Diffusion Comm eb75d36995ab

[native] Blocklist for backed up tables


[native] Blocklist for backed up tables

ENG-6918 : Improve backup handling of new tables

Currently tracking if a table is contained in backup happens in two places. Compactions use a SQL query that iterates over tables and runs DELETE FROM on backup file. Logs use a vector of table list to watch for. This diff unifies them and has a single blocklist, which informs both compaction and log creation.

Test Plan:

  • Created a draft, created a compaction, created another draft (this one is only captured in logs)
  • Re-logged, restored backup, made sure both drafts are there
  • Added "drafts" table to backedUpTableBlocklist and repeated the test. This time neither of the logs existed after restore

Reviewers: kamil, marcin

Reviewed By: marcin

Subscribers: ginsu, will, ashoat, tomek

Differential Revision: https://phab.comm.dev/D11472

Event Timeline

Michal Gniadek <michal.gniadek@swmansion.com> committed rCOMMeb75d36995ab: [native] Blocklist for backed up tables (authored by Michal Gniadek <michal.gniadek@swmansion.com>).Apr 4 2024, 8:23 AM