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diff --git a/keyserver/src/scripts/add-edit-thread-detailed-permissions.js b/keyserver/src/scripts/add-edit-thread-detailed-permissions.js
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/keyserver/src/scripts/add-edit-thread-detailed-permissions.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import bots from 'lib/facts/bots.js';
-import { assertThreadType } from 'lib/types/thread-types-enum.js';
-import { main } from './utils.js';
-import { dbQuery, SQL } from '../database/database.js';
-import { createScriptViewer } from '../session/scripts.js';
-import { updateRoles } from '../updaters/role-updaters.js';
-import {
- recalculateThreadPermissions,
- commitMembershipChangeset,
-} from '../updaters/thread-permission-updaters.js';
-import RelationshipChangeset from '../utils/relationship-changeset.js';
-async function addEditThreadDetailedPermissions() {
- const batchSize = 10;
- const fetchThreads = SQL`SELECT id, type FROM threads`;
- const [result] = await dbQuery(fetchThreads);
- const threads = => {
- return { id:, type: assertThreadType(row.type) };
- });
- const viewer = createScriptViewer(bots.commbot.userID);
- while (threads.length > 0) {
- const batch = threads.splice(0, batchSize);
- const membershipRows = [];
- const relationshipChangeset = new RelationshipChangeset();
- await Promise.all(
- thread => {
- console.log(`updating roles for ${}`);
- await updateRoles(viewer,, thread.type);
- console.log(`recalculating permissions for ${}`);
- const {
- membershipRows: threadMembershipRows,
- relationshipChangeset: threadRelationshipChangeset,
- } = await recalculateThreadPermissions(;
- membershipRows.push(...threadMembershipRows);
- relationshipChangeset.addAll(threadRelationshipChangeset);
- }),
- );
- console.log(`committing batch ${JSON.stringify(batch)}`);
- await commitMembershipChangeset(viewer, {
- membershipRows,
- relationshipChangeset,
- });
- }
diff --git a/keyserver/src/scripts/fix-new-thread-types.js b/keyserver/src/scripts/fix-new-thread-types.js
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/keyserver/src/scripts/fix-new-thread-types.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import bots from 'lib/facts/bots.js';
-import { threadTypes, assertThreadType } from 'lib/types/thread-types-enum.js';
-import { main } from './utils.js';
-import { dbQuery, SQL } from '../database/database.js';
-import { createScriptViewer } from '../session/scripts.js';
-import { updateThread } from '../updaters/thread-updaters.js';
-const batchSize = 10;
-const updateThreadOptions = { forceUpdateRoot: true };
-const threadObjectComparator = (a, b) => -;
-// When we introduced threadTypes.PERSONAL and threadTypes.PRIVATE, we made some
-// mistakes in how we converted existing threads into the new thread types:
-// (1) For both PRIVATE and PERSONAL, we didn't handle converting threads that
-// had multiple roles properly. updateRoles was written to handle this, but
-// we missed it and wrote some code that just converted all roles to the new
-// role type instead of deleting extra roles and migrating those members
-// over to the new single role.
-// (2) We allowed multiple threads per user to be converted into PRIVATE
-// threads.
-// (3) We allowed threads with a parent to be converted into PRIVATE threads.
-// (4) We forgot to include EDIT_ENTRIES permissions for PRIVATE threads.
-async function fixNewThreadTypes() {
- const fetchBrokenThreads = SQL`
- SELECT, t.type, t.parent_thread_id, MIN(m.user) AS user
- FROM threads t
- LEFT JOIN memberships m ON m.thread =
- WHERE t.type IN (${[threadTypes.PERSONAL, threadTypes.PRIVATE]})
- `;
- const [result] = await dbQuery(fetchBrokenThreads);
- const forceUpdatePersonalThreadIDs = new Set();
- const privateThreadsByUser = new Map();
- for (const row of result) {
- const id =;
- const threadType = assertThreadType(row.type);
- if (threadType === threadTypes.PERSONAL) {
- forceUpdatePersonalThreadIDs.add(id);
- continue;
- }
- const user = row.user.toString();
- const parentThreadID = row.parent_thread_id
- ? row.parent_thread_id.toString()
- : null;
- let userPrivateThreads = privateThreadsByUser.get(user);
- if (!userPrivateThreads) {
- userPrivateThreads = new Set();
- privateThreadsByUser.set(user, userPrivateThreads);
- }
- userPrivateThreads.add({ id, parentThreadID });
- }
- const forceUpdatePrivateThreadIDs = new Set();
- const unsetPrivateThreads = new Set();
- for (const userPrivateThreads of privateThreadsByUser.values()) {
- const sortedPrivateThreads = [...userPrivateThreads].sort(
- threadObjectComparator,
- );
- while (sortedPrivateThreads.length > 0) {
- const privateThread = sortedPrivateThreads.shift();
- if (!privateThread.parentThreadID) {
- forceUpdatePrivateThreadIDs.add(;
- break;
- }
- unsetPrivateThreads.add(;
- }
- for (const privateThread of sortedPrivateThreads) {
- unsetPrivateThreads.add(;
- }
- }
- const updateThreadRequests = [];
- for (const threadID of forceUpdatePersonalThreadIDs) {
- updateThreadRequests.push({
- threadID,
- changes: {
- type: threadTypes.PERSONAL,
- },
- });
- }
- for (const threadID of forceUpdatePrivateThreadIDs) {
- updateThreadRequests.push({
- threadID,
- changes: {
- type: threadTypes.PRIVATE,
- },
- });
- }
- for (const threadID of unsetPrivateThreads) {
- updateThreadRequests.push({
- threadID,
- changes: {
- description: '',
- },
- });
- }
- const viewer = createScriptViewer(bots.commbot.userID);
- while (updateThreadRequests.length > 0) {
- const batch = updateThreadRequests.splice(0, batchSize);
- await Promise.all(
- updateThreadRequest => {
- console.log(`updating ${JSON.stringify(updateThreadRequest)}`);
- return await updateThread(
- viewer,
- updateThreadRequest,
- updateThreadOptions,
- );
- }),
- );
- }
diff --git a/keyserver/src/scripts/rescind-notifs.js b/keyserver/src/scripts/rescind-notifs.js
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/keyserver/src/scripts/rescind-notifs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import { threadTypes } from 'lib/types/thread-types-enum.js';
-import { main } from './utils.js';
-import { dbQuery, SQL } from '../database/database.js';
-import { createScriptViewer } from '../session/scripts.js';
-import { activityUpdater } from '../updaters/activity-updaters.js';
-async function rescindNotifs() {
- const fetchRescindThreadInfo = SQL`
- SELECT m.user, m.thread, m.last_message
- FROM users u
- INNER JOIN memberships m
- ON m.user =
- INNER JOIN threads t
- ON = m.thread
- WHERE t.type IN (${[threadTypes.PERSONAL, threadTypes.PRIVATE]})
- `;
- const [result] = await dbQuery(fetchRescindThreadInfo);
- const usersToActivityUpdates = new Map();
- for (const row of result) {
- const user = row.user.toString();
- let activityUpdates = usersToActivityUpdates.get(user);
- if (!activityUpdates) {
- activityUpdates = [];
- usersToActivityUpdates.set(user, activityUpdates);
- }
- activityUpdates.push({
- focus: false,
- threadID: row.thread.toString(),
- latestMessage: row.last_message.toString(),
- });
- }
- for (const [user, activityUpdates] of usersToActivityUpdates) {
- await activityUpdater(createScriptViewer(user), {
- updates: activityUpdates,
- });
- }
diff --git a/keyserver/src/scripts/sidebar-know-of-migration.js b/keyserver/src/scripts/sidebar-know-of-migration.js
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/keyserver/src/scripts/sidebar-know-of-migration.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import bots from 'lib/facts/bots.js';
-import { threadTypes, type ThreadType } from 'lib/types/thread-types-enum.js';
-import { main } from './utils.js';
-import { dbQuery, SQL } from '../database/database.js';
-import { createScriptViewer } from '../session/scripts.js';
-import { updateRoles } from '../updaters/role-updaters.js';
-import {
- recalculateThreadPermissions,
- commitMembershipChangeset,
-} from '../updaters/thread-permission-updaters.js';
-import RelationshipChangeset from '../utils/relationship-changeset.js';
-async function updatePrivateThreads() {
- console.log('updating private threads');
- await updateThreads(threadTypes.PRIVATE);
-async function updateSidebars() {
- console.log('updating sidebars');
- await updateThreads(threadTypes.SIDEBAR);
-const batchSize = 10;
-async function updateThreads(threadType: ThreadType) {
- const fetchThreads = SQL`
- SELECT id FROM threads WHERE type = ${threadType}
- `;
- const [result] = await dbQuery(fetchThreads);
- const threadIDs = =>;
- const viewer = createScriptViewer(bots.commbot.userID);
- while (threadIDs.length > 0) {
- const batch = threadIDs.splice(0, batchSize);
- const membershipRows = [];
- const relationshipChangeset = new RelationshipChangeset();
- await Promise.all(
- threadID => {
- console.log(`updating roles for ${threadID}`);
- await updateRoles(viewer, threadID, threadType);
- console.log(`recalculating permissions for ${threadID}`);
- const {
- membershipRows: threadMembershipRows,
- relationshipChangeset: threadRelationshipChangeset,
- } = await recalculateThreadPermissions(threadID);
- membershipRows.push(...threadMembershipRows);
- relationshipChangeset.addAll(threadRelationshipChangeset);
- }),
- );
- console.log(`committing batch ${JSON.stringify(batch)}`);
- await commitMembershipChangeset(viewer, {
- membershipRows,
- relationshipChangeset,
- });
- }
-// This migration is supposed to update the database to reflect
-// There are two changes there:
-// (1) Changes to SIDEBAR so membership no longer automatically confers KNOW_OF
-// (2) Changes to PRIVATE so all of its children have KNOW_OF
-// We want to apply the changes to PRIVATE first so that when we recalculate
-// the permissions for any of a PRIVATE thread's SIDEBARs, the parent has
-// already been updated.
-main([updatePrivateThreads, updateSidebars]);

File Metadata

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Thu, Dec 26, 7:10 AM (11 h, 3 m)
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Raw Data
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Default Alt Text (10 KB)

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