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diff --git a/native/flow-typed/npm/@react-navigation/core_v6.x.x.js b/native/flow-typed/npm/@react-navigation/core_v6.x.x.js
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native/flow-typed/npm/@react-navigation/core_v6.x.x.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2350 @@
+// flow-typed signature: 080655bdcaa9b716925932d980dfc4fb
+// flow-typed version: 9a968c602c/@react-navigation/core_v5.x.x/flow_>=v0.201.x
+declare module '@react-navigation/core' {
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // This section is identical across all React Navigation libdefs and contains
+ // shared definitions. We wish we could make it DRY and import from a shared
+ // definition, but that isn't yet possible.
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * We start with some definitions that we have copy-pasted from React Native
+ * source files.
+ */
+ // This is a bastardization of the true StyleObj type located in
+ // react-native/Libraries/StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes. We unfortunately can't
+ // import that here, and it's too lengthy (and consequently too brittle) to
+ // copy-paste here either.
+ declare type StyleObj =
+ | null
+ | void
+ | number
+ | false
+ | ''
+ | $ReadOnlyArray<StyleObj>
+ | { [name: string]: any, ... };
+ declare type ViewStyleProp = StyleObj;
+ declare type TextStyleProp = StyleObj;
+ declare type AnimatedViewStyleProp = StyleObj;
+ declare type AnimatedTextStyleProp = StyleObj;
+ // Vaguely copied from
+ // react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/animations/Animation.js
+ declare type EndResult = { finished: boolean, ... };
+ declare type EndCallback = (result: EndResult) => void;
+ declare interface Animation {
+ start(
+ fromValue: number,
+ onUpdate: (value: number) => void,
+ onEnd: ?EndCallback,
+ previousAnimation: ?Animation,
+ animatedValue: AnimatedValue,
+ ): void;
+ stop(): void;
+ }
+ declare type AnimationConfig = {
+ isInteraction?: boolean,
+ useNativeDriver: boolean,
+ onComplete?: ?EndCallback,
+ iterations?: number,
+ ...
+ };
+ // Vaguely copied from
+ // react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/nodes/AnimatedTracking.js
+ declare interface AnimatedTracking {
+ constructor(
+ value: AnimatedValue,
+ parent: any,
+ animationClass: any,
+ animationConfig: Object,
+ callback?: ?EndCallback,
+ ): void;
+ update(): void;
+ }
+ // Vaguely copied from
+ // react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/nodes/AnimatedValue.js
+ declare type ValueListenerCallback = (state: { value: number, ... }) => void;
+ declare interface AnimatedValue {
+ constructor(value: number): void;
+ setValue(value: number): void;
+ setOffset(offset: number): void;
+ flattenOffset(): void;
+ extractOffset(): void;
+ addListener(callback: ValueListenerCallback): string;
+ removeListener(id: string): void;
+ removeAllListeners(): void;
+ stopAnimation(callback?: ?(value: number) => void): void;
+ resetAnimation(callback?: ?(value: number) => void): void;
+ interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation;
+ animate(animation: Animation, callback: ?EndCallback): void;
+ stopTracking(): void;
+ track(tracking: AnimatedTracking): void;
+ }
+ // Copied from
+ // react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/animations/TimingAnimation.js
+ declare type TimingAnimationConfigSingle = AnimationConfig & {
+ toValue: number | AnimatedValue,
+ easing?: (value: number) => number,
+ duration?: number,
+ delay?: number,
+ ...
+ };
+ // Copied from
+ // react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/animations/SpringAnimation.js
+ declare type SpringAnimationConfigSingle = AnimationConfig & {
+ toValue: number | AnimatedValue,
+ overshootClamping?: boolean,
+ restDisplacementThreshold?: number,
+ restSpeedThreshold?: number,
+ velocity?: number,
+ bounciness?: number,
+ speed?: number,
+ tension?: number,
+ friction?: number,
+ stiffness?: number,
+ damping?: number,
+ mass?: number,
+ delay?: number,
+ ...
+ };
+ // Copied from react-native/Libraries/Types/CoreEventTypes.js
+ declare type SyntheticEvent<T> = $ReadOnly<{|
+ bubbles: ?boolean,
+ cancelable: ?boolean,
+ currentTarget: number,
+ defaultPrevented: ?boolean,
+ dispatchConfig: $ReadOnly<{|
+ registrationName: string,
+ |}>,
+ eventPhase: ?number,
+ preventDefault: () => void,
+ isDefaultPrevented: () => boolean,
+ stopPropagation: () => void,
+ isPropagationStopped: () => boolean,
+ isTrusted: ?boolean,
+ nativeEvent: T,
+ persist: () => void,
+ target: ?number,
+ timeStamp: number,
+ type: ?string,
+ |}>;
+ declare type Layout = $ReadOnly<{|
+ x: number,
+ y: number,
+ width: number,
+ height: number,
+ |}>;
+ declare type LayoutEvent = SyntheticEvent<
+ $ReadOnly<{|
+ layout: Layout,
+ |}>,
+ >;
+ declare type BlurEvent = SyntheticEvent<
+ $ReadOnly<{|
+ target: number,
+ |}>,
+ >;
+ declare type FocusEvent = SyntheticEvent<
+ $ReadOnly<{|
+ target: number,
+ |}>,
+ >;
+ declare type ResponderSyntheticEvent<T> = $ReadOnly<{|
+ ...SyntheticEvent<T>,
+ touchHistory: $ReadOnly<{|
+ indexOfSingleActiveTouch: number,
+ mostRecentTimeStamp: number,
+ numberActiveTouches: number,
+ touchBank: $ReadOnlyArray<
+ $ReadOnly<{|
+ touchActive: boolean,
+ startPageX: number,
+ startPageY: number,
+ startTimeStamp: number,
+ currentPageX: number,
+ currentPageY: number,
+ currentTimeStamp: number,
+ previousPageX: number,
+ previousPageY: number,
+ previousTimeStamp: number,
+ |}>,
+ >,
+ |}>,
+ |}>;
+ declare type PressEvent = ResponderSyntheticEvent<
+ $ReadOnly<{|
+ changedTouches: $ReadOnlyArray<$PropertyType<PressEvent, 'nativeEvent'>>,
+ force: number,
+ identifier: number,
+ locationX: number,
+ locationY: number,
+ pageX: number,
+ pageY: number,
+ target: ?number,
+ timestamp: number,
+ touches: $ReadOnlyArray<$PropertyType<PressEvent, 'nativeEvent'>>,
+ |}>,
+ >;
+ // Vaguely copied from
+ // react-native/Libraries/Animated/src/nodes/AnimatedInterpolation.js
+ declare type ExtrapolateType = 'extend' | 'identity' | 'clamp';
+ declare type InterpolationConfigType = {
+ inputRange: Array<number>,
+ outputRange: Array<number> | Array<string>,
+ easing?: (input: number) => number,
+ extrapolate?: ExtrapolateType,
+ extrapolateLeft?: ExtrapolateType,
+ extrapolateRight?: ExtrapolateType,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare interface AnimatedInterpolation {
+ interpolate(config: InterpolationConfigType): AnimatedInterpolation;
+ }
+ // Copied from react-native/Libraries/Components/View/ViewAccessibility.js
+ declare type AccessibilityRole =
+ | 'none'
+ | 'button'
+ | 'link'
+ | 'search'
+ | 'image'
+ | 'keyboardkey'
+ | 'text'
+ | 'adjustable'
+ | 'imagebutton'
+ | 'header'
+ | 'summary'
+ | 'alert'
+ | 'checkbox'
+ | 'combobox'
+ | 'menu'
+ | 'menubar'
+ | 'menuitem'
+ | 'progressbar'
+ | 'radio'
+ | 'radiogroup'
+ | 'scrollbar'
+ | 'spinbutton'
+ | 'switch'
+ | 'tab'
+ | 'tablist'
+ | 'timer'
+ | 'toolbar';
+ declare type AccessibilityActionInfo = $ReadOnly<{
+ name: string,
+ label?: string,
+ ...
+ }>;
+ declare type AccessibilityActionEvent = SyntheticEvent<
+ $ReadOnly<{actionName: string, ...}>,
+ >;
+ declare type AccessibilityState = {
+ disabled?: boolean,
+ selected?: boolean,
+ checked?: ?boolean | 'mixed',
+ busy?: boolean,
+ expanded?: boolean,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare type AccessibilityValue = $ReadOnly<{|
+ min?: number,
+ max?: number,
+ now?: number,
+ text?: string,
+ |}>;
+ // Copied from
+ // react-native/Libraries/Components/Touchable/TouchableWithoutFeedback.js
+ declare type Stringish = string;
+ declare type EdgeInsetsProp = $ReadOnly<$Partial<EdgeInsets>>;
+ declare type TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps = $ReadOnly<{|
+ accessibilityActions?: ?$ReadOnlyArray<AccessibilityActionInfo>,
+ accessibilityElementsHidden?: ?boolean,
+ accessibilityHint?: ?Stringish,
+ accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors?: ?boolean,
+ accessibilityLabel?: ?Stringish,
+ accessibilityLiveRegion?: ?('none' | 'polite' | 'assertive'),
+ accessibilityRole?: ?AccessibilityRole,
+ accessibilityState?: ?AccessibilityState,
+ accessibilityValue?: ?AccessibilityValue,
+ accessibilityViewIsModal?: ?boolean,
+ accessible?: ?boolean,
+ children?: ?React$Node,
+ delayLongPress?: ?number,
+ delayPressIn?: ?number,
+ delayPressOut?: ?number,
+ disabled?: ?boolean,
+ focusable?: ?boolean,
+ hitSlop?: ?EdgeInsetsProp,
+ importantForAccessibility?: ?('auto' | 'yes' | 'no' | 'no-hide-descendants'),
+ nativeID?: ?string,
+ onAccessibilityAction?: ?(event: AccessibilityActionEvent) => mixed,
+ onBlur?: ?(event: BlurEvent) => mixed,
+ onFocus?: ?(event: FocusEvent) => mixed,
+ onLayout?: ?(event: LayoutEvent) => mixed,
+ onLongPress?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed,
+ onPress?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed,
+ onPressIn?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed,
+ onPressOut?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed,
+ pressRetentionOffset?: ?EdgeInsetsProp,
+ rejectResponderTermination?: ?boolean,
+ testID?: ?string,
+ touchSoundDisabled?: ?boolean,
+ |}>;
+ // Copied from react-native/Libraries/Image/ImageSource.js
+ declare type ImageURISource = $ReadOnly<{
+ uri?: ?string,
+ bundle?: ?string,
+ method?: ?string,
+ headers?: ?Object,
+ body?: ?string,
+ cache?: ?('default' | 'reload' | 'force-cache' | 'only-if-cached'),
+ width?: ?number,
+ height?: ?number,
+ scale?: ?number,
+ ...
+ }>;
+ /**
+ * The following is copied from react-native-gesture-handler's libdef
+ */
+ declare type StateUndetermined = 0;
+ declare type StateFailed = 1;
+ declare type StateBegan = 2;
+ declare type StateCancelled = 3;
+ declare type StateActive = 4;
+ declare type StateEnd = 5;
+ declare type GestureHandlerState =
+ | StateUndetermined
+ | StateFailed
+ | StateBegan
+ | StateCancelled
+ | StateActive
+ | StateEnd;
+ declare type $SyntheticEvent<T: { ... }> = {
+ +nativeEvent: $ReadOnly<$Exact<T>>,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare type $Event<T: { ... }> = $SyntheticEvent<{
+ handlerTag: number,
+ numberOfPointers: number,
+ state: GestureHandlerState,
+ oldState: GestureHandlerState,
+ ...$Exact<T>,
+ ...
+ }>;
+ declare type $EventHandlers<ExtraProps: {...}> = {|
+ onGestureEvent?: ($Event<ExtraProps>) => mixed,
+ onHandlerStateChange?: ($Event<ExtraProps>) => mixed,
+ onBegan?: ($Event<ExtraProps>) => mixed,
+ onFailed?: ($Event<ExtraProps>) => mixed,
+ onCancelled?: ($Event<ExtraProps>) => mixed,
+ onActivated?: ($Event<ExtraProps>) => mixed,
+ onEnded?: ($Event<ExtraProps>) => mixed,
+ |};
+ declare type HitSlop =
+ | number
+ | {|
+ left?: number,
+ top?: number,
+ right?: number,
+ bottom?: number,
+ vertical?: number,
+ horizontal?: number,
+ width?: number,
+ height?: number,
+ |}
+ | {|
+ width: number,
+ left: number,
+ |}
+ | {|
+ width: number,
+ right: number,
+ |}
+ | {|
+ height: number,
+ top: number,
+ |}
+ | {|
+ height: number,
+ bottom: number,
+ |};
+ declare type $GestureHandlerProps<
+ AdditionalProps: {...},
+ ExtraEventsProps: {...}
+ > = $ReadOnly<{|
+ ...$Exact<AdditionalProps>,
+ ...$EventHandlers<ExtraEventsProps>,
+ id?: string,
+ enabled?: boolean,
+ waitFor?: React$Ref<any> | Array<React$Ref<any>>,
+ simultaneousHandlers?: React$Ref<any> | Array<React$Ref<any>>,
+ shouldCancelWhenOutside?: boolean,
+ minPointers?: number,
+ hitSlop?: HitSlop,
+ children?: React$Node,
+ |}>;
+ declare type PanGestureHandlerProps = $GestureHandlerProps<
+ {
+ activeOffsetY?: number | [number, number],
+ activeOffsetX?: number | [number, number],
+ failOffsetY?: number | [number, number],
+ failOffsetX?: number | [number, number],
+ minDist?: number,
+ minVelocity?: number,
+ minVelocityX?: number,
+ minVelocityY?: number,
+ minPointers?: number,
+ maxPointers?: number,
+ avgTouches?: boolean,
+ ...
+ },
+ {
+ x: number,
+ y: number,
+ absoluteX: number,
+ absoluteY: number,
+ translationX: number,
+ translationY: number,
+ velocityX: number,
+ velocityY: number,
+ ...
+ }
+ >;
+ /**
+ */
+ declare type $If<Test: boolean, Then, Else = empty> = $Call<
+ ((true, Then, Else) => Then) & ((false, Then, Else) => Else),
+ Test,
+ Then,
+ Else,
+ >;
+ declare type $IsA<X, Y> = $Call<
+ (Y => true) & (mixed => false),
+ X,
+ >;
+ declare type $IsUndefined<X> = $IsA<X, void>;
+ declare type $Partial<T> = $ReadOnly<$Rest<T, {...}>>;
+ // If { ...T, ... } counts as a T, then we're inexact
+ declare type $IsExact<T> = $Call<
+ (T => false) & (mixed => true),
+ { ...T, ... },
+ >;
+ /**
+ * Actions, state, etc.
+ */
+ declare export type ScreenParams = { +[key: string]: mixed, ... };
+ declare export type BackAction = {|
+ +type: 'GO_BACK',
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type NavigateAction = {|
+ +type: 'NAVIGATE',
+ +payload:
+ | {| +key: string, +params?: ScreenParams |}
+ | {| +name: string, +key?: string, +params?: ScreenParams |},
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type ResetAction = {|
+ +type: 'RESET',
+ +payload: StaleNavigationState,
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type SetParamsAction = {|
+ +type: 'SET_PARAMS',
+ +payload: {| +params?: ScreenParams |},
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type CommonAction =
+ | BackAction
+ | NavigateAction
+ | ResetAction
+ | SetParamsAction;
+ declare type NavigateActionCreator = {|
+ (routeName: string, params?: ScreenParams): NavigateAction,
+ (
+ | {| +key: string, +params?: ScreenParams |}
+ | {| +name: string, +key?: string, +params?: ScreenParams |},
+ ): NavigateAction,
+ |};
+ declare export type CommonActionsType = {|
+ +navigate: NavigateActionCreator,
+ +goBack: () => BackAction,
+ +reset: (state: PossiblyStaleNavigationState) => ResetAction,
+ +setParams: (params: ScreenParams) => SetParamsAction,
+ |};
+ declare export type GenericNavigationAction = {|
+ +type: string,
+ +payload?: { +[key: string]: mixed, ... },
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type LeafRoute<RouteName: string = string> = {|
+ +key: string,
+ +name: RouteName,
+ +params?: ScreenParams,
+ |};
+ declare export type StateRoute<RouteName: string = string> = {|
+ ...LeafRoute<RouteName>,
+ +state: NavigationState | StaleNavigationState,
+ |};
+ declare export type Route<RouteName: string = string> =
+ | LeafRoute<RouteName>
+ | StateRoute<RouteName>;
+ declare export type NavigationState = {|
+ +key: string,
+ +index: number,
+ +routeNames: $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
+ +history?: $ReadOnlyArray<mixed>,
+ +routes: $ReadOnlyArray<Route<>>,
+ +type: string,
+ +stale: false,
+ |};
+ declare export type StaleLeafRoute<RouteName: string = string> = {|
+ +key?: string,
+ +name: RouteName,
+ +params?: ScreenParams,
+ |};
+ declare export type StaleStateRoute<RouteName: string = string> = {|
+ ...StaleLeafRoute<RouteName>,
+ +state: StaleNavigationState,
+ |};
+ declare export type StaleRoute<RouteName: string = string> =
+ | StaleLeafRoute<RouteName>
+ | StaleStateRoute<RouteName>;
+ declare export type StaleNavigationState = {|
+ // It's possible to pass React Nav a StaleNavigationState with an undefined
+ // index, but React Nav will always return one with the index set. This is
+ // the same as for the type property below, but in the case of index we tend
+ // to rely on it being set more...
+ +index: number,
+ +history?: $ReadOnlyArray<mixed>,
+ +routes: $ReadOnlyArray<StaleRoute<>>,
+ +type?: string,
+ +stale?: true,
+ |};
+ declare export type PossiblyStaleNavigationState =
+ | NavigationState
+ | StaleNavigationState;
+ declare export type PossiblyStaleRoute<RouteName: string = string> =
+ | Route<RouteName>
+ | StaleRoute<RouteName>;
+ /**
+ * Routers
+ */
+ declare type ActionCreators<
+ State: NavigationState,
+ Action: GenericNavigationAction,
+ > = {
+ +[key: string]: (...args: any) => (Action | State => Action),
+ ...
+ };
+ declare export type DefaultRouterOptions = {
+ +initialRouteName?: string,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare export type RouterFactory<
+ State: NavigationState,
+ Action: GenericNavigationAction,
+ RouterOptions: DefaultRouterOptions,
+ > = (options: RouterOptions) => Router<State, Action>;
+ declare export type ParamListBase = { +[key: string]: ?ScreenParams, ... };
+ declare export type RouterConfigOptions = {|
+ +routeNames: $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
+ +routeParamList: ParamListBase,
+ |};
+ declare export type Router<
+ State: NavigationState,
+ Action: GenericNavigationAction,
+ > = {|
+ +type: $PropertyType<State, 'type'>,
+ +getInitialState: (options: RouterConfigOptions) => State,
+ +getRehydratedState: (
+ partialState: PossiblyStaleNavigationState,
+ options: RouterConfigOptions,
+ ) => State,
+ +getStateForRouteNamesChange: (
+ state: State,
+ options: RouterConfigOptions,
+ ) => State,
+ +getStateForRouteFocus: (state: State, key: string) => State,
+ +getStateForAction: (
+ state: State,
+ action: Action,
+ options: RouterConfigOptions,
+ ) => ?PossiblyStaleNavigationState;
+ +shouldActionChangeFocus: (action: GenericNavigationAction) => boolean,
+ +actionCreators?: ActionCreators<State, Action>,
+ |};
+ /**
+ * Stack actions and router
+ */
+ declare export type StackNavigationState = {|
+ ...NavigationState,
+ +type: 'stack',
+ |};
+ declare export type ReplaceAction = {|
+ +type: 'REPLACE',
+ +payload: {| +name: string, +key?: ?string, +params?: ScreenParams |},
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type PushAction = {|
+ +type: 'PUSH',
+ +payload: {| +name: string, +key?: ?string, +params?: ScreenParams |},
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type PopAction = {|
+ +type: 'POP',
+ +payload: {| +count: number |},
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type PopToTopAction = {|
+ +type: 'POP_TO_TOP',
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type StackAction =
+ | CommonAction
+ | ReplaceAction
+ | PushAction
+ | PopAction
+ | PopToTopAction;
+ declare export type StackActionsType = {|
+ +replace: (routeName: string, params?: ScreenParams) => ReplaceAction,
+ +push: (routeName: string, params?: ScreenParams) => PushAction,
+ +pop: (count?: number) => PopAction,
+ +popToTop: () => PopToTopAction,
+ |};
+ declare export type StackRouterOptions = $Exact<DefaultRouterOptions>;
+ /**
+ * Tab actions and router
+ */
+ declare export type TabNavigationState = {|
+ ...NavigationState,
+ +type: 'tab',
+ +history: $ReadOnlyArray<{| type: 'route', key: string |}>,
+ |};
+ declare export type JumpToAction = {|
+ +type: 'JUMP_TO',
+ +payload: {| +name: string, +params?: ScreenParams |},
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type TabAction =
+ | CommonAction
+ | JumpToAction;
+ declare export type TabActionsType = {|
+ +jumpTo: string => JumpToAction,
+ |};
+ declare export type TabRouterOptions = {|
+ ...$Exact<DefaultRouterOptions>,
+ +backBehavior?: 'initialRoute' | 'order' | 'history' | 'none',
+ |};
+ /**
+ * Drawer actions and router
+ */
+ declare type DrawerHistoryEntry =
+ | {| +type: 'route', +key: string |}
+ | {| +type: 'drawer' |};
+ declare export type DrawerNavigationState = {|
+ ...NavigationState,
+ +type: 'drawer',
+ +history: $ReadOnlyArray<DrawerHistoryEntry>,
+ |};
+ declare export type OpenDrawerAction = {|
+ +type: 'OPEN_DRAWER',
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type CloseDrawerAction = {|
+ +type: 'CLOSE_DRAWER',
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type ToggleDrawerAction = {|
+ +type: 'TOGGLE_DRAWER',
+ +source?: string,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type DrawerAction =
+ | TabAction
+ | OpenDrawerAction
+ | CloseDrawerAction
+ | ToggleDrawerAction;
+ declare export type DrawerActionsType = {|
+ ...TabActionsType,
+ +openDrawer: () => OpenDrawerAction,
+ +closeDrawer: () => CloseDrawerAction,
+ +toggleDrawer: () => ToggleDrawerAction,
+ |};
+ declare export type DrawerRouterOptions = {|
+ ...TabRouterOptions,
+ +defaultStatus?: 'open' | 'closed',
+ |};
+ /**
+ * Events
+ */
+ declare export type EventMapBase = {
+ +[name: string]: {|
+ +data?: mixed,
+ +canPreventDefault?: boolean,
+ |},
+ ...
+ };
+ declare type EventPreventDefaultProperties<Test: boolean> = $If<
+ Test,
+ {| +defaultPrevented: boolean, +preventDefault: () => void |},
+ {| |},
+ >;
+ declare type EventDataProperties<Data> = $If<
+ $IsUndefined<Data>,
+ {| |},
+ {| +data: Data |},
+ >;
+ declare type EventArg<
+ EventName: string,
+ CanPreventDefault: ?boolean = false,
+ Data = void,
+ > = {|
+ ...EventPreventDefaultProperties<CanPreventDefault>,
+ ...EventDataProperties<Data>,
+ +type: EventName,
+ +target?: string,
+ |};
+ declare type GlobalEventMap<State: PossiblyStaleNavigationState> = {|
+ +state: {| +data: {| +state: State |}, +canPreventDefault: false |},
+ |};
+ declare type EventMapCore<State: PossiblyStaleNavigationState> = {|
+ ...GlobalEventMap<State>,
+ +focus: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |},
+ +blur: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |},
+ +beforeRemove: {|
+ +data: {| +action: GenericNavigationAction |},
+ +canPreventDefault: true,
+ |},
+ |};
+ declare type EventListenerCallback<
+ EventName: string,
+ State: PossiblyStaleNavigationState = NavigationState,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore<State>,
+ > = (e: EventArg<
+ EventName,
+ $PropertyType<
+ $ElementType<
+ {| ...EventMap, ...EventMapCore<State> |},
+ EventName,
+ >,
+ 'canPreventDefault',
+ >,
+ $PropertyType<
+ $ElementType<
+ {| ...EventMap, ...EventMapCore<State> |},
+ EventName,
+ >,
+ 'data',
+ >,
+ >) => mixed;
+ /**
+ * Navigation prop
+ */
+ declare type PartialWithMergeProperty<ParamsType> = $If<
+ $IsExact<ParamsType>,
+ { ...$Partial<ParamsType>, +merge: true },
+ { ...$Partial<ParamsType>, +merge: true, ... },
+ >;
+ declare type EitherExactOrPartialWithMergeProperty<ParamsType> =
+ | ParamsType
+ | PartialWithMergeProperty<ParamsType>;
+ declare export type SimpleNavigate<ParamList> =
+ <DestinationRouteName: $Keys<ParamList>>(
+ routeName: DestinationRouteName,
+ params: EitherExactOrPartialWithMergeProperty<
+ $ElementType<ParamList, DestinationRouteName>,
+ >,
+ ) => void;
+ declare export type Navigate<ParamList> =
+ & SimpleNavigate<ParamList>
+ & <DestinationRouteName: $Keys<ParamList>>(
+ route: $If<
+ $IsUndefined<$ElementType<ParamList, DestinationRouteName>>,
+ | {| +key: string |}
+ | {| +name: DestinationRouteName, +key?: string |},
+ | {|
+ +key: string,
+ +params?: EitherExactOrPartialWithMergeProperty<
+ $ElementType<ParamList, DestinationRouteName>,
+ >,
+ |}
+ | {|
+ +name: DestinationRouteName,
+ +key?: string,
+ +params?: EitherExactOrPartialWithMergeProperty<
+ $ElementType<ParamList, DestinationRouteName>,
+ >,
+ |},
+ >,
+ ) => void;
+ declare type CoreNavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase,
+ State: PossiblyStaleNavigationState = PossiblyStaleNavigationState,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore<State>,
+ > = {
+ +navigate: Navigate<ParamList>,
+ +dispatch: (
+ action:
+ | GenericNavigationAction
+ | (State => GenericNavigationAction),
+ ) => void,
+ +reset: PossiblyStaleNavigationState => void,
+ +goBack: () => void,
+ +isFocused: () => boolean,
+ +canGoBack: () => boolean,
+ +getId: () => string | void,
+ +getParent: <Parent: NavigationProp<ParamListBase>>(id?: string) => ?Parent,
+ +getState: () => NavigationState,
+ +addListener: <EventName: $Keys<
+ {| ...EventMap, ...EventMapCore<State> |},
+ >>(
+ name: EventName,
+ callback: EventListenerCallback<EventName, State, EventMap>,
+ ) => () => void,
+ +removeListener: <EventName: $Keys<
+ {| ...EventMap, ...EventMapCore<State> |},
+ >>(
+ name: EventName,
+ callback: EventListenerCallback<EventName, State, EventMap>,
+ ) => void,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare export type NavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase,
+ State: PossiblyStaleNavigationState = PossiblyStaleNavigationState,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore<State>,
+ > = {
+ ...$Exact<CoreNavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList,
+ State,
+ EventMap,
+ >>,
+ +setParams: (params: ScreenParams) => void,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare type SetParamsInput<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase,
+ RouteName: $Keys<ParamList> = $Keys<ParamList>,
+ > = $If<
+ $IsUndefined<$ElementType<ParamList, RouteName>>,
+ empty,
+ $Partial<$NonMaybeType<$ElementType<ParamList, RouteName>>>,
+ >;
+ declare export type NavigationProp<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase,
+ RouteName: $Keys<ParamList> = $Keys<ParamList>,
+ State: PossiblyStaleNavigationState = PossiblyStaleNavigationState,
+ ScreenOptions: {...} = {...},
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore<State>,
+ > = {
+ ...$Exact<CoreNavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList,
+ State,
+ EventMap,
+ >>,
+ +setOptions: (options: $Partial<ScreenOptions>) => void,
+ +setParams: (params: SetParamsInput<ParamList, RouteName>) => void,
+ ...
+ };
+ /**
+ * CreateNavigator
+ */
+ declare export type RouteProp<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ RouteName: $Keys<ParamList> = $Keys<ParamList>,
+ > = {|
+ ...LeafRoute<RouteName>,
+ +params: $ElementType<ParamList, RouteName>,
+ +path?: string,
+ |};
+ declare type ScreenOptionsProp<
+ ScreenOptions: {...},
+ RouteParam,
+ NavHelpers,
+ > =
+ | ScreenOptions
+ | ({| +route: RouteParam, +navigation: NavHelpers |}) => ScreenOptions;
+ declare export type ScreenListeners<
+ State: NavigationState = NavigationState,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore<State>,
+ > = $ObjMapi<
+ {| [name: $Keys<EventMap>]: empty |},
+ <K: $Keys<EventMap>>(K, empty) => EventListenerCallback<K, State, EventMap>,
+ >;
+ declare type ScreenListenersProp<
+ ScreenListenersParam: {...},
+ RouteParam,
+ NavHelpers,
+ > =
+ | ScreenListenersParam
+ | ({| +route: RouteParam, +navigation: NavHelpers |}) => ScreenListenersParam;
+ declare type BaseScreenProps<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase,
+ NavProp,
+ RouteName: $Keys<ParamList> = $Keys<ParamList>,
+ State: NavigationState = NavigationState,
+ ScreenOptions: {...} = {...},
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore<State>,
+ > = {|
+ +name: RouteName,
+ +options?: ScreenOptionsProp<
+ ScreenOptions,
+ RouteProp<ParamList, RouteName>,
+ NavProp,
+ >,
+ +listeners?: ScreenListenersProp<
+ ScreenListeners<State, EventMap>,
+ RouteProp<ParamList, RouteName>,
+ NavProp,
+ >,
+ +initialParams?: $Partial<$ElementType<ParamList, RouteName>>,
+ +getId?: ({
+ +params: $ElementType<ParamList, RouteName>,
+ }) => string | void,
+ +navigationKey?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type ScreenProps<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase,
+ NavProp,
+ RouteName: $Keys<ParamList> = $Keys<ParamList>,
+ State: NavigationState = NavigationState,
+ ScreenOptions: {...} = {...},
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore<State>,
+ > =
+ | {|
+ ...BaseScreenProps<
+ ParamList,
+ NavProp,
+ RouteName,
+ State,
+ ScreenOptions,
+ EventMap,
+ >,
+ +component: React$ComponentType<{|
+ +route: RouteProp<ParamList, RouteName>,
+ +navigation: NavProp,
+ |}>,
+ |}
+ | {|
+ ...BaseScreenProps<
+ ParamList,
+ NavProp,
+ RouteName,
+ State,
+ ScreenOptions,
+ EventMap,
+ >,
+ +getComponent: () => React$ComponentType<{|
+ +route: RouteProp<ParamList, RouteName>,
+ +navigation: NavProp,
+ |}>,
+ |}
+ | {|
+ ...BaseScreenProps<
+ ParamList,
+ NavProp,
+ RouteName,
+ State,
+ ScreenOptions,
+ EventMap,
+ >,
+ +children: ({|
+ +route: RouteProp<ParamList, RouteName>,
+ +navigation: NavProp,
+ |}) => React$Node,
+ |};
+ declare export type ScreenComponent<
+ GlobalParamList: ParamListBase,
+ ParamList: ParamListBase,
+ State: NavigationState = NavigationState,
+ ScreenOptions: {...} = {...},
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = EventMapCore<State>,
+ > = <
+ RouteName: $Keys<ParamList>,
+ NavProp: NavigationProp<
+ GlobalParamList,
+ RouteName,
+ State,
+ ScreenOptions,
+ EventMap,
+ >,
+ >(props: ScreenProps<
+ ParamList,
+ NavProp,
+ RouteName,
+ State,
+ ScreenOptions,
+ EventMap,
+ >) => React$Node;
+ declare type ScreenOptionsProps<
+ ScreenOptions: {...},
+ RouteParam,
+ NavHelpers,
+ > = {|
+ +screenOptions?: ScreenOptionsProp<ScreenOptions, RouteParam, NavHelpers>,
+ |};
+ declare type ScreenListenersProps<
+ ScreenListenersParam: {...},
+ RouteParam,
+ NavHelpers,
+ > = {|
+ +screenListeners?: ScreenListenersProp<
+ ScreenListenersParam,
+ RouteParam,
+ NavHelpers,
+ >,
+ |};
+ declare export type ExtraNavigatorPropsBase = {
+ ...$Exact<DefaultRouterOptions>,
+ +id?: string,
+ +children?: React$Node,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare export type NavigatorProps<
+ ScreenOptions: {...},
+ ScreenListenersParam,
+ RouteParam,
+ NavHelpers,
+ ExtraNavigatorProps: ExtraNavigatorPropsBase,
+ > = {
+ ...$Exact<ExtraNavigatorProps>,
+ ...ScreenOptionsProps<ScreenOptions, RouteParam, NavHelpers>,
+ ...ScreenListenersProps<ScreenListenersParam, RouteParam, NavHelpers>,
+ +defaultScreenOptions?:
+ | ScreenOptions
+ | ({|
+ +route: RouteParam,
+ +navigation: NavHelpers,
+ +options: ScreenOptions,
+ |}) => ScreenOptions,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare export type NavigatorPropsBase<
+ ScreenOptions: {...},
+ ScreenListenersParam: {...},
+ NavHelpers,
+ > = NavigatorProps<
+ ScreenOptions,
+ ScreenListenersParam,
+ RouteProp<>,
+ NavHelpers,
+ ExtraNavigatorPropsBase,
+ >;
+ declare export type CreateNavigator<
+ State: NavigationState,
+ ScreenOptions: {...},
+ EventMap: EventMapBase,
+ ExtraNavigatorProps: ExtraNavigatorPropsBase,
+ > = <
+ GlobalParamList: ParamListBase,
+ ParamList: ParamListBase,
+ NavHelpers: NavigationHelpers<
+ GlobalParamList,
+ State,
+ EventMap,
+ >,
+ >() => {|
+ +Screen: ScreenComponent<
+ GlobalParamList,
+ ParamList,
+ State,
+ ScreenOptions,
+ EventMap,
+ >,
+ +Navigator: React$ComponentType<$Exact<NavigatorProps<
+ ScreenOptions,
+ ScreenListeners<State, EventMap>,
+ RouteProp<ParamList>,
+ NavHelpers,
+ ExtraNavigatorProps,
+ >>>,
+ +Group: React$ComponentType<{|
+ ...ScreenOptionsProps<ScreenOptions, RouteProp<ParamList>, NavHelpers>,
+ +children: React$Node,
+ +navigationKey?: string,
+ |}>,
+ |};
+ declare export type CreateNavigatorFactory = <
+ State: NavigationState,
+ ScreenOptions: {...},
+ EventMap: EventMapBase,
+ NavHelpers: NavigationHelpers<
+ ParamListBase,
+ State,
+ EventMap,
+ >,
+ ExtraNavigatorProps: ExtraNavigatorPropsBase,
+ >(
+ navigator: React$ComponentType<$Exact<NavigatorProps<
+ ScreenOptions,
+ ScreenListeners<State, EventMap>,
+ RouteProp<>,
+ NavHelpers,
+ ExtraNavigatorProps,
+ >>>,
+ ) => CreateNavigator<State, ScreenOptions, EventMap, ExtraNavigatorProps>;
+ /**
+ * useNavigationBuilder
+ */
+ declare export type Descriptor<
+ NavHelpers,
+ ScreenOptions: {...} = {...},
+ > = {|
+ +render: () => React$Node,
+ +options: $ReadOnly<ScreenOptions>,
+ +navigation: NavHelpers,
+ |};
+ declare export type UseNavigationBuilder = <
+ State: NavigationState,
+ Action: GenericNavigationAction,
+ ScreenOptions: {...},
+ RouterOptions: DefaultRouterOptions,
+ NavHelpers,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase,
+ ExtraNavigatorProps: ExtraNavigatorPropsBase,
+ >(
+ routerFactory: RouterFactory<State, Action, RouterOptions>,
+ options: $Exact<NavigatorProps<
+ ScreenOptions,
+ ScreenListeners<State, EventMap>,
+ RouteProp<>,
+ NavHelpers,
+ ExtraNavigatorProps,
+ >>,
+ ) => {|
+ +id?: string,
+ +state: State,
+ +descriptors: {| +[key: string]: Descriptor<NavHelpers, ScreenOptions> |},
+ +navigation: NavHelpers,
+ |};
+ /**
+ * EdgeInsets
+ */
+ declare type EdgeInsets = {|
+ +top: number,
+ +right: number,
+ +bottom: number,
+ +left: number,
+ |};
+ /**
+ * TransitionPreset
+ */
+ declare export type TransitionSpec =
+ | {|
+ animation: 'spring',
+ config: $Diff<
+ SpringAnimationConfigSingle,
+ { toValue: number | AnimatedValue, ... },
+ >,
+ |}
+ | {|
+ animation: 'timing',
+ config: $Diff<
+ TimingAnimationConfigSingle,
+ { toValue: number | AnimatedValue, ... },
+ >,
+ |};
+ declare export type StackCardInterpolationProps = {|
+ +current: {|
+ +progress: AnimatedInterpolation,
+ |},
+ +next?: {|
+ +progress: AnimatedInterpolation,
+ |},
+ +index: number,
+ +closing: AnimatedInterpolation,
+ +swiping: AnimatedInterpolation,
+ +inverted: AnimatedInterpolation,
+ +layouts: {|
+ +screen: {| +width: number, +height: number |},
+ |},
+ +insets: EdgeInsets,
+ |};
+ declare export type StackCardInterpolatedStyle = {|
+ containerStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ cardStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ overlayStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ shadowStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ |};
+ declare export type StackCardStyleInterpolator = (
+ props: StackCardInterpolationProps,
+ ) => StackCardInterpolatedStyle;
+ declare export type StackHeaderInterpolationProps = {|
+ +current: {|
+ +progress: AnimatedInterpolation,
+ |},
+ +next?: {|
+ +progress: AnimatedInterpolation,
+ |},
+ +layouts: {|
+ +header: {| +width: number, +height: number |},
+ +screen: {| +width: number, +height: number |},
+ +title?: {| +width: number, +height: number |},
+ +leftLabel?: {| +width: number, +height: number |},
+ |},
+ |};
+ declare export type StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle = {|
+ leftLabelStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ leftButtonStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ rightButtonStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ titleStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ backgroundStyle?: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ |};
+ declare export type StackHeaderStyleInterpolator = (
+ props: StackHeaderInterpolationProps,
+ ) => StackHeaderInterpolatedStyle;
+ declare type GestureDirection =
+ | 'horizontal'
+ | 'horizontal-inverted'
+ | 'vertical'
+ | 'vertical-inverted';
+ declare export type TransitionPreset = {|
+ +gestureDirection: GestureDirection,
+ +transitionSpec: {|
+ +open: TransitionSpec,
+ +close: TransitionSpec,
+ |},
+ +cardStyleInterpolator: StackCardStyleInterpolator,
+ +headerStyleInterpolator: StackHeaderStyleInterpolator,
+ |};
+ /**
+ * Header common options
+ */
+ declare export type SceneProgress = {|
+ +current: AnimatedInterpolation,
+ +next?: AnimatedInterpolation,
+ +previous?: AnimatedInterpolation,
+ |};
+ declare export type HeaderProps<NavProp, ScreenOptions: {...},> = {|
+ +navigation: NavProp,
+ +route: RouteProp<>,
+ +options: ScreenOptions,
+ +layout: {| +width: number, +height: number |},
+ |};
+ declare export type HeaderButtonProps = $Partial<{|
+ +tintColor: string,
+ +pressColor: string,
+ +pressOpacity: number,
+ |}>;
+ declare export type HeaderLeftButtonProps = $Partial<{|
+ ...HeaderButtonProps,
+ +labelVisible: boolean,
+ |}>;
+ declare type HeaderTitleInputBase = {
+ +onLayout: LayoutEvent => void,
+ +children: string,
+ +allowFontScaling: ?boolean,
+ +tintColor: ?string,
+ +style: ?AnimatedTextStyleProp,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare export type HeaderTitleInputProps =
+ $Exact<HeaderTitleInputBase>;
+ declare export type HeaderCommonOptions<
+ NavHeaderProps,
+ NavHeaderLeftProps,
+ NavHeaderRightProps,
+ > = $Partial<{|
+ +header: NavHeaderProps => React$Node,
+ +headerShown: boolean,
+ +headerTitle: string | ( HeaderTitleInputProps => React$Node),
+ +headerTitleAlign: 'left' | 'center',
+ +headerTitleStyle: AnimatedTextStyleProp,
+ +headerTitleContainerStyle: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ +headerTintColor: string,
+ +headerTitleAllowFontScaling: boolean,
+ +headerLeft: NavHeaderLeftProps => React$Node,
+ +headerLeftContainerStyle: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ +headerRight: NavHeaderRightProps => React$Node,
+ +headerRightContainerStyle: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ +headerBackground: ({| style: AnimatedViewStyleProp |}) => React$Node,
+ +headerStyle: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ +headerTransparent: boolean,
+ +headerStatusBarHeight: number,
+ +headerShadowVisible: boolean,
+ +headerBackgroundContainerStyle: AnimatedViewStyleProp,
+ +headerPressColor: string,
+ +headerPressOpacity: number,
+ |}>;
+ /**
+ * Stack options
+ */
+ declare export type StackDescriptor = Descriptor<
+ StackNavigationHelpers<>,
+ StackOptions,
+ >;
+ declare type Scene<T> = {|
+ +route: T,
+ +descriptor: StackDescriptor,
+ +progress: SceneProgress,
+ |};
+ declare export type StackHeaderProps = {|
+ ...HeaderProps<StackNavigationProp<>, StackOptions>,
+ +progress: SceneProgress,
+ +back?: {| +title: string |},
+ +styleInterpolator: StackHeaderStyleInterpolator,
+ |};
+ declare export type StackHeaderButtonProps = $Partial<{|
+ ...HeaderButtonProps,
+ +canGoBack: boolean,
+ |}>;
+ declare export type StackHeaderLeftButtonProps = $Partial<{|
+ ...StackHeaderButtonProps,
+ +onPress: (() => void),
+ +backImage: (props: {| tintColor: string |}) => React$Node,
+ +label: string,
+ +truncatedLabel: string,
+ +labelVisible: boolean,
+ +labelStyle: AnimatedTextStyleProp,
+ +allowFontScaling: boolean,
+ +onLabelLayout: LayoutEvent => void,
+ +screenLayout: {| +width: number, +height: number |},
+ +titleLayout: {| +width: number, +height: number |},
+ +disabled: boolean,
+ +accessibilityLabel: string,
+ +style: ViewStyleProp,
+ |}>;
+ declare export type StackOptions = $Partial<{|
+ +title: string,
+ +cardShadowEnabled: boolean,
+ +cardOverlayEnabled: boolean,
+ +cardOverlay: {| style: ViewStyleProp |} => React$Node,
+ +cardStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +animationEnabled: boolean,
+ +animationTypeForReplace: 'push' | 'pop',
+ +gestureEnabled: boolean,
+ +gestureResponseDistance: number,
+ +gestureVelocityImpact: number,
+ +safeAreaInsets: $Partial<EdgeInsets>,
+ +keyboardHandlingEnabled: boolean,
+ +presentation: 'card' | 'modal' | 'transparentModal',
+ // Transition
+ ...TransitionPreset,
+ // Header
+ ...HeaderCommonOptions<
+ StackHeaderProps,
+ StackHeaderLeftButtonProps,
+ StackHeaderButtonProps,
+ >,
+ +headerMode: 'float' | 'screen',
+ +headerBackAllowFontScaling: boolean,
+ +headerBackTitle: string | null,
+ +headerBackTitleStyle: TextStyleProp,
+ +headerBackTitleVisible: boolean,
+ +headerTruncatedBackTitle: string,
+ +headerBackImage: $PropertyType<StackHeaderLeftButtonProps, 'backImage'>,
+ +headerBackAccessibilityLabel: string,
+ |}>;
+ /**
+ * Stack navigation prop
+ */
+ declare export type StackNavigationEventMap = {|
+ ...EventMapCore<StackNavigationState>,
+ +transitionStart: {|
+ +data: {| +closing: boolean |},
+ +canPreventDefault: false,
+ |},
+ +transitionEnd: {|
+ +data: {| +closing: boolean |},
+ +canPreventDefault: false,
+ |},
+ +gestureStart: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |},
+ +gestureEnd: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |},
+ +gestureCancel: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |},
+ |};
+ declare type StackExtraNavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ > = {|
+ +replace: SimpleNavigate<ParamList>,
+ +push: SimpleNavigate<ParamList>,
+ +pop: (count?: number) => void,
+ +popToTop: () => void,
+ |};
+ declare export type StackNavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = StackNavigationEventMap,
+ > = {
+ ...$Exact<NavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList,
+ StackNavigationState,
+ EventMap,
+ >>,
+ ...StackExtraNavigationHelpers<ParamList>,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare export type StackNavigationProp<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ RouteName: $Keys<ParamList> = $Keys<ParamList>,
+ Options: {...} = StackOptions,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = StackNavigationEventMap,
+ > = {|
+ ...$Exact<NavigationProp<
+ ParamList,
+ RouteName,
+ StackNavigationState,
+ Options,
+ EventMap,
+ >>,
+ ...StackExtraNavigationHelpers<ParamList>,
+ |};
+ /**
+ * Miscellaneous stack exports
+ */
+ declare type StackNavigationConfig = {|
+ +detachInactiveScreens?: boolean,
+ |};
+ declare export type ExtraStackNavigatorProps = {|
+ ...$Exact<ExtraNavigatorPropsBase>,
+ ...StackRouterOptions,
+ ...StackNavigationConfig,
+ |};
+ declare export type StackNavigatorProps<
+ NavHelpers: StackNavigationHelpers<> = StackNavigationHelpers<>,
+ > = $Exact<NavigatorProps<
+ StackOptions,
+ ScreenListeners<StackNavigationState, StackNavigationEventMap>,
+ RouteProp<>,
+ NavHelpers,
+ ExtraStackNavigatorProps,
+ >>;
+ /**
+ * Bottom tab options
+ */
+ declare export type BottomTabBarButtonProps = {|
+ ...$Diff<
+ TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps,
+ {| onPress?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed |},
+ >,
+ +to?: string,
+ +children: React$Node,
+ +onPress?: (MouseEvent | PressEvent) => void,
+ |};
+ declare export type TabBarVisibilityAnimationConfig =
+ | {|
+ +animation: 'spring',
+ +config?: $Diff<
+ SpringAnimationConfigSingle,
+ { toValue: number | AnimatedValue, useNativeDriver: boolean, ... },
+ >,
+ |}
+ | {|
+ +animation: 'timing',
+ +config?: $Diff<
+ TimingAnimationConfigSingle,
+ { toValue: number | AnimatedValue, useNativeDriver: boolean, ... },
+ >,
+ |};
+ declare export type BottomTabOptions = $Partial<{|
+ +title: string,
+ +tabBarLabel:
+ | string
+ | ({| focused: boolean, color: string |}) => React$Node,
+ +tabBarIcon: ({|
+ focused: boolean,
+ color: string,
+ size: number,
+ |}) => React$Node,
+ +tabBarBadge: number | string,
+ +tabBarBadgeStyle: TextStyleProp,
+ +tabBarAccessibilityLabel: string,
+ +tabBarTestID: string,
+ +tabBarVisibilityAnimationConfig: $Partial<{|
+ +show: TabBarVisibilityAnimationConfig,
+ +hide: TabBarVisibilityAnimationConfig,
+ |}>,
+ +tabBarButton: BottomTabBarButtonProps => React$Node,
+ +tabBarHideOnKeyboard: boolean,
+ +tabBarActiveTintColor: string,
+ +tabBarInactiveTintColor: string,
+ +tabBarActiveBackgroundColor: string,
+ +tabBarInactiveBackgroundColor: string,
+ +tabBarAllowFontScaling: boolean,
+ +tabBarShowLabel: boolean,
+ +tabBarLabelStyle: TextStyleProp,
+ +tabBarIconStyle: TextStyleProp,
+ +tabBarItemStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +tabBarLabelPosition: 'beside-icon' | 'below-icon',
+ +tabBarStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +unmountOnBlur: boolean,
+ +lazy: boolean,
+ ...HeaderCommonOptions<
+ HeaderProps<BottomTabNavigationProp<>, BottomTabOptions>,
+ HeaderLeftButtonProps,
+ HeaderButtonProps,
+ >,
+ |}>;
+ /**
+ * Bottom tab navigation prop
+ */
+ declare export type BottomTabNavigationEventMap = {|
+ ...EventMapCore<TabNavigationState>,
+ +tabPress: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: true |},
+ +tabLongPress: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |},
+ |};
+ declare type TabExtraNavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ > = {|
+ +jumpTo: SimpleNavigate<ParamList>,
+ |};
+ declare export type BottomTabNavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = BottomTabNavigationEventMap,
+ > = {
+ ...$Exact<NavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList,
+ TabNavigationState,
+ EventMap,
+ >>,
+ ...TabExtraNavigationHelpers<ParamList>,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare export type BottomTabNavigationProp<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ RouteName: $Keys<ParamList> = $Keys<ParamList>,
+ Options: {...} = BottomTabOptions,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = BottomTabNavigationEventMap,
+ > = {|
+ ...$Exact<NavigationProp<
+ ParamList,
+ RouteName,
+ TabNavigationState,
+ Options,
+ EventMap,
+ >>,
+ ...TabExtraNavigationHelpers<ParamList>,
+ |};
+ /**
+ * Miscellaneous bottom tab exports
+ */
+ declare export type BottomTabDescriptor = Descriptor<
+ BottomTabNavigationHelpers<>,
+ BottomTabOptions,
+ >;
+ declare type BottomTabNavigationBuilderResult = {|
+ +state: TabNavigationState,
+ +navigation: BottomTabNavigationHelpers<>,
+ +descriptors: {| +[key: string]: BottomTabDescriptor |},
+ |};
+ declare export type BottomTabBarProps = BottomTabNavigationBuilderResult;
+ declare type BottomTabNavigationConfig = {|
+ +tabBar?: BottomTabBarProps => React$Node,
+ +safeAreaInsets?: $Partial<EdgeInsets>,
+ +detachInactiveScreens?: boolean,
+ |};
+ declare export type ExtraBottomTabNavigatorProps = {|
+ ...$Exact<ExtraNavigatorPropsBase>,
+ ...TabRouterOptions,
+ ...BottomTabNavigationConfig,
+ |};
+ declare export type BottomTabNavigatorProps<
+ NavHelpers: BottomTabNavigationHelpers<> = BottomTabNavigationHelpers<>,
+ > = $Exact<NavigatorProps<
+ BottomTabOptions,
+ ScreenListeners<TabNavigationState, BottomTabNavigationEventMap>,
+ RouteProp<>,
+ NavHelpers,
+ ExtraBottomTabNavigatorProps,
+ >>;
+ /**
+ * Material bottom tab options
+ */
+ declare export type MaterialBottomTabOptions = $Partial<{|
+ +title: string,
+ +tabBarColor: string,
+ +tabBarLabel: string,
+ +tabBarIcon:
+ | string
+ | ({| +focused: boolean, +color: string |}) => React$Node,
+ +tabBarBadge: boolean | number | string,
+ +tabBarAccessibilityLabel: string,
+ +tabBarTestID: string,
+ |}>;
+ /**
+ * Material bottom tab navigation prop
+ */
+ declare export type MaterialBottomTabNavigationEventMap = {|
+ ...EventMapCore<TabNavigationState>,
+ +tabPress: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: true |},
+ |};
+ declare export type MaterialBottomTabNavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = MaterialBottomTabNavigationEventMap,
+ > = {
+ ...$Exact<NavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList,
+ TabNavigationState,
+ EventMap,
+ >>,
+ ...TabExtraNavigationHelpers<ParamList>,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare export type MaterialBottomTabNavigationProp<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ RouteName: $Keys<ParamList> = $Keys<ParamList>,
+ Options: {...} = MaterialBottomTabOptions,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = MaterialBottomTabNavigationEventMap,
+ > = {|
+ ...$Exact<NavigationProp<
+ ParamList,
+ RouteName,
+ TabNavigationState,
+ Options,
+ EventMap,
+ >>,
+ ...TabExtraNavigationHelpers<ParamList>,
+ |};
+ /**
+ * Miscellaneous material bottom tab exports
+ */
+ declare export type PaperFont = {|
+ +fontFamily: string,
+ +fontWeight?:
+ | 'normal'
+ | 'bold'
+ | '100'
+ | '200'
+ | '300'
+ | '400'
+ | '500'
+ | '600'
+ | '700'
+ | '800'
+ | '900',
+ |};
+ declare export type PaperFonts = {|
+ +regular: PaperFont,
+ +medium: PaperFont,
+ +light: PaperFont,
+ +thin: PaperFont,
+ |};
+ declare export type PaperTheme = {|
+ +dark: boolean,
+ +mode?: 'adaptive' | 'exact',
+ +roundness: number,
+ +colors: {|
+ +primary: string,
+ +background: string,
+ +surface: string,
+ +accent: string,
+ +error: string,
+ +text: string,
+ +onSurface: string,
+ +onBackground: string,
+ +disabled: string,
+ +placeholder: string,
+ +backdrop: string,
+ +notification: string,
+ |},
+ +fonts: PaperFonts,
+ +animation: {|
+ +scale: number,
+ |},
+ |};
+ declare export type PaperRoute = {|
+ +key: string,
+ +title?: string,
+ +icon?: any,
+ +badge?: string | number | boolean,
+ +color?: string,
+ +accessibilityLabel?: string,
+ +testID?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type PaperTouchableProps = {|
+ ...TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps,
+ +key: string,
+ +route: PaperRoute,
+ +children: React$Node,
+ +borderless?: boolean,
+ +centered?: boolean,
+ +rippleColor?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type MaterialBottomTabNavigationConfig = {|
+ +shifting?: boolean,
+ +labeled?: boolean,
+ +renderTouchable?: PaperTouchableProps => React$Node,
+ +activeColor?: string,
+ +inactiveColor?: string,
+ +sceneAnimationEnabled?: boolean,
+ +keyboardHidesNavigationBar?: boolean,
+ +barStyle?: ViewStyleProp,
+ +style?: ViewStyleProp,
+ +theme?: PaperTheme,
+ |};
+ declare export type ExtraMaterialBottomTabNavigatorProps = {|
+ ...$Exact<ExtraNavigatorPropsBase>,
+ ...TabRouterOptions,
+ ...MaterialBottomTabNavigationConfig,
+ |};
+ declare export type MaterialBottomTabNavigatorProps<
+ NavHelpers: MaterialBottomTabNavigationHelpers<> =
+ MaterialBottomTabNavigationHelpers<>,
+ > = $Exact<NavigatorProps<
+ MaterialBottomTabOptions,
+ ScreenListeners<TabNavigationState, MaterialBottomTabNavigationEventMap>,
+ RouteProp<>,
+ NavHelpers,
+ ExtraMaterialBottomTabNavigatorProps,
+ >>;
+ /**
+ * Material top tab options
+ */
+ declare export type MaterialTopTabOptions = $Partial<{|
+ +title: string,
+ +tabBarLabel:
+ | string
+ | ({| +focused: boolean, +color: string |}) => React$Node,
+ +tabBarIcon: ({| +focused: boolean, +color: string |}) => React$Node,
+ +tabBarAccessibilityLabel: string,
+ +tabBarTestID: string,
+ +tabBarActiveTintColor: string,
+ +tabBarInactiveTintColor: string,
+ +tabBarPressColor: string,
+ +tabBarPressOpacity: number,
+ +tabBarShowLabel: boolean,
+ +tabBarShowIcon: boolean,
+ +tabBarAllowFontScaling: boolean,
+ +tabBarBounces: boolean,
+ +tabBarScrollEnabled: boolean,
+ +tabBarIconStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +tabBarLabelStyle: TextStyleProp,
+ +tabBarItemStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +tabBarIndicatorStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +tabBarIndicatorContainerStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +tabBarContentContainerStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +tabBarStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +tabBarBadge: () => React$Node,
+ +tabBarIndicator: MaterialTopTabBarIndicatorProps => React$Node,
+ +lazy: boolean,
+ +lazyPlaceholder: ({| +route: Route<> |}) => React$Node,
+ |}>;
+ /**
+ * Material top tab navigation prop
+ */
+ declare export type MaterialTopTabNavigationEventMap = {|
+ ...EventMapCore<TabNavigationState>,
+ +tabPress: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: true |},
+ +tabLongPress: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |},
+ +swipeStart: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |},
+ +swipeEnd: {| +data: void, +canPreventDefault: false |},
+ |};
+ declare export type MaterialTopTabNavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = MaterialTopTabNavigationEventMap,
+ > = {
+ ...$Exact<NavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList,
+ TabNavigationState,
+ EventMap,
+ >>,
+ ...TabExtraNavigationHelpers<ParamList>,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare export type MaterialTopTabNavigationProp<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ RouteName: $Keys<ParamList> = $Keys<ParamList>,
+ Options: {...} = MaterialTopTabOptions,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = MaterialTopTabNavigationEventMap,
+ > = {|
+ ...$Exact<NavigationProp<
+ ParamList,
+ RouteName,
+ TabNavigationState,
+ Options,
+ EventMap,
+ >>,
+ ...TabExtraNavigationHelpers<ParamList>,
+ |};
+ /**
+ * Miscellaneous material top tab exports
+ */
+ declare type MaterialTopTabPagerCommonProps = {|
+ +keyboardDismissMode: 'none' | 'on-drag' | 'auto',
+ +swipeEnabled: boolean,
+ +swipeVelocityImpact?: number,
+ +springVelocityScale?: number,
+ +springConfig: $Partial<{|
+ +damping: number,
+ +mass: number,
+ +stiffness: number,
+ +restSpeedThreshold: number,
+ +restDisplacementThreshold: number,
+ |}>,
+ +timingConfig: $Partial<{|
+ +duration: number,
+ |}>,
+ |};
+ declare export type MaterialTopTabPagerProps = {|
+ ...MaterialTopTabPagerCommonProps,
+ +onSwipeStart?: () => void,
+ +onSwipeEnd?: () => void,
+ +onIndexChange: (index: number) => void,
+ +navigationState: TabNavigationState,
+ +layout: {| +width: number, +height: number |},
+ +removeClippedSubviews: boolean,
+ +children: ({|
+ +addListener: (type: 'enter', listener: number => void) => void,
+ +removeListener: (type: 'enter', listener: number => void) => void,
+ +position: any, // Reanimated.Node<number>
+ +render: React$Node => React$Node,
+ +jumpTo: string => void,
+ |}) => React$Node,
+ +gestureHandlerProps: PanGestureHandlerProps,
+ |};
+ declare export type MaterialTopTabBarIndicatorProps = {|
+ +state: TabNavigationState,
+ +width: string,
+ +style?: ViewStyleProp,
+ +getTabWidth: number => number,
+ |};
+ declare export type MaterialTopTabDescriptor = Descriptor<
+ MaterialBottomTabNavigationHelpers<>,
+ MaterialBottomTabOptions,
+ >;
+ declare type MaterialTopTabNavigationBuilderResult = {|
+ +state: TabNavigationState,
+ +navigation: MaterialTopTabNavigationHelpers<>,
+ +descriptors: {| +[key: string]: MaterialTopTabDescriptor |},
+ |};
+ declare export type MaterialTopTabBarProps = {|
+ ...MaterialTopTabNavigationBuilderResult,
+ +layout: {| +width: number, +height: number |},
+ +position: any, // Reanimated.Node<number>
+ +jumpTo: string => void,
+ |};
+ declare export type MaterialTopTabNavigationConfig = {|
+ ...$Partial<MaterialTopTabPagerCommonProps>,
+ +position?: any, // Reanimated.Value<number>
+ +tabBarPosition?: 'top' | 'bottom',
+ +initialLayout?: $Partial<{| +width: number, +height: number |}>,
+ +lazyPreloadDistance?: number,
+ +removeClippedSubviews?: boolean,
+ +sceneContainerStyle?: ViewStyleProp,
+ +style?: ViewStyleProp,
+ +gestureHandlerProps?: PanGestureHandlerProps,
+ +pager?: MaterialTopTabPagerProps => React$Node,
+ +tabBar?: MaterialTopTabBarProps => React$Node,
+ |};
+ declare export type ExtraMaterialTopTabNavigatorProps = {|
+ ...$Exact<ExtraNavigatorPropsBase>,
+ ...TabRouterOptions,
+ ...MaterialTopTabNavigationConfig,
+ |};
+ declare export type MaterialTopTabNavigatorProps<
+ NavHelpers: MaterialTopTabNavigationHelpers<> =
+ MaterialTopTabNavigationHelpers<>,
+ > = $Exact<NavigatorProps<
+ MaterialTopTabOptions,
+ ScreenListeners<TabNavigationState, MaterialTopTabNavigationEventMap>,
+ RouteProp<>,
+ NavHelpers,
+ ExtraMaterialTopTabNavigatorProps,
+ >>;
+ /**
+ * Drawer options
+ */
+ declare export type DrawerOptions = $Partial<{|
+ +title: string,
+ +lazy: boolean,
+ +drawerLabel:
+ | string
+ | ({| +color: string, +focused: boolean |}) => React$Node,
+ +drawerIcon: ({|
+ +color: string,
+ +size: number,
+ +focused: boolean,
+ |}) => React$Node,
+ +drawerActiveTintColor: string,
+ +drawerActiveBackgroundColor: string,
+ +drawerInactiveTintColor: string,
+ +drawerInactiveBackgroundColor: string,
+ +drawerItemStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +drawerLabelStyle: TextStyleProp,
+ +drawerContentContainerStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +drawerContentStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +drawerStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +drawerPosition: 'left' | 'right',
+ +drawerType: 'front' | 'back' | 'slide' | 'permanent',
+ +drawerHideStatusBarOnOpen: boolean,
+ +drawerStatusBarAnimation: 'slide' | 'none' | 'fade',
+ +overlayColor: string,
+ +sceneContainerStyle: ViewStyleProp,
+ +gestureHandlerProps: PanGestureHandlerProps,
+ +swipeEnabled: boolean,
+ +swipeEdgeWidth: number,
+ +swipeMinDistance: number,
+ +keyboardDismissMode: 'on-drag' | 'none',
+ +unmountOnBlur: boolean,
+ ...HeaderCommonOptions<
+ HeaderProps<DrawerNavigationProp<>, DrawerOptions>,
+ HeaderLeftButtonProps,
+ HeaderButtonProps,
+ >,
+ |}>;
+ /**
+ * Drawer navigation prop
+ */
+ declare export type DrawerNavigationEventMap =
+ EventMapCore<DrawerNavigationState>;
+ declare type DrawerExtraNavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ > = {|
+ +jumpTo: SimpleNavigate<ParamList>,
+ +openDrawer: () => void,
+ +closeDrawer: () => void,
+ +toggleDrawer: () => void,
+ |};
+ declare export type DrawerNavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = DrawerNavigationEventMap,
+ > = {
+ ...$Exact<NavigationHelpers<
+ ParamList,
+ DrawerNavigationState,
+ EventMap,
+ >>,
+ ...DrawerExtraNavigationHelpers<ParamList>,
+ ...
+ };
+ declare export type DrawerNavigationProp<
+ ParamList: ParamListBase = ParamListBase,
+ RouteName: $Keys<ParamList> = $Keys<ParamList>,
+ Options: {...} = DrawerOptions,
+ EventMap: EventMapBase = DrawerNavigationEventMap,
+ > = {|
+ ...$Exact<NavigationProp<
+ ParamList,
+ RouteName,
+ DrawerNavigationState,
+ Options,
+ EventMap,
+ >>,
+ ...DrawerExtraNavigationHelpers<ParamList>,
+ |};
+ /**
+ * Miscellaneous drawer exports
+ */
+ declare export type DrawerDescriptor = Descriptor<
+ DrawerNavigationHelpers<>,
+ DrawerOptions,
+ >;
+ declare type DrawerNavigationBuilderResult = {|
+ +state: DrawerNavigationState,
+ +navigation: DrawerNavigationHelpers<>,
+ +descriptors: {| +[key: string]: DrawerDescriptor |},
+ |};
+ declare export type DrawerNavigationConfig = {|
+ +drawerContent?: DrawerNavigationBuilderResult => React$Node,
+ +detachInactiveScreens?: boolean,
+ +useLegacyImplementation?: boolean,
+ |};
+ declare export type ExtraDrawerNavigatorProps = {|
+ ...$Exact<ExtraNavigatorPropsBase>,
+ ...DrawerRouterOptions,
+ ...DrawerNavigationConfig,
+ |};
+ declare export type DrawerNavigatorProps<
+ NavHelpers: DrawerNavigationHelpers<> = DrawerNavigationHelpers<>,
+ > = $Exact<NavigatorProps<
+ DrawerOptions,
+ ScreenListeners<DrawerNavigationState, DrawerNavigationEventMap>,
+ RouteProp<>,
+ NavHelpers,
+ ExtraDrawerNavigatorProps,
+ >>;
+ /**
+ * BaseNavigationContainer
+ */
+ declare export type BaseNavigationContainerProps = {|
+ +children: React$Node,
+ +initialState?: PossiblyStaleNavigationState,
+ +onStateChange?: (state: ?PossiblyStaleNavigationState) => void,
+ +independent?: boolean,
+ |};
+ declare export type ContainerEventMap = {|
+ ...GlobalEventMap<PossiblyStaleNavigationState>,
+ +options: {|
+ +data: {| +options: { +[key: string]: mixed, ... } |},
+ +canPreventDefault: false,
+ |},
+ +__unsafe_action__: {|
+ +data: {|
+ +action: GenericNavigationAction,
+ +noop: boolean,
+ |},
+ +canPreventDefault: false,
+ |},
+ |};
+ declare export type BaseNavigationContainerInterface = {|
+ ...$Exact<NavigationHelpers<
+ ParamListBase,
+ PossiblyStaleNavigationState,
+ ContainerEventMap,
+ >>,
+ +resetRoot: (state?: PossiblyStaleNavigationState) => void,
+ +getRootState: () => NavigationState,
+ +getCurrentRoute: () => RouteProp<> | void,
+ +getCurrentOptions: () => Object | void,
+ +isReady: () => boolean,
+ |};
+ declare type BaseNavigationContainerInterfaceRef = {|
+ ...BaseNavigationContainerInterface,
+ +current: BaseNavigationContainerInterface | null,
+ |};
+ /**
+ * State utils
+ */
+ declare export type GetStateFromPath = (
+ path: string,
+ options?: LinkingConfig,
+ ) => PossiblyStaleNavigationState;
+ declare export type GetPathFromState = (
+ state?: ?PossiblyStaleNavigationState,
+ options?: LinkingConfig,
+ ) => string;
+ declare export type GetFocusedRouteNameFromRoute =
+ PossiblyStaleRoute<string> => ?string;
+ /**
+ * Linking
+ */
+ declare export type ScreenLinkingConfig = {|
+ +path?: string,
+ +exact?: boolean,
+ +parse?: {| +[param: string]: string => mixed |},
+ +stringify?: {| +[param: string]: mixed => string |},
+ +screens?: ScreenLinkingConfigMap,
+ +initialRouteName?: string,
+ |};
+ declare export type ScreenLinkingConfigMap = {|
+ +[routeName: string]: string | ScreenLinkingConfig,
+ |};
+ declare export type LinkingConfig = {|
+ +initialRouteName?: string,
+ +screens: ScreenLinkingConfigMap,
+ |};
+ declare export type LinkingOptions = {|
+ +enabled?: boolean,
+ +prefixes: $ReadOnlyArray<string>,
+ +config?: LinkingConfig,
+ +getStateFromPath?: GetStateFromPath,
+ +getPathFromState?: GetPathFromState,
+ |};
+ /**
+ * NavigationContainer
+ */
+ declare export type Theme = {|
+ +dark: boolean,
+ +colors: {|
+ +primary: string,
+ +background: string,
+ +card: string,
+ +text: string,
+ +border: string,
+ |},
+ |};
+ declare export type NavigationContainerType = React$AbstractComponent<
+ {|
+ ...BaseNavigationContainerProps,
+ +theme?: Theme,
+ +linking?: LinkingOptions,
+ +fallback?: React$Node,
+ +onReady?: () => mixed,
+ |},
+ BaseNavigationContainerInterface,
+ >;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // This section defines the module exports and contains exported types that
+ // are not present in any other React Navigation libdef.
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Actions and routers
+ */
+ declare export var CommonActions: CommonActionsType;
+ declare export var StackActions: StackActionsType;
+ declare export var TabActions: TabActionsType;
+ declare export var DrawerActions: DrawerActionsType;
+ declare export var BaseRouter: RouterFactory<
+ NavigationState,
+ CommonAction,
+ DefaultRouterOptions,
+ >;
+ declare export var StackRouter: RouterFactory<
+ StackNavigationState,
+ StackAction,
+ StackRouterOptions,
+ >;
+ declare export var TabRouter: RouterFactory<
+ TabNavigationState,
+ TabAction,
+ TabRouterOptions,
+ >;
+ declare export var DrawerRouter: RouterFactory<
+ DrawerNavigationState,
+ DrawerAction,
+ DrawerRouterOptions,
+ >;
+ /**
+ * Navigator utils
+ */
+ declare export var BaseNavigationContainer: React$AbstractComponent<
+ BaseNavigationContainerProps,
+ BaseNavigationContainerInterface,
+ >;
+ declare export var createNavigatorFactory: CreateNavigatorFactory;
+ declare export var useNavigationBuilder: UseNavigationBuilder;
+ declare export var NavigationHelpersContext: React$Context<
+ ?NavigationHelpers<ParamListBase>,
+ >;
+ /**
+ * Navigation prop / route accessors
+ */
+ declare export var NavigationContext: React$Context<
+ ?NavigationProp<ParamListBase>,
+ >;
+ declare export function useNavigation(): NavigationProp<ParamListBase>;
+ declare export var NavigationRouteContext: React$Context<?LeafRoute<>>;
+ declare export function useRoute(): LeafRoute<>;
+ declare export function useNavigationState<T>(
+ selector: NavigationState => T,
+ ): T;
+ /**
+ * Focus utils
+ */
+ declare export function useFocusEffect(
+ effect: () => ?(() => mixed),
+ ): void;
+ declare export function useIsFocused(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * State utils
+ */
+ declare export var getStateFromPath: GetStateFromPath;
+ declare export var getPathFromState: GetPathFromState;
+ declare export function getActionFromState(
+ state: PossiblyStaleNavigationState,
+ ): ?NavigateAction;
+ declare export var getFocusedRouteNameFromRoute: GetFocusedRouteNameFromRoute;
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