Diffusion Comm 1a211459c6b0

Extend PlatformSpecificTools CommonCpp api with an API to retrieve…


Extend PlatformSpecificTools CommonCpp api with an API to retrieve notifications olm account storage path

This differential extends PlatformSpecificTools CommonCpp api with an API to retrieve notifications olm account storage path. It also implements it on iOS and in C++ on Android. Relevant native Java method is implemented in parent differential to this one and is called via JNI
in Android C++ implementation.

Test Plan: Call PlatformSpecificTools::getNotificationsCryptoAccountPath() in NotificationService.mm and in AppDelegate.mm. This tests iOS. Call it somewhere in SQLiteQueryExecutor or CommCoreModule. This tests on Android (and iOS as well).

Reviewers: bartek, tomek, kamil

Reviewed By: bartek, kamil

Subscribers: ashoat, atul

Differential Revision: https://phab.comm.dev/D6773