHorizontal: 24,
+ marginVertical: 12,
+ padding: 12,
+ },
+ saveText: {
+ color: 'white',
+ fontSize: 18,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ scrollView: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
+ },
+ scrollViewContentContainer: {
+ paddingTop: 24,
+ },
+ section: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ borderBottomWidth: 1,
+ borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ marginBottom: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 3,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: ProfileNavigationProp<'EditPassword'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'EditPassword'>,
@@ -280,62 +336,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- header: {
- color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
- fontSize: 12,
- fontWeight: '400',
- paddingBottom: 3,
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- },
- hr: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- height: 1,
- marginHorizontal: 15,
- },
- input: {
- color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontFamily: 'Arial',
- fontSize: 16,
- paddingVertical: 0,
- borderBottomColor: 'transparent',
- },
- row: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 9,
- },
- saveButton: {
- backgroundColor: 'vibrantGreenButton',
- borderRadius: 5,
- flex: 1,
- marginHorizontal: 24,
- marginVertical: 12,
- padding: 12,
- },
- saveText: {
- color: 'white',
- fontSize: 18,
- textAlign: 'center',
- },
- scrollView: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
- },
- scrollViewContentContainer: {
- paddingTop: 24,
- },
- section: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- borderBottomWidth: 1,
- borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- marginBottom: 24,
- paddingVertical: 3,
- },
const loadingStatusSelector = createLoadingStatusSelector(
diff --git a/native/profile/profile-screen.react.js b/native/profile/profile-screen.react.js
--- a/native/profile/profile-screen.react.js
+++ b/native/profile/profile-screen.react.js
@@ -60,6 +60,89 @@
+const unboundStyles = {
+ avatarSection: {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ paddingVertical: 16,
+ },
+ container: {
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ content: {
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ deleteAccountButton: {
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 12,
+ },
+ editPasswordButton: {
+ paddingTop: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 3 : 2,
+ },
+ header: {
+ color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ fontWeight: '400',
+ paddingBottom: 3,
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ },
+ label: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ paddingRight: 12,
+ },
+ loggedInLabel: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ },
+ logOutText: {
+ color: 'link',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ paddingLeft: 6,
+ },
+ row: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ },
+ scrollView: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
+ },
+ scrollViewContentContainer: {
+ paddingTop: 24,
+ },
+ paddedRow: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 10,
+ },
+ section: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ borderBottomWidth: 1,
+ borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ marginBottom: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 1,
+ },
+ unpaddedSection: {
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ borderBottomWidth: 1,
+ borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ borderTopWidth: 1,
+ marginBottom: 24,
+ },
+ username: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ value: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+navigation: ProfileNavigationProp<'ProfileScreen'>,
+route: NavigationRoute<'ProfileScreen'>,
@@ -344,89 +427,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- avatarSection: {
- alignItems: 'center',
- paddingVertical: 16,
- },
- container: {
- flex: 1,
- },
- content: {
- flex: 1,
- },
- deleteAccountButton: {
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 12,
- },
- editPasswordButton: {
- paddingTop: Platform.OS === 'android' ? 3 : 2,
- },
- header: {
- color: 'panelBackgroundLabel',
- fontSize: 12,
- fontWeight: '400',
- paddingBottom: 3,
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- },
- label: {
- color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- paddingRight: 12,
- },
- loggedInLabel: {
- color: 'panelForegroundTertiaryLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- },
- logOutText: {
- color: 'link',
- fontSize: 16,
- paddingLeft: 6,
- },
- row: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- },
- scrollView: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelBackground',
- },
- scrollViewContentContainer: {
- paddingTop: 24,
- },
- paddedRow: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 10,
- },
- section: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- borderBottomWidth: 1,
- borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- marginBottom: 24,
- paddingVertical: 1,
- },
- unpaddedSection: {
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- borderBottomWidth: 1,
- borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- borderTopWidth: 1,
- marginBottom: 24,
- },
- username: {
- color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
- flex: 1,
- },
- value: {
- color: 'panelForegroundLabel',
- fontSize: 16,
- textAlign: 'right',
- },
const logOutLoadingStatusSelector =
diff --git a/native/profile/relationship-list-item.react.js b/native/profile/relationship-list-item.react.js
--- a/native/profile/relationship-list-item.react.js
+++ b/native/profile/relationship-list-item.react.js
@@ -51,6 +51,46 @@
import { useNavigateToUserProfileBottomSheet } from '../user-profile/user-profile-utils.js';
import Alert from '../utils/alert.js';
+const unboundStyles = {
+ container: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ paddingHorizontal: 24,
+ paddingVertical: 10,
+ backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
+ borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
+ },
+ borderBottom: {
+ borderBottomWidth: 1,
+ },
+ buttonContainer: {
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ },
+ editButtonWithMargin: {
+ marginLeft: 15,
+ },
+ username: {
+ color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel',
+ flex: 1,
+ fontSize: 16,
+ lineHeight: 20,
+ marginLeft: 8,
+ },
+ editButton: {
+ paddingLeft: 10,
+ },
+ blueAction: {
+ color: 'link',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ paddingLeft: 6,
+ },
+ redAction: {
+ color: 'redText',
+ fontSize: 16,
+ paddingLeft: 6,
+ },
type BaseProps = {
+userInfo: AccountUserInfo,
+lastListItem: boolean,
@@ -275,46 +315,6 @@
-const unboundStyles = {
- container: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- paddingHorizontal: 24,
- paddingVertical: 10,
- backgroundColor: 'panelForeground',
- borderColor: 'panelForegroundBorder',
- },
- borderBottom: {
- borderBottomWidth: 1,
- },
- buttonContainer: {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- editButtonWithMargin: {
- marginLeft: 15,
- },
- username: {
- color: 'panelForegroundSecondaryLabel',
- flex: 1,
- fontSize: 16,
- lineHeight: 20,
- marginLeft: 8,
- },
- editButton: {
- paddingLeft: 10,
- },
- blueAction: {
- color: 'link',
- fontSize: 16,
- paddingLeft: 6,
- },
- redAction: {
- color: 'redText',
- fontSize: 16,
- paddingLeft: 6,
- },
const ConnectedRelationshipListItem: React.ComponentType<BaseProps> =
React.memo<BaseProps>(function ConnectedRelationshipListItem(
props: BaseProps,
diff --git a/native/tooltip/tooltip.react.js b/native/tooltip/tooltip.react.js
--- a/native/tooltip/tooltip.react.js
+++ b/native/tooltip/tooltip.react.js
@@ -42,6 +42,74 @@
const { Value, Node, Extrapolate, add, multiply, interpolateNode } = Animated;
/* eslint-enable import/no-named-as-default-member */
+const unboundStyles = {
+ backdrop: {
+ backgroundColor: 'black',
+ bottom: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: 0,
+ top: 0,
+ },
+ container: {
+ flex: 1,
+ },
+ contentContainer: {
+ flex: 1,
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ },
+ icon: {
+ color: 'modalForegroundLabel',
+ },
+ itemContainer: {
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ padding: 10,
+ },
+ itemContainerFixed: {
+ flexDirection: 'column',
+ },
+ items: {
+ backgroundColor: 'tooltipBackground',
+ borderRadius: 5,
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ },
+ itemsFixed: {
+ flex: 1,
+ flexDirection: 'row',
+ },
+ triangleDown: {
+ borderBottomColor: 'transparent',
+ borderBottomWidth: 0,
+ borderLeftColor: 'transparent',
+ borderLeftWidth: 10,
+ borderRightColor: 'transparent',
+ borderRightWidth: 10,
+ borderStyle: 'solid',
+ borderTopColor: 'tooltipBackground',
+ borderTopWidth: 10,
+ height: 10,
+ top: Platform.OS === 'android' ? -1 : 0,
+ width: 10,
+ },
+ triangleUp: {
+ borderBottomColor: 'tooltipBackground',
+ borderBottomWidth: 10,
+ borderLeftColor: 'transparent',
+ borderLeftWidth: 10,
+ borderRightColor: 'transparent',
+ borderRightWidth: 10,
+ borderStyle: 'solid',
+ borderTopColor: 'transparent',
+ borderTopWidth: 0,
+ bottom: Platform.OS === 'android' ? -1 : 0,
+ height: 10,
+ width: 10,
+ },
export type TooltipParams<CustomProps> = {
+presentedFrom: string,
@@ -514,74 +582,6 @@
return React.memo<BaseTooltipPropsType>(MemoizedTooltip);
-const unboundStyles = {
- backdrop: {
- backgroundColor: 'black',
- bottom: 0,
- left: 0,
- position: 'absolute',
- right: 0,
- top: 0,
- },
- container: {
- flex: 1,
- },
- contentContainer: {
- flex: 1,
- overflow: 'hidden',
- },
- icon: {
- color: 'modalForegroundLabel',
- },
- itemContainer: {
- alignItems: 'center',
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- justifyContent: 'center',
- padding: 10,
- },
- itemContainerFixed: {
- flexDirection: 'column',
- },
- items: {
- backgroundColor: 'tooltipBackground',
- borderRadius: 5,
- overflow: 'hidden',
- },
- itemsFixed: {
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- triangleDown: {
- borderBottomColor: 'transparent',
- borderBottomWidth: 0,
- borderLeftColor: 'transparent',
- borderLeftWidth: 10,
- borderRightColor: 'transparent',
- borderRightWidth: 10,
- borderStyle: 'solid',
- borderTopColor: 'tooltipBackground',
- borderTopWidth: 10,
- height: 10,
- top: Platform.OS === 'android' ? -1 : 0,
- width: 10,
- },
- triangleUp: {
- borderBottomColor: 'tooltipBackground',
- borderBottomWidth: 10,
- borderLeftColor: 'transparent',
- borderLeftWidth: 10,
- borderRightColor: 'transparent',
- borderRightWidth: 10,
- borderStyle: 'solid',
- borderTopColor: 'transparent',
- borderTopWidth: 0,
- bottom: Platform.OS === 'android' ? -1 : 0,
- height: 10,
- width: 10,
- },
function tooltipHeight(numEntries: number): number {
// 10 (triangle) + 37 * numEntries (entries) + numEntries - 1 (padding)
return 9 + 38 * numEntries;
File Metadata
Mime Type
Wed, Dec 25, 9:00 PM (1 h, 7 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D9999.diff (75 KB)
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D9999: [Flow202][native][skip-ci] [15/x] Move unboundStyles to the top
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Event Timeline
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