Diffusion Comm 2b34f355dd81

Replace throw with log and early return when trying to update thread that does…


Replace throw with log and early return when trying to update thread that does exists in the database in response to rescind

Summary: This differential replaces throw with log and early return upon arrival of the rescind that contains threadID which does not exist in local db on device. Situation when such a rescind arrives is possible and is not considered a bug anywhere soe throwin an exception here is not appriate. This differential also solves crash described here: https://linear.app/comm/issue/ENG-1892/ios-145-crash

Test Plan:
Reproduce the following scenarion twice - before and after applying this differential:

  1. User A creates a chat with User B
  2. User B opens the chat on web and marks the chat as read

We should expect that User B's mobile app will crash before this diff and just log information after applying this diff.

Reviewers: tomek, jon

Reviewed By: tomek

Subscribers: ashoat, atul, abosh

Differential Revision: https://phab.comm.dev/D5238