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diff --git a/keyserver/flow-typed/npm/cookie-parser_v1.x.x.js b/keyserver/flow-typed/npm/cookie-parser_v1.x.x.js
--- a/keyserver/flow-typed/npm/cookie-parser_v1.x.x.js
+++ b/keyserver/flow-typed/npm/cookie-parser_v1.x.x.js
@@ -1,286 +1,13 @@
-// flow-typed signature: 4b0c9d45a87420675a90e7f1239da4e3
-// flow-typed version: 2f514ea8dd/cookie-parser_v1.x.x/flow_>=v0.93.x <=v0.103.x
- * Flow libdef for 'cookie-parser'
- * See
- * by Vincent Driessen, 2018-12-21
- */
+// flow-typed signature: dc90000dd676bedabc5cc17a78b6960e
+// flow-typed version: <<STUB>>/cookie-parser_v1.4.4/flow_v0.202.1
declare module 'cookie-parser' {
- /**
- * NOTE:
- * The following block has all been copied from the express libdef
- */
- /* -------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- declare type express$RouterOptions = {
- caseSensitive?: boolean,
- mergeParams?: boolean,
- strict?: boolean
- };
- declare class express$RequestResponseBase {
- app: express$Application<any, any>;
- get(field: string): string | void;
- }
- declare type express$RequestParams = {
- [param: string]: string
- };
- declare class express$Request extends http$IncomingMessage mixins express$RequestResponseBase {
- baseUrl: string;
- body: mixed;
- cookies: { [cookie: string]: string };
- connection: net$Socket;
- fresh: boolean;
- hostname: string;
- ip: string;
- ips: Array<string>;
- method: string;
- originalUrl: string;
- params: express$RequestParams;
- path: string;
- protocol: "https" | "http";
- query: { [name: string]: string | Array<string> };
- route: string;
- secure: boolean;
- signedCookies: { [signedCookie: string]: string };
- stale: boolean;
- subdomains: Array<string>;
- xhr: boolean;
- accepts(types: string): string | false;
- accepts(types: Array<string>): string | false;
- acceptsCharsets(...charsets: Array<string>): string | false;
- acceptsEncodings(...encoding: Array<string>): string | false;
- acceptsLanguages(...lang: Array<string>): string | false;
- header(field: string): string | void;
- is(type: string): string | false;
- param(name: string, defaultValue?: string): string | void;
- }
- declare type express$CookieOptions = {
- domain?: string,
- encode?: (value: string) => string,
- expires?: Date,
- httpOnly?: boolean,
- maxAge?: number,
- path?: string,
- secure?: boolean,
- signed?: boolean
- };
- declare type express$Path = string | RegExp;
- declare type express$RenderCallback = (
- err: Error | null,
- html?: string
- ) => mixed;
- declare type express$SendFileOptions = {
- maxAge?: number,
- root?: string,
- lastModified?: boolean,
- headers?: { [name: string]: string },
- dotfiles?: "allow" | "deny" | "ignore"
- };
- declare class express$Response extends http$ServerResponse mixins express$RequestResponseBase {
- headersSent: boolean;
- locals: { [name: string]: mixed };
- append(field: string, value?: string): this;
- attachment(filename?: string): this;
- cookie(name: string, value: string, options?: express$CookieOptions): this;
- clearCookie(name: string, options?: express$CookieOptions): this;
- download(
- path: string,
- filename?: string,
- callback?: (err?: ?Error) => void
- ): this;
- format(typesObject: { [type: string]: Function }): this;
- json(body?: mixed): this;
- jsonp(body?: mixed): this;
- links(links: { [name: string]: string }): this;
- location(path: string): this;
- redirect(url: string, ...args: Array<void>): this;
- redirect(status: number, url: string, ...args: Array<void>): this;
- render(
- view: string,
- locals?: { [name: string]: mixed },
- callback?: express$RenderCallback
- ): this;
- send(body?: mixed): this;
- sendFile(
- path: string,
- options?: express$SendFileOptions,
- callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed
- ): this;
- sendStatus(statusCode: number): this;
- header(field: string, value?: string): this;
- header(headers: { [name: string]: string }): this;
- set(field: string, value?: string | string[]): this;
- set(headers: { [name: string]: string }): this;
- status(statusCode: number): this;
- type(type: string): this;
- vary(field: string): this;
- req: express$Request;
- }
- declare type express$NextFunction = (err?: ?Error | "route") => mixed;
- declare type express$Middleware<Req: express$Request, Res: express$Response> =
- ((req: Req, res: Res, next: express$NextFunction) => mixed) |
- ((error: Error, req: Req, res: Res, next: express$NextFunction) => mixed);
- declare interface express$RouteMethodType<
- T,
- Req: express$Request,
- Res: express$Response,
- > {
- (middleware: express$Middleware<Req, Res>): T;
- (...middleware: Array<express$Middleware<Req, Res>>): T;
- (
- path: express$Path | $ReadOnlyArray<express$Path>,
- ...middleware: Array<express$Middleware<Req, Res>>
- ): T;
- }
- declare class express$Route<Req: express$Request, Res: express$Response> {
- all: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- get: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- post: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- put: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- head: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- delete: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- options: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- trace: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- copy: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- lock: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- mkcol: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- move: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- purge: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- propfind: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- proppatch: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- unlock: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- report: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- mkactivity: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- checkout: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- merge: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- // @TODO Missing 'm-search' but get flow illegal name error.
- notify: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- subscribe: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- unsubscribe: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- patch: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- search: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- connect: express$RouteMethodType<this, Req, Res>;
- }
- declare class express$Router<
- Req: express$Request,
- Res: express$Response,
- > extends express$Route<Req, Res> {
- constructor(options?: express$RouterOptions): void;
- route(path: string): express$Route<Req, Res>;
- static <Req2: express$Request, Res2: express$Response>(
- options?: express$RouterOptions,
- ): express$Router<Req2, Res2>;
- use(middleware: express$Middleware<Req, Res>): this;
- use(...middleware: Array<express$Middleware<Req, Res>>): this;
- use(
- path: express$Path | $ReadOnlyArray<express$Path>,
- ...middleware: Array<express$Middleware<Req, Res>>
- ): this;
- use(path: string, router: express$Router<Req, Res>): this;
- handle(
- req: http$IncomingMessage<>,
- res: http$ServerResponse,
- next: express$NextFunction
- ): void;
- param(
- param: string,
- callback: (
- req: Req,
- res: Res,
- next: express$NextFunction,
- value: string,
- paramName: string,
- ) => mixed
- ): void;
- (
- req: http$IncomingMessage<>,
- res: http$ServerResponse,
- next?: ?express$NextFunction
- ): void;
- }
- /*
- With flow-bin ^0.59, express app.listen() is deemed to return any and fails flow type coverage.
- Which is ironic because (release notes for 0.59)
- says "Improves typings for Node.js HTTP server listen() function." See that? IMPROVES!
- To work around this issue, we changed Server to ?Server here, so that our invocations of express.listen() will
- not be deemed to lack type coverage.
- */
- declare class express$Application<
- Req: express$Request,
- Res: express$Response,
- > extends express$Router<Req, Res> mixins events$EventEmitter {
- constructor(): void;
- locals: { [name: string]: mixed };
- mountpath: string;
- listen(
- port: number,
- hostname?: string,
- backlog?: number,
- callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed
- ): ?http$Server;
- listen(
- port: number,
- hostname?: string,
- callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed
- ): ?http$Server;
- listen(port: number, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed): ?http$Server;
- listen(path: string, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed): ?http$Server;
- listen(handle: Object, callback?: (err?: ?Error) => mixed): ?http$Server;
- disable(name: string): void;
- disabled(name: string): boolean;
- enable(name: string): this;
- enabled(name: string): boolean;
- engine(name: string, callback: Function): void;
- /**
- * Mixed will not be taken as a value option. Issue around using the GET http method name and the get for settings.
- */
- // get(name: string): mixed;
- set(name: string, value: mixed): mixed;
- render(
- name: string,
- optionsOrFunction: { [name: string]: mixed },
- callback: express$RenderCallback
- ): void;
- handle(
- req: http$IncomingMessage<>,
- res: http$ServerResponse,
- next?: ?express$NextFunction
- ): void;
- // callable signature is not inherited
- (
- req: http$IncomingMessage<>,
- res: http$ServerResponse,
- next?: ?express$NextFunction
- ): void;
- }
- /* -------------------------- 8< ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- declare export type Middleware = express$Middleware<express$Request, express$Response>;
+ import type { Middleware } from 'express';
declare function cookieParser(
secret?: string | Array<string>,
options?: mixed
- ): Middleware;
+ ): Middleware<>;
declare export default typeof cookieParser;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, Dec 27, 7:06 PM (4 h, 19 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
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D9862.diff (10 KB)

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